proactive privacy protection with darknets - the...

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Proactive Privacy Protection with Darknets - The Development of Umbra

Conor Mc Manamon and Fredrick MtenziDublin Institute of Technology, Ireland


New measures imposed by governments, Internet ser-vice providers and other third parties which threaten thestate of privacy are also opening new avenues to protect-ing it. The unwarranted scrutiny of legitimate services suchas file hosters and the BitTorrent protocol, once relativelyunknown to the casual Internet user, is becoming more ob-vious. The darknet is a rising contender against these newmeasures and will preserve the default right to privacy ofInternet users.

A darknet is defined in the context of file sharing as anetwork which operates on top of another network such asthe Internet for the purpose of secure and private distribu-tion of digital material. While there are other darknet ap-plications in existence, such as Freenet, WASTE again, andRelakks, they harbour some caveats. Whether they be pro-prietary solutions, depend on other services, are prone tofeature creep or have security shortcomings, there is roomfor improvement.

The aim of this paper is to identify and address someof the problems of these alternative darknet clients with thedevelopment of a lightweight darknet application suite Um-bra. With its implementation of a strong cryptographic pro-tocol and secure design, it is then demonstrated how its de-ployment can circumvent or defeat the draconian measurescurrently threatening privacy in the public domain.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the Internet has become heavily policedwith the aim of quashing the distribution of illegal materi-als whether they infringe copyright or are of another dubi-ous nature. Applications such as peer to peer software andcompanies providing file hosting services are being heav-ily scrutinised, held responsible for the distribution of thesematerials and in some cases even made illegal. The mea-sures imposed by Internet service providers and the courtson behalf of the firms responsible for the protection of copy-righted material have had major repercussions on the stateof privacy in the public domain.

Two predominant measures threatening the state of pri-vacy are filtering and traffic shaping. File hosting compa-nies have been the subject of litigation by parties represent-ing several large record labels. Mandates were passed downto remove all copyrighted material and implement a schemeof filtering measures to ensure the prevention of repeat up-loads of any such materials to their servers. While this mayseem a fair avenue of action from the perspective of therecord labels, it is also imperative to take into account theimpact of such actions on privacy.

Traffic shaping on Internet service provider networksis a relatively new public concern. Some Internet serviceproviders openly advertise they throttle traffic associatedwith the BitTorrent protocol. While legislation surroundingtraffic shaping and net neutrality is under current global re-view, introducing tiered services dependant on traffic typesdoes present a violation of privacy. The content of Inter-net users’ traffic is not directly analysed yet, but the type oftraffic is certainly categorised and routed accordingly. Thishas ramifications in terms of network neutrality of course,but from a privacy perspective it also constitutes an over-stepping of bounds as users traffic is subject to analysis andmay be hindered due to choice of protocol.

There are several legitimate usage scenarios for thesesorts of services. Home users sharing photographs orvideos, small businesses distributing company documentsor their products to customers, distributed software develop-ment projects or educational schemes hosting material forremote participants are all prime examples. The BitTorrentprotocol has provided a medium for citizens of oppressedcountries where censorship is a major obstacle to providefree media coverage of the situation within their countriesand to communicate with the outside world.

One possible remedy to the current trend of privacy in-trusion is the deployment of a darknet. A darknet, in thecontext of file sharing and this research, is defined as a net-work operating on top of another network, such as the In-ternet, in a closed or private manner. The content of dataexchange is hidden from users outside the network or lack-ing sufficient authorisation. This can be achieved in a num-ber of ways, the most common being encrypting all traf-fic between nodes. In other networks, anonymity provided

International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2011

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 3

through proxy servers or onion routers is used alongside en-cryption. While there are some darknet applications in ex-istence, it seems most of them either lack features, such asa complete security scheme or stand alone capability, whichmay be deemed important or, at the other extreme, are proneto feature creep. Other problems include the lack of porta-bility, dependence on other services or are propriety solu-tions.

