presentación las comunicaciones a distancia. un fenómeno natural y humano

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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Presentación Las comunicaciones a distancia. Un fenómeno natural y humano Por Dr Raúl Alva García, Biofisicoquímico* Materia de Telecomunicaciones** Cámara de Diputados 11 de marzo de 2015, 11:30 horas Salón Cy D del edificio G


  • Las comunicaciones a distanciaUn fenmeno natural y humano

    Dr Ral Alva GarcaBiofisicoqumicoDepartamento de Ciencias de la SaludDCBS Unidad Iztapalapa

    Palacio Legislativo de San Lzaro11 de marzo de 2015SEDIA


  • Uso de herramientas por animales


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  • Working together, we protected our children from the lions and the hyenas - Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994


  • We taught them the skills they would need. And the tools. Then, as now, technology was the key to our survival - Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994


  • For 99.9 percent of the time since our species came to be, we were hunters and foragers, wanderers on the savannahs and the steppes - Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994


  • We've domesticated the plants and animals. Why chase the food when you can make it come to you? - Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994


  • In the last ten thousand yearsan instant in our long history we've abandoned the nomadic fife. - Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994


  • ... in residence 200 miles uphumans, like gods of the old, living in the sky - Carl Sagan, Pale blue dot, 1994


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  • Hiptesis Quimiosmtica 1961

    "In the exact sciences, cause and effect are no more than events linked in sequence. . . if the processes that we call metabolism and transport represent events in a sequence, not only can metabolism be the cause of transport, but also transport can be the cause of metabolism"Peter Mitchell, Nature, 1961


  • Some of the calls made by elephants may reach up to 112 dB at 1 meter from the source. Using the reverse square law, a call of 112 dB at 1 m would be around 46 dB at 2,048 m from the sourceElephantvoices, 2015


  • A typical male rumble fluctuates around an average minimum of 12 Hz, a female's rumble around 13 Hz and a calf's around 22 Hz

    Sound traveling through air attenuates by the reverse square law at 6 decibels (dB) for every doubling of the distance from the source. A sound 100 dB at 1 m from the source will be reduced to 94 dB at 2 m, 88 at 4 m, 82 dB at 8 m, and so on


  • Blue Whales are able to communicate up 1,600 kmCornell University, 2015


  • Blue Whales have deep voices at frequencies as low as 14 Hz with a volume greater than 180 dBNGS, 2015


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  • SCT 1962 - 1968 - 1970 - 1985


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  • rea de Redes y TelecomTele-educacin Formacin-Bsica, Licenciatura, PosgradoTele-salud Teleconsulta, rehabilitacin a distancia, monitoreoRedes de sensores Deteccin incendios y otros fenmenos naturalesRedes de Radios Cognitivas

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  • Manejo de Recursos Naturales Percepcin Remota y Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica Evaluacin de recursos naturales Aspectos biolgicos, sociales, econmicos y productivos Cambio Climtico

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  • "The laws of Congress and the laws of physics have grown divergent, and the laws of physics are not likely to yield"- Bill McKibben


  • Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge

    Carl Sagan


  • No hay dos epistemologas, una para entender y otra para aplicar, que algo se conoce o no se conoce, en cuyo caso es imprescindible desarrollar una ciencia, de la nica, para que no sigan propalando sandeces sobre ciencia bsica y ciencia aplicada, que la misin fundamental de la ciencia no es necesariamente producir mercancas, sino el forjar un ser humano que sepa y pueda

    Marcelino Cereijido


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  • Imgenes por cortesa de:Ral AlvaUAMAgencia Espacial Mexicana AEMNOAANASACreative Commons licence

    Ral AlvaBiofisicoqumicoUniversidad Autnoma MetropolitanaUnidad @alvagraul


































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