prince yuki

Post on 09-Sep-2015






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Prince Yuki


Prince Yuki (HanaYuki)Chapter 1:Kyou looked at Tohru's nervous form, walking in circles across the hall. It has been one whole week since Yuki ran away. It was after he found out from Shigure that Tohru and Kyou were now officially 'together'. Of course no one told Tohru in fear that she might feel guilty. 'Baka nezumi he's so stupid to have ran away! Baka nezumi!' he thought angrily, seeing his girlfriend worry so much about the rat."Tohru-kun, Tohru-kun, you should really calm down." Shigure said, patting Tohru's shoulders. "Yuki-kun is old enough now, he'll be fine on his own. Come on, eat." It's true; three days after Yuki's disappearance, Tohru stopped eating. She was so worried that she couldn't eat even when Hatori told her to. Akito didn't want for the others to look for Yuki so no one looked for him.Except Haru, that is, who didn't stop looking for Yuki. But Haru was so stupid, he got lost in two days. No one knew where he was but he somehow got to Beijing"Demo, Shigure-san, I" Tohru started with worried eyes. But before she could continue, Kyou already stood up, not taking anymore of this. The two looked at him."Alright, alright! I'll look for that damned rat! Just stop fasting already!" he yelled, still concerned with her health. She was a lot thinner and paler than usualhe didn't like it one bit.Tohru looked up at him with admiration and appreciation, "Oh, thank you, Kyou-kun! Thank you!" Kyou saw the relief in Tohru eyes and smiled sadly, she was hopelessly too nice. He took her by the head gently and kissed her forehead, making her blush lightly."Ufufufu! Young lovers!" Shigure teased, causing Kyou to send him flying to the wall."SHUT UP YOU BAKA!"Later that afternoon, Kyou was in his cat form, running from rooftop to rooftop with a bag of clothes on his back. He was prepared for anything, absolutely anything. He started picking up an old scent and followed it, jumping from roof to roof.When he was just about to jump to another room, he stopped when he saw smoke coming out of a window. He wassurprised to say the least.It was Hanajima's room, she was looking out the window and it all happened so fast she didn't even have time to react! Yuki transformed back to his human form while Hanajima's back was turned to him and he quickly took advantage of it but hugging her from behind! He transformed so quickly that when Hanajima turned to see who it was, he was already a mouse!Kyou's jaw dropped to the ground. Yukithat damned ratthe Princedid THAT!Hanajima turned to look at who hugged her but found a small rat on the floor. She smiled, bending down and scooping him up in her petite and gentle hands. "Prince-chan, were you the one that hugged me?" she asked in her normally dead tone.Yuki squeaked and cuddled Hanajima's thumb, making Kyou's eyes bulge out completely! He could not believe Yuki could do such a thing!Hanajima smiled her soft, creepy smile again, "I thought for a moment there that someone actually was here. I'll go get some cheesecake, do you want some?" she asked, her tone never changing.Yuki squeaked again, nodding in delight. "Stay here." Hanajima said, putting him down on her desk. When the door closed, Kyou quickly gathered his wits and jumped to the window ledge."You damned rat! What do you think you're doing!" he yelled, hissing at the shamelessness of him. At first Yuki had a horrified expression on his face, uttering his name in surprised. But then his face turned gloomy and he turned away."What are you doing here?" he asked, ashamed that the baka neko saw him in such a state."I'm looking for You you damn rat! Don't you think Tohru's worried about you!" Kyou tried his best to be calmer about things but Yuki was being selfish, running away like this."I'm sorry." Was Yuki's sincere apology, "But I won't go back.""What! You're out of your damn mind!""I'm sorry, but I won't go back!" Yuki said, more sternly this time. "Hana-chanshe'sI like being with her"His voice softened when he mentioned her name. Hana had taken good care of him since she found him on her porch, sick and weak. Ever since then, he had felt indebted to her. So he did what he could to help around the house without revealing his secret. And she had proven to be more normal than how people thought of her. She was kinder, less creepy and more misunderstood than she normally wanted others to see her as. She was more complex and yet simple at the same time. He wanted to learn so much about her."Stop being so selfish, you damn rat! Don't you know that Tohru hasn't eaten for two whole days because she's so damn worried about you!" Kyou finally released his anger and said everything he was thinking.Yuki whirled around to face Kyou with wide eyes. "Tohru! Why didn't you make her eat!""She's too worried over you, you damn stupid rat!" he looked as if about to pounce but was quickly distracted by a click. They both turned to the sound and were wide eyes, their hairs standing on end at the sight of the dangerous shotgun in Hanajima's hands.Hanajima readied the shotgun and Kyou jumped away in time before the bullet could hit him! Resulting in him falling from the second floor to the ground. Yuki was still in a state of shock while Hanajima put the shotgun aside and patted the mouse, saying, "Don't worry, Prince-chan, that orange cat can't eat you now."Yuki stared on, still shocked. "We ran out of cheesecakes, Prince-chan. Megumi ate it all." She said, going to her closet. "I'll just change out of my school uniform." Before Yuki could realize what Hana just said, she was already I a state of undress! She was standing in her closet in her underwear, (which was actually lacy and black) and whoa! What a sight to behold!As soon as he thought of that, he felt blood dripping from his nose and he quickly turned away, ashamed that he stared at Hana. He shouldn't have thought of what he just thought. And he shouldn't have seen what he just saw!"Prince-chanI'm worried about Tohru-kun." She spoke gently and yet tonelessly, as if lifeless.Yuki's attention was fully on her but he stopped himself before turning, she might still be choosing her clothes."Ever since Yuki, the Prince I named you after, disappeared, she started eating less and less. She doesn't even smile anymore like she always does." Yuki felt guiltier now that the words were coming from her. She was sad because Tohru was sad, and she was sad because of him! It was his entire fault!"I hate him." When she said that, Yuki froze. Not knowing what to think. She hated him. She said it herself. "He took her away from me. And now, he makes her suffer. I hate him" she declared coldly.Yuki felt like crap now, everyone hated him. And it was his entire fault for being so stupid and selfish. Kyou was right. And yet he still didn't want to leave Hanajima. But he had to make a decision before anything else went wrong.That night, Yuki transformed into his human state again. This time, Hana was sound asleep in her bed. He watched her from where he stood, looking longingly down at her. He made his decision and he knew it was the right thing to do. But he would still miss her.So he walked over to her, his and her form bathed in moonlight. He laid beside her and stared at her back turned to him. He sighed, for her sake, he thought. Slowly, almost painfully, he wrapped his arms around her sleeping form and tenderly embraced her, knowing that it would be his last chance. He transformed and sighed, staying a moment with her.Hana groaned and turned to face him, seeking his warmth. But when she found no one beside her, she curled into a ball, hiding her face behind her knees. Yuki longed to hold her, to comfort her, to stay but he couldn't. With one last look, he went to the window and ran to Shigure's house, never turning back.Chapter 2:Shigure dialed the phoneringringring"Hello?" Hatori answered."Hey, Har'i-chan!"Hatori's voice was displeased and bored, "What is it, Shigure?""Well I just wanted to let you know that our precious Yuki has come home!" was Shigure's cheerful reply, looking back at the dining room where Kyou, Tohru and Yuki were eating together. Tohru was so happy to see Yuki again that she made a large dinner to celebrate his return. Of course, she had to reassure Kyou a bit, but Kyou soon helped out.But what disturbed him the most was thatYuki was quiettoo quiet. Wherever he went, it must've been a grand place to live in. Why else would he be so sad? Wasn't Tohru's happiness enough to make him smile again? This was really strange"I see" was Hatori's reply. "That's good news. I'll let Akito know right away.""Ah," Shigure said, sounding disappointed, "Won't you come over and celebrate with us first? I'll let you compliment my little wife's cooking." Shigure teased. Out of nowhere, an empty cup hit the back of his head and he doubled forward, almost crashing into the phone with his face. He turned, rubbing his sore bump and saw that it was an irate Kyou."Who's little wife!" he yelled angrily.And the chaos went on throughout the night, but Yuki's mind was somewhere else. He looked out into the sky, watching the moon play hind and seek with the stars, hiding behind clouds and peeking. It used to be that he would be looking out into the night sky, back in Hanajima's room, thinking of Tohru. But now that he was out of that beautifully dark room, he could not stop thinking about Hanajima!What would she think when she wakes up? She'll think he ran away! And what about that project he had to help Megumi with! Can he do it without his lab mouse? And what about Hanajima's morning kiss? She relied on him to wake her up every morning so she wouldn't be late for school because her stupid clock wouldn't work! And what about Hanajima's favorite cheesecakes! She could never finish a whole one on her own!She needed him! He thought so. But then, he had to admit to himself: he needed her. He just couldn't forget about her. That week had been the only time he had ever really gotten to know Hanajima. In moments when he saw her, all he thought of her was; Tohru's friend, the goth, creepy. But when he actually opened his eyes to see her, she was so much more than that!She was the epitome of contradiction! She was silent in words but her actions were loud. She was beautiful but wanted to be ugly. She was kind but heartless. She was whole but hollow. She was weak and yet strong. People surrounded her yet she was so very alone. She was grounded but a dreamer. She was sounique and yet wanted nothing more than to be like everyone else! He wanted so much to know absolutely everything about her.He knew some of her likes; like cheesecake, the color black, Tohru, Uotani, her father and Megumi. Hanajima didn't like her mother because she always referred to her as the 'cursed