The aim of this paper was to develop Umbra, a darknetsuite, which incorporates the good features of some of thecurrent solutions in existence, improves upon their some oftheir weaknesses and introduces new features. Umbra willaddress the myriad of problems facing privacy on public do-main networks such as the Internet and will target scenarioswhere interception and analysis of data is probable. In sec-tion 2, a more detailed discussion into the threats currentlyfacing electronic privacy will further highlight the require-ment for proactive privacy protection on public domain net-works. The rationale behind the design choices for Umbraand darknets in general as a result of the analysis of theseissues will be detailed in section 3. Currently, Umbra is inthe alpha stage of development and is nearing a beta release.The implementation of the current version and the issues en-countered in this process are outlined in detail in section 4.In its current state, the basic subsystem in Umbra will notdeviate from this implementation, save a few performanceoptimisations. There are, however, many future proposedfeatures for Umbra which will make it a more robust and ef-fective tool in proactive privacy protection. These featuresare discussed in section 6. A brief of some socio-politicalissues surrounding the development and use of darknets canbe found in section 5.

2. Related Work

The word privacy is generally an ill defined but widelyunderstood term. A common correlation amongst the var-ied definitions is the availability, or lack there of, of infor-mation on a given subject or individual whether they be pri-mary or derived via analysis [1]. In some countries, privacyis guaranteed by law or constitution, such as human rightsacts or bills concerning electronic data protection. Manycases however see these documents superseded by more re-cent mandates and edicts passes down by higher echelonslike the EU parliament or global agreements like the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. In this research, privacyis defined as the right of Internet users to not have their elec-tronic data in any form analysed or processed by any thirdparty. This will include packet inspection, traffic analysis,and any means to discern the methods of privacy assurancesuch as cryptanalysis or the defeat of tools used to provideprivacy. As the current situation stands, there are a numberof core problems facing privacy. These range from techni-

cal problems such as filtering or traffic shaping measuresimposed by governments and Internet service providers tosocial problems such as a lack of awareness surrounding thesubject of privacy.

Filtering is a relatively new problem facing privacy inthe public domain. Its introduction largely coincides withthe spate of litigations by firms representing the majorrecording labels against hosting companies, Internet serviceproviders and to some extent BitTorrent tracker sites for thehosting or trafficking of copyrighted music. These servicesthemselves are, of course, not responsible for the copyrightinfringement however, but the people who are copying thesematerials and uploading or distributing them. The copy-right firms, however, see the service providers as a less dif-fuse target and therefore focussed their legal attack on them.This has had a unilateral effect on the services, penalisingusers across the board; both legitimate and illegitimate. Forexample, Rapidshare’s .de domain were the subject of le-gal action instigated parties representing Sony, Universal,Warner and many other major record labels to remove copy-righted material and implement content filters to preventcopyrighted material from being uploaded. The companyalso agreed to submit the user information of the uploaderto avoid paying hefty fines [2]. The issue has not affectedfile hosting services only. The onslaught of the record labelshas extended to BitTorrent tracker sites and Internet serviceproviders also. Websites such as Mininova have installed acontent recognition system which detects and removes tor-rent files linking to copyright infringing material in a moveto mitigate the looming legal ramifications from BREIN,an anti-piracy foundation. Largely the problem with thesecontent filtering systems is that they are prone to produc-ing false positives. Without human interaction, copyrightfree data such as free documentaries, royalty and copyrightfree music or even home movies could be flagged and re-moved merely because they have a title similar to a box of-fice movie or top of the pops hit. Noteworthy is the factthat the installation of this software did not satiate BREIN’slegal pursuit against the website [3].

Network neutrality, an increasingly discussed topic as oflate, is closely related to privacy in the public domain. Theincorporation of traffic shaping measures into Internet ser-vice providers networks has been highly controversial andconstitutes a violation of network neutrality and privacy.The concept of traffic shaping essentially entails analysingprotocol headers of data packets to determine their prior-ity given a particular set of heuristics, then routing themaccording to their ranking by the outcome of this analysis.What results is a tiered service, where the traffic of pro-tocols they deem of high priority are routed before thoseof other protocols. This has become common practice formany Internet service providers to implement what theystipulate is a scheme to ensure quality of service to all cus-

International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2011

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 4

tomers. At times of peak network usage, however, this hi-erarchical scheme begins to become a hindrance to lowerprioritised services.

