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Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151

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Composites: Part A

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Processing of advanced Al/SiC particulate metal matrix compositesunder intensive shearing – A novel Rheo-process

S. Tzamtzis a,*, N.S. Barekar a,b, N. Hari Babu a, J. Patel a, B.K. Dhindaw b, Z. Fan a

a BCAST (Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology), Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, UKb Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 18 March 2008Received in revised form 20 October 2008Accepted 28 October 2008

Keywords:A. Metal matrix compositesA. Particle-reinforcementB. Mechanical propertiesIntensive shearing

1359-835X/$ - see front matter � 2008 Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2008.10.017

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1895 266231; faxE-mail addresses:

(S. Tzamtzis).

a b s t r a c t

Particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs) have attracted interest for application in numerous fields.The current processing methods often produce agglomerated particles in the ductile matrix and as aresult these composites exhibit extremely low ductility. The key idea to solve the current problem isto adopt a novel Rheo-process allowing the application of sufficient shear stress (s) on particulate clustersembedded in liquid metal to overcome the average cohesive force or the tensile strength of the cluster. Inthis study, cast A356/SiCp composites were produced using a conventional stir casting technique and anovel Rheo-process. The microstructure and properties were evaluated. The adopted Rheo-process signif-icantly improved the distribution of the reinforcement in the matrix. A good combination of improvedultimate tensile strength (UTS) and tensile elongation (e) is obtained.

� 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The mechanical properties that can be obtained with metal ma-trix composites (MMCs) in combination with their relatively lowcost have made them attractive for numerous applications in variousfields including aerospace, automotive and sports industries [1,2].More specifically, particulate MMCs (PMMCs) have been shown tooffer improvements in strength, wear resistance, structural effi-ciency, reliability and control of physical properties such as densityand coefficient of thermal expansion, thereby providing improvedengineering performance in comparison to the un-reinforced matrix[1–7]. PMMCs are attractive not only for their aforementionedmechanical properties, but also because of the low cost availabilityof reinforcements. Furthermore, problems associated with the con-tinuously reinforced MMCs, such as fibre damage, microstructuralnon-uniformity, fibre-to-fibre contact and extensive interfacialreactions can be avoided [5]. PMMCs offer isotropic properties withan increase in strength and stiffness compared to un-reinforcedmaterials. However, the less than optimum ductility of MMCs andtheir fracture behaviour are issues that have to be dealt with.

One of the major challenges when processing MMCs is achiev-ing a homogeneous distribution of reinforcement in the matrix asit has a strong impact on the properties and the quality of thematerial [8]. To obtain a specific mechanical/physical property,ideally, the MMC should consist of fine particles distributed uni-

All rights reserved.

: +44 1895 269758.,

formly in a ductile matrix and with clean interfaces between par-ticle and matrix. However, the current processing methods oftenproduce agglomerated particles in the ductile matrix and as a re-sult they exhibit extremely low ductility [9,10]. Clustering leadsto a non-homogeneous response and lower macroscopic mechani-cal properties. Particle clusters act as crack or decohesion nucle-ation sites at stresses lower than the matrix yield strength,causing the MMC to fail at unpredictable low stress levels[11,12]. Possible reasons resulting in particle clustering are chem-ical binding, surface energy reduction or particle segregation [13].

MMCs are generally processed with liquid metal routes such asstir casting and infiltration. A powder metallurgy route is also usedfor specific applications. However, an infiltration route is the mostcommonly used method by industry and accounts for the largestvolume in primary production [7]. One of the problems associatedwith the infiltration route is the high volume fraction of the rein-forcement which requires additional processes to dilute the con-tent to the required levels. Prolonged processing times andincreased processing steps at elevated temperatures aid the chem-ical reactions between matrix and particle, which often result inbrittle secondary phases [14].

