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Prince of Peace

The Vine Newsletter July2015

Summer Schedule (July 5 – August 30)

Traditional Worship Service 8:00 AM

Blended Service 10:00 AM

All are invited to our breakfast café at 9:00 AM.

Tamil Service – July 11 @ 6:00 PM.


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 8212 Philadelphia Road

Rosedale, MD 21237

Prince of Peace Staff Ministers: The Members of Prince of Peace 410-866-8766 Pastor: Rev. Matthew Fuhrman 443-710-7007 Diaconal Minister: Shari Trotter 770-789-0535 Parish Coordinator: Millie Smith 410-866-8766 Council President: Bob DeJong 410-391-3156 Creative Learning Center: Michele Nitzel, Director 410-866-1585 Deacon: Al Streckfus 410-391-1809 Organist: Alisa Kipnis 443-494-8436

Regular Worship Schedule

Traditional Worship 8:00 AM Contemporary Worship 9:30 AM

Traditional Worship 11:00 AM


A Message from Pastor Matt For thus it says in 1 Peter 2, "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a priestly kingdom." In this way we are all priests, as many of us as are Christians. (Martin Luther, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church). Part of our heritage as Lutherans is this understanding of “priesthood of all believers.” Against the very professional and exclusive sense of ministry present in the pre-Reformation, Medieval Church, Luther suggested an understanding of the Gospel that was inclusive and encouraged all Christians to take an active role. Part of this found form in encouraging literacy and for all people to become familiar with their scripture. Part of this was in encouraging an understanding of all vocations and service to be pleasing to God. In our worship services, this is reflected in the different roles and ways through which people can serve. The most important, of course, is simply being present to worship, and to give thanks and praise to God. However, some of the more specific “jobs” not only facilitate the flow of worship by having helpers, but more importantly reflect the shared work that we have as children of God. At Prince of Peace, there are sign-up sheets in the narthex (just above, and to the left of the water fountain) where people can sign up for the various service opportunities per service. Members and friends are encouraged to sign up for Sundays when they know they will be present and would like to serve. Deacon Al Streckfus, OSSD will be helping to coordinate some of the sign ups so that each week we have each position accounted for. For those unfamiliar with what some of the duties are, the following lists them:


Assistant Minister – for both the Traditional and Contemporary, the Assistant Minister role is the key lay position and does what it describes: “assists.” They help with parts of the liturgy, distribute communion, pray the prayers of the church, read the lessons if needed, and otherwise help to fill in any leadership needs in the service. The most involved of all the positions, it requires some training prior to serving. Please contact Pastor Matt if you would like to serve. Lector – quite simply the lector is the reader, and reads the non-Gospel / sermon text lessons each week. Sometimes proper names and places provide unfamiliar words for lectors to read. Please do not let that stop you! There is a pronunciation guidebook that is provided. Present the Elements – each week we need at least two people to carry the bread and the wine (“the elements”) forward. As a sign of God turning the ordinary to extraordinary, we have the bread and wine brought forward as a gift from us, which God uses to turn into a gift for all. Communion Assistant – in addition to the Assistant Minister, the Communion Assistant “assists in communion.” Most often this involves holding the chalice (cup) of wine and either pouring or allowing communicants to instinct (dip) the bread. Greeters – joining with the ushers, the Greeters job is to be a warm and friendly presence before and during the worship service to ensure that any visitors or newcomers feel comfortable at Prince of Peace. As the saying goes, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”, this may be one of the most important responsibilities on a Sunday morning.


The sign-up sheet for the month is usually posted towards the end of the month before. For those who regularly serve, thank you for signing up. For those who have not yet served, I encourage you to think about doing so. Together may we give thanks and praise to the God we serve. In His name, Pastor Matt