American Internet service providers, such as Comcast,openly defend their use of traffic shaping, with particularreference to the BitTorrent protocol [4]. They insist thatthis is a measure to promote unilateral quality of service toall customers at all times of the day, and to a lesser extent,help combat the distribution of copyrighted material. Bit-Torrent, the now notorious peer to peer protocol geared forthe distribution of large amounts of data in peer to peer net-works, became a natural target for discrimination in trafficshaping schemes. Not only has it become increasingly as-sociated with the distribution of pirated software, films andmusic, but also accounted for about fifty to ninety percentof Internet traffic in 2008/2009 [5, 6]. To Internet serviceproviders, this means congestion. While the content of traf-fic is not yet directly analysed, the filtering of the protocolsbeing used means a violation of privacy for users.

In countries such as China and Iran, citizens are sub-ject to heavy electronic censorship measures at the handsof their governments. There are a number of factors whichcontribute to the success of censorship policies. An over-bearing government presence seems to be centric to beginwith. Countries where people can be imprisoned or exe-cuted for merely expressing their opinion in public usuallycoincides with a national censorship scheme to silence anywould-be opposition to the government. These schemesextend from vetted television broadcasts to the installa-tion of government surveillance software on computers, asis the case in China, to the blocking of sites where anti-government propaganda and a platform for free speech re-side, as is the case in Iran. State sponsored privacy vio-lation is not limited to the Eastern hemisphere, however.The Culture of Fear [7] spouts phrases such as “nationalsecurity” and “terrorism” allow governments to pass dubi-ous anti-privacy legislation in countries such as Ireland, theUK and the USA. While these issues are non-trivial, theyare abused to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt amongstcitizens to allow the installation of increasingly pervasivecensorship measures.

The protests in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia in2010/2011 [8] demonstrate a scenario where darknetswould prove useful. In these countries, government cen-sorship is rife and there is pervasive monitoring of citizensInternet usage. The governments in these countries havetaken no steps to disguise their intent. Citizens were, atfirst, denied access to social media sites such as Twitter andFacebook, closely followed by DSL Internet access beingcompletely shut off and mobile networks being disabled insome areas. Protesters resorted to dial up Internet connec-tions and amateur radio to disseminate information and sus-tain the free flow of data to the media to voice their dis-

course with the ruling regime [9]. Given a viable networkmedium, darknets would offer a decentralised network forsecure data transmission. There is no single point of at-tack that will allow governments to suspend the free flow ofinformation both within a country or outward to other coun-tries. The current and future features of Umbra, outlined inthis paper, show that darknets can be used to circumvent ordefeat many measures taken by parties to monitor, filter orcensor access to or transmission of data across public do-main networks.

3. Umbra DarkNet System Design

The darknet developed in this project uses a hybrid cen-tralised network topography. This consists of a server,whose sole purpose will be to authenticate clients and grantthem access to the darknet, and peer to peer clients whichwill make up the darknet itself (See Figure 1). A centralisednetwork suits real world deployment scenarios; A single en-try point into the darknet is advantageous as it negates therequirement for clients to know the IP address of an on-line node as is the case in a purely decentralised topogra-phy. Using a central authentication server results in onlytrusted users being able to gain access to the darknet andalso facilitates for simple addition and removal of trustedusers should the web of trust break down. Registered dark-net accounts also prevent spoofing as is possible on WASTEAgain meshes.

Figure 1. An overview of the Umbra darknet.

The design of this darknet provides some immunityto server failure. The client application is a hybridclient/server. This means that independent from the server,the client can receive darknet connections so in the event ofserver failure the darknet stays up. Server failure may bedetected when an offline client attempting to enter the dark-net is presented with a network error indicating the server isunreachable.

The security of a successful darknet is multi-faceted.Trust and privacy are two of the core areas of the design

International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2011

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 5

in this regard. As mentioned in section 1, cryptography isused to ensure the private and secure transmission of databetween darknet nodes, but it also lends itself to the in-tegrity of trust on the darknet as a whole. Darknets canbe described as being built on a web of trust. While usersat nodes may have personal relationships and trust one an-other, it is important from a security point of view to defendagainst subversion of the darknet and mitigate the impactof node compromise. Umbra makes provisions for securityon these two fronts by implementing a hybrid cryptosystemconsisting of a symmetric cipher for bulk data encryptionand a public key algorithm for symmetric key distributionand peer verification. A more detailed discussion of thissystem is presented in section 4.

