primary in this issue: year 5 & 6 science...

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Primary @ Reddam

Dear Parents and Caregivers, I know that many of our families acknowledged Earth Hour last Saturday, by switching off non-essential appliances and lights. This year‟s Earth Hour had greater significance in that

it was the 10th anniversary of the event, started right here in Sydney back in 2007. It was certainly an apt reminder to many of how much we rely on electricity but also how many of us take it for granted, often allowing appliances and lights to consume power when not in use. As we were so sagely reminded by our very own Bianca Rozsa, who was one of the World Wildlife Fund's ambassadors for Earth Hour, we need to become all the more conscious of our use and abuse of power, before this diminishing resource is completely exhausted. While some in the media have argued that the event is merely tokenistic, there is no doubt that the physical act of switching off appliances and a greater awareness of our use of electricity impacts our lives beyond that one hour. Some of our students have excelled this past week in various sporting events, and we con-gratulate them on their achievements. Imogen Baldassarre was runner-up in the Boards competition in the Under 9 age group at North and placed in the top 30 in the state over-all after the season, which is an exceptional achievement. Luca Lewis has started playing Ice Hockey in a club competition and we are sure that this is going to be a wonderful new opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy an exciting sport. Our Primary water polo team made it all the way to the Semi-final in the inter-schools com-petition on Saturday, which was a tremendous achievement as they were playing against teams with players older than they. Although they lost this match, they had an excellent season playing in a Year 7 competition, and they are to be complimented on their never-say-die attitude and willingness to learn from their opponents. They will surely reap the re-wards of this season in time to come. Congratulations to Ryan Wu who competed in the Tyro Fun Day Golf Tournament on the weekend and was ranked 5th overall! Another amazing sporting achievement was made by Eva Balafas in Dance on the week-end. She competed and won a place in all categories! Well done Eva! On Tuesday, the students enjoyed their Easter presentation, which reminded them of the true meaning of Easter, while at the same time providing an opportunity to enjoy the fun-filled activities also associated with this time of the year. This term, Edward Machkevich, Ethan Nguyen, Rocco Buck and Haines Sayer are perform-ing in the orchestra for the high school musical; Mary Poppins. I would like to congratulate them on the incredible performances and wish them the best for Saturday‟s show.

The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 9 Friday 31 March 2017 Page 1


Year 5 & 6 Science

News from the classrooms

Sport Fixtures and Results

On Wednesday next week we celebrate our Pesach Seder, as another acknowledgement of

the significance of this special time. By recognising these important events in the Christian

and Jewish calendars, it is hoped that we are able to expose all our students to their rele-

vance, in a way which honours not only their own beliefs but those of others.

With the last week of Term 1 almost upon us, I wish you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

Kindly remember that school will end at 1pm next week, after which I am sure that all our

families will look forward to some well-deserved rest.

Dee Pitcairn


The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 9 Friday 31 March 2017 Page 2



Girls 10R Easts Comp (Lee) V Maccabi 1.40pm Waverley Pavilion Sunday 12R (Div2) (Hayley) V All Blacks 11.00am Alexandria Bas-ketball Stadium Saturday. 12E Easts Comp ( Lee) V BUBBS 12.40pm Waverley College Sunday. 12D (10s) Easts Comp (Lee) V Maccabi 1.40pm Waverley Pa-vilion Sunday 14 E Div 2 (Henry) V Bye 16 R Div 2 (Hayley) V CYS 4.20pm Alexandria Basketball Stadium Friday. The bus will leave the Woollahra Campus at 3.30pm 18 R Div 2 (James) V Bye Boys 10 R Div 1 ( Lee) V All Blacks 8.00am Alexandria Basketball Stadium Saturday. 12 R Div 2 (Lee) V Newtown 1.15pm Alexandria Basketball Stadium Saturday. 12E Div 3 (Lee) V CYS 1.15pm Alexandria Basketball Stadi-um Saturday. 12 D Easts Comp (Lee) V Bronte Bulls 10am Waverley Col-lege Sunday 14 R Div 1 (James) V Magic Lakers 2.00pm Alexandria Bas-ketball Stadium Saturday. 14 E Div 2 (James) V Scorpians 3.30pm Alexandria Basket-ball Stadium Saturday. 14D Div 3 (James) V Reddam M 11.00am Alexandria Bas-ketball Stadium Saturday. 14M Div 3 (James) V Reddam D 11.00am Alexandria Bas-ketball Stadium Saturday. 16 R Div 2 ( Henry) V NAB Blazers 3.45pm Marrickville Basketball Stadium Saturday 16E Div 3 ( Henry) V All Stars 6.45pm Marrickville Basket-ball Stadium Saturday 18R Div 2 ( Luke)Year 10 Boys V Newtown Dragons 5.15pm Marrickville Basketball Stadium Saturday 18E Div 3 (Luke) Year 10 Boys V NAB Trailblazers 4.30pm Marrickville Basketball Stadium Saturday 18D Div 3 (Lee) Year 11 Boys V Meerkats 2.15pm Marrick-ville Basketball Stadium Saturday Please check to ensure there have not been any late changes to the draw.

