prayer list charlie davis –hernia repair surgery dec 29, at st. mary’s. michele todd –...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Prayer List• Charlie Davis –hernia repair surgery Dec 29, at St. Mary’s.• Michele Todd – recuperating at home. • Imogene Taylor – came home from the hospital Dec 28• Leeland Neeley – will have his 2nd heart surgery Jan 4,

ARCH• Bonnie Krantz’s - biopsy shows no cancer.• Doris Wood (Paula Tarte’s grandmother) St. Mary’s #251.• Mildred Brown (Johanna Kenner’s mother) St. Mary’s

#383.• Willanna Jones (Linda Lambert’s step-daughter) UAMS

#616-H.• Glendon Master (Joyce Owens’ cousin) Dardanelle

Hospital #205. May lose a leg due to diabetes.• Joe Miller (Dover) two broken ankles after a fall

December 22.

Announcements• Sympathy to Jennifer Wortham in the loss of her niece, Autumn

Wyatt, who passed away December 19. The funeral was December 22 in Louisiana.

• Sympathy to Bonnie Krantz in the loss of a family member, Clifford McCann, who passed away December 28.

• The church office is closed Friday, December 31. Please contact one of the elders, deacons or preachers for any news to be announced Sunday, January 2.

• Everyone is invited to a New Year’s Eve party Friday, December 31, 7:00 PM-Midnight, at the Family Center. Adults will meet at the Rock and teens meet at the Cornerstone and gym. Please bring games, your favorite snack or dessert and drinks.

• Ladies are invited to a baby boy shower for Caitlin Roach Whorton, Sunday, January 2, 1:00-3:00 PM, at the Family Center.

• The Golden Agers will not meet Tuesday, January 4. We will have our planning meeting in February.

• Beginning January 5, Wednesday Bible classes will meet at 6:30 PM.• 2011 Communion servants are needed for February and March. Sign

the list in the hallway.

NumbersWeek Date Topic

1 08 Dec10 Numbers: An Introduction

2 15 Dec10 Census and Organization: 1:1-4:49

3 22 Dec10 Purity of the Camp: 5:1-6:27

4 29 Dec10 Dedication of the Tabernacle: 7:1-9:23

5 05 Jan 11 Failure of Israel: 10:1-12:16

6 12 Jan 11 Pinnacle of Failure at Kadesh: 13:1-14:45

7 19 Jan 11 Failure of Israel in the Wilderness: 15:1-19:22

8 26 Jan 11 Failure of Israel enroot to Moab: 20:1-25:18

9 02 Feb 11 Reorganization of Israel: 26:1-27:23

10 09 Feb 11 Regulations of Offerings and Vows: 28:1-30:16

11 16 Feb 11 Division of the Land: 31:1-33:49

12 23 Feb 11 Further Division of the Land: 33:50-36:13

13 02 Mar 11 Review


• Constable Notes - Primary• Halley’s Bible Handbook• JFB Bible Commentary• ISBE (Encyclopedia)

Key Points for Today’s Lesson• Chronologically, chapters 7-9 precede chapters 1-

6• Learn background information on Aaron• Learn more details about the dedication of the

temple and offerings made by the Israelites• Learn about the consecration of the Levites• Review supplementary instructions for the

Passover• Learn about events that occurred as the Israelites

prepared for their journey

Last Week’s Lesson

• Studied Numbers 5-6• Israelites were had to observe specific commands

and rituals in preparation for entering the Promised Land

• The journey through the wilderness would become the process through which the covenant promise is connected to the covenant possession

• Nazarite vow is given for those that have an increase dedication of service to God

• God directed Moses, Aaron, and his sons in how to bless Israel

TimelineEvent Year Hebrew Day Month

Departure from Egypt 1446 Nisan 15 April

Quail and Manna provided 1446 Iyyar 15 May

Ten Commandments in the Sinai 1446 Sivan ? Jun

Tabernacle Built 1445 Iyyar 1 April

Depart from Sinai 1445 Iyyar 20 May

At Kadesh-Barnea – second time 1406 Nisan 1 March

At Mt. Hor – Aaron Dies 1406 Ab 1 Jul

Moses Death 1406 Shebat 1 Jan

Cross Jordan 1405 Nisan 10 Apr

Keep Passover and Manna ceases 1405 Nisan 14 Apr

Timeline – Numbers 7-9Second Year Event Biblical Text

Day 1 – First Month Completion of tabernacle Exodus 40:2, Numbers 7:1

Laws for offering begin Leviticus 1:1

Offerings for altar begin Numbers 7:3

Ordination of priests begin Leviticus 8:1

Day 8 – First Month Ordination of priests complete Leviticus 9:1

Day 12 – First Month Offerings for altar completed Numbers 7:78

Appointment of Levites Numbers 8:5

Day 14 – First Month Second Passover Numbers 9:2

Day 1 – Second Month Census begins Numbers 1:1

Day 14 – Second Month Passover for those unclean Numbers 9:11

Day 20 – Second Month Cloud moves, camp departs Numbers 10:11

Quick Primer on Aaron• Descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob• Great-grandfather was Levi• Grandfather was Kohath (remember Kohathites)• Brother of Moses (Ex 6:16-20)• Sons were Nadab, Abihu, Eleaszr, Thamar• Sister was Miriam• First High Priest of the Israelites• Remained with Israelites when Moses was being

educated at the Egyptian royal court• Know for eloquent and persuasive speech• Not allowed to enter Canaan

