procedural generation of collaborative puzzle-platform game levels · 2016. 3. 24. · approach,...

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Procedural generation of collaborative puzzle-platform game levels

Benjamin van Arkel, Daniel Karavolos, and Anders BouwerAmsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Wibautstraat 2-41091 GM Amsterdam

The Netherlands


Game Design, Procedural Content Generation, Gener-ative Grammars, Automated Game Design, Level Gen-eration, Game Mechanics for Two-Player Collaboration


This paper addresses the procedural generation of lev-els for collaborative puzzle-platform games. To addressthis issue, we distinguish types of multiplayer interac-tion, focusing on two-player collaboration, and identifyrelevant game mechanics for a puzzle-platform game,addressing player movement, interaction with movinggame objects, and physical interaction involving bothplayers. These are further formalized as game designpatterns. To test the feasibility of the approach, a levelgenerator has been implemented based on a rule-basedapproach, using the existing tool called Ludoscope anda prototype game developed in the Unity game engine.The level generation procedure results in over 3.7 millionpossible playable level variations that can be generatedautomatically. Each of these levels encourages or evenrequires both players to engage in collaborative game-play.


Procedural content generation (PCG) is the algorith-mic creation of content for games, such as assets, levels,worlds, and even whole games. PCG has been part ofpublished computer games since the eighties. Prominentexamples include Rogue, Diablo, and Minecraft, amongothers. Recently, PCG is receiving increasingly moreacademic attention (Togelius et al. 2011, Hendrikx et al.2013, Shaker et al. 2014). PCG has been used for variousreasons, including working around memory constraintsin past decades when hardware was less powerful, in-creasing replayability by generating variation, makingthe game development process more efficient, exploring- and perhaps enlarging - the game design space, andformalizing the rules of game design.

Research on the application of PCG for platform gameshas focused on creating levels for the game Super MarioBros (Shaker et al. 2011), with its typical obstacles, en-emies, and straight levels. However, little work has been

done on generating platformer levels for multiple play-ers.

In this paper, we explore the potential of PCG to gen-erate levels for puzzle-platform games that involve two-player interaction, in particular, collaboration. We willdefine game design patterns, which we will then trans-late to level segments which create gameplay situationsfeaturing certain game mechanics. Similar to Dahlskogand Togelius (2013), we will let a generator combinethese level segments to create a level. However, we willuse generative grammars to generate the levels insteadof evolutionary algorithms.

In section 2, we consider related work on procedurallevel generation. Section 3 identifies game mechanicsthat specifically address collaboration, and section 4 de-scribes relevant game design patterns for these. Sec-tion 5 gives an overview of the implementation of thewhole generation process. Section 6 offers a number ofpoints for discussion and section 7 presents our conclu-sions and ideas for future work.


Although many approaches to procedural level gen-eration are tied to specific games, p.e. (Shaker et al.2011, Smith et al. 2011, Shaker et al. 2013, Ferreiraand Toledo 2014), there are some tools available thatare more general in their approach. For example,LudoScope (Dormans 2011; 2012, Dormans and Leijnen2013), is a tool that allows the transformation ofdesign concepts about missions and space to concretegame levels for playable games, automatically, or semi-automatically in interaction with a human designer(Karavolos et al. 2015). It is based on the principles ofmodel driven engineering and generative grammars. Inorder to generate levels for a specific game, the designermakes a model of the generation process, breakingit down into steps (modules) that can be executedseparately. We will use this tool to generate the levelsfor our puzzle-platformer prototype.

There are several ways to characterize multiplayergames. Zagal et al. (2006) distinguish three differenttypes of multiplayer games, based on the interactionbetween players: competition, cooperation and collabo-

ration. Competitive games require a player to confrontother players in the game. In such games, players haveopposing goals. In cooperative games, opportunities ex-ist for players to work together, from which both playerscould benefit. However, “a cooperative game does notalways guarantee that cooperating players will benefitequally or even benefit at all” (Zagal et al. 2006; p. 2).Collaborative games differ from cooperative games inthat the players have the same goal, and share the re-wards or penalties of their decisions, whereas in coopera-tive games players may have different goals, and achievethese goals independently from each other. So,“the chal-lenge for players in a collaborative game is working to-gether to maximize the team’s utility”(Zagal et al. 2006;p. 3), while in cooperative games players only have toconsider their own utility. Considering non-competitivemultiplayer games, generating levels for collaboration isthe more challenging type, because the forced mutualbenefits of the cooperation puts an extra constraint onthe design space.The generation process is based on the idea of generat-ing a path within a space and subsequently filling thiswith rooms containing more concrete gameplay sections.This method partially draws inspiration from methodsused for level generation in the game Spelunky (Kazemin.d.), and Karavolos et al. (2015). Design choices likeusing numbers to define certain types of rooms is some-thing that we have applied to our project as well. How-ever, while Spelunky does not pay much attention tothe layout of the individual rooms (entrances and exitsbeing the only important element), we want our levelgenerator to generate levels with a set path in mindthat we want the players to follow.