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Touch Football – Grand Final

Girls Reddam 2 Junior A V Kambala, Reservoir Fields Centen-nial Park No. 5, 10.35am Saturday

Water Polo – Grand Finals

Girls Reddam 2 Junior ( Year 8 and 9) V St Catherines, Queen-wood Pool 10.50am Saturday. The bus will leave Woollahra at 9.45am Reddam 3 Sub Junior (Year 7) V St Catherines UNSW Pool 12.20pm Saturday



Girls 12R (Div2) (Hayley) V Saphires 6 - 26 12E Easts Comp (Jaimee and Lee) V Bondi Lions 22 - 25 12D (10s) Easts Comp (Jaimee and Lee) V Covelly 2 - 26 14 E Div 2 (Henry) V No Game 16 R Div 2 (Hayley) V Waverley Wizards 17 - 43 18 R Div 2 (James) V Maccabi 30 - 8 Boys 10 R Div 1 (Lee) V All Blacks 2 - 26 12 R Div 2 (Lee) V All Blacks 34 - 19 12E Div 3 (Lee) V East Coast Ballers 12 - 18 12 D Easts Comp (Lee) V Bronte 15 - 19 14 R Div 1 (James) V Titans 30 - 48 14 E Div 2 (James) V No Game 14D Div 3 (James) V Maccabi 4 - 63 14M Div 3 (James) V Saints 10 - 57 16 R Div 2 (Henry) V CYS 33- 17 16E Div 3 (Henry) V Titans 6 - 33 18R Div 2 (Luke) Year 10 Boys V Wizards 31 v- 38 18E Div 3 (Luke) Year 10 Boys V Bye 18D Div 3 (Lee) Year 11 Boys V Papa Chefs 30 - 24

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Touch Football Girls Reddam 1 Senior B V SCEGGS 4 - 1 Reddam 2 Junior A V SCEGGS, 6 - 3 Reddam 3 Junior C V SCEGGs 1 - 2 Reddam 4 Junior E V Wenona, 1 – 2

Water Polo – Semi Finals

Girls Reddam 2 Junior (Year 8 and 9) V Schols 7 - 6 Reddam 3 Sub Junior (Year 7) V SGHS 12 - 1 Reddam 4 (Primary) v St Catherine’s 0 - 10

Reddam House

would like to wish a very happy birthday to

Ruby Levitt, Isaac Nakhl, Nathan Ross, Jacana Symonds, Devran Hassip,

Ben Landa, Michael Maynard, Cheyenne Gunn, Aaliyah Ibrahim, Allegra Malki

and Jamie Song

who celebrated their special day this week or weekend!

We hope you had a fabulous day!

This term in Kindergarten, students have been introduced to Music through the Kodaly and

Orff approach. They have learnt hand signs for „So‟ and „Mi‟ whilst utilising them to sing a

greeting and their names at the beginning of each lesson. Students have also enjoyed learn-

ing that pitch can be high and low and have used visual aids such as a castle and a moun-

tain to facilitate their musical learning.

The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 9 Friday 31 March 2017 Page 5


Kindy attended some exciting events this week. Students of Bible Studies performed in the

Easter presentation on Tuesday evening. The children sang along beautifully with the other

Primary School Bible Studies students to tell the story of Easter.

