practical manual for the culture of

Post on 15-Oct-2021






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by W.J.A.R. Viveen1 '

C.3.3. Richter1*

P.G.W.3. van Oordt2 )

3) 3.A.L. 3anssen

E.A. Huisman

Joint publication of:

- Directorate General International Cooperation of the Ministry

of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, the Netherlands

- Department of Fish Culture and Fisheries of the Agricultural

University of Wageningen, the Netherlands

- Research Group for Comparative Endocrinology, Department of

Zoology of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands

1) Department of Fish Culture and Fisheries of the Agricultural

University of Wageningen, the Netherlands

2) Research Group for Comparative Endocrinology, Department of

Zoology of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands

3) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangui,

Central African Republic

.-J s

I l lustrations: Mrs. L .C.M. Viveen Typing: Mrs. E.T. van Beek-Geurtsen Translation: Mr. 3.F. Kearey

"The research for this publication was financed by the Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation, who also shares copyright. C i ta t ion is encour­aged. Short excerpts may be translated and/or reproduced without permission, on the condit ion that the source is indicated. In case of reproduction of sec­tions in publications/bulletins etc. the Section for Research and Technology of the aforementioned Minister would be grateful to receive a copy. For translation and/or reproduction in whole, the Section for Research and Tech­nology (P.O. Box 20061, 2500 EB THE HAGUE) should be not i f ied in advance".

V. '


In 1977 the Department of Fish Culture and Fisheries of the Agricultural

University of Wageningen approached the International Research and Tech­

nology Programme (DPO/OT) of the Directorate General for International

Technical Cooperation of the Netherlands to discuss the possibilities of applied

research into the culture of the African catfish under tropical conditions.

This led to the financing of two related projects:

i) Reproduction and fingerling production of Ciarias lazera in fish culture

A more applied research project implemented in Bangui, Central African

Republic, involving collaboration between the National Fish Culture

Station, the FAO and the Agricultural University of Wageningen.

ii) Dutch-Israeli project for the culture of African catfish, Clarias lazera,

which can produce viable eggs throughout the year

A more fundamental research project implemented within the Netherlands-

Israel collaboration programme for development cooperation and involving

collaboration between the University of Utrecht, the Agricultural Uni­

versity of Wageningen, and the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, Israel.

Both projects developed, in accordance with the main objective of the Re­

search and Technology Programme, a new technology applicable in developing

countries. The results of this research ultimately aimed at improving the

nutritional status and income-generating capacity of developing countries,

have been elaborated in this "Practical Manual".

The Manual is only the first step towards overcoming the considerable gap

between the development of a technology and its application. In order to

bridge this gap, action must be taken not only by the extensionist a t whom

the Manual is directed, but by all those who take an interest in increasing

rural production and well-being.





1.1 Geographical distribution 5

1.2 Biological description 5

1.3 Reproduction in nature 10


2.1 Site selection 13

2.2 Water supply rate and pond design 14

Stagnant ponds 14

Flow-through ponds 14

2.3 Pond types 16


3.1 Introduction 27

3.2 Site selection 27

3.3 Construction of a hatchery 27

3.4 Water distribution 27

3.5 Hatchery equipment 29


4.1 Introduction 37

4.2 Selection of spawners 37

4.3 Collection of pituitaries 39

4.4 Injection of female spawners 40

4.5 Collection of milt 43

4.6 Stripping of female spawners 45

4.7 Fertilization of eggs 45

4.8 Incubation of eggs 46

4.9 Rearing of larvae 46

4.10 After-care of stripped broodfish 48


5.1 Introduction 51

5.2 Construction and preparation of the nursery ponds 51

Predator control 51

Liming 52

Fertilizing 52

5.3 Stocking of fry and maintaining of the fertility of the water 5k

5.4 Daily monitoring of the nursery ponds 55

5.5 Harvesting of fingerlings 57

5.6 After-care of nursery ponds 59


6.1 Introduction 63

6.2 Fattening ponds 63

Number and preparation of ponds 63

6.2.1 Semi-intensive polyculture of catfish and tilapia 65

Introduction 65

Stocking of fingerlings 65

Fertilization of water 65

Feeding 68

Daily monitoring of the fattening ponds Ik

Harvesting Ik

6.2.2 Intensive monoculture of catfish 79

Introduction 79

Stocking of fingerlings 79

Feeding 79

Daily monitoring 82

Harvesting 82

6.3 Broodfish ponds 82


7.1 Introduction 87

7.2 Bacterial diseases 87

7.3 Fungal diseases 88

7.4 Parasitical diseases 88

7.5 Diseases without known causes 93


1 Water quality requirements of catfish maintained

in hatcheries and ponds

2 Standard procedure for administration of carp

Pituitary Suspension (cPS) for induced breeding

of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

3 Liming and fertilization of ponds

4 Water transparency as fertilization indicator

5 Rearing of fry in hatchery

6 Complete feeds for the African catfish

7 Some descriptions used in morphology

8 Conversion tables



In the past, rural fish farming in Africa has concentrated on tilapia. Various

manuals, primarily written for the guidance of the "small farmer", have already

appeared for that species. For catfish farming, general guidelines have been

formulated by some research stations in Africa. A comprehensive manual,

however, has yet to be compiled.

In the preparation of the present Manual covering the culture of the African

catfish, Clarias gariepinus, use has been made of the results obtained in recent

years in the:

Hatchery of the Department of Fish Culture and Fisheries at the Agri­

cultural University of Wageningen, the Netherlands.

Project "Reproduction and fingerling production of Clarias lazera in fish

culture (GCP/CAF/007/NET)" carried out under the management of the Food

and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations at Fish Culture Station

La Landjia, Bangui, Central African Republic.

"Dutch-Israeli project for the culture of African catfish, Clarias lazera,

which can produce viable eggs throughout the year (LH 867)" carried out

at the hatchery of the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory in Tabgha and the

Intensive Fish Culture Station in Ginossar, Israel.

The following persons have contributed towards this Manual:

J.H. Boon!) R. van den Hurk2)

E.H. Eding ! ) J . Peute 2 )

H.J.Th. Goos2) J .A.J. Verreth^

1) Department of Fish Culture and Fisheries of the Agricultural University

of Wageningen, the Netherlands.

2) Research Group for Comparative Endocrinology, Department of Zoology,

University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

The authors wish to express their appreciation of the painstaking artwork

produced by Mrs. L.C.M. Viveen, illustrator.

The Manual is written for Africans who after secondary school have been

trained in fish farming. Consequently, relatively advanced techniques are

dealt with, but information about simple practical operations is also presented.

These are additionally illustrated in a large number of drawings to guide

the less fully trained user as well. The authors anticipate that, with the aid

of these drawings, summarized guidelines could be published in local languages,

specially attuned to regional fish farming conditions. A number of appendices

have also been included for users with a higher level of training who wish

to concentrate on the intensive culture of catfish. To make the Manual easier

to study, no references to scientific publications have been incorporated.

The contents of the individual chapters can be summarized as follows:

Chapter 1. A number of anatomical characteristics that are particularly

relevant for catfish farming are presented. The terminology for the various

development stages is introduced.

Chapter 2. A number of aspects of catfish pond construction are discussed.

The aim of the construction techniques presented is to minimize the excavation

work required for pond wall construction, so that, in principle, ponds can

be excavated manually.

Chapters 3 and 4. In most tropical countries there is a chronic shortage

of fry to stock the available ponds.

Techniques for artificially induced reproduction of spawners and the breeding

of fry under hatchery conditions will have to be introduced more and more

in the future. This is why these techniques are extensively discussed.

Chapter 5. Nursery pond management in the tropics is an onerous business

with most fish species. The problems arise with the stimulation of plankton

development by applying fertilizers while maintaining optimum water quality.

Predators form a constant threat for the growing fry; of those predators,

frogs and toads in particular have to be eliminated.

The Bangui Fish Culture Station in the Central African Republic provided

guidelines for liming and fertilizing. Although largely attuned to those local

circumstances, they may serve as a basis for work in other regions.

Chapter 6. In various regions of Africa experiments are being conducted

with stagnant fattening ponds, in which a small degree of fertilization and/or

feeding with carbohydrates is practised. Farming is carried out with tilapia,

but only low production figures are achieved. This is also caused by the serious

overcrowding of the ponds as a result of excessive reproduction by mature

fish. This leads to stunting of the growth of the entire pond population.

This chapter also elaborates present practice by discussing the semi-intensive

polyculture of the Nile tilapia and the African catfish. Fertilization and feed­

ing with agricultural wastes, however, is being intensified in order to allow

larger harvests. Catfish play an important role as tilapia fry predators in

this polyculture.

The second part of this chapter deals with intensive catfish monoculture

with pellet feeds. On the basis of practice in Asia, it is expected that intensive

catfish culture - not only in stagnant ponds but also in flow-through ponds

- will play more and more an important role in Africa as well.

Chapter 7. In this chapter, information about the commonest diseases affect­

ing catfish is presented. The symptoms described are not always specific, and

neither can the diseases always be identified with certainty. This chapter

should therefore be read as a whole. Emphasis is laid on prophylaxis and therapy.

Finally, the Manual draws particular attention to the behaviour of the fish.

This is often an indicator of the well-being of the fish and may enable timely

intervention if environmental conditions are less than optimum. The ultimate

success of fish culture largely depends on such timely intervention.

The authors

G-wqrafkUMs distribution, of catfak

®Clarkô moSiamólcud) ó qarUpi

THE AFRICAN CATFISH (Clarias gariepinus, Burch.)

1.1 Geographical distribution

The African catfish is widely distributed throughout Africa (Fig. 1). It inhabits

tropical swamps, lakes and rivers, some of which are subject to seasonal

drying. In the Northern and Central part of Africa it has been described as

Clarias lazera, in the Eastern part as C_. senegalensis, in the Western part

as _C_. mossambicus and in the Southern part as _C. gariepinus. In all regions,

however, we are dealing with one single species, Clarias gariepinus.

1.2 Biological description


Catfish have a scaleless slimy skin, which is darkly pigmented in the dorsal

and lateral parts of the body.

The fish turn lighter in colour when exposed to light. During stress they will

show a mosaic-like pattern of dark and light spots.


With the wide mouth the African catfish has the ability to feed on a variety

of food items, ranging from minute zooplankton to fish.

It is able to suck benthos from the bottom, to tear pieces of cadavers with

the small teeth on its jaws and to swallow prey such as fish whole.

The mouth circumference of this gape-limited predator, which is about l/<+

of its total length, determines the maximum size of its prey. A catfish of

30 cm (approx. 200 g) has a mouth circumference of about 7.5 cm. This is

able to encompass the body circumference of small Tilapia nilotica of up

to 8-10 cm, which makes the African catfish an excellent predator for control­

ling overpopulation of tilapia in ponds.

Barbels and olfactory organs

Around the mouth eight barbels can be distinguished (nasal, maxillary, outer

mandibular and inner mandibular) (Fig. 2). The catfish can move the maxillary

-TyuvxlUoiy éaroeC

outer* 'mandibular bcwbeL

olfactory Ap maóal éarêeC

iorddfifi caudal

operculum J^ ßfUi venir CiL ahal fir

„ 3b

J ßlamenU.

J ill rakerj—i

- arbor eócmt oraanó

branchial ankeó Located underneath operculum

barbels independently of its mouth. The barbels serve as tentacles.

Close to the nasal barbels two o l factory organs are located (Fig. 2).

Catf ish recognises its prey mainly by touch and smell. This is of relevance

during feeding at night and in highly turbid or muddy waters, v isibi l i ty being

of less importance.


In the Af r ican catf ish the median f ins consist of a dorsal, a caudal and an

anal f i n , while the paired fins consist of the pectoral and ventral f ins (Fig.

3a). The pectoral f ins have developed strong spines (Fig. 3a) which have a

locomotory and protect ive funct ion. The f ish is capable of migrating over

land by sculling wi th its ta i l as it elbows along on i ts spines. The sharp spines

are not poisonous.

