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WeSchool, Bangalore Bimonthly Magazine, December Issue


PrameyaEntrepreneurship in foodindustry : With great food come great Business opportunities

Start Inc.Round TablesMPowerJoga Bonito and many more ....

Issue 9 | December 2014


“The idea is to write it so that people hear it, and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart” –Maya Angelou

‘Prameya’, the voice of WESchool, Bengaluru is an official bi-monthly students’ magazine. WESchool takes an exceptional approach to the holistic development of students. ‘Prameya’ is the collage of all the talent nurtured and the activities conducted at our Business School. This issue revolves around the theme of ‘Entrepreneurship in the Food Industry.’ We have interviews of several entrepreneurs from food industry providing valuable insights regarding the ground realities of this industry, the challenges faced by professionals of this sector and many more interesting reads.

The December issue begins with the addresses from of our Group Director, Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe and the Dean and Director of the Bengaluru Campus, Dr. Anil Rao Paila. The theme articles are followed by a coverage of the different vertical specific roundtables, conferences and seminars conducted at our campus.

“To write is to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect”

Keeping this in mind, we bring to you the various events held at our campus such as ‘Start Inc.’, HR Shared Services Seminar, Marketing club MPower’s Sports marketing session, International Marketing conference and contributions of our Management Development Cell. The latter section of the issue details the achievements of our students, interviews with our Alumni, covers the activities of Rotaract Club of Welingkar, District 3190, WESchool’s very own sports fest Joga Bonito and students‘ creativity corner. Happy Reading!!

INDEX Group Director’s & Dean’s Address 1 Entrepreneurs in Food industry 3-8 Business Design & Innovation Round Table 9 Finance Round Table 11 Operations Round Table 13 M-Power Marketing Club Seminar 15 Human Resources Seminar 17 Conference on International Marketing 19 International Case Writing Competition 21 Alumni Speaks 23 Rotaract Club Events 25-30 Joga Bonito 31 Lifebuoy Campaign 33 Mangalyaan Launch Celebrations 35 7-A-Side Cricket 37 Manangement Development Cell Contributions 38 Achievements 39

Faculty Editor:Prof. Dr. Sonia Mehrotra

Student Editor:Vishnupriya Varma

Concept and Design:Abhishek SharmaChetan Dhole

Co- EditorsAnjani NautiyalSupriyo Ghosh Diptanu ChaudhuryAnkita ShrivastavaChetan Dhole


Today the rules of the game have changed. We often hear about the terms such as globalization, triple bottom line, disruptive innovation, sustainability, technological revo-

lution, social responsibility, ethics, governance and the list goes on. To keep abreast with these dynamic changes, there is a dire need for the students to develop global mindset, hone their leadership skills, greater awareness of self and context, holistic thinking skills, develop empathy & ethical perspectives & soft skills. At WeSchool all our efforts are towards grooming our stu-dents with these qualities and skill sets.We have always focused to nurture our students as Global-

citizen managers. Our approach emphasizes the students to learn through application of acquired knowledge and as the

next step delve deeper to make the meaning of the knowledge acquired by understanding their individual role and responsi-bilities towards business, relationships and society.

A s we march in the year 2015, I wish all a Very Happy, Progres-sive and Prosperous Year ahead.


Professor Dr. Uday SalunkheGroup Director- WeSchool

Dr Anil Rao PailaDean & Director, WeSchoolBanagalore Campus

At WeSchool we are deeply inspired by these words. Today emerging unarticulated needs and realities need a new ap-proach both in terms of thought as well as action. Cross disciplinary learning, discovering, scrutinizing, prototyping, learning to create and destroy – the mind’s eye needs to be nurtured and differently so. In this issue of Prameya my students talk about the Indian food industry. In India, food has become a high-profit industry by reason of the scope it offers for value addition, particu-larly with the food processing industry getting recognized as a high-priority area in this liberalized era. Today it accounts for about 32 per cent of the country’s total food market, the food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth.As teachers we do see a huge opportunity in this industry and aim to explore different forms of interaction with this industry professionals for the benefit of our students. I wish all A Very Happy, Progressive and a Prosperous Year-2015.


The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires – William Arthur Ward

The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done.

– Jean Piaget




RestaurantsIn the Western world, while inns and taverns were known from antiquity, these were establishments aimed at travellers, and in general locals would rarely eat there. The modern idea of a restaurant – as well as the term itself – appeared in Paris around 1765 when Boulanger began to sell “restaurants” and other foods. Boulanger was originally a soup vendor and certain soups were known as restaurants—literally, “restoratives.” Thanks to Boulanger and his imitators, these soups moved from the category of remedy into the category of health food and ultimately into the category of ordinary food. Almost forgotten in the spread of restaurants was the fact that their existence was predicated on health, not gustatory, requirements.

History in IndiaMost people believe that the origins of Indian history and therefore the cuisine are as old as mankind itself. The Ayurvedic tradition of cooking food also evolved with the Mohenjadaro and Harrapan Civilization. The caste system developed later, shaping food habits further on the basis of caste e.g. Brahmins for the most part were vegetarians and Kshatriyas consumed meat. The food culture developed drastically during the time of Muslim invasion each bringing their native cuisine. The ubiquitous tandoor cuisine is a gift of the same. The Dum style of cooking or sealed pot method grew with the rise of the Mughal Empire as a constant companion to their numerous battle expeditions. There was a continuation of these influences in the south of India such as the Syrian Christian Cuisine. Then were the period of British Rule in India and the love affair of the English with Indian Food. The curry cuisine came into existence and several Raj traditions like high tea came into existence. With the post independence period came the growth of regional cuisine, each evolving into a robust entity of its own.

Current ScenarioDid you know that some apartments in Singapore and Thailand don’t even have basic cooking facilities? While this situation seems to be a far cry in India, when it comes to eating out, but Indians are marching ahead with gusto. Take a moment and what tickles your plate, Italian, Chinese, Lebanese or Thai?

It’s not surprising that the high frequency of eating out has also evolved the market for the food services sector. The Indian food service market has come a long way from the early nineties when it was dominated by unorganised players and few brands.

Let’s look at the size of the Indian food industry. A report by National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) and Technopak reveals that the size of the food services market in India is estimated at $48 billion in 2013. This is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11 per cent over the next five years to reach $78 billion by 2018.This market is largely unorganised. Chains account for as much as five per cent of the total market. The good news is that the Food Industry is set to grow in the coming years, owing to disposable incomes, greater population of young population and widening exposure to other cuisines and cultures besides the increasing propensity of people eating outside. Interestingly,Quick Service Restaurants(QSR) and Casual Dining Outlets make up 74% and Cafes account for 12%.