To ensure secure transmission of inter-nodal data, the de-sign of Umbra includes the use of end to end encryptedstreams. This makes only the sender and receiver privvyto the content of the data being transmitted. This is an im-provement over the WASTE Again client which uses linklevel encryption, whereby any node on the darknet can in-tercept and interpret data, which creates a massive vulner-ability to a “break-once-break-everywhere” (BOBE) attack[10, 11]; the compromise of a single darknet node compro-mises the entire darknet. Further improvements are made onthe WASTE Again client with respect to the cryptographiclayer of the darknet. The design of Umbra darknet improvessecurity further by implementing the symmetric cipher usedin the cryptographic layer in CBC mode, as opposed toPCBC mode which WASTE Again uses and is known tohave vulnerabilities [12].

In designing Umbra, the breakdown of the trust rela-tionship in the darknet is accommodated for. The popularWASTE Again client does not provide a means of removingcompromised or untrusted nodes from a mesh. Instead, theentire mesh must be torn down and rebuilt. Umbra, how-ever, allows the simple addition and removal of registeredusers’ accounts from the authentication server, thus prevent-ing their future entry into the darknet.

Security, although paramount, is not the only concern ofa successful darknet application; usability plays an impor-tant role also [13]. As already discussed, the addition andremoval of trusted nodes is made simple by the additionand removal of users’ accounts on the server (a set of bashshell scripts aid the performance of these tasks in the cur-rent prototype). This is not the only area in which Umbradelivers usability, however. An intuitive user interface is vi-tal to make the functionality of the client available to a widedemographic of users. Umbra boasts a standalone built inGUI which sought to improve on the shortcoming of theFreenet darknet client requiring a web browser to serve thispurpose. Much time has been dedicated to the design ofthe frontend. The use of tooltips, meaningful informationalmessages and an overall clean, lightweight interface deliv-

ers a user friendly experience to users of varying technicalproficiency.

In their paper, Biddle et al [10] suggest the functional-ity of a darknet should facilitate the introduction of objectsinto the darknet, the ability to search remote users’ reposito-ries for files of interest and the copying of these files acrossthe darknet to their local machine. The design of Umbrais based on these prerequisites. Users have a shared direc-tory on their local machine through which they make filesavailable to the remainder of the darknet. These directoriesare remotely searchable by other users on the darknet andthe files therein may be copied to a user’s own machine ina secure and private manner via the darknet. In addition tothese functions, an instant messaging feature has also beenincluded in Umbra and which is secured in the same fashionas searching and file transfers.

4. Implementation and Evaluation

Umbra is written in C and C++ with the current suite ofuser space tools written in bash shell script. The OpenSSLcryptographic library and Nokia’s Qt framework providethe cryptographic functionality and GUI respectively.

The cryptographic and networking layer is central to thesecure functionality of Umbra. Not only does it ensure thesecure transmission of data across the darknet, but it alsopreserves the integrity of the web of trust. By encryptingdata, it’s content known only to the sender and receiver andthe absence of plaintext application layer packet headersin data sent over the Umbra darknet provides some immu-nity to application layer based traffic inspection schemes.Planned future improvements in the area of immunity totraffic analysis are discussed in section 6.

As previously mentioned in section 3, Umbra uses a hy-brid cryptosystem consisting of a symmetric cipher for bulkdata encryption and a public key algorithm for key distri-bution and peer verification. The latter functionality is han-dled in a secure handshake, which is discussed later in thissection. Symmetric ciphers are far less computationally ex-pensive than public key algorithms making them suitablefor encryption of large amounts of data. Umbra uses sym-metric encryption for all traffic once the secure handshakehas taken place. Early prototypes used the Advanced En-cryption Standard (AES) as a symmetric cipher. In theduration of development, the news of the cryptanalysis ofAES192/256 [14] led to the long term security decision toswitch to the Blowfish cipher of which, currently, there isno publicly known cryptanalysis.A public key algorithm, RSA, is used for key distributionand peer verification. Both tasks are carried out as part ofthe secure handshake, which is negotiated when a new con-nection is made on the darknet, either between clients on thedarknet, or between client and authentication server. The

International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2011

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 6

Figure 2. The Umbra connection handshake.

premise of the handshake, illustrated in Figure 2, is sim-ple. The symmetric keys and initialisation vectors used forsymmetric encryption are derived from a cryptographicallysecure, high entropy source, namely the OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). Thus, these keys are ex-tremely difficult to precompute which makes them suitableas tokens for peer verification. The parties exchange sym-metric keys and initialisation vectors, one pair for each di-rection of communication, using one another’s public RSAkeys. If the returned copy of either matches the sent copy,both parties can determine one another’s identity and con-tinue the transaction securely using symmetric encryptionwith the exchanged keys.