A platform game requires the players to be able to jump,so they can traverse platforms. To create a puzzle-platformer, this requirement must be paired with a cer-tain mechanic that creates interactive puzzles that theplayers can solve. For basic gameplay, the players mustbe able to run, jump and interact with objects in thegame space in different ways, p.e. activating a lever tomove platforms or being able to pick up a player or ob-ject to change the required jump height or width. Othertypical means to challenge the player’s skills and addvariation to the gameplay are the addition of enemiesand dangerous obstacles.The prototype in this paper incorporates additionalobjects that affect player movement, i.e. trampolines,moving platforms and grabbable elevators. Theseobjects affect the pacing of the game, and serve tomake the platforming aspect of the gameplay moreinteresting for the players. The prototype also containsa typical implementation of puzzle mechanics, playerswill be required to work together to solve lock-and-

key puzzles. However, the lock-and-key mechanism isimplemented as a gate that is opened by pressing a lever.

Most of these game elements require only one player toachieve their effect on the gameplay. The collaborativemechanics involve the lock-and-key mechanism andusing each other’s head as a platform to reach a higherplace within the level, and will be described by thepatterns in the next section.


There have been several attemps to formalize game de-sign ideas into patterns. Some of these patterns focus ongameplay sections of a level (Reuter et al. 2014, Hullettand Whitehead 2010), others focus on game mechanics(Rocha et al. 2008, Seif El-Nasr et al. 2010). Dahlskogand Togelius (2012) even extract patterns in the formof level segments from hand crafted game levels in orderto generate levels with the same style.The design patterns in this study are defined manually,and inspired by the templates of Reuter et al. (2014)and Hullett and Whitehead (2010). However, they arerelated to the other patterns as well. For example, theupsy-daisy and the timed lever/gate pattern are a typeof ‘Shared Puzzles’ as defined by Seif El-Nasr et al.(2010).

Defining game design patterns and their instantions aslevel segments allows us to view the level as a sequence ofpatterns, or combinations of patterns. Then, the gen-erator can combine these patterns in order to designgameplay situations. Because of space constraints, wewill only describe the collaborative patterns we found.For each pattern we give a description of what the pat-tern entails, as well as possible affordances for the pat-tern and the resulting consequences for the player ex-perience. Listed below are a three of these game designpatterns:

• The Upsy-DaisyDescription: An obstacle that requires two playersto time their jumps together to get onto a platform.After this, the player can push an object downto the other player so they can both get up andproceed further through the level (See figure 1).Affordances:- Obstacles near the platform that needs to bereached.- Distance of platform above the ground.Consequences: Causes a sharp increase in challengeand coordination for the players. Both playersmust time their jumps together so that one of theplayers can use the other players head to get highenough to reach the platform.

Figure 1: An example of the upsy-daisy pattern.

Figure 2: An example of the timed lever-and-gatepattern.

• Timed Lever-and-GateDescription: A lever that, when pulled, opens therelated gate and starts a timer. When the timerruns out, the lever is reset and the gate closes (Asseen in figure 2).Affordances:- Amount of time before lever resets- Number of obstacles between the lever and thegateConsequences: An increase in challenge and coor-dination because of the fact that the players mustcommunicate about which player will go throughthe gate and which is going to pull the lever.

• Common EnemyDescription: An enemy that cannot be destroyedif the player confronts it alone, since the sides thatare facing the player are invulnerable (See figure 3).Affordances:- Number of enemies placed- Amount of health of the enemy- Damage done when hit by the enemy- Speed of the enemy.Consequences: Confronting a common enemy offers

Figure 3: An example of the common enemy.

a greater challenge than a regular enemy, as it re-quires more skill to draw the enemy to one player,while the other player hits its blind spot. This alsoresults in a greater sense of competence when theplayers manage to defeat the enemy. Furthermore,this pattern demands coordination between the twoplayers, since they will need to communicate whichplayer lures the enemy and which one attacks it.


