presentation of our lady church 695 julian street€¦ · gym. please support their work. the a...

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December 10, 2017 Second Sunday of Advent

Roman Catholic Church

695 Julian Street

PARISH CENTER 665 Irving Street

Denver, CO 80204 (303) 534-4882

FAX: (303) 893-5056


Mon - Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

WEB SITE www.presentationdenv

Presentation of Our Lady’s Mission Statement

We, the people of Presentation of Our Lady Catholic Church, are inspired by the Holy Spirit to live out Christ’s

commandments by showing love to all people, through the gifts God has given each of us. We commit ourselves to the virtues of faith, hope and love by worshipping God in

word and sacrament. Strengthened by God the Father, we shall strive to live out the Gospel in serving the needs of

our parish faith family and the global community.

Welcome New Members! Please register as a member of the par-ish. Forms are available at the Church entrance or at the Parish Office. Return forms to an usher or to the parish office.

Moving? Please notify the parish office.

Sacramental Emergencies Anointing of the Sick

Last Rites Death

Please call (970) 471-1641 anytime

Religious Education Children’s Classes 9:30 -10:30 a.m.

Sundays, October - May

Adult Inquirer’s Classes

Sundays, Classes 9:30 -10:30 a.m. October to Easter Vigil

Call Parish Office for information

Baptism Classes

Call Parish Office for information

Marriage Preparation

Eight months prior to marriage Call Parish Office for information

SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Evening 4:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. (Bilingual) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. ADORATION CHAPEL Mon. through Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & Fri. 6:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m. CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30 p.m. Sunday (Spanish) after 10:30 a.m. Mass and before the 12:00 Mass.


Presentation of Our Lady

Pastor Ext 119 Rev. Edward J. Poehlmann

Deacon/Religious Ed

Ext 117 Deacon Geno Torrez

Deacon Deacon Sid Atencio

Deacon Deacon Edgar Valles

Business Manager

Ext 118 Cell

Julie Harris 303-854-7037

If you need assistance from St. Vincent de Paul their extension is 122.

December 10, 2017 Second Sunday of Advent

Dear parishioners:

I am happy to announce that the Archbishop has appointed Deacon Pablo

Salas to our parish. I will ask him to help with the RCIA and Sacramental

preparation programs. He will preach at the 12 p.m. mass today.

Please note!!! We are moving the parent of Candidates class to the adora-

tion chapel starting today. All parents are expected to attend these 4 Sun-

days of advent and sign in. The program is right after the 8:30 mass in the


The Altar and Rosary Annual White Elephant and bake sale is today in the

gym. Please support their work. The A & R recently bought 3 new surplices,

altar linens and the plastic covers for the missalettes.

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Masses: School mass at 8:30 with proces-

sion and flowers. Las Mananitas the Evening Mass at 6:30 p.m. Both are in

Spanish on Tuesday.

Families asking for infant baptism must make sure that godparents

(padrinos) are married in the church and are confirmed. Parents must be regis-

tered in the parish. Call Deacon Sid of Deacon Pablo for preparation class. We

will run one per month. Parish: 303-534-4882 x17. Marriage preparation: Please

see me 8 months before your marriage.

Quinceaneras celebrations will be scheduled through the parish office only. The

girl and her escorts must be baptized and confirmed to do these celebrations. No


Check our parish website for activities.

We are having light refreshments each weekend for the students. Suzanna de

Leon and Anita Martinez are coordinating this. We have coffee for the parishion-

ers in the gym.

Please support the Christmas Ornament Drive. Coupons on the bulletin.

Our tithe all month will be for Cross Catholic Outreach’s Project to build a house in

the Carribbean.

Live Marriage Classes at John Paull II Center: Tues 6:30 – 9; Feb. 6,13,20,27, or

Wed., Feb. 28,Mar.7, 14, 21. Register: 1-800-208-1364. Cost $185 per couple.

Confessions will be on Tues., Dec. 19th at 6:00 p.m. for the whole parish.

Prepare ye the Way of the Lord!

