pre-feasibility report€¦ · the main aim of this project is to identifying the existing mswm...

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Pre-Feasibility Report

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

1 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat



No. Particular

1.1 Details of the proposed project 3.1 List of Nearest Transportation facility from Project Site 3.2 Mass balance 3.3 Waste Projection 4.1 Compliances of Selected Landfill as per SWM Rules, 2016 4.2 Eco Sensitive Area 4.3 Details of social Infrastructure 5.1 Ward wise population in Chakulia Town (census 2011) 5.3 Land uses break up of proposed facility 8.1 Capital cost of the project


Fig. No.


3.1 General Location of Proposed Project Site 3.2 Google image showing the Project site 3.3 Topographical Map of 10 Km radius showing the Project site 3.4 Flow sheet for collection and transportation of Solid Waste 4.1 Lay out Plan of proposed landfill site 5.1 Graphical Representation of population growth trend

List of Annexure

Annexure No. Particular

I Land documents II Khasra Plan

1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction of project/background information.

3 Project descriptions 4 Site Analysis 5 Planning brief 6 Proposed infrastructure 7 Rehabilitation & Re-settlement (R&R) plan 8 Project Schedule & cost estimate 9 Analysis proposal.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

2 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

1. Executive Summary:

Solid waste management has become a major environmental issue in India. The increase

in population and urbanization are largely responsible for the increase in solid waste.

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) includes mostly residential waste, commercial waste, and

market waste, Domestic house waste, street sweeping etc. It consists of biodegradable

waste, recyclable waste, inert waste, combustible and non-combustible waste etc.

At present any scientific system is rarely been practiced for the safe disposal of

municipal solid waste in city. Inefficient storage, collection, transportation, treatment

and disposal of waste lead to contamination of air, surface and ground water, which

result in formation of breeding grounds for vectors, pests, rodents, etc. causing public

health problems. Proper planning for collection, transportation, treatment and disposal

of solid waste are therefore, extremely essential for the protection of environment,

health, sanitation and social wellbeing of the people.

Currently, Chakulia town is generating an average MSW of 5.13 TPD. The Project

Proponent proposes to establish a 15 TPD Integrated MSW Processing and Disposal

Facility in Chakulia town with facilities such as Composting, Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)

for recovery of high calorific value waste, sanitary Landfill (for disposal of inert


As per MOEF & CC Notification of SO No.1533, dated 14th September 2006 and

subsequent amendments, the proposed project falls under Item 7 (i) (Common

Municipal Solid Waste Management facilities) as per Environmental Impact Assessment

Notification dated September 14, 2006 and its amendments.

Table1-1: Details of the proposed project

S.No Information Details 1 Project Name & Address Municipal Solid Waste Management Project by

Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at village sugnibas, Thana344, Khata No-166 Plot No5651/ansh, Rakba-2.0 Acre.

2 Facility Area Total Area – 2.0 Acre. 1 Number Pre-segregation unit of capacity 15 TPD to segregate waste into two different stream i.e. compost and Refused Derived Fuel (RDF). Compost plant capacity-8.0 TPD RDF plant Capacity- 7.0 TPD Sanitary landfill Area -8655 sq m

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

3 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

3 Name of the Client Chakulia Nagar Panchayat.

5 Water Requirement and its Sources

1.35 KLD for operational activities. (Source-PHED supply)

6 Power Supply and its source 63 KVA, Source – JVVNL

7 Project Cost 494.36/- Lacs (Indian Rs.)

8 Nearest Railway Station Chakulia Railway station, which is 2.0 km in NE direction.

9 Nearest State highway (SH) /National Highway (NH)

SH-9, 15 km in East direction. NH-33, 12 km west direction.

10 Nearest Airport Sonari Airport in Jamshedpur is about 65 km in NW direction

2. Introduction of Project/Background Information:

2.1 Introduction of Project:

Solid waste management has now become the necessity for maintaining the public

health, sanitation, environmental and aesthetic vision for the urban local body in almost

all developing countries. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is one of the

essential services for providing quality of life in urban areas and for ensuring of better

standards of health and sanitation. Presently, the systems adopted are inadequate and


For maximum efficiency and effectiveness of this service, it is necessary to tackle this

problem systematically by analyzing the present scenario of the MSW management with

a cost effective system, which ensures adequate level of MSW management services to

all class of citizens. The system will include effective segregation( preferably at source of

generation), collection, storage, processing and disposal of inert materials in sanitary

engineered landfill in an environmentally acceptable manner in accordance with the

Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016.

Govt. of India has launched Swachha Bharat Mission to improve the environment, health

and sanitation condition, as well as SWM services in all ULBs of India. Municipal solid

waste management is the need of the day to keep the city clean and improve the

hygienic condition and environment of the city. This mission involved the policy

formulation and planning process, to be adopted by urban local bodies for preparing,

revising and implementing MSWM Plans. The Planning process suggests the adoption of

the integrated solid waste management hierarchy for deciding on technology solutions,

as well as ensuring of financial viability of municipal solid waste management systems

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

4 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

through revenue generation and encouraging Private Sector Participation (PSP) and

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). The management of municipal solid waste is one of

the key functions of all urban local bodies (ULBs) in the country. All ULBs were required

to meticulously plan, implement and monitor all systems of urban service delivery

especially that of scientific management of solid waste.

Solid waste is the unwanted solid materials which get generated due to the domestic,

commercial and also from industrial processing activities. Similar to the other cities in

state, Chakulia town is also facing this problem of scientific management of generated

solid waste in town. In view of this, Government of India has taken several initiatives as

well as formulated required rules and policy to improve the existing SWM practices in

different ULBs in our country. In Chakulia Nagar Panchayat, the present solid waste

generation is around 5.13TPD, which is mostly comprising of domestic and commercial

waste. Total waste generation in year 2038 is projected to be around 7.07 TPD. There is

an increase of three folds of waste generation after 20 years. The generated solid waste

are mostly organic in nature and are the major causes of generation of greenhouse gases

and due to this temporary dumping site become much vulnerable for catching of fire

and emergency accident. But through the process of scientific waste management, the

generated waste will be utilized in the production of compost and power generation,

which on sell off will generate revenues for the ULB. The generated power shall be

utilized in street lighting of ward areas.