A Message from Deacon Shari

Happy Summer Prince of Peace, The Count-down has begun! 26 more days until 13 of our youth and 6 adults head to Detroit! We can’t wait to come back and share with you all of the amazing things we have done and what we have learned. I wanted to offer you a little peek into what our schedule will look like while we are there: Wednesday: 4am- arrive at the airport (yikes, prayers for this ) 8am-10am- arrive in Detroit, gather bags and head to the hotel, and check in 10am-4pm- catch bus to Cobo center, community life in Cobo Center/ have lunch At Colors Café (a café that teaches people to work in the food industry and all the proceeds return back into the community) 4pm-9:30pm- main event and opening for the whole week/ speakers, bands, lots And lots of praise and worship! 9:30pm-12am- travel back to hotel and then have community life! 12am- Lights Out!!!!! That is just one day! On Thursday we will proclaim justice, this will be our day of service! On Friday we will proclaim Story, this is the day that we will spend with our synod learning about our own story and how that fits with God’s story. On Saturday we will proclaim Community and will


engage in interactive learning that will make us think about our impact on one another and our world!(we also get to zip line this day!!!) Sunday is the last day. We will have our closing and then be to the airport by 4pm we should be back into Baltimore around 8pm, very tired but with full spirits and lots to share! Please be praying for us as we are there and get excited about all we will bring back with us! God’s Peace, Deacon Shari

A Message from Michele Nitzel, Daycare Director

As we head into the second month of our summer program our theme is “We are all Happy Campers.” The entranceway has been decorated with a makeshift tent and campfire. We want all of our children to be happy as they spend their days with us. One of the best days this month will be water day. There is no better sound than that of children’s laughter as they run through the sprinkler, play in the water tables and


squirt water at each other. It’s a perfect way for them to cool off from the hot summer sun. The staff works hard planning activities that will create lifelong memories for the children. We start July off with Spirit Week. The children are encouraged to dress in their most colorful patriotic outfits and participate in our annual POPCLC 4th of July Parade. They will march around the parking lot and out onto the front lawn to wave at the passing cars. There will be lots of red, white and blue activities to help the children learn about Independence Day. As we continue into the month the children will explore bugs, insects, the nighttime sky and the beauty of nature. The children will “go fishing” as we set up “ponds and lakes” around the center to find different types of fish. They will bait their hooks and practice “catch and release.” There might even be a fishing completion to see who will “hook the largest catch!” Appreciating and respecting the outdoors is a lifelong lesson the children will begin to learn this month.


A Message from Bob DeJong Council President

The great American Dream – to own a house. However, as any house owner knows, sometimes that dream becomes hazy. How is it that the house knows just when you have some extra money? Because that’s when the roof leaks, or the air conditioner goes up on the hottest day of the year, or the chimney becomes clogged and you are told it is out of code, so now it is really expensive to fix. Well, you know that the church is just like your house, and it too has its issues. I was going to start this off with a song from one of my all time favorite movies, Mary Poppins. Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey Chim chim cher-ee! Why? Because it was discovered that our chimney was blocked with years and years and years of soot AND it is from the original building and built when building codes, if there were any, were much different. Therefore, we cannot just have the chimney sweep singing and cleaning our chimney, he needs to totally bring it up to code. Not cheap. Plus we are still repairing the organ and just like when you take your car in for that simple oil change, they find other things that need repaired and your $29 oil change now just cost $290. So is it with our organ and things are being found that need to be fixed, such as keys falling off. There goes the extra money! Just as we try to do a budget for our lives, we, and I mean you and I and everyone else in the congregation, try to plan the budget for our church. And just as we experience the unexpected, so does our church. We also have to pay our bills on top of these unexpected situations. I mean, who would have thought we would be rebuilding the chimney. I wonder if they will be singing and dancing to “Step in Time” while we are not looking? Hmmm. Therefor I ask you to really pray and see how you can help us through these unexpected expenses.


Last month I talked about glocal, global and local. This month I joined about 20 other members as we all went to our Tamil service. What a treat! We all experienced an evening of meaningful worship. We sang in English and listened while they sang the same song in Tamil. We listened while they read scripture in their native tongue and we could read along in the worship folder in English. We all prayed together The Lord’s Prayer, each in our own native language. It was amazing watching the joy of Raja and his family lead service. Raja played the violin to some of the hymns. Nahomi sang in a beautiful voice and talked about what the songs meant to her. And Jeeva, well he played the keyboard, guitar and sang in an amazing voice. We were all filled with the spirit as we left and I thought, this must have been what it was like when Jesus was alive and the early years of Christianity where people from different cultures finding their commonality through Christ. Then we all went to Ellenberger Hall for fellowship, which turned out to be a full Indian meal. I enjoyed watching the smiles of the women as they explained the food and delighted in our compliments, worrying that it might be too spicy, which I didn’t think so. I encourage you to try this special service and find a new way to connect with God and His people.


