ppc platforms: an extension of seo || part one

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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PPC Platforms An Extension of SEO

Presented by Zoran Slamkov

Part 1

Instead it should be seen as an extension of the businesses SEO objectives

Many businesses see PPC platforms as an end and not as a means

There is a problem

Clicks are being wasted on landing pages unable to foster any loyalty with their consumer.

Those tech-savvy individuals do not even see the ads at all

85% of users do not click on Search Engine Ads

Solution: Utilize the 15% to reach the 85%

Build Thought Leadership with PPC platforms

Niche SKAGS (Single Keyword Ad Groups)

Focus on Education and Interaction not Promotion

1. Niche SKAGS

Focus on the long-tail keyword at the consideration stage of the funnel

Get the right content to the right question

No longer competing on price

But winning in loyal audiences

2. Focus on Education and Interaction

Increasing user interaction and organic searches will create ‘sticky’ consumers

You begin winning the SEO battle and have access to a HUGE audience


Zoran Slamkov Digital Marketer


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