The present cost of the waste management is expensive and the operational mechanism

is also not in line of the formulated guidelines. Improper solid waste management

practices deteriorates the public health, causes environmental pollution, ground and

surface water resources degradation and air quality degradation which ultimately

impacts on quality life of the resident.

The main aim of this project is to identifying the existing MSWM practices within the

town and associated deficiencies in the present system of solid waste management. In

this project there is a proposal for formulation of comprehensive plan for MSW

handling, including segregation at generation point, then collection, transportation and

cluster approach for the scientific processing and disposal at MSWM facility in line with

the SWM Rules 2016.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

5 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

MSWM facility is a distinctive combination of different significant components, and each

will be design separately. Therefore, in line of generating of design of landfill and other

components of MSW a standard design procedure by CPHEEO Manual on Municipal

Solid Waste Management and Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handing Rules)

2016, MOEF, Govt of India has been adopted. Apart from this a complete and

comprehensive design of sanitary landfill will be prepared. Under this task details site

lay out, design of other components and technical specification of other elements shall

be also prepared.

Chakulia town, situated 115 m above sea level is located at 22.48°N 86.72°E. The nearest

highway is NH33. Chakulia is urban center in East Singhbhum district. Chakulia Nagar

Panchayat, with population of 16306 as per 2011 census is only Nagar Panchayat

located in Chakulia sub district of Purbi Singhbhum district in the state Jharkhand in

India. Total geographical area of Chakulia Nagar Panchayat is 15 sq km. Population

density of the city is 1078 persons per sq km .

The Chakulia Nagar Panchayat has population of 16,306 of which 8,352 are males while

7,954 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. In Chakulia Nagar

Panchayat, Female Sex Ratio is of 952 against state average of 948. Moreover, Child Sex

Ratio in Chakulia is around 949 compared to Jharkhand state average of 948. Literacy

rate of Chakulia city is 78.88 %, higher than state average of 66.41 %. In Chakulia, Male

literacy is around 86.97 % while female literacy rate is 70.38 %.

Name of the Project: Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility at village

Sugnibas, thana344, Khata No166 Plot No5651/Ansh

Project Proponent: This project will be developed by Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Chakulia is Urban center in East Singhbhum district. Chakulia Nagar Panchayat.

Project Objective:

The main objective of the project is to ensure the systematic urban planning of the

whole areas comes under the jurisdiction of Chakulia Nagar Panchayat. Further it will

introduce and implement the appropriate technologies for management of MSW, in

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

6 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

order to prevent the health and environmental hazards to the society. Apart from this

the major objective and capacity building are as follows:-

a. Bringing attitudinal and behavioral changes among the local people about the

segregation of waste and sanitation improvement.

b. Understanding the roles and relationships of Municipal official with rest of the


c. Public awareness through informing and educating the masses on various

aspects of solid waste management and achieve the target of receiving

segregated waste from each household.

d. Creating Public Participation in Planning and Management of MSW Activities

e. Capacity Building of the personnel's involved in implementing MSW i.e.

Institutional Capacity of Health Department of FNPP for Improved MSW


f. Organizing and training of Rag pickers, Waste Collectors, and Kabadiwalas.

Name and Address of the Project Proponent:

As ULB is in the process of obtaining of approval from the competent authorities in respect

of erection of “MSW Facility” therefore the signing authority will be the administrative

head of the DNP.

Signing Authority: - Mr. Aman Kumar (SDM)

Phone no. - 06594233667

Office Address: - Chakulia Nagar Panchayat block campus, Chakulia- 832301, Jharkhand,

Phone no: - 06594233667

Brief Description of Nature of Project:-

At present Chakulia Nagar Panchayat (CNP) has no any waste treatment and processing

facility for the scientific treatment of generated solid waste in city. The present solid

waste generation in city is 5.13 TPD with per capita waste generation of approximately

278.86 grams. Waste generated in the city include waste from residential, commercial,

institutional, industrial, construction and demolition waste and street sweeping waste.

There is no door to door waste collection in the city and people throw the waste in open

areas or vacant plots. At present, once in a day waste is collected from road side through

auto tipper and dumped wherever space available. Currently, CNP has 3 Nos of Auto

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

7 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

tippers with 1.0 Cum capacity and 1 Tractor. As of now, no segregation of waste is in

practice and all the waste collection activities are done manually. Waste mixing is

common phenomena in Chakulia.

Summary of SWM in Chakulia

Existing dump site

There is no door to door waste collection in the city and people throw the waste in open

areas or vacant plots. At present, once in a day waste is collected from road side through

tractor and auto tipper and it is being dumped in ward number 6.

The proposed landfill site is 2 acre of land situated 500 m away from FCI Go down

Need for the Project and its importance to the country and region:

In India, the urban local bodies are held responsible for management of city sanitation

related to public health and environmental aesthetic of society. However, with increasing

public and political awareness as well as new possibilities opened by economic growth,

solid waste management is now becoming the major concern for ensuring of proper health

and sanitation of urban areas.

With increase in the population and the rising demand for food and other essentials, there

has been a rise in the amount of waste being generated daily by each household. This waste

is ultimately thrown into municipal waste collection centers from where it is collected by

the area municipalities to be further thrown into the temporary dump site. However, either

due to resource crunch or inefficient infrastructure, not all of this waste gets collected and

transported to the final dumpsites. If at this stage the waste management and disposal is

improperly done, it can cause serious impacts on health and the surrounding environment.

Components Status/Remark Municipal waste generation 5.13MT Per capita waste generation 278.86 g Door to Door waste generation Not in practice Waste collection vehicles 3 Tippers & 1 Tractor Waste dumping Open dumping Street sweeping Daily on major roads Waste collection frequency Daily on main roads

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

8 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Thus excessive solid waste generated shall be controlled by taking certain preventive


The Integrated MSW Management System envisages a complete solution to the problem of

solid waste management in the Chakulia Nagar Panchayat & rural areas starting from the

primary collection to the final disposal stage. In general the plan envisages primary

collection from residential (Non-slum and slum) commercial establishments, generators

like hotels, markets etc. road sweepings, drain cleaning and finally toxic and hazardous

waste from fish markets, slaughter houses, hospitals, small scale industries etc.

transporting the same to the secondary collection points consisting of dumper bins and

other suitable structures for temporary storage.

