p'ranklin d. roosevelt , th e vlhi te house, wash i n g ton, d. c. dear ~. president: .just a...

Post on 18-Mar-2018






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i!•cmolQ si wet tmr

1 . Coavu .. t.loa. wi th Phil and ccnterences • 1\h ot.ber ,,...., .... l•••·

Z. Cooptret i oo 1.n geC.t.-inC Sdmode-.n to witbdre• tr• IOYunor­ab.ip.

:s . Phil1• Collowtna 1• YOTy dof1.nlt.el.1 . lilew Defll rollow1.nc. He co\lld not bt tltct.td ot.horwiise . He ia peraonall)t de1-J-1ng endoro11M1nt. ot the Preaident awaitina th• public ,. .. ct.ion to Lc.Ue. While t.hl• 1• aatla!'actOT)' trOCD hie point or view, lt. 1• oot. .. 11 for ue t.o porQ1t too long a del~J and in order to torco hit decieion, •• should not be t.oo quick t.o recoiJ1.11e t hu • • have tlra t secured the benefit of t.Mit' endoreea.nt. .

4 . RtpUb11c-.na ud Pr-oc:r•••J..,..t a.re both cri tic-1&.inc the c....n.di&a 1'JoH"7J lt. • W not be orfec:tJ.v-e on account. or the price or da1r7 product.a .

s . C&apat.p Jn W.llcac.e.tn met JU.r..ne-sou cai. bl haadl.ed d.U'ftf'­e.a.t.Q U..O oUMr Suwe. Ci-•t. ur• met be utd "° \r7 and kffp bo\.b f &cUon.a .. uar1ec1 . In O!"der to do thU l i. w·w M aec••&U"7 t.o ••t up ill each o! t.ht•• Sta iee a Roo,.vel,,..,.,.oer•••l•• club.

6. I u J"tllabl.7 1.ntormd tro. eOl'lfuaoce.a with Proe:r•••l••• that. th01 cont.e.,,.l&t.e endorai!ia t.he h-ea1dt'nt. • 1t.b certain roauva\.10tlt . These rtaeM'attoca ue 1.D.ject..d ao U.t. t.bq Mf be able t.o crlt.iclze the progru of tM t\lt.ure. They dtfin.lt.•11 initnd t.o try to e&tabll•h & l1btr"1 pt.tty for 1940, and Phil l:Mt.1 creat •1p.lratloa1 t.o be the F••i­dential ca.ndtdaic .

Jnnrnot.1 Si lll4t.l on1

l . With Olien blil\i tlia1.nat.t on account ot 11.lAeN, it 1• 1otn.a too chai:lct Ule JilMelOU elt.ua.Ucca "'CT •t.e'r1.&ll.7. The F&r9-t.bor P&rQr .... etzlct..J.¥ an 01.aen put)-, and there 11 no on• dJrec~ abl• to take hie place. Thtrt 11 AO ebuce o! 'the PrNi.d@t ca:rrylq' ~u w:il.NI • • cac 1•t • cO&UUce btt-...o U.. Duocrat.e &Dd tM ,...,......_ .t..liorii..e . It oi..a • it.bdran, • hlcb m accom:i.c. ot b.1• ill hM.ltb be will bt forced to do rilhiA th• MXt. c..- .,._, \.bu• .i.u be • 1c.r&able tor l.ead.rahip and .. aet. be c.,..._

- 2 -

ful t o ~e our situat i on correctly, otherwise, i t might be to our di sadvantage . 111.nneaota ia n°'11l1Ally e vcr;• utrong Republlc1u1 State and we are not as strong as In 19S2. Conooquentl,7, we .. ot handle thin situation very caretuJ.ly .

ECfgct ot Le@a yott in ltqconsin •pd M'nn••ot• : 1, The Lemke vote in Wisconsin should not be aerioua •xcept

in the northern part or the Stets. He will undoubtedly secure between titt1 and seventy-five thousand votes ; however, the trend abould be watchod very caretuJ.ly.