GUIs and arborescent organs

The distr ibut ion of the gills and the arborescent organs over the f ive branchial

arches is given in F ig . 3b. They can be observed by cut t ing away the oper­

culum. For the purpose of respirat ion, water is taken into the mouth, passes

over the gills for gaseous exchange and is then expelled through the opercular

opening. Especially when the water's dissolved oxygen content is depleted

or if the fish is out of the water, air is periodically gulped in at the mouth.

Gaseous exchange takes place via the arborescent organs in air chambers

above the gi l ls. The air is also expelled through the opercular openings. Due

to its atmospheric respiration the Af r ican catf ish is capable of existing in

mud during the dry season. I t is even able to survive out of the water for

some hours depending on the humidity of the environment.

Because the catf ish can to lerate low oxygen levels in the water, i t is very

suitable for f ish cul ture.

Along the concave anterior border of the branchial arches long slender gi l l

rakers are present. These mainly serve as f i l ters for feeding on small vegetable

matter and invertebrates (Fig. 3b).

Urogenital system

In both sexes of cat f ish the urogenital opening is situated at a papil la just

behind the anus.

Ólze range VJeighi range

Fggó 1 - 1,6 mm

Larvae S . %0 mm

Fry 8 - 30,0 mm,

FlnavrUtuiô J - 10,0 cm

Adults fah JZ -1Ï0 CAK

1,Z - 1,8 mg (c) l,% . 3,0 mg (6)

3,0 .looo ma (i)

1 . 10 3 (J)

0,3 - 16 kg (a/6)

The adult male (o' )can be distinguished from the female (o) by the elongated

backwards projecting form of this papilla (Fig. 4a). In the female the papilla

has the form of an oval eminence (Fig. 4b). Fingerlings have not yet developed

a papilla.

1.3 Reproduction in nature

The reproduction cycle of the catfish starts in most African countries at

the beginning of the rainy season. The final stimulus to spawn appears to

be associated with a rise in water level and inundation of marginal areas.

Spawning takes place in large shoals of adult males and females in water

which is often less than 10 cm deep and situated at the edges of lakes and

pools. The African catfish spawns in captivity on a variety of other substrates

including sisal fibres, palm leaves and stones.

During courtship which can last several hours the female catfish lays her

eggs (Fig. 4c) in several batches. The partner fertilizes at the same time

each batch of eggs by releasing a cloud of sperm on top of the eggs. Within

some seconds the female distributes the fertilized eggs over a wide area

by wiping them with her tail. The eggs will finally adhere to the flooded


After spawning the shoal of catfish migrates back to deeper water. There

is no parental tending of the eggs. After a few weeks the African catfish

will often have developed a new batch of eggs, and is prepared to spawn

again. A second spawning can be induced by rainfall or by inflow of water

from an upstream source. In this way several spawnings per year can take

place. Depending on the water temperature the eggs will hatch after 24-36

hours. These so-called yolk-sac larvae (Fig. 4d) hide underneath the vegeta­

tion. Probably due to a high mortality rate among the eggs and larvae in

nature, fry (Fig. 4e) and fingerlings (Fig. 4f) from the African catfish are

difficult to find. The fish culturist prefers, therefore, to rear eggs and fry

in a hatchery. This will be explained in the following chapters.






2.1 Site selection

Before deciding where to build a pond, the site has to be studied. The follow­

ing factors should be considered:

- Avoid areas with trees, rocks or termitaria. They will cause many problems

during construction and subsequent pond management (seepage, netting


- Do not dig ponds at places where floods occur during the rainy season.

- Construct the fishpond close to a water source (river, lake, barrage, ground

water etc.), and not too far from the fish-farmer's residence, so that he

can look after his fish daily. A constant water supply is often given by

wells and springs. In most cases, however, the water source will be runoff

water, such as a river or a stream. This means that the water quantity

fluctuates and is often considerably diminished by the end of the dry season.

For fish culture enough water is needed throughout the year. This is not

only to fill the pond, but also to make up for the losses caused by seep­

age and evaporation (Fig. 5).

- Build the pond where the soil is not too sandy in order to avoid seepage

as much as possible. Heavy clays are very good for impoundments.

The following two tests may indicate whether the site is suitable for fish

culture or not. The tests should be performed at the end of the rainy season,

while soil is still soft and ground water near maximum levels.

The ground water test

- Dig a hole with a depth of one metre and cover it with, for instance,

leaves for one night to limit evaporation (Fig. 6a and 6b).

- If the hole is filled with ground water the next morning (Fig. 6c), a pond

could be built, but it must be realized that a pump will probably be needed

during harvesting.

- If the hole is still empty the next morning (Fig. 6d), no problems will be

incurred with high ground water levels and the site will perhaps be suitable

for fish culture. But this should be checked with the water permeability

test .


The water permeability test

- Fill the hole with water to the top (Fig. 7a) and cover it again with leaves

(Fig. 7b). The next day the water level will be lower due to seepage (Fig.

7c). The walls of the hole have probably become saturated with water

and might hold water better now.

- Refill the hole with water to the top (Fig. 7d) and cover it once more

(Fig. 7e). The next day the water level should be checked again.

- If the water level is still high the soil will be impermeable enough and

is suitable for stagnant ponds and flow-through systems (Fig. 7f).

- If the water has disappeared again, the site is not suitable for fish culture.

2.2 Water supply rate and pond design

Stagnant ponds

When only the same amount of water that is lost due to seepage and evapora­

tion is added to a pond, the system is called a stagnant pond. Seepage and

evaporation on suitable fish farming soils will not exceed 1-2 cm/day, corre­

sponding to 0.75-1.5 l/min/100 m2 (100 m2 = 1 are). Production capacity

depends on a variety of factors such as:

. the various fish species cultivated,

. water quality (see appendix 1),

. bottom fertility and

. climatological conditions.

Production can be increased by the applications of organic or inorganic fertili­

zers if the natural productivity of the pond cannot yield enough food organ­

isms for the fish stock. These ponds do not necessarily need a discharge.

Pumping or siphoning could be employed to empty the pond. An inlet and

an overflow are, however, indispensable (Fig. 5).

Flow-through ponds

If enough water throughout the whole year is available, flow-through ponds

could be constructed. In these systems water is continuously flowing through

the ponds. Natural food productivity is of no concern. Fish production poten­

tial of these ponds mainly depends on:


6e J\

«ur \

^^S j^g ' fekac i f i fe i

^qrouncCwdëf* 15

. the fish species cultivated,

. water quality,

. climatological conditions,

. flow rate of the water,

. the density of the fish stock in relation to the distribution of complete


Since the production of fish in running water systems is totally dependent

on the supply of food from outside the pond it is obvious that this type of

culture is only possible where complete feeds are available for fish culture


The continuous flow of water through the pond can be achieved by the con­

struction of a sluice with an inlet and a draining installation, the monk (see

later, Fig. 15a).

2.3 Pond types

Depending on the site one of the following types of pond could be constructed.

Embankment ponds. These ponds are build by constructing walls above ground

level to impound water. This type of pond is difficult to fill with water

but easy to drain. Pumping is needed to fill the pond (Fig. 8a).

Excavated ponds. These ponds are build by digging out the soil. The excavated

pond is easy to fill with water but difficult to drain. Pumping is needed

to empty the pond (Fig. 8b).

Partially excavated ponds with low walls. Soil from excavation is used to

build the low walls of this pond. The ideal site has a slight slope so that

the water supply channel can be constructed slightly above and the discharge

channel slightly below the level of the future pond. In this way pumping

is neither needed for filling nor for draining (Fig. 8c).

Let us give an example of how to build a partially excavated pond with

low walls:

- When a good site has been identified, it is necessary to mark out exactly

where the pond will be. Ponds should not be planned too large; a suitable

size is between 2 and 10 are in a rectangular shape. A rectangular pond

allows easier pond management and has a low border length to surface



wcU&rôufply cheutnd ' oCUcharqe



rat io which wi l l reduce maintenance costs of walls. When planning the

rectangle of the pond the sizes of the walls must be taken into account.

For a pond of 10 x 20 metres (2 are) a wall w i th a base of 3.25 metres

should be taken. Then a rectangle of: (3.25+10+3.25) x (3.25+20+3.25) =

16.5 x 26.5 m has to be set out. A f ter having marked out the rectangle

w i t h sticks and a string i t w i l l be seen where the outside of the walls

w i l l be (Fig. 9).

The top-soil of the site which of ten contains leaves, roots and small stones,

is not suitable for the construction of the walls.

Remove about 1 5 - 2 0 cm of the top-soil f rom the surface between the

strings and pile i t in heaps outside the strings (Fig. 10).

Later this top-soil could be used to cover the clay walls.

Mark w i th new sticks and a second string another rectangle of 10 x 20

metres wi th in the f i rst one, the shortest distance between the two strings

being 3.25 metres (Fig. 11).

Plan the locat ion for the water in let , and also for the outlet ( the monk)

i f one is to be constructed. If so dig a t rench of about 65-70 cm deep

to put the out let pipe, start ing 1 metre f rom the inside of the marked

locat ion, cutt ing at a r ight-angle through the planned wall (3.25 metres)

and continuing to 1.75 metres outside the planned outer rectangle.

Put a 10-15 cm bore pipe of 6 m in the t rench (Fig. 12). Close both ends

of the pipe temporari ly w i th plastic bags or pieces of wood. Lay i t along

a gradient of 1 in 100 which is equivalent to 6 cm per 6 m, so that the

pond can be drained easily.

For building the walls take the soil f rom inside the smallest rectangle

(Fig. 11). I t is necessary to dig about 65 cm deep in order to have enough

soil (130 m3) to build the walls. The pond bottom should slope toward the

out let locat ion along a gradient of 2 or 3 in 1000, which is equivalent

to 5 cm per 20 m. During digging some roots and stones might be encoun­

tered. These must not be discarded onto the walls but removed f rom the

pond site.

For maximum strength, af ter every 20 cm layer of material has been placed

on the wal l , i t must be wettened and then t ight ly packed using compacting

tools (F ig. 13). Realize that these walls have to retain water and that

people w i l l walk along the top (crest).

To allow good pond management a minimum water depth of 80 - 100 cm


500 cm


^ s >

cUócharqe cfumnei


is needed. But the walls have to be 50 cm higher to prevent the African

catfish from escaping as it otherwise can climb out of the water.

The settling of the material used has to be taken into consideration as

well: this can sometimes amount to as much as 10% of the total construc­

tion height.

The total height of the walls measured vertically from the bottom to the

crest should be (100 + 50) + 15 = 165 cm (Fig. 14).

It is also important for the strength of the wall to build it sloping on both

sides. The slope of the inside of the walls should be about 1 : 1 (vertical

- horizontal) and the slope outside about 1 : 1.7 (vertical - horizontal).

The crest of the wall should be 50 cm wide (Fig. 14). It would be preferable

y to have a wider crest but for every 10 cm extra width about 10 m3 soil

would have to be brought in from elsewhere.

- Stop digging when the correct depth has been reached and check the slopes

of the walls and of the bottom. The depth near the inlet will be 145 cm

and near the outlet about 150 cm. As the water level slowly falls during

draining, the fish will amass in front of the outlet.

- Construct a wooden or concrete monk (Fig. 15a) to link up with the pipe

that has been buried. This pipe will be connected to the discharge channel

(Fig. 15b).

- Lay a pipe inlet through the wall to link up with the water supply channel

and put rocks on the bottom of the pond under the inlet (Fig. 15c).

- Make a wooden or concrete sluice in the water supply channel (Fig. 15d)

so that the rate of the water inflow can be regulated.

- The sluice should be screened to prevent wild fish, branches and leaves

from entering your pond. A screen mesh size of 1 cm is often suitable.

- Start filling the pond till a water depth of 8 0 - 1 0 0 cm is reached (Fig. 16a).

Regulate the water level of the pond with the wooden boards of the monk.

