pre-colonial africa and the trans atlantic slave trade

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Africa and the Atlantic world

Pre-Colonial Africa and the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade

African Politics in Early Modern Times

Ghana was replaced by Mali Mali had outgrown itself and the

lucrative gold trade had fallen in the hands of the city-state of Gao

Gao was to become the state of Songhay (Songhai Empire).

Songhay Supremacy

Sunni Ali Embarked and

raids and consolidated the Songhai Empire

Built around great cities at Timbuktu, Gao, and Jenne


Fall of Songhay Similar to India

after the Mauryans. The region fell into chaos and regionalism that led to smaller groups emerging.

Destroyed in 1591 by the advancing Moroccon armies with their gunfire.

Economic Factors Ghana, Mali, and

the Songhay state had all relied on the control of the gold trade to power their state.

After the Songhay and the emergence of European traders this was no longer possible.

Swahili Decline Kilwa had been one of

the busiest cities states on the East coast. Like other trade based states, this state fell into decline as Europeans arrived and took control of commerce.

Vasco De Gama arrived in the 15th century and sacked the city.

Portugal and the Kongo Kongo had a centralized state with a

formidable judiciary, military, and financial structure. Capital at Mbanza

Kongolese kings realized the preeminence of the Portuguese and converted to Christianity and grew dependent on the Europeans.

Slave Raiding in Kongo Kongo grew dependent on European

goods. Needed textiles, weapons, advisors,

and artisans. Portuguese initially sought ivory, and

copper…but then Slaves. King Afonso document:

Ndongo Led by Queen

Nzinga the Ndongo (Angola) resisted Porguese control. They formed alliances and drew influence from Nzinga.

Nzinga and the Portuguese Allied with Dutch to drive out the

Portuguese. After her death the resistance which

had been considerable, was no match for the Portuguese.

South Africa Had been dominated by

the Great Zimbabwe, a fabulous walled kingdom that controlled plains of the South.

Europeans disrupted this state under the Dutch.

The Dutch guns drove the Khoikhoi out and allowed them to subdue them to slave labor.

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