This handshake model has proven itself against clas-sic man-in-the-middle attacks and trusted node man-in-the-middle attacks whereby darknet nodes forward legitimateconnections to other parties masquerading as the connec-tion initiator. The latter is as dangerous as the former threatand so the protocol has been designed to mitigate the impactof node compromise either from outside sources or roguedarknet nodes.

The Umbra server application acts as the entry point intothe darknet. To gain access to the darknet, clients must firstauthenticate successfully with the server. The login mecha-nism is two phase. Clients must first successfully handle thehandshake challenge from the server to verify their identityand then password authenticate to the server with the user-name and password associated with their registered accounton the server. This two phase mechanism mitigates the riskof node compromise as an attacker would need to obtain auser’s password in addition to a copy of their private RSAkey in order to gain access to the darknet and masqueradeas that user. As an additional security measure, passwordsare stored as SHA256 hashes to prevent attackers obtain-

ing this information in the event of a successful breach ofthe machine running the server. When clients successfullyauthenticate to the server, the server then synchronises theclient with the details of the other online darknet clients andnotifies the other online clients of the new client’s entry intothe darknet.

The Umbra client is the application through which theuser interfaces with the rest of the darknet. After success-ful authentication with the server, the client becomes a peerto peer application which accepts and handles connectionsfrom other nodes on the darknet. The darknet functionalityoutlined in section 3 is implemented in the client applica-tion: Clients may share files with other users on the darknetby copying the file into their shared directory on their localmachine; Clients may search one another’s shared directo-ries remotely for files of interest; Clients may copy files ofinterest to their own machine via the darknet; Clients maysend instant messages to one another. All of this functional-ity is performed on top of the cryptographic and networkinglayer which ensures all data is transmitted securely and pri-vately over the darknet.

Testing and evaluation of Umbra was carried out in bothLAN and WAN environments on a relatively small dark-net consisting of 20 nodes. A range of tests were carriedout from the domain of security, usability, performance andfunctionality in the most objective manner possible. Evalu-ation was based on the results of these tests combined withuser feedback.

Overall, Umbra performs quite well. The security of thecryptographic and networking layer and the server authen-tication mechanism has proven resilient to attack. The ex-tent of the security tests included masquerade attacks, simu-lated node compromise and in the case of the server, replayattacks. The strength of the security of the cryptographicalgorithms used is of course assumed secure until a break-through in quantum computing arrives or cryptanalysis ofthese ciphers is successful.

From a performance perspective, the overhead of thecryptographic and networking layer on the client side is notnoticeable under average load, but becomes more signifi-cant under heavy load, for example, when several file trans-fers are being executed concurrently in the client side appli-cation. The threading architecture used is currently underreview in the aim to remedy the impact of heavy load on thehost machine.

5. Discussions

This paper has outlined the development and deploymentof the Umbra darknet and demonstrated it’s potential effec-tiveness against the encroaching threats to privacy on pub-lic domain networks. Umbra aims to continue to improveon the shortcomings of current darknet solutions and intro-

International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2011

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 7

duce new features to broaden it’s defence against the pri-vacy threats highlighted in sections 1 and 2.

There are, of course, social ramifications to the use ofdarknets on public domain networks. While the Culture ofFear does spread fear, uncertainty and doubt and uses theseas tools to perpetuate the violation of privacy, such issuesas child protection and terrorism are legitimate concerns.There is the possibility that child pornography rings mayuse darknets as a tool for the distribution of illegal materialsor terrorists using them to disseminate instructions to carryout attacks. This possibility, however, should not heraldthe ban or stigmatisation of darknets; These criminals mayalso use the same technologies that the public use to carryout financial transactions online, or access online medicalrecords yet these technologies are not subject to the samescrutiny as darknets.