Put a screen on top of the boards to prevent the fish escaping from the

monk (Fig. 16b). The mesh size depends on the size of the fish.

- In order to prevent erosion of the walls, they should be covered with the

fertile topsoil that had been set aside, and grass such as Rhodes grass

(Chloris gayana) or Star grass (Cynodon dactylon) should be planted on


Do not use plants with long roots or trees because they will weaken the

strength of the walls and may cause leaks.


T wood**, boardö with cUy packed' Ui between?



If several ponds are to be built it is best to construct them in parallel and

not in series so that ponds can be independently harvested and downstream

ponds do not have to use polluted discharge water from upstream ponds.





ótorage óeüiUut reservoir

to tturjer 'rypondó



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3.1 Introduction

A hatchery could be constructed to raise larvae in order to stock the farm's

own ponds. It is also possible to use the hatchery as a breeding centre for

larvae that might be sold to other fish farmers.

3.2 Site selection

It is preferable to plan the hatchery on a slope so that water can enter by

gravity (Fig. 17). The best possible water quality is required for the incubation

of eggs and rearing of larvae. The availability of enough running water during

the dry season is an important factor as well. It will be advantageous to

have a separate water supply channel with unpolluted water.

3.3 Construct ion of a hatchery

An area of 5 x 6 m should be cleaned and levelled for the construction of

a hatchery of 3 x k m. Construct first a roof of about 2 m height on top

of the future hatchery surface with an overhang of 1 m on all sides (Fig. 18).

All sides should be covered with wire fencing. The door should have a lock

to keep out intruders.

3A Water distribution

The requisites for water quality are given in appendix 1. The water quantity

in a hatchery will influence the production capacity. The set up of the hatch­

ery described in this chapter is designed for the production of about 65,000

larvae per week. Taking into account the fact that spawners from the broodfish

ponds remain mature for about k-G months (corresponding to the rainy season

which is about 20 weeks) a total yield of approx. 65,000 x 20 = 1,300,000

larvae/year is feasible. In a hatchery the water is needed to supply oxygen

for eggs, larvae and broodfish, to remove faeces and other dirt and to clean

the hatchery.


voter Crom river J een- from, aótck

over. Jlcw

V y i'.---.!-' ^ / ' . - „ V — M.i.iJl , v .(i, ijM-m..iLtJU!

aren area, " area/ J

water from atoraae settUna reservoir


a, tpare container b container c incubation* auttcr d tabic J

c drain,

water to fuUchcry


óem hom aéove tjr,


Total water consumption is specified in the following table:

Flow through:

5 containers of 100 1 each, one per one broodfish: 7,500 1/day

1 incubation gutter of 150 1, for 200 g eggs: 4,500 1/day

2 spare tanks, for cleaning and filling, etc.: 2,000 1/day

14,000 1/day

For the above mentioned hatchery about 14,000 1 (14 m3) water per day,

equivalent to approx. 10 1/rnin will thus be needed.

The water needed should preferably flow by gravitation from a river or a

lake via a channel, pipe or flexible tubing to a storage-settling reservoir

(Fig. 17). Different kinds of storage units can be built, such as a barrage

reservoir, pond, or wooden or concrete container. To improve the settling

out of suspended particles in the water it is advisable to construct, in a reser­

voir of 3.0 m length, 1.5 m width and 1.3 m height, two walls of 1 metre

height, one about 0.50 m away from the inlet and the other in the middle

of the reservoir (Fig. 19). In both walls a sluice should be constructed. The

inlet area serves to reduce turbulence and inlet velocity of the water. Water

should flow smoothly from the inlet area over the wall of 1 m height and

be evenly distributed over the settling area which requires low water flow.

Water from which suspended particles have settled out will flow smoothly

over the second wall into the outlet area.

The volume of the outlet area is about 2.3 m3, and it serves as a storage

unit as well. The incubation gutter and containers are connected by taps

and pipes with the reservoir. The water leaves the hatchery by overflow and

centrally located draining pipes or channels (Fig. 20).

3.5 Hatchery equipment

As regards the hatchery equipment, the following may serve as a guide:

- Containers are needed to stock broodfish for a few days. They can be built

from wood but barrels or concrete or wooden tanks can also be used. PVC

barrels are preferred to iron ones (Fig. 21a).

Place 7 containers in a row at one side of the hatchery on stones or wooden

beams, 5-10 cm above the ground (Fig. 21a).

Each container has a water inlet and outlet and an overflow. It is often


handy to f ix a plastic tube on the out let to empty the container. The plastic

tube can also be used to regulate the water level inside the container.

In order to reach a certain water level in the container the tube should

be looped around a hook (Fig. 21a). With a l i t t l e experience any desired

water level can be attained inside the tank.

The opening of the tank should be provided w i th a we l l - f ixed wire fence.

Cat f ish are excellent jumpers and i t w i l l be necessary to put some heavy

stones on the screen to prevent f ish f rom escaping (Fig. 21b). Cat f ish should

be maintained individually to avoid f ight ing. For a routine a r t i f i c ia l l y induced

breeding cycle about 4-5 female and 2 male spawners are needed.

A gut ter is needed for the incubation of eggs. The dimensions of a suitable

incubation gutter are 200 x 50 x 30 cm (Fig. 22a). I t can be made f rom

wood, polyester or concrete. Iron and copper should not be used as they

are of ten poisonous for f ish. The bot tom and sides of the tank have to be

very smooth. At one side of the gutter an overflow should be constructed

(Fig. 22b). With the overflow the water level in the tank can be influenced

(Fig. 22c, 22d). A screen should be placed in f ront of the overf low t o prevent

larvae f rom escaping. The screen consists of two frames of wood (Fig.

23a), which exactly f i t in the gut ter . In between the frames plastic mos­

quito nett ing, w i th a mesh size of 0.5 - 0.7 mm, is f i t t ed . The nett ing should

be properly f ixed between the two frames. Driving in the nails at d i f ferent

angles wi l l prevent the screen f rom fal l ing apart a f ter saturation of the

wood wi th water (Fig. 23b). The screen should be provided wi th a strip

of foam plastic before i t is put into the gutter (Fig. 23c) to block chinks.

Put the gutter on a table (1 m height), in a sl ightly sloped position (Fig.


- The fol lowing equipment is needed for the a r t i f i c ia l ly induced breeding

of catf ish (see la ter) , to check the water quality and to keep the hatchery

clean (Fig. 24):

. A table of about 50 x 100 cm

. Net t ing

. Scale

. Ruler

. Trays

. Towels (tissue paper)

. Canules (outer diameter 2-21/2 mm; inner diameter 1.2-1.5 mm)






Syringes 1 ml and needles

Sharp knife, wire cutter


Pair of scissors, pair of sharp-pointed tweezers

Bottle of physiological salt solution 0.9 %.

Water analysis kit










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4.1 Introduction

In nature catfish mature after 2-3 years and spawn between the onset and

the end of the rainy season. After this period the gonads gradually regress

and the fish do not spawn until the rainy season of the next year.

Under pond conditions catfish mature after 7-10 months at a weight of 200-

500 gram. Spawning normally does not happen since the final stimulus asso­

ciated with a rise in water level and inundation of marginal areas does not

occur. The fish can be spawned, however, by hormonal t reatment using pitu-

itaries. The broodfish raised in ponds normally remain mature during several

months of the year, corresponding to the natural reproduction cycle. A brood-

fish can be artificially reproduced several times during these months. Catfish

raised from egg to maturity in a hatchery remain mature during the whole

year, and regression of the gonads does not occur. This means that viable

larvae can be easily obtained throughout the year.

4.2 Selection of spawners

Males and females are collected from the broodfish ponds (see 6.3, page

82). It is advisable to disinfect the fish with a 50-150 p.p.m. formalin bath

for three hours before they are brought into the hatchery. This precaution

is taken to prevent pathogens from being transmitted to eggs and larvae.

Females with soft and swollen bellies are often mature. This should, however,

be checked as follows:

- Cover the head with a towel and put the fish on its back.

- Press with a finger or thumb on the abdomen towards the tail.

- If the fish is mature, greenish eggs will appear (Fig. 25).

A more reliable method is the following:

- Insert gently a canule (for diameter see 3.5, page 30) in the papilla (Fig.

26a), 4-6 cm inside the ovary (Fig. 26b).

- Put the other end of the canule in the mouth and suck carefully.

- Withdraw the canule and gently blow out about thirty eggs onto a glass

slide (Fig. 26c).


cclUcUon ofpitultarteö


- Measure the diameters of the eggs immediately with a ruler or with a

microscope if available.

- If about 90% of the egg diameters are larger than 1.0 mm, the female

will be suitable for artificially induced breeding.

The female should be stocked without food for about 36 hours in a container

with water (23-25°C), so that the alimentary system will be empty at the

time of stripping (see later).

Avoid any temperature shock that might be caused by a difference in water

temperature between pond water and water of the container. Put some heavy

stones on the lid of the container so that the fish cannot escape (Fig. 27).

About 2k hours after being stocked in the container the female catfish should

be injected with pituitaries.

Male spawners cannot be specifically selected for artificially induced breeding.

b.3 Collection of pituitaries

Pituitaries can be collected from both male and female catfish and this

can be done as follows:

- Take for each female spawner two donors average weight 500 g each and

preferably male so that their testes can be used as well.

- Kill and decapitate the donors (Fig. 28) but not sooner than one hour before

the planned time of injecting the female spawner.

- Put the head upside down and cut the lower jaw away (Fig. 29).

The pituitary is located inside the skull (Fig. 30a).

- Open the palate of the mouth with a pair of pincers at the point indicated

in Fig. 30b. The pituitary is a pinky-white globule-like organ, situated

on the ventral side of the brain (Fig. 30c).

- Collect the pituitaries from the donors with a pair of tweezers and put

them in a mortar containing 2 ml of a physiological salt solution (Fig. 31).

The physiological salt solution can be made by putting 9 g of common

table salt in 1 l i tre of filtered water.

- Grind the pituitaries in the mortar immediately (Fig. 32) and draw the

pituitary suspension into a syringe.

- Inject the suspension of the freshly collected pituitaries as soon as possible.


There is a simple way to store freshly collected pituitaries for months but

then acetone will be needed:

- Put the pituitaries immediately after extirpation in a vial, filled with some

acetone (1 ml acetone per pituitary)

- Refresh the acetone after ten minutes

- Renew the acetone again after eight hours

- Drain the acetone completely 24 hours later

- Dry the pituitaries in the shade by evaporation

- Store the dry yellow-brown pituitaries at a cool place in a sealed vial.

Ten minutes before a female spawner is to be injected, two of the stored

globules should be taken and prepared as follows:

- Put the pituitaties in a mortar

- Add 1 ml glycerin together with 1 ml physiological salt solution (or 2 ml

physiological salt solution only)

- Grind the pituitaries thoroughly

- Inject the suspension immediately. Injection of female spawners

The suspended pituitaries can be injected in the following way:

- Fit on the syringe a needle of 2.5-3.0 cm with a diameter of 0.6-0.7 mm.

- Point the syringe upwards and try to eliminate the air (Fig. 33a).

- Cover the head of the female spawner (average weight 500 g) with a towel

and insert the needle 2-2.5 cm at an angle of 30-45° in the dorsal muscles

in the direction of the tail (Fig. 33b).

- Slowly inject the suspension intra-muscularly while retracting the syringe

a few mm.

- After injection finger-rub the injected area, so that the suspension will

be distributed evenly throughout the muscles (Fig. 33c).

- Put the fish back in the container and wait about 12 hours until all eggs

have maturated and ovulated in the ovary (in appendix 2 this latency time

is given in relation to water temperature).

During ovulation the belly of the female will swell considerably due to water

absorption of the ovary (Fig. 34). In some tropical countries the fish farmer


UdecUon cf female ópawncró





coUuUon '<cn>cf milts



uses other products for artificially induced breeding (see appendix 2).

