preliminary task evaluation

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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G321 Preliminary Task Evaluation

Name: Adam James Newton

In a group with: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Write about the preliminary task. What were you asked to do? How did you

find each stage of the process?

In this task, we were required to script and film a short scene involving a

character opening and closing a door before sitting down and engaging in a brief

conversation. We were required to use match on action, shot/reverse shot and

abide by the 180-degree rule. In our group, we took turns to be an actor, director

and cameraman to each record our own short, before individually editing out

own scenes in Movie Studio Platinum. In my experience, I found the two stages of

the process simple and quick to complete.

Write the 3 techniques/rules you learnt about during the preliminary task:

Match on action is when a camera angle changes during a single scene, but the

scene continues uninterrupted.

Shot/reverse shot is when two camera angles are used to record each person’s

face during a conversation, switching between the two angles.

The 180-degree rule ensures that audiences are not disoriented by direction by

having the camera only film from within 180-degrees around an imaginary line

running throughout the scene.

List three things that went well during the filming/editing process:

It was completed on time

Camera work was steady

Actors learned their lines

List three things you think could have been improved in these stages:

Improve sound levels

Smoother cuts

More elaborate script

Has the preliminary task given you any ideas for you 2-minute film

opening? If so, what? If not – think, then say

Usage of action shots

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