presentation on direct method

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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The direct method of teaching was developed as a reaction to the Grammar-Translation method.

The language teaching expert F. Gouin and other reformers tried to create a method based on the insights drawn from the observation of child language learning .

Direct Method was developed by Maximilian Berlitz towards the end of the 19th century in Europe, for economic development, the communication among nations became more frequent.

Use the natural way to communicate, like a baby learning its mother tongue.

The direct method aims to provide language learners with a practically useful knowledge of language . Knowing a language is being able to speak it.

The Berlitz


The Natural Method

The Anti-Gramma

tical Method

The Reform Method

Classroom instruction was conducted in the target language.

There was an inductive approach to grammar.

Only everyday vocabulary was taught

Concrete vocabulary was taught through pictures and objects, while abstract was taught by association of ideas.

The learner was actively involved in using the language in realistic everyday situations.

New teaching points were taught through practice.

Students were encouraged to think in the target language.

Speaking was taught first before reading or writing.

Grammar was taught inductively.

The syllabus was based on situations or topics.

Classroom activities was carried out only in the targetlanguage.

Emphasis is put on correct pronunciation and grammar.

Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.

Not memorization but production.

The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching/learning process.

The students’ role in direct method is the active learner.

The students are also the observer and practitioner.

Teacher is the only demonstrator. He/she never translates but demonstrates the meaning through the use of realia, pictures .

Direct the class activities.

Students and teachers are partners in the learning process and there is a large amount of ,learner-learner interaction.

Reading loud

Question and answer exercise

student self-correct

Conversation practice

Fill-in-the-blank exercise


Map drawing

Paragraph writing

Learners have an active role.

The learning is contextualized.

It follows the natural order in which a child learns L1 that is listening ,speaking ,reading and writing.

It lays great emphasis on speaking, the most important skill for many learners.

It avoids the unnatural block of translation in the communication process.

Learner learns the language , not about the language.

Lively classroom procedures motivate the learner.

The teaching of vocabulary through realia brings authenticity into the classroom .

The emphasis on speech make it attractive for those who need real communication in l2.

Learning l2 is not like learning l1.

the child learning l1 has no previous language learning experience , but the learner learning l2 does.

There is little systematic structural practice.

Learners run the risk of inducing incorrect rules.

The method can be effectively used only by teachers who are native speakers.

The learner is confronted with unstructured situations too soon.

A great deal of teacher-energy is required.

L2 should be learn in way in which l1 was acquired by total immersion technique.

It rejects use of printed word- but this objection is illogical since l2 learner has already mastered his reading skills.

Later disciples of direct method it to extremes and refused to speak single word of English in lessons.

Also Direct Methodists failed to grade and structure their materials adequately – no selection, grading or controlled presentation of vocabulary and structures.

Direct method is very effective to use the English language by the teacher to implement in their class.

The students can understand easily if the teacher uses direct method because this method enhances the communication skills of the students.

Focuses on the listening skills of the learners.

Good for the class of small size.

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