Generally, to fabricate high quality MMCs with desirablemechanical properties important factors such as the poor wettabil-ity and chemical reactions between the matrix and the reinforce-ment and the introduction of porosity during the incorporationof the particles require considerable attention [8,15]. Severalresearchers have tried to optimise the process parameters in orderto obtain a uniform distribution of the reinforcement [16–18],whilst others investigated the wettability of reinforcement

S. Tzamtzis et al. / Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151 145

particles by the matrix alloy [19] and the distribution of the rein-forcement as affected by the interaction between the solidificationconditions and the particles [20,21]. The particle size also plays asignificant role in the final distribution of the particles. Theagglomerative nature of ultrafine particles due to their high cohe-sive energy leads to an increase in the total surface area and in-creases their tendency to clump together forming agglomeratesand clusters [22,23], inducing an unwanted brittle nature to MMCs.

The target of this study is to overcome problems that exist cur-rently in the processing of PMMCs and produce advanced Al/SiCcomposites with high quality microstructures, a uniform distribu-tion of the reinforcement throughout the whole sample and goodmechanical properties of the final product. The key idea is to applysufficient shear stress (s) on particle clusters embedded in the li-quid metal to overcome the average cohesive force or the tensilestrength of the cluster. Molecular dynamics studies [24–26] sug-gest that the intensive shearing can displace the position of atomsthat are held together with high strength bonds. Under a highshear and high intensity of turbulence, liquid can penetrate intothe clusters and displace the individual particles within the cluster.A new Rheo-process is introduced for the production of Al/SiCPMMCs utilizing the MCAST (melt conditioning by advanced sheartechnology) process, developed at Brunel Centre for AdvancedSolidification Technology (BCAST), Brunel University, in whichthe liquid undergoes a high shear stress and high intensity of tur-bulence inside a specially designed twin-screw machine [27,28].

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the mixing equipment used for (a) the distributivemixing process and (b) the Rheo-process.

2. Experimental details

2.1. Materials

Commercially available casting Al-alloy A356 was slightly mod-ified (actual composition: Al–7.50Si–0.30Mg–0.003Cu–0.05Fe–0.005Mn–0.003Zn–0.11Ti, in wt.%) and used as the matrix materialfor the current study. Additions of an Al-46.45 wt.% Fe master alloydid not affect the alloy composition other than the Fe levels andwere used to facilitate ejection and help die release in high-pres-sure die-casting (HPDC) [29]. The specific alloy was chosen becausea Si content of at least 7 wt.% in the Al-matrix is required to pre-vent or delay the formation of aluminium carbide during process-ing of Al/SiC composites for temperatures up to 750 �C [30]. Thereinforcement used was black SiCp (average particle size 4 lm),supplied by Electro Abrasives.

2.2. Equipment

A top loaded resistance furnace was used for melting, mixingand reheating the materials in flat bottom, cylindrical graphite cru-cibles. The first part of the fabrication process was conventionalmechanical stirring for the distributive mixing of the reinforce-ment in the matrix. The mixing equipment for this stage consistedof a driving motor capable of producing a rotation speed within therange of 0–1300 rpm, a control part for the vertical movement ofthe impeller and a transfer tube used for introducing the ceramicpowders in the melt. Since the impeller design plays a crucial role[31], an axial flow impeller was used with the impeller diameterbeing equal to 0.4 times the diameter of the vessel based on a pre-vious study for flat bottom vessels [32].

For the second and novel part of the processing, a twin-screwmachine was used for the dispersive mixing of the SiC particlesin the liquid. The twin-screw machine has a pair of co-rotating,fully intermeshing and self-wiping screws rotating inside a barrel.The screws have specially designed profiles to achieve a high shearrate and high intensity of turbulence [27,28]. Fig. 1 shows a sche-matic illustration of the equipment used for both processes.

2.3. Processing

2.3.1. Compo-casting – distributive mixingA356 alloy ingots were melted in graphite crucibles, using a top

loaded resistance furnace at a temperature of 700 �C. The melt waskept at the preset temperature for approximately 2 h for homoge-nisation of temperature and composition. A controlled argon atmo-sphere was maintained inside the furnace throughout the wholeexperiment to prevent melt oxidation. At the same time the SiCpowder was pre-heated in a furnace set at 400 �C for approxi-mately 30 min to remove surface impurities and assist in theadsorption of gases. The ceramic particles were then poured slowlyand continuously into the molten metal via a vortex introduced bymechanical agitation and the melt was continuously stirred at600–800 rpm. To improve wettability, mixing was carried out inboth the liquid and semisolid states. The impeller was frequentlymoved vertically within the mixture to ensure a uniform distribu-tion of the particles. The conventional mechanical stirring of MMCsis very important for the incorporation and distributive mixing ofthe ceramic particles in the metal matrix.