In English we focused on the sounds „c‟ and „d‟. For the letter c we decorated cupcakes,

piping on the letter c and adding crunchy caramel pieces. We continued our work on sen-

tence writing, ensuring they made sense, had a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop

at the end.

In Mathematics we learned about ordinal numbers in both words and numeric representa-

tions (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc). We continued to practise addition techniques, such as using a number

line and counting on from the first number given. The children were also introduced to num-

ber bonds to 10. Students now know a variety of bonds that add to make 10.

In Topic we began our journey through the senses. Students really enjoyed the sense of smell

lesson, where they smelt an unknown substance in a covered cup with a small hole, then

drew what they thought was in the cup. Many students smelt the chocolate and lemon

straight away. The perfume was also identified as either perfume, or by some children, the

specific scent of lavender.

We look forward to having more fun in the last week of Term 1.

The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 9 Friday 31 March 2017 Page 6


This week we created wonderful pieces of descriptive writing that were inspired by our Au-

thor Study programme. In Mathematics, the children created problem-solving game, and

used playing cards to randomly select numbers to use in their number sentences.

Science saw us learning an extensive vocabulary of baby animals as we explored the differ-

ences between our human and animal groups. Children were surprised that not all animals

look like their parents - the classic example being the caterpillar and the butterfly.

Once again students presented News items with enthusiasm and professionalism this week.

This speaking and listening activity gives rise to a lot of investigative research within class and

post discussion. Thank you to all of our parents in making these presentations so rich and


The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 8 Friday 24 March 2017 Page 7


This week the Year 2 students wrote their own interesting versions of Little Red Riding Hood.

We discussed and confidently re-enacted traditional fairy tales with our friends.

Jack (2R) – "My favourite story is The Three Billy Goats Gruff because it‟s funny when the Big

Billy Goat hits the troll into the water!"

Georgia (2R) – "My favourite story is Little Red Riding Hood because she‟s very nice to her


Scarlett (2E) – "My favourite nursery rhyme is Peter Piper because it rhymes and I can say the

whole rhyme by myself."

Parker (2E) - "My favourite story is the mixed up version of the Three Little Pigs because the

pigs were pretty evil."

In Mathematics, the students had lots of fun measuring length, capacity and mass. We have

been using a range of objects in the classroom and everyday items to order them and use

standard units.

The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 8 Friday 24 March 2017 Page 8


In Year 3 there are 62 students. Of those 62 students, 27 students are young ladies. Of those

27 young ladies, 11 have luscious blonde hair. Of the 62 students that are in Year 3, 52 stu-

dents are eight years old, 3 students are nine years old and 7 students are seven years old.

We have been collecting and analysing data over the last week during our Maths lessons.

Collecting data entails us either observing, asking a question, or a series of questions to gath-

er the information we need. Once we have collected the data in the form of a tally chart we

put all that information into a graph.

In Year 3 we really enjoyed making picture graphs and column graphs. The graphs made our

data easier to interpret.

Here are some of the students‟ thoughts on statistics and data:

Darcey: I really like making picture graphs because they look really cool when they‟re fin-


Hayden: Sometimes picture graphs can be tricky to read but they look good.

Imogen: Column graphs are easier to read.

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This week in English, students used their visual and creative thinking skills to complete their

tasks based on the story book they explored in class. They looked towards the future of our

book characters, and predicted what their lives would be like, 10 years after the conclusion

of the story. We look forward to reading many different tales and adventures of our charac-

ters: Beth, Arthur Phillip and Bennelong.

In Science this week, the students explored elements of communication in relation to natural

disasters. These included written, oral and online communication. An exciting creative design

task required Year 4 to plan and design a „Disaster Awareness Communication‟ device. The

purpose of this device is to alert to the community of an impending fire.

In Maths this week, students commenced study of their new topic „Length.‟ They enjoyed es-

timating the length of objects within the room, as well as guessing the dimensions of the

classroom. Vocabulary was revised and new words were introduced, including: conversions,

perimeter, area, width and height.

It was a wonderful week of academic, emotional and physical development for the stu-

dents. Well done Year 4!

