pre business basics 1 | 1 lesson 1 meeting new...

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Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… introduce yourself and your job. talk about what you do at work.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Pete Pleased to meet you, I’m Pete from Finance.

John Nice to meet you. I’m John.

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Pete I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new?

John Yeah, I just transferred from the Chicago branch.

Pete Which department are you in?

“ Meeting New Co-workers “

① I’m… from… … the Sr. Manager… Sales … Bill Gates… Microsoft … your co-worker… across the hall ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

John I’m in International Sales. Pete Good line of work. So do you

travel a lot? John Actually, not much. I’m a senior

manager, so I’m responsible for directing staff. How about you?

Pete I’m an accountant, so basically I’m in charge of corporate finance.

② She’s in… … Human Resources … the HR Department … the people business ______________________

③We’re responsible for… … corporate strategy … designing new products … 35% of global supply ______________________

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4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________


My job includes… ( F / I ) Get in touch via… ( F / I ) It is a pleasure to… ( F / I ) I’m happy to… ( F / I ) I’m in charge of… ( F / I ) Please contact me through… ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① put yourself out there: make yourself noticed, often at the risk of failure

② put your self foot forward: appear at your best when meeting someone

③ start off on the right foot: begin a relationship on good terms

1) Do you ever get nervous meeting new people? If so, how do you deal with it?

2) What things do you notice when meeting people for the first time?

3) How important are first impressions? What can you do to make a positive impression?

4) What is the best way to make people remember meeting you?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

7 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“It’s useless to put your best foot forward and then drag the other.”

Zig Ziglar

“My dad always taught me that when there’s an elephant in the room, introduce them.”

Roger Lincoln

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… talk about activities you do and do not enjoy.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Anne So what do you think? Sean I think we should narrow this

down a bit.

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Anne Agreed. To me, a sports day should have activities everyone can do.

Sean And everyone likes. Anne Ideally. So let’s get rid of soccer.

“ Planning Sports Day “

① I think… ... we need to focus ... that’s a great idea ... there’s another way ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Sean I don’t know. I think everyone might like playing it.

Anne I beg to differ. Definitely not my cup of tea.

Sean All right, let’s cut rock climbing. Anne Really? I think it might be a nice

change of pace to go rock climbing.

② Don’t you think…? ... it’s a good idea ... we should try again ... it’s time to go ______________________

③ I wonder what… ... is coming up next ... it’s like to be CEO ... the protocol is ______________________

We’re not getting anywhere here! Can we at least agree to cut yoga?


4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

① narrow something down: reduce or restrict, especially choices

② get somewhere: make progress

③ beg to differ: disagree

Pre Business Basics 1 |

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. _____________ 2. _____________


I’m quite partial to... ( F / I ) I adore... ( F / I ) I can’t stand... ( F / I ) May I ask what you think... ( F / I ) What’s your take on... ( F / I ) I detest... ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

1) What makes a good team building activity? Provide examples.

2) What are your most/least favorite activities to do after work?

3) Is it important for an employer to make sure its employees are enjoying themselves? Why do you think so?

4) Who do you work best with? How did you get to know them?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

8 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“It is better to have one person working with you than three people working for you.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower

“A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skill of the others.”

Norman S. Hidle

7 Talking about Numbers Look at the statistics and complete the presentation.

________ shows last year’s cell phone market share. The green _______ iOS, the second best selling OS, behind ________. The purple segment represents _________. _________was the lowest selling OS, representing only ___________of the total market share. All other OSs combined for just _____________ of last year’s market share. ___________ between the top two cell phone OSs and the rest of the world.

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… express fractions and decimals.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Matt Hey, so, how was the meeting? Lynn Not bad. It was relatively short.

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Matt Lucky you, Those things can drag on forever. Did you go over layoffs?

Lynn Remember how we spent all that money on marketing?

Matt Yeah, something like a quarter of our annual budget. Around $7.5 million.

“ Talking Numbers “

① The numbers suggest… ... we spent too much ... people were unhappy ... the recession is over ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Lynn More like $8 million, but yeah, not small change. Anyway, we’re finally seeing some results.

Matt Such as? Lynn Well, last quarter we finally

turned the corner. Matt Nice. So my question is, “What

does that mean for layoffs?”

② Go into great detail… ... about cost ... when explaining something ... as to what numbers represent ______________________

③What does that mean for…? ... job security ... retirement benefits ... tax payers ______________________

They didn’t go into great detail, but don’t worry, the numbers suggest we’re moving in the right direction!