Solid waste has major adverse effects on human health and environment. Population

residing in vicinity of those areas where there is no proper waste disposal method is

undertaken are severely affected, especially the pre-school children; waste workers; and

workers in facilities due to fumigation of toxic and infectious materials. Other high-risk

group includes population living close to a waste dump and those, whose water supply has

become contaminated either due to waste dumping or leakage from landfill sites.

Uncollected solid waste also increases risk of injury, and infection.

In particular, organic domestic waste poses a serious threat, since they ferment, creating

conditions favorable to the survival and growth of microbial pathogens. Direct handling of

solid waste can result in various types of infectious and chronic diseases with the waste

workers and the rag pickers being the most vulnerable.

Waste that is not properly managed, especially excreta and other solid waste from

households are a serious health hazard and lead to the spread of infectious diseases.

Unattended waste lying at the road side attracts flies, rats, and other creatures that in turn

spread disease. Normally it is the wet waste that decomposes and releases a bad odor. This

leads to unhygienic conditions and thereby raises the health problems. Currently there is

no such practice undertaken in city for segregation of waste at its source of generation in

terms of biodegradable and recyclable waste. Biodegradable waste has the organic nature

and generally occurs in wetted form like food materials, vegetable waste, plant and garden

waste whereas, the recyclables waste can further have transformed in other form and

make reusable like glass, paper, card boards, metal cans, rags, polymers etc.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

9 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

At present there is no any scientific method is followed for the safe disposal of solid waste

in city. The solid wastes are being dumped by the households in open areas. Some part of

the waste gets spread off and gets trapped in sewerage system and hinders the sewage

flow. This situation becomes more severe in rainy season when, the unsegregated waste

passes to the open sewers and chocked the sewerage system and ultimately sewer water

overflow on the road and street areas. This situation is more common in some of the city

wards. The piles of the garbage occupy half of the road space, which hindered the driving of

bicyclist and motorist; even pedestrians also get troubled in walking through such streets.

To eradicate all the above the execution of this project is the principal requirement in the

present scenario, for every developing society. The importance of the solid waste

management services has its significant value to protect our natural resources, public

health and environment. The process of solid waste management follows the 4R cycles

i.e reduce, reuse, recycle and removal and then after processing tends to final disposal at

sanitary landfill. Waste processing is undertaken to recover the conversion products and

energy generation. The organic fraction of the waste materials is transferred into compost

after variety of biological and thermal process. The valuable product which produces after

composting is compost, which is used as a manure and soil conditioner in agriculture field.

Waste transformation process intends to reduce the volume, weight, size and toxicity of

waste before converting to end product.

2.3 Demands-Supply Gap

There is no any existing processing and landfill site in Chakulia city for processing and

scientific disposal of solid waste. The existing infrastructure is sufficient to cater the

load of this project. Moreover, mobility of waste vehicle shall be occurred in the existing

road network, so setting of any extra road network doesn’t require. Primary collection

vehicles like auto tipper can directly transfer waste from the areas, which are located

closest to the landfill site. Currently, the unscientific disposal is practiced. Apart from

this, with considering the more feasibility of project, one transfer point has been

proposed for the compaction of waste volume and then finally compacted waste will be

transferred to the landfill site by means of secondary transportation as well.

2.4 Imports vs. Indigenous Production

This point is not applicable

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

10 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

2.5 Export Feasibility

This activity is not applicable for this project.

2.6 Domestic/Export Market

The major source of revenue generation through this project is the compost production,

selling of recyclable materials, then collection of user charge from the city resident. The rag

pickers segregate the resalable materials like scraps, metal cans, bottles, card boards,

batteries, polymers, plastic etc. and then sold to the secondary market for earning money.

Recyclable waste is itself an indirect source of employment to the rag pickers. Number of rag

pickers and low income deprived peoples of slums are maintaining their family livelihood by

selling of recyclable waste.

2.7 Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the Project:-

Solid waste management services are one of the obligatory and statutory functions of

municipal department/urban local bodies in the country. SWM services are mostly labour

intensive and it requires the involvement of number of skilled and semiskilled manpower. It

needs the involvement of drivers, clerical, technical and managerial staffs for handling the

diversified works. This service is becoming more expensive in spite of such expenses such

level of satisfactory services are not delivering to the public community comes under Nigam

jurisdiction. To overcome the extra services costing and providing of better services local

bodies may consider the private sector participation in solid waste management. Number of

multiple opportunities will be generating during the construction and operation of solid

waste management facilities. This required the semiskilled and skilled manpower for

providing the better services to the public. For the construction of processing facility there

will be requirement of local semiskilled manpower. This will lead to generation of

employment at local level. Also there will be requirement of unskilled people for door to

door collection of waste then semi-skilled and skilled workmen required for the technical

processing of collected waste. The overall system of solid waste management would

generate multiple employment opportunities. Thereby the proposed project shall have the

positive impacts on the society and will improve the socioeconomic condition of all people

who will be connected with this project either directly or indirectly.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

11 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

About 9 employees will be employed during project operation phase. About 100-150 Nos. of

temporary employment will be generated for primary/secondary collection, transportation,


3.0 Project Descriptions:

3.1 Type of Project Including interlinked and Interdependent Projects, if any

This project is an integrated solid waste management, and is proposed for the setting up of

processing facilities. The main components of the facility will be the sanitary landfill, weigh

bridge, RDF plant, leachate collection system, compost plant, drainage system, gas handling

equipment’s and proper haul road etc.

All the inert/rejects generated from processing facility shall be transferred to the sanitary

engineered landfill for the safe disposal, at the proposed landfill site

3.2 Project Location:

The proposed project is located at village sugnibas, Thana344, Khata No-166 Plot

No5651/ansh, East Singhbhum district. The proposed area is sufficient for the development

of processing facility for the next 20 years of projection.

Map showing general location of the project is given in Figure -3.1. Google map of 500 m

radius showing project boundary (Figure 3.2) and specific location on topographical map

of 10 km radius is provided below in Figure –3.3.