The so-called rise of piracy in the advent of high speedInternet connections has been used as a scapegoat for thecurrent economic climate to enforce unfair and legally du-bious sanctions on legitimate services such as third party filehosters and BitTorrent trackers. Darknets provide a suitablereplacement for these services and allow users to share datawith only the people they trust. This implies the suitabilityof darknets in the corporate, education and home domains.

6. Future Research

Currently, Umbra is still in alpha stage of development.With just a few fixes and optimisations to be implemented,the project is nearing a beta release. There are manyplanned additional features to come in future versions ofUmbra. As mentioned in section 4, immunity to variousforms of traffic analysis will be implemented in a later ver-sion. These include link saturation and protocol obfusca-tion, two features implemented in the WASTE Again dark-net.

Protocol obfuscation is a desirable feature which will beimplemented in a future version of the Umbra darknet. Therationale behind its use is multi-faceted; Encrypted proto-cols such as SSL/TLS, SSH and RDP have a very definitesignatures. Pervasive censorship schemes and Internet ser-vice providers are very adept at detected their use and block-ing or throttling them accordingly. In situations where thesepractices are in place, obfuscating Umbra’s protocol, whichwill be detected by these schemes eventually, may reducethe effectiveness or even circumvent such schemes.

Maintaining the idea of leaking as little informationabout the darknet, it is also preferable that it is indeter-minable whether or not Umbra is actually in use. For thesereasons, protocol obfuscation will become a feature in a fu-ture release of Umbra. It is certainly possible to wrap theencrypted payloads of data exchange between Umbra nodesin plaintext packet headers to give the illusion to packet snif-

fers that some other form of traffic is being exchanged. Itis relatively straightforward to do this. Such practice haslimited effectiveness, however. Shallow packet inspectionmechanisms inspect packet headers to identify the proto-col of a given packet. Wrapping darknet data with plain-text packet headers may prove quite effective against suchsystems which are largely implemented using autonomousagents, but that is the extent of its usefulness. A humaninspecting packet captures would immediately be able toidentify that there is something suspicious about the data.

Going further with the idea of protocol obfuscation, itis possible to implement a more robust algorithm based onstatistical analysis of the Internet protocols we are mimick-ing. Taking a typical HTTP exchange as an example, it issomewhat obvious that if we are sending a steady rate ofGET requests to another node, an observer does not have todo a lot of work to determine that the exchange is not re-ally a HTTP exchange but rather something subversive andtherefore warranting further analysis. Therefore, an effec-tive masquerade attempt requires more than simple plain-text packet headers to fool agents analysing data transmis-sion across the darknet. The problem is somewhat complexas large data sets are required to effectively test it againstdata aggregation attacks which may yield a low degree ofentropy and therefore determine the presence of an Umbradarknet.

In addition to protocol obfuscation, a another powerfuladdition to the Umbra arsenal is link saturation. This con-sists of sending junk data along with legitimate data acrossdarknet connections. The rationale behind such a strategyis, again, associated with limiting the amount of data leakedto traffic analysis. Without link saturation, it is trivial to es-timate the size and total amount of data transmitted acrossan Umbra darknet link. An observer must simply passivelysniff packets between two nodes to determine the file size.The rate at which data is exchanged may also betray the na-ture of the connection. Small packets of data sent back andforth between two nodes infrequently might indicate somesort of instant message conversation, where as large con-sistently sized packets sent in a single direction with smallreturn packets for each one might indicate a file transfer ofsome sort. Link saturation is one means of thwarting thiskind of analysis.

Another useful property of link saturation is obscurity.Even with some efficient means of attacking the underly-ing ciphers used in the protocol, an observer will be unableto distinguish between real data and junk data sent by thesaturation mechanism. This will make cryptanalysis a diffi-cult process; attackers will not have prior knowledge aboutwhich data is real and which is not. The WASTE Againdarknet client implements such a scheme and while it isa useful feature, it is inherently bandwidth intensive. Tomaintain a reasonable data transmission rate, it will be nec-

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essary to implement a relatively heavyweight link saturationscheme. The optimal solution is to offer a range of optionsalong a scale of bandwidth usage against data transmissionspeed. This proposed scheme is scheduled for a future ver-sion of Umbra with a view to improving its effectiveness inscenarios where data transmission is captured and analysed.