4.5 Collection of milt

For the fertilization of the eggs milt from a male spawner will be needed.

Milt cannot be collected by stripping the male. It can only be obtained by

sacrificing the fish and dissecting the testes. This can be done as follows:

- Put the killed male (average weight 500 g) on its back and open the body

cavity with a pair of scissors (Fig. 35). Do this carefully without damaging

the inner organs.

- Pull the intestines aside to make the two yellow-pink testes visible (Fig.

36). Between the testes and the urogenital papilla several wormlike lobes

can be noticed. These do not contain milt and cannot be used.

- Entirely remove the two testes without squeezing them and dry them with

a piece of filter paper. 30-60 Seconds after contact with water, the milt

will lose its activity. It is therefore of importance that the testes do not

come into contact with water! Most of the ripe milt is located in the cream-

coloured lobes.

- Make with a pair of scissors small incisions in the lobes and squeeze the

milt out (Fig. 37). Take care that fingers are dry during the preparation

of the milt.

Two procedures of milt collection can be followed:

- If a refrigerator is available the sperm drops can be collected in a small

bottle with about 5 ml physiological salt solution (Fig. 37). Shake the bottle

gently, close it, and store the sperm solution at 4°C for no longer than

two days. In this way milt of a pituitary donor might be used (see k.1',

page ^ 5).

- If a refrigerator is not available, killing of the male and collecting of milt

should be done just prior to stripping the female (see below). In this case,

the sperm drops are added directly to the eggs by squeezing the testes

(see k.7, Fig. <t0).

To be sure that the sperm (solution) will be suitable for fertilization the

following check by means of a microscope should be performed:

- Put a droplet of the solution on a microscope glass and add a droplet of


tfcLppiaa of female opawneró

Osoäs mUlUuitlon, of eaaj




- Check immediately at a magnification of 100 x the motility of the sperma-

tozoids (Fig. 38).

- If they are actively moving in the watery solution for a period of about

30 seconds, the sperm will be of good quality.

4.6 Stripping of female spawners

If the female has responded well to the injection, the ovulated eggs will

easily run out from the genital papilla.

To collect the eggs the following may serve as a guideline:

- Catch the female carefully with a net.

- Hold with two persons the spawner tightly with wet towels (Fig. 39).

- Strip gently the fish (Fig. 39) till some blood appears. This is often a sign

that the ovary is empty. The mingling from the blood with the eggs should

be prevented.

- Estimate the weight of the egg mass (1 g egg mass contains about 700

eggs) to obtain the number of eggs that can be fertilized. Do not use more

than 200 g of the collected eggs for the fertilization.

4.7 Fertilization of eggs

The artificial fertilization of eggs should be done as follows:

- Squeeze the freshly dissected testes and distribute the droplets evenly on

top of the egg mass (Fig. 40). The same method should be applied if stored

chilled milt is used.

- Add immediately afterwards some clean water to the tray and mix the

eggs with the sperm by gently moving the tray (Fig. 41).

- Pour the fertilized eggs in a single layer in the incubation gutter (Fig.


The gutter should be properly disinfected beforehand with Benzalkonium chlo­

ride 0.1 % for 30 minutes or with other disinfectants.


4.8 Incubation of eggs

The development of the eggs in the incubation gutter can be briefly described

as follows. Within a few minutes after fertilization the eggs will absorb water

and sticky attachment discs will develop. During this process they can easily

stick together and therefore they should be distributed in a single layer.

The gutter should be covered with foam plastic (Fig. 42) and transmission

of any pathogens to the water should be avoided (see prophylactic treatments

to avoid diseases, chapter 7).

Incubate the eggs in water with a flow-through rate of 1-3 1/min. Depending

on the temperature of the water it will take 20-57 hours for the eggs to

hatch (see appendix 2). During this time the eggs should be regularly moni­

tored. Healthily developing eggs have a transparent green-brownish colour.

If all eggs turn a white colour, the batch should be discarded. White eggs,

which are always present amongst the developing ones, should be removed

to avoid the development of fungi. Removing can be easily done by siphoning.

In general the mean hatching percentage of eggs will be between 50-80%.

4.9 Rearing of larvae

The hatched larvae are 5-7 mm in size and weigh about 1.2 - 3.0 mg. They

look like tiny needles each with a green globe, the yolk-sac. After hatching,

the egg shells remain on the bottom. The yolk-sac larvae will look for shelter

and will cluster together in the dark places of the tank. At that stage of

incubation it is a good idea to cover only the inlet of the gutter so that

the healthy larvae will swim to the shadow under the cover. Egg remnants

as well as crippled and dead larvae can then be easily removed. This should

be done by siphoning so that any form of stress can be avoided (Fig. 43).

Within 3 days of hatching the yolk-sac will be absorbed and the so-called

fry will start to search for food. With good management 90-95% of the yolk-

sac larvae will develop into fry.

The fry are too vulnerable to be collected with nets. This should be done

by siphoning. Place a bucket into which the fry will be siphoned not more

than 20 cm below the bottom surface of the gutter. In this way the current

of the siphon will be limited and damage of the fry minimized. Transport

the fry in buckets to the nursery pond (see further chapter 5).


brtuJbaUon, of ffló

re&Ti irycf C&rvae


The production capacity of an incubation gutter can be summarized as follows:

k female broodfish, mean weight 500 g, will produce about 10% of their body

weight in eggs 200 g eggs

200 g eggs is equivalent to 1^0,000 eggs

the hatching of fertilized eggs is 50% 70,000 larvae

the survival rate after yolk absorbtion is 93% 65,000 try

4.10 After-care of stripped broodfish

It is advisable to disinfect the stripped broodfish with a 50-150 p.p.m. formalin

bath for 3 hours. They should be subsequently stocked again in the broodfish

ponds. The broodfish containers should be cleaned with a disinfectant such

as Benzalkonium chloride 0.1 % for half an hour. Rinse the container with

fresh water afterwards.







5.1 Introduction

The factors involved in site selection and pond construction have already

been dealt with in chapter 2, but some requisites for nursery ponds should

be mentioned here:

. They should be free from inundations,

. protected against wind,

. well exposed to sunshine.

. Supply of good quality water (free from chemical pollution, low iron

content, pH 6.5 - 8.0) should be available (see appendix 1).

. The nursery ponds should be located close to the hatchery.

5.2 Construction and preparation of the nursery ponds

The number and size of nursery ponds needed depend on the production of

fry by the hatchery.

With an output of 65,000 fry (see chapter <t) and a stocking density of 65

fry/m2, five nursery ponds of 200 m2 will be sufficient. The depth should

be about 50-60 cm.

To fill in one day 5 nursery ponds of 200 m2 each, about 425 1 water/min

will be needed, which corresponds to 7 1 water/s in the supply channel.

Rearing of fry is carried out in stagnant ponds. A continuous water flow of

7.5-15 1/min will be necessary to compensate for seepage and evaporation

of the 5 ponds. It is preferable, however, to have a constant surplus of water

of at least 200 1/min in the supply channel. This surplus will enable the water

in the ponds to be exchanged if oxygen depletion or water pollution occurs.

To improve the survival and growth ra te of the fry the nursery ponds should

be protected against predators and should be well prepared by liming and

fertilizing before stocking.

Predator control

Predators may enter the pond in the incoming water (eggs or larvae of preda­

tor fish, frogs and toads), by land (frogs and toads) and by air (birds). The


following provisions should be made to eliminate the entrance of predators:

- The penetration of wild fish or amphibians can be prevented by tying a

screening sleeve made of synthetic fibres, eg. plastic mosquito-netting mesh-

size 1-2 mm, to the end of the water-inlet pipe (Fig. 44). The length of

the sleeve should be about 1 m, and it is closed tightly at one end. After

each culture cycle the sleeve should be cleaned and checked for holes.

- The pond should be surrounded by a fence of fine mesh netting (mosquito

netting height 80 cm) that should be embedded about 10 cm below ground

level (Fig. 45).

- Herons and pelicans are good fish hunters. If they are present a number

of strings should be secured across the pond to make it difficult for the

birds to land on the water (Fig. 45).


Ponds that have just been excavated need different t reatment to ponds that

have already been limed before.

Newly excavated ponds. These should be treated with 20-150 kg agricultural

lime per are (see appendix 3). This is mixed with the upper layer (5 cm deep)

of the pond bottom. The pond is subsequently filled with water till 30 cm.

Within one week the pH of the pond water should have reached its desired

level (6.5 - 8) and fertilization can be commenced.

Ponds used before. These should be treated with 10-15 kg quicklime per are,

added to the damp pond bottom, to eliminate pathogens, parasites and in­

vertebrate predators. A period of 7-14 days should elapse before the ponds

are refilled. After filling the pond to a depth of 30 cm the pH of the water

can be adjusted by adding agricultural lime.


After liming the pond should be fertilized to increase natural food production.

Fertilization can be done by adding organic or inorganic fertilizers or both

(see appendix 3). The quantity and quality of the fertilizer needed depend

on the natural fertility of the pond and on the density of the stocked fish.

Supply about 20 kg organic manure per are. In some cases it is preferable



to add the following inorganic fertilizers as well: 0.5 kg single superphos­

phate/are and 0.5 kg ureum/are (for alternative inorganic fertilizers, see

appendix 3). The organic manure and ureum should be distributed equally

over the water surface. Dissolve the superphosphate in a bucket with water

and pour the substance into the pondwater at several points. It will take

at least four days for phytoplankton and zooplankton (rotifers and daphnia)

to develop in large quantities. During nursing, catfish fry depend on this

natural food. In the first week they have still small mouth-openings and only

zooplankton of 0.2 - 0.5 mm can be ingested. Nevertheless, fry are to be

stocked on the first day after the pond has been filled. The small amount

of food present in the water will cover the relatively low requirements of

the fry during the first few days.

By stocking the fry immediately after filling the pond, fry may gain a head-

start in development over predacious tadpoles.

The presence of predacious water insects such as water boatmen and water

beetles can effectively be controlled by applying some diesel fuel as a surface o

layer or Dipterex (organic phosphoric acid ester) a t a dose of 0.5-1 p.p.m.

Avoid any outflow of water from the pond.

The temperature range of the water of the nursery pond should be between

20 and 30°C (see appendix 1).

The sluice gate of the outlet should be screened to prevent the escape of

fish. The mesh size of the (iron) screen should correspond to the size of the

fry (Fig. 46). At the beginning of the nursery period the mesh size should

be about 1 mm. At the end of the period this might be 4-5 mm.

5.3 Stocking of fry and maintaining the fertility of the water

After yolk-sac absorbtion the fry should be transported from the hatchery

in clear water which has the same temperature as the pond water. The fry

should not be submitted to a temperature shock. Stock about 65 fry/m2.

After stocking the farmer should check every 2-3 days the fertility of the

pond water with a Secchi disk. How this should be done is described in appen­

dix 4. If the transparency of the water is about 25 cm, due to the development

of plankton, natural food production can be assumed to be sufficiently high.

Start to fertilize when the reading is between 25 and 50 cm.

On the basis of the reading it might be necessary to fertilize once or twice


per week during the 28-30 day nursing period. Fertilization might be done

by adding organic manure (5 kg of cow manure or 3 kg of chicken or pig

manure per are) and/or inorganic fertilizers {50 g superphosphate and 100

g ureum per are). An addition of phosphates together with organic manure

is preferred. See appendix 3 for further informatons.

About two weeks after stocking, the plankton production rate of the pond

will no longer cover the needs of the growing fry. They will start to eat

organisms from the pond bottom (such as mosquito larvae) but cannibalism

will frequently occur. Without supplementary feeding a maximum survival

rate of 30% can be reached within the 30 day nursing period. The fingerlings

will have a mean weight in the 1-3 g range.

In appendix 5, alternative guidelines are given for nursery operations in a

hatchery, with the aim of obtaining higher survival rates.