The level generation process is based on a sequence ofgenerative grammars. Each grammar receives input,performs its transformations and sends the output tothe next grammar, until the level is finished. The firstinput is a 6x3 grid of tiles, which are all of the typeundefined, except for the leftmost column, which are ofthe type ’start’. These tiles define the possible positionsof the level segment with the initial spawn location ofthe player. The first grammar transforms two of thethree tiles into an undefined tile and transforms one ofthe tiles adjacent to the remaining tile into an ’end’ tile.The next steps of the process, which will be described inmore detail in the following subsections, are as follows:

• Path Generation

• Define Level Segments

• Apply Design Patterns

• Final Adjustments

Path generation

We generate a path from left to right in two passes. Firstfrom left to right, then from right to left. We split thisprocess into two steps, because grammars are context-free systems. By marking the orientation of each newtile that is generated we add context to a context-freesystem and can guarantee a connecting path.

Figure 4: During the first pass, the generator createsa path from the left column to the right column. Thispath is marked, so the grammar will not attach levelsegments to these segments during the second pass. Theabbreviation of each tiles signifies the orientation thatthe tile will have. 1H stands for a horizontal segmentand 1V a vertical one. A tile such as LCD stands forLeft-Corner-Down, meaning the player would enter thesegment from the left side of the tile and move through acorner, exiting on the right. UCR stands for Up-Corner-Right, DCR for Down-Corner-Right, et cetera.

Figure 5: During the second pass, a path to the leftis generated. In contrast to the first pass, the lengthvaries due to stochastic rules. The marks of the high-lighted level segment indicates that the player movesfrom right to left in this segment, and that it is the finallevel segment before the end tile.

Define Level Segments

After the generation of the path is completed, each tileis expanded into a 20x20 tile “segment”. These seg-ments depict the first step in visualizing what the finallevel will look like. Each level segment has several tem-plates, which are chosen on the basis of what the seg-ment had been marked as in the previous step. Whilegenerating these segments, some might contain encoun-ters. Encounters are the term used to describe instancesof design patterns within the level generation process.

Apply Design Patterns

Applying the design patterns to our level generation pro-cess is done through the use of what we call encounters.Encounters are used to apply instances of design pat-terns within the level generator, as shown in figure 6.The larger level segments contain locations for encoun-ters. These encounters are smaller level segments whichcontain challenges involving certain mechanics. To cre-ate an added layer of depth to the generation of the de-sign patterns, it is also possible for an encounter to con-tain other encounters. So a movement-based jump en-counter could contain smaller danger encounters withinit. Thus, the generator can create level segments thatpose both a movement-based challenge, as well as adanger-based challenge.

Figure 6: The grammar expands the level into 20x20segments and gives a first impression on how the finallevel will be shaped. Note the blue-colored encounters,indicating that these will be translated to specific game-play situations.

Final adjustments

The level generator proceeds with doing small adjust-ments regarding object rotation and removing any vari-ables which are not nescessary for the parser. Variablesthat are used by the gate and lever mechanisms, how-ever, are left as these are important for the parser toidentify which gate is linked to which lever. This leavesus with the final level (as shown in figure 7) that can beexported as a text file and used by the parser.

Parsing in Unity

To test the playability of the levels that are generated,we have created a prototype in the Unity3D engine thatutilizes all of the mechanics described in section 3. Thisprototype contains a parser that is able to read the textfile from Ludoscope and puts every tile into a 2D ar-ray. Tiles are placed accordingly through the use of aswitch-case programming statement, allowing the parserto instantiate game objects based on the associated tile.

Figure 7: Final representation of a level, ready for pars-ing.

Figure 8: A parsed level within the Unity prototype.


A good level generator should increase replayability, andbe efficient in terms of development costs, i.e. creatingthe generator should weigh out the cost of hand craft-ing the levels. Both of these characteristics depend onthe variation of the possible levels that can be generated.The generation process described allows for a lot of vari-ation with a limited set of handcrafted rules. To calcu-late the minimum amount of different levels that couldbe generated, we compose an equation which takes thenumber of variations of the shortest path possible, fromleft to right with one corner segment (as seen in figure9). The variables within this equation are dictated bythe the possible variations for each segment. For thispath, it means that the startSegment only has four dif-ferent possible variations, straightSegment has six (butis executed four times) and finally the corner and end-Segment both have three possible variations. Note thatthe result produced by this equation is excluding thegeneration of encounters entirely. If we would multiplythis answer with the amount of encounters to only thestraightSegment, which has three different variations ofencounters and is applied four times within the level,this amount would increase significantly.

