pray for zambia. the voice of the lord is over the waters; the god of glory thunders; the lord is...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Pray for Zambia

Pray for Zambia

The voice of the Lord is over the waters;The God of glory thunders;The Lord is over many waters.The voice of the Lord is powerful;The voice of the Lord is full of majesty.Psalm 29:3-4

Victoria Falls (Thundering smoke!)

‘Scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight’. David Livingstone

David Livingstone

'We prepare the way for them. May they not forget the pioneers who worked in the thick gloom with few rays to cheer, except such as flow from faith in God's promises! We work for a glorious future which we are not destined to see'.David Livingstone

As a result of his sacrificial pioneering work, the vast interior of Africa was charted, and roads and railway lines were built into the hinterland. There was a subsequent development in trade and commerce, although the slave trade was halted. Mission stations were established.


The territory we know as Zambia was not discovered by non-Africans until Arab and Portuguese traders came in the 18th Century.David Livingstone was the first Briton to explore the area.

In 1888, Cecil Rhodes, spearheading British commercial and political interests in Central Africa, obtained mineral rights concessions from local chiefs. The discovery of copper deposits had a major influence on the colonial period when Zambia was known as ‘Northern Rhodesia’.

Northern Rhodesia became the Republic of Zambia on 24 October 1964

Zambia is officially a Christian nation according to the 1996 constitution

In 1969, Graham Ingram, a former student of Spurgeon's College, became pastor of Lusaka Baptist Church (LBC). Pastor Ingram was influenced by the preaching of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and systematically and passionately expounded the Scriptures. He preached with such intensity that some, overwhelmed by the gospel and convicted of sin, could not leave their seats at the end of a service.

Pray for Zambia• Superficiality – in a country where 68% of the population claim to be

Protestant Christians there is a real danger of a profession which is only ‘skin deep’ – there is need for a better understanding of the Bible and better equipped teachers and pastors.

• Pray that the spread of false ‘prosperity gospel teaching’ may be resisted and that congregations may be established on biblical truth.

• Pray for revival in churches which have succumbed to a form of religion that is devoid of evangelical fervour and allows unconverted men to be influential and occupy the pulpits.

• Pray that Zambian evangelicals will not be taken in by false prophetic claims or hybrids of Christianity with witchcraft.

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