After all the SiC powder was introduced successfully in the li-quid metal, the composite mixture was allowed to solidify in thecrucible and subsequently reheated to the preset melting temper-ature and held there for approximately 30 min. It was then stirredfor 2 min at approximately 300 rpm and cast. Two casting methodswere used for the composites produced with the distributive mix-ing process:

146 S. Tzamtzis et al. / Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151

(1) Composites were cast in a pre-heated cylindrical steel mouldand will be referred to as ‘compo-cast’ composites.

(2) The liquid was transferred into a 280-tonne cold chamberhigh-pressure die-casting (HPDC) machine (LK Machinery,Hong Kong), to produce standard tensile test samples. Forall the experiments in this study, the die temperature waskept at 220 �C. The samples cast with this method will bereferred to as ‘HPDC’ composites.

Fig. 2. Application of the Quadrat method. Only particles inside and in contact withthe left and bottom side of each quadrat are counted.

2.3.2. Rheo-process – dispersive mixingThe Rheo-process for the fabrication of advanced MMCs innova-

tively adapts a high shear dispersive mixing action of the twin-screw mechanism used for the MCAST process, to the task of thein situ creation of a uniformly mixed composite melt followed bydirect shaping of the mixture into a near-net shape componentusing the existing cold chamber HPDC process.

The twin-screw machine was operated at a temperature of630 �C. The rotation speed of the twin-screws was 800 rpm andthe shearing time varied between 60 and 180 s. The compositemixture was sheared in the twin-screw machine for the predeter-mined period of time followed by:

(1) Casting in a pre-heated cylindrical steel mould. These com-posites will be referred to as ‘MC-cast’ in this study, whereMC stands for Melt Conditioned.

(2) Casting in the HPDC machine to produce standard tensiletest samples. These composites will be referred to as ‘MC-HPDC’.

The target of the Rheo-process for MMC fabrication is to utilizethe high shearing effect of the MCAST process for the dispersion ofthe ceramic particles within the metal matrix which would lead toa homogeneous distribution throughout the microstructure. Thehigh shear rate and high intensity of turbulence present insidethe twin-screw machine barrel are expected to break down anyclusters formed during the addition of the reinforcement particlesin the metal matrix.

2.4. Metallographic characterization

Specimens for microstructural characterization were cut from dif-ferent positions of the final casting. The microstructure was examinedby optical microscopy (OM), using a Carl Zeiss Axioskop 2 MAT micro-scope, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), using a Zeiss Supra35VP FEG microscope. The specimens for OM and SEM were preparedby the standard technique of grinding with SiC abrasive paper andpolishing with an Al2O3 suspension solution and diamond solutionsof different particle size (6 lm, 3 lm, 1 lm and 0.25 lm).

For the quantitative analysis of the distribution of the reinforce-ment particles in the metal matrix of the composite, two differentstatistical methods were used, the first method uses the wellknown Lacey index [33], whilst the second is a statistical methodfor analysing spatial dispersions called the Quadrat method [34].

The two extremes of a mixture can be described as completelysegregated when any sample withdrawn from the mixture will becomposed of a pure component, or fully randomized when theprobability of finding a constituent in every point is identical.According to Lacey [35], for a completely segregated mixture thevariance S2

0 can be expressed as:

S20 ¼ pq; ð1Þ

where p and q are the proportions of the two components estimatedfrom the samples. For a fully randomized mixture the variance S2

R is:

S2R ¼

pqN; ð2Þ

where N is the number of particles in the sample. The Lacey index isdefined as:

M ¼ S20 � S2

S20 � S2


¼ How much mixing has occuredHow much mixing could occur

� �; ð3Þ

where S2 is the variance of the mixture. The index should have azero value for a completely segregated mixture and increase tounity for a fully randomized mixture. A criticism of the Lacey indexis that it is insensitive to mixture quality. Practical values of the La-cey index are restricted to the range of 0.75–1.0 [36].