one'. Yuki hated her too. From what he heard from Hana, he found out that she had always hated Hana because her father loved her more and their marriage was going down the drain. Hana's mother hated her for selfish reasons and called her hurtful names ever since she was a child, scarring her for life and never giving her confidence in herself. Yet Hana still tried her best to win her mother's affections. Even though everything she does resulted in vain.If only he had talked to her more before! He wished he had known Hana even before he met Tohru. But waitsomething sparked within him. He could still get to know her! It wasn't too late! He could still talk to her, not as Prince but as Yuki! Then she would be able to recognize him as Yuki Souma, herfriend. Not just as Prince, her pet mouse. She had opened up a part of her to him unconsciously, showing him her true self. Now he wanted her to see him, his true self.The next day, Yuki walked the school halls, alone and alert. He peered outside, not there. He peered into rooms, not there either. Then he saw, straight ahead, Hana talking tough! His fan club members! There were yelling her way and she was taking it all in until her dempa revealed itself. The girls froze and ran away! Yuki sighed of relief but wondered, why were they picking on Hana of all people?Yuki walked over to her, nervous but straining to calm himself. Hana turned to him, sensing his strange waves getting stronger. She looked up at him blankly, like always. Yuki smiled calmly, assuring himself that he had talked to more than enough girls to know that he was suave. But he wasn't. he was uncharacteristically sweating, nervous and his hands were trembling. Damn it! Why was he so nervous! She was just staring blankly at him, expectant and silent. And beautiful."O-ohaiyo, Hanajima-san, nice weather huh?" he smiled. Damn it, of all the things to talk about, why the weather!Hana looked blankly at him, "It's 35 degrees outside." She answered."aha," he laughed sheepishly, "ahahaha. Yeah, uh, I noticed. SouhmI was just wonderingif you had any plans for later this afternoon?"Hana raised a delicate brow at him, clearly wondering. "Why?""I waswondering ifyou would like to get somecheesecakes later on?" he asked, hoping she would say yes. Hana stared at him for a moment longer, still Yuki felt himself wondering what went on in her mind.He wanted so much to know what she was thinking, what she thought of him, and what she felt about him. She hated him, he reminded himself. She said it herself; she hated him. But he hoped it was not yet too late for her to get to know him and change her feelings towards him. Aside from the fact that he didn't want Hana to hate him, he also didn't like hearing her toneless empty voice be filled with such malice. It wasn't like her."I'm sorry." She said, "But no." he felt his heart ache at that. He looked down with disappointment."I see." But he smiled up at her, "Maybe tomorrow?" he hoped.She stared at him again, contemplating. "Maybe" she answered then walked away with grace. Yuki felt himself brighten, 'maybe' was a positive answer! 'Maybe, maybe, maybe!' he kept repeating in his mind joyfully! He had a chance!So glad was Yuki that he didn't notice 2 big brown eyes staring wildly at him. Momiji turned from the sight of the wistful looking Yuki and then to Haru, walking towards the cow from the door where he stood, witnessing the whole thing. Someone had to explain to him Yuki's strange actions! And who better than the now found cow that openly declares his love for the mouse.Chapter 3:He watched from the school gates as Yuki spoke to Hanajima, Saki. He was casually speaking to her and she looked at him blankly. They held a fair distance, not giving away any special relationship that Yuki might have been hiding.Yesterday, Haru had brought him very disturbing news from school. Momiji told him and Haru, whom for the first time didn't know what Yuki was doing, came to him. He doubted to tell Akito so he decided to go there first and find out for himself.The breeze was refreshing as it blew the leaves from its perch up the trees. Yuki smiled down at his 'master' anxious again for her answer. "I was just wondering if you weren't busy today. Maybe we could go for that cheesecake." He asked, more confidently this time.Again, Hana took a moment to consider. "I'm sorry. I'm busy." But she didn't turn on her heels and go this time. She stayed and noticed the disappointment in the Prince's eyes and felt the need to explain. "I have to look for my mouse."Yuki looked up at her with wide eyes, something in him became electrified. "You'remouse?" he asked."He's been missing for two days now." Hanajima said."H-how can you find him when he's so small?" Yuki asked nervously.After a while of thinking, Hana decided to tell him. "He has the same waves as you do."Yuki stiffened, "W-What! How is that possible?""I don't know either. But he does have the exact same waves as you. Loneliness," Yuki looked up at her, something alarmed him. Did she just say Loneliness? "Emptiness." She was describing his wave? How he felt? "Care laced by fear." It was as if she read his very heart! It was hurting him to be sososo see through! He felt so naked! He had to get away as fast as he could!"I-I see" he bowed his head down to hide his horror stricken eyes. "W-well, I'll see you tomorrow then. J-Ja." He waved goodbye and briskly walked away. Hana stared at his retreating form, wondering about him and his strange wave. He was afraid of her, was that it? It seems that way. She then felt another strange wave; she turned to the window and saw, down at the school gate, a man.'Loneliness, EmptinessCare laced with FearLonging' she thought as she felt his waves. It was much like Yuki Souma's exceptmore pained. He must have suffered in his past. He must've lost someone dear to him. He had beautiful, lonely eyes. Eyes of despair. He was beautiful.That night, Tohru was given a great surprise when Haru, Momiji and Hatori came to visit. Momij quickly gave her a big hug when Tohru opened the door, transforming himself into a and Hatori politely entered, unfortunately Shigure startd bugging Hatori about how lucky he was to have such a lovely little wife. Soon after, Kyou would do his best to pummel Shigure to the ground.When everyone was seated, and Tohru had served the food, everyone merrily ate. "So, what bring you here to our humble abode, Ha'ri?" Hatori asked cheerily, stuffing his face."Momiji wanted to visit, Hastuharu joined as well." Hatori said, turning his gaze from his food to Shigure. After saying this though, Hatori stole a quick glance to the quiet mouse, smiling as Tohru handed him his bowl of rice.When Yuki noticed Hatori looking at him, he turned to the doctor. Their eyes locked for a moment, something in Hatori's eyes dug deep into his. As if he was searching for something in him. His frown was deeper in concentration and Yuki frowned at that, not knowing what Hatori was thinking.Suddenly, the doorbell rang again. Everyone turned to the door and Tohru quickly offered to answer it. When Tohru opened the door, her eyes widened and her smile broadened. "Hana-chan?" she exclaimed. Her friend caught her unexpectedly and she was very happy about the surprise."May I come in, Tohru-kun?" Hana said. When Hana entered the house, Tohru quickly led her to the dining room. Everyone in the dining room except the ever-innocent Tohru stiffened, seeing the very creepy, dark and mysterious Hanajima, Saki. Hana was fairly surprised to see so many people tonight but her face betrayed nothing. She bowed politely and greeted them."Wow, Hana-chan!" Shigure said with a smile, "You look very pretty without your cloak!" and it was true. Tonight, Hanajima was not wearing her cloak, giving everyone a good view of her slick black dress and very attractive shape. Her long braided hair lay innocently on her shoulder, flowing down to just below her bust and curling at the tip and revealing her long slender neck. The jet-black neckline of her dress was square and revealed her collarbone, but the conservativeness of her dress showed nothing more.Hana didn't show any emotion but bowed politely to Shigure and saying, "Arigatou"It was then that Tohru noticed the box in Hana's hands. "Huh? Hana-chan? What's that?" she pointed to it. Hana lifted it up for Tohru to see, "It's a box" Tohru sniffed it, "With Cake in it!" she said triumphantly."Cake?" Momiji asked."Hai. Since Souma, Yuki seems to want cheesecakes so much, I decided to bring him a slice from our house." Hana explained."ForYuki?" Haru uttered, the jealousy stirring inside of him."Cheescakes?" Kyou asked."I didn't know Souma-kun liked cheesecakes!" Tohru happily said.Hana looked at Yuki's expression, mildly shocked and amazed. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open as the moonlight from the window shined down upon him. Hatori's eyes narrowed dangerously and suspiciously."My, my!" Shigure said, after a long while of uncomfortable silence, "How considerate of you, Hana-chan! Yuki-kun, why don't you eat your cake now! Hana-chan, would you like to stay for dinner?"Hana turned to him, "No, thank you. I still have to look for my missing pet." Before Hana could turn to leave after putting down the box, someone stopped her."AhHanajima-san!" Yuki called, standing up to catch up to her if need be. But it seemed she didn't speed away as she stopped and turned to him. Yuki smiled serenely, "Arigatou" no one could see it in his face but his voice betrayed his disappointment to no one else but Hatori.Without warning, Hana turned to Shigure, "Dog." Shigure started panicking and felt every single strand of hair in his body stand in terror! "What happened to the dog in your story?" she asked.Shigure sighed with relief and started laughing nervously, "A-ah, e-eh, It'll find it's master in later chapters.""I see" Hanajima said, again being her creepy self. "Then I'll see you around. Good evening to all of you. Take care Tohru-kun." And with that she left."Goodnight, Hana-chan! Take care!" Tohru said, waving her friend goodbye.When Tohru closed the door, everyone watched as Yuki opened the box carefully. "Cheesecakes? I didn't know you liked cheesecakes." Momiji said."Well what do you expect? He's a mouse after al" Kyou said, but was silenced when Haru, who sat beside him, punched him upside the head."Don't tease him." Haru declared, maintaining his white nature.But Yuki wasn't listening to any of this. He was too happy! He slowly opened the box, savoring Hana's first gift to him. A beautiful slice of cheesecake! Sliced by her own delicate hands! He felt so light! He wasn't sure if this was a sign or not but he was happy nonetheless. He's never courteno, he wasn't courting Hanajima! No! He just wanted to befriends with herthat's all. Friendsright?