Fr. Ed

It's Time for a Spiritual Audit! In virtually every aspect of Life, -corporate, athletic, education etc., -there is a constant evaluation process to measure growth and improvement. Now it is a good time to assess our spiritual progress. Have we made a dif-ference? If God were totally our "faith in ac-tion" would He be pleased with what we have done (or failed to do)? Evils plague our society, such as abortion, pornography "comprehensive sex" education, tax funding of Planned Parenthood, and other anti-God, anti-life and anti-family issues. As Christians, we know that the Bible com-mands us to be active in serving God. Service is an action word, so we know that we cannot serve God by sitting on the sidelines, or being a "fence sitter". Are we as Catholics influencing our world, or is today's relativism and secular-ism influencing us much more? Are we setting an example to the next genera-tion to protect marriage and to defend life, from conception until natural death, or are we just "passively" pro-life? Do we speak up when in a position to defend innocent life? Do we hold our elected representatives accountable? Obviously, we cannot do it all, but we can cer-tainly do something! Literally, thousands of lives are at stake each and every day. If we do nothing we collude with the pro-aborts, the purveyor of pornography and those that wish to remove God from society. By doing nothing, we reap what they sow! ''Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins" James 4:17 By Pro-Life Articles Author ES HORA PARA UNA AUDITORIA ESPIRI-TUAL! En prácticamente en todos los aspectos de la vida: corporativa, atlética y educación, etc., hay un constante proceso de evaluación para medir crecimiento y mejorar. Ahora es un buen mo-mento para evaluar nuestro progreso espiritual. Acaso hemos hecho la diferencia? Si Dios fuera a contar nuestra “Fe en acción” estaría contento con lo que hemos hecho (o no)? Los males de nuestra sociedad , tales como el aborto, la pornografía, educación de sexo inte-gral, financiando Parent Parenthood con los fondos de nuestros impuestos y otras cosas contra Dios, contra la vida y contra las cosas de familia. Como Cristianos, sabemos que la Biblia nos manda a ser activos en servir a Dios. Servicio es una palabra de acción, así que sabemos que no podemos servir a Dios sentándonos al margen o siendo un “guardián de la puerta. Acaso somos los Católicos que influyen a nuestro mundo, o el relativismo y secularismo de hoy influye más en nosotros? Acaso les estamos poniendo el ejemplo a las próximas generaciones de proteger el matrimo-nio y defender la vida desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural? O somos simplemen-te “Pro-vida” de los dientes para afuera. Acaso le pedimos cuentas a nuestros representantes electos? Obviamente, no podemos hacerlo todo, pero no cabe duda que podemos hacer algo! Lite-ralmente, miles de vidas están en juego cada día y todos los días. Si no hacemos nada, vamos acabar juntándonos con los pro-aborto, los vendedores de pornografía y aquellos que desean quitar a Dios de nuestra sociedad. Por no hacer nada, cosechamos lo que sembra-mos! Cualquiera, entonces, quien sabe hacer el bien y no lo hace, peca” Santiago 4:17 Autor de artículos Pro-Vida

Joan Pfenning, John Erger, Andrea Montoya, Mi-chael Pfenning Jr., Nathan Haggensberger, Toni Jaquez, Kevin Dwyer, Judith Roehl, Vivian (Joy) Garcia, Hilbert Martinez, Paul David Salas, Cordy Maestas, Norma Aguilar, Fr. Jim Halloran, Fr. Mel

Thompson, Dorothy Warner, Pauline Velarde, Rose-mary Denning, James Bruce, Joe Cornejo, Mary

Heit, Cruz Rodriguez, Teresina de Caprio, Robert Gallegos, and all those friends and family members who have gone before us, may they rest in eternal


Offertory Sunday, December 3, 2017 Offertory $4,833.50 2nd Collection 1,032.72 Candles 115.00 Church Beautification 165.00 Thank you very much for your continual and generous support!