For the Quadrat method, the image area to be studied was di-vided into a number of square cells (quadrats), determined bythe simple rule that the quadrat size should be approximatelytwice the size of the mean area per particle [37]. The number ofparticles per quadrat, Nq, was measured and then we calculatedthe skewness b of the Nq distribution, defined by:

b ¼ qðq� 1Þðq� 2Þ

X Nqi � Nmeanq



; ð4Þ

where q is the total number of quadrats studied, Nqi is the numberof particles in the ith quadrat (i = 1,2, . . . ,q) Nmean

q is the mean num-ber of particles per quadrat and r is the standard deviation of the Nq

distribution. According to a previous study [38], an increase in theskewness is indicative of an increase in particle clustering.

The Quadrat method was performed on 40 images of differentareas of each sample at 500� magnification. A 36-quadrat gridwas placed on the examined image covering an area of924 � 924 pixels in size, the quadrat side being 20 lm (154 pixels).To minimize edge effects, particles only inside and in contact withthe left and bottom side of each quadrat were counted. A charac-teristic example of how the Quadrat method was applied on themicrographs can be seen in Fig. 2.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Microstructure

3.1.1. Distributive mixingSeveral experiments to optimise the distributive mixing process

have shown that it is essential mixing is carried out in the semi-solid state to improve the wettability of the SiC particles by themolten Al-alloy. The rotation of the stirrer generates a vortexthrough which the SiC particles are drawn into the melt. A highand local shear is exerted on the clusters helping break down

S. Tzamtzis et al. / Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151 147

aggregates of bulk cohesive SiC powder. The maximum force on aparticle cluster rotating in a shear flow, in the vicinity of the stirreris given by [36]:

F ¼ 6pga2 _c; ð5Þ

where a is the radius of each primary particle in the cluster, g is theviscosity and _c is the shear rate in the surrounding liquid medium.The degree of mixing is affected by the distance of the clusters fromthe stirrer. Whilst a high shear force can be applied to the liquidthat is in contact with the impeller, velocity gradients within the li-quid media result in low shear force when averaged out of thewhole volume of the liquid. Thus mixing is limited for the clusterslocated away from the impeller, resulting in the characteristicmicrostructures seen in Fig. 3.

In microstructures of the distributive mixed composites, thereinforcement particles have agglomerated forming clusters prefer-entially located at the grain boundaries or the interdendritic regionsregardless of the casting method. This can be attributed to the push-ing of the particles by the solidification front and is in accordancewith various previous studies [13,21,39–41]. The difference be-tween the two casting methods is that in the case of HPDC, owingto the higher cooling rates leading to a more refined microstructure,

Fig. 3. Typical microstructures of A356–5 vol.% SiCp (4 lm particle size). (a)Compo-cast and (b) HPDC and inset in higher magnification.

the macroscopical segregation observed is significantly lower thanin the compo-cast composites. Thus, at lower magnifications, theHPDC samples seem to have a more uniform distribution of the rein-forcement. However, with an increase in the magnification, the pres-ence of particle clusters is clearly visible.

Another observation is the high level of porosity in the compo-cast samples. During the conventional mixing process, air bubblesare sucked into the melt via the vortex created whilst adding theceramic powder to the melt resulting in porosity in the composite.The particles tend to become attached to the air bubbles leading tothe formation of particle-porosity clusters, especially in low vol-ume fraction composites [42]. Also, there is normal casting poros-ity resulting from dissolved gases or shrinkage. In the HPDCsamples, due to the application of high pressure the levels of poros-ity are reduced.