We can accurately calculate a minimum amount of pos-sible level variations with the equations below. We di-vide the equation in two parts so we can present thedifference in possibilities when encounters are includedto the equation. The equation below shows the possible

variations when excluding encounters from the genera-tion process:

excludingEncounters =

startSegment× straightSegment4

×cornerSegment× endSegment =

4 × 64 × 3 × 3 = 46, 656

The following equation shows the possible variationswhen including encounters found in horizontal segments:

includingEncounters =

excludingEncounters× encounters4 =

46, 656 × 34 = 3, 779, 136

Figure 9: The shortest possible path that can be gener-ated. See the caption of figure 4 for an explanation ofthe abbreviations.

These calculations show that for the smallest possiblelevel, we can have over approximately 3,7 milliondifferent versions when including the encounters. Itis important to note that differences in the levels aremuch more subtle when including encounters in thecalculation as this can be as simple as one platformbeing moved a few tiles. When excluding these encoun-ters from the calculation, the variation is much moreprominent within the level as it involves changing thelayout of at least one segment of the level.

The approach described in this paper allows gamedesigners to generate a multitude of levels containingcollaborative gameplay. Advantages of our approachare the fact that it is rule-based in a way that allowsintuitive inspection by human game designers, that itis generic enough to be applied to different games, andthat it can, in principle, be applied in a mixed-initiativesetting (Karavolos et al. 2015).

In our system, collaboration is enforced by requir-ing encounters for collaboration in specific parts of thelevel, e.g. in the patterns for the corners. However,the approach taken in this project is very modular,with forms of local collaboration designed especially for

small segments within a level. Except for those areasof the level, there might not be interaction betweenthe players. Collaboration could of course also occuroutside of the collaboration segments, and even outsidethe game. More varied and meaningful ways to controland guarantee collaboration could include adding morecooperative game mechanics, such as the ones describedin (Rocha et al. 2008) or adding more types of designpatterns, such as the ones in (Seif El-Nasr et al. 2010).Perhaps this creates enough variation to compose alevel completely of collaborative patterns. To find outto what extent people actually like or prefer thesedifferent kinds of pattern-based levels it is necessary tostudy how players actually play the game, and where,how, and how much they collaborate.While designers will need to spend time designing theirgrammars for the level generator, this can be worth theeffort when compared to the amount of time saved whenthe generator is functioning properly. A functional gen-erator can create levels in a matter of seconds and eventhen can be tweaked should the designer feel the needto do so. Furthermore, spending time on finding outhow all of these grammars and mechanics are going tointeract with each other gives the designer an idea onwhether or not some mechanics will fit the game as theyare meant to. Finally, any system created by the de-signer can also be applied to other future projects thatcontain similar mechanics and/or gameplay, as opposedto games which have a level generator centred aroundit’s core mechanics.Although we have chosen to implement this methodof level design to the specfic genre of puzzle-platformgames, we believe the approach can be useful for othergenres as well. For example, in the shooter genre, asimilar method could be used to create levels containingareas fit for different styles of combat. In the rogue-like genre, it could be used to generate dungeons, usingencounters to generate various kinds of rooms.


In this paper we have shown how design patterns canbe used to generate levels for collaborative puzzle-platformers. We have used a method based on gener-ative grammars to create a path in space, and trans-form this path into level segments with variable ele-ments. These variable elements can be transformed intoinstances of game design patterns. We have identifiedseveral game design patterns that incorporate collab-oration between players, including the upsy-daisy, thetimed level/gate and the common enemy patterns. Thevariation in the levels this generator can create derivesfrom the combination of variable path length, number ofpossible level segments, and the number of encountersthat each template can contain.Limitations of the approach were discussed, as well aspossible directions for further work, which include more

systematic ways to control and enforce levels of collab-oration, study empirically how players actually collab-orate within and around the game, giving the designermore control over the generation process in a mixed-initiative setting, and the application to other genres ofgames.


BENJAMIN VAN ARKEL completed his BScdegree in Game Design at the Amsterdam University ofApplied Sciences in 2015, on the topic of this paper. Inthe past, he has worked on visualizing motion capturedata of soccer players for Dutch soccer club Ajax. Hisresearch interests currently involve procedural contentgeneration and modular level design, subjects thathe hopes to apply during his future career as

DANIEL KARAVOLOS is a researcher at theAmsterdam University of Applied Sciences, and teachesvarious courses at the Game Development department.He graduated from the University of Amsterdam witha Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence in 2013. Hismain research interests are computational intelligence,intelligent agents, procedural content generation, andautomated game

ANDERS BOUWER is a researcher and lecturerat the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Hestudied Artificial Intelligence at the VU Amsterdam andthe University of Edinburgh, and has a PhD from theUniversity of Amsterdam since 2005. His research inter-ests include interactive learning environments, music in-teraction & cognition, multimodal mobile systems, andautomated game


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