May 2015

With gratitude I share this word of thanks to you for your recent gift in support of The Community of St. Dysmas. We give thanks for your generosity and what it makes possible in the lives of others. Our Lord tells us “Whatever you do for the least of these……”

Blessings for you …. and Sincere Thank You,

Paula S. Thistle, AIM

" The Kozlowski Family greatly appreciates your generous support of the 9th Annual Aberdeen IronBirds Baseball Game in memory of our family member, Keith. Keith passed away December 29, 2005, the day before his 31st birthday, from Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor Cancer. This year, through the sale of tickets & monetary donations, we will be sending a donation to The Sidney Kimmel


Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the amount of $850.00! We hope everyone had a good time at the game and we look forward to seeing all of you next year for our 10th Annual Event," Thank You, Frank Kozlowski

Dear Friends in Christ, Many thanks for your support of the Streets of Hope men’s cold weather shelter over the years. We appreciate your faithfulness in bringing a delicious meal every month, as well as contributing funds for our operating expenses and toward our permanent facilities. We have received checks this past season for $60, $56.50, $360, and three checks for $100. We are grateful that you have made Streets of Hope a priority in your outreach work, and we thank God for your involvement in this ministry.


Jenn S.


Daytimers- upcoming events

July 7 – 12:00 Noon – Picnic at Price’s Saltpeter Creek Resort – Chicken and dessert supplied by Daytimers- Bring a salad, vegetable, or main dish for the community table – Bring your own drink “with or without”. Sign up with Joan Conway by June 2 with what you will be bringing. If it rains, we will have the picnic at Prince of Peace in Ellenberger Hall. August 4 – Meeting at Pop –Bring your lunch – Speaker: August 18 – Group lunch at 12:00 at Longhorn Steak on Route 40 at Golden Ring. Sign up by August 4 with Frank Addicks. September 8 – Crab Feast @ Price’s Saltpeter Resort (12 noon) – Cost $15.00, Non-members $30 – BYOK – Submit reservations/money to Frank Addicks by August 31. September 21 – Travel to Ocean City, MD for OC Entertainer “Getaway” – Cost $90 – Contact Frank Addicks 410-308-4717 for more information or for reservations or to submit money. Full payment or 50% deposit is required to reserve all trips and events.

Prince of Peace Social Ministry Carolyn Wagner, our Food Pantry Coordinator, was thrilled with the response to the temple talks. On the first Sunday of June, the congregation donated 210 canned and boxed items


to the Food Pantry, which is the most ever collected on one Sunday. The following week we collected over 50 items. In her words, “What an awesome congregation!” Many thanks from the bottom of our hearts to all of our contributors! We hope and pray that everyone will continue to keep the Food Pantry in the front of their minds, so these excellent donations will continue. Think, first Sunday of the month, Food Pantry. The food bags we give out contain certain staple items, and we usually have to supplement what is brought in with purchased food. Special line items on the pew envelopes allow people to make donations for that. In addition, two of our members have been approved for Thrivent mini-grants in the form of $250 Visa cards, providing “seed money” for our food pantry activities. We are looking for more Thrivent members to apply for these mini-grants. Two other gift sources are providing funding for the Food Pantry – • People who purchased tickets to the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper that had to be cancelled due to snow, were given the option, thanks to Carol Fountain, to have their money refunded or donate it to the Food Pantry. Most everyone chose the donation. • A couple of months ago, Mary Smith donated a large ceramic Christmas scene that she handpainted in 1983. She wanted it to be auctioned or raffled off to benefit the Food Pantry, and we did both! Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets, we raised $230. Mary would be pleased! SAVE THE DATE: The Good Gifts Fair will be held this fall in Ellenberger Hall. You can start thinking about people on your gift list that would appreciate a “Good Gift”. (For


early shopping, catalogs are available in the narthex below the mailboxes. Feel free to take one.)