Pre Business Basics 1 |

4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________


This figure illustrates... ( F / I ) Here we can see... ( F / I ) There’s a significant difference... ( F / I ) There’s a big difference... ( F / I ) This part shows... ( F / I ) This segment represents... ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① break something down: explain something, especially by dividing it into parts

② turn the corner: earn a profit after a period of losses

③ figure out: discover or find a solution.

1) About 1% of US businesses allow their employees to take naps. What do you think of this statistic?

2) Around half of Americans think they are being paid appropriately. Do you feel the same? Why?

3) The average worker spends 8.5 days per year in meetings. How do you compare?

4) When are numbers exciting to you?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

7 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.”

Rene Descartes

“Torture numbers and they’ll tell you anything.”

Gregg Easterbrook

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… schedule an appointment.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Pat Hey Tom, have you ever worked with sales reports like this? I could really use some help.

Tom Let me see...actually, I have. I’m a little busy now, but I’d be happy to help.

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Pat Are you free around 3:15 pm? Tom Sorry, my schedule is a little

busy for today. How does tomorrow sound?

Pat I have a business trip tomorrow, but how about Friday?

“ Scheduling Time “

①What’s your schedule like…? ... for the weekend ... for tonight ... next week ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Tom I think Friday works. Pat Great. I really need to amaze Mr.

Clark after my last report. He said he has never seen such amateur work.

Tom Ouch! Okay, pencil me in for 2:00 pm.

Pat You’re a life saver. I mean it.

② How does … sound? ... Friday, 6:30 pm ... this weekend ... next July ______________________

③ Have you ever…? ... led a team of people ... been to New York ... dealt with reports like this ______________________

My pleasure. Tom

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4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________


Confirm asap... ( F / I ) Confirm as soon as possible... ( F / I ) How about… ( F / I ) Would you care to… ( F / I ) I would like to attend... ( F / I ) Put me down for... ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① through the regular channels: the typical or expected method of doing things

② double book: make two reservations for the same time slot

③ pencil someone in: schedule an appointment that is not 100% certain

1) What have you accomplished at work that you are most proud of?

2) Have you ever double booked someone or been double booked? What happened?

3) What do you usually use to keep track of appointments? Is there a better way?

4) What’s a good way to deal with someone who tends to be late when their lateness is typical of their culture?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

7 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”

Albert Einstein

“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.”

Barry Lepatner

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… open and close a phone conversation. respond to phone related complications.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Lynn Hello, is Mr. Hall there please? Tom Speaking.

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Lynn Good afternoon, Mr. Hall. I’m calling from Mr. Clark’s office to touch base with you about Friday.

Tom Touch base? All right, I’m listening.

Lynn I reserved a seat for you leaving at 11:50 am and arriving at Dubai National Airport at 7:30 am. Does that work for your schedule?

“ Dealing with Complications “

① Sorry, did you say…? ... can or can’t ... 13 or 30 ... you’re already sold out ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Tom Actually, I have something at 9:00 am that day. It looks like I can’t make it.

Lynn Sorry, did you say can or can’t? Tom Can’t, as in cannot. So, is there

any way to take a later flight? Lynn Just a moment...No,

unfortunately that’s the last direct flight on Friday.

② … as in … ... That’s B... Bob ... I said Asia... the East ... free... freedom ______________________

③ It looks like… ... we have a bad connection ... that time won’t work for me ... we need to reschedule ______________________

I see. Anyway, I’ll try to rearrange things.


Pre Business Basics 1 |

4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________


May I please speak to...? ( F / I ) Is Bob Fulton there? ( F / I ) Speaking. ( F / I ) You’re talking to him. ( F / I ) Bye now. ( F / I ) Take care. ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① touch base with someone: contact someone, especially for updates

② cover a topic: discuss a topic

③ get back to someone: talk to someone again after finding out certain information

1) Do you change your voice over the phone?

2) How would you deal with a co-worker who speaks too loudly on the phone?

3) How can employers ensure phone etiquette with employees?

4) Do machines and outsourced call centers help or hinder business practices?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

7 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“My cell phone is my best friend. It’s my lifeline to the outside world.”

Carrie Underwood

“I’m old fashioned with my cell phone. I like that human contact and I think it’s important.”

Giovanni Ribisi

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… make future plans. differentiate between two forms of future tense.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Bill Do you know what Tom has lined up for tomorrow?

Pat Yeah, I heard he’s heading to Dubai. Too bad; I was planning on working on something with him.

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Lynn Ms. Smith, I have Tom Hall on line 1 for you.