3.1.2. Rheo-process – dispersive mixingAs described previously in the distributive mixing process, the

shear force applied on the composite mixture by the impeller isnot enough to break down all of the SiC clusters. Intensive shearingis required to break down the agglomerates into individual parti-cles by applying a shear stress (s) that will overcome the averagecohesive force or the tensile strength of the cluster. According toKendall’s model [43], the strength of a cluster is:

T ¼ 11:03u2C5=6c C1=6

ðlf aÞ1=2 ; ð6Þ

where u, a, Cc, C, and lf are the volume fraction of particulates,agglomerate size, fracture surface energy, equilibrium surface en-ergy and the flaw/void size in a cluster, respectively. Previous workhas measured the tensile strength of highly cohesive particles to bea maximum of 300 kPa [44]. Rumpf [22] calculated the tensilestrength of a cluster suggesting that T / Fc=d2

; where Fc is the inter-particle cohesive force and d is the diameter of the individual parti-cle. According to this, for a smaller particle size and shorterinterparticle distance, which is the case for a fine powder, the ten-sile strength is much higher making the application of a high shearstress important in order to break the clusters.

This can be achieved by the proposed Rheo-process, which usesa specially designed twin-screw machine. The description of thedynamics of fluid flow in twin-screw extruders is quite complex[45]. In the closely intermeshing, self-wiping and co-rotatingtwin-screw machine used in this study, the fluid flow characteris-tics are unusual. It has been shown [28] that the fluid moves in theperiphery of the screws in what has been described as ‘figure 8’motions moving from one pitch to the next. This way a ‘figure 8’shaped-helix is formed and pushes the fluid along the axial direc-tion of the screws to what is referred to as a positive displacementpumping action. In the continuous flow field, the fluid undergoescyclic stretching, folding and reorienting processes. Also, in the ax-ial section the fluid follows a circular flow pattern. All these fluidflow characteristics described are schematically illustrated inFig. 4.

The shear stress between the screw and the barrel in a twin-screw slurry maker can be estimated by the following equation:

s ¼ gpNDG� 2

� �; ð7Þ

where g is the viscosity, N is the rotation speed of the screw, D is theouter diameter of the screw, and G is the gap between the screwflight and the barrel surface. From Eq. (7) it is clear that an increasein the viscosity of the processed liquid and/or an increase in therotation speed of the screws will increase the shear stress, up to730 kPa. The combination of the fluid dynamics briefly describedabove and the increased contact surface compared to conventional

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of the fluid flow characteristics in the twin-screwmachine. (a) ‘Figure 8’ flow pattern along the axial direction, (b) flow pattern on thecross-section of the screws and (c) flow pattern on the axial section [28].

Fig. 5. Typical microstructures of A356–5 vol.% SiCp (4 lm particle size). (a) MC-cast, (b) MC-HPDC.

148 S. Tzamtzis et al. / Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151

stirrers contribute to the high shear dispersive mixing action of thetwin-screw, capable of breaking down the clusters formed by theSiC particles and resulting in more homogeneous compositemicrostructures.

Typical microstructures can be seen in Fig. 5. The microstruc-tures obtained after the dispersive mixing show a more uniformdistribution compared with the distributive mixing process. TheMC-cast samples have high levels of porosity similar to the com-po-cast ones. This is due to the fact that the distributive mixingprocess, prior to the Rheo-processing of the composites, causesthe suction of air bubbles as mentioned before. The casting methodalso induces porosity in the samples.

However, for the MC-HPDC samples the resulting microstruc-tures were highly improved. The uniform dispersion of the SiC par-

ticles in the matrix is clearly seen in Fig. 5(b). It is important tomention that the MC-HPDC composites have a uniform microstruc-ture not only throughout the cross-sections examined but through-out the whole area of the final component, as shown in Fig. 6.

It is noticeable in Fig. 7 that the majority of the SiC particles arepresent at the grain boundaries and the interdendritic regions, asexpected. However, apart from these there is a large number ofSiC particles of a finer size present in the aluminium grains. Theseparticles are approximately 2 lm in size, which is within the par-ticle size distribution as given by the supplier. This occurred be-cause the velocity of the solidification front was higher than thecritical velocity required for the engulfment of the SiC particles.

After the microstructural analysis of the MC-HPDC samples un-der the optical microscope, further SEM analysis has revealedinteresting features of the microstructure. Two significant observa-tions can be made whilst examining the SEM microstructures:

(1) Not all of the dark in contrast particles seen under the opti-cal microscope and assumed to be SiC particles are actuallySiC particles. Some of them are a-AlFeMnSi compound par-ticles (Fig. 8a). This explains the higher concentration ofthe particles seen in Figs. 3 and 5.