Project Location Detail:

S No Latitude Longitude

1 22°27'47.78"N 86°42'40.55"E

2 22°27'46.87"N 86°42'44.39"E

3 22°27'44.93"N 86°42'43.90"E

4 22°27'45.17"N 86°42'39.96"E

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

12 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Figure 3-1 General Location of Proposed Project Site

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

13 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Figure 3-2 Google Image showing the Project site

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

14 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Figure 3.3 Topographical Map of 10Km radius showing the Project site

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

15 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

3.3 Transportation Network

The proposed site has regional connectivity through surface transportation network as

well as aerial network. The nearest transportation facility from project site was

analyzed and the same is presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3-1 List of Nearest Transportation facility from Project Site

1 Nearest Railway

Station Chakuliya Railway station, 2.0 km in NE direction.

2 Nearest State highway (SH) /National Highway (NH)

SH-9, 15.0 km in E direction. NH-33, 12.0 km W direction.

3 Nearest Airport Sonari Airport in Jamshedpur is 65 Km in NW direction

3.4 Details of Site Selection and the basis of selecting the proposed site,

The selection for the site for landfill and processing facilities is the most important

decision to be made by the ULBs/municipal Corporation in developing of its waste

management plan. The different factors of overall process of waste management have its

direct impacts on human health, and nearby ecosystem. During site selection sensitive

factors must be taken into account like occurrence of any sensitive receptors, level of

underground water table, sensitive flora, fauna and localized endangered species. Also

care shall be taken in minimizing the impacts on adjoining environment and habitation

during site selection for facility development.

3.5 Size or magnitude of operation

It is estimate that about 7.07 MT/day waste will be generated up to 2038 from all 10

wards under the jurisdiction of Chakulia Nagar Panchayat, The design life of the land fill

has been considered for 20 year (2018-2038).

Total Area: - 2.0 Acres

Capacity of Processing Facility: 15TPD

Capacity of Aerobic Compost Plant – 8.0TPD

RDF Processing Plant Capacity – 7.0 TPD

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

16 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

3.6 Project Description with Process details

The activities planned in the proposed project include collection, transportation,

treatment & disposal of municipal solid waste in compliance to the SWM Rules 2016.

The basic concept for the solid waste management of the project area is presented in the

form of the flow chart in Figure 3-4.

This concept has been developed keeping into considerations the following design


1. Compliance to the SWM Rules 2016 for waste collection, transportation,

treatment & disposal.

2. Providing door to door collection of waste from source in segregated manner.

3. Introduction of an efficient secondary waste collection & transportation system

using Refuse collectors.

The municipal waste received at the site is processed at waste management facility by

segregating the waste into recyclable and composting material. After separation of

recyclables the compostable material will be diverted to compost plant.

1. Waste Processing System Based on the sampling study conducted and the number of waste generators existing in

the city, it is estimated that the waste generation in Chakulia is about 5.13 TPD.

Various fractions in the Municipal Solid Waste can be classified into following broad


A) Compostable Fractions: Compostable fractions mainly consist of biodegradable

(food) waste. This is wet in nature & degrades very fast. Moisture content may be as

high as 70%. This fraction can be economically & effectively converted into good quality

organic manure through controlled aerobic composting process. About 50% of organic

matter present in MSW is very hard to compost. They mainly consist of high lignin items

like food particles, plant stems, dry leaves, packing materials, coconut shells, etc.

Jharkhand has deciduous category of forest and during spring season (Feb to March)

plants are used to drop their dry leaves and bark annually. So during these season

organic part of waste quantity used to increase due to excessive falling of leaves.

However, these items have good calorific value & hence are combustible. Along with

these organic combustible fractions, other items like leather, tyres, rags, etc. can be

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

17 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

processed to produce RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) having a reasonable calorific value.

The RDF can be used as a substitute for coal in furnaces, kilns, boilers, etc.

B) Recyclables: Items like aluminum cans, glass bottles, LDPE/HDPE bags, etc. can be

recycled. Since the recycling industry is well organized, recyclable materials can be

separated & directly sold to the recycling industry.

C) Inert: Most of this inert material can be effectively used to produce building

materials like interlocking tiles for pavement, hollow & solid concrete blocks for

building walls, etc.

D) Remnants: While recovering various resources, process remnants will be generated

& these remnants will have to be disposed-off in Sanitary Landfill Facility (SLF). The

land fill burden will decrease due to the lower amount of incoming garbage.

Process in Brief

1st step in waste processing is to receive waste and keep turning for three days for

removal of surface moisture and dissipation of inherent moisture.

Thereafter its segregation into two different stream i.e. compost and Refused Derived

Fuel (RDF).

Waste receiving and its Pre-segregation

• Inspection: This is done to ensure that fresh garbage received has only the specific

constituents of the waste are received at the Composing Facility.

• Weighing: After the inspection, the garbage is weighed to record the quantity of fresh

garbage received.

After the waste pre-segregation, the waste is received into the pre-processing section

where the MSW collected in Bio-drying Unit is placed for 3 days. Bio- drying is a circular

area divided in four parts. There is a loader in the Centre of bio-drying unit, which is

worked for transferring MSW from one part to another part day by day for removing

water droplets from MSW . Thereafter MSW is fed in feeding conveyor by Loader. Higher

size fraction which is predominantly recyclable like bottles, glasses, mirror etc. and non-

biodegradable is sent to manual picking conveyor where recyclable products are

separated manually.

Thereafter the MSW is fed into Volumetric Air Density Separator (VADS) by feeding

conveyor. There is a Magnetic Separator on the Belt Conveyor to separate Magnetic

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

18 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

items. Magnetic separator is used to filter and remove metal contamination from MSW

and to prevent damage to Volumetric Air Density Separator and Shredder. Here MSW is

segregated into RDF, Compost Material and Inert in +75 mm and - 75 mm fractions.

The material coming in category of + 75 mm is fed in Hopper which is connected to

shredder. Shredder is used to shred this MSW to prepare RDF.

-75 mm fraction mainly Bio degradable is conveyed through Belt Conveyor to Windrows

Section for further processing. VADS output is divided into three phases: 1. Bio

degradable, 2. Non bio degradable, and 3. inert. Bio degradable material size is -75 mm

and it is sent to windrows and non-bio degradable materials size is +75 mm and it is fed

to Shredder.

-75 mm fraction, which is almost 40% of MSW in VADS having 15-20% moisture is

placed in windrows for 30-35 days by making hips. Here curing process also worked

and leachate is also removed. After 30-35 days it is fed to Vibrating Sieve.