Hearts and Hands

Hearts and Hands will meet on Tuesday, September 8th (10:00am to 1:00pm) in Ellenberger Hall. If you would like to cut squares or sew quilt tops at home contact Martie Sonntag@410-529-8575. We need queen or king size sheets in good condition. Please contact Martie before you drop off items. We have a limited space . Thanks to all the volunteers!!!!!!!! Stitch-by Stitch, Martie



Thanks to all the volunteers who organized and provided desserts at the May 31st reception for Kadri Podor, the International affairs Director from Estonia. Kadri shared many interesting stories with us. Thanks to everyone for your support and donations at the Thankoffering service. The offering on June 7th was $661.00 for the Churchwide Thankoffering services. The profit from the June 7th Bake Sale was $545.60, for use in WELCA projects at Prince of Peace and throughout the community and world. There will not be any WELCA meetings in July and August. The next meeting is Tuesday September 15th, 2015. The time is 10:00am in the narthex and 7:00pm in Ellenberger Hall. The Steering Committee will meet on Friday , August 7th @12:30pm in Ellenberger Hall. This is a planning meeting for the rest of the year. Your input is important! Concerns will be addressed. New ideas will be discussed and implemented accordingly. We are anticipating new participants. Blessings, Martie


Evangelism Today… Evangelism is what it always was and much more. Evangelism is a Greek word meaning good news. To be about the task of evangelism is to announce the Good News of Jesus through word and deed. But what does an Evangelism Team do? The ELCA website tells us… Evangelism Team Job description: + Become an ambassador of Christ, Sunday through Saturday + Share the good news of Jesus Christ during one-to-one conversations in daily life + Invite family, friends and acquaintances to learn more about God’s love + Invite people to join our congregation for worship, study, fellowship, and service + Witness to Jesus by living a compassionate, gracious and loving life + Welcome guests who come to church activities + Encourage each other to grow in faith Wait a minute! Doesn’t that sound like the calling of every follower of Jesus? Each of us is called to be a witness to Jesus Christ. Absolutely! Jesus said, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)


At PoP we try to do all those things. WE:

Pray for one another, ourselves, and all in need

Welcome our visitors for worship and fellowship

Follow God’s plan by helping our neighbors and all in need

Attend small group studies and encourage each other to grow in faith

Witness to God by living compassionate lives of love and grace

Share God’s love throughout this community and everywhere

So you already do all those things, GREAT! YOU TOO can be on the Evangelism Team. We are all blessed to be a blessing. Contact Carol Fountain, 410-952-1543 for more information.


It has been determined that additional work needs to be done on the organ. This work is in addition to the work that was approved by the Congregation at the Special meeting held on Sunday, February 23, 2014. The required work:

o New Keys for the Console - Cost, $6,241. Some of the keys are physically falling off of the keyboard.

o Two Stopped Wood Flutes, Swell Gedeckt and the

Great Bourdon - Total Cost, $3,640; two @ $1,820 each.

Total Cost for the repairs, $9,881


The Congregational Council, at their June 23, 2015 meeting, has approved funding for this work.

o There is $3,040 remaining from the $91,857 approved by the Congregation at the February 23rd Special Meeting.

o There is $3,500 available for use by the

Congregational Council at their discretion. o The original project amount of $91,857 is being

increased to $95,198 to cover the balance of $3,341. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact either one of the Council members for the Church Treasurer. Mike Kramer, Church Treasurer

TAMIL LUTHERAN WORSHIP SERVICE – Prince of Peace’s next Tamil Lutheran Worship Service will be held on Saturday, July 11th beginning at 6 PM. Tamil is a language used in India, and the worship service is a traditional Lutheran liturgy using both English and Tamil elements. A reception follows the service. SUMMER BREAKFASTS - July and August will bring the return of the Summer Worship Schedule and Summer


Breakfasts. Please join us between 9 and 10 a.m. for a pot luck breakfast and fellowship time. Please bring a breakfast food to share and help with clean up according to the schedule below, and be sure to join us every week! Contact Andi Fuhrman at if you have any questions. The church will provide coffee and juice. By the way, this is just a suggested schedule - feel free to contribute when it is convenient for you and please be sure to join us no matter what! Please bring a breakfast food item to share and help with clean up when your last name falls on the schedule:

7/5 = A-F 7/12 = G-L

7/19 = M-R 7/26 = S-Z 8/2 = A-F 8/9 = G-L 8/16 = M-R 8/23 = S-Z 8/30 = Anyone / Everyone

YOUTH TRIP TO GREAT KIDS FARM – the Prince of Peace Youth Group will be taking a trip to the Great Kids Farm on Wednesday, August 5 at 9:00 AM. Great Kids Farm is an instruction place on healthy planning and “farm to table” approach to eating. Please RSVP to Pastor Matt if you are able to go. SUMMER LEADERSHIP & THEOLOGICAL ACADEMIES – Theological Education with Youth (TEY) offers one –week summer academies for high school students to live in an intentional Christian community on the Gettysburg Seminary campus. Both academies provide a challenging and intensive encounter centered around worship, reflection on scripture, service, table fellowship, rest and play. They are held from July 26-Aug. 1, 2015. The cost is $450 / week. Deadline for application is July 10. Please go to


