premium programmatic playing to media owners strengths

Post on 23-Aug-2014






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Growth of Programmatic buying and the increased sophistication of Ad technologies are presenting media owners with fresh challenges but these should be embraced as the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. As first party data becomes increasing important media owners need to learn how to present and package custom audience segments to agencies and clients, and the buy side need to rethink what value means and start to buy again on quality and reach not volume and price.


Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Premium Programmatic playing to media owners strengths


MD Digital Incisive Media

Barcelona | June 2 - 4th, 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

…Before the rise of programmatic buying and “audience retargeting” most quality brand media was purchased on a very particular contextual signal!

Even if the market didn’t call it that!

Back then, “context” was code for a publication or broadcast programme’s brand.

And the audience that brand attracted!

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

The multi screen world is compounding this as we are not competing for the users attention between content and adverts anymore, but between activity and screens

Source Google 2012

Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

A new definition of context is driving device choice

Source Google 2012

Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

..and what content we are consuming on what sites, how frequently, for how long each visit and by who!

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

BUT what brands are regularly consumed seems less important to advertisers in this programmatic realm!

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

For publishers large circulations are increasingly less valuable in this environment, but are

essential to build high quality custom audiences, which now command the best prices

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Rather than assuming users consume digital on different devices in silos, the multi screen world is:

Based on a trusted relationship between the publisher and the user, across devices

Users will be tracked across devices to close the loop on attribution, and to build better first part data sets

Agencies and advertisers cannot know these users are the same person Publishers can Using tools like PPID (publisher provided ID) and MD5#

Our goal is multi-device and multi-channel attibution, with a more engaged and loyal customer, based around the concept of clearly defined and identifiable premium audiences, consuming premium content, in a premium environment, targeted using programmatic premium

What does this mean to us?Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 201311

Understanding who users are, what content they are consuming, on which devices, when in the day, and where and why is now at the heart of

our revenue strategy

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

The Evolution of Audience buying


Marketplace2012 - ?


Ad Exchanges2007 - 2014



Ad Networks2005 - 2012








Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Most inventory is traded on data!

3rd Party Behavioral 3rd Party assumed intent 1st Party demographic

B2B data has always been more sophisticated than B2C, it is based on actual demographics per user (1st Party)

Because of the historic lack of B2C data, agencies and advertisers think that the current levels of data are sophisticated

We think they are basic, because they are based on assumed intent and historical behaviour, NOT on the user demographics with intent and behaviour overlaid i.e a premium audience!

Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Intent and behaviour data, the flaw!

Johnny Tim George

All three like Sport (particularly Cycling, Cricket and Rugby)

Enjoy air travel, staying in hotels and eating out

Love technology and automobiles, especially supercars such as Ferrari’s

Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Intent and behaviour data – the solution!

Johnny Tim GeorgeJohnny


Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Intent and behaviour data – the solution!

Johnny Tim GeorgeGeorge

Behavioural Intender



Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Intent and behaviour data – the solution!




Qualified Buyer


Behavioural Intender

Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Re-targeting: Agencies and networks don’t have audiences!

All they can do is target and buy on intent and behaviour

As a result they want volume to minimise risk, and maximise discount, because this approach is wasteful

RTB and programmatic rule in this world

This has forced a separation of editorial and ad space and we have lost the original context of it’s value as a result

Publishers can counter this by overlaying 1st party demographic data, with behaviour and intent and offering a premium programmatic buy, retargeting on and off their sites

This massively improves targeting, reducing volume and increasing value

Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Exclusivity and clarity on audiences for the trading desks

Access to budgets dedicated to automated trading opening up a new range of clients

Building premium targeting solutions through 1st and 3rd party data combinations that can be bought programmatically or as PMP deals

Increase advertising efficiency, and drive up price

improve performance and results for clients and house campaigns

BUT Agencies in particular need to see the value in this and pay the higher CPM this sophisticated solution commands

The opportunities for publishers to drive higher revenues through premium programmatic are:

Barcelona | June 3, 2014 Premium ProgrammaticDigiDay Publishing Summit 2014

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

So what have we learned?

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

Operating as a buyer of our own audience is giving us real insight into

the quality, uniqueness and value of our data!

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

We know through AOP and our own clients research that premium content environments improve the consumers perceptions of advertisers and acts as a driver for better results

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

That by releasing more inventory to be bought programmatically, by a wider range of clients, we are exposing them to the benefits our brands bring by restoring the contextual balance of editorial, advertising and audiences, resulting in greater numbers seeking these solutions and the better results they deliver

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

…oh , and that CPM is a fatally flawed metric, ‘a Crap Publishing Metric’, that rewards scale, devalues quality and does not reward specialists who spend time, money and expertise building high value audiences

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013

So to quote John Battelle ‘It is time to get back the context and embrace this premium programmatic sell, it is good for publishers, good for brand marketers and good for the industry!

Or to put it more simply get your MOJO back!

Incisive (in-sy-siv) adj. mentally sharp; acute; clear and effective; cutting; penetratingDigital Publisher of the year 2010 & 2013


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