presentation on infraline conference mohitsaraf-luthra

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  • 8/7/2019 Presentation on Infraline conference MohitSaraf-Luthra


    Regulatory Frameworkfor E&P Activities

    Mohit Saraf


    Luthra and LuthraLaw Offices

    December 11th, 2004




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    11th December 2004 Luthra & Luthra Law Offices 2

    Regulatory Framework forUpstream Exploration

    Constitution of India (CoI)

    Oilfields (Regulation and Development)Act, 1948

    New Exploration Licensing Policy(NELP)

    Petroleum and Natural Gas Rules, 1959

    Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf,

    Exclusive Economic Zone And OtherMaritime Zones Act, 1976

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    11th December 2004 Luthra & Luthra Law Offices 3

    Jurisdiction over Oil andNatural Gas Resources

    Jurisdiction to regulate oilfields vested with Central


    CoI: Entry 53 of List I

    Regulation and development of oilfields and mineral

    oil resources; petroleum and petroleum products CoI: Entry 25 of List II

    Gas and Gas Works

    Presidential reference, Supreme Court judgment

    Natural gas- a petroleum product and hence, a

    central subject

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    Jurisdiction over Oil andNatural Gas Resources

    Presidential reference (contd.)

    Right in natural gas and oil resources as

    publici juris

    Upstream regulation of exploration andtransmission of natural gas also in central


    Jurisdiction to regulate gas clearly

    identified with Centre by the judgment Paved the way for a unified central legal

    framework for the energy sector

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    The Oilfields (Regulation &Development) Act, 1948

    Basic enabling statute for licensing andleasing of petroleum and gas blocks bythe appropriate government

    Covers mineral oils which is defined asincluding natural gas and petroleum[S.3(c)]

    Mining lease is defined exhaustively to

    cover all forms of exploring and exploitingmineral oils and all purposes connectedthereto [S.3(d)]

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    The Oilfields (Regulation &Development) Act, 1948

    Empowers central government to makerules with regard to mining leases [S.5]

    Also empowers central government to

    make rules for the development of mineraloil [S.6]

    NELP Enabling Provisions

    Power to vary royalty or exempt it

    altogether [S.6A] PSC additional terms and conditions to

    PEL [S.12]

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    New Exploration LicensingPolicy

    Uses auctions to allocate petroleum blocks

    thus bringing benefits of transparency and


    Identifies biddable areas. Identifies commercial terms on which the

    bid would be evaluated including profit


    Lays down the bidding procedure

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    The Petroleum and NaturalGas Rules, 1959

    Rules provide framework for grant ofexploration licenses and mining leases

    Salient features of the Rules:

    Prohibition on prospecting and miningexcept under a license or lease grantedunder the rules [Rule 4]

    Central Government has the power togrant licenses or leases in respect of any

    land vested with it or minerals underlyingthe ocean within the territorial waters orthe continental shelf [Rule 5(i)]

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    The Petroleum and NaturalGas Rules, 1959

    Salient features of Rules (contd)

    State government has power to grantlicense or lease over lands vested with it

    [Rule 5(ii)] Person obtaining exploration license

    obtains the exclusive right to a lease forproducing (i.e. extracting) oil/gas over anypart of area covered in license

    As Licensee, prospector required tofurnish security deposit and annual licensefees for exploration license;

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    11th December 2004 Luthra & Luthra Law Offices 10

    The Petroleum and NaturalGas Rules, 1959

    Salient features of Rules (contd)

    License fees increase every year in a pre-determined manner

    As Lessee, producer required to furnishsecurity deposit and dead rent or royalty(payable to appropriate government)whichever is higher as well as surface rent(payable to SG)

    Increasing Licensing fee structure anddead rent payments incentivise earlyexploitation of license and leases

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    11th December 2004 Luthra & Luthra Law Offices 11

    The Petroleum and NaturalGas Rules, 1959

    Salient features of Rules (contd)

    Provides for arbitration of disputes which

    may arise between the Government and

    the licensee or lessee

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    Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, ExclusiveEconomic Zone And Other Maritime Zones Act,


    Article 297 of the Constitution vests

    resources found in these areas with

    Central government

    No exploration in the Continental shelfand exclusive economic zone permitted

    without Central Governments permission

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    Regulating the upstream sector

    Creation of an independent and impartial upstream

    regulator is a key challenge for regulation in

    upstream sector

    Currently MoPNG is in charge of regulating

    upstream sector. Director General of

    Hydrocarbons performs technical advisory function

    But government has a significant ownership stake

    in certain upstream companies

    Regulatory functions should not be discharged bythe government when it is also competing with

    private players. Will avoid conflict of interest

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    Regulating the upstream sector

    This has been achieved in other infrastructuresectors like Electricity and Telecom by constitutionof independent regulatory bodies throughcomprehensive statutory framework

    The downstream sector will soon see theintroduction of a omnibus regulator for oil andnatural gas (Petroleum Regulatory Board Bill2002)

    Independent regulator for upstream would assure

    private players that they would be provided alevel playing field. This should attract greatercompetition and the benefits of this greatercompetition would increase value for all thestakeholders

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    Regulating the upstream sector

    Other areas which would benefit from such

    regulatory oversight include:

    Better appreciation of operators commercial

    interest and minimizes opportunities for rentseeking behavior

    Coordination with downstream regulation

    Acting against anti-competitive practices

    Role as arbitrator in case of dispute arisingbetween operator entities and other stake

    holders; minimizes delay in exploitation of

    resources due to dispute

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    Regulating the upstream sector

    Options for creation of independent regulatory


    Create a new regulatory authority and vest

    it with power to implement licensing policyas well as regulatory functions

    Increase the independence of DGH

    possibly through separate statutory

    framework and confer additional powerson it to enable it to discharge role of

    upstream regulator

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    "Let me tell you something that we

    Israelis have against Moses. He took us

    40 years through the desert in order to

    bring us to the one spot in the MiddleEast that has no oil!"

    -Golda Meir (Israeli founder and primeminister)

    The gods have been kinder in our case!Lets ensure that their bounty reaches the


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