probability math unit

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 1/9



Given the elementary building blocks and vocabulary necessary to understand and compute probability problems,

students will solve basic probability problems.Materials: 

Probability Worksheet #20

pennies dice

Anticipatory Set: 

Students will write down the definitions of "Experiment" "Fair" "Sample Space" "Outcome" and "Tree Diagram"

Teacher will perform examples of each of these definitions.

o Experiment: flip a coin, roll a die

o Fair: flip a coin for fair, flip a two-headed coin for unfair 

o Sample Space: show all of the possible outcomes for a die

o Outcome: roll the die and show that the outcome is . . . a six or whatever 

o Tree diagram: draw a tree diagram on the board for a die roll; then draw a tree diagram on the board for a

coin flip and then a spinning a spinner with 4 options.Procedures: 

After the definitions are given, teacher will give out the basic formula for probability

o P(A)= (Number of ways an event can occur) / (The total number of possible outcomes)

Teacher will go through 3 examples: P(Tails on a coin), P(Green Marbles), and P(Multiple of 3 on a die).

Pass out coins and dice.

Have students flip the penny 50 times and record the results

Have students roll a die 50 times and record the results

Explain that as you run the experiment more and more times, the more closely the results will mirror that


If there is some time left, add up class results to show that the larger the experiment gets, the closer we will get tothat 50/50 mark.


After we discuss the results, students will have any remaining class time to work on homework and ask questions.Assessment:

Homework will be collected and graded

Students will be monitored for participation and comprehensionHomework: 

Worksheet #20, Probability Problems

Related Standards/Course Objectives:

12.6 - The student will find theoretical and experimental probabilities of simple and compound events.

o NV 5.12.5 - Determine the probability of an event with and without replacement using sample spaces.

o NV 5.12.5 - Design, conduct, analyze, and effectively communicate the results of multi-stage probability


12.5 - The student will distinguish among the various terms and symbols used to describe probability.

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 2/9

 Algebra II Applied 2

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 3/9



  Students will find the probability of ordered pair events.


  Probability worksheet 21

Anticipatory Set: 

  Students will draw out the options of clothing that they had this morning; they must include at least 3

categories with at least 2 or 3 things per category.

  Show the example of my shoes (I had 5 pairs to choose from), dress (I had 3 to choose from), and

sweater (I had three to choose from).

  Box the items that you actually wore.

  Find the probability for each category using yesterday’s formula (e.g., 1/5; 1/3; 1/3)

  Once the students have a complete drawing, ask them to set it aside for a moment.


  Give students the formula

  Give students some example problems—what is probability of flipping a coin and then drawing a green

marble?  What is the probability of drawing a green marble and then flipping to tails?

   A bag of marbles—probability of drawing a green and then a blue (with replacement)

  When we’ve finished notes, have them calculate the probability of choosing the boxed clothes at

random from the choices given.


   After giving some examples, students will be given time to work on their homework, and I will circulate

around the room with some realia and help when needed.


  Students will be assessed on their performance on Worksheet #22 and their participation in class.


  Probability Worksheet #21

Related Standards/Course Objectives:

  12.1 - The student will calculate the number of ways a compound event may occur using the

fundamental counting principles.

o  NV 5.12.4 - Apply permutations and combinations to mathematical and practical situations,

including the Fundamental Counting Principle.

  12.5 - The student will distinguish among the various terms and symbols used to describe probability.

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 4/9

 Algebra II Applied 4

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 5/9

 Algebra II Applied 5

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 6/9



  Today students will be receiving instruction on the topics of replacing and not replacing and how it

affects probability.


  Deck of Cards

  Puzzle Worksheet

  Puzzle Pieces (cut out and paper clipped)

  Probability Worksheet #22

Anticipatory Set: 

  Review problems on the board.


  Teacher will give students definitions on replacing and not replacing in an experiment

  I will also break down a deck of cards, so that they know for the test how many of each card, suit, etc.

there are (some of the students were not familiar when the topic came up yesterday).

  Formula P(A, B)= P(A)*P(B) and break down

  Examples: 2 aces, marbles with and without replacement, dice (no replacement necessary)  Students will then color puzzle pieces in 3 different colors; we will then go over the topic of not

replacing in an experiment.

  Students will calculate how many puzzle pieces are left whenever they draw one and put it on the

puzzle outline.


  The Puzzle activity should last for the rest of the hour and will probably not be finished, but as long as

they get a few iterations into it, they should get the basic idea in a visual, tactile format.


  Homework will be collected and assessed

  Classwork will be collected and assessed

  Students will be assessed on their participation and perceived comprehension


  Probability #22

Related Standards/Course Objectives:

  12.5 - The student will distinguish among the various terms and symbols used to describe probability.

  12.1 - The student will calculate the number of ways a compound event may occur using the

fundamental counting principles.

o  NV 5.12.4 - Apply permutations and combinations to mathematical and practical situations,

including the Fundamental Counting Principle.

  12.6 - The student will find theoretical and experimental probabilities of simple and compound events.

o  NV 5.12.5 - Determine the probability of an event with and without replacement using samplespaces.

o  NV 5.12.5 - Design, conduct, analyze, and effectively communicate the results of multi-stage

 probability experiments.

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 7/9

 Algebra II Applied 7

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 8/9

 Algebra II Applied 8

7/30/2019 Probability Math Unit 9/9

 Algebra II Applied 9REVIEW DAY / CATCH UP DAY

(quiz tomorrow)


  Today will be spent reviewing and/or catching up on topics we didn't cover. Students will have the

opportunity to ask questions and we'll review the topics of the week.


  Review Worksheet #23

Anticipatory Set: 

  Review the definitions from Monday and review how to make a tree diagram

  Do an example problem with a simple probability and an ordered pair probability

   Allow students time to finish Worksheets from the week that they haven't completed in class

  Worksheet 23 is homework, but on-the-ball students can finish it in class

  Quiz on Probability tomorrow


   After reviewing or catching up, give students time in class to start the review worksheet


  Finish the review worksheet #23Related Standards/Course Objectives:

  12.5 - The student will distinguish among the various terms and symbols used to describe probability.

  12.6 - The student will find theoretical and experimental probabilities of simple and compound events.

o  NV 5.12.5 - Determine the probability of an event with and without replacement using sample spaces.

o  NV 5.12.5 - Design, conduct, analyze, and effectively communicate the results of multi-stage probability 


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