LAY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY – Gettysburg Seminary will offer its annual Summer Theological course for lay people from July 26-August 1. It is entitled “Traveling Grace: Land & Spiritual Geographies.” Prices vary based on commuter or residential plans. Registration deadline is July 10. Please visit for more information, or contact Pastor Matt. LUTHER AND THE WORD – Shane Brinegar (doctoral candidate at University of Chicago) will lead a series of discussions focusing on Luther and the Word. Shane holds an STM in Luther Studies from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. The study will be on Tuesdays in July (7, 14, 21, 28) and will be offered in the afternoon at 1pm and in the evening at 7pm, in the narthex. We will look together at the authority of scripture and tradition in the medieval church, Luther’s understanding of the authority of scripture and tradition and what it means for Lutherans today, the function of the Law/Gospel distinction, and the place of scripture and proclamation in worship. ANIMAL ANGELS – due to the success of the new Animal Angels outreach ministry, Prince of Peace will continue to collect pet food, pet toys, pet snacks for dogs, cats and things like towels to support the SPCA and its ministry through Meals on Wheels. Collection buckets may be found in the back of the church. For more information please contact Evelyn Armiger at 410-687-8275. FOOD PANTRY ASSISTANCE - our Food Pantry is looking for assistance to distribute the food on Wednesday mornings (10-noon) and donation of food items. A reminder that the first of each month is "Food Pantry" Sunday and a time when folks can bring in items. Volunteers are also needed to shop for the food needed to keep the pantry


stocked, as well as to distribute food bags on Wednesday morning. Please contact Carolyn Wagner if you have any questions.

Gifts Received Between June 7 – June 28

FOR DESIGNATION Bruce Armiger Organ Fund By Evelyn Armiger John Huges WELCA By Gloria Hughes Irene Wilmering Organ Fund By John Wilmering

Mary Smith Organ Fund By Crystal Holston Mary Smith Organ Fund By Judith Seaby


Mary Smith Organ Fund By Irene & Lew Madison Mary Smith Organ Fund By Naomi Strolle Mary Smith Organ Fund By Charlotte & Clair Price Mary Smith Organ Fund By Donald Regester Mary Smith Church Bell By Robert Cox Mary Smith Organ Fund By Ruth Recchia Mary Smith Organ Fund By Becky & Don McIntyre Mary Smith Organ Fund By Susan & Charles Hester Mary Smith Organ Fund By Doris Shoul Mary Smith Organ Fund By Pauline Dodson Mary Smith Organ Fund By Audrey Sperl Mary Smith Organ Fund By Christine & Charlie Higgs


Mary Smith Organ Fund By Edwina & Raymond Hall Mary Smith Organ Fund By Nancy Strim Mary Smith Food Locker By Jane Larkin Mary Smith Organ Fund By Bettie & Buddy Forster Mary Smith None By Margaret & Francis Kozlowski Mary Smith Organ Fund By Virginia Woika Mary Smith None By Lydia & James Worth Mary Smith Organ Fund By Irene & Joe Boykin Mary Smith Organ Fund By Josie Paszkiewicz Mary Smith None By Bea Magsamen Mary Smith Organ Fund By Patricia J. Lumpkin Mary Smith Food Locker By Barbara Nock


Mary Smith Food Locker By Anna Spishock Mary Smith Organ Fund By Carol & Albert Shulley Mary Smith Organ Fund By Susanne & Bud Frank Mary Smith Organ Fund By Kay Vesper Mary Smith Organ Fund By Thelma Hamel Mary Smith Food Locker By Victoria Myers Mary Smith None By Laura Miller Mary Smith Food Locker By Joan Stoecker Mary Smith Food Locker By Thelma Hess Mary Smith None By Regina Cather Mary Smith None By P.D. Hickey Mary Smith Organ Fund By Thomas Latta


