preliminary results of analysis of seru 2014 karla mcgregor, sam van horne, wayne jacobson, matthew...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Preliminary Results of Analysis of SERU 2014

Karla McGregor, Sam Van Horne, Wayne Jacobson, Matthew AnsonThe University of Iowa

Do you have any learning disabilities that affect how you read, study, or do your coursework?

RUCLRNDIS Frequency Percent CumulativeFrequency


No 52508 93.24 52508 93.24

Yes 3804 6.76 56312 100.00

Do you have any learning disabilities that affect how you read, study, or do your coursework?

• The University of Iowa Office of Assessment, in collaboration with UI Professors Karla McGregor and Mary Adamek, prepared and submitted revised questions about learning disabilities.

• Approximately 7% of students (n=3,804) who answered the SERU questions identified as having a learning disability.• We did not find evidence that LD status differed according to gender. (p < .20)• We found some evidence that LD status differed according to race/ethnicity (p

< .0001), but the differences are modest. E.g., compared with the proportion of White/Caucasian respondents (~7%), a modestly greater proportion of American Indian respondents (~10%) reported having a LD.

Students Who Reported Having a LD Are Significantly Older

Students with LD Are Less Satisfied with Academic Life

• Conducted a series of two-way ANOVAs to account for institutional differences in outcome variables. This enables us to more specifically examine whether students with LD were more or less satisfied with academic life.

• Students with LD had lower averages on several key variables• Lower satisfaction with GPA (95% CI of Difference: [-0.59, -0.51]) • Lower satisfaction with academics (95% CI of Difference: [-0.41, -0.34])• Lower satisfaction with social life (95% CI of Difference: [-0.38, -0.34])• Lower likelihood of re-enrolling (95% CI of Difference: [-0.35, -0.31])

Do you receive accommodations from the University due to your disability?

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