The food industry is moving at an extraordinary pace. When you think of food trends it is easy to look to Sydney, New York and London but the latest buzzword has embedded roots in the subcontinent foodie culture. One major trend worldwide was usage of


Molecular Gastronomy, a sub-discipline of Food Science where there is a physical and chemical transformation of the ingredients that occur in food. It has three dimensions: Social, Artistic and Technical. It can be easily termed as ‘Play on Food’. But at the same time the trend of ‘farm to fork’ is a well accepted among all the food. It is a movement about making food locally and delivering it to the local markets.Not only the trends but newer avenues are opening for food industry professionals ie. Food styling, Food Blogging, Consultancy, Working in the Food Media shows. The Food Processing Industry is poised for a huge growth, increasing its contribution every year. Accounting for about 32 per cent of the country’s total food market, the food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth. The total food production in India is likely to double in the next 10 years with the country’s domestic food market estimated to reach US$ 258 billion by 2015.

So the food industry thus provides many options besides being a Chef. Being a chef is a hardworking job and hence has the highest employee attrition rate. Not to mention the quirks of being related to an extremely dynamic and a somewhat glamourous industry.You will spend all your working hours on your feet i.e. at least 12 hours at a go. You can swear like a sailor at work and it is completely acceptable.You work longer than you can ever imagine or you think is legal. There are times when you don’t see sunlight for weeks..You earn pittance for salary and yet you will spend that money buying culinary books, quality knives and dining at good expensive restaurants.Much to the surprise of people around you, you will not cook gourmet dinners at home. You’ll be too tired, and too fed up of cooking.

You’ll either lose a vast amount of weight or gain a vast amount of weight.You cannot call sick for work, as you are irreplaceable and 110% dedication is required always.Your day off is always a weekday mostly Mondays or Tuesdays, so you can hardly make plans with your friends. Yes, you do not have a social life.You will be working on every festival, Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day, your birthday and pretty much every holiday on the calendar.You’ll spend the largest part of your life cooped up in a small, undecorated room with poor ventilation, high temperatures, a lot of noise, humidity, no natural light and no windows, with a small group of people who will become your only social interactions.You will meet and make strong bonds with types of people whom you’d previously never even have imagined sharing conversations with. The better the restaurant is, the longer the work hours become, the more pressure you end up under, the more unhealthy your lifestyle will become, the more likely you will be to develop a habit, the more competitive the people around you will become, the less sleep you’ll get, the less you’ll eat etc.And the Golden Rule that will be etched in your mind no matter what, THE CHEF IS ALWAYS RIGHT.But if you are the right type of person, you will thank your lucky star every single day for the rest of your life for making you take the best decision you ever did and become a CHEF And you will fall in love with your job and never look back. - Minal Holkar


Minal Holkar, Ex-APB CookStudio Present PGDM-BD, 2014-16

Culinary ArtSitting on my desk, sipping a cup of tea and wondering where and how did all this begin?? I was the naughtiest girl in college and now I’m sharing my story with the future business leaders and entrepreneurs……how did I end up here?? And I retraced the line connecting the dots, only this time I did it with a faint smile.

During school nd college years I was always an average to below average student. My major focus in life was to enjoy time and have fun with my friends. Naughty and carefree I was and was always either outside class punished or planning pranks, but at the same time always keen to learn and know what, how, why where, when??? Very curious about things and an extrovert by nature, I am a monologue expert and who could talk to anyone, anywhere!! With these as my greatest strengths, I graduated in 2011 with average academic scores and big dream, and as I had always wanted to do something different other than the regular 9 to 5 job. I decided event management was the thing for me.

During this course I completed a 1 year Post Graduate course in event management where I and my colleagues got to work on various events from grass root level to managerial positions as a part of my curriculum. From being a backstage co-ordinator for the A.R. Rahman Concert to volunteering in the Mumbai Marathon Media and PR management, I made the most of every internship opportunity that presented itself.During the time we interned, we were just looked at as students. And as you know for students, the stipend is low and this was the reason that many of my colleagues quit. But for me, it was not the money that I worked for. It was the passion of working towards a goal and shaping it with your day-in day-out efforts. And that was of at most satisfaction that kept me going. At the end of the course I was offered a job at the event institute I studied as a course coordinator which I took up as it gave me an opportunity to connect with big event companies, thinking of this as an opportunity to strengthen my contacts strong for the future business ventures I had in my mind.Once I established my contacts for about 3 months I was done with my major responsibility of getting admissions to the institute and after that, I didn’t see any growth for myself in the next 1 year. So I moved to work on a few projects for various event companies and while ‘side-by-side’ trying to start up my own business. And I found myself tangled in the job responsibilities as well as my commitment to myself about my business like sailing in 2 boats at the same time and I was not steady. If I tried to do my business, projects went haywire and if I concentrated on projects, business got stuck. I tried keeping my finances in place till I stabilized my business. Soon I realised that this was not working I had to take a call, decide what I really wanted that’s when it struck me “Just take the plunge” ….Unless you just jump into the water you won’t learn to swim.So, I stabilized my finances and took the plunge and got full time into business and this proved to be one of the major turning points that taught me to sail through. Sailing through in the rough waters was not that easy though with parental pressure. My parents considered me as an uneducated and jobless youth. They started pushing me for marriage. I was just 23 and marriage sounded like a fancy jail to me where I could be provided everything just to get my wings cut so I could never fly again, so I refused it! But refusing to get married was like Bhutan declaring a war against the USA, with all support withdrawn and guns pointing at me, just waiting for a chance to fire me with options to choose from with whom I would like to be jailed for a lifetime. During this time, I lost my grandmother to cancer, and it was a blow that shattered my expectations from life.And believe me, I could not have found myself more shattered and helpless. But as I started to pick the pieces up, I realised that I had to choose between thinking of her as an inspiration or just a memory, and I decided that she was not going


to be just a memory, this kept my re-ignited my will to achieve my goals. I remembered what she would always say to me “Paishe mat asujay tujya hatan” which in Konkani means you should always be financially independent and that will give you freedom from almost anything.I went through a depression phase, business was low with almost no money and support I was almost losing confidence in myself, but there was hope that something good will happen. “I’m at my lowest now there is only one option and that is to rise” this is what I kept telling myself and I had a song for this - Titanium by David Guetta.Incidentally, during this time, I happened to catch-up on a friend who studied with me at the event institute and he asked me if I could help him find someone who can conduct a ‘Mocktail Making Workshop’ at one of the malls in my city.

Foodie Reema Kelekar is my Facebook page which caters to the people who physically cannot come to my show and get the updates on my page. Other than that I’m a regular food columnist and write a weekly column called “FOODIELICIUOS” by Foodie Reema Kelekar in a local newspaper. I have also authored a book “Soups for the soul” and continue to do live cooking shows for many more brands. I keep experimenting with food and cooking. I help set up restaurants and revamp existing restaurants. Reema Kelekar, Founder Solitaire Media & Entertainment

As I kept on doing the food shows and appreciation kept boosting my self-confidence I also started striving harder and continued my event management business. It always helps to be nice to people, and you never know when they might help you back in return. Today I have a multi-million dollar called – ‘Solitaire Media Entertainment’ which does events for malls as well as corporate launches and functions. When I started to trust myself suddenly everyone had confidence in me and suddenly everyone is like “we always knew she will be very successful” and I’m still rolling my eyes at that.