Pat Thanks, Lynn, I’ll take it in a moment. Anyway, good for him.

Bill It is good for him. It would be nice to go on a business trip once in a while. At least for a workshop.

“ Talking Futures “

① I was planning on… ... retiring early ... working for another ten years ... starting a new project ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Pat Not much chance in this department. Do you know what Tom’s going to do there?

Bill He’ll probably review operations and then go shopping. I would.

Pat No, I doubt he’ll go shopping. He doesn’t seem the type.

Lynn Hello again, would you like me to have Mr. Hall call back?

②What are your plans…? ... after the takeover ... for expansion in the New Year ... for the Anniversary ______________________

③ I anticipate… ... a loss of market share ... an increase in sales ... fewer tax breaks in the near future ______________________

No, I’m going to get it. I’m sure he doesn’t mind holding a bit.


Pre Business Basics 1 |

4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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We’ll head to... ( F / I ) We didn’t want to... ( F / I ) We decided against... ( F / I ) We will travel to... ( F / I ) Due to its population... ( F / I ) Because it has many people… ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① line something up: prepare or organize something, especially an opportunity

② future endeavors: things you will do in the future

③ plan something out: make detailed plans for doing something

1) What will you be doing in five years? What position will you have?

2) How do you think your tastes will change in the future?

3) What skills will you try to develop in time?

4) When will you be satisfied with your life?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

8 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“There is no future in any job. The future lies in the man who holds the job.”

George Crane

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I’d still plant my apple tree.”

Martin Luthor

Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. _____________ 2. _____________

7 Which Is The Best Place? Look at the candidate countries for your business startup. Label the countries and decide which is the best place for a startup in your industry. Explain why.

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… communicate your understanding of someone’s feelings.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Rob How was your flight? You must be jet lagged.

Anne Yeah, it was hard to sleep. The guy next to me kept rustling his newspaper while he read, and I mean loud.

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Rob I wouldn’t have been very happy about that.

Anne Oh! And I was really unhappy with him taking up the entire tray between our seats.

Rob I would’ve been a little annoyed with the flight attendant for not noticing what was going on. So what did you do?

“ Talking About The Flight “

① You must be… ... exhausted ... eager to get started ... ready to go ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Anne I asked him to give me a little more space.

Rob You said that? Anne Yeah. I felt it was better than

being quietly angry at him the entire trip.

Rob Can’t fault you for that. How did he handle it?

② I wouldn’t be…about that ... very happy... ... thrilled... ... so surprised... ______________________

③ I can’t fault you for… ... not agreeing ... trying ... being yourself ______________________

He was pretty understanding. Turns out he was a decent guy after all.


Pre Business Basics 1 |

4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________


I’m pretty happy... ( F / I ) I’m quite delighted... ( F / I ) It has been a considerable disappointment... ( F / I ) It really disappoints me... ( F / I ) I’m on the fence about it... ( F / I ) I’m ambivalent in that regard... ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① come across like something: appear or seem like something that you are not.

② be instrumental in: have a critical role in something

③ handle something: successfully deal with something

1) What puts you in a good mood at work?

2) If you had the ability, what one thing would you do to improve morale in your company?

3) Does higher pay lead to greater job satisfaction? Give a real-world example.

4) Is morale contagious? Why do you think so?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

7 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“I love to travel I just hate getting there.”


“The world is a book; those who do not travel read only one page.”

Saint Augustine

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… order food at a restaurant.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Dan Everything looks so good . It’s hard to decide. What would you recommend?

Waiter If you like red meat, the steak is excellent.

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Dan OK, I’ll have the steak with a side of salad, please. How about you, Rick?

Rick If you’re going to have steak, I’ll try something different. How’s the salmon?

Waiter Very good. And it comes with a curried rice dish that’s a specialty of the house.

“ Ordering at a Restaurant “

① I’ll start with… ... mussels ... a green salad ... a bottle of Merlot ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Rick That sounds great. Dan Should we share an appetizer?

How about the mussels? Rick That’s one of my favorites if you

want to try. Dan Perfect, let’s start with that.

② I’ll have the… with… ... steak... roasted potatoes ... lamb chops... Greek salad ... salmon... a wedge of lemon ______________________

③ If you… I’ll… ... order that... try some ... want to share... get it ... get the prawns... order something else ______________________

Another good choice. And for drinks?