The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 8 Friday 24 March 2017 Page 11

Students of Year 5 have been busy reading the novel, ‘Parvana’s Journey’. As we have

reached the end of the novel, our discussions in class have focused on the refugee journey

and internally displaced people in refugee camps. This week, students were given a survival

activity which asked them to decide who or what they cannot live without. Students had to

imagine they were only able to take 8 items with them on their journey. They then had to justi-

fy their answer.

Katerina Lyaschenko decided to take the following items:

water bottle

food (rice)







I decided to take a water bottle to limit the chance of spilling and to store it. The rice is need-

ed to avoid starvation and the blanket to provide warmth. The pot will be used to boil clean

water and cook the food in. I also chose clothes (boy clothes) so I won‟t be grabbed by a

Taliban soldier. The umbrella will be used for shelter and safety. Finally, I chose the flint over

matches because the flint will last longer. All of this will be stored in a bag.

We have also been focusing on the themes of the novel. Students explored each theme be-

fore choosing two and explaining their significance and relevance to the novel.

Noam Olovitz believes survival is important to the novel because Parvana is in conditions

where there is bombing, war, little food and a lot of internally displaced people. Responsibil-

ity is a key theme because if you are in conditions like Parvana, you need to do a lot of tasks

by yourself. These include taking care of others, cooking, looking after yourself and making


The Reddam House Primary School Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 8 Friday 24 March 2017 Page 12

The Mathematics classes were a hive of activity this past week, recapping on metric conver-

sions, calculating length, perimeter and circumference. „Good old King Henry‟, the rhyme

we use to help with conversions, was introduced to Year 5 students, while Year 6 also prac-

tised conversions using this tool. Year 6 students revisited area, with greater emphasis on the

area of a triangle and calculating the area of composite shapes. Some classes went as far

as using scientific calculators to work out circumference and the area of a circle.


The Year 5 students have been putting their engineering hats on over the past week to de-

sign bridges made from flexi straws and paper. We had a range of designs that managed to

span a gap of 50cm and hold up to five toy cars. Many bridges even held up to twenty cars,

some with a little help from sticky tape! The students worked well in their groups and we are

looking forward to some more design and technology projects through the year.


This week in Year 6 English, students have been working on developing their narrative writing

skills. To assist in their written work, students collaborated in small groups to devise compelling

story ideas, plot outlines and setting/character-specific word banks.

To construct an effective narrative, students have been encouraged to focus on developing:

A clear introduction that creates an image in the reader‟s mind of the setting and char-


A ‘build up’ of events that hint at the main event to come.

A Climax, which is the height of the story/the main event.

A resolution, which helps to „resolve‟ any problems that were encountered during the cli-


A Conclusion to assist in ending the story and finalising outcomes for the characters.

Zoe Littler

… Chloe ran straight past all the kids and went to the school gate. She looked around cau-

tiously so that no one would see her. Taking a great big step, she ran right out of sight, straight

into the big, gloomy and dark forest.

“Summer? Summer? I want to be your friend.” Called Chloe.

“Who’s there?”

“It’s Chloe, I go to your school.”

Chloe and Summer found each other and spoke for hours until finally, Chloe noticed the sun

go down and they walked back to school where their parents were waiting nervously.

Edward M.

Cigarettes were scattered around the ground, like the lingering bodies nearby and the air

was heavy with the smell of smoke.

“Donald, Jeff! Stop looking at those things.”

Once again, the Head Mother was making us go to the park. We hated the park, but at least

when we were there, we could play soccer.

Amelia Tran

Sophie work up with her messy pink hair all over her face. “Wake up sis,” she heard whispered

to her ear, “Something weird is going on outside.”

As they looked outside, they could see that the police at Whitman‟s Bay were dying and the

bay had turned dark and gloomy. They quickly went to their parents‟ room, but they were

gone. The girls searched the house, but they were nowhere to be found.

William Andersson

The forest seemed darker here and Jeremy realised that the air was musty and damp. The

weirdest thing though, was the strange ooze with the consistency of snot that went in a line

into the bushes and beyond.

“I say we follow it,” said Joe enthusiastically.

“I think not,” said Jeremy worriedly.

“But the ooze might lead to the way out!” said Joe so convincingly that Jeremy gave up and

followed Joe through the bush and deeper into the forest.

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