To sum up, ‘Success’ is a big word, different for different people. It’s what you pursue it to be… It’s just YOU who can make the difference for yourself . Sometimes it’s you who needs to just accept the change and move out of your comfort zone. That’s when you can bring in something new for yourself. Work for your passion work with passion and you will see yourself SUCCESSFUL . Love yourself and dream a lot even if it seems impossible because without dreams there is no meaning to life. And If you are not happy …just STOP and think why? What will make me happy? And the answer will show you the way to your dreams. Don’t bother what anyone else thinks, not your parents, siblings, partner or friends just listen to your heart. Trust yourself and take the plunge…To be happy and enjoying it - that’s what life is for !!! -Reema Kelekar

6Reema’s work on some food items

Magic OvenAn interview with Mr. Dinesh Palliyil, Founder, Magic Oven

We would like to understand the journey of your business from inception to the present day operations

I am a Hotel Management graduate with previous experience of working in different countries such as , Middle East, United States of America and of course India. Finally I settled in India and worked in Leela Palace for few years before joining Manipal Group. I managed to complete my post-graduation from Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubneshwar. With combined knowledge disciplines of Food industry and Management studies, I always wanted to start something of my own thing And thus took the genesis of Magic Oven. As far as Bangalore is concerned, it is difficult to start a business in the heart of the city both due to high competitions and real estate costs. Whereas, here at the outskirts of the city, the chances of success in business venture is higher. The major factor that can be subtracted is the I had booked two rooms here some 7 years back and earlier I used to rent them out after that Then this idea of starting a bakery business fell in place. The advantage in this place is that that a good product and service gives you a quick word of mouth publicity. The revenues build up gradually with the initial phase being a low tide

What were the problems you faced at the start of the business?

Every start-up business has two basic of problems – first, the capital and second, the techni-cal know-how, of the business and capability to adapt that technical knowledge according to the situation. For me both these were not really a problem. I had enough savings for the seed capital and to run the business. Also technical knowledge was not a a major problem as I had work experience in this area. For me the major challenge came in terms of getting skilled labour. As a start -up one does not really have a good bargaining power.

Mr Dinesh Palliyil,Founder, Magic Oven


Magic Oven is an restaurant located at Manipal County road,Singasandra, Bangalore. Since its inception it is very popular among the people living nearby.

Who were your target customers?

Every business’s soul lies in its customers. My target customers were not high end customers, but the middle class people. These are the ones would want to have a cupcake and coffee before going to their offices because they must have seen this happening in movies and would want to adapt to.. The other target audience was the the youth population of friends, girlfriends and boyfriends. And once the Woodstock complex came up my target customer was perfectly defined; it was a topping; like a cherry on a cake.

What would be your advice if we as students would want to start our own businesses in future?

As far as passion and experience are concerned, they go hand in hand. You experience can bring immense learning especially when you do it with passion. So prior to being passionate earn a good experience. I have always been passionate about the food industry and now I am skilled enough to use it to achieve much higher goals. Like my next target is to open a beautiful restaurant and make magic oven a franchise. So the epitome of this conversation is just believe in yourself, find out what your passion is, remember it, focus on it and finally when you have enough resources, just hit the target.


Menu offerings at Magic Oven

Business Design & Innovation Round Table

Start Inc., Ideas to BusinessWeSchool, Bangalore, 17th September 2014

Where do Indian business students stand in the rapidly evolving entrepreneurship environment! India today has the most favourable conditions for creating globalenterprises. Having globally competitive minds, rich natural resources, desirable geographical environ-ment, and record breaking financial markets, with increasing consumer purchasing power, it is high time we made the most of these opportunities.Start Inc. provided an interactive platform for future business managers to understand the processes of implementing their dream business plans from Ideas to Business by interacting with industry thinkers.

Picking on the spirit of entrepreneurship from industry pioneers like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Phanindra Sama, and many others, our Business Design students studied innovative start-ups, researched the potential of setting up their own initiatives. As part their course work on Business Creation, guided by Prof. Deepu and Prof. Prakash, they formed teams, and worked on 5 Start Up ideas. The Start Inc Round Table meet was the culmination of this course work.

On the Round Table panel, we had 16 industry stalwarts from the space of innovation and entrepreneurship, from leading companies, as well as from , innovative start-up companies:

Abhijeet Saungikar, VP, Corp. R&D, 3MMahendra Patil, Sr. Engr, Global Design, GE HealthcareParag Trivedi, India Design Studio Leader, GE HealthcareShantanu Paknikar, GM- Innovation & Business Solutions, Happiest MindsPuneet Gupta, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Customer Engagement & Strategic Projects, SAP Labs IndiaAnkoor Das, Business Dev. Manager, AmazonRajesh Kumar, Founder Director, FomaxNaveen Kulkarni, Founder, Polyclone BioAnup Vishwanathan, Venture Principal, i2IndiaDeepak Natraj, MD, Aarin CapitalV.K. Kripanand, Director, See Beyond Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Dr. Anil Rao introduced the School to the guests and set the note of innovation as the base line for all programs on campus.

The audience included all senior and junior Business Design students, many students from other programs, and many of the faculty.

All the BD junior students were also fully involved with their seniors to put together the event, including invitations, fabrication of props, presentations, event management, etc. Senior BD student, Neelima Panicker, presented the concept and pedago-gy of Business Design, and introduced the five Start-Up company creations that were conceived by the senior Business Design student teams.The proposed companies were in the spaces of food & snacks services, wearable technology gadgets, personal material sharing & renting services, on-line grocery, and eco-friendly home products. Each Start-Up comprised a team of between two and four students, who chose their area of interest, and worked on the conceiving their Start-Up.A near real-life scenario was created to give the student proposals a sense of reality. The panellists were requested to make their investments in the proposed start-ups. However, in place of real money or cheques, they were provided with poker coins, in the denomination of Rs. 1 lakh each, totalling Rs. 10 lakhs for each panellist. The panellist made their bids. Team Aura, the areca nut plate maker, and Rento, the items rental service, followed by Team Fombie, the home food service, were invested in at the three top places.

Testimonials from guest panellists:

“Thank you. I too will look forward for a future collaboration opportunity”. – Mahendra, GE

“Thank you, was great to be part of the initiative”. - Ankoor Das, Amazon

“It was time well spent and we really appreciate your approach to educate the new generation to get them thinking of the real world. I felt nice to be associated with your Team”. - Saungikar Abhijeet, 3M


Finance Round Table

“Right leadership is the key to success of CSR initiatives” – Mr. Anil Rao

The Finance Round Table conference was held on September 16th, 2014 at our campus. . The theme of the session was “How can CSR improve lives-Insights and Practices from In-dia Inc.”The chief guests for the event were Ms .Lopamudra, Prof Manoj,Mr.Babu Ran-gaswamy and our Hon. Director Mr. Anil Rao. This event was jointly ideated and supported by The Rotary club, CSR banks, Finance club and the students and Staff of We School Bangalore.

Well-known companies had al-ready proven that they could differentiate their brands and establish good reputation if they undertook the responsibility for promoting the well-being of our society and the environment in which they operate. These companies are practicing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a manner that generates significant returns to their businesses. CSR activities form an essential part of every company. It is titled to aid an organization’s mission and to what the company stands for, to its customers.