Sun 4th Theology & 3rd Theology Mon 2nd Theology & 1st Theology Tues 2nd Philosophy & 1st Philosophy Wed Spirituality Year Thurs College Sophomores & College Freshmen Fri Vocations Ministry Sat Applicants and Prospective Seminarians

Opel Enirson Fr. John Kaufman Fr. Tim Kremen Louise Stitzer Linda Torrez

Deacon Geno Torrez Elisa Rendon

Andrew Lucero Jerry Phillips John Arguello

Lydia Peter Aida Andreatta

Clorinda Trujillo The Parents of Laura Dement

Catalina Rodriguez George Cummings Betty Cummings

Shirley Goetzfried Audrey Medina Mary Jaromillo

Catherine Gordon Dinah Batchelor Michael Danahy

Msgr. Michael Glenn Charles Waugh Mary Gamez Robert Fox

Gloria Garcia Lu Linan

Joe Nation Daniel Miles

Day Date Time Intention Offered By

Sat. Dec 9 4:30 p.m. † Carlos Romero Frances Romero

Sun. Dec 10 8:30 a.m. Altar & Rosary Society Altar & Rosary Society

10:30 a.m.

12:00 p.m. (Spanish)

Parishioners Fr. Ed

Mon. Dec 11 8:00 a.m.

Tues. Dec 12 8:30 a.m. Escuela de Guadalupe Students Fr. Ed

6:30 p.m.

Wed. Dec 13 8:00 a.m.

Thurs. Dec 14 8:00 a.m.

Fri. Dec 15 8:00 a.m.

Sat. Dec 16 4:30 p.m.

Sun. Dec 17 8:30 a.m. Parishioners Fr. Ed

10:30 a.m.

12:00 p.m. (Spanish)

Christmas is for giving. In the spirit of giving we are asking you to donate new and “near

new/gently used”) teddy bears. It is our hope that we receive

enough donations to give one to each child (babies up to age 12) who attend Mass on December 17, 2017. Deacon Sid Atencio and his wife will be collecting

your donations. Thank you for helping us spread the spirit of Christmas to these children!!

Advent Mission with FR. NATHAN CROMLY, (Community of St. John/Eagle Eye Ministries) At Holy Trinity Parish, 76th and Fed-eral Blvd. theme: “Mary, Mother of Hope: The Virgin Mary effectively teaches how to hope during difficult times.” Our Advent Mission will consist of: 3 consecutive Masses at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, December 12, 13 & 14.

This is a tithing parish and

when we mention different char-

ities that are receiving a tithe

on certain weekends (unless

otherwise specified) that means

that that specific charity/

program will receive 10% of the

total offertory collection that


Feast of Our Lady of Gua-

dalupe Masses: School mass

at 8:30 with procession and

flowers. Las Mananitas the

Evening Mass at 6:30 p.m.

Both are in Spanish on





Archdiocese of

Denver Mortuary Dedicated To Serving

The Catholic Community

Our Mission Is To Care For Our Deceased, Their

Families & Their Friends 12801 W. 44th Ave.

Wheat Ridge


Mt. Olivet Cemetery

King Sooper Cards Remember to reload them. We receive 5% at no cost to you. To purchase, please see

Father Ed after Mass.

Adopt-A-Family Christmas should be a joyous time, but for many of our neighbors, this simp-ly isn't the case. As they struggle on a limited budget to afford essentials like food and rent, providing gifts for their children might not be an option. With Adopt-A-Family, we match compassionate donors like you with families in need. Donors are able to choose and “adopt” individual families and shop for items on their wish list! Your help will provide families with Christmas memories that will make them smile - and fill their hearts with joy! Questions? Please call the Adopt-A-Family hotline at (720) 799-9316.

Presentation of Our Lady Christmas Tree Ornament Drive!!

Yes I would like to sponsor a student. Choose your orna-ment donation.

__ $10.00 White __ $75.00 Blue __ $500.00 Silver

__ $25.00 Red __ $100.00 Purple

__ $3,700.00 Platinum

__ $50.00 Green __ $250.00 Yellow

__ $5,000.00 Lg. Multi -color

I would like the following engraved on my ornament/s: (Please print clearly.) __________________________________________________ Choose your donation method: _____ Cash _____ Check: Payable to: Presentation of Our Lady, 665 Ir-ving Street, Denver, CO 80204 _____ Credit Card (Please circle one.) Mastercard Visa Discover American Express Card Number______-______-______-______ Expiration date: __________ Security code: __________ Name: (As it appears on the card—please print clearly) _________________________________________________

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