problems of well being

Post on 18-Oct-2014



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Mental illness


Problems of well being :Mental Health

Problems of well being :Mental Health By Jayla Hebert

What is mental health Mental health is being able to be a part off society, with your peers and being able to deal with change Mental disorders are involved with mental health a mental disorder is a disorder of the brain which causes the person affected to think negatively about themselves and life

Types of mental health Anxiety disordersEating and sleeping disorders Bipolar disorder DepressionSchizophrenia

Anxiety is based on how the body feels during certain situations Some examples of anxiety is- rapid heart rate, anxious feeling, scared, nervous, stressed often these result in hair loss, illness and other symptoms

Eating disorders An eating disorder can result from mental illness due to a person thinking as if they are bigger than they are which has to do with chemical imbalance in the brain Bulimia- is one type which a person binges and then throws up all they have ate Anorexia is when a person does not eat at all The reason for these actions is when they look in the mirror they do not see what others see and often have self hatred towards themselves.

Depression Depression affects many people in the world of every age Most people dont consider depression a serious issue but it is to be as serious as cancerDepression is a mental illness in which a chemical imbalance in the brain causes the person to feel lack of self worth, unsocial and often remove themselves from society because they are afraid they will get judged due to the lack of understanding people have on depression

Who does depression affect?Depression affects every age group as it is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain Approximately 20% of individuals will experience a mental illness during their lifetime and 80% will be affected by an illness in family members. (Health Canada 2002d:3) Depression does not only affect the individual who is suffering from it the individuals family is also affected by the change of their loved oneVideo reason I used this video is to show the importance of how depression can change the behavior of someone, how it can affect how they treat themselves, how easily people look past the fact that someone may have depression and how it affects kids who shouldnt have to worry about these types of illnesses. The importance of mental health The reason mental health is an important subject to learn about is because often people do not know the seriousness of this illness. Mental health is becoming a serious issue in todays society Many reasons for certain types of mental health is due to the pressure of society and the expectations of what is right and wrong Depression, eating disorders and anxiety are very common these days and affect many people Society is a huge factor in these three areas because so many magazines bash celebrities if they arent a size zero and with depression people treat them as if they are crazy and not normal. Examples of how the media affects us ; EATING DISORDERS Eating disorders happen to all ages, especially young teen girls because of the media saying if your not a certain size your not right In movies all the people getting made fun of are usually bigger and not seen to be beautiful so they get made fun of

How the media affects us :depression In movies people with depression are often seen as crazy and put in white rooms and in lockdown Not socially acceptable

SolutionsPeople are beginning to realize how much mental health affects people and they are beginning to become more aware at releasing information so that people understand the illnesses more. An example is the commercials on TV and also there is a website on teen depression and suicide awareness. are also websites now on eating disorders and the signs of them and ways to seek help if you fear you or someone you know may have an eating disorder.

Video video shows how negatively the media affects the way we feel about ourselves and our bodies and how we base how we feel and how we should look based on the media this video also shows the awareness of how dangerous and unhealthy it is and in one part says do boys even know what a thigh gap is shows a positive way that a thigh gap shouldnt jeopardize your health.Sociological theory relatated to mental health:Symbolic interactionist The way symbolic interactionist is related towards this subject is that it is based on How definitions and labels influence health, illness and health carethere are only conditions that society or groups within it, have come to define illness or disease ( Goldstein 1999 : 31) This shows examples of how the media really affects the way we feel about a disease or illness and thats why I choose this is because it relates perfectly to the way people think of a mental health issue by what they learn in movies, the media or what they see on telivision.


This video is to show that even though you may suffer with a mental health issue it can change and that many others are suffering as well as you. References www.bengordoncenter.org,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNEoMDTbgAADAKePyVrxIyUlqhTv-w&ust=1385596483987983,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNEoMDTbgAADAKePyVrxIyUlqhTv-w&ust=1385596483987983 (anxiety slide) Eating disorder,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNGEg7bngZx28AuWh3FztIhzAIqUDQ&ust=1385673340627065

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