Mary Smith Organ Fund By Beverly Woodruff Mildred & Ed Sanders Mar Lu Ridge By Beverly Woodruff Manuela Zwick Organ Fund By Jerry Zwick Melvin Hanzook Organ Fund By Gene Goldsmith Frank Pullifrone Church Bell Fund By Helga & Lloyd Calendar Samuel S. Hoffman, Sr. Organ Fund By Joan Stoecker Melvin Plowman Food Locker By Patricia Morrow Manuela Zwick None By Steve, Mary, Max & Joseph Hofmeister Doris Seabrease Organ Fund By Lois Moss Lillian Lauer Church Bell By Bob Cox Mary Smith Organ Fund By Patricia & Roy Hodgson Mary Smith Food Locker By Dottie & Jack Staab


Mary Smith Food Locker By Lori Wilhide Mary Smith Organ Fund By Martie & Jay Sonntag Mary Smith Food Locker By Mildred & Michael Kramer Mary Smith Food Locker By Linda & Bob DeJong Mary Smith None By Berkshire Hathaway Homesale Realty Mary Smith Food Pantry By Cindy & Paul Hinkleman Mary Smith Food Pantry By Norma & Al Streckfus Mary Smith Organ Fund By Bea Magsamen Mary Smith None By Jean Shomper Mary Smith None Unknown Mary Smith Organ Fund By Sarah & Bob Morris Mary Dragon None By Regina Prietz


Prayerful Community Throughout Scripture, God repeatedly invites his people to pray to him in all kinds of circumstances for all kinds of reasons. We ask God to guide us in our prayers for the church and for those in need. Join in and pray for those groups and friends listed below so that together we may ask for God’s help and guidance for those in need of His care.

WE REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS Spiritual Growth of Prince of Peace, Persecuted Christians Work of the Tri-Home Hospice, Relief of World Hunger Residents of All Nursing Homes All Natural Disaster Victims WE REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS: BRIGHTVIEW: John Wilmering BEL AIR HEALTH & REHAB: Shirley Funk STELLA MARIS: Erika Glass


GENESIS NURSING HOME: Bonnie Pugh MANOR CARE: Joppa Road: Jane Brown OAKWOOD CARE CENTER (IVY HALL): Anne Hood and Virginia Hood LORIEN, BEL AIR: John & Wauneda Horney Friends and family of David Adamson, Tareq Abdulghani, Bernice Addicks, Cely Addicks, Aldon family, Jessica Altman, Edna Amspacker, Eleanor Andronchick, Gail Anuszlewski, April and Baby Danica, Joseph Armetta, Evelyn and Michael Armiger, Ashley, Julie Bagrowski, Mary Jane Bailey, Arthur Battee, Bedford Elementary community, Ed Bennett, William Bennett, Ken Berlett Sr., Don Bertrand, Bob and Sylvia Bias, Bob Bocer, June Bocek, Thomas Bocelk, Norma Boer, Jim Bradly, Carol Brandenberg, Cathy & Charlie Browning, Beverly Bruno, Sharon Brydge, Teresa Campbell, Ken Canterbery, Cantwell family, Eden Cappelari, Marcella Carney, David Carr, Joshua Carr, Dolores Carter, Chris, Sarah Chrzanowski, Bill Clark, Janet Clingan, Harriet Cole, Chris Collabello, Debbie Conley, Joan Conway, Larry Cook, Richard Cooper, Kim Cornelius, Lori Counsell, Tyrone Cox Jr., Kathy Crumley, Walt Dehab, Denise & Kevin, Ethel Dill, Tony & Sharon DiNisio, Walter Dorshman, Family of Michael Dunn, Beth & Addie Eder, Michelle Edwards and family, Bill Elliott, Jim Elliott, Bill Erdman, George Fell, Kim Fell, Janet Festerman, Flo, Buddy Forster, Olan Fountain, Gil Francis, Bryce Frazier, Doris Garber, Family of Lynn Gard, George and Linda, Jim Getz, Mike Girolamo, Judy Glos, Mike Gosnell, Tom Grier, Ginny Groves, Patti Groves, Jennie & Bill Gunn, Hammond family, Shirley Harris, Marsha Hartman, Pat Hastings, Gavin Michael Hayden, Edna Heath, Rose Heath, Heather, Risia Hensley, Valerie Hillenbrand & family, Jody Hilseberg, Paul Hinkleman, Pat Hodgson, Larry Hogan, Bill Holmes, Crystal Holmes, Pat Hoppert, Carol Hower, Sandy Huebschman, Christine Hughes, Gloria Hughes, Roy Hurley, Barbara Irwin, Ruth & Bob Jackson, Jake, Geri Jananovak, Jeff Jecelin, Diane