Chapter 4:Yuki walked along the corridors with a smile on his face, the memories of yesterday still oh so fresh in his mind. The way she looked last night wasn't a detail he would like to ignore or even forget for that matter. She was sodark. But in an attractwas he just about to think 'in an attractive way'? Where did that come from?"Yuki-sempai!" a high pitched voice called to him, dragging him from his thoughts. He turned curiously to the bearer, a bit annoyed that he was disturbed but let it pass. It was a junior, probably Haru's and Momiji's classmate. She had dark brown hair that reached her shoulders, wide brown eyes and stood a head shorter than him. She took out a pen and notebook and looked up at him eagerly."Yuki-sempai, is Dr. Souma, Hatori really your cousin?" she asked with a blush.Yuki raised a brow, how did they know about him? "Uhmhai. Why do you ask?"The junior smiled and blushed shyly, "AnoI'm supposed to make an article about him for the school paper.""For the school paper?"The girl looked surprised, "Oh, you don't know? He just became our school doctor!""WHAT!" Yuki's reaction was so unexpected that the girl took a step back at the irritated looking prince. Seeing the girl's face, Yuki collected his calm and smiled, "Gomen. Please excuse me." And with that, he left the girl and walked briskly and as fast as he could to the clinic.Hatori was peacefully reading his papers when suddenly, the door slammed open! He turned to it, thinking it was Kyou but was slightly surprised to see that it was Yuki. He looked veryirate."What are you doing here?" Yuki struggled to calm himself.Hatori simply looked on calmly and stood to rearrange the medicines in the cabinet. "Akito thought it was best for me to be here with all of you. He didn't believe in the school nurse's capabilities so he wanted me to replace her.""I'll repeat my question, Hatori, and this time, give me the correct answer; what are you doing here?" Yuki coldly said. He had fully collected his calm but that didn't mean the malice inside him was gone. At the very mention of Akito, his blood both runs cold and boils!Hatori stopped and looked back at him, thinking if he should or should not. He turned back to his work, "We heard about a disturbing rumor, Yuki.""And what might that be?" Yuki asked, looking warily at the dragon.Hatori turned to him again, this time fully. His piercing eyes battled with him as he said, "Hanajima, Saki."When Hatori uttered her name, Yuki felt a shiver down his spine and fear crawling into his whole being. "W-What about her?" he asked, keeping his shaking hands out of Hatori's sight.Hatori turned to the window to peer outside, and to his mild surprise, there sat the object of their newest conflict, along with Tohru and her other friend. "I came by yesterday to inspect the relationship between the two of you.""We don't have a relationship." Yuki defended."Yes, I know. But Akito wanted to make sure." Said Hatori, looking down at the young lady, inspecting her dark features. She didn't seem the type to attract many men. And she was the complete opposite of Tohru. So why would Yuki have an interest in her?"Please." Yuki unexpectedly said in a whisper, shocking Hatori to the point where his eyes widened in surprise. "She doesn't know anything, I promise you. Pleasedon't do anything to her."Hatori regained his composure, "We will see what Akito's decision is." Tohru laughed gaily, the blonde laughed with her too. Hanajima just smiled like a ghost. He cocked his head to the side, she wasn't ugly but she wasn't that beautiful either. But what was beauty anyway? It was only a point of view.Hanajima walked along the halls along with Uotani. Uo was talking about this new game that she wanted to play and Hanajima was only half listening. Suddenly, he felt an all too familiar aura, Yuki. She looked to the side where there was a half opened door. She stopped, staring at the light that seeped through to the halls. Why was Yuki in the clinic?"Hanajima?" Uo asked, curious. "What's wrong?""A strange wave," she said, acknowledging another detail that didn't fee like Yuki. "Is coming from that room."Uo looked at the sign on the door, "The clinic?" when Arisa looked down to the door, she saw that Hana was already opening the door, which was not how Hana usually worked. It was such a strange sight that it took Arisa a moment to have it registered in her mind. "AhHana don't"But she was too late. Hana had already opened the door, revealing a man by the window. He looked like the doctor. He turned to them, taken by surprise.Seeing that they were caught, Arisa laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Ohehehehehesorry, Doctor. We just thought""Dragon." Hatori turned sharply to her, alerted instantly. Hanajima pointed to the calendar on the wall beside her and said, "This is in the year of the dragon." She explained. Hatori relaxed but kept himself aware of this strange girl."Hai, it is late. I will replace it soon.""You will replace it? So" Arisa asked, "You're our new doctor from now on?""Hai."Arisa started to laugh knowingly and he raised a brow at that. "You will have many female patients this year." Hanajima said blankly as always."Female Patients?" Hatori asked."Sorry, but in this school, women are moreassertive." Arisa explained. "Just look at Prince Yuki!" she added."Oh yes, Yuki, my cousin. How has he been lately?" he deliberately asked, looking down at Hanajima for any reactions. But there was none."You were there last night with him, weren't you?" Hanajima asked matter of factly.Hatori quickly thought of an excuse, "Yes but he doesn't tell me much.""I see." Hanajima replied plainly."Well, he's been good. His grades are stable, his social life is still in tact." Arisa said."I see." Hatori said."Thank you for your time, Dr. Souma." Hanajima bowed politely and Arisa did the same."Your welcome. Come anytime." Hatori invited as the girls walked out of his rather small office. Hanajima slowly and calmly closed the door, giving him one last look at her before she left. It was then that Hatori concluded, her eyes were empty.

Chapter 5:Yuki walked briskly along the hall, searching for a certain someone when she heard something the new fan club members were whispering to each other. They didn't see him from behind and they were snickering rather loudly."Ne, ne, did you hear about Hanajima, Saki?""That she seduced our dearly beloved prince?""Where'd you hear that one? Of course it's not true!""It isn't?""No, it isn't! First of all she's not pretty enough to seduce even a monkey!"Yuki felt enraged as if he was just given a slap on the face. And to think that Hanajima-san was only a few feet away, with her back turned to them as she spoke to Honda-san and Uo-san. The insolence!"And second of all, she's a witch! She probably put a love potion on Prince Yuki's drink or something.""Or maybe she voodoos him! To make him do the things he does?""SHE'S NOT A WITCH!" shocked. Everyone was shocked. Everyone in the hall was staring at him, incredulous that the great Prince Yuki could sound soviolent.Yuki realized this soon and blinked, not believing what he just did! He totally lost control of himself and yelled at the new members. They all stared at him with fear in their eyes, Honda-san was wide-eyed and Uo-san had her mouth open."Yuki-kun" Tohru whispered with surprise, taken aback at Yuki's explosion.Slowly, almost painfully, Hanajima turned to look upon him with parted lips. As if she just heard her name being called.So ashamed was Yuki that he bowed his head and whispered low, "Gomen." Before he ran to the next hall, disappearing from sight.Hana, Tohru and Arisa all wondered, like everyone else, what had gotten into the prince. He would never shout at anyone but earlierhe just bellowed at three of his new members! What was that all about?Strange, Hana thought, the prince Yuki was acting stranger than normal ever since he came back. She wondered what caused it to happenKyou was sitting on the rooftop like always, after throwing away the pesky cats that kept following him around. He sighed, something strange was happening with that damned mouse and he couldn't figure out what. Ever since Yuki came back, he's been absorbed in his own little world. He couldn't understand. Wasn't he happy, now that he was back in Tohru's company? Wasn't he happy Tohru was paying more attention to him than before to make him feel better?He sighed again. Everyone seemed to worry about the mouse. Shigure kept talking to Ayame about it but no one could figure out what was wrong with him. Even Tohru expressed her own worries but of course she hadn't had the chance to ask yet. She was too nervous about Kyou being jealous. Of course He was a bit insecure, after all Tohru was His girlfriend. But he had no doubt that Tohru would stay loyal to him. She would never do anything to hurt him. He knew that now."Kyou." He heard the familiar call and saw the shadow from behind him. He turned to scowl at him for intruding but was stopped when his fist connected with his face."Ow! What theBaka nezumi! What do you think you're doing!"Yuki stood icily, obviously seething. He covered his angry eyes with his bangs and shook with fury. "How could you?" he asked in a low voice."How could I what?" Kyou asked, completely forgetting his anger and becoming dumbfounded."You told Shigure, didn't you!" Yuki yelled, lifting his gaze to reveal malice in his eyes."I told what!" Kyou asked aggravated. He didn't know what the hell the baka nezumi was talking about at all."You told him about finding me in Hanajima's house, didn't you!" he accused. "Now Hatori told Akito!" he said furiously."I didn't tell nothing to no one!" he said."Liar!" Yuki bellowed."Shut up, you baka nezumi! Why would I tell that damned dog anything!" Kyou yelled back. Wordlessly, Yuki attacked. Kyou evaded almost all of his punches and kicks but was caught when Yuki kicked him at the side. Kyou was thrown to the railings of the roof deck, clutching his aching side."I trusted you with one thing!" Yuki said, stalking towards his prey."I'm telling you, I didn't tell anyone!" Kyou defended still."He didn't tell Shigure!" Yuki and Kyou both turned to the door to see Haru there. "I told Hatori." He declared."Haru?" Yuki asked."I didn't knowhow to explain your strange behavior, Yuki" Haru explained. "So I asked Hatori."Yuki's fists turned white knuckled at his sides and he shook more with fury, "You could've just asked ME! And it was none of your business to begin with!" He said. Before anyone could say anything anymore, he passed Haru and ran down the stairs. "I won't be back tonight." He declared before vanishing from Haru's blank gaze.He knew he hurt Yuki's pride. To sniff around on Yuki's personal life was an insult to the mouse and Haru knew that. And yet he didn't want to be left in the dark. Especially when it concerned Yuki of all people. He felt like Yuki was leaving him out of everything. Yuki was leaving him.Hana watched as Motoko and her gang of Yuki fan club members ran away from her at the sight of her dempa with her blank expression. They have been threatening HER frequently ever since Yuki came back. She didn't know why but they kept telling her to keep away from him. Why would she want to stay beside the prince anyway? He was not one who belonged in her circle of friends. Everybody loved him; no one but Tohru and Uo-chan loves her. To stay beside the prince would just be bringing trouble to her. And as much as possible, she wanted to spend her years without trouble.Speaking of which, Hana turned around to see a disturbed looking prince walking the halls. His lips were fixed into a deep frown and he stared down at the ground he walked upon in deep thought. Strange. Anger, she felt anger in his waves. Something