Physical security is an issue which concerns the Um-bra server application. The physical compromise of themachine on which the server application is running couldyield, through computer forensics, the details of all nodeson the darknet such as IP addresses, usernames and associ-ated public keys. With recent advances in hardware basedattacks, it is imperative that as many precautions as possi-ble are taken to mitigate or void the impact of these typesof attack. There are some simple practices which can pro-tect running applications in this regard such as ensuring datais maintained resident in volatile storage to prevent it frombeing paged out to disk. These tasks can be carried out bymerely calling native API functions. With regard to physi-cal attacks, however, these steps do not suffice on their own.“Cold boot” attacks [15], for example, allow data forensicscientists to examine the content of volatile memory via aphysical property of the material to hold the informationwhen exposed to extremely low temperatures. It is thereforenecessary to compound encryption with these strategies inorder to protect the stored data. The ideal case is a serveris “dumb” and stores only encrypted blobs of data which itforwards to clients upon successful authentication, subse-quent to which, are decrypted and consumed by the client.Such a strategy is not realistic, however; The server appli-cation must maintain a database of online clients in orderto keep the darknet synchronised. Without this information,the server is unable to inform newly authenticated clientsof other nodes online of the darknet, and notify these nodesof the new client’s entry into the darknet. The problem is adifficult and interesting one and has not reached resolutionin Umbra. Pehaps some semblance of security in this regardmay be achieved through the use of a killswitch feature. Theserver application, on receiving an alert from a priviledgedclient, would go into self destruct mode, scrubbing all usedmemory and files on disk to the point of impossible retrievalby data forensics methods. This does little to prevent sub-versive physical compromise of the server’s machine, but itcould prove useful if prior information of the compromisewere known. The issue of physical security is somethingwhich will be addressed in future versions of Umbra.

Another major feature which would add an additionallayer of privacy is support for anonymous proxy servicessuch as the Tor onion router amongst others. Alongside thehighly secure cryptographic and networking layer in Um-bra, support for anonymity would further mitigate the im-pact of node or server compromise as the real IP address ofa node would be masked by the proxy service. This would

have a massive impact on the effectiveness in countries suchas Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Iran and China. While there arewidely known dangers with the use of services such as Torsuch as data being sniffed at nodes, many of these are ad-dressed by the secure protocol employed by Umbra.

The proposed features discussed in this section comprisethe future direction of the Umbra darknet. Darknet appli-cations like Umbra must constantly evolve with the threatsthat face privacy. The incorporation of these features intothe project will make it a formidable tool in this endeavour.

7. Conclusion

Recently, privacy has become scarce on public domainnetworks such as the Internet. Threats such as filtering, traf-fic shaping and large scale pervasive censorship schemeshave left many users without refuge for securing their dataas it is transmitted over these networks. While it is foolishto forecast the future as the privacy and security landscape isever changing, the current trends in online privacy indicatethat darknets will play a role as a “last bastion” for userswho feel their right to privacy is threatened.

Umbra aims to be a valuable asset in the toolkit ofanyone concerned with proactive protection of their privacyamongst the emergence of global anti-privacy action andlegislation. These threats are ever evolving and inevitablyopen new avenues of privacy protection. Other darknetapplications have addressed some of these threats but haveoften fallen short in terms of security or other metricslike usability. Umbra provides a strong cryptographicprotocol. It is designed to provide secure node to nodedata transfer such that only the sender and receiver areprivy to the content of the data. It has been demonstratedthat Umbra is resilient to data interception by observersoutside the darknet and subversion should a darknet nodebe compromised. The focus on usability as well as securityhas resulted in a solution which is accessible to a widedemographic of users. The development of Umbra will beongoing and will strive to defeat or circumvent the newthreats as they arise. As a wise man once said;

“The Net interprets censorship as damage androutes around it.”

– John Gilmore, Co-founder of the EFF.

8. References

[1] J. Waldo, H. Lin, and L. Millet. Engaging Privacy andInformation Technology in a Digital Age. The National

International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2011

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 9

Academies Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-309-10392-3 (hard-cover) ISBN 978-0-309-66732-6 (pdf).

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International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2011

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 10

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