5A Daily monitoring of the nursery ponds

The pond should be checked at least once a day in the early morning. The

following points together may serve as a checklist:

- Monitor the behaviour of fry. They should be actively searching for food

on the pond bottom or at the water surface (Fig. 47). After three weeks

they will have developed their arborescent organs and will regularly rise

to the surface to breathe air (Fig. 48).

- Check the transparency of the pond water. A green colour is a sign that

natural production is optimal. If the transparency is less than 20 cm plankton

have been developing at too fast a rate (see appendix 4). This could lead

to depletion of oxygen in the pond water, a phenomenon that occurs mainly

at dawn. A low oxygen level is often indicated by the fry staying in the

vertical position at the water surface (Fig. 49). In that case the water

flow rate must be increased and fertilization temporarily halted until the

fry swim normally again. It might be necessary to drain the pond down

to 1/3 and refill it again with fresh water.

Some of the fertile water and natural food will then have been flushed

out. Fertilize the pond again but add less than before to avoid recurrence

of oxygen depletion.

- Measure the temperature, oxygen level and pH of the water.

- Clean the screens of the pond and the sleeve of the inlet. If damaged,



they should be repaired.

- Check the condition of the pond walls. Weak points and leaks should be


- Walk around the pond and check the fence for holes. Do repairs immediately.

Frogs, toads and tadpoles and their eggs should be removed.

- Remove submerged water weeds. The plants reduce light penetration in

the water, they compete with plankton for the nutrients and may cause

difficulties in collecting the fingerlings during harvesting.

5.5 Harvesting of fingerlings

In order to harvest the fingerlings the following instructions are of value:

- Start emptying the pond a few hours before dawn while it is still cool.

The water level should fall slowly and a small-mesh screen should be put

in front of the outlet pipe to prevent fingerlings from escaping.

- A box with screened walls should be connected to the outlet in the discharge

channel when the water level has almost reached pond bottom (Fig. 50a).

- The fingerlings should accumulate in the harvest box when the lowest shelf

in the monk and the small-meshed screen are taken away (Fig. 50b).

The mean size and weight of the harvested fingerlings will vary between

3-6 cm and 1-3 g respectively. The survival rate will vary between 0 and

30%. This means that a harvest of about 20,000 fingerlings can be obtained.

During the nursing period some of the fry will develop faster than the others,

which may result in cannibalism by the larger specimens.

At the time of harvesting the size of the biggest fingerlings may be 2-k or

even more times those of the smallest specimens.

From a group of fingerlings with such variation, the largest should be removed

from the others before they are stocked in the fattening ponds. Otherwise

severe losses due to cannibalism could occur during the fattening period.

The simplest and best way to separate the different sizes is:

- Put the fish on a smooth table with frames along the sides and holes in

the corners. For each size-class one hole is used. Containers with water

are placed under the holes of the table (Fig. 51).

- Separate 2 or 3 different size classes with wet hands.

- Do not put more than 500 fingerlings of 2 g per 3 1 water. The fingerlings



should have enough space to be able to breathe air at the water surface

(Fig. 52).

- Do not expose the f ish to direct sunlight.

- The fattening ponds should be stocked immediately afterwards wi th f inger-

lings of roughly the same size.

5.6 After-care of nursery ponds

Before the nursery pond can be used for a fol lowing cycle, it should be pre­

pared again.

- During production a si lt layer may accumulate over the pond bot tom. The

accumulation rate depends mainly on the amount of suspended clay brought

in by the inlet water. A few centimetres of this fe r t i le layer wi l l improve

natural food production but excessive accumulation wi l l cause the opposite

due to anaerobic ac t iv i ty .

- Remove excess silt f rom the pond bottom and use it to improve land.

- Disinfect the damp pond bot tom w i th quickl ime (10-15 kg/are).

- Le t the pond dry out for several days t i l l the clay cracks and start the

preparations, as described in this chapter, again.








6.1 Introduction

In this chapter the management of semi-intensive polyculture (the African

catfish together with the Nile tilapia) and intensive monoculture (the African

catfish) will be discussed. The results of both cultures must only be taken

as a guideline.

The fish farmer should learn the capacity of his pond by trial and error and

with the experience obtained he might be able to improve total yield.

6.2 Fattening ponds

Number and preparation of ponds

The number of ponds to be stocked with catfish fingerlings will depend on

the harvest of fingerlings from the nursery ponds and the stocking rate of

the fattening ponds.

For polyculture the stocking rate is 3 catfish fingerlings per m2. With a harvest

of about 20,000 fingerlings (see chapter 5) approx. 35 ponds of 200 m2 can

be stocked. With monoculture the stocking rate is 10 catfish fingerlings per

m2. Thus to stock 20,000 fingerlings about 10 ponds of 200 m2 are needed.

For fattening ponds the depth should be 80-100 cm.

Semi-intensive polyculture and intensive monoculture are carried out in stag­

nant ponds. To fill a fattening pond of 200 m2 within 2 days about 70 1/min

will be needed. Besides the required waterflow of 1.5-3 1/min for a 200 m2

pond to compensate for seepage and evaporation losses it is best to have

a minimum surplus of water in the supply channel of 50 1/min (Fig. 53). With

this flow rate a turnover time of about 3 days per pond can be reached.

This relatively short turnover time is needed in the event of acute oxygen

depletion of the water or therapeutical t reatment of fish diseases.

The elimination of pests and predators and the liming and fertilization of

the pond bottom prior to filling the pond are described in chapter 5. It is

advisable to surround the fattening ponds with a fence of wire netting or

bamboo to prevent fish escaping from the pond if the walls of the pond are

lower than 50 cm (measured vertically from water level to crest of wall).

To prevent fish-theft, bamboo or branches might be put in the pond, which



Óarothercdon/nilcUcuöY =OreochtvmiónUdlcaó Orecchromió /niloUcaö )


makes netting and rod-and-line fishing impossible.

6.2.1 Semi-intensive polyculture of catfish and tilapia


The mouth breeding Nile tilapia, which is indigenous to Africa, belongs to

the family of the Cichlidae (Fig. 5^). It is suitable for fish farming because

of its high yield potential, resistance to crowding and diseases and ability

to survive low oxygen levels of the water. In spite of the above mentioned

advantages, tilapia makes a relatively small contribution to fish culture in

most African countries because of its abundant production of offspring in

fattening ponds. Specimens k months old weighing about W g are already

able to reproduce. Spawning is difficult to prevent and often results in severe

overcrowding of the pond and thereby in the stunting of fish growth. Raising

of catfish with tilapia will result in the prédation of the offspring. The fry

is an ideal food for catfish. Tilapia fingerlings should, however, be stocked

when they have grown too big for prédation by catfish. The Nile tilapia is

omnivorous and will particularly consume the phytoplankton, a pond food

source, that will be less exploited by catfish (Fig. 55). In most African coun­

tries tilapia fingerlings are available at reasonable prices.

Stocking of fingerlings

Catfish of 1-3 g and tilapia of 5-15 g should be stocked in densities of 3

and 2 specimens per m2 respectively. The initial difference in weight between

the two species is needed to eliminate prédation of stocked t i lapia by catfish.

Temperature shocks during transport of the catfish fingerlings from the nursery

ponds to the fattening ponds should be avoided. Release the young fish into

the pond by gently tipping the container into the water.

Fertilization of water

After stocking, the pond's natural food production should be maintained by

adding organic or inorganic fertilizers. This might be done by constructing

a compost crib and/or by adding manure to the water (see appendix 3).


V N 1 / '

?0::: - /

tutirtullcdion-' / I

' ' i

• ' / '

/ / /

i i



^lonkten = phyto Di




The compost crib. The construction of a compost crib is briefly described


- Build a bamboo compost crib with a radius of 1 . 5 - 2 metres in a corner

near the inlet of the pond (Fig. 53).

- Fill it up with layers of grass alternating with fresh wastes such as kitchen

offall (Fig. 56a).

- Put heavy stones on the crib to stop the compost floating away (Fig. 56b).

Plankton development will start within a few days, depending on the degree

of decay of the compost.

Manure. The manure should be mixed with water and equally distributed over

the water surface. The addition of large quantities of manure should be avoided

because this can cause oxygen depletion in the pond. Some of the manure

will be directly consumed by the fish. Add 3 kg poultry, 3 kg pig or 5 kg

catt le manure/are per week (see appendix 3).

Livestock husbandry can also be integrated with fish farming (Fig. 57). In

that case 15-30 chickens or 10-15 ducks or 0.5-1 pig are needed per are (see

appendix 3). The optimum number of animals differs from pond to pond.

Natural food production might be increased by application of inorganic phos­

phate fertilizers (see appendix 3).


Even if the pond's natural food production has been increased by fertilization,

the pond will be unable to meet the demand for food of the stocked fish.

Natural foods like benthos and zooplankton are generally rich in proteins.

With not so high fish densities additional foods which are only rich in carbo­

hydrates and fats, like brewery waste, corn or rice bran, will suffice.

But for the fish densities mentioned in this chapter fairly complete foodstuffs

such as cottoncakes have to be used in addition. Cottoncakes are not only

rich in carbohydrates and fats but also in proteins. Add the supplementary

food at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the same place in the pond. The fish will learn

to feed at that spot.

To stop the food floating away, a feeding frame should be used (Fig. 58).

Some of the food will not be eaten and serves to fertilize the pond water.

The daily amount distributed to the pond should be 200 g, 300 g, ^00 g, 500 g,

600 g, 700 g in the consecutive six months (Fig. 59).






S&tni Uiicnóiwepolyculture. C, qariepUwJ+O, rUtoUcuj Suuitumt pondó

ÓtockUu) denóUy Caifiok (i-3<))-3oo/are TiUpias {S-i5g)-loo/are

Compçitcriiiéi,S-Zfn hJMfoonoLÇpéMna;'Cotton- cake

d W -number



9 13

'7 H



Mean, body





6t lot S SI





$5 80

7° 6s 6s 6s


(kg /arc)

0,3 1,6 6,8



m 36,0



M eon, body



it 16 Vt 60 61





9 13

'7 ii 15

FeedmaUveù (°/0éiomaói-ùUfùfu+IÏÏaeM


S,S 3,S

1,5 Z,0

1,5 --

Cotton-cake (j/day/arc)


300 too Soo 6 00





1,5 5,3

11,5 10,3


tz,y 51,5




f oo

77 79

tos 103





V 6,8 o,S




- ^ ZOO & "0 %>,6o | 140.

^ao. -Z 100.

% 80

^ óo. f 40.





«-rr-rr-cK '


^ • r , - Q -

_ - D - ~ '

/J / /


2/ 25

— TCmt(weekó\

s *o.

«2 JO. 0Q

t 20.


/ 5 7

. - - - • o - - "


— - ~ - a

_ - - - 0 " - ~ '

/^ 2/ Z5

-~ Timc(weeh)

• Catfoik


During the production cycle, fish growth might be monitored by stock assess­


This should be done as follows:

- Add some food in the water near the feeding place to lure the fish (Fig. 60a).

- Collect some catfish by means of a castnet (Fig. 60b) or a seine.

- Compare the mean weight of the caught fish with the numbers given in

Fig. 59.

It might be necessary to adjust the food supply.

The amount of food which has to be given can be calculated in the following


- Estimate total fish weight in the pond (biomass) by multiplying: number

stocked fish x survival rate (Fig. 59) x measured mean weight.

- The amount of food to be given is: biomass x feeding level. The feeding

level is given in Fig. 59 as a percentage of the biomass in relation to the

mean body weight.

It might happen that a sudden abnormal increase of the growth rate may

occur. This may indicate a serious drop of your fish density (mortality). In

that case it is worthwhile to empty the pond in order to weigh total biomass

(total fish weight). Having obtained this information the exact amount of

cottoncake to be given can be calculated.

Daily monitoring of the fattening ponds

Every day, at least once, the fattening ponds should be checked (see the

guidelines given for nursing ponds in 5.4, page 55). Oxygen depletion of pond-

water in semi-intensive polyculture is often indicated by the behaviour of

tilapia. They will come up at the water surface to gulp air (Fig. 61). For

further instructions see 5.4.