displeasing must have happened. Was he unhappy about his cousin being the school doctor? It seems they don't get along well.When Yuki caught sight of Hana staring intently at him, in front of him, he put up his usual smile; the one he used whenever he didn't feel like actually smiling. Something about Hana's stare made him feel queer all of a sudden. As if she didn't believe what he was saying; but he wasn't saying anything.He didn't feel like talking much so he just passed her by, striding his way down the hall."Yuki." He froze. That wasthe first time he had ever heard her say his name. Yuki, Yuki, Yuki, Yuki! He felt his heart suddenly lighten and he didn't even know how to describe it. He didn't know what to do, seeing as he felt his face grow hot."H-Hai?" he trembled. Why was he trembling?"Don't ever smile at me like that again." She said. That was when he turned to her, completely startled."Excuse me?""I don't," she started in her blank, queer way. "Want to see your lies." She said.Yuki stared at her for a moment, not knowing what to say. Again he felt naked before her. How? How could she see right through him? Was he that obvious? Of course not! He had mastered this art of faade ever since he was a child! And yet she saw right through to him! How!"I-I" he tried to create an excuse, apologize, say anything. But the words never came to him. He was just frozen in front of her."Ja ne." she bowed respectfully and passed him by."Hanajima-san." He uttered low, fearing his voice might tremble again."Hai?" Hana stopped but simply turned her head to him.He turned to her fully with a real smile this time, "Would you like to go get cheesecakes with me?" he asked.Hana turned back to the hall and answered, "You arestrangefor me." She walked away with that and left Yuki feeling happier than he should be, considering what just transpired between him and his cousins.Yuki sighed as he neared Hanajima's house and saw the window with the lights on. Hanajima's window. He was in his rat form and smiled to himself, happy that he finally had the time to be with his master again. He climbed up the tree with the branch that reached over to the windowsill. When he got there, he saw that Hana had her back turned to him as she was staring in blank space again.Perfect! He thought as he started to feel the same tingly feeling he got whenever he was just about to change back. Without hesitation, Yuki jumped to her, Poof! He turned into a boy again but not for long. As he landed behind the oblivious girl, he quickly wrapped his arms around her. Poof! And he was a mouse again!Hana stiffened at the feeling of someone hugging her with the same wave as Yuki. She turned around calmly and was relieved, not that it was obvious, to see her pet Prince again. It seemed that whenever Prince decided to make his presence known to her, he would release a strange wave that enveloped her in a form of a hug. Only, the strange part was that she could swear she felt skin.She let out a ghost of a smile and leaned down to pick up the happy mouse. "Prince-chanwhere have you been? I've been worried." She said in her usual deadpan tone.Prince just squeaked and hugged her thumb happily, delighted that he was back into Hana's care. He was back where he felt he actually belonged!

Chapter 6:Kyou scrubbed his hair diligently as he left the bathroom, it was already night and he was just about to go to bed when he found Tohru standing in front of Yuki's room. She had a blank look, as if in deep thought and he instantly knew what it was all about."He's not there." Tohru's mind snapped back to reality and she turned to him, her hair flying with the swift movement.She blushed and asked, "Eh? Souma-kun isn't here?"Kyou passed her by, closing his eyes, not really wanting to see her so worked up about the damned nezumi. "Nope. That damned mouse's staying with a friend tonight.""Oh." He opened his eyes and found himself staring at a disappointed Tohru. The jealousy inside him stirred but he ignored it. Tohru was just being her kind, caring self again."Oi!" he called. She turned to him expectantly and he hesitated for a while then said, "Why do you wanna talk to him so much anyway!""Demo, Kyou-kun, Souma-kun's been acting very strange lately! I wonderif he hates me""Baka!" Tohru felt Kyou put a hand on top of her head as a way to comfort her and she looked up at his frown of disapproval, "He could never hate you." Tohru blushed, flattered and hopeful. "And if he did, I'd pummel him to the ground!" he declared boldly. Tohru giggled, knowing it was an empty threat. It was only Kyou's way of expressing himself, and she loved his way.Yuki watched contentedly as Hana slowly and gently brushed her curly black locks. Oh, how comforting it was to be in her room again, to bask in her presence once more and be the apple of her eyes once again. He was getting tired of her ignoring him all the time in school. But as Prince, he would always have her attention and her care.He loved being Prince and loved being by her side! He was happiest when she was around. He knew it was sort of pathetic but, he couldn't help himself!"Yuki..." Yuki felt himself tense and his fur stood on end. "has been acting strangely for the past three days." Damn, she talked weird. Couldn't she just talk like other people? In a less frightening way? "He keeps asking me to buy cheesecakes with him. Strange."Mental note: stop asking her to go out, she doesn't like it."Prince, do you think he wants to be friends with me?" she asked.Of course, I do! He thought, wishing he could just tell her."He shouldn't." Yuki stared intently at her, trying to read her mind. "He shouldn't be friends with me. People will hate him." Yuki's eyes widened, the thought never occurring in his mind. "If they see me with himthey will hate himand hate me more" there she was again, hating herself, belittling herself because of all the things her mother says to her. It wasn't fair! She was so much better than what she thought of herself! And the more she thought of how bad she was, the worse she'll become. She shouldn't hurt herself like this!"We don't belong together, Yuki and I. He is a prince, a night in shining armor." She put down her brush and stared at herself blankly, "I am a witch, an ugly despicable, curse."Yuki rubbed against her hand and made her look at him with a gentle gaze, snapping her out of her depressing thoughts. She smiled like a ghost and said, "What mama says is true, Prince. Only Uo-chan and Tohru-kun ar foolish enough to love a curse like me. They are my everything." Yuki squeaked, standing on his hind legs and sniffing in the air, looking very queer. "Would you like to be part of my everything, Prince?"He squeaked happily, "Then you shall be. As long as you'll be mine only."That won't be a problem, Yuki thought happily.Hana went to her closet and opened it, looking for her nightgown. "I have also thought ofYuki's cousin." Yuki lifted his gaze to her, "He will be our new doctor from now on." Hatori. "He isbeautiful." What! Did he just hear what he heard! Did she just say what she said! This had to be a joke! Something has got to be wrong with his ears! She couldn't have said what he thought she just said! If she just said what he thought she just said then"His waves are full of beautiful misery in silence." NO WAY!He felt so betrayed as his eyes became animated with unshed tears and he thought; Hana-chan how could youuuuuuuu!Meanwhile, Hatori was sitting in his room, thinking over what to report to Akito. Hanajima, Saki was a strange girl, completely opposite of Honda, Tohru. And yet, there was nothing between Yuki and her. So what could be the cause for Yuki's sudden behavior? It wasn't like Yuki to simply care for someone so soon. Even Tohru took some time before charming the mouse to be her friend. Now this? Hanajima wasn't even trying!Although thoughts of Akito ran through his mind, something else bothered him. That girl: Hanajima. She had a strange power around her. It was liked Akito's power except weaker, subtler. She was a mystery, no one knew much about her. He doubted Tohru would be much help in this one. The girl was far too nave to understand what he would ask her.So, he guessed, he would be on his own upon analyzing the mysterious stranger. Come to think of it, she wasn't ugly at all. Once you take a good look on her, one could say she was very enchanting. The mystery around her, the empty gaze of indifference, the porcelain skin, the ladylike attitude; others would definitely find her attractive. W-Wait, what was he thinking! Beauty was only a point of view!"Ha'ri-chan!" he was snapped out of his thoughts when he found Momiji at his door."Momiji.""What are you so serious about?" Momiji asked cheerfully, taking a seat in front of him.Hatori looked down at the child, thinking if he should say anything. "Hanajima""Oh, her?" Momiji made his disdain obvious when he shivered. "She's so creepy!" he commented, remembering the times he met with her."On the contrary," Hatori said, delving again into his thoughts, "I think she's interesting."Chapter 7:That day, Yuki was looking out into the vast expanse of the campus. Tomorrow would be the Zodiac festival. It was a little something the principal suddenly made up once he found out that Akito, a very rich person whose family learns in this school, liked the Chinese zodiac a lot. Feh! He was such a kiss up. And now, Yuki had to arrange a booth for their class. All this fussing about was going to eat up all of his time; the time he planned to spend nestled in Hana-chan's soft bed.When he thought back on the phrase he used, he blushed. Not that that he meant anything by going to Hana-chan's bed, it was justthere was definitely nothing perverted about what he thought! He just thought he could sleep there tonight next to her. Oh that sounded even more perverted! No, stop! Stop!"Souma-kun?" Yuki jerked his head away from the window as if his mind shot back from space to his body. He turned around and found himself looking up at a very concerned Tohru. He didn't even realize that class was over until now."Ah, H-Honda-san!" Yuki said, smiling his usual cold smile. "Do you need anything?""AhI-iie" Tohru blushed, looking down at her shoes. "I was justwondering if you'd like to walk with me home.""Me? Where's Kyou?" Yuki asked, concerned. How could Kyou abandon Honda-san!"Oh, he's sort of busy right now. Hatori-san wanted to talk to him.""Hatori? Did he say why?" Yuki raised a delicate brow in suspicion. What was that dragon/sea horse up to? And how did it concern Kyou?"Iie, he didn't say why." Tohru answered shaking her head in disappointment. Then she looked up at him with worry in her eyes, "Oh, but if I'm going to be a bother, I-I guess I can just walk home myself! I mean, I don't mean to burden you or anything, I just""I'll go." Yuki cut in with a kind smile, "But first I'll have to make a few arrangements. Please wait for a moment, Honda-san." And with that Yuki stood to talk to the class vice-president. The idea of Honda-san walking alone all the way home didn't please Yuki one bit. Who knows what danger might be lurking somewhere? She might get in trouble! He wasn't willing to take that risk.After advising the Vice-president to look after the class and take charge of the meeting, Yuki bowed politely and took his leave alongside Tohru. She smiled up at him, "Arigatou, Souma-kun. This is very kind of you."Yuki laughed shortly and cocked his head to the side, the flattery making him blush lightly. "Iie, it's my pleasure. I wouldn't want Honda-san to get in trouble on the way home.""Still, it's very kind of you." She smiled still.Meanwhile, Hatori was in the clinic, brooding again while looking out into the window. The tall tree that grew beside his room provided a