Vibrating Sieve is used to screen out large particle with 16mm sieve size screen. Filtered

material will be further cured for 7 days to convert into compost. Further this will be

fined screened through vibrating screen of 6mm sieve size to get final compost.

In this way the products i.e. Compost and RDF are prepared and stored and during RDF

processing the Plant will segregate recyclables for further disposal.

The residual material of above process (inert) will be used make bricks through brick

making machine. Any further residual shall be dumped in SLF.

Figure 3-4 Flowsheet for Collection and Transportation of Solid Wastes

Household/com Hotels/restaurant




(Compost &


100 Lt CP bins (only

bin will be provided

for wet waste)

1.0 cu m tipper & 800 LT


1.8 cu m tipper

Sanitary Landfill

Vegetable Market/Mandi

10 Lt Domestic

bins (Separate bin

for wet waste)

Road sweeping

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

19 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

TABLE 3-2 Mass balance Component Weight in MT Percentage % MSW 7.07 100 Compost 1.45 20 RDF 1.25 18 Moisture loss 1.57 22 Magnetic separator 0.71 10 Recyclable 0.07 1 Inert being used for brick making

0.96 14

Inert towards SLF 1.07 15

3.7 Required Raw material

In this project, the raw materials such as stones, aggregates, cement, sand, bricks, Geo

membrane, PVC sheets, PVC pipes, steel, aluminum etc. will be used as construction

material. During construction stage, the following raw material handling methods will

be adopted:

1. Cement will be separately stored under cover in bales.

2. Sand & aggregates will be stacked under tarpaulin cover.

3. Temporary material storage yard will be constructed for storage of construction


Construction materials will be transported by trucks or trolleys etc. Precautions will

take to reduce the impact of the vehicular movement by avoiding the vehicular trips

during peak hours. Also vehicle’s speed limit shall be maintained during the

construction and operation phase. Vehicles carrying the raw material will be covered

during construction and operational phase as per the SWM Rules 2016.

During operation phase of solid waste management, the following waste handling

methods shall be adopted.

1. Waste shall be ensured to cover under tarpaulin during transportation of waste.

2. Care shall be taken to avoid littering and spillages of waste on city road during


3. Segregation of waste shall be ensured at the generation point.

4. Moist waste shall be avoided to transport for avoiding of leachate spillages on city


5. Speed limit as well as traffic rule shall be followed during transportation of waste.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

20 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

3.8 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any.

The proposed project is an Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Project; the

waste will be segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Bio-

degradable waste will be processed and converted into compost and recyclable material

will be sent to recyclers in which some fraction of materials shall be reused while

remaining part will be recycled.

3.9 Availability of water, its source, energy/ power requirement and source

3.9.1 Water requirement

About 1.35 KLD water will be required for operation, dust separation & plantation

purpose. For the drinking purpose advance treated RO water shall be ensured to make

available at the facility for the working staffs.

3.9.2 Power

Power consumption during the operational phase will be 63 KVA and will be supplied

by (J.V.V.L).

3.10. Solid waste generation & its disposal

Precarious dumping of the waste has posed great threat to the environment therefore

the waste needs to be treated at the source itself. Waste generated are either thrown

away or gathered together for disposal. Reduction of waste at source, although not

controlled by solid waste management is now included in system evaluation as a

method of limiting the quantity of waste generated. In this scheme reduction

management at source is not considered, keeping in view the mixed status of families

ranging from slums to high – income group. This aims to create awareness among all the

categories of the people; standard of living has increased of all over India and also

Chakulia Nagar Panchayat.

The final functional element in the solid waste management system is disposal. Today

the disposal of waste by land filling or uncontrolled dumping is the ultimate fate of all

solid wastes, whether they are residential wastes collected and transported directly to a

landfill site, residual materials from Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs), residue from

the combustion of solid waste, rejects of composting, or other substances from various

solid waste processing facilities. A municipal solid waste landfill is an engineered facility

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

21 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

used for disposing of solid waste on land or within the earth’s mantle without creating

nuisance or hazard to public health or safety, such as breeding of rodents and

contamination of ground water. Waste projection details are given in Table 3-3 as given


Table 3-3 Waste Projection

Year Population Waste generation

2011 16306 4.55 2016 17810 4.97 2018 18411 5.13 2021 19313 5.39 2023 19986 5.57 2028 21667 6.04 2031 22675 6.32 2033 23437 6.54 2038 25343 7.07 2041 26486 7.39 2042 26924 7.51 2047 29113 8.12 2051 30865 8.61

3.10.1 Liquid Effluent

Peak leachate generation rate works out to 175.97 m3 /day during monsoon period. The

leachate should be collected in ‘leachate collection sump’ and will be partially re-

circulated to windrow and landfill and balance pumped to leachate evaporation pond.

Domestic wastewater generated at the site shall be treated in septic tank followed by

soak pits. Sludge from soak pit shall be mixed with compost. Leachate generated at site

will be collected in leachate collection sump and dumped to leachate evaporation pond.

Since the leachate quantity is moderate solar evaporation ponds combined with

aeration facility will be more suitable.

4. Site Analysis:-

With considering existing environmental features around the proposed site; it is

analyzed to understand the environmental and social sensitivity of project. The detail is

deliberated in subsequent section.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

22 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

4.1 Land Detail

The decentralized advance aerobic processing plant and sanitary landfill site is

proposed in northern side of the city at village Sugnibas, Thana344, Khata No-166 Plot

No5651/ansh, Rakba-2.0 Acre, which is sufficient for the development of processing

facility for the next 20 years of projection.

4.2 Existing Scenario

The prevailing local environment and geomorphological features around the project site

play an important role in assessment of impact due to proposed project activity. The

land use around the site is observed to be Open land use. Very few trees have been

observed within the site. Bushes and grass have been observed within the site however

plantation is observed in the nearby area of site. The terrain is generally plain.