Pre Business Basics 1 |

4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________


Is...any good? ( F / I ) Is it big enough to share? ( F / I ) Are the portions enough for two? ( F / I ) What is the entree served with? ( F / I ) What are the sides? ( F / I ) Would you recommend...? ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① It’s on me: I will pay the bill

② split the bill: equally share the payment of the bill

③ get someone’s attention: attract someone’s interest

1) Do you think it’s a good idea to eat before a business lunch? Why?

2) Does what your boss orders affect your order? Explain.

3) Who should pay for the meal? Does it matter how much it costs?

4) What type of restaurant is suitable for a business lunch or dinner?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

7 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“The world was my oyster but I used the wrong fork.”

Oscar Wilde

“The real test of good manners is to be able to put up with bad manners pleasantly.”

Khalil Gibran

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… express your opinion about a sale. use comparative constructions to assess value.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Seller So what are we looking for today?

Zach A bit of everything. I’m just starting at a new position.

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Seller And you have to look the part. Anything in particular?

Zach Let’s start with some slacks. Seller All right, pleated or flat front?

“ Looking for Formal Wear “

① … as… as… Socks aren’t... expensive... ties I’m not... wealthy... Glen Her shoes are... cheap... mine ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Zach I think pleated is a little nicer. How much are those?

Seller $350. They’re out of season, so they’re cheaper than you might expect.

Zach Actually, that’s more expensive than I expected.

Seller You’re free to shop around. You won’t find another pair of Valentino’s as low as that.

② That is more… than I… cost effective... expected reasonable... thought expensive... hoped ______________________

③ I think… are a little… ... Oxfords... classier ... cravats... outdated ... those... too pricey ______________________

I don’t know. For these prices I might as well have a new pair made.


Pre Business Basics 1 |

4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Why don’t you… ( F / I ) You should... ( F / I ) No thanks… ( F / I ) I’d rather not… ( F / I ) Good call... ( F / I ) Excellent idea... ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① look the part: leave by plane

② might as well: should (more colloquial)

③ shop around: look for suitable alternatives among a group

1) How easy is it for you to find clothes that fit you?

2) If you are asked where to buy formal wear in your area, where will you suggest? Why?

3) Who is the best dresser around you? What makes them stand out?

4) Is casual Friday a good idea? Why?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

8 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“I buy expensive suits, they just look cheap on me.”

Warren Buffet

“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”

Mark Twain

Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. _____________ 2. _____________

7 Shopping Day Label the items and plan for your shopping day.

Pre Business Basics 1 |


Learning Objectives


After this lesson, you will be able to… express regret or relief.

1 Getting Started Describe the picture below and talk about the question.

2 Key Patterns Look at the key patterns and make your own sentences using them.

Tom So, did you miss me? Beth Actually, yeah. Pat got fired last


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Tom Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that. I wish I could have helped her.

Beth If you had helped her, she’d probably still be in a job she hates.

Tom I guess.

“ Back from the Trip “

① If I had… I would have… ... had more time... shopped ... worked harder... gotten a raise ... listened... understood him ______________________

3 Key Conversation Review the conversation answer some questions from your instructor.

Beth And she wouldn’t have gotten such a great severance package. She’s in Hawaii right now!

Tom Well, If I get fired anytime soon, that’s where I’ll go.

Beth Please, you just got back from a trip halfway around the world. How was it anyway?

Tom Really neat. If I had had more time, I would have looked around more, though.

② I wish I could have… ... helped more ... visited longer ... met with her last week ______________________

③ I’m sorry to… ... hear that ... tell you this ... leave so soon ______________________

That’s always the case. So what did you bring me?


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4 Business Expressions Look at the following expressions and make your own sentence for each.

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Wrapping Up Share two things you learned from this lesson and review.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________


What’s your biggest...? ( F / I ) I see. ( F / I ) What other things would...? ( F / I ) What else? ( F / I ) OK. ( F / I ) What would you say is your greatest...? ( F / I )

5 The Formal Sort Sort the questions and explain why you believe they are formal or informal. (F=formal / I=informal)

① able to tell: able to identify or recognize something

② give someone a break: allow someone to relax

③ bring something to the table: offer a benefit

1) Is it better to regret doing something or to regret not doing something? Why?

2) Can the future be independent of the past?

3) How do businesses and marketers use the power of regret?

4) How does your gender, culture, or belief system affect what you regret?

6 Let’s Discuss Choose 1 or 2 questions that interests you the most and discuss.

7 Quote of the Day Read the quotes and answer the question from your instructor.

“Most of... life consists of driving somewhere and then returning home, wondering why... you went.”

John Updike

“There’s nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find ways in which you have altered.”

Nelson Mandela

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