comfort as its branches gave him a nice shade. There was a knock on the door, and Hatori didn't turn, knowing it was Kyou. He was three minutes late, but what did he expect from the cat."Enter." He said.He heard the door open but turned around quickly with a surprised look when someone, not Kyou, spoke, "Dr. Souma." He trained his sight on her, taking in her feminine and dark form. She had a tray in her hand and she bowed politely, "The Secretary wanted me to give you these. She says she'd like to meet you after classes.""H-Hanajima-san." He idly spoke. His breathe, surprisingly, was taken away for some reason.She walked into the clinic with soft footsteps, making no sound at all. She put down the tray on the table beside him and bowed her goodbye. But Hatori felt the intense and sudden urge to have her stay. "Hanajima-san!"Calmly, Hana turned to him, craning her long pale neck. "Hai, Dr. Souma?"What to say? He knew not what forced him to call to her. And yet, he still wanted her to stay. He had to think of something fast. "W-who is the Secretary again?"At this, Hana turned to him fully and spoke softly, "Chiriko, Tenjho; tall, brunette, shapely body. A very attractive specimen for most men." Then she started being weird again, "Her waves give off Arrogance and Self-centeredness. Her waves also tell me she has a temperament but she hides it well. Very well indeed. She is flamboyant and full of desire "The moment she started being weird was the moment Hatori took the time to stare intently at her, looking for something; though he didn't know what. When she was finished, Hatori nodded in understanding. Of course he knew the Secretary. She was the first one to have bawled over him ever since he came to this school."I see. Thank you, Hanajima-san." When she bowed and turned around to leave, he remembered something. "Ah, Hanajima-san.""Hai?" she turned to him again."Will you be going to the festival tomorrow?" he asked."Hai. Will you?" she asked in her monotone voice as if she was asking him just to be polite.He hadn't expected her to ask him that and found himself without an answer. Tomorrow he would have to check up on Kisa, who just had the chicken pox. So he wasn't sure if he would make it. "I'mnot sure.""I see" she said. She walked to the door but stopped before stepping out of his domain. "Dr. Souma." Hatori looked at her, her back turned to him. "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadnessalso keep out the joy."Hatori felt frozen! His heart stopped beating! His head started swerving! How did she know! What was this! This had to be some kind of sorcery! What the hell! Memories of Kanna kept running through his head and his heart felt like it would burst. Instinctively, he grabbed at his chest, as if holding onto his heart. He didn't know what to say, he was at a loss of words.He stared at her incredulously, how could she have known? After a long pause, Hanajima nodded and said, "Have a nice day" and with that, she left. As she closed the door to the clinic, she caught sight of two people walking out of the school. She went closer to the window and found herself staring down at Tohru and Yuki, who were smiling at each other as they spoke.Ah, the sweet picture of the princess alongside her prince. Tohru was happy again, now that Yuki was back. She half-wondered where Souma, Kyou was but didn't think much on it. Somehow, something kept nagging in her mind. What was it? Disappointment? But why? It was then that Hana realized, this was the first time Yuki didn't ask her to buy cheesecakes with him.Yuki had been asking her out for a week now, and she had never given him an answer. Was the prince giving up? Well, it is about time. She thought. But she couldn't ignore the sinking feeling inside of her. Was she actually sad? How could she feel sad? Was he giving up? Or did he simply forget? "Soumakun."Chapter 8:Hana stared down at Prince, sleeping soundly in her bed beside her. All night long, she had been thinking of strange thoughts and it wasn't stopping anytime soon. Yuki. Yuki. Yuki, Yuki, Yuki! Every single thing in her thoughts consisted of Yuki Souma! It was not obvious, physically, but it was eating her inside. Why couldn't she stop thinking of Souma, Yuki!What did it matter to her that Yuki didn't ask her earlier what he had been asking her consecutively for a week now? Why did it bother her so much? It wasn't supposed to bother her this much! Yuki has his life, his secrets, his privacy! So why was shedare she think it, irritated, at the thought that Yuki Souma had actually forgotten about her at the mere sight of her best friend, Tohru!She was a bad friend! She should be happy for Tohru-chan and yet, look at her now! She wasjealous? At the realization that what she felt was actual jealousy, her heart broke! How could she! How could she do this to Tohru-chan! Hana tore her gaze away from Prince and shut her eyes tight, ashamed of herself and completely disgusted!She was a devil! How could she be jealous of Tohru just because of Yuki Souma's attention! She was such a bad person! She didn't deserve a friend like Tohru! She didn't deserve anything she was given! A curse doesn't deserve anything! Not even freedom from life itself!Suddenly, she felt two strong arms wrap tightly around her body, pulling her closer to come in contact with a firm body. She instantly stiffened and turned quickly, only to see Prince staring up at her. That was strange. Prince was strange. His waves were so strong that she actually thought she felt him hug her. That was what she loved most about Prince. He was strange; like her. And he loved her, cared for her. She knew she didn't deserve him either."Prince-chan" she didn't want him to worry, seeing as he cocked his head to the side with curiosity. "Should I attend the Zodiac Festival?"Immediately, Prince nodded. "Don't you think I will only ruin their celebration?" Prince violently shook his head no! Hana smiled with content, Prince was far too good to her. If he were a human, she would never have believed such kindness from him. But since he was an animal, she could live in her fantasy and dream that he actually did answer her questions instead of simply doing tricks.She lay down on her bed and looked at him with a content and blank stare. "Do you love me, Prince-chan?" she asked.Prince simply stood there, almost as if thinking it over. Hana felt like laughing inside, of course the mouse wouldn't answer. She ruffled the top of his head with her index finger and closed her eyes, giving in to rest.When Yuki was sure she was finally asleep, as if on cue, he turned into a human. He stared down at her intently, not knowing what possessed Hana to say something sonot like her. But what puzzled him more was thatdid he love her? She asked him that and never expected an answer. Yuki never expected the question so he never had an answer. But now that she asked himdid he? Was he in love with Saki Hanajima?Well, he felt strongly about her, sure. Butlove? All he knew about love was what Honda-san had taught him. She was his first love. But she broke his heart when she said she loved Kyou more. Would it be the same to Hana? Would she love somebody else more than she loved Yuki?That next day, the school was busy with their own booths. The field for the festival was ready and bustling. Students and teachers alike were walking around and examining booths. Yuki stared up at the banner in their booth, a proud glint in his eyes. His classmates had actually managed to do something fairly decent without him!It was a Soul Mate booth. At the booth, they were selling little message flasks with the head of the zodiac as a cork. Of course, the flasks had the name of a student on a rolled piece of paper inside. And they explained that whoever it was that you got, that student would be your 'soulmate'. Of course, Yuki knew that a lot of boys and girls were buying the flasks in hopes of getting his name. He sighed, thankfully, his classmates made a rule to sell only one flask per student."Souma-kun." He turned to his side to see Tohru walking alongside Kyou towards him. Kyou had a stubborn look to his face with his hands folded behind his head while Tohru looked excited and had her trademark smile bright and ready."Honda-san." He acknowledged with a small smile."What do you think of the booth?" she asked.Yuki evaluated it before smiling, "They did a good job, Honda-san." With the compliment, Tohru smiled brighter."I'm glad you think so! Hana-chan and Uo chan worked hard to write all of the students' names in those little pieces of paper. Oh, why don't you buy one! You might know who your soul mate will be!" she enthusiastically invited."Ah," Yuki smiled. He really didn't want to, since he didn't believe in this. And besides, it would never be Tohru anyway, so what did it matter? But just to make Honda-san happy, Yuki agreed. "Hai." He bought one with the head of a mouse as a cork and put it in his pocket. He would open that later.Tohru was happy with that and turned to Kyou, "Kyou-kun, why don't you buy one too?" she invited.Kyou scoffed and turned away, "I don't need no freagin' bottle to tell me who I'm gonna be happy with!" but when Tohru faltered, her smile slowly fading, Kyou's face softened and he said gently, "I'm already happy with you."Tohru blushed, wide-eyed and flattered. Shying away, she turned her eyes to the ground and concentrated on it. Yuki tore his eyes from the scene, feeling his stomach churn with jealousy. It was for the best, he knew. Stepping back to save Kyou's soul from darkness. It was his decision to do sobut why was he the one left miserable in the darkness, standing on the same ground.Later that day, Hatori slowly and carefully walked into the overcrowded field. He berated himself for actually coming right after going to Kisa's. He didn't want Hanajima to think he was too eager to come, but he also didn't want her to think he wouldn't come. He was anxious, he knew. But what made him anxious in the first place wasn't even anywhere in sight! Where was she?"Souma-san!" a husky feminine voice called out. He turned around, suppressing a groan as he expected to see no one else but the Secretary. She looked fairly young, had long brown hair curled beautifully and falling lightly over her shoulders. She wore a velvet red coat and sleek black skirt that reached her knees and had slits at the sides. She had big green eyes and luscious lips and had a smile on her face. "I'm so glad you came!" she said, coming up to him."Hai, I decided to come." He said blankly at the evidently interested woman."Well, have you been to any booths lately? I'm very interested about the marriage booth the juniors made!" she said with a coy smile but seemed innocent enough."What did the seniors make?" he asked, wanting to grasp on anything related to his source of anxiety."Oh, the seniors!" she started to grab something out of the pocket of her coat and soon emerged with a flask with a letter inside and the head of a dragon as a cork. "I bought one for you, Souma-san! It's a Soul Mate bottle. You were born in the year of the dragon right?""Hai. Arigatou." He took the flask and looked at it. "What is it for?" he asked after a while."It has the name of your soul mate in it, of course!" she smiled prettily, in hopes that he would get her name and start to make a move. Either he was gay or really timid, she thought. That was the only way a guy could ever not be interested in her. "Open it!" she suggested excitedly.Hatori looked at her then to the flask, deep in thought. "Maybe later." And with that, he walked away, giving no heed to the pout the Secretary made. He made his way through the hoards of boys and girls excitedly showing their little cliques what they got or discovered.He soon stopped, not