4.3 Compliance of SWM Rules:-

With considering the potential of impact due to adopted activities for processing and

landfill the distance of buffer zone is regularly prescribed by regulatory agencies. The

compliance of site selection criteria for proposed landfill facility as per SWM Rules, 2016

is as presented below-

Table 4-1Compliance of SWM Rules 2016 for Selected Landfill Criteria for landfill site

Required as per SWM Rule 2016

Actual Position

Design Life Period 20-25 years More than 20 years

Distance from River >100 m No river flowing within 100 m from the project boundary

Distance from Pond >200 m Not applicable

Distance from Highway

>200 m Distance of highway is more than 200 m from the project boundary

Distance from Habitation

>200 m No habitation is settled within 200m from the project boundary

Distance from Public Parks

>200 m No public park exit in 200m from the project boundary

Distance from Water supply wells

>200 m No any water supply well was observed within 200m from the project boundary

Water table* 2 m from bottom liner of landfill

Criteria complied

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

23 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Criteria for landfill site

Required as per SWM Rule 2016

Actual Position

Earthquake zone* 500 m from fault line fracture

The project district comes under Seismic zone II

Airport/Airbase >20 km Sonari Airport is 65.0 km in NW direction from project site.

Floodplains (100 Yrs.) Not Allowed Not Applicable Zone of Coastal Regulations

Not Allowed

Wetland Not Allowed Critical Habitat Area Not Allowed Sensitive Eco Fragile Area

Not Allowed

General Conditions: EIA Notification 2006;Project is category A if

EIA Notification 2006; Requirement

Yes, the project falls under interstate boundary of West Bengal which is distance about 4.53 km in E direction from project site.

Protected Area under Wildlife

>10 km Not Applicable

Critically Polluted Area under CPCB

>10 km Not Applicable

Notified Eco Sensitive Area

>10 km Not Applicable

Interstate Boundaries or International Boundaries

>10 km West Bengal state border is at distance of 4.53 km in E direction from proposed project boundary.

4.4 Landform, Land use and Land Ownership

The project site has almost flat topography. The land belongs to Chakulia nagar

Panchayat. The land use around the site is an open land use. Few babool (Acacia

Nilotica) and palm trees have been observed within the site. Some bushes and grasses

are also observed at the site. The terrain is generally plain except one localised hump.

Overall the absolute site is barren land and left abandoned. The proposed site is

environmentally fit for the development of waste processing facility. Also any sensitive

receptor is not localized in nearby areas of proposed project.

4.5 Topography

Site is generally plain and undulating.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village- Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in

District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

24 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Figure- 4-1 Lay out Plan of proposed landfill site

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

25 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

4.6 Existing Land use pattern

Currently, the proposed site is vacant and its boundary doesn’t come under the

periphery of any sensitive areas. The land is already approved for the development of

landfill under Chakulia Nagar Panchayat.

The distance of the Forest, National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuary, Eco sensitive area, water

bodies and CRZ are provided in Table 4.2 below.

Table 4.2 Eco Sensitive Areas

Note: - No CRZ is coming within 10 km of radius of proposed project site. 4.7 Existing infrastructure

There is no built-up structure or any infrastructure existing or erected at project site.

Besides, demarcation of land area with fixing of pillars, no development work has been

started at the project site.

4.8 Soil classification

Chakulia is mostly characterized with deep and shallow, moderately well drained, fine

loamy soils. The main crop cultivated in this region is paddy.

Climatic data from secondary sources

Climate of the Chakulia town is sub-tropical humid. Climatically the whole year can be

divided into three periods. From February to May, the weather is dry and moisture less.

The wind direction is predominantly from the North-East to South-West during winter

season and South-West to North-East during summers. The temperature varies from

S.No Description Name Distance & Direction with respect to Project Boundary

1 National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary/Eco sensitive Area

NA No any notified National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary/Eco sensitive area are exists within the 10 km of radius.

2 Protected Forest/Reserve forest

NA No any protected and reserve forest has located within 10 km radius of project site.

3 Water Bodies S.No

Name Distance (km)


1 Kupan nala 6.19 NNW 2 Gandhar PL

Nala 6.10 NE

3 Palapala nala 6.75 ESE 4 Palpala khal 5.61 SSW 5 Chandraduba

khal 6.18 WNW

6 Sinda nala 9.48 NW

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

26 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

39° c to 12°c in this region. The monsoon period is from June to September, with

maximum rainy months being July and August with highest precipitation at around

337.7 mm. The average rainfall in Chakulia is 1478 mm. From November to February,

the weather is colder and foggy, with minimum temperature during the Month of


Source: State CGWB Report

4.9 Social infrastructure available

Table 4-3 Details of social Infrastructure

S.No Items Distance and Direction (Approx.) 1 Nearest School No school within 1 Km. 2 Nearest Hospital No hospital within 1 km. 3 Nearest Railway

Station Chakulia railway station, 2.0 km in NE direction.

4 Nearest Highways SH-9, 15 km in E direction. NH-33, 12.0 km W direction.

5 Nearest Airport Sonari Airport is 65 Km in NW direction from project site.

5. Planning brief:-

5.1 Planning concept

Type of Facility: Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility for Chakulia

Nagar Panchayat.

Facility Planned: - Pre-processing facility, Advance aerobic compost plant, RDF Plant


Sanitary Landfill,

Estimated Development Cost of the Project: Approx. Rs. 494.36 Lacs

Total Area – 2.0 Acre

Capacity of Processing Facility-15 TPD

Capacity of Aerobic Compost Plant – 8.0TPD

RDF Processing Plant Capacity – 7 TPD

Sanitary landfill capacity for 20 years 0.79Acre

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

27 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

5.2 Population Projection:

Population growth rate of Chakulia is increasing over the decades. 1961-1971 and

1971-1981 decades had recorded maximum growth rate of 20% and 24%, while from

1981 to 2001, Chakulia had experienced growth rate of about 16%. The town has

recorded decreasing decadal growth i.e. 14% as per 2011 census. As per the data

available from Nagar Panchayat office Chakulia, total population of the town is 21,054 in

the year 2011 with average household size of five persons

Decadal population growth trend in Chakulia is given in Table- 5-1

Table 5-1 Decadal population growth trend

year Population total Decadal change Decadal growth rate 1971 6,646 1981 8712 2,066 31 1991 12716 4,004 46 2001 14325 1,609 13 2011 16306 1981 14

Figure 5-2 Decadal population growth trend

Population distribution of the city has been examined, based on the ward population.

the population of Chakulia city is unevenly distributed among 10 ward. Ward number 3

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

28 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

has maximum population share in the city, wheras ward number 4 has lowest

population in the city the ward –wise population distribution of CNP is shown in table


Table 5-2 Ward wise population in Chakulia Town (Census 2011)

5.3 Trend of Population Growth

The population growth trend in Chakulia Nagar Panchayat is calculated through

different formulae and depicted in Figure 5.2.

