problems with the old regime

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Obj. 88. Problems with the Old Regime. Money problems forced Louis XVI to call the Estates-General into session. Each Estate casts ONE vote. Obj. 89. National Assembly. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Problems with the Old Regime• Money problems forced

Louis XVI to call the Estates-General into session.

• Each Estate casts ONE vote.

The Old Regime

First Estate Second Estate Third Estate

100,000 clergymen

400,000 noble men and women

24.5 million people

Obj. 88

National Assembly

• The Third Estate delegates named themselves the National Assembly, which basically proclaimed the end of an absolute monarchy and the beginning of a representative government.

Obj. 89

Tennis Court Oath• Three Days Later…The National Assembly

meets in an indoor tennis court and pledges to write a new constitution.

Obj. 89

Storming the Bastille• On July 14, an

angry mob stormed a French prison to get gunpowder for their weapons in order to defend the city.

Obj. 90

Great Fear

• Great Fear swept through the country – Peasants broke into and

burned nobles’ houses• Late 1789, a mob of

women marched to the Palace of Versailles

• King and Queen left Versailles.

Obj. 90

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen: August 26, 1789

• Declared Natural Rights– Private Property– Liberty, Security, and

Resistance to Oppression

• Declared Freedom of Speech, Religious toleration, and liberty of the press.

Obj. 91

Declaration of the Rights of Man 1789

• Men are born and remain free and equal in rights

• Government exists to preserve natural rights: liberty, security, resistance to oppression

• Also, equal justice, freedom of religion and speech

• Did not apply to women.

Louis XVI’s failed escape attempt

• Recognized at border and returned• Increased power of his enemies

– Seals his fate (eventually executed)

Conflicting goals split revolutionary leaders

• After 2 years, new constitution: Constitutional Monarchy with Legislative Assembly to create laws and declare war

• Continued problems over equality, food shortages, and debt

Three major groups develop• CONSERVATIVES (right-wing-sat on the right) who

want limited monarchy, few government changes

• MODERATES (center-sat in the middle) who want some changes in government but not too much or too fast

• RADICALS (left-wing-sat on the left) opposed to any monarchy, want sweeping and rapid changes and a full REPUBLIC – more democratic

Also: Extreme Groups

• EMIGRES (extreme right) who want to undo the Revolution and its ideas and restore the Old Regime

• SANS-COULOTTES (extreme left) wanted greater voice in government, lower food prices and end to food shortages

War with Austria• Nations surrounding France


• Declared war on France. – They fight for monarchy.

Radicals execute the king• RADICALS at the

National Convention in Paris, abolished the monarchy and declared France a REPUBLIC.

• Led by the JACOBINS, they tried Louis XVI for treason and executed the king on the GUILLOTINE

France’s Citizen Army

• New CITIZENS ARMY begins to fight against all the European powers.

• First Coalition=Great Britain, Holland, Spain, Prussia, Austria

• A draft was instituted by the National Convention (Jacobin leaders) – Build an army of 800,000

The Terror Grips France


• Leads TERROR campaign– tries to wipe out

every trace of monarchy and nobility

Committee of Public Safety


• Formed to try and execute (on the guillotine) “enemies of the state.”

Reign of Terror• Robespierre governs

France as a dictator

• REIGN OF TERROR from July 1793 to July 1794. – Executes over 40,000

—many peasants and middle class

– Anyone deemed to be an enemy of the revolution.

End of the Terror

• July 1794 - National Convention members fear for their own safety. Turn on and behead Robespierre.– French people

begin to seek more MODERATE leaders

Directory and Napoleon

• DIRECTORY of 5 consuls established to promote order and protect France (they are moderate)


Napoleon Controls France

• Great military hero.• Leads a Coup d'état.• Napoleon takes power

from the Directory.• In 1800 has a plebiscite

“vote of the people.”


• People vote for a new constitution.• Napoleon now has all power in France.• He……

– Dismisses corrupt officials.– Sets up lycees (schools) to train officials.– Signed a concordat (agreement with the Catholic

Church), church is recognized again.

Napoleonic Code

• Comprehensive system of laws.• Eliminated many injustices, but actually took

away many freedoms.– Lost freedom of speech, press.

Napoleon the Emperor

• Made himself emperor in 1804.

• Took the crown from the pope and put it on his own head.– France > Catholic Church

Napoleonic Wars

• Wants to conquer Europe.

• Controls most of Europe through war or political agreements.

Napoleon’s Downfall

• Continental System– Blockade of Europe– Meant to hurt Britain, ends up hurting France.

• Peninsular War– Invaded Portugal. Spain (France’s ally) protests.– Leads to unplanned war with Spain

• Invasion of Russia– Russians practice a scorched-earth policy.– Winter kills many French soldiers.

Napoleon’s Defeat

• After the defeat in Russia, Napoleon lost influence over his generals.

• He was forced to leave his throne.

• Banished to Elba.

Napoleon’s Failed Comeback

• Louis XVIII became the king of France.– People dislike him.

• Napoleon returns from exile. (Hundred Days)– Thousands flock to join his army.– European nations raise their own armies in

response.• Final defeat at Waterloo

Final Exile and Death

• Banished to St. Helena.– Island in the Atlantic.– Dies six years later.

Off With His Head!

• In 1793, Louis XVI is executed and the Reign of Terror begins

• Enter Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety.

Reign of

Terror Comes to an End

• Thousands of people are executed with the guillotine.– Cult of the Supreme Being

• In 1794, Reign of Terror ends with Robespierre’s execution

The Directory

• The new government (the Directory) is weak and corrupt.

• It is made up of 5 people.

Obj. 96

Problems with the Directory

1. Running out of money.2. Food shortages3. French armies were defeated4. Plots against the government

Napoleon Takes Over• Napoleon becomes the dictator of France

after a coup d’etat on November 11, 1799.– Coup d’etat = quick take over of government

Obj. 97

Napoleon’s Legacy Was Like T.N.T.

Tried to Unify all of Europe – Failed.

Napoleonic Code of Laws – Made everyone equal. And the laws spread across his empire.

The growth of Nationalism in countries he conquered (especially Prussia and Italy)

Obj. 97

Napoleon Conquered

Most of Europe

Congress of ViennaA conference of ambassadors of European states,

chaired by the Austrian statesman

Klemens Wenzel von Metternich,

and held in Vienna from September 1814 to June 9,


Obj. 98

Congress of Vienna wants to go BACK to before 1789

Take me BACK to 1789

What happened in 1789?


Objectives of the Congress of Vienna

• Contain France• Balance of

Power• Prevent the rise

of another Napoleon-like person

Congress of Vienna wants to go BACK to before 1789 French Revolution

B: Balance of Power – no country in Europe too powerful

A: A new map of Europe drawn (France is made weaker)

C: Congress of Vienna: (1815) Peace Conference after Napoleon (Metternich = leader)

K: Kings restored to power

Achievements and Results• No major conflict occurred until 1914.• Boundaries of France were restored to

the boundaries of 1789– Returned territories to many European

countries.• Concert of Europe

– A quadruple alliance (Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia)

– Alliance formed to control France and keep peace

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