finding who he was looking for. Perhaps it would be better if he just left? Come to think of it, all he was doing was just going to a pointless festival. So, why would she care if he were there? It wasn't that important.He turned to leave but was surprised and relieved to see, from a distance, Hanajima with her friends Uotani and Tohru. She was giving Tohru a flask with a dog's head for a cork; Tohru smiled and hugged her friend tightly. He determined himself and walked over to them.Uo was first to see him and she smiled up at the handsome doctor. "Yo!" she greeted, bringing everyone's attention to him."Hatori-san!" Tohru cheerfully called, "I didn't think you'd come!"Hatori waited for Hanajima's reaction but what he got was a polite bow and a blank stare. He nodded to them, "Hai. I decided to watch the festivities.""Oh, how is Kisa-chan?" Tohru asked with concern."She'salright, though I had to find a way to restrain her from scratching." He answered icily, looking to no one else but the disinterested Hanajima. For a while, Tohru and Uo had been talking to him, Hanajima had simply stayed out of the conversation. But when Uo had to go help in their booth and Tohru had to go buy Momiji some food, Hanajima was left to be with him.They were alone and standing in the crowd at a fair distance. Both were silent, contrary to the people around them. He looked calm and placid like he always did but inside, he was scrambling for something to say. It was a long while until Hanajima spoke, "Your walls have fallen?"Her voice was low and, to Hatori, the most seductive tone he had ever heard. It was as if she was an enchantress who was prying into his mind, into the very recesses of his heart. He knew he had to answer soon but he took his time, deciding upon the best answer to give. "More likeI've surrendered my castle."As a sign of mild interest, Hanajima cocked her head to the side but decided it was rude to pry on other's business. "I see." But then she sensed something and pointed at his pocket, "Won't you open it?""Are you curious?" he asked with a raised brow as if it was playful teasing.After weighing her words, Hanajima looked up at him, straight in the eyes. "Are you?"Meanwhile, Yuki was fingering his bottle. He didn't believe in these things since the hands that wrote them were just kids but at the same time, it made him curious. Whoever's name was in there could actually be his soul mate. But then again, it could be wrong. Finally tired of puzzling over it, Yuki took out the glass to stare at it. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration.Slowly, he took off the cork and put it in his pocket. He took out the letter and unfolded it, his eyes widening in disbelief!Hatori stared down at the name in the paper, his hands shaking almost obviously. The one name that all of a sudden made his heart stop.Hanajima, SakiYuki's hand felt numb and the letter fell to the ground, there the name of his soulmate, his love was revealedHonda, TohruChapter 9:Hana watched as the doctor with beautiful waves trembled at the name before him. She didn't know what it was but she sensed a strange mixture of waves emitting from him. It was a mix of nervousness, fear and excitement. Whoever it was, it must be someone that pleases him.Hatori's eyes came up to meet hers and she tried hard to discern what he was silently saying. She felt as if she almost had it when"Hana-chan!" they both turned to Tohru who was coming forward, a happy Momiji by her side. Only her voice had snapped the two out of their trance. As Tohru stopped in front of Hana, she hugged her friend tightly, making Hana stiffen upon contact. "I kept thinking about the soul mate bottle you gave me, and so I decided to buy you one too!"She took out a soul mate bottle from her pocket with the head of a ram for a cork. She gave it to Hanajima, but Hanajima gave it back. "Gomena, Tohru-kun." She said.Tohru looked down at the bottle with concern, "What's wrong, Hana-chan?"Hana gave her friend a comforting smile and said, "I don't believe in this. I wrote it, remember?"Hatori watched as Tohru insisted and Hana kept pushing it back into her hands and noticed that Momiji was up to something. He also noticed that Yuki was absently walking towards them along with Uotani who came back from the booth. Yuki and Uo were simply talking.When the two arrived, Momiji pounced, revealing a pair of handcuffs from behind him. He aimed for Yuki and Tohru, remembering what Tohru found out when she opened her bottle.It turned out, Tohru's soulmate was, to her surpriseSouma, Yuki.And so, Momiji devised a plan where Tohru and Yuki would realize their love for each other at the marriage booth! When he heard the light 'chink' of the cuffs, he smiled triumphantly. But when he finally stepped back to look at his work, his face fell.Instead of chaining Tohru's wrist to Yuki's, he chained the creepy Hanajima to the Prince! "Oh no." he whispered low. He screwed up!Tohru, Uotani, Hanajima and Yuki all looked down at the cuffs and stared at Momiij. "Momijiwhat isthis?" Yuki asked.When Momiji finally came back from his stupor, the rabbit smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Ah, ehehehe gomen?"Uotani started laughing hysterically and everyone turned to her. "Oh my God! You two have to get married!" she exclaimed."W-What!" Yuki asked with a flustered look. Hana seemed unaffected but Tohru had an unreadable expression. The paper said Yuki was her soul mate. Should she believe it?"You can't take it off since the key to the cuffs is in the marriage booth! But you can't get the key unless you two get married!" Uotani explained further then laughed again, clutching her stomach.Yuki threw an accusing glare Momiji's way and Hatori lightly tapped the mischievous rabbit on the head. "Come, Momiji, I'll take you home." Hatori said. He didn't want to stay for such an event and besides, the rabbit's father told Hatori to have Momiji home by eight.With one last glance at Hanajima and Yuki, he turned and left.Before leaving, Momiji kept apologizing as Yuki steamed quietly like a pot. What Momiji did was completely uncalled for and totally embarrassing! What would Hana think? He didn't want to force her to marry him! Yuki turned to see what Hana would think, only to see her looking down at the cuffs with empty eyes.Sensing his eyes on her, Hana looked up to stare back at the beautiful Prince. His expression was that of concern. For her? Strange."Should wego?" she asked, breaking the silence.At that, Yuki smiled apologetically, cocking his head to the side. "I guess we have no other choice, Hanajima-san."Before the two could start walking, Tohru spoke in a rush, "Oh, I-I just remembered; I have to go!"Yuki looked at her curiously and Uotani was the one to speak. "Tohru, what's wrong?""N-Nothing, I justgotta go, see you all later!" with that, she faked a bright smile and turned on her heels. She left in a hurry, leaving everyone to wonder what had Tohru so wound up.Tohru didn't know what it was that made her feel so strange the soul mate bottle said it was Yuki with whom she'll be happy with forever. So why was she with Kyou? But no, she shouldn't believe in things like this! She was already happy with Kyou-kun and vise versa! Butdeep inside she still wondered, what would have happened if I chose Yuki instead?Hana turned to Uo and the tomboyish girl shrugged. "I'm not going anywhere. I want to see this." She declared cheerfully as if enjoying their dreaded union. Or, so she thought."Alright." Was Hana's lifeless answer as they continued to walk towards the marriage booth. But just as they neared, Yuki saw a shop to the left that was selling some accessories and a pair caught his eyes. He turned to Hana, catching her attention. She raised an interested brow as Yuki stopped walking she stopped as well."Hanajima-san, would you mind if I bought something first?" Hanajima's mouth parted as she considered his polite question. Yes, this was the prince she knew. The gentleman that everybody loved and idolized. Silently, she nodded. Yuki smiled and led them both to the shop. As he peered at the glass, he saw what he was looking for.Hana noticed the girl in the counter was biting her lower lip, looking anxiously to Yuki. It seemed that she was waiting for him to talk to her. She looked at Yuki, of course the prince was attractive. But she didn't really give much notice to it. Beauty was only a point of view, as she believed it. She turned back to staring into space; thinking of the waves she'd been feeling all day.Yuki smiled and looked up to the girl behind the counter, she gasped in delight and covered her mouth before she could squeal. "How much for the rings?" he asked.Hana quickly turned to him and so did Uotani. The blonde's face was that of surprise and her jaw dropped to the ground."Eh?" the girl behind the counter asked. Yuki kindly smiled, knowing the girl was slow and lengthening his patience."I'd like to buy that silver pair over there." He kindly said.The girl blushed then turned to Hanajima who was staring lifelessly at the incredibly irresistible boy. She then turned to peer at Uotani who had a baffled and completely awe struck expression on her face. Why was Yuki-san hanging around with the witch and the Yankee?Carefully and cheerfully, the girl smiled and made the transaction with Yuki. Yuki was content to have gotten what he wanted and smiled down at Hanajima, seeing that she was looking straight up at him with untrusting eyes."Let's go, shall we?" he asked.When they finally arrived at the Marriage booth, the 'priest' guy became confused. He didn't know if he should either be happy to see the oh-so-loved Yuki or be terrified to be in the presence of the spooky Hanajima."H-how'd you end up getting cuffed?" he dared ask the couple."It's a long story." Yuki smiled kindly, but inside he just didn't want to tell the guy. Why did everybody have to be so nosy?"Can we have the keys now?" was Hana's demure and toneless voice.The guy pretending to be a priest stiffened at the sound of her voice but tried to smile, "G-Gomen. I can't give you the keys unless you two get married."Suddenly, to the 'priest's' horror, Hana's dempa revealed itself and pointed at his direction! Her eyes darkened even more like a devil and he was just about to run for his life when"It's alright, Hanajima-san." They all turned to the smiling Yuki and he continued, "I don't mind being married to you for the night." They didn't know how true that statement was.Hana stared at him for a while, trying to contemplate his waves. Thankfully, her dempa fell back into the thick mass of her braided hair like it was never even there and the 'priest' sighed of relief.As the ceremony went on, Hana sneaked a few peaks in Yuki's direction. Why was he being so kind to her? Did he want something? But what could a prince want from a witch? A prince was supposed to have everything, right?After they were officially married by the power invested upon a fake priest, the boy reminded them, "Now don't worry. This marriage thing is only for the night. After this everything can go back to normal, 'k?"Hana nodded and Yuki did the same. When the boy was reassured that Hana wouldn't attack him, he reached over and took the cuffs off. Hana exited the tent first, outside Uotani was waiting for her.Uo smirked, "How was it?" she asked, arms crossed in front of her."It wasfine." Hana answered. But before they could go, Yuki had called to her. They stopped and turned around to see Yuki coming closer. The dim light from inside the tent illuminated his already perfect features.To the girls' surprise, Yuki took Hana's hands in his. Hana stiffened at the contact and her eyes widened considerably. Yuki smiled at her surprised reaction and said, "I just wanted to give