prevent uti at work

Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Prevent UTI At Work

Prevent UTI At Work

“UTI is an infection involving the kidneys, uterus, bladder, or urethra”

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection involving the kidneys, uterus, bladder, or urethra. These are

the structures that urine passes through before being eliminated from the body. Any part of the urinary

tract can become infected. As a rule, the farther up in the urinary tract the infection is located, the more

serious it is. UTI’s may also be classified as Upper and Lower UTI’s

The upper urinary tract is composed of the kidneys and uterus. Infection in the upper urinary

tract generally affects the kidneys, which can cause fever, chills, nausea and vomiting.

The lower urinary tract consists of the bladder and the urethra. Infection in the lower urinary

tract can affect the urethra or the bladder.

UTI is diagnosed on the basis on information about your symptoms, medical and surgical history,

medications, habits and lifestyle. A physical examination and lab tests complete the evaluation. The

single most important initial lab test is urinalysis. A sample of your urine will be tested for signs of

infection, such as the presence of white blood cells and bacteria. A health check up at Apollo clinics can

rule out any signs of UTI.

UTI can be contracted not only at public places but also at work. In a big office when the bathrooms are

used by a number of people and the chances of bacteria spreading is high. If you see any of the

following symptoms, then it is time you take some precautions.


Frequent urination

Very little urine output

Painful urination

Blood or pus in urine

Cloudy urine

Foul odour in urine

Nausea or vomiting

Flank or groin pain




There are a number of chances why UTI affects women s lot, especially at the work place. Some of the

most common reasons why women get afflicted include:

The urethra is shorter in women than in men, making it easier for the bacteria to reach there.

In women, the urethra is positioned closer to the rectum.

During sexual intercourse, bacteria can be pushed into the urethra.

The best way to avoid contracting urinary tract infections at the work place are:

Drink plenty of water or other liquids. This will flush out the bacteria from your system by


Cranberry juice has been shown to help prevent urinary tract infections.

Do not retain or hold back urine. Urinate as soon as you feel you need to.

After urinating or bowel movement, wash or wipe from front to back and not from back to

front. This will prevent bacteria in the anal region from spreading to the vagina and urethra.

If you feel vaginal dryness during sex, use a cream or jelly for lubrication.

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