primary 1: i am a child of god, (2000), 107–10 to help each child desire to be a good friend

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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• Lesson 33: I Can Be a Friend

Primary 1: I Am a Child of God, (2000), 107–10


To help each child desire to be a good friend.


(Enter Name Here)

•Who am I?

You could have said I am “your Teacher.”

You Could have said my name.

But how many of you thought to say that I am “Your


And did you know I am “Your Friend?”

•Friends are people who like each other.

•Let’s all sit in a circle.

•Let’s play a name game.

•We’ll start by everyone saying their first name.

• This time, watch what I say. “(Name of child) is my friend.”

•Now let’s take turns and each of you do what I just did.

•We have many friends.

•Who are your friends?

•Friends can be of any age.

•Family members can be some of our best friend

•Each person in our class is

a friend.

•The person in the picture is a very good friend to everyone in the class.

•Who is our friend in this


•How do you know that

Jesus is your Friend?

• Let’s all sing:

• “Jesus is our loving Friend”

Jesus Is Our Loving Friend

• 1. Jesus is our loving friend.• He is always near.• He will guide us when we pray;• Ev'ry child is dear.

• 2. Rev'rently and sweetly now,•We our voices raise.• Jesus is our loving friend,• And we sing his praise.• Words: Anna Johnson, 1892-1979• Music: Alexander Schreiner, 1901-1987

• Let’s learn about three friends of Jesus, Lazarus and his sisters.

• When Jesus was in Bethany, he stayed at their home and had dinner with them.

•Go to the Slides.

•Go to the Video.


Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life

• Lazarus lived in Bethany with his sisters Mary and Martha.

• Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters, and they loved Jesus.

• Lazarus became very sick. • The Savior was in another town.

• Mary and Martha sent word to Him that Lazarus was sick.

• The Savior asked His disciples to go with Him to help Lazarus.

• The disciples were afraid to go to Bethany. It was near Jerusalem. • Some people in Jerusalem wanted to kill Jesus.

• Jesus told His disciples that Lazarus was dead. He said that He would bring Lazarus back to life.

• This miracle would help the disciples know that He was the Savior. Jesus went to Bethany.

• When He got there, Lazarus had been dead for four days.• Martha told Jesus that Lazarus would still be alive if He had come sooner. • Jesus said Lazarus would live again.

• Martha left Jesus to get her sister, Mary.

• Mary went to meet Jesus too. Many people followed her.

• Jesus asked Martha if she believed Him.

• Martha said yes. She knew that Jesus was the Savior.

• Mary knelt, crying, at the Savior’s feet.

• Jesus asked where Lazarus’s body was.• Jesus went to the cave where Lazarus was buried.

• The people with her were also crying.

• There was a stone in front of it. • He told the people to move the stone.

• Jesus looked up. • He thanked Heavenly Father for hearing His prayers.

• Then, in a loud voice, Jesus told Lazarus to come out of the cave.

• Lazarus walked out.

• Many of the people who saw the miracle now believed that Jesus was the Savior.

• How did Jesus feel about Lazarus? (See John 11:3, 35–36.)

• What did Jesus do for Lazarus? (See John 11:43–44.)

•How do you think Lazarus, Mary, and Martha felt

toward Jesus?

• How should we treat our friends?

• When we are being good friends, we help others do good things.

• We care about our friends and want them to be happy.

• It is important that we treat others the way we like to be treated.

• How can you be a good friend in the following situations:

• You and a friend are playing, and another child comes and wants to play with you.

• A new child comes to class for the first time and feels shy or afraid.

• A child has been teased and feels bad.

• Let’s sing:

• “Kindness Begins with Me”


• I want to be kind to ev'ryone,• For that is right, you see.• So I say to myself, "Remember this:• Kindness begins with me."• Words and music: Clara W. McMaster, 1904-1997. (c) 1969 IRI

• How do you feel when your friends are kind to you?

• How do you think they feel when you are kind to them?

• If you want to have friends, you must be good friends themselves.

• Friends share with each other

• If you are playing with a toy, and a friend comes to play with you, what should you do?

• When we let another person play with us, or when we give some of what we have to someone else, we are sharing.

• Sometimes we can’t divide up what we have, so we take turns with it.

• This is also sharing.

• If one of your friends is hungry and you have food, what should you do?

• In the following story, listen to how a young boy shared the food he had.

• How Jesus was able to use his power to make enough food to feed all the people.

•Go to the Slides.

•Go to the Video.


• Some friends of John the Baptist told Jesus that John had been killed by the king.

• When Jesus heard this, He went to a place near the Sea of Galilee to be alone. • Many people knew where He was. • More than 5,000 people followed Him there hoping that He would teach them.

• Jesus taught them many things. • It was time to eat, but most of the people did not have any food. • His disciples wanted Jesus to send the people to the nearest villages to buy food.

• Jesus told the disciples to see if anyone had brought food.

• They found a boy who had five loaves of bread and two small fish.

• Jesus told all the people to sit down.

• He blessed the bread and the fish and broke the food into pieces.

• The disciples gave the food to the people. • There was more than enough for everyone.

• Do you remember the story from last week about the prophet Elijah and the famine that was in the land.

• Here’s a review for you that might have forgotten the story:

•Go to the Slides.

•Go to the Video.


• The famine came.

• There was no water in the stream.

• Elijah had no water to drink or food to eat.

• God told Elijah to go to a city.

• He would meet a woman there.

• The woman would give him food and water.

• Elijah met the woman.

• Her husband was dead.

• She lived with her son.

• Elijah asked her for some water and bread.

• She said she did not have any.

• She had only a little flour and oil to make bread for her son.

• Elijah told her to make some bread for him first.

• He said God would give her more flour and oil.

• She would have food until the famine was over.

• The woman made bread for Elijah.

• Elijah ate with the woman and her son.

• He stayed with the woman and her son for many days.

• God blessed them.

• There was always flour and oil to make bread.

• The widow was blessed because she shared her food even though she did not have very much.

• What can we share with our friends?

• What can we share with our families?

•Let’s Sing:

•“Fun to Do”

Fun to Do

• Singing a song is fun to do,• Fun to do, to do, to do!• Singing a song is fun to do,• To do, to do, to do!

• Cleaning my room• Riding my bike• Painting a picture• Words: Rebecca Stevens• Music: Cecilia Johns• (c) 1963 by D. C. Heath and Company. Used by permission of American Book Company.

TESTIMONY • I want to bear my testimony of the importance of being a good friend. • Heavenly Father and Jesus are our friends and they love us. • I want to encourage you to be kind to your friends this week.




Images and clipart are from, Microsoft office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use.

The Lesson and Scripture story are from This presentation was created with the help of

presentations created by Ericka Covalt as found on

Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in

church or home to suit personal preference.

This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures.

Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the


John 11:3, 35–36• 3 Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord,

behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.• 35 Jesus wept.•  36 Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!

John 11:43–44• 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a

loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.•  44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand

and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.

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