you this, since we're married and all." And with that, Yuki slipped the silver band from earlier around her ring finger. It was then that the moonlight glistened upon the two silver bands around Hana's and Yuki's ring fingers.It was a symbol of their union. Hana was rendered immobile. What did Yuki Souma think he was doing?"Soumawhy?" was all she could say.Yuki smiled charmingly, "I want you to always remember this day as the day we got married." No one spoke until Yuki continued, "Now that we're here though, we might as well go to the cheesecake stand, ne?"Hana couldn't help but smirk. Yuki would always be an enigma to her. She would never be able to understand what goes on through his mind. "Alright." She said."Great!" Yuki said happily. Finally, Hana had said yes to him. With that, he pulled her along to the cheesecake stand, not even minding that people were staring at their entwined fingers.Uotani stood alone in the crowd. They had left her. Now that they were married, and Tohru was busy, they left her. She was all alone in a sea of strangers with no one to hold on to. But then she shrugged, "Ng, it's only for the night anyway." She waved the two away and turned to go to the bump cars. "Let the 'adults' have fun for a change." She muttered to herself.Chapter 10:Yuki sat in his room with the happiest, lightest feeling he had ever experienced. Never had he felt so triumphant and yet so serene at the same time. The time he spent with Hana at the cheesecake stand wasunforgettable! Hana had been smiling along with him the whole time, Yuki finally felt like she opened up a part of herself to him. Not prince but him! He actually had the chance to make her laugh, although it was more of a chuckle.Well, the important thing was that Hana and he had gotten along marvelously on that one night, the same night he got married to her. They didn't care of what other people thought; the simple fact that they were married for the night made their time so much more comfortable. He looked down at the hand that held the brush delicately to the canvas, the silver band still glimmering.Yuki had a secret. A secret that no one else knows of except for Shigure and Akito; Yuki was an artist. He was an all around Picasso but he didn't want anyone else to know. He was excellent, but he never trained or learned how. He was an idiot-savant. He hated the fact that he was an idiot-savant. It just showed him how much more of a free loader he was! How spoiled he truly was! It disgusted him. But Shigure wanted Yuki to keep on painting.For some reason, the dog was encouraging and supportive towards his unwanted gift. He couldn't understand but all year long, Shigure would give him paints, canvases, and all other art materials. He rarely used any of them. Sometimes he did, just to see if he was still an idiot-savant. But to his dismay, he still was.But now it seemed like all of that has changed. He didn't even mind the fact that he was painting! All he knew was that he felt like painting! He paused when his glimmering ring led his eyes to stray towards the canvas and he turned beat red. In front of him was a sketch of a beautiful Hanajima with her hair flowing down to its full length. She held herself close. She looked much like the way she did when she was asleep and Yuki would watch over her, wondering what she was dreaming about.The shoji door slid open and a face peered in. "Yuki-ku" before Shigure could continue putting Yuki's name into a song, "PANG!" a thick book hit him square on the face. Yuki's hand was still outstretched from the action of throwing the nearest thing at the invading inu.His eyebrow twitched with annoyance and he quickly, before Shigure could recover, kicked the canvas and brush and everything else into his open cabinet where he hid everything he held dear."Get out!" Yuki demanded sternly as the book slid from Shigure's frozen figure. When the book fell, it revealed Shigure's swirly eyes and bleeding nose.Quickly, Shigure snatched a Band-Aid from behind him (it magically appeared) and put it over his broken nose. "Ma, mais that anyway to treat your elders?"Glad that the dog didn't see what he was doing, Yuki calmed himself and looked icily at the annoying pervert. "What do you want?""Well, I was just going to tell you that it was raining outside." Shigure gestured to the window. Yuki peered outside, indeed it was raining. But he didn't see anything important about that.He looked back to Shigure, "And?""Well, what about you precious little garden?" he asked.At that, Yuki's eyes widened! OH NO! HIS SECRET GARDEN! He had completely forgotten about it! With one swift motion he pushed Shigure out of the way and ran down the stairs. He ignored Shigure's whining but stopped when,"Souma-kun!" he turned around to stare at Tohru, who had a large plastic cover in her hands and a raindcoat over her body. She looked just as surprised to see him. It seemed that they both realized about the garden at the same time. Yuki nodded in understanding and took the large plastic cover. They both ran to the secret garden, Yuki didn't even care that he was sopping wet. All he had in mind was his Secret Garden.The rain was getting stronger, Tohru held down her end and so did Yuki. The wind was harsh and had no mercy, Yuki was just glad they got to the Garden in time. But as Yuki calmed into his spot, he looked at Honda-san and found that she was like him; sopping wet."Honda-san!" he called. Tohru looked at him with concern. "You don't have to do this! Go home or you'll get sick!" he said. No matter what happened, Honda-san was still dear to Yuki and to think that she would hold out in the rain just because of him was frightfully appalling. Who knows what sickness she might derive from this rain?"Iie!" she shook her head violently. "The Secret Garden is important to Souma-kun so it's important to me too! I won't leave until I'm sure that our garden is safe!" Tohru declared through the noisy and violent spattering of the rain. Yuki stared at her in disbelief. No matter what, Tohru would always be able to say and do the right things to make him and everyone else melt. She had complete power over them. Especially him.Meanwhile, Shigure peered inside, looking for anything at all. Yuki's room was soclean, he almost had to shield his eyes! No man's room could ever be this clean! Well except for Hatori, but Ha'ri was a doctor! He's supposed to be clean! Yuki was liketoo perfect to be true. School materials to the left, house stuff to the right. Where were all his art materials? It had to be somewhere! Shigure had spent a lot of money to buy Yuki his art materials, and to think that the mouse would just throw it away really was disappointing.It was then that he noticed something out of place. The cabinet was open. Since when does Yuki leave his cabinet open? He slowly crept towards the cabinet, his interest heightened.He quirked a brow and a smirk crossed his handsome features at the sight. So, Yuki has been practicing after all! Interesting. Well he portrayed the model very well. Suddenly, the hentai inside of him kicked in and he started fantasizing about another story! He quickly brightened and turned to go to his office. It would be about a boy who loved to paint a girl whom everyone hated! Marvelous! He went on to the hall, to go back to his studies so he could type this story that just arrived in his mind. It was sure to be a hit! Not to mention, the extremely passionate limes and lemons he was going to write. Oh how wonderful!"BANG!" without him knowing it, Kyou had already punched him upside the head. Shigure stayed in that position for a while, holding onto the sore part of his abused cranium. "What are you up to now, you hentai?" Kyou said. Shigure had that look again, the look of a hentai with a plot. Kyou knew it all too well and didn't like it one bit."Why Kyou-kun, I'm hurt!" Shigure said, clutching his heart painfully with a pathetic look."You better be!" Kyou retorted, crossing his arms in front of him."Why must you always resort to violence? And why must you always accuse me of being mischievous?""You're not mischievous, you damn dog! You're a freakin' perv! If you dare touch one hair on Tohru's head, I'll""Maa, maa, Why would I do such a thing?" Shigure said, calming down the irate and suspicous cat. "Tohru-chan is my innocent little flower! I would never do anything to harm her!" he proclaimed. With that he happily stepped into his office, but before he closed the door, "I can have her after you two break up.""WHAT THE FU"The next day, Yuki was walking along the campus grounds, the swarm of attractive fan club members trying to speak to him more through questions about the upcoming Halloween Ball. He answered them curtly and politely, he didn't mind the attention much since he was in such a good mood. He didn't know why though but it was a relief from all the days he'd been isolated in his own apathy.It was then that he saw them, Uotani and Hanajima walking the opposite way. As they passed by each other, Yuki looked at Hana and Hana looked at him. For a second, they held each other's gaze. Then, without warning, Yuki flashed that killer smile of his that made every single girl around him swooning.And to Yuki's delight, Hana returned the smile, except it was fainter. The others could barely see it, but he could. And that was all that mattered to him. When their groups passed each other, Yuki looked back at Hana who looked back at him.Yuki waved goodbye seeing as she was going home. Much to Yuki's satisfaction, Hana smiled more visibly this time. The girls around him seethed with jealousy but nether of the two seemed to care. The strong breeze blew, making Hana's hair fly out of place. She lifted her hand to brush the strands of hair back behind her ear and that was when he saw it. It glimmered under the bright rays of the sun and reflected it's light upon his shining eyes.Their wedding rings; the symbol of their union.Hana turned from the sight of the retreating Yuki. She had asked him earlier if she would mind walking her home, a feat on its own for Hana. Ever since the Prince had shown her kindness, she was shown a new side of Yuki Souma. The time they spent together that night at the Zodiac Festival had beennothing but strange. He spoke eloquently with the deepest meanings, he made her laugh and smile, and he showed her that not all popular people were as shallow as they seemed. He changed her mood from monotony to exuberance and for once, she wasn't scared of feeling that way.She had a sense of security when around him; as if she actually deserved what he gave her, as if she wasn't doing anything wrong, as if she couldn't do anything wrong. It was a wonderful feelingand she couldn't even bring herself to hating him for it.But as she lifted her eyes, she stopped at a familiar face. He looked down at her with a passive face, his stance was calm but his eyes burned into her with menace. She sensed jealousy. Was he jealous? Perhaps. She stared up at him, her empty eyes meeting his burning ones."May I speak with you alone?" he calmly and politely asked, his rage was perfectly hidden.Uotani looked from the Souma to Hana who looked back at her with an approving nod. She hesitated before leaving the two alone and told Hana she would wait at the gate."No need, I'll walk her home." He said to Uo icily, obviously wanting to rid of her. Uo sensed trouble and looked to Hana for a sign to come and help. But Hana simply looked at her blankly."Take care." Hana said to her. And with a doubtful stare at the two, she left. He turned to stare down at her again, this time, calming only a little. She looked up at him, not even bothering to analyze the situation for she felt that he was no threat at all. "What is it that you want from meSouma, Haru?"