Companies and government agencies are an integral part of the world that surrounds them. Companies’ every action has an impact on em-ployees, customers and shareholders, on the city or region in which they operate and on the ecosystem in which they exist. CSR involves applying the concept of sustainable develop-ment to the corporate world. Companies that respect and listen to their stakeholders would naturally be concerned by their growth and profitability, but they would also be aware of the economic, environmental, social and soci-etal impacts of their activities.

Ms. Lopamudra stressed on the impor-tance of CSR in eradicating illiteracy from In-dia. CSR encourages organizations which aim at economic development. The spirit of CSR is to foster social awareness and to remove the disparities between the classes. She stressed on the importance of ISR-Individual Social Re-sponsibility. There were 16,000 companies un-der the bracket of CSR and 20,000 crores INR under this sector.

Prof. Hema Doreswamy with the dignitaries Mr.Babu Rangaswamy(left most),Mr.Manoj Chakravarti11

Prof. Hema Doreswamy giving saplings to Mr.Babu Rangaswamy (President

ELCIA) to spread the awareness.

Mr.Anil.Rao stressed on the importance of leadership. Leadership is the key to all the activities of the companies. The progress of CSR is based upon the social and business integration. CSR activities of a firm are often carried out through an NGO. NGO partners involved need to incorporate effective man-agement .There is the need for much more stringent and strict approach. CSR should be patronized by our Government and corporates should be encouraged to practice more effec-tive CSR. Some thousands of crores of money are in the CSR initiatives of corporates. Only effective management of the same can yield valuable results for the country as a whole. Thus, good management, depth and talent in effective management and employee involve-ment should be encouraged.

Azim Premji foundation is a good example of the CSR initiatives of Wipro, stated Mr. Manoj. There is a complementary role of the corporate in responsibly helping in the development of the country. This social

responsibility need not be quantified in terms of monetary value. According to the new com-panies Act, profitable organizations need to mandatorily contribute 2.5% of their profits as CSR.

Most of India Inc. companies have specialized CSR teams that formulate poli-cies, strategies and goals for their CSR pro-grams and set aside budgets to fund them. These programs are often determined by so-cial philosophy which have clear objectives and are well defined and are aligned with the mainstream business. The programs are put into practice by the employees who are cru-cial to this process. CSR programs ranges from community development to development in education, environment and healthcare etc.This conference was very enlightening and was liked and appreciated by staff,faculty and students.


Operations Round Table

WE School operations management club – Round table on Lean enterprise

Most of the representatives (KPMG, SAP, TVS Motors, etc.) mentioned that to start with it has to be top-down approach (top manage-ment involvement and support is an absolute must) and subsequently it has to be bottom-up as well. This requires percolations of the top managements’ vision down the line (GM representative). The leader should also be doer like the late Steve Jobs (as quoted by Informatica representative ). To start, an as-sessment of status-quo (present situation) has to be carried-out. Herein the CII repre-sentative qualified it by stating that there is need for visionary leadership driving action towards ‘finding waste’. Once all the wastes have been identified, action towards im-provement has to take place to bring about efficiency and effectiveness in all processes (activities) leading to Operational

Excellence. This is true of both manufacturing and service industry. L&T representatives informed that in their works they deploy ‘RADAR’ approach where R stands for ‘Result Oriented’, A stands for ‘Approach’, D stands for ‘Deployment’, A stands for ‘Assessment’, and R stands for ‘Review’. By following the above and revisiting ‘processes’ as and when necessary small steps towards ‘Operational Excellence’ is commenced across the entire organization to deliver good results. According to TVS Motors representative, they follow TQM and TPM approach which are both top-down and bottom-up to bring about desired transformation in the organizational functioning.

As L&T representative put it ‘Excel-lence’ is a continuous journey. The con-tinuous journey is through ‘continuous

Prototype depicting Lean Principles Management


The second operations round table for the academic year 2014-16 mainly focussed on Operational Excellence through Process Excellence. The discussion started with common note that operational excellence is not a substitute for Business strategy, but an important part in executing the business strategy. Operational excellence comprises of successful strategy execution combined with competitive strength, business performance and customer satisfaction.

improvement’. The ways through which con-tinuous improvements happen are several

(1) RADAR approach at L&T. Revisiting processes as and when needed to improve them further.(2) Through Quality Circles, Kaizen, Sugges-tion Schemes, Training persons on processes to move towards perfection, etc. (as stated by TVS Motors representative).(3) Trying to create WOW experience in cus-tomers as frequently as possible (ITC Gardenia representative).(4) Translating customer requirements into product or service specifications better and better (Wier Minerals representative). (5) Perhaps race and culture influence on the process, for instance Germans and Japa-nese are inherently more focused towards per-fection (SAP representative)Managers of an organization can infer ‘Operational Excellence’ practices have been successfully implemented in an


(1) When customers’ feedback indicate a sense of WOW experience, when you have customers returning again and again (loyal customers) as per ITC Gardenia representative.(2) When everyone from CEO to the workman level is focused on ‘finding waste’ (Aditya Birla Nuvo rep).(3) More & more Kaizens, more and more suggestions for improvements, more and more participation of people in such activities (TVS Motors rep).(4) When people from all functions/departments of an organization talk about improvements and customer satisfaction in their routine activities (ITC Gardenia reps, SAP rep, etc.).

Dr. Anil Rao Paila, Dean, WeSchool, Bangalore


Dr. B.V.Manjunath , GM, SJS India

Sports Marketing

On 15 September 2014, We School re-launched its marketing club – MPOWER with a complete new face and a new vision. At the start of the day’s event, the club’s official logo was unveiled by Dean Prof Dr. Anil Rao Paila followed by his address to the students.

The event featured a session on “Sports Mar-keting” by delegates from Royal Challengers Bangalore (an IPL team) of UB group. A brief about the delegates:

Russell Adams, VP-Commercial Operations and Cricket Academy at Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB). Former KKR Venue Man-ager (Eden Gardens) and consultant of their CSR/Cricket Academy. A South African, by birth, is the the former Cricket Manager of the Western Province Cricket Association. He was the Team and Operations Manager of the Nashua Cape Cobras cricket franchise and was appointed the Project Manager at

Newlands Cricket Ground for the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 South Africa 2007 tournament.

Nikhil Sosale, Manager: Commercial Operations (RCB). A management professional with 4 years of experience in the Sports Marketing industry. Key member of the UB Sports marketing business from 2010-2014 manages various commercial, marketing and operational responsibilities ranging across the Royal Challengers Bangalore IPL team, Force India F1 team, East Bengal & Mohun Bagan football teams and other areas of new venture sports investment.

At the outset Mr. Russell Adams caught the audience attention with an interesting per-sonal story about his career in sports man-agement and marketing and also about his journey in this field. The team from RCB had

Dr. Anil Rao Paila, Dean, WeSchool, Bangalore


an interesting Audio Visual to share with the audience. and set the tone right for the eve-ning. The session conducted by Mr. Russell and Mr. Nikhil highlighted various aspects of the topic of sports marketing. The key points covered ranged from challenges of this in-dustry, challenges on building and sustaining fan following, segmenting the target market, use of digital media in developing customer relations & brand loyalty, the revenue models followed by the Indian Premier League & Royal Challengers Banaglore, and constraints of the business owing to its seasonality.