Figure- 5-2 Graphical Representation of population growth trend

5.4 Land use Planning (Break up along with green belt, etc).

The total project area is 2.0 Acre. The land use breakup of the area is provided in Table-5-3 below:

Ward Population (2011) Household Share in the city 1 1374 331 8.43% 2 2124 455 13.03%

3 2130 471 13.06%

4 954 182 5.85% 5 1513 346 9.28% 6 1318 284 8.08% 7 1218 279 7.47% 8 1890 443 11.59% 9 2099 445 12.87% 10 1686 370 10.34% total 16306 3606 100.00%

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

29 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Table 5-3 Land uses break up of proposed facility

S.No. Description Size(sq m) 1 Buildup area 398.403 2 Platform area 396.000 3 Road area 222.000 4 Plantation area 2700.000 5 landfill area 3236.000 6 Open area 113.376 7 Total area 8065.779

5.5 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social)

Boundary wall, internal roads, Guard room, Weigh Bridge Room, HT-LT & MEP room,

Generator Room, Office building, Workers Retiring Room, Toilet Block, Septic Tank and

parking facilities will be provided at the facility.

5.6 Amenities/Facilities

The following facilities/amenities will be extended by the proposed project:

a) Arrangements for safe and healthy working conditions & temporary rest


b) Provision of drinking water facility.

c) Provision of PPE for workmen.

d) First-Aid facilities and health check-up camps for the workers.

e) Conducting medical camps for workers and nearby villagers at regular interval.

f) Provision of firefighting system.

g) Provision of Laboratory and canteen facility.

6. Proposed Infrastructure

6.1 Industrial Area (Processing Area)

This activity is not applicable to this project as it is an Integrated Municipal Solid Waste

Management facility. However, the facility is proposed to process the biodegradable

waste through advanced aerobic composting and RDF technology.

6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing Area)

Local workers shall be engaged in construction work. For the operational phase also

local worker shall be engaged in line of social safeguards, hence there is no proposal of

set up of permanent residential establishment within the facility premises.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

30 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

6.3 Green Belt

A green belt of with dense canopy tall growing trees will be developed along the

periphery of the project boundary and inside the buffer area. Also open land of internal

premise shall be used for the landscaping for covering at least 33% of facility area. In

facility premises about 33% of the overall land area shall be developed with green

areas. In that local herb, shrubs and flowering plants shall be planted to enhance the

landscaping of facility’s premises. Along the boundary wall of facility tall tree with dense

canopy shall be planted which will be strong enough to break high speed wind velocity

and direction, which will be effective mitigation measures for the particulate and air

pollution control.

6.4. Social Infrastructure:

a) Employment opportunity b) Medical camps c) Social awareness camps d) Safe & Hygienic conditions

6.5. Connectivity

1 Nearest Railway Station

Chakulia Rly station is 2.0 km in NE direction.

2 Nearest SH/NH SH-9, 15.0 km in E direction. NH-33, 12.0 km W direction.

3 Nearest Airport Sonari Airport is 65 Km in NW direction from project site.

6.6. Drinking water management

The total water will be required around 1.35 KLD that will be purchase from the PHED.

For the drinking purpose an advance treated RO water shall be made available at

processing site. During rainy season rain water shall be harvested for its reutilization in

different water related work.

6.7. Sewerage system

The domestic wastewater generated at the site shall be treated in septic tank followed

by soak pits. Sludge from soak pit shall be mixed with compost. Leachate generated at

site will be collected in leachate tanks and solar evaporation pond for its proper


Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

31 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

6.8. Industrial waste management

The proposed project is not an either industrial production or any manufacturing unit,

hence there will be no generation of any industrial waste.

6.9. Solid waste management

It is itself an Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management facility project.

6.10. Power requirement & supply/source

Power consumption during the operational phase will be 63 KVA and will be supplied by JVVNL. 7.0 Rehabilitation & Re- Settlement (R & R) plan:- The land is already approved for the development of processing facility under the

Chakulia Nagar Panchayat. This project doesn’t tend to displacement of any local

settlements and communities hence, does not require a resettlement and rehabilitation

study and plan. The proposed land is barren land and free of settlements area.

8.0 Project schedule & cost Estimates:-

8.1 Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion.

The project will commence once Environmental Clearance and other necessary

clearances are obtained from the respective departments. Estimated project cost along

with analysis in terms of economic viability of the project

Total cost of the project is Rs.- 494.36/-Lacs, which includes all components of facility

like processing facilities, common facilities, sanitary landfill, RDF plat, Composting

plant as well as Collection, Transportation and Monitoring system.

Table 8-1 Capital cost of the project

S. No. Particular Total

Cost in Lacs

A Primary collection storage and transportation 51.16 B Monitoring and tracking system 23.20 C Site development works 103.53 D. Estimate on cost of the plant 239.90 E Development of sanitary landfill 38.98 F Carriage 10.98 G Cost of EIA and other statuary document 20.0

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

32 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

H Labour Cess@1% 1.73 I Contingencies 4.88 Total cost 494.37

9.0 Analysis of proposal (final recommendations):-

9.1 Social Benefits

Living condition of the local inhabitants shall be improved as per social and

environmental aspects. No open dumping will be carried out after development of

processing facility. This will reduce the chances of air, water & soil contamination and

also will reduce odour emission. This will improve the living standard of society & will

provide safe & hygienic surroundings. It will also eliminate the passage of solid waste/

garbage problems in sewer lines. Hence choking of sewer in rainy season shall be sort

out up to maximum extent. Further it will reduce the emission of road dust, which

mostly generated due to the spreading of solid and C&D waste on road and road side.

Road dust emission has the adverse effect on the health of local people. The fine dust

particle gets pass through the nasal opening and finally trapped on the lungs alveoli of

human beings and causes the pulmonary diseases. This is the major health issues in the

urban areas, which would be under controlled upto maximum extent after the

implementation of solid waste management facility.

