press 360 stories english

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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Information for press and retail about the boardgame 360 STORIES.


Dutch board game brings people together in conversation

One year after releasing the Dutch boardgame ‘360 STORIES’ the English and German versions are launched – just in time for Christmas!

360 Stories is a game without winners or losers. A game for two or for a large group. You can play it for an hour or all night long… 360 Stories is an invitation to rekindle lost memories and swap tales together. Stories from a distant past, from the present or somewhere in between. Trivial stories or very emotional events. You can keep it light-minded or go very deep: you decide what story you tell.

360 Stories is played with friends, family, colleagues, a newfound love or your trustworthy partner, with your (grand)parents or children: everyone has a story to tell. - –

Author and publisher Wilma Mulder: ‘We were pleasantly surprised by the success of the Dutch version. In the first year after releasing the game, we sold almost the entire first edition. We’ve heard this is extraordinary for a new product. What I like most is the overwhelming response of our customers. We developed the boargame to get people to talk to each other, with the emphasis on a pleasant and sociable experience. However, 360 STORIES appears also to be very useful in a more therapeutic way. So the game not only found its way to many kitchen tables, but it’s also used in various healthcare institutes and schools. And it works wonderful as a teambuilding instrument for businesses. The feedback we got from our customers varies from “We had such a good time and laughed our socks off” to “With this game stuck emotions and blockades are gently loosened, it really opens people up.”

It feels wonderful that we’ve created a product that brings fun, warmth and that connects people. All this positive response encouraged us to produce the game in different languages, starting with the English and German version. A French and Spanish, and maybe even Russian version will follow in 2016, as well as a special version for youngsters. We organize several 360 STORIES cafés and ‘We are One’events in Europe and hope to bring our boardgame and meetings eventually all over the world. So keep in touch via the websites, follow us on social media or sign up for the newsletter and maybe we’ll share stories on one of our events!’

Photo: Wilma, Remco & Rodin playing 360 Verhalen – the Dutch version of 360 STORIES. Credits: Hanneke van de Pol

360 Stories

Photo: 360 STORIES complete. Credits: Remco Roxs

360 Stories is a game without winners or losers. A game for two or for a large group. You can play it for an hour or all night long… 360 Stories is an invitation to rekindle lost memories and swap tales together. Stories from a distant past, from the present or somewhere in between. Trivial stories or very emotional events. You can keep it light-minded or go very deep: you decide what story you tell.

360 Stories is played with friends, family, colleagues, a newfound love or your trustworthy partner, with your (grand)parents or children: everyone has a story to tell.

360 Stories is a board game that can be played with two people or more. There is no limit to the amount of people that can play, although playing might become impractical when groups exceeds 8 people.

360 Stories is a game that has no losers. Every participant tells his or her stories and there is no valuation for one’s stories. Although a good story is always rewarded with the other players’ utmost attention!

The game is an open invitation to revitalize the old art of storytelling. The participants entertain each other telling personal stories just as if they’re around a campfire. The game goes on as long as the stories keep coming, which has led to numerous lengthy sessions.

Everybody has stories that are worth sharing. People enjoy digging into a nearly lost memory by playing the game. Even when playing with good friends or the partner that you’ve known for so long, stories will be told that you’ve almost forgotten about yourself. There’s a storyteller in each and every one of us, 360 Stories lets everybody have their say and lets others listen, follow-up and question…

How to play

Players: 2-8 Age: 10+ Playtime: <1 hour or all day/night long

Easy as 1-2-3…

1. Turn the spinner 2. Throw the dice 3. Share your stories!

Our mission

Exchanging stories connects people to each other. Differences in culture, religion, lifestyle or sometimes even just in age, often lead to misunderstanding, indifference or aversion. When you share your life stories and listen to the stories of other people, something wonderful happens. There is recognition, you see the similarities. And the differences will be easier to understand.

360 STORIES brings people together and opens conversations on topics that are not often discussed. Either because they are sensitive, or simply because they are so commonplace that you don’t think of them. Creator Wilma Mulder and her team organize 360 STORIES cafes in different places; institutions for the elderly, homeless shelters, addiction care institutions, jails, schools, community centers ....

Our mission is to share personal stories from people of diverse backgrounds to create more understanding and respect for each other.


A good story, a real story, inspires. People who hear each other's stories, understand each other

better. And by telling stories you often also understand yourself better.

Share your agreements, respect each other's differences.