Offerings at the Dedication (7:1-88)• Events of this chapter take place prior to chapters

1-6 (see Lev 8:10), 2nd longest chapter in the Bible• Purpose– People were generation in the construction of the

tabernacle (Ex 35:4-29)– Now they must exercise the same generosity in its

dedication• Offerings overview– Presented six wagons and 12 oxen to carry the

materials of the tabernacle– Gershonites received two wagons and Merarites

received four wagons– Koathites needed no wagons since the hand carried

the temple furnishings

• Presentations are offered over a 12 day period– Took an entire day to receive and sacrifice what

was presented– Each tribe offered exactly the same gifts, showing

an historical dedication to God– None was to be superior to the other, each gift was

equally valuable to God

• Moral order of life is evidenced– Separation, worship, blessing, and service

Offerings at the Dedication (7:1-88)

Offerors at the Dedication• Tribe of Judah – Nahason, son of Amminadab• Tribe of Issachar – Nethanel, son of Zuar• Tribe of Zebulun – Elibab, son of Helon• Tribe of Reuben – Elizur, son of Shedeur• Tribe of Simeon – Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai• Tribe of Gad – Eliasaph, son of Deuel• Tribe of Ephraim – Elishama, son of Ammihud• Tribe of Manasseh – Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur• Tribe of Benjamin – Abidan, sopn of Gideoni• Tribe of Dan – Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai• Tribe of Naphtali – Ahira, son of Enan

Offerors at the Dedication• 1- Tribe of Judah – Nahason, son of Amminadab• 2- Tribe of Issachar – Nethanel, son of Zuar• 3- Tribe of Zebulun – Elibab, son of Helon• 4- Tribe of Reuben – Elizur, son of Shedeur• 5- Tribe of Simeon – Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai• 6- Tribe of Gad – Eliasaph, son of Deuel• 7- Tribe of Ephraim – Elishama, son of Ammihud• 8- Tribe of Manasseh – Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur• 9- Tribe of Benjamin – Abidan, sopn of Gideoni• 10- Tribe of Dan – Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai• 11- Tribe of Asher – Pagiel, son of Okran• 12- Tribe of Naphtali – Ahira, son of Enan

Lighting of the Lamps (7:89-8:4)

• Moses entered the tent of meetings and God speaks to him– God has acknowledged the offering by directing further

service • Lighting of the lamps in the tabernacle symbolized

the consecration of the Levites– Were to represent the whole nation as lights to the

world (read correlation in Isaiah 42:6)– High priest was in charge of the lampstand– Made of gold, with seven lamps

Offerings at the Dedication• Silver plates – 12• Silver sprinkling bowls – 12• Gold dishes filled with incense – 12• Young bulls, for the burnt offering – 12• Rams, for the burnt offering – 12• Male lambs, for burnt offering – 12• Male goats, for a sin offering – 12• Oxen, for the fellowship offering – 24• Rams, for the fellowship offering – 60• Male goats, for the fellowship offering – 60• Male lambs, for the fellowship offering – 60

Setting Apart of Levites (8:5-26)

• Consecration of priests had taken place earlier– See Leviticus 8, consecration of Aaron and his sons– People had only looked on as observers– Now, part of them were being selected as priests

• Tribe of Levi is set apart for service– They are taking the place for all Israelites– In place of the firstborn sons of Israel– Israelites placed their hands on the Levites

• Levites, then, were closer to God than the people and were living sacrifices unto God

Passover (9:1-14)• On the first anniversary of the Passover in Egypt,

the Israelites observed the feast as commanded by God (vs. 5)– After the dedication of the tabernacle– First month of the second year after the Exodus

• God allows people who were unclean or on a journey during the celebration could eat it exactly one month later (vs. 10-11)

• Penalty of death for those not observing it at the preferred time if able (vs. 13)– Also applied to foreigners living among Israelites who

had identified with the Abrahamic Covenant (Ex 12:48-49)

Covering Cloud (9:15-23)

• Provides overview of God’s presence as represented by a cloud above the tabernacle

• A cloud covered the tabernacle once set up– From evening until morning it looked like fire– This process continued– When the cloud lifted, the Israelites moved– When the cloud settled, they encamped

• Focus of this text is Israelites obedience to God


• Learned more details about the dedication of the temple and offerings made by the Israelites

• Learned about the consecration of the Levites• Reviewed supplementary instructions for the

Passover• Learned about events that occurred as the

Israelites prepared for their journey• Next week: Numbers 10:11-12:16

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