Invoking the interest of not only the sports enthusiasts in the gathering, but also each of those hoping to be future brand managers, the duo emphasized that passion- fuelled with your interest in the industry- can catapult one to success.

Post the session the students eagerly a volley of questions for the delegates. Questions posed by them were, ‘How lucra-tive is a career in sports marketing?’ ‘How do you justify the cost to the investors towards social media when returns are not clearly tangible?’ ‘Are there any courses that focus on sports marketing and a career in sports?’

The final segment of the event was declaring the winner of the contest ‘Bag the Tag’, where in students had to come up with the theme line for the club. The best entry received and the awarded entry was adopted as the theme of the club for the academic year 2014-15. The winners, Priyanka Dhanuka & Neha M. Kulkarni (students of the PGDM E-Biz, 2014-16 batch) were happy to receive the awards from the dignitaries. Prof. Dr. Githa Heggde - HOD-Marketing vertical WeSchool, gave the vote of thanks as the a closure to the event. The event was very well appreciated, and pro-vided interesting insights in this arena of mar-keting.

The delegates (L to R): Nikhil Sosale & Russell Adams


Human Resources Seminar“HR Shared Services – The Emerging Trend”

Prin .L. N Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research Bangalore in collaboration with NHRD organized a seminar on “HR Shared Services – The Emerging Trend” on 16 October, 2014 .This seminar conducted by the HR vertical was an effort to bridge the gap between industry and academia. Eminent experts from organizations such as Wipro Ltd., General Electric, Schneider Electric, Accen-ture, KPMG and People Strong were the invited guest speakers for the day

Over the past few years, HR shared Services as a concept has become an effective model for delivering HR services to many large or-ganizations globally. The aim of this seminar was to understand the journey of HR Shared

services in India and discuss key issues of this emerging area.

The seminar was open to students of HR Spe-cialization across B-Schools in Bangalore. The seminar got a great response and was attend-ed by over 100 students from 15 B- Schools such as PESIT, XIME, Mount Carmel, Amrita School of Business, Amity Business School, BIT, SJCBA, Reva among others.

The Guest of Honour Mr. Anil Warrier, Head & Director (Talent acquisition), SAP kick started the seminar and spoke about how HR Shared services was the way ahead for all organiza-tions, this was followed by a talk by the chief guest Mr. Harish Devarajan, Ex-president,

Mr. Ramesh Ranjan, VP – HRSS, Schneider Electric being welcomed



The first session discussed the fundamentals of HR Shared Services with the presentations from Welingkar second year HR students who explained the evolution of Shared services and HR Shared Services in particular derived over months from academic literature and corporate reports.

The second session was a panel discussion on “Journey of HR Shared Services” and the panel member were Mr. Abraham Mathew, GM & Head, HR Shared Services, Wipro, Mr. Ramesh Ranjan, VP – HR Shared Services, Schneider Electric, Mrs. Pushpa Nalavade, Head- HR Shared Services India, Accenture, Ms. Shob-hana CP, Oracle HR Leader – GE India Opera-tions.

The third session was on Business Develop-ment in HRSS and Global perspective in HRSS. Mr. Sumeet Salwan, Director, Shared Services and Outsourcing advisory, KPMG was the invited speaker for this session and he touched upon HRSS from a consultant’s perspective where they recommend it to their clients. Ben-efits and critical success factors for successful HRSS were also discussed.

Session four focussed on Career Opportuni-ties in HRSS and the India model of HRSS. Mr. Kiran Kumar, Founding member & Business Head, People Strong the invited speaker for the session spoke about HRSS from a business model perspective as well the as the career op-portunities for young HR Aspirants in this field.



Conference on International Marketing

“Opportunities & Challenges”

Mr. Ravi Billa , Capegimini India Pvt. Ltd.

The International marketing conference was held on 10 October, 2014 at our campus An eminent panel members for the confer-ence included Marketing Lead of IBM Mr. Ajit Belani , Web Analytics Head of Adobe Mr. Umakant Sista , President & Executive Director of Unisoft Infotec Mr. Deepak Nakil , Sr. Business Analyst at Flipkart Mr. Soud-hakar , Sales Manager of Dassault Systems Mr. Aditya Vidyarthi , Founder of Black Cof-fee & Orange Juice Mr. Prabhakaran Bala-subramanian , Wealth Manager at Citibank Mr. Tanvir Singh, Service Delivery Manager at TCS Mr. Ratanesh Srivastava , Regional Manager of Central Bank of India Mr. Ra-jendra Mohanty , Professor Ranganathan , Mentor & Advisor at G Cube Promo Products Pvt. Ltd Mr. L S Prabhakar .

The event began with the welcome speech by Dean of WeSchool Bangalore Dr. Anil Rao Paila , followed by the student presentation

on the conference topic. The panel members discussions revolved around the the topics such as brand India, how should India pitch in International Market, scope of Textile, Au-tomobile & Tourism sectors in International Market and growth in African countries.

They also spoke about the success of Mr. Na-rendra Modi’s ‘Make in India Campaign’, the evolution of E-commerce in India and com-parison with foreign E-commerce companies, successful Indian Conglomerates, govern-ment policies & initiatives for India to grow, How India has evolved in overseas market and what are the risks when brand goes global?

The panel highlighted the main risks that are associated with businesses engaging in international markets include foreign exchange risk, political risk etc.

After the insightful session the Q&A session was open to students wherein they asked After the insightful session the Q&A session was open to students wherein they asked questions to the panelists on sectors such as Banking, Financial services and Insurance, E-commerce, etc. Prof. Sachidanand B S provided the concluding remarks of the con-ference followed by a vote of thanks. The stu-dents had an opportunity to interact with the delegates informally and gain more insights on the topics discussed by the panelists. The student organizing team of the conference comprised of students frob PGDM 13-15 batch Abhishek , Adhish and Kanak Shah .

A Case Study Competition was held at the conference that provided the students a plat-form to showcase their talent with spirit of competitiveness.The case study on Walmart written by Abhi-jeet Bange, Sidhanth Jain and Naveen Bala was the winner followed by the case study on Bollywood written by Sukanya Rathi and Sourav Ghosh were runner ups. Students Juhi Sharma, Vibhuti Sharma and Shruti Deshpande got Best Design award for their Hindustan UniLiver’s Project Shakti. The Best Presenter Award was won by Vishal Gaonkar for his presentation on his case study on Kel-log’s.


International Case Writing Competition

WeSchool Final Year Students among the Top 6 finalists at ‘Baylor’s Entrepreneurship’ -Case Study Writing Competition Students Mansi Soni,Ram Lakhan,Surbhi Bafna PGDM batch (2013-15) submitted an ar-ticle a case entry titled ‘Hungry Hogs- The Hot Dogs from India’ has been shortlisted as one among the top six finalists for Baylors USASBE Student Case Writing Competition 2014 in the field of Entrepreneurship conducted by Hankmer Business School, Texas, U.S. This case was developed under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sonia Mehrotra- Head Centre of Excellence for Case Development WeSchool.“.This is the result of their 4 months of rigorous and sincere work. The case is based on a fast food Hot Dogs as initiated by the entrepreneur Darshan Ramanagoudra (the protagonist of the case) based out of Bangalore.