At the end of the production cycle the catfish should be harvested. Stop

feeding 2 days prior to harvesting (remove the bamboo or branches from your

pond). Empty the pond slowly a few hours before dawn in order to collect

the fish while it is still cool. If it is not possible to drain the pond completely





a pump or a seine will be needed.

If harvesting is carried out 25 weeks after stocking the following typical

results can be expected:

. Catfish - mean weight 185 g, - survival rate 65%, - production 36 kg/


. Tilapia - mean weight 80 g, survival rate 103% (which means that the

catfish was unable to completely control the tilapia offspring by prédation)

and production 16.5 kg/are (Fig. 59).

The effect of feeding on fish production should be quantified to enable the

results of various ponds or production cycles to be compared with one another.

This can be done with the relative food conversion (RFC).

R F C = food (kg)

harvest(kg)-stocked fish(kg)

With the data from Fig. 59 the RFC can be calculated:

76 kg cotton cake

52.5 kg(catfish + tilapia) - 2.3 kg(catfish + tilapia)

= 1.5

The RFC often gives over-optimistic (that is low) values because the yield

due to natural food production of the pond is credited in this formula to

the added food.

Each pond will show different results, but a generally low final catfish weight

(e.g. 120 g) or too high tilapia survival (for instance 200%) is indicative of

something wrong in pond management. Daily monitoring notes should first

be reconsulted. Possibly, the catfish were unable to prey sufficiently on tilapia

offspring because the offspring could find perfect hiding places in water

plants that had not been cleared. By investigating the causes of such problems,

the best way of raising fish to marketable size will ultimately be found.

After harvesting, the tilapia should be stocked in clean water with sufficient

aeration until the fish are sold or processed. The fish should not be exposed

to direct sunlight (Fig. 62).



6.2.2 Intensive monoculture of catfish


The number and preparation of fattening ponds for intensive monoculture

of catfish are described in paragraph 6.2, page 63.

The stocked density of catfish is so high that natural food production in the

pond does not play an important role in relation to the total demand for

food. The stocked Clarias depend totally on the supply of food from outside

the pond and this type of culture is only possible where suitable complete

feeds are available.

It would not be profitable to fertilize the pond during the production cycle.

Stocking of fingerlings

Catfish of 1-3 g should be stocked in a density of 10 specimens per m2 (see

also 6.2.1, page 65).


The composition of feed for the catfish fingerlings is based on vegetable

and animal products supplemented with vitamins and minerals. To obtain

a good growth rate, the pellets should contain 30% - 40% digestible protein

and 3000-4000 kcal digestible energy/kg food (see appendix 6). Add the pellets

at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. from one fixed place (eg. platform) (Fig. 63) to the

pond according to the weekly quantities given in Fig. 64.

The pellets should be distributed with one cast over a surface of about 2

m2 so that competition amongst catfish will be reduced to a minimum.

It will be difficult to observe the feeding behaviour of the fingerlings. Most

of the crumbs/pellets will sink to the bottom and only tiny airbubbles will

indicate that the fish are eating the food. From time to time during a feeding

they will come up at the water surface to take air. It will be difficult to

estimate if all food has been consumed. Once a while the pond bottom should

be checked at the feeding place for food remnants half an hour after feeding.

If food remnants have accumulated, the quantity of pellets distributed should

be reduced. Pollution of the pond water due to over-intensive feeding should

be prevented.

For monitoring fish growth and feeding levels, see 6.2.1, page 74.


JnU4u.we monocuÜure

C. aa-rleplnut ÓUujtuirU- pondó

ÓUckUxa cUnt'ity

OUHóh(i -3 a) : iooo/ar



30% diaeéUMc protein> ^J j t,, . . 3000 KCal diqetttUe efteray/kafoocC

Week/ 'ftumb&r



3 4-5

6 1 8

9 10




f& 15 ió

'7 iS

'9 10 ii

n 13


Mettovpody wdaht(g)

i 3

6 10 IS

'9 M 30

37 43

48 55


7° Ie

88 100

115 115








7° 1





ioo |

Bicm&AJ (/tg/are)








FetdUiqlevei ze/ / * *J

I/o occywuió-ûtifak)

IS 10

7 *,s 4

3,5 3 3







PeiUt> fa 1 day/ar e.)

150 150



400 <t50

500 600







1050 1050 1150

1X50 1300


1600 lêoo

1100 harveât


^ too. ^ ISO,

1h '^°\ "V 1+0.

Jx 'i0-§* too. ~~& è 80-i 60.

^ ÏO. T zo.

S CJ / j IJ Zl 24

—- 7lmt(weeh)

- v 100 .

t 40.


1 5 9 ld '7 Zl 2*

— 7<W (weekt)


Daily monitoring

The pond should be visited at least once a day in the early morning. For

the daily monitoring a checklist is given in 5.4, page 55.

One way of observing some of the catfish is to supply the pellets a few at

a time at a particular spot during feeding time. The strongest catfish will

compete at the surface for the feed.

Do not make a custom of this way of feeding.


The preparations prior to harvesting are described in 6.2.1, page 74.

If harvesting is carried out 24 weeks after stocking the following results

can be expected:

. Catfish - mean weight 200 g, survival rate 50% and a production of 100

kg/are (Fig. 64). The relative food conversion is about 1.4.

6.3 Broodfish pond

The characteristics of fattening ponds also apply for broodfish ponds. One

broodfish pond of 100 m2 will be needed for the maintenance of about 100

broodfish (50 adult males and 50 females of about 500 g). For the management

of this pond see paragraph 6.2.2. The quantity of pellets needed will be about

1% of the total biomass, which corresponds to 500 g/are/day.








6Sc \ ii' • ij1





7.1 Introduction

In water pathogens are easily transmitted from fish to fish via gills and skin.

The African catfish raised under optimum conditions can, in general, resist

the pressure of infectious agents in the water such as viruses, bacteria and

parasites. Poor water quality, bad feeding regime, rough manipulation of

fish and an unquiet environment can disturb this stress-sensitive fish species.

This can result in decreased activity of the immune system, and a sudden

outbreak of a disease can occur. Fry and fingerlings are most vulnerable

as they have still to build up immunity.

Stressed or diseased fish can often be recognized by abnormal behaviour,

such as decreased appetite, nervous or "waddling" swimming, staying in vertical

position at the surface or by clinical symptoms such as mutilated barbels

or fins, white or red-brown spots on the skin, pop-eyes etc. However, one

must keep in mind that these symptoms are not specific, so the laboratory

techniques, described below, are necessary to diagnose the disease. The ponds

should be monitored daily for diseases, especially during feeding time when

catfish usually frequent the surface of the water. In case of doubt fish should

be collected alive for examination. In order to diagnose bacterial, fungal

and parasitical diseases, squash preparations of the skin, the gill filaments,

intestines etc. have to be made and examined (Fig. 65a, 65b, 65c, 65d). A

microscope with magnification from X 40 to X 1000 is needed for the identifi­

cation of a disease. After the diagnosis of a disease, specific therapy can

often be immediately started.

7.2 Bacterial diseases

Symptoms: Fish remain in vertical position at the water surface or exhibit

a "waddling" swimming behaviour. White spots on the skin,

particularly around the mouth and on the fins, are present.

Take a smear of gills and skin and examine it under the micro­

scope. Elongated motile rods are present.

Diagnosis: Myxobacteria (Fig. 66).



and therapy: Antibiotics, such as Chloramphenicol, Terramycin or Oxytetra­

cycline are applied as additives into the feeds. Dosage in feeds

ranges from 5 to 7.5 g/100 kg fish per day, for 5-15 days.

Furaltadone, a chemi therapeutic, is water soluble and is well

absorbed through the skin and gills by larvae. Furaltadone

at a dose of 50 ppm/hour might be given as prophylactic or

therapeutic treatment in the water of the incubation gutter.

7.3 Fungal diseases

Symptoms: Infected catfish have cotton-like growths on the skin, mouth

and barbels. The fungus especially occurs on skin injuries caused

by handling, netting or ectoparasites. Heavy infections result

in "waddling" swimming behaviour and can finally cause mortal­

ity. Cotton-like growths can also occur on the eggs. During

the incubation period fungal infections may cause high losses

amongst eggs and larvae.

Diagnosis: Saprolegnia (Fig. 67a + 67b)


and therapy: Fry, fingerlings and adult fish can be treated with malachite

green oxalate. This is added to the pond water till a final

concentration of 0.05-0.1 p.p.m. is reached. In a stagnant

pond, the malachite green added will be broken down within

a few days.

As a prophylactic treatment eggs should be disinfected with

Wescodyne at a dose of 25 p.p.m. for 5-10 minutes, within

one hour after stripping. This could be also done with malachite

green oxalate (zinc free) at a dose of 0.10-0.20 p.p.m. for

one hour or at a dose of 5-10 p.p.m. during 15 minutes.

7.4 Parasitical diseases

Symptoms: Hyperinfected catfish often stay in vertical position at the

water surface or nervously rub their heads or flanks over the

pond bottom. Sometimes the skin is covered by a greyish white

mucoid film. Mass mortality can occur. Parasite identification

ay* o&croUanûv â/J,

'x„_lf'' 6s Coàtûv . •» >


' v . . - ' ' 6$ ChUcdon>dCa>

mm i

V S ' ' yo TrUhodln»

••*?--''' / ' DûU^yCoayruo

> \ . i

. -™' ;* fyroefactyUô





7S wormó



must be done microscopically with freshly prepared tissues.

Take pieces of gills and infected skin by scraping the fish

with a slide. After adding a drop of (boiled) water on the tissue

smear the preparation should be enclosed with a coverslip.

Diagnosis: The following parasites might be found:

Protozoa: Costia (Fig. 68), Chilodonella (Fig. 69) and Trichodina

(Fig. 70).

Trematoda: Dactylogyrus (Fig. 71) (only on gills), Gyrodactylus

(Fig. 72).


and therapy: Fry, fingerlings and adult fish can be treated with formalin

at a dose of 25-50 p.p.m. applied to ponds. For pond treatment R R R

also 0.12 p.p.m. Bromex , or 0.25 p.p.m. Dipterex (Dylox , n

Masoten ) are suitable.

Remark: The catfish is also an intermediate host for Trematodian metacer-

cariae. They are particularly present in high numbers in the connec­

tive tissue around the brain as well as in the muscular tissues (Fig.

73a + 7 3b). The fish apparently do not suffer from this parasite.

Long term effects and control of the infection have not yet been


Symptoms: Red-brown worms are present on skin and barbels. Heavy infec­

tions can cause anaemia and stunted growth.

Diagnosis: Hirudinea: Leeches (Fig. 7h)


and therapy: Leeches may be eradicated from ponds by application of 0.5 R R

p.p.m. Dipterex or by Masoten at doses ranging from 0.25 up to 0.8 p.p.m. (AI).

Symptoms: Encapsulated larvae are present in tissues and non-encapsulated

worms are found in the abdominal and pericardial cavity.

Diagnosis: Nematode worms (Fig. 75)

Remark: The fish apparently do not suffer from this parasite. Long term

effects and control of nematode infection have not yet been studied.


Broken head disease


Oûm> beÜydtóetóe 92

7.5 Diseases without known causes

Symptoms: Pop-eyes, soft skull and sometimes deformed caudal fins are

present. In a later stage of the disease a gradual destruction

of the arborescent organs occurs. This can cause an exudative

inflammation of the skull with gas production. The skull will

finally break laterally, parallel to the joins of the skull plates.

The disease is particularly prevalent in catfish larger than

10 cm. The recovered fish often have thickened and curved


Diagnosis: Broken head disease (Fig. 76a and 76b)


and therapy: Adverse raising conditions such as polluted water and bad

food quality should be avoided. The pond water should be ex­

changed and the flow rate of the water should be increased

when the first symptoms of the disease appear. The supply

of food should be stopped for a few days and preferably re­

placed by fresh food rich in minerals and vitamins that is

distributed in smaller quantities until the fish are recovered

again (normally after 3-6 weeks).