2 . In !Unnosote with Governor Ol sen elilll1n&ted, there is danger of contusio:> 1n his party and it is likely that so""' or the P'aner-Laborites ....,. dritt to Leue. It would not surprioe me to aee Le:Jlko get between seventy­fi ve and a hundred thousand votes in Uinnoaote, Wld of course , the great ujority of thooe will be drawn from ua .

l. I am raliabl,.v inforaed that it will be Landon's policy not to critic ize the majority of the New Doal 's accompli oh­"ente, but rathnr to endorse them and build hilllsolf up ae the Great Liberator , wt - unlike the President - he will be prs.ctico.l . .Uao s.n atte::ipt will be ..ade to sell ha as a Great Administrator o.nd the only one who can otop the left swing thnt will destroy Ameri ca if the President is re-el ected. There is a l3o a signincs.nt atte::ipt to inject the spirit of "Al>erica ror Americana• which bas sort of a reform or reliBious cast to it.

2 . They plan also to eecure the cooperation of l.aree corpo­r a tio!la and particularly insurance co:apaniea to appeal to ' their atockholdors and pollc1bolders stating that the lie• Dea l la destroying the future and eecuri t;r of their hold­ings . I believe th..t we should aalco every atte:opt to put thao on the defensive for auch o. program. Certainly the earningo or various corporations and the recovery ude to date ret'ute their argument s .

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Hon. Franklin D, Roosevelt The '·lhl te House 'lfashlngoon , D. c. Dear Ur. President:

J'anuary 21 , 1936

We have dlscusaed tbe bonus at great length ao I will not burden you with any further arguments . t.'Y hope la •till high that you will conclude to sign . It you do decide to approve , may I venture to suggest that ample reason exists in the situation created by the ma­jority decision of the Supreme Cour t?

Your administ ration hea ettempted to restore some measure of purchasing power to the maeees of the people because tbis i s the only way in which our modern industrial and agricultural mechanima or production and dia.tribution can be made to function . The majority or the Supreme Court baa disrupted at leaat for the imnediate futur e the carrying out of this program in en orderly and effective manner. I refer not only to the majority decision ' s direct effect on the ~.£.£ . but aleo to its il:lplications in regard to z:iany other features of your policies. Cannot you logically take the positi on that 1'bile you did not favor the bonus as a means or increasing purchasing power so long aa other perts ot your program were accanplis!ting this end , now in the emergency created by the Court ' s opinion you approve the bonus aa a device ror increasing purchasing power during the interim wbile ways and means are bein& worked out to substitute more conetructive meas­ures to meet the majority opinion or tbe Court?

Whe tever your reoctiOll may be to tbls sugges­t! on I em sure that you know it 1a advanced in the beat or faith.

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--. .... --.~ .... -. " ........ -... .. ..._.._... .. ... .. -.... ... -. ----'---·-­-· .. _ ... - ..... !,_.....,_ --y .Tanut1ry 28, 1936 •

• . Honorable P'ranklin D. Roosevelt , The Vlhite House, Washi ngton, D. c. Dear ~. President:

.Just a rel!linder or the points covered today.

1. The right can should be seoured to gather and put in usable form the vast amount or taotual in1'ormat1on which in its present unorganized atete in the various depart­me nts and agencies is useless. I suggest someone like Leon Henderson who is :femiliar with the very useful date in Reseerch and Planning of N. R.A. and who also lcnows t he people who know the material in the various depart­ments and agenc'I'ii:" I also surgeat that this person be att ached to but not under Early end be given a room in the Executive Offices where t is w-ork can pa ss under your eye. Someone should also be obtained to work with him to put the Dftterial in popular form . Jtewart Chase or sone other perso~ who has this eift i s needed.

2 . A weekly broadcast on t he at1me day end same hour each week tor a period or 15 or 30 minutes to put the heeds or departments and eeenciea on the air in a "Whet Your Covernment is Doing" hour, material to be fectual end popular but not political. The program should be scheduled i n e dv&nce. At least two weeks notice should be p:iven to the official who is to broadcast . His speech should go to the person in charge ot meterial prep&retion one week in advanoe for coordinst ion with t he main objec­tives.

3 . The keynote from now on and for this >ihole crogram should be Produce Uore ·::eelth for the Co=on Coed. The Admin. stration has made progress toward this ~oal but it is only a beginning . •Forward•, the motto you used today h e good one .

Thanks tor the t ime you gave me ,


• •


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