presentation1 by alr

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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The Journey To Life

“My So Called Life”

There was a girl born on the ninth day of February in 1982 and a daughter of an ordinary couple who lived in a simple life in a small town of Camalig in the province of Albay. This girl started to wish to become…..princess

The girl met a guy as she entered her college life.

The guy she met became her classmate and soon became her enemy…The guy always wanted the girl to see crying and get mad to him.As days went by, The girl started to snob the guy for the reasons not to get bullied again and avoid getting mad. Every single day, same things happened.. The guy always made laugh at her, tease her until she cried.The girl started to ask herself why was the guy’s attitude toward her was so disgusting?Graduation came, everyone was so happy. The princess saw the guy in a sad face, but the girl did not attempt to ask him why.

After they graduated, the girl never saw again her classmate coz the girl moved to manila for a certain work.The girl also felt sad coz she missed the guy whom she annoyed most.

The girl made herself busy doing her job. She became a teacher and spent her days teaching her students .

One day the girl received a text message from an unknown number and the message was “ kmzta ?” The girl refused to respond to the unknown number. On the next day same number appeared again on her cell phone and received a new message. The girl replied to the unknown number and she was shocked seeing the name of the guy on her cell phone screen.

The day went by, the boy confessed to the girl about his feelings toward her and the reasons behind why he was so rude and arrogant.…..and soon they became lovers.

They became happy until….

The guy left for Dubai.

The girl waited for two years…

Then Finally they got married…

….and they live happilly ever after.

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