Symptoms: Fry or fingerlings stay in vertical position at the surface of

the water or are swimming actively with swollen bellies. The

intestines become necrotic. Bacteria originating from the in­

testines invade the abdominal cavity and cause lysis of the

abdominal wall with gas and fluid production. The belly will

expand and finally break open. The disease occurs especially

when fry or fingerlings are raised in high densities with an

intensive feeding regime on artificial feeds containing k0%

digestible proteins. Within one or two days high mortality

can occur.

Diagnosis: Open belly disease (Fig. 77)

Therapy: Decrease the feeding regime and eliminate all the fish bearing

the first symptoms of the disease.




Appendix 1

Water quality requirements of catfish maintained in hatcheries and ponds

*) Water analysis can be carried out by means of standard kits . Only a l i t tle

knowledge of chemistry is required to obtain reliable data.

The water quality requirements of the African catfish for optimal production

are not fully known. The requirements given in Table 1 are either based on

practical experience in hatcheries or derived from the requirements of a sensi­

tive fish species the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri).

Table 1.

African catfish water quality requirements

Eggs Larvae-fry Fingerlings Adults

Oy close to >3 p.p.m. >3 p.p.m.


t °C 20-30°C,opt. 27°C 20-30, opt.27°C 20-30, opt.25°C

pH 6.5-8

N- < 102 % saturation***

C 0 2 < 15 p.p.m.

NH3 < 0.05 p.p.m.

NH* < 8.80 p.p.m. (pH 7)

NO" < 0.25 p.p.m.

NO" < 250 p.p.m.

Cu < 0.03 p.p.m.

Zn < 0.1 p.p.m.

Cd < 0.0006 p.p.m.

Salinity < [5000 p.p.m.

** see table 3

*** see table 4

*)water analysis kits: - Hach Chemical Company, Loveland, Colorado U.S.A.

- Merck, P.O.B. 4119, 6100 Darmstadt, Germany.


It is noteworthy, however, that catfish can tolerate high concentrations of

C 0 2 : 40-45 p.p.m.

NH- : 0.1 p.p.m.

N 0 2 : 10-15 p.p.m.

NO" : 300 p.p.m.

and with a full grown arborescent organ it can survive low concentrations

of 0 ? : 0-3 p.p.m.

If the catfish are raised in stagnant ponds, where they depend on natural food

production, water quality must also suit the demands of organisms such as

phyto and zooplankton. In flow-through systems the water quality only needs

to meet the requirements of catfish.

The following physical and chemical characteristics of the water could serve

as a general guideline (see table 2).

Table 2.

Stagnant pond Flow-through pond

°2 pH



5 p.p.m.*

6.5 - 8

50 p.p.m.

no clay turbidity

5 p.p.m.*(preferably sat.)

6.5 - 7

30 p.p.m.

clear water

* see table 3

Table 3. The solubility (100% saturation) of oxygen (O-) in p.p.m. in relation

to the water temperature (°C) at an atmospheric pressure of 1 Atm.

°C p.p.m. O- p.p.m. 0 ?
























Table 4. The solubil ity (100% saturation) of ni trogen (N?) in p.p.m. in relat ion

to the water temperature (°C) at an atmospheric pressure of 1 A tm .

°C p.p.m. N 2 °C p.p.m. N ,
























Appendix 2

Standard procedure for administration of carp Pituitary Suspension (cPS)

for induced breeding of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

Table 5. Latency time (time interval between injection and stripping of the

female broodfish) and incubation time (time interval between fertiliza­

tion and hatching of eggs) in relation to temperature.

Incubation time














1) cPS dosage is 4 rng/kg body weight.

2) cPS dosage can be replaced by catfish pituitaries see chapter 4.

3) cPS dosage can be replaced by human Chorionic Gonadotropin

(hCG, Chorulon*). In that case a dosage of 4000 IU/kg body weight with

a latency time of 16h at 25°C is recommended. Incubation time 27 h.

* Chorulon (Intervet International, P.O.B. 31, 5830 AA Boxmeer,

The Netherlands).

Water temperature













Latency time














Appendix 3

Liming and fertilization of ponds


In stagnant ponds where fish production depends on natural food, fish yields

can be increased by adding lime and fertilizers.

The effects of lime and fertilizers depend greatly on the nature of soils and

water quality.

Until now liming and fertilizing rates have been determined empirically.

In this appendix some general information is given about this complex matter.


- Aim of liming

The aim of liming is to increase:

. the pH of the water and the pond bottom to more desirable levels (6.5-8)

(Fig. 78).

. alkalinity (improvement of Acid Binding Capacity, ABC).

. availability of minerals in the pond bottom.

The use of quicklime as disinfectant has been treated in 5.2, page 52.

fj)v qnwtk S^s

death, ßrovth qood arotsrth qrohftk death


1 7 8 9 10 n


- Characteristics of liming materials

The principal liming materials to be used are agricultural lime, slaked lime

and quicklime.

Agricultural lime is often applied by fish cultunsts because it is safe and

very effective and often less expensive.

The neutralizing capacities of the various sorts of lime compared with 1 kg

agricultural lime (CaCO,) are listed below:

0.7 kg Slaked lime (hydrated lime)(Ca(OH)2)

0.55 kg Quicklime (unslaked lime)(CaO)

2.25 kg Basic slag (CaCC>3 + P j O j

For example: 550 kg pure CaO will neutralize as much as 1000 kg pure CaCO-.

The efficiency of liming will decrease with increasing particle size of the

liming material. If necessary, crush the product before application.

Best results with liming are obtained when it is equally distributed on a dry

pond bottom (quicklime, as disinfectant, however, requires moisture).

- Application of liming materials

Ponds with acidic soils or acidic water and/or ponds with soft water of low

alkalinity require an application of lime.

The following data should serve as a guideline for estimating the required

amount of lime, expressed as kg/ha of pure agricultural lime (CaCO,) (table


Table 6.


pond bottom

5.1 - 5.5

5.6 - 6.0

6.1 - 6.5

Heavy loams

or clays













If the selected rate is adequate, pH and total alkalinity will be above 6.5

and 20 mg/1 respectively after 2 to k weeks.



- Aim of fertilization

By means of photosynthèses, inorganic nutrients are converted into organic

matter by phytoplankton. Most important inorganic nutrients are phosphorus

(P) and nitrogen (N).

The aim of fertilization is to increase the availability of inorganic nutrients.

This will stimulate phytoplankton production and thereby result in greater

abundance of fishfood organisms and greater yields of fish.

In pond water natural concentrations of phosphorus are usually limited and

consequently phosphate fertilizers are nearly always worthwile.

Nitrogen fertilizers are often applied as well. However, fish culturists disagree

about the need for them because of possible nitrogen fixation by blue green

algae and/or bacteria in the water.

- Characteristics of inorganic fertilizers (chemical fertilizers)

Inorganic fertilizers are easy to store and to apply and have high concentrations

of the necessary nutrients.

The nutrient content of fertilizers is expressed as percentage (on weight basis)

of equivalent N, P^O^ and/or K^O.

The most common employed fertilizers are

P-fertilizers: superphosphate, triple superphosphate;

N-fertilizers: urea, sodium nitrate, ammonium sulphate.

The grade of these commercial fertilizers is approximately:


triple superphosphate


sodium nitrate

ammonium sulphate

Some commercial fertilizers contain more than one nutrient (mixed fertilizers).

Their grade is expressed as the percentage of N, P 2 0^ and K ? 0 .

For example: 10 : 10 : 5 fertilizer contains 10% N, 10% P 2 0 5 and 5% K-O.

P 2 ° 5 16-22 %

42-48 %



15-16 %

20-22 %


- Application of inorganic fertilizers

a. Phosphate fertilizers (PoOJ

Phosphorus is easily absorbed by the pond bottom. Therefore it is of utmost

importance to avoid any contact between phosphate fertilizers and pond

bottom. It is advisable to pay attention to the following aspects.

The solubility of the phosphate fertilizer in the water depends on its chemi­

cal composition and on its particle size. The better the solubility, the more

P-nutrients will become available to phytoplankton.

In many cases the fertilizer can be effectively applied by means of a plat­

form installed 30-40 cm above the pond bottom or the fertilizer can be

dissolved with water before distribution over the pond area. Distribute the

fertilizer frequently and in small amounts. Never apply P ? O s fertilizers

simultaneously with or within a week of liming. The required doses must

be empirically determined. In general a dose of approximately 100 kg/ha/year

will suffice. 100 kg P-,0,- corresponds to about 550 kg superphosphate 18%.

This total dose should be spread over several applications at 2- or 3-week


b. Nitrogen fertilizers (N)

Nitrogen fertilizers dissolve readily. The required nitrogen fertilizer doses

must be empirically determined.

In Israel doses of 8-12 kg of N-fertilizer/ha in the form of ammonium sul­

phate are supplied at 2 week intervals (8-12 kg N corresponds to 40-60

kg ammonium sulphate).

- Characteristics of organic fertilizers (manure)

Organic manure such as pig manure, industrial wastes from distilleries and

agricultural wastes are often cheap and easy to obtain.

Organic manure may serve as a direct food for invertebrate organisms and

fish or they may decompose, inorganic nutrients being released.

Decay consumes oxygen and only limited amounts of organic manure should

be applied at a time to avoid oxygen depletion of the water.


- Application of organic fertilizers

The required amount of organic manure must be empirically determined.

Distribute organic manure frequently (daily or at least weekly) and equally

in small quantities over the water surface.

Based on dry matter (dm) of the manure (see table 7) about 50-100 kg dm/ha

might be applied each day or, as fish culturists do in Israel, distribute at a

rate equivalent to 3-5% of the fish biomass in kg dm/day. It is of utmost

importance to check oxygen content of the water at dawn. In the event of

oxygen deficit stop fertilization.

Organic manure can also be applied in compost cribs. Especially household

wastes, agricultural wastes and animal wastes can be used to fill the crib.

Experience will teach whether one compost crib will be sufficient to fertilize

the pond.

Table 7. Manure production by various livestock

cat t le










fresh manure production as % body weight per day






kg fresh manure per year per head






kg dry matter per year per head




6 - 1 1

2k - 32




Appendix 4

Water transparency as fertilization indicator

The transparency (opposite: turbidity) of pond water varies from almost zero

to very clear, and is dependent on the amount of suspended particles (phyto-

plankton, zooplankton, humic matter or clay particles).

Generally plankton blooms change the colour of the water into green.

Measuring the transparency of a green coloured pond will give an idea of

the density of phytoplankton blooms, or of the fertility of the pond.

Transparency can be measured by immersing the arm or with a Secchi disk

(Fig. 79); using a Secchi disk is the more reliable method.

The disk is in fact an indispensable tool for a fish culturist.

A Secchi disk is a white or a white-and-black disk of 25-30 cm in diameter

(Fig. 79) and can easily be made by hand.

The disk is fixed to' a cord that is marked every 10 cm along its end.

To measure the transparency the disk is lowered into the water until it just

disappears from sight.

The depth which can be read of the cord is the measurement.

Different actions in relation to the measured water transparencies are given



Water transparency Action

1 - 1 5 cm Too much phytoplankton present.

Risk of oxygen depletion especially at dawn. Stop

f e r t i l i za t ion . Observe regularly fish behaviour.

Water exchange might be needed.

1 5 - 2 5 cm Abundant phytoplankton present.

Stop fertilization. Observe regularly fish behaviour.

25 - 50 cm Optimum abundance of phytoplankton for fish produc­


Continue with (routine) fertilization.

> 50 cm Low density of phytoplankton.

