presentation by: tim sablik

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Database Operations on Relations. Presentation by: Tim Sablik. There are two basic types of operations that will be addressed: Unary operations are applied to only one relation. Binary operations are applied to two relations. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Presentation by: Tim SablikPresentation by: Tim Sablik

There are two basic types of operations that will There are two basic types of operations that will be addressed:be addressed: Unary operations are applied to only one relation.Unary operations are applied to only one relation. Binary operations are applied to two relations.Binary operations are applied to two relations.

I will define 9 operations in this presentation: I will define 9 operations in this presentation: insert, delete, update, select, project, join, union, insert, delete, update, select, project, join, union, intersection, and difference.intersection, and difference.

This is an example of the Insert operation.This is an example of the Insert operation. Insert is a unary operation. It inserts a new tuple (row) Insert is a unary operation. It inserts a new tuple (row)

into the relation.into the relation. Ex: CIS13, “Intro to Java” was inserted into this Ex: CIS13, “Intro to Java” was inserted into this


NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55

This is an example of the Delete operation.This is an example of the Delete operation. Delete is a unary operation that removes a tuple from the Delete is a unary operation that removes a tuple from the

relation.relation. Ex: CIS13 has been deleted.Ex: CIS13 has been deleted.

This is an example of the Update operation.This is an example of the Update operation. Update is a unary operation that changes the value Update is a unary operation that changes the value

of some attributes of a tuple.of some attributes of a tuple. Ex: The number of units for CIS13 has been Ex: The number of units for CIS13 has been

updated from 5 to 4.updated from 5 to 4.

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 44

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55

This is an example of the Select operation.This is an example of the Select operation. Select is a unary operation that uses some criteria to Select is a unary operation that uses some criteria to

select some of the tuples from one relation and create select some of the tuples from one relation and create a new relation.a new relation.

Ex: Only the courses with 5 units were selected.Ex: Only the courses with 5 units were selected.

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55


NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55

This is an example of the Project operation.This is an example of the Project operation. Project is a unary operation that is applied to one Project is a unary operation that is applied to one

relation and creates a new relation. The new relation relation and creates a new relation. The new relation has fewer attributes (columns) than the original, but has fewer attributes (columns) than the original, but the same number of tuples.the same number of tuples.

Ex: The “Course-name” attribute has removed, and a Ex: The “Course-name” attribute has removed, and a new two-column relationship is two-column relationship is projected.

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55


NoNo UnitUnit

CIS13CIS13 55

CIS15CIS15 55

CIS19CIS19 44

This is an example of the Join operation.This is an example of the Join operation. Join is binary operation that combines two relations based on common Join is binary operation that combines two relations based on common

attributes.attributes. Ex: The common attribute used to combine these two relations is the Course Ex: The common attribute used to combine these two relations is the Course

Number. They are Joined into a relation with 4 attributes: No, Course-Number. They are Joined into a relation with 4 attributes: No, Course-Name, Unit, and Professor.Name, Unit, and Professor.

NoNo Course-Course-NameName


CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55


NoNo ProfessorProfessor

CIS13CIS13 LeeLee

CIS15CIS15 WalterWalter


NoNo Course-Course-NameName

UnitUnit ProfessorProfessor

CIS13CIS13 Intro to JavaIntro to Java 55 LeeLee

CIS15CIS15 Intro to CIntro to C 55 WalterWalter


This is an example of the Union operation.This is an example of the Union operation. Union is a binary operation that takes two relations with the Union is a binary operation that takes two relations with the

same attributes an makes a new relation in which each tuple is same attributes an makes a new relation in which each tuple is either in the first, second, or both relations.either in the first, second, or both relations.

Ex: The Union of two relations creates one relation with all the Ex: The Union of two relations creates one relation with all the tuples, but no duplicates (John and George only appear once).tuples, but no duplicates (John and George only appear once).

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

65806580 AnneAnne SmithSmith

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

67336733 BobBob ThompsonThompson

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

65806580 AnneAnne SmithSmith

67336733 BobBob ThompsonThompson

This is an example of the Intersection operation.This is an example of the Intersection operation. Intersection is a binary operation that takes two relations that have the same Intersection is a binary operation that takes two relations that have the same

attributes and combines them into one relation. However, only tuples that attributes and combines them into one relation. However, only tuples that are in both relations are present in the new relation.are in both relations are present in the new relation.

Ex: John and George are in both original relations, so they are the only ones Ex: John and George are in both original relations, so they are the only ones in the Intersection the Intersection relation.

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

65806580 AnneAnne SmithSmith

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

67336733 BobBob ThompsonThompson

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

This is an example of the Difference operation.This is an example of the Difference operation. Difference is a binary operation that is applied to two relations with the same Difference is a binary operation that is applied to two relations with the same

attributes. It outputs a new relation with tuples that are in the first relation attributes. It outputs a new relation with tuples that are in the first relation but not in the second.but not in the second.

Ex: Anne is the only tuple in the first relation that is not in the second Ex: Anne is the only tuple in the first relation that is not in the second relation, therefore she is the only tuple in the new relation.relation, therefore she is the only tuple in the new relation.

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

67336733 BobBob ThompsonThompson

Student IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

67546754 JohnJohn BrownBrown

56905690 GeorgeGeorge WhiteWhite

65806580 AnneAnne SmithSmithStudent IDStudent ID F-NameF-Name L-NameL-Name

65806580 AnneAnne SmithSmith

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