print products - eval 3

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Audience Feedback: Print Products

Digipak Research

After researching into conventional features of a digipak, we found that people generally expected the artist to be the first thing they see.

We showed a few people rap artist digipaks, such as Drake and Eminem, and got these quoted feedback:

“I think Drake being on the cover doesn’t false advertise the album or anything. Like some artists don’t include themselves on the cover but I think a person and their qualities and clothes can say a lot about the genre of their music.” – Harry Redbourne, 17 “Eminem looks really frightened in that photo, but I guess that shows that his album is gonna maybe be something along them lines of why he’s shrugged up like that, because I listen to him and I already know he’s a true lyricist.” – Jonathon Whatts, 18

Our Digipak Feedback

So, from the digipak research, we took into account the feedback we received and made ours. We then asked for feedback to our digipak in our posts “Digipak Audience Feedback”.

Overall, people liked the black and white effect and the faded red across. They also liked the artist being in all nets because it confirms that he is the artist.

Magazine Advert Research

We researched into conventional rap magazine and we asked a few people what they thought of these conventional rap magazine adverts and got this feedback:

“I like Jay-Z being in the first cover because it shows him being taller than the buildings, conveying his “big name”. But the one on the right of 3 red lines doesn’t really show me anything? I don’t know, I just personally wouldn’t stop turning the page to look at the second one because it just looks irrelevant.” – Jasmine Reyla, 18

“I definitely prefer it when the artist is the main focus because it shows a more personal connection between the artist and the audience.” – Hannah Steele, 17

“Hmm, I think the colours are really bright but I suppose that shows that their songs are quite upbeat and happy – since rap artists are all about their bling and money.” – Jake Hemisphere, 19

Magazine Advert Feedback

Receiving feedback about real magazine adverts, we considered qualities such as including the artist and not making it too bright to not false advertise the “bling and money” side of rap.

We asked for feedback to our initial magazine advert and received positives and criticisms, such as: the logos looking real, enough information and the colours being too dark.

So, we took these into account and tweaked a few features, here was our before and after feedback magazine advert.

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