Stimulate phytoplankton blooms by adding more



Appendix 5

Rearing of fry in hatchery


The yolk-sac larvae (see 4.9, page 46) can be raised to 1 gram fingerlings

in nursery ponds (see chapter 5, page 51) or in a hatchery. Some advantages

and disadvantages of the methods are listed below:

Nursery pond

Low survival of fry due

to presence of predators

Diseases less frequent, but

are difficult to control

No need to purchase

expensive feeds

No need for special

equipment and electricity


High survival of fry

Diseases can suddenly arise

due to intensive raising condi­

tions. They can be easily con­


Need to purchase expensive


Need for special equipment

and electricity

The information given in this appendix is based on practical experience. The

guidelines given for water quantity and quality, density, feeding regime and

health control of fry are interrelated. They should be followed during the

five week nursing period to obtain successful results.

Nursery gutters

In the first and second week of nursing, the raising conditions described for

the incubation gutter (see 4.9, page 46) can be maintained. After the second

week the total biomass of the fry will be so high that it should be distributed

over four nursery gutters to provide enough water volume for growth and

to maintain a good water quality that might be jeopardized by more intensive

feeding. The incubation gutters should each be provided with a 60W lamp,

installed above the outlet and an automatic feeder placed on the cover above


the inlet (Fig. 80a + 80b). In this way a transition between light and dark

is made between the outlet and inlet that stimulates the Photophobie fry

to aggregate in the darkest place near the inlet, where the water is oxygen

rich and where the feed enters the gutter. The mesh size of the screen, lo­

cated in front of the outlet, should correspond to the size of the fry and

has to be adapted during the nursing period (1-5 mm).


The water quantity in the gutter should be 150 1 during the first week and

200 1 during the subsequent four weeks. The temperature of the water should

be 30°C and the water flow rate 2-5 1/min during the first and second week

and 4-8 1/min during the three subsequent weeks. The oxygen content of


the water, measured in front of the outlet, should be at least 3 p.p.m. Three

week old fry will have developed arborescent organs and will regularly rise

to the surface to breathe air. From that moment they will be less dependent

on the dissolved oxygen in the water. With the guidelines given below, no

water quality problems are to be expected.

The fry

Within 3 days of hatching the yolk-sac will be absorbed (see 4.9, page 46).

During that time the mean weight of the larvae will have increased to about

3.0 mg due to water absorption.

The number of fry will decrease from 65,000 to 60,000 in the first and second

week and from 60,000 to 48,000, in the third, fourth and fifth week, due

to mortality. The increase in mean weight of the fry during the total rearing

period is schematized in Fig. 81.

The expected fry biomass will be:

195 g/150 1

3200 g/200 1

800 g/200 1

12000 g/200 1

on the first day (one incubation gutter)

at the end of the second week (one incubation gutter)

at the end of the second week

(after distribution over 4 nursery gutters)

at the end of the fifth week

(one incubation gutter)

"55 l0O0\

'•§ Soo Y J00

4 Soo | *00

J 200 | 400 i 100

5 I * 6 8 10 It It 'ib la io a l¥ ZÓ IS 30 31

tCufuk Si



During the first two weeks fry will be fed 4 times per day with live zoo-

plankton or with Artemia nauplia till satiation is reached.

- Zooplankton feeding

Fresh zooplankton (rotifers, cladocerans, copepods) has to be collected every

day from natural sources or from ponds that have been fertilized to stimulate

plankton development (see 5.2, page 52). It should be borne in mind that,

with the pond water, fish diseases may be easily introduced into the nursery

gutter. For further guidelines see Artemia feeding.

- Artemia feeding

Canned cysts of Artemia can be purchased nowadays in many tropical coun­

tries. The cysts are incubated in aerated water, temperature 28-30°C, that

contains 35 g sea salt/1 (common table salt might be used as well). The oxygen

content should not drop below 3 p.p.m. Within 24-36 hours the cysts will

hatch and the Artemia nauplia should be separated from the floating cyst

shells. The nauplia can be administered alive or in frozen condition to the

fry. Stop the water flow in the gutter for 10-15 minutes during feeding.

- Satiation

Satiation is reached when the digestive tract of the fry is filled with zoo-

plankton or Artemia. It can be observed by eye due to the transparency of

the fry. Satiated fry will cluster in the dark bottom areas of the gutter.

No list of feeding levels is given but the following information may be useful.

About 4 kg dry cysts are needed to raise 65,000 fry, mean weight 3.0 mg,

to 60,000 fry, mean weight 55 mg, during the two week nursing period.

- Transitional period to trout starter feeding

About 3 days before the end of zooplankton or Artemia feeding, fry should

be introduced to fine powdered trout starter (see appendix 6). Small quantities

of powder should be administered for 10 minutes before the regular Artemia

feeding. In this way the hungry fry will gradually be taught to accept the

less preferred powdered feed.


- Trout starter

After the distribution of the fry over the four nursery gutters, when they

have reached a mean weight of 55 mg, they are only fed with trout starter.

Trout starter can be administered manually (10-12 times per day) or auto­

matically (during 12 hours) with feeders (Fig. 80b). Feeding has to be continued

till satiation is reached and the following information might therefore be

useful (Table 8).

Table 8.

Time Total biomass Feeding level Trout starter distributed

(g) (%) (g)

End second week 3,200 22 704

End fifth week 48,000 8 3840

About 40 kg trout starter is needed to raise 60,000 fry, mean weight 55 mg,

to 48,000 fingerlings, mean weight 1 g, during the three week nursing period.

Daily monitoring

The water flow in the gutter should be checked. Too strong a flow rate will

cause the fry to expend too much energy on swimming against the stream.

This should be prevented.

When the water flow rate is optimal, the healthy fry will amass in the dark

near the inlet while the unhealthy and dead fry together with the excrements

and feed wastes will accumulate in front of the outlet. This area should be

cleaned at least twice a day by siphoning. Feed wastes and fry excrements

should be removed from the screen to avoid clogging. If the fry swim over

the total gutter area, this can indicate that they are either stressed or hungry.

In the latter case extra feeding will be needed. Too much feeding should

also be avoided. It can cause an accumulation of feed wastes on the bottom

of the gutter followed by oxygen depletion.

Check the temperature and oxygen content of the water.

Examine some fry every day for parasites or diseases (see chapter 7, page





Appendix 6

Complete feeds for the African catfish

Table 9. Trouvit starter* fed to fry of the African catfish raised from 55

mg to 1 g.


of contents ~ . . • /estimated Crude protein ( ,. 4... . > K digestible) Crude fat

Crude fibre


N.F.E. (nitrogen-free . . . . extract) Moisture

Vitamin A

Vitamin D ,

Vitamin E

Vitamin C (added) _ /estimated Gross energy ( ,. i . u , > b' digestible)












% %



% lU/kg




5200(3600) kcal/kg


of products

Animal by-products

Milk by-products



Fish by-products


Vegetal by-products



Synth, amino acids













»Trouvit starter (Trouw and Co., P.O.Box 40, 3880 AA Putten, The Netherlands).

Table 10. Dry pellets compounded at the

Bangui, Central African Republic,

catfish raised from 1 g to 200 g.

Fish Culture Station La Landjia,

fed to fingerlings of the African


of contents „ . . . /estimated Crude protein ( d l g e s t l b l e )

Crude fat

N.F.E. (nitrogen-free extract)

Minerals, moisture, crude fibre etc. „ /estimated Gross energy (.. . . . . *

°' digestible)





4300(3000) k<

% %





of products

Brewery waste, dry

Rice bran

Ground maize

Cotton seed oil cake

Groundnut cake

Sesame oil cake

Blood meal

Vitamin/mineral mix.

Dicalcium phosphate

Bone meal

















Moist pellets

The composition of the moist pellets is about the same as that of the dry

pellets of table 10.

The production of moist pellets does not require advanced pelleting machinery

and thus can be undertaken anywhere.

Mix the moist and dry components (table 11) separately. Then the moist com­

ponents are steamed for 30 minutes in order to gelatinize starch to make

the mixture sticky (Fig. 82a + 82b). This adhesive property will be important

later on for the water stability of the pellet.

After steaming, mix the moist cake in the dry mixture, together with k 1

of cold water.

The final mixture should be processed through a hand-cranked meat grinder

to give moist strands of feed. Break these strands into the desired pellet

size and lay the pellets out in the sun to dry them (Fig. 83a + 83b). After

being sun-dried, pellets are ready to be supplied.

Table 11. Moist pellets compounded at the Fish Culture Station La Landjia,

Bangui, Central African Republic, that were suitable for feeding

(instead of dry pellets) to fingerlings of the African catfish.

Moist components:

Maize breweries spent grains (wet) 7.5 kg

Brewery waste (wet) 7.5 kg

Ground maize 4.5 kg

Gentian violet as mould retardant 1.25 g

Dry components

Blood meal 2.5 kg

Cottonseed oil cake 5.0 kg

Groundnut oil cake 5.0 kg

Dicalcium phosphate 0.5 kg

Vitamin/mineral mixture 62.5 g




Appendix 7

Some descriptions used in morphology

o "o -C Q. O


0) •o


E o



Appendix 8

Conversion tables













of degrees centigrade (°C) to degrees























Fahrenheit (°F)*












* (F - 32) x 5 C x 9 32

Conversion of centimetres (cm) to inches ( in.)**

























* * 1 cent imetre = 0.394 inch ; 1 inch = 2,540 centr imetres

Conversion of metres (m) to feet ( f t ) * * *

























* * * 1 metre = 3,281 feet 1 foot = 0.305 metre


Conversion of ares (a) to acres (acre)*

























are = 0.025 acre ; 1 acre = 40,467 ares

Conversion of litres ( 1) to British gallons (gal)**

1 gai











1 gal











** 1 l i tre = 0.220 gallon (Brit.) ; 1 gallon (Brit.) = 4,546 l i tres

Conversion of kilograms (kg) to pounds (lb)***

























***1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds ; 1 pound = 0.454 kilogram



The definitions are restricted to the usage in this Manual.

Arborescent organ




Branchial arch


Cast net

To diagnose



Incubation time


Intra-muscul arl y

Latency time




Olfactory organ




A branched accessory vascular structure in the gill cham­

ber of certain fishes.

Slender processes around the mouth of certain fishes,

having the sense of touch, smell or taste.

Organisms that live on or in the bottom of water bodies.

The total weight of all members of a species or group

of species in a given area at an instant in time.

One of the bony arches, supporting the gills of fishes.

Fish maintained for reproduction.

A circular or conical weighted net designed to be cast

mouth downward by hand and withdrawn by lines attached

to the centre.

To identify a disease by symptoms or distinghuishing


An organism's capacity to produce offspring.

Substance, formed by internal secretion, that passes

into the blood and stimulates organs to action.

The period of maintaining the eggs under prescribed

and controlled conditions to bring them to hatching.

Native to a region or a country.

Going into a muscle.

The period of development.

Of, relating to, or located near the lower jaw.

Of, relating to, being or associated with the upper jaw.

The movements of fish from feeding ground to spawning

ground and back again, from nursery groud to feeding

ground, and from spawning to nursery ground.

An organ concerned with smelling.

Eating both animal and vegetable substances.

Fish gill-cover.

An organism living in or on another and drawing nutriment

directly from it.






Seine net





Turn over time

A specific cause of disease.

Shunning or avoiding light.

Small organ at base of brain which has important influence

on growth and bodily functions like reproduction.

_Parts p_er million. A concentration at which one unit

is contained in a total of a million units: 1 mg/1 kg or

1 mg/1 litre, based on density of 1 gram/ 1 ml for the


Preventive treatment against disease etc.: measures

necessary to preserve health and prevent the spread

of disease.

A large net having one edge provided with sinkers and

the other with floats that hangs vertically in the water

and encloses fish when its ends are brought together

or drawn ashore.

A great number of fish swimming in company.

Perceptible change in the body or its function indicating

injury or disease.

Pipe or tube shaped ike inverted V or U with unequal

legs for conveying liquid over edge or vessel and delivering

it at lower level by utilizing atmospheric pressure.

Nests of termites.

The time needed to replace water in a body as a pond

or aquarium.

top related