pr good shepherd home (2011)

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Olympia College Organizes Charity Visit to Good Shepherd Home

Every year, Olympia College clubs will organize charity events. This year, the Hosteurs Club had

organized a charity visit to the Good Shepherd Home. Young Achievers Society (YAS) Club had also

joined together with the Hosteurs Club to participate in this visit.

Good Shepherd Family Home is a home for orphans. The home has approximately 30 kids, looked after

by a couple. Many of these children were emotionally and physically abused. The number of children and

teens in foster care are actually aging out each year. Good Shepherd Home is one of the orphanages

which provides these children an education, shelter, meals and guidance to give them a new chance in life

About 20 members of the Hosteurs Club and 8 members from the YAS Club participated in the visit to

the Good Shepherd Home. The students collected approximately RM300 and purchased foods like rice,

cooking oil, flour, sugar, cooking sauces, canned sardines, biscuits and instant noodles for the children.

According to Ms Cindy Evans, Principal of Olympia College, Ipoh “At Olympia College, we instill in our

students to be caring and show affection towards the less fortunate. This visit had opened the students

eyes and make them realize how fortunate they are and also taught them to show concern toward the

underprivileged ones.”

The students of Olympia College helped to clean and rearrange the book racks and stored all the foods

they had brought. Other students were chatting with the children and helped the children with their

homework. A few went to the kitchen to help prepare the lunch. Some of the students also helped to

spring clean the home by wiping the windows.

The visit ended at about noon, when the kids prepared to have their lunch. It was a meaningful visit for

the students and some commented that the visit made them realize how lucky they were and they should

appreciate what they have more.

Olympia College incorporates its belief statement in everything the college does and these have produced

amazing results with its faculty and students. Olympia believes in:

Being goal-oriented

Making a difference

Positive and innovative mindset

Practical application of knowledge

Effective communication and presentation skills

Contributing to a just and socially responsibly society

Olympia College offers Masters & Undergraduate Degrees, Higher National Diplomas (UK), Diplomas

as well as Certificate programmes. The College has affiliations and partnerships with international bodies

and institutions such as Edexcel International (UK), University of Derby (UK), Schiller International

University, American Management Association (AMA, USA), Liverpool John Moores University (UK),

Hawaii Pacific University (USA), Curtin University (Australia), Business & Hotel Management School

(BHMS) Switzerland, University of Information Technology and Management (UITM) Poland and such.

The college allows everyone from SPM to working adults entry at various points. Programmes conducted

are both full-time and part-time.

Since its inception, Olympia College is continuously growing. The College has international students

from various exotic and far reaching places such as South America, Africa, Middle East, Nepal,

Philippines, India, China, Thailand, Maldives, Russia and such.

Olympia offers Business Studies, Business Management, I.T & Computing, Hotel Management,

Secretarial studies, Accounting and Finance, English Language and MBA.

For more information call 03-20503688 (Kuala Lumpur), 03-7770 5555 (Petaling Jaya), 04-2286898

(Penang), 07-2233868 (Johor Bahru), 05-2433868 (Ipoh) or 09-5177868 (Kuantan). Email: Website:

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