Chapter 11:"What is it that you want from meSouma, Haru?""Ah" Haru said, with a bored expression. He looked her in the eyes, long and hard, trying to see into those mysterious dark abysses. "Tohru's planning a surprise birthday party for Shigure-san on the 19th. She wants to know if you'll be coming."Hana cocked her head to the side with interest but her face remained impassive. "Shigure-san will have his birthday this month?" her voice never wavered, never changed."Hai."A long while of silence, consideration on Hana's part and observation on Haru's. She wasn't special, she was nothing special. She was even lower than normal. She was nothing like Tohru. Haru understood why Yuki would feel anything for Tohru. Tohru was a simple girl with simple wants. She was happy and content and that made everyone else feel happy and content about themselves.Hanajima; she was sonot Tohru! Why would Yuki suddenly take interest in her? She wasn't pretty, she wasn't smart, and she wasn't even that friendly? What was wrong with Yuki?"Alright, though I doubt me being there will make any difference" she said in a monotone way."Haru." Hana turned and Haru looked up to see who had called him. It was, to Hana's inconspicuous delight, Dr. Souma, Hatori. The man with beautiful waves. He was carrying his organizer and a few files in one arm and his other hand in his pocket. He wore what he always wore, his white coat.Hatori was a bit taken back at the sight of Haru and Hana conversing. What were they talking about? Did it concern Yuki? Was it something he should know about?Hana turned to face him fully and bowed respectfully, snapping Hatori out of his train of thoughts."We were just talking about the surprise party for Shigure-san." Haru said, seeing the question in Hatori's eyes."Are you going?" Hanajima asked out of the blue.Hatori looked at her with great consideration. He was going to be busy for a while, seeing as there was a family member that caught dengue from school yesterday and then Akito was complaining about his medicines lately. Though the thought of getting away from it all and making plans to speak more to Hanajiother people was a bit enticing. He weighed his options carefully."Tohru invited Ayame-san as well." Haru added."I'll be there."Haru walked Hana home in silence no one spoke but then again no one cared to speak. They were happy with their own world, up until Hana turned to see him turning down the wrong lane. "Souma-san." Haru looked at her lifelessly. "Where are you going?""To your house.""My house is this way." She said, pointing to the white house up ahead. Haru took a good, hard look on it and then said,"Ah"They got to the porch and out of her sleeve, Hana took out the key for the house. Her mother doesn't bother opening the door for her so she went and got a duplicate. She opened the door and went inside. "Are you coming in?" she asked out of politeness. If she wasn't polite and people would be displeased of her, her mother will punish her for it.Haru looked up from his deep thoughts and finally asked the question he's been asking himself this whole time. "Are you and Yuki together?"Hana looked at him with slightly widened eyes. No one had ever asked her that before. No one had even dared to think of that before. Who would ever think that Yuki would like her? Her of all people? "No."Haru looked just as surprised but his face suddenly turned back into a blank faade. "I see." That fact made him relieved, but he wasn't comforted enough. He still didn't know why Yuki gave so much attention to her and poured all of his time staring at her from across the room.He saw it before when he was walking down the hall, getting sent to the principal for whirling the P.E. teacher around the room when he called Haru a baka. Yuki was there, scribbling little nothings in his notebook while the teacher spoke, his cheek cupped in one hand that supported his beautiful face. He was staring but not outside like he always used to. He was staring far across the room, at the very opposite of his seat at the window. At Hanajima who was staring at something on her hand and it seemed to make Yuki's eyes sparkle with hidden happiness. It bugged the hell out of him that he turned black at the principal and got suspended for three days.He never did see the principal look at him the same way again. That bite mark must have hurt on hisWithout him noticing, Hanajima had already closed the door. She turned to go to her room but stopped when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and found Haru there, looking as blank as ever. "Uhcan you tell me which way to the subway?""You know, not a lot of people give enough importance to toilet paper. What is it made of? No one knows really. No one except those who care. It's always there but no one understands its needs and wants. Who would care about a simple toilet paper anyway? But little do they know that""Nevermind. Thanks."Hana closed the door and banished a secret smile from her lips. That trick never fails.The next day, Yuki was talking to his Editor in Chief about the upcoming Halloween Ball. A lot of ideas were already taken into account for the design and now he was talking to the editor about who should be featured in the article. He was glad the Editor in chief was a serious journalist, if he wasn't then he would be just like the other boys who wished he were a girl. Which was completely embarrassing, not to mention quite disgusting."So should I put the picture of the best costumed pair in the front page?" he asked."Maybe we should put that on page six. We should reserve the front page for more important news about the school." Yuki said. "Maybe you should put the picture of the" he stopped talking when he saw something completely baffling along the hall. Momiji was talking toHanajima?They were walking down the hall and Momiji looked like he was helping Hana carry some books. He seemed to be engaging her in a one-sided conversation. Yuki felt completely disturbed. Not only did Momiji have no reason to talk to Hana, Hana also has no reason to talk to Momiji. So why were they there?"Yuki-sempai? Sempai?" the boy's voice was blocked out of his mind when Hana and Momiji were walking towards them."Hanajima-san, Momiji" Yuki blinked to see if it was real or just a dream. The pair looked at him and Momiji gave a bright smile. Hana gave a small, unnoticeable smile."Yuki-kun! How are you today!" Momiji gushed happily."UhI'm fine." Yuki answered, still disoriented at the sight of them."We were talking about Shigure-san's party." Hana answered his silent query."We were planning on sending him to Aya-chan's first while we arrange the party!" Momiji excitedly said."We? Hanajima-san, you're going?""If Tohru wants me to go, I'll go.""Ne, ne, Yuki-kun, can't you come?" Momiji asked."Ah, Gomen, Momiji, I have a lot of things to do.""EH, you can do them later! It's Shigure-san's birthday! Ne, neee" Momiji whined, swirling his hips childishly and pouting."You will not go?" Hana asked. Yuki turned to her with a fake smile, he was so used to smiling away everything that he suddenly faltered at the sight of her. Her eyes weren't as lifeless as they were before. It was strange seeing her eyes have something other than nothingness. It was an emotion he couldn't decipher. It seemed like she was actually disappointed, but it also seemed like she was interested or curious. "Souma, Yuki has too many responsibilities." She continued. He wanted to say something, but found he had no voice. "So many, but none that he wants. Everyone is unfair to him because they can all depend on him. But he cannot depend on himself. He takes up responsibilities and forgets his own happiness. He is too busy making everyone smile that he can't make himself smile anymore. Yuki is kindtoo kind"You stared at her, drowning in her purple eyes, trying to decipher what it was that made her see right through to him. He wasn't afraid anymore, but he still felt naked. His mask keeps falling off whenever she was around. It was transparent to her.Momiji watched with morbid curiosity as the two locked their eyes upon each other. Yuki was beautiful, a prince, flawless and selfless. Hana was ugly, a witch, dark and mysterious. They were complete opposites. And yet something was attracting them both to each other. Something was between them that were almost visible. Something silver around both their fingers. Their wedding bands. Their only visible link."Do you want me to go?" he suddenly asked in a low voice, he was afraid it might tremble and show how the blood inside of him rushed and his heart pounded violently against his chest."Do you?" she asked right back.Yuki swallowed hard, "Will you be there until late at night?""If Tohru wants me to be.""Will you wait for me to come?" he almost whispered, only she could hear.Hana looked up at him, his eyes filled with a shadow. "If Yuki wants me to."With that, Yuki took the books in Momiji's arms and half of the books in Hanajima's, taking almost the whole load of books in his arms. "Momiji, go on ahead, I'll carry these.""Ah, demo" Yuki smiled at the rabbit and Momiji pouted into submission. He was so engrossed with them, and just when it was gettin

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