Jezek, Jo, Bonnie Johnson, Madison Johnson, Rae Jones, Nicholas K., Anna Karsner, Michael Kearney, Jean Keen, Donald Kirby, Steve Kiselewski, Pat Kiselewski, Dolores Knighton, Bonnie Kocor, Sharon Komar, Alla and Anatoliy Kozlovs, Charles Kozlowski and family, Jenny Kozlowski, Karissa Kozlowski, Nancy Kozlowski, Mildred Kramer, Carleen and Carrie Kress, Doris Kridenoff, Bernadet Kubik, Pat Lalor, Mable Langston, Bob Lasher, Family and friends of Lillian Lauer, Bill Lautenschlager, Matthew Lautenschlager, Dan & Margie Layne, Tammy Legg, Carlene Leiss, Ron Lentz, Leonard, Susan Leslie, Bertha Letiro, Lewe’s Family; Ken Lewis, Brittney and Kevin Lewis; Lewis Family, Terry Lewis, Vicki Lewis, Betty Lightcap, Dr. Lim, Ron Lloyd, Nancy Longo, Gary Lotman, Sandy, Chris & Melissa Lynch, Daniel M., Irene Madison, Keith Madison, Carol Markle, Amy Mayers, Ava McCadden family, Brenda McGonigal, McKenzie family, Dana McKittrick, Mezzanoti family, Ann Milbourne, Stuart Miller, Mitch, Monaldi Family, Nick Monolistis, Myers Family, Bev Nance, Cindy Neeley-Brennan, Shirley O’Connor, Dan & Carol O’Toole, Nick Otte, Billy Parks, Michelle Parks, Peggy and Julie Pater, Pelletier Family, Micki Phillips, Scott Pickett, Jeff Pietruszla, Michelle Pilachowski, Police Officers, Will Porter, Ben Pritchett, Irene Puchalsky family, Bonnie Pugh, Juanita Rader, Sue Ratajcak, Rebbert/Horsley families, Carolyn Redman, Mary Reese, Betty Retman, Joe Retman, Len Ritterbush, Elaine Robinette, Carolyn Rogers, Bonnie Ross, Larry Ross, Carol Rothwell, Roxanne, Carol Roycroft, Michele S., Katie Santoro; Gene, Sara and baby Hayden, Marian and Gene Mark Scarinzi; Charlotte Schaum, Marie Schehlein, John Scherer, Reamy Schools, Nancy Schreiber; Chris, Luann and Alaina Scheufele; Nancy Schruefer, Edna Schuler, Kati and Andy Schweigman, Jackie and David Schweigman, Shafik, Polly Shoker, Family of Bobby Shriver, Janet Sixx, Lindsay Sixx, Terri Skurow, Slee Family, Larry Smith, Family and friends of Mary Smith, Michael Smith, Nicole Smith, Rob Smith, Robert Smith, Ron and Sally


Smith, Susan Smith, Treva Smith, Carole Snair, Sis Snyder, The Sonntag Family, Chris Sparks, Audrey Sperl, Herman Sperl, Ron Squires Jr, Christiana St. Lawgrence, Friends and Family of Stephanie Stanley, Dawn Steinberg, Paul Stevenson, Joe Stivers, Betty Stoecker, Melvin Stoecker and wife, Pat and Joel Strayer, Richard Struck, Nicole Swartz, Michael Sweeney, Tara and Travis, Doris Thomas, Wayne Thompson, Thon family, Ann Thorne, Barbara Uttech, Veronica, John Vesper, Robin Vick, Veronica Vick and family, Suzy Vogtman, Demetriecce Walker, Grant Wallis, Pat Warnick, Carole Warthen, Tracey Warthen, Watson family, Sue Weber, Tom Whitten, Dora Williams, Williamson Family, Richard Williamson, Jackie Wilson, David Wilson, Linda Wolff, Amber Woodruff, Workman/Hoffman Family, Tina Wyatt, Walt York, Family and friends of Leonard Zerheusen


