ppt nur rohman arif _ the pattern of cooperation “teaching factory”

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Reviewing the background of holding this conference which revealed thatin the era of globalization has led to the importance of the relationship orcooperation between educational institutions and industry partners, authoras the executant of education activities agreed with the conditionspresented.

and respond to this matter, the author passionately wants to invite all of us todiscuss about the patterns of collaboration teaching factory ...and we hope with this discussion we will find the benefits that can be useful forthe development of our higher education in the future.


Dear Ladies and getlement, let's briefly review the vision of the ministry ofnational education,

that in 2025, we hope that we have been able to Producing the competitiveand smart Indonesian people.

This is a glorious dream ...and hopefully this will become a passion for us to be able to make it happen ...


but, our respected audience ...if the field conditions are like this ...

This will not be a barrier for us all ...an obstacle in realizing the noble ideals ...

because if our generation like this ..."sleeping in class when the lesson"This will be the futility of our learning system for ...because the science they are supposed to learn, ultimately not delivered to them.and what happens ... improving the quality of our human resources "Indonesia"will be difficult to be realized ..

and further impact, our higher education graduates will be many who are notabsorbed in the world of work, and will be unemployed ...and really ... This is a disaster for us.


and in thisopportunity, we’ll discuss about :



Ladies and Gentlemen ...in 2012, the number of Unemployment Decreases in Indonesia ...however, from the analysis based on the statistical central agency reported June25 edition of 2012.

it means that the number of unemployed college graduates is still comparativelymuch.


As for the problem is a challenge for vocational education institutions are:


Which caused by :


In a simple concept, Teaching factory is the development of unit productionand the dual system of education that has been implemented at SMK -SMK. Teaching factory concept is one form of the development of theschool vocational school to be a model of production. This is consistentwith the statement that delivered by Triatmoko (2009: 35) that SMK is stilldifficult to implement education-based production (production-basededucation and training) as held at ATMI (Academy of MechanicalEngineering Indonesia). Therefore raised term teaching factory thatrequires SMK to implement to have a unit or units of production as a placefor learningstudents. In business or production unit, students directly performpractices to produce goods or services that can be sold to consumers.Implementation of teaching factory for learning by establishing businessunits or production in the school opposite the learning process going on inGermany.

While the vocational development roadmap 2010-2014 (Directorate PSMK:2009), teaching factory was used as a model for empower SMK to createentrepreneurial graduates andcompetence skills through the development of cooperation with industryand relevant business entities. Besides teaching factory aims to improvethe quality of learning through the vehicle to learn while doing (learning by


doing). Learning with this approach, will foster entrepreneurial spirit forstudents.Besides aiming to improve the competence of vocational studentsgraduate, goods or services resulting from the activities of teaching factoryalso must be accepted by public or consumers. Products or services thatare produced must meet criteria worth selling that can generate addedvalue for school (Directorate PSMK, 2008). The advantage gained is usedto addsource of income to finance activities in vocational learning.


From several studies on the above theory, it can be concluded that theteaching factory has several objectives:


The concept of organizing educational partnerships between universitiesand industry in Indonesia is close to the model-fit connection (link andmatch) that was initiated by Wardiman Djojonegoro (1990). The concept isnot new, especially in Germany and the United States. In Indonesia, thisconcept was adopted into the concept of "teaching factory" that contain themeaning of co-operation between universities, vocational schools, andindustry.


The concept of educational partnerships between universities and industryhas the following characteristics...

The spread of centers of excellence on the consideration that the potentiallabor market instead of being in one place, but in some places. Center ofexcellence is a training center that utilizes high technology. Have adoptedhigh-tech technology to make the students to practice and get used todoing the production process that utilizes a high degree of accuracy.


. Gert W. Thoma (2000) says that the providers have formed a partnershipwith the industry (manufacturers) in the form of a pilot project, in which theproviders (universities) and industry,

Therefore, the areas of cooperation between universities organizers andpartner institutions (foreign universities) should be specific, such as thefield of mechatronics, automobile engines, electronics, or furniture.


Graduates of higher education for qualified undergraduate students arecertified to internationally recognized standards and the needs of industry.Meyer (2000) says that it is necessary for the training of students with aminimum standard of education such as:organizational management capabilities, communications, and marketing,andISO certified training (such as ISO 9000, 9001, 9002, and 14000 ),to force the government to release the organizers of the domesticinstitutions of the several requirements that restrict the scope of internalfinancial management.


Status of the cooperation of all parties should have clear and deed madecooperation agreements. College will act as an institution builder.Meanwhile, the organization built the industry that is an arm of the needsof the industry will act as a training role is to conduct training of theproduction process.


Forms of skills provided by the organizers need to consider the needs ofsmall-medium industries.


According to the author, the manufacturing industry is still potential toprovide vast employment opportunities, but highly educated labor forceavailable in the job market is still relatively rare. Although the prospect ofjob opportunities for graduates of higher education tends to increaseemployment than graduates is lower, but the prospect is not fullyconsidered the opportunity "business" for a number of higher educationinstitutions. This is evidenced by the college that still prioritizes diplomasand degrees than providing quality assurance "definitely working".


The analysis that follows is the fact the number of unemployed graduatesof higher education was still high. If there is any job opportunities for highlyeducated labor force, then the reward is very limited. This suggests thattheir competence gaps as compared to the existing employmentopportunities. As a result, education Upper Secondary School (SLTA)General and Vocational high school preferred by the world of work thanhigh school graduates. This is a challenge for the world of highereducation.


based on this analysis, the author has a concept that the cooperation betweenuniversities and industry should be implemented throughout the lecture runs,ranging from incoming students, to graduate students. Which was a pattern inwhich there is intensive cooperation and periodically.


Due to the "forced" to cooperate education, college organizers will learn afew things, including:First, the college will improve the management of their education in orderto go-industrial society and even go-international management to makethem better, in terms of academic management, student education, andcommunity service. Thus, the college will be more effective conduct of theeducational process is useful.Second, educational partnerships between universities and industry will

make college more independent. What is provided college would find theintersection with the needs of industry / company. Universities will be freeto develop research and education, while the industry will benefit from theneed for the college in the form of research and the provision of qualifiedworkforce.And third, the concept of Tri Dharma universities, education, research andcommunity service can run just the same money at a time wheneducational partnerships between universities and industry / company canbe realized effectively. Cooperation in education must be within three area.


Therefore, the educational cooperation between higher education andindustry / company is best intended for printing workforce that can fill theneeds of the industry / company.



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