Kudos to Mansi, Surbhi and Ram; and thanking Dr. Sonia Mehrotra for her guidance to finale.

The case: As a matter of fact hotdogs business in India ,does not give hunger pangs –as food experts say hotdogs and Indians don’t mix well.While on an average 60-80 americans prefer hotdogs in America,in India it does not go well.While Indians have adopted to other fast foods,hot dogs are not on their priority list,as they have always been associated with pork,beef,and indeed both of them are prohibited in most Indian homes according to those in the food busi-ness .Thus,facing such critical challenges in introducing such a business in India,and yet ef-ficiently implementing the ideas with an effective planning strategy ,shows Darshan’s dedica-tion and sincerity ,towards the fulfilment of his dreams.


The Team Work: Ram Lakhan, Surbhi Bafna and Mansi Soni started working on it from June,2014 with a mindset of dedication,perseverance and hard work ,bustling to come up with a successful case study for the competition.The final competition will be held in Jan 2015,at Texas.Currently,they have been shortlisted with other top 6 finalists by the Bradley University,Texas.They started working on it assiduously for around four months doing intensive research on the minutest details about Dar-shan’s small and innovative business.They made sure that the communication among them was effective.They did not use many jargons, so that the case was comprehensible to the core.

Challenges: Some of the major challenges they had to face included putting all the research work together,in a case study of 6-7 pages.Proper coordination among all the team members and integrating each one’s work effectively to communicate the key learning from this entrepreneurship was the need of the hour. Also, good writing skills was required to keep the flow of engaging.

Key Learning: According to Mansi Soni, some of the key learning from the case included understanding how to make the case concise and crisp, even while divulging all details. Compile up everything, in just 12 slides was also a challenge for the team.

What worked: This fervour of team spirit, perseverance and hard work led the team to come out with flying col-ors. The spirit of innovation and showcasing a unique business model was another key reason for the team to emerge as winners.

Mansi Soni , Surbhi Bafna and Ram LakhanPGDM 2013-15


Alumni Speaks

“A place where ‘Daal-Roti’ is used to describe a satisfactory meal for one to a place which is Domino’s second largest market after US to a place where we see people venturing into food business, be it restaurants or ready to eat or mixes or snacks or masala’s and spices or ready to cook, food Industry is one of the biggest contributors to our GDP and it will grow in years to come” says Mr. Alakshyendra Tiwari (assistant sales manager of MTR Foods and an alumni member of We School Bangalore). Another of our alumni Mr. Keitan Shetty (assistant sales manager of Café Coffee Day, Bangalore) also spoke to us. o Both of them provided their views about the F&B industry and its changing paradigm..

Mr. Alekshyendra tiwari Mr. Keitan Shetty Asst. Sales Mnager, MTR Foods Asst. Sales Manager, Cafe Cofee Day

How do you think the food industry is evolving currently?Alakshyendra: “Companies are becoming much more evolved in understanding their con-sumer’s need and changing the rules of the game to serve those needs. Now who thought a decade ago that we could have our authentic Indian dishes at home without any preservatives within 10 minutes of preparation time. This is the new India where the traditional Indian dishes are being introduced as ready to eat category..Today, with customer, one needs to build the relationship over a period of time and one has got make its presence felt at the top of his mind during the his 24 hours of the day. Compa-nies are constantly evolving to be present in every category to further capture customer’s 24 hours You want instant breakfast, you have it with MTR Instant Poha, lunch, snacks, Health Drink, Dinner, and Sweets you name it and companies have it in a manner that is convenient and fast for the consumer. Also, it’s not just about the product anymore, it’s all about the value propositions that it can bring in terms of nutrition, r taste, convenience, ease of access and time to prepare. Companies, also are moving ahead to capture the consumer imagination with different value adds to the product, one example that comes to my mind is of KINDERJOY. A concept intro-duced to us by another food giant, McDonald’s, taken to most areas of India by KINDERJOY.The food industry is evolving at a rapid pace and companies are indefatigably working to keep pace with the same. Keitan : “The F&B Industry is currently going through a phase of consolidation & reinvention; with major players trying to not only build but also acquire as many strong brands as possible


under their umbrella. This is to enhance their portfolio while cementing their foothold in the market; having said that the local and the new players are coming up with upgraded and customized offerings to suit the the taste buds of a wide range of consumers. This as well keeps the big players of the the industry on their toes. The consumer is spoilt for choice; truly these are exciting times.”

Q2. What is the scope for management professionals in this industry?Keitan: There are various functional disciplines such as Marketing, Sales, Supply Chain Management, Service, and Human Resource Management & Product Development where management professionals can play a major role in streamlining existing processes & defin-ing new practices. They can design & implement new SOP’s (after studying existing pro-cesses) which can increase the efficiency & effectiveness by optimizing the deployment of available resources. The scope enhances due to the presence of large organizations in India and abroad flexing their muscles in this industry. Empowered management professionals can come up with new ideas & innovations which can disrupt the existing paradigm by creat-ing new path breaking products & services.

What are the particular skill-sets required to thrive in this industry?Alakshyendra: First, one needs to have love for food and everything that has to do with it. Second, you need to be very sure why you want to be in this industry and what drives you to be here. Third and most importantly, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, try to learn from the basics because when you understand the ground realities then only you will be able to understand the whole machinery. And yes, you do need competencies as being a good communicator, team player, trouble shooter & tough taskmaster to not only survive but also excel in this industry. Building enduring relationships with colleagues & clients will enable you to function with great efficiency.”

Bangalore being the IT capital of our country, most of the time IT companies come to our campus during placement season. What do you suggest could be the ways we can make connect with the F&B industry ?Keitan: Including more no. of live projects in the curriculum will encourage students to take up a variety of projects with different sectors of corporate industry. If required one can al-ways engage specialist recruiters who have experience in recruiting for specific industries.Welingkar organizes a lot of conferences and round tables; we should not only focus on a particular sector (Marketing or Sales) of this industry but different sectors (Supply chain, Finance, HR etc.) and approach such people to participate. Hold seminars, roundtables & competitions where students can showcase their knowledge & prowess in the presence of eminent representatives of corporate industry. Organize panel discussions; Food Carnivals; Case Study presentations; Guest lectures etc. and similar events to get people from this industry under one roof.


Knowledge Repository Report

The knowledge repository drive was an initiative of The Rotaract Club of Welingkar, District 3190 in association with The Rotary Club of Bangalore and the Inner Wheel conducted at Gov-ernment High School, Huskur on 9th September 2014. Under this event the school children were distributed books and notebooks to facilitate in their on- going studies. The event that start-ed at 12:30 PM and continued till 2:00 PM. The event was graced by Rtn. Vijay Saraf, Presi-dent of Rotary Bangalore Junction and Rtn. Shilpa Anil Rao, President of In-ner Wheel. The other attendees were Rtn. Sunanda, Secretary Inner wheel, Rtn. Mandar Dixit, Youth Services Director, Rtn. Santosh Kejriwal, Director Club Services, Rtn. Dinesh Jhuria, Seargent at Arms and Rtn. Rajesh Poddar.