Fig. 6. A356/SiCp 4 lm MC-HPDC composite and micrographs showing themicrostructures in different regions of the tensile sample.

Fig. 7. Microstructure of a MC-HPDC A356–5 vol.% SiCp composite showing thepresence of SiC particles in the aluminium matrix grains (dark in contrast particlesinside the white Al-matrix).

Fig. 8. A356/SiCp 4 lm MC-HPDC composite SEM micrographs showing (a) thepresence of a-AlFeMnSi intermetallic compounds in the microstructure and (b) thevery fine, sub-micrometer eutectic Si particles.

S. Tzamtzis et al. / Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151 149

(2) The eutectic Si has a very fine spheroidised morphology,with an average size less than 1 lm (Fig. 8b).

For the vast majority of Al-alloys the presence of Fe is detrimen-tal to the mechanical properties and especially ductility. This isattributed to the low solubility of Fe in the a-Al solid solutionphase (0.04 wt.%) and its strong tendency to form various Fe-con-taining compounds [46]. More specifically, ternary Al–Fe–Siphases, such as the hexagonal a-AlFeSi (Al8Fe2Si) and the mono-clinic b-AlFeSi (Al5FeSi), are very important in Al–Si based alloys.The presence of Mn is known to stabilise a cubic ternary a-AlMnSi(Al15Mn3Si2) compound which consumes Fe by forming an equilib-rium quaternary phase, a-AlFeMnSi (Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2) [47]. Previ-ous work [29] has shown that the MCAST process modifies themorphology of this primary intermetallic compound from den-dritic to equiaxed, improving the ductility of the alloys.

Several authors [6,20,40,41] have reported on the heteroge-neous nucleation of eutectic Si on SiC particles. The lower thermalconductivity and heat diffusivity of SiC compared to liquid alumin-ium leads to retention of heat in the SiC particles. As a result theirtemperature is higher than that of the surrounding liquid, delayingits solidification. Nucleation of the a-Al phase will start in the li-quid at a distance away from the SiC particles where the tempera-ture is lower. The growth of the a-Al nuclei leads to enrichment ofSi in the areas where SiC is located. As Si can nucleate at a highertemperature compared to aluminium, SiC particles can act as het-erogeneous nucleation sites for Si. When the growing Al dendritespush the SiC particles in the eutectic liquid, the relative amount ofSiC there is higher causing a severe refinement of the eutectic Si. Inthis current study, the Si particles were considered to have an ellip-tical shape, with an average size of its major axis a = 0.7 lm and anaspect ratio of minor to major axis b/a = 0.66. To our knowledge,formation of such fine Si particles has not been observed before.

3.2. Quantitative metallography

The quantitative analysis of the composite microstructures wasnot focused solely on the SiC particles added in the Al-matrix. Sincethe Rheo-process changes the morphology of the intermetalliccompounds, we believe that a uniform dispersion of all the parti-cles present in the matrix will improve its mechanical behaviour.Consequently, when we refer to particle distribution in this sec-tion, we refer to the SiC particle and a-AlFeMnSi intermetallic com-pound distribution.

The results of the Lacey index M for the distributive and the dis-persive mixing are presented in Fig. 9 as a function of shearing time.

0 60 120 1800.90







y in



Shearing time (s)

MC - HPDCMC - cast



Fig. 9. The effect of shearing time on the Lacey index M.










150 S. Tzamtzis et al. / Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151

As mentioned previously, the Lacey index is insensitive to mixturequality. The Lacey index of the compo-cast composites (correspond-ing shearing time of 0 s) is 0.906 which is lower than that of the MC-cast, which ranges between 0.955 and 0.961. This is in agreementwith the microstructural observations. For the HPDC and the MC-HPDC composites on the other hand, the results of the Lacey indexare not representing the microstructural observations. The distribu-tion of the particles is definitely improved compared to the compos-ites cast in the steel moulds as seen by the overall increase in theLacey index. However, the improvement in the distribution of theRheo-processed ones is not reflected. To overcome this problem, fur-ther quantitative analysis was carried out on the HPDC and the MC-HPDC composites using the Quadrat method.