360 Stories applications

360 STORIES as a business tool 360 Stories isn’t just the perfect present given to business acquaintances or employees, it’s also an effective tool for teambuilding sessions or staff outings. People will get to know each other better in an accessible way and you’ll be able to reach a certain depth without leaving your comfort zone.

360 STORIES in healthcare The board game was developed to get people to talk to each other, with the emphasis on a pleasant and sociable experience. However, 360 Stories has proven to have big therapeutic advantages and has been successfully applied by countless of coaches and other healthcare professionals.

360 STORIES in education There’s a great need within the education system for accessible tools that help children establish a dialogue that can reduce bullying, loneliness and poor communication. 360 STORIES is already played enthusiastically by somewhat older children, but a specially tailored junior version will be developed for primary school. If you would like to contribute to this version or want to be kept in touch, please contact us.

360 STORIES café We organize 360 STORIES cafés; cozy get-togethers in a nice bar or restaurant, in a care center, at your company or any other location. These meetings provide the ability for people to talk to each other, preferably while enjoying something to eat and drink. 360 STORIES cafés can be tailor made for companies and organizations.

‘We are One’ events 360 STORIES ‘We are One’events meet societies’ heartfelt need for connection with ‘the others’; everyone with a different background, skincolor, sexual orientation, religion, social status than yourself. We sincerely believe – and found it scientifically proven- that meeting other people, sharing food & stories, breeds understanding and companionship. ‘Them and us’ becomes WE.

‘We are One’ events are the core of our business, we aim to organize these meetings all over the world and thus contibute to raising understanding and empathy between people.

How to buy 360 Stories?

360 Stories was successfully launched in the Netherlands in 2014. In 2015 we introduced the English and German versions. French and Spanish versions will be produced in 2016. All boardgames are available online and in several shops.

ONLINE: For every country we open a local webpage + shop, on which all versions are available. - and We deliver worldwide.

SHOPS: We aim to work with resellers that fit our philosophy and identity. Specialized bookstores, specialty lifestyle stores and the better games stores for instance, are a great match with 360 STORIES. Besides, special bars or restaurants and stores in health care institutions could be resellers as well.

Social and environmentally friendly business is of great importance to us. Therefore, we gladly support projects and businesses that act responsible to these topics and care for the environment and human rights. We choose our resellers carefully and hope to build longlasting relationships. You can find the shop addresses on the websites.

About the author & publisher

The biggest problems in this world often have a common denominator. War and terror, exploitation and oppression, nearly irreversible environmental pollution but also discrimination, bullying, increasing loneliness among our citizens… All these heavy issues share a source of detachment and indifference. The world has been divided between “us” and “them” and we shrug our shoulders when confronted with the problems that don’t immediately concern us.

By playing 360 STORIES, I hope that players have a good time, but that we’ll also gain some empathy, love and understanding for each other in an accessible way. Play 360 STORIES, share our similarities and gain some more understanding about our differences. Change the world with each story told!

About me: I am a practical idealist, embrace the 'think global, act local' principle. With my green heart and a background as a communication specialist I have worked on several projects in the sustainable and social sector. Since 2014 I’m focused on my Taleswapper Publishing House, the international roll-out of the 360 STORIES board game and the 360 STORIES café’s + ‘We are One’events.

In addition, I'm engaged in the promotion of sustainable fashion through the Awearness Fashion foundation that my friend and I founded in 2008.

Nice if we meet up!

Wilma Mulder + 31 (0) 6-13084465


TALESWAPPER is a young, cross-media publishing house founded by Wilma Mulder, that delivers online and offline stories by and for real people. Stories from you and me. The board game 360 STORIES is the first publication of Taleswapper.

Contact Taleswapper Publishing is located in Arnhem, The Netherlands. Address: Groot Vijverdal 13 6822 MB Arnhem, The Netherlands T: +31 (0)6 13084465 E: W: KvK: 09150728 BTW: NL103778081B02 IBAN: NL63RABO0322893976 BIC: RABONL2U

General information

Dimensions box 30 x 30 x 5 cm, weight 900 grams

Dimensions board unfolded: 60 x 60 cm

Box includes: age-table, arrow + base, 2 dice, booklet

Recommended price: € 39,95 / £ 28,- / $ 43,-

Author: Wilma Mulder Design: Hannek van de Pol Publisher: TALESWAPPER Made in Holland by NSF Games| |

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