The school teacher coordinator Mr. Prasanna started the event by a welcome speech. This followed a speech from Rtn. Shilpa Anil Rao.Immediately after this, the distribution of the knowledge repository began. At this event twen-ty students with good academics records were felicitated with Wren n Mar-tin English grammar books, 40 students each were given A4 size notebooks in the sets of 5, and approximately 50 students were given other gram-mar books. Majority of the students were from classes 8th, 9th and 10th. The teacher staff members were then honoured with flowers as small token of respect and gratitude. The students were served with frooti tetrapacks as refreshments.

The Rotaract Club of WelingkarDistrict 3190, Bangalore


The Rotarians donating English grammar textbooks to the stu-dents of Huskur School

The Board of Directors, Rotaract Club of Welingkar, along with the Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore take a picture with the stu-

dents of Huskur School

Sergent at Arms, Mr. Sourabh Kulkarni, PGDM E-Biz, 2014-16 Distributing notebooks to the students


Blood Donation Drive

Executive Summary:

It is truly said that if you donate blood, you can save the lives of 3 other people. The first could be someone far away, who you’ve never met & never will. The second person could live in your town having a rare blood disorder, that causes him to rely on blood donations or he could die. The third person could be someone whom you know.We can impact the lives of other generations by giving someone another chance to live.


Taking into consideration the thought of such a noble cause, the Rotaract Club of Welingkar host-ed the Blood Donation Drive in association with ELCIA, Rotary Bangalore Junction and Inner Wheel at WeSchool Bangalore campus on 9th September, 2014. The event was graced by CEO of ELCIA, Ms. Rama NS, Rtn. Vijay Saraf, President of Ro-tary Bangalore Junction and Rtn. Mandar Dixit, Youth Services Director.The donors were encouraged to come forward and not only do-nate blood but donate a smile and feel good this Wednesday.The event was publicised in Electronic City through distributing Book Marks at the Toll Gate of Electronic City and by inviting Corporates by visiting the offices of various MNC’s located in E-City.It was overwhelming to receive corporate partici-pation of big firms like BSNL and DUBAS Engineering Private Ltd. The event was a youth driven and therefore, colleges from E-City, National Institute of Design and nearby areas were invited to join hands and come forward to lend a helping hand.

The program started from 10 AM with a tremendous response and con-tinued till 5 PM. The event therefore, saw huge participation for not only the students from We School but from various corporates contrib-uting into 105 units of blood donations and 37 stem cell registrations.

The event was supported by Rotary Bangalore TTK Blood Bank Bangalore Medi-cal Services Trust with their expertise and skill. The volunteers were equipped with all the required materials and were instrumental in the success of the event. Rotaract Club of Wel-ingkar in association with TTK also provided refreshments to every donor. Also, certificates were pro-vided for the donors appreciating them for taking time out of their busy schedules and coming forward.

After the completion of the event, Rtn. Prof. Dr. Anil Rao Sir presented the volunteers from TTK blood bank a gift bag for their support. Also, Rotaract Club of Welingkar was awarded a Certified Donor Award for their contribution towards this noble cause.

Project Coordinators –Rtr. Aditya Chirruvari and Rtr. Harsha Watkar


Dr. Rama from TTK Blood bank checking Ms. Minal Holkar, PGDM- BD 2014-16

Haemoglobin checking of one of the senior members of the Rotary Club

Dr. Anil Rao Paila with members of the Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore & Rotaract Club of Welingkar at the Blood

Donation Drive in the WeSchool campus


The Gaming Week ‘ 2014

The students of our college, Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management and Research participat-ed in a spectacular sporting week, WE ENGAGE, from 8 August 2014 to 14 August 2014 at Woodstock Ambience Pvt Ltd. The event was organized by the Rotaract club of Welingkar was the first edition of the gaming week at WeSchool. Brainchild of the second year students, Rtr.ManojKalekar and Rtr.Aditya Chiruvarri, the event could not have been a grand success without the cooperation of first year students all working under the supervision of WeSchool faculty coordinator Prof. Anita Pillai.

The event witnessed a huge number of more than 120 students participating in different events, displaying their mastery & skills. The play area looked like a battlefield with several capable players aiming to win the title. The games played were: Chess, Foosball, Billiards, LAN gaming-Counter Strike, NFS, Carrom, FIFA and Table Tennis.

The tournaments gained momentum primarily from Day 3, with respect to par-ticipation and enthusiasm. The photographs of every sporting event day were displayed at our college premises as well posted on Facebook.

Manoj Singh of PGDM Ebiz 2013-15 batch


Rotaract Club of Welingkar President Mr. Yash Mehta trying a hand in the game of Carrom

Table tennis girls’ finalists Ms. ShrishtiPGDM- BD 2014-16 & Ms. Priyanka Ghei PGDM 2014-16 battling it out for the 1st

Akhil Sabarwal and Praneet Goteti of PGDM Ebiz 2013-15 Batch playing chess


Joga Bonito

Date and Venue : 11th October 2014, Decathlon, Whitefield.Number of Teams : 3 Senior Batch teams of Girls and Boys 4 Junior Batch teams of Girls and Boys A mix of Alumni team and the Faculty team.

Joga Bonito is our annual event. For the 2014 event, a lot of effort was put in to make it a huge success. A month before the event, the work started off with assigning tasks such as booking the ground, designing the posters, banners, selection of jerseys, purchase of the winners’ trophies etc.This year, we had a three teams from the Seniors batch, 4 teams from the junior batch and a team comprising of our Alumni and faculty members. The matches took place in a round robin fashion with each team playing against every other team in the pool. The top three teams from each pool were selected for the 2nd level rounds. Apart from students teams, the faculty team also qualified for the 2nd level

rounds winning against the Senior BD program batch team in the penalty shoot out goal hit by Prof. Raghu Deshpande. The presence of our Dean, Dr. Anil Rao Paila in the team added five stars to the team. In the semifinals in Junior boys category, in a nail biting match against Ebiz 2 and BD, the BD team won by 3-2. In the senior category, match between PGDM and Ebiz saw Ebiz qualifying for the finals. In the Junior Girls category, Ebiz 2 girls out win against BD girls and thus secured their place in Finals against the lone survivors of Senior girls PGDM batch.

The coordinators for this event were : Aakash K (PGDM) Junior batch Dinesh Iyer (Ebiz) Senior Batch Akash Thawrani (Ebiz)Junior batch Rohan Acharya (PGDM)Senior Batch Abhishek Puranik (BD)Junior batch Vipin Antil (BD)Senior Batch


The Finals Ayush Mathur from Sr. Ebiz batch breake the ice to score the first goal. After the the first goal was scored, there was no stopping the Ebiz Sr. team and they ended up win-ning against the Junior BD by a remarkable 5-0.On the girls front a tough competition with no goal scoring till the last minute when suddenly Vibhuti Sharma of Jr Ebiz 2 batch scored a great goal thus clinching the title for Jr Ebiz 2.The event was pepped with refreshments and lunch and a a motivating speech from our Dean Dr. Rao to play the game in true spirits..