The results of the Quadrat method and the skewness calcula-tions are in accordance with the optical observations made fromthe microstructure. They are given in Fig. 10 as a frequency scatterof the number of particulates per quadrat, Nq, together with thecorresponding theoretical curves. The magnitude of clustering af-fects the shape of the Nq distribution, with a higher clustering ten-dency making the Nq distribution less symmetric. As provenmathematically [34], a clustered spatial distribution follows thenegative binomial model, a random spatial distribution followsthe Poisson model and a regular spatial distribution model follows

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40









y (%


Number of particles Nq


PoissonNegative Binomial

Fig. 10. Experimental results from the Quadrat analysis for HPDC and MC-HPDCsamples and the theoretical distribution curves.

the binomial model. The observed particle distribution for theHPDC samples lies closer to the negative binomial curve indicatingclustering, whereas the the MC-HPDC sample particle distributionis more of a resemblance to the Poisson and binomial curves. It canbe seen from these results that the Rheo-process offers a greatadvantage for the fabrication of the composites producing sampleswith a better distribution of the particulates compared to conven-tional methods resulting in more homogeneous microstructures.

Fig. 11 shows the variation in b with shearing time. The skew-ness b calculated for the HPDC samples is significantly higher thanthat for the MC-HPDC ones, representing the clustering tendencyobserved. At a shearing time of 0 s corresponding to the HPDC pro-duced samples we get a skewness value of 0.821 which then dropsto 0.353 for 60 s of intensive shearing. For 120 s of shearing thevalue of b is 0.234, whilst the lowest skewness value of 0.199 isobtained after intensive shearing of the composite melt for 180 s.

3.3. Mechanical properties

An improvement in the distribution of the particles within theAl-matrix will have a positive effect on the mechanical propertiesof the composites. Vickers hardness measurements on the distrib-utive and dispersive mixed composites confirmed this. As seenfrom the results in Table 1, the improved distribution of the parti-cles accounts for an increase in the hardness values in both thesteel mould cast and the die-cast composites.

The samples produced with the Rheo-process have a muchmore homogeneous microstructure, the particles being distributedmore uniformly throughout the whole volume of the sample. Thiswas consequently reflected in the mechanical properties acquiredby the tensile tests carried out. Fig. 12 shows a comparison ofthe mechanical properties of A356/SiC composite samples pro-duced by the two different processes. The MC-HPDC composites

0 60 120 180







Shearing time(s)

Fig. 11. The effect of shearing time on the skewness b of the particle distribution indie-cast composites.

Table 1The effect of processing conditions on the Vickers hardness of the composites.

Casting method Processing conditions

Distributive mixing Dispersive mixing (Rheo-process)

0 s 60 s 120 s 180 s

Steel mould 58.8 61.2 64.7 69.5Die-casting 73.6 77.5 75.7 79.1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8200








Elongation ε (%)

Fig. 12. Comparison of mechanical properties of A356/SiCp 4 lm compositesobtained from different processes.

S. Tzamtzis et al. / Composites: Part A 40 (2009) 144–151 151

show an increase in the tensile elongation together with an in-crease in the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the material, result-ing from the effective dispersion of the particles. The magnitude ofthis increase is about 15%.

4. Conclusions

Advanced Al/SiCp composites were fabricated following two dif-ferent routes: (i) a distributive mixing process (compo-casting) and(ii) an adopted Rheo-process based on the innovative technologydeveloped by BCAST. The distribution of the SiC particles in the metalmatrix was improved significantly when the composites were pro-duced via the Rheo-process. Quantitative image analysis revealedthe improved particle distribution of the Rheo-processed composites.

It is suggested that the improvement of the reinforcement dis-tribution is a result of the high shearing effect of the specially de-signed twin-screw machine in BCAST. The high shear rate and thehigh intensity of turbulence created by the twin-screws in the bar-rel lead to the uniform dispersion of the reinforcement by breakingup the clusters which are formed whilst adding the SiC particles inthe molten metal. This was reflected in the improved combinationof mechanical properties of the composites.


Financial support from EPSRC is gratefully acknowledged.


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