Efficient waste collection & disposal of waste will improve the living & health condition

of inhabitants in the area. Littering of waste creates nuisance due to unpleasant view

and emission of foul odour. Integrated Solid waste management project will ensure

timely collection of waste, efficient treatment & disposal in scientific & environment

friendly manner. This will reduce the chances of spreading of diseases. This project will

improve the health condition of the area and society. Further it will produce compost

which has the social benefits for ensuring availability of low price compost for the

farmer community in the project vicinity areas. The power generation through the RDF

plant shall be utilised for the street lighting in city ward areas, which has its social

benefit for providing lighting facility to the city resident on low cost

a) Enhancement of Aesthetic Value of Area:

It will control the roaming of cattle & other stray animals around the existing open

dump site. Such animals creates disturbance to the society. It will control the diseases

which get spread due to the unattended waste lying at dumping site which attracts flies,

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

33 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

rats, and other creatures that in turn spread disease in society. This leads to unhygienic

conditions and thereby to a rise in the health problems. Open dumping of waste also

creates an unpleasant view and leads to emission of mal odour. Through this project a

scientific technology of waste management shall be developed. This will reduce and

control birds and flies menace in society. An entry gate & wired fence will be provided

around the project site to prevent entry of stray animals & cattle. A thick green belt will

also be developed around project site. The project will successfully lead to improvement

in aesthetic and environmental value of the area and society.

b) Direct & indirect employment opportunities

About 9 employees will be employed during project operation phase. About100 to 150

indirect employment will be generated for primary/secondary collection,

transportation etc.

9.2 Economic Benefits:

a) Revenue from Waste: Waste is material that is generally being rejected as it has no use for the people and

society. This project comprises of collection of waste, waste processing & safe disposal.

From the municipal waste following products will be recovered, which can generate


1) Recyclables 2) Compost 3) Inert waste as filler material. 4) Waste to Energy Generation

b) Improved economic status Project will generate both direct & indirect employment. Local people will be preferred

for giving employment. This will improve economic status of the area. Emigration of

local people to other parts of state/country due to unavailability of employment will be

reduced. It will improve to generate in house employment for the local resident. Also

some secondary job and associated business opportunities shall be generate, which in

turn will be the economic benefits for the society.

c) Conservation of natural resource

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

34 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

Compost produced is rich in nutrient & serves as organic manure. An application of this

manure saves fertilizers and simultaneously reduces the fertilizers load on agriculture

land. This is cost effective for farmers as it is cheaper than fertilizers & also prevents soil

salinity & eutrophication. This is itself a good soil conditioner for enriching the organic

matter and nutrients contents to the agriculture field. It will gradually improve the

physiochemical and biological properties of soil of agricultural land where compost

application will be induce in practices. Conservation of our natural resources like

ground water is fully protected on priority basis. Liner system is proposed in landfill

base part in order to fully control of leaching of leachate and contamination of

underground water. Hence our precious natural resources underground water is keep

on full protection.

9.3 Environmental Benefits:

It will ensure the prevention of air, water & soil contamination No open dumping of

waste will be carried out, which leads to soil, water & air pollution. Also littering of

waste and waste leachate is the major sources for breeding of mosquitoes and other

disease vectors in the local areas. This project involves scientific management of waste

which will prevent spreading of diseases and environmental pollution. Also during the

whole process of waste processing, provision for leachate management has been

ensured scientifically, so contamination of ground water due to waste handling has been

made totally under controlled. It will definitely improve the aesthetic and

environmental view of city.

Almost all the environmental and social ill effects and adverse impacts will be

controlled by scientifically managing the waste at the processing plant and disposing of

the rejects emanating from the treatment plant at the engineered sanitary landfill.

a) Development of green belt:

Green belt will be developed along the periphery of facility. Also development of grass

lawns, local herbs and shrubs will be planted to develop green buffer at the landfill site.

This will help in mitigating dust & noise pollution and improving the aesthetic and

landscaping view of facility.

b) Landfill Closure:

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

35 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

The exhausted landfill shall be capped scientifically and further grasses and vegetation

shall be developed on the capped landfill accordingly the closure plan, which will be

further rehabilitate as a recreational site.

The landfill capping system shall be followed as per the approved drawing. The

maximum height of the waste dumping would be up to 10 m above the bund. The

Landfill will be capped as per the SWM 2016 Rules. The waste will be graded to the

necessary stable slopes by placing of various layers which will be placed for the landfill


Passive Gas wells will be suitably placed in this layer so that the quantity of gas that is

formed would be released into air. The possibility of having large quantity of landfill

gases will be very less as the waste going into the landfill would be of inert nature. A soil

layer of 300 mm thick will be placed over waste.

The Geosyntehic Clay Liner (GCL) will be placed on top of the soil layer and above that

1.5 mm thick HDPE liner will be placed to reduce the infiltration of rainwater into

landfill. A 5mm thick Geonet layer will be placed as a drainage layer over which a soil

layer of 450 mm thick will be placed for vegetation. A geotextile of 350 gm/M2 will be

placed on the geonet layer to separate the soil layer. The geonet layer will be helpful in

draining of the excessive water entering the topsoil layer.

10 Conclusions:-

Overall the project is more feasible for the development of solid waste management

facility at the proposed site at village sugnibas, Thana number 344, Khata No 166, Plot

No 5651/Ansh Rakba-2.0acre. District-East Sighbhum, in the state of Jharkhand. This is

sufficient for the establishment of proposed project for the 20 years of projection from

the base year 2018.

The objective of the study is to carry out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for

the proposed “Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Facility at village sugnibas , Thana

number 344, Khata No 166, Plot No-5651/ansh Rakba-2.0acre District-East singhbhum

to meet the environmental compliances laid down by the Ministry of Environment and

Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India. The EIA study assessed the

environmental impacts likely to be caused due to the proposed development and to

suggest suitable mitigative measures for social and environment safeguards.

Form-I & PFR for proposed Integrated MSW Management Project for Chakulia Nagar Panchayat at Village-

Sugnibas,Thana-344,Khata No-166, Plot No-565/Ansh in District East singhbhum(Jharkhand)

36 Prepared by-Wolkem India Limited Chakulia Nagar Panchayat

This study will include the description of project setting, appraisal of project activities

and assessment of adverse impacts related to the location, design, construction and

operation of the project. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be prepared

which includes mitigation measures, including evaluation of alternatives to reduce or

mitigate/ eliminate the impacts that are likely to cause significant environmental

impacts. Further, the complete EIA study will be carried out with following guidelines of

EIA Notification 2006.


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