The Finalists, before the match. BD Juniors (in maroon) against the Ebiz Seniors (in blue) with The Dean in the centre.

Team Faculty celebrating after its victory against BD Senior batch

Team EBiz Seniors against PGDM Seniors. Ebiz Sr won the match to secure the Final position


Lifebuoy Campaign

Every year, 2 million children fail to reach their fifth birthday, because of diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia. Two million is too many, isn’t it… particularly when the simple act of hand washing could help prevent this tragedy.

Lifebuoy is on a lifesaving mission to spread the importance of good hand washing habits around the world. A mission that will help more children reach their fifth birthday. Lifebuoy has taught healthy hand washing habits to 130 million people around the world and continues this lifesaving journey to India to show just how much this simple habit can do.

Weschool students got the opportunity to help Lifebuoy in their lifesaving mission. Lifebuoy chose twenty five lifesaver volunteers from Weschool, Bangalore to visit various schools across Bangalore to teach hand washing habits to children and to spread awareness about importance of hand washing amongst them. The chosen volunteers of batch 2014-16 were: Abhishek Mishra, Anjani Nautiyal, Arpit Maheshwari, Aditya Agrawal, Aarushi Singh, Ajinkya Pawar, Divesh Bali, Isita Mahajan, Juhi Sharma, Kirti Agarwal, Madhura Yelikar, Manoj Mudi-gonda, N. Pavithra, Naveen Bala, Ninad Tarambale, Nrupur Prashant, Pooja Dharmik, Ran-jith Iyer, Rishabh Singh, Shruti Deshpande, Upamanyu Roy, Vaibhav Maniar, Vedant Bhotika, Vibhuti Sharma and Yash Jain.

WeSchool Student Volunteers – Batch 2014-16


The volunteers visited Nightangles English School and Kaveri High School in Bangalore. They received a warm welcome at both the schools. Jingles and attractive posters were used by the volunteers to promote good hand washing habits among children. Divesh Bali’s jingle kept the children involved with the campaign and sensitized them to the importance of washing hands.. Selfies of Juhi Sharma, Yash Jain and Nrupur Prashant were posted on Lifebuoy Facebook page as the winners of ‘Selfie of the week’ competition. Volunteers were mentored by Prof. Shilpa Pathak.

Nrupur Prashant, PGDM-Ebiz, 2014-16

This program was run for 4 weeks engaging the school children with different events and leaving them with a message to spread and extend these habits across to their families and friends.

Madhura Yelikar(PGDM E-Business)

Batch 2014-16


Mangalyaan Launch Celebrations

On 24 September, Mangalyaan, the spacecraft for Mars Orbitor Mission (MOM), successfully inserted into Mars orbit. The mission was formulated as a “technology demonstrator” project to develop the technologies for design, planning, management, and operations of an interplanetory mission.

It was a pleasant surprise when Mr. Anil Jha thought about this wonderful idea of celebrating amongst all students, faculty & Staff. As soon as students finished their exams, all assembled in the amphitheatre, where, faculty members distributed “MARS” chocolates to all students.

Prof. N. V. Vijay Kumar adderessing the students


The following pictures are an expression by students and faculty of We School for the great achievement of our country.

Dr. Anil Rao Paila along with WeSchool students & Faculty members


7-A-Side CricketYuvraj Singh Vs Usain Bolt in Bangalore

On 2 Sept 2014 PUMA INDIA invited WESCHOOL, Faculty members and students for the exclusive match between their brand ambassador Usain Bolt visiting India for the first time.

The event held at Chinnaswamy Stadium witnessed a cricket match between Usain Bolt and Cricketer Yuvraj Singh. Usain bolt won the he match. This followed a a spectacular run between Usain Bolt and Yuvraj Singh. This 100 meter run was won by Yuvraj Singh. The event was fun filled and all the spectators enjoyed every moment of this exclusive challenge.

WESCHOOL’s association with PUMA INDIA was well cherished by all faculty members, staff and students.

Dr. Anil Rao Paila and other faculty members at Chinnas-

wamy Stadium


Management Development CellContributions

- Professor A.K.N PrasadHead-MDC

WeSchool, Bengalore

MDC at We School ,Bangalore continues to run the executive flagship programs, for leading corporates. The ninth batch of the flagship program for JMLP(Junior Management and Leadership Program) or Infosys BPO was launched at Infosys BPO in September 2014.In order to get the buy in of all stakeholders,MDC at WE School Bangalore conducted JMLP sessions (Junior Management and Leadership Program ,managers,orientation program) at Jaipur and Pune.This initiative was very well received.

Two more new clients have been acquired since,namely BIOCON Limited and an Australian company namely Australian Bank.

BIOCON Limited is an Indian biopharmaceutical company based in Bangalore.Within biopharmaceuticals, the Company manufactures generic active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) that are sold in the developed markets of the United States and Europe.For BIOCON,MDC will be conducting workshops titled-‘Fundamental Course in Management’,spread over 5 months .

The JMLP is designed to nurture the young talents across various verticals where by the employees develop a holistic view of different industry spectrum and helps them move in their career across different verticals in addition to developing them for greater responsibilities with in the BPO organization.The JMLP session has around 80 sessions per batch and the eligibility includes Infosys BPO employees in band B with m inimum 1 year experience.

For the Australian Bank,workshop on ‘Global Leadership practices ’ will be conducted in March,2015.

As scheduled the JMLP program of Infosys BPO has come to an end in January 2015 and the PGPMS program of Robert Bosch,has ended in December 2014.



Nikhil Kawale, First year PGDM Ebiz student of 2014-16 batch is appointed as an Executive Commitee member of Wikimedia India Chapter.

The Wikimedia India Chapter is an independent and non-profit organization that supports, promotes and educate the general Indian public about the availability and use of free and open educational content.

As an EC memberhis role is to manage the affairs of Wikimedia India.

Welingkar, Bangalore team’s film for “Yes I am the change” intitiative by Yes Bank got shortlisted in top thirty teams at national level.

Rishabh Singh and Aarushi Singh were the first runners up of the Yajna event in Manifest-Varchasva 2014 organized by IIM-Lucknow.

Ajinkya Pawar, Deeptanu Chaudhury, Taron Parera and Pratyaksh Sharma(Left to Right), PGDM, 2014-16

Rishabh Singh and Aarushi SinghPGDM-Ebiz, 2014-16

Nikhil KawalePGDM-Ebiz, 2014-16


Abhishek SharmaPGDM-BD, 2014-16

Yash JainPGDM, 2014-16

Amrita NandiPGDM-BD, 2014-16


Prin. L.N.Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research102 & 103, Electronics City Phase I, Next To-BSNL Telephone ExchangeHosur Road, BengaluruKarnataka -560100Ph No. 080 -4174


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