presentation with all my experiences

Post on 26-Jul-2015



Devices & Hardware



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Keiser University Latin American Campus

Management Information Systems projetc.


Keila Centeno # ID 5417416

Professor :

Eduardo Orozco

Due Date :

Friday, April 17 2015

Topic :

Chapter 4 "Enabling Commerce Using the Internet"& Chapter 5 "Enhancing Collaboration using Web2.0"

1. Identify at least 3 blogs related to each of the following trends.

a.Technology - 3 blogsb. Business/Financial -3 blogs

c. Entertainment - 3 blogs

 a. Technology - 3 blogs 1- Information Technology Blog


Information Technology Blog provides us with information and links to computer tips, tricks, solutions, news and relevant information to IT related topics. In addition, Information Technology Blog features a collection of blogs containing links to information technology related software, hardware, news, cool sites, news on gadgets, where to get them, search engine optimization, and more. 


In this blog you will learn about some of the most popular web tools used in schools but through a leadership lens. Understand how to be a more effective communicator and collaborator and boost productivity, at the same time understanding the need for school and district leaders be models of effective technology use.


3- Free Technology 4 Teachers

Free Technology 4 Teachers is a blog that

introduces teachers to free web-based

applications, such as YouTube. The site

provides a wealth of information about

how to best utilize free web apps to

enhance the educational process. One

method mentioned in a post by Richard

Byrne on his highly recognized and award-

winning blog is how to use YouTube to

enable students to produce video montage

book reports as an alternative the

traditional written summary. URL:

b. Business/Financial -3 blogs

1- Business Finance Best Practice for Best URL:

This blogs explains us the different topics regarding to business and finance . In addition, show us graphics explained the maturity model, and many other important topics related to the economy of a country. Also, there is found many others topics and discipline not only issues regarding to finance are explained but also topics related to human resources, leadership, management, etc. I think this is a very interesting blog.


 2-Antony Robbins Business and Finance Blog


This blog teaches us how dominate our market, massively expand our cash flow. Also, it train, retains and inspires an extraordinary team. Create a raving fan culture—like the ones at Apple, Zappos and Facebook—by learning from the best. At Business Mastery, you will discover where your business is and where you want it to be—and you’ll create the map to get you there. This blogs is very interesting because we can have a clear vision of what is happening in today’s world.

 3- Fortune  

This blog show us different topics related with the economy of the world. For example, in the screenshot we can appreciate the topic Central Bankers vs Bill Gross. If we read this topic , we will found important aspects that maybe we did not know . For example, there topics regarding the inflation of U.K and graphics that show this and which are well explained.


c. Entertainment - 3 blogs

1- USATODAY USATODAY blog is made for

entertaining people and bring them several topics about TV, Sport, Life , money, News and many other different topics of social interest.



2- Vulture 

This blog is made for people who want to read more about TV, Sport, Life , money, News and many other different topics as well as they can be aware of the different new movies. Also, we can have access to the new York magazine.


3- Entertainment

In this blog people can be aware of topics such as politic, business, celebrity, TV shows, comedy, taste, style, arts and different books. All is made thinking about you.



2. Research about web-based collaboration tools (Page 210 – Chapter 5- Table 5.5) and choose at least one from the table.

a. Open an account for your selected tool and explore the main utilities offered.

b. Make a review on how important is each of the main utilities you have identified.

Google Drive-Google Spreedsheets.

The storage functions with Drive, Gmail and photos of google+. Therefore, with this tool you can save files, attached files of e-mail and different copies of pictures directly in Drive. In addition, it allows us to create and collaborate with others while you can share documents, spreadsheets designs and prepares a presentation in an instant with our applications documents, spreadsheets and presentations.


Linkedin is one of the most important connecting tools for professional. I found this interesting because I can be connected with different people but also with different companies. As well as it is interesting how I can upload my Resume to have an opportunity to find a job. This tool has many other advantages , and I believe it has been one of the most outstanding tool created until this time.


I think this blog is interesting because this is my first blog, and I consider interesting due to the fact that I can create my own topics and share with people around the world. In this way, I am going to share my knowledge with different people that I do not know and they do not know me. This was a great idea because I am going to post things about information systems which I consider is an important class for our professional development.  

Hello people I recommend you to follow me in this blog because you will learn so much about information systems, especially the concepts in chapters 5. Do you know what is web 2.0? What is the importance of this?


Have you ever heard the concept of collective intelligence? What do you image when you hear this?


This is part of the topic that you will learn in this blog. Follow me in my blog learningwithmetoday

Thank you so much… I hope you have enjoyed it.

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