July Birthdays

July 1 Trisha Arbella July 2 Travis Class July 3 Morrighan Hurley, Sydney Zartman July 4 Summer Abel, Shirley Funk July 5 Danielle Gayle, Ramona Hall, Jacob Kozlowski, Elaine Mills July 6 Kenneth Berlett, Les Hodgson, Patrick Lalor, Andrew Schweigman July 7 Patricia Huebschman July 8 Kenneth Berlett Jr., Steve Warminski July 9 Robert Hall July 10 Blake Gude, Patricia Hodgson, Westin Isenberg, Lois Moss, Martie Sonntag, Sharon Ormrod July 12 Heather Byer, MaKenzi Cullings, Karissa Kozlowski, Fay Short, Debra Tobin July 13 Viola Cavallio, Joshua Gayle July 14 Candice Covington, Carolyn Wagner July 15 Kimberly Reiher, Bernard Schweigman IV July 16 Ashley Boer, Bethany Dietz, Ashley Weber July 17 Madison Johnson, Tobin Shoul


July 19 Monica Heim, Thomas Stagg July 20 Wendy Freeman, Braxton Milton July 21 Brianna Hinkleman July 24 Lewis Johnson, Dave Majerowicz, Michael Shoul July 25 Felicia DiFonzo/Gartside, Elizabeth Gray July 26 Carey Robertson, David Woodruff Jr. July 27 Joyce Bricker, Tyler Canterbery, Karen Matheny July 28 Lynn Fell, Gail Knighton, Betty Stoecker July 30 Anthony Greives, Irene Madison July 31 Nathan Doerflein, Anna Norris

July Anniversaries

Megan & Raymond Holston July 9 4 years Jaquelynn & Ken Valencik July 9 4 years Kati & Andrew Schweigman July 24 5 years Lori & Daniel Counsell July 29 9 years Helena & Brandon Prichard July 4 16 years Phyllis & Todd Eibner July 9 17 years Sandra & Robert Hullihen July 26 18 years Martie & Bill Bisbee July 30 27 years Sheila & John Pritchett July 1 54 years


A joyous wedding anniversary! May the love you share continue to grow with each passing year. “Beloved, let us love one another because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7 Congratulations to all who celebrate! If you find an “active” member’s name missing, it simply means that our church records are incomplete. We will be happy to add that information as you provide it to the church office. For assistance, please call 410-866-8766. Let us know of any omission so that we may update the church record and not miss you the next time.


Candle Dedications: July 5 In memory of Ellie Zwick on her birthday by her husband Jerry. In honor of Joseph Woika Jr.’s Birthday from Virginia In celebration of the 100th birthday Of Thelma Karl by Ethel & LeRoy Dill


July 12 No dedication July 19 In memory of Adrian Kinnear’s birthday by Diana, Mike & Brian Kinnear July 26 In celebration of Irene Madison’s Birthday with all my love Lew Flower Dedications: July 5 In memory of Ellie Zwick on her Birthday from husband Jerry July 12 In celebration of Pastor Matt’s 15 Year anniversary of his Ordination Given by his Mom, Nina Fuhrman July 19 No dedication July 26 In honor of Gail Knighton’s birthday given by her Mom, Dolores Bulletin Dedications: July 5 No dedication July 12 No dedication July 19 In memory of Ruth Krises’s birthday By Phyllis, Mel and Wendy Gray July 26 In honor of Krista Jenkins 3rd

birthday by Grandma, Christine Higgs.


There are still open dates for dedications of flowers, bulletins and candles. Please look at the bulletin board near the water fountain in the narthex for a schedule and price lists. Don’t forget to fill out the Dedication sheet and put in the Parish Coordinator mailbox. Thank you.

Altar Guild Schedule

July 2015 8a.m 10a.m July 5 Thelma Hamel Joan Conway Norma Streckus Carol Fountain July 12 Diane Passapae Wendy Gray Ruth Recchia Phyllis Gray July 19 Christine Higgs Lorie Wilhide Ruth Recchia Andi Fuhrman July 26 Cindy Alt Kay Vesper Norma Streckfus Sharon Ormrod


USHERS IN JULY 8:00 Eric Pritchett, Rajah Samuel, Jeeva Samuel 10:00 James Worth, Pat Huebschman


Acolyte Schedule

July 2015

8 a.m 10 a.m. July 5 Ellie Fuhrman Caitlin Phebus July 12 Ben Hester Nathan Jecelin July 19

Ellie Fuhrman Eliza Bisbee July 26

William Prichard Savannah Taylor


August Vine articles are due July 24 th !!!

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