
Post on 05-Dec-2014






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production stages of my magazine


Friday 6th December I started with my production of my front cover. Using Adobe Photoshop I have been able to use various tools to begin with such as; the text tool to add my masthead and banner to the front cover. In doing so I have installed different fonts that were suitable for each of them by installing fonts from the website; and by using fonts from this I have been able to find some that stand out to the audience more and create a more suitable text to the genre of music. After having done this I also used the shape tool to create my banner and embed the text into this to create a bold effect.

Production of Front Cover

Monday 9th December I continued with the production of my front cover, experimenting with different fonts for my cover lines and looking at adding the bar code onto the corner of the page. I began looking at different fonts that there were on Adobe Photoshop to then move on to making a decision as what was the most suitable font for the cover lines that would stand out to the audience. I Have used the colours black and red for my magazine as they show connotations to the audience of the rock genre therefore this conveys to the audience that the magazine is a rock magazine.

Thursday 12th December- For the next stage of my front cover I added my image to the background. After having done this I then overlapped my main image over my masthead to create a more professional look. To do this I used the pen tool to draw around the edges of the top of the models head and then copy and pasted this onto a new layer that sits above the masthead layer.

Friday 13th December- Using the filter tools and again the pen tool I made Ellie stand out from the background by outlining her and selecting it and using the filter tools to then brighten the colours on her and dulling the background of the brick wall to make her and the microphone stand out and look brighter in comparison to the rest of the page. Also after I had done this I changed the fonts of the cover lines and moved them around and then I added a date to the page.

Thursday 19th December- After having done this I then moved onto adding more of the key codes and conventions that were missing to my front cover, for example a price tag above the bar code and also I updated the date that the date says on my cover to a more recent date to show that it is from current months. Also I changed the text of my main cover line and made it larger than the rest of my cover lines so that it stands out to the rest.

Wednesday 8th January- For the next stage of my front cover I used various blending and shading tools with the shape tool to put a red background underneath each of my cover lines to make them stand out more. Also after having done this I then moved onto making my main cover line stand out more by adding stars next to it to grab the audience attention so that it is clear to the readers that this is the main cover line and also adding red lines underneath this to add to the repeating colour scheme of my magazine. I also added an extra to the bottom of my cover a plus to ensure that I mention the article that will be in my double page spread on my front cover.

Thursday 9th January- After taking a look at how professional my magazine cover looks, I had to make some alterations to improve it. Firstly I decided that the masthead needed to be bigger so that it is the largest text on the cover, also I was missing one of the key codes and conventions of a magazine cover which is a puff therefore I then included one and placed it, then realising that my cover lines needed moving around so that you could tell what the main cover line is and that only a few of the cover lines should have a main background. I decided this due to looking at the level of consistency on other rock magazines and I thought that compared to them my magazine looked too uniformed so I changed it around a little bit.

Friday 10th January- This time I think that the cover lines still needed more re arranging, to create the finishing touches I then moved them around so that they look more spread out. Also I changed the banner and skyline text so that it is more appealing. After having done this I then also changed the colour of the font on issue information and the website link from black to white so that it stands out more. Lastly I then decided to add the magazine's tag line that says; “The rock magazine for you”.

Wednesday 11th December I began the production of my contents page. Using quark for this I was able to create three columns so that each part of the page is set out properly and easy for the reader to follow and find different articles in the magazine and ensure that the layout of the page is very presentable.

Monday 16th December I have used the text tool and used a basic text to include information about each section of my contents page and give the reader an insight of what will be included on the page. I have chosen simple text and size 8 font so that it is easily readable and an appropriate size.

Friday 20th December- After I had Finished adding extra information to my articles, I them began to put my pictures onto the contents page and add some colours to go with the colour scheme and make it look like it is part of the same magazine as my front cover. To make the images stand out I also put a red outline to them so that they look separated to the text and adding boxes to the background of the page numbers so that they look bolder. This has also helped me to section off the page numbers and titles so that they fit together in a good structure. Lastly to this stage I also

Monday 6th January- The next step I took was adding more shapes and lines to my contents page to clearly separate regular content and feature content so that it is clear to the reader which articles belong to each section. To do this quark allows me to move and scale the shapes I used so that they align together and look professional.

Friday 10th January- After having done this I then also looked at other magazines to see what would make my contents page look more realistic. This then allowed me to see that I had to include page numbers on each picture so that it shows which article each belongs to so that it is easy to follow. At the bottom of each image I also included a caption to be more specific of what the images were and what they included in relation to their article. At the top of the page next to the contents title I used the text tools and shapes to include the issue date and masthead so that the page looks as though it is all part of the same magazine.

Monday 13th January- Finally to get the finished contents page I looked at including the website the right bottom corner next to the page number and including a background the number to make it stand out. In doing so it adds extra detail to the page and again follows the codes and conventions of many other magazines. Then after I had done this I changed the colour of my main titles for feature and regular content so that they stand out better and it is clear to the audience that they are main headings.

Double page spread Production

Friday 20th December- For my double page spread I began with the background. Firstly I took the image that I wanted to use and used the pen tool on quark to find a similar colour to the image that would be on the other page so that they fit together and contrast well. After this I included the name of who was interviewing as a title and then included the stand first before I started to add the article.

Wednesday 15th January- Next I started the add my interview onto the page and added more to the title but using different fonts so that they stood out from each other. Looking at other images I has taken of Tyler I then decided to ass another image next to the interview. Furthermore I decided to add information about Tyler’s twitter and YouTube so that readers could take a look at his updates.

Thursday 16th January- After this I then finishing inputting the rest of the interview. Then I moved onto looking at my colour schemes and how I could make the double page spread look as though it is part of the same magazine as previous pages. Therefore I changed the colour of the font on the questions so that they stand out better to the answers and also added a background the page numbers and the website link in the bottom right hand corner so that it follows the same conventions as the contents page. Lastly this lesson I have added a by- line to the top right hand corner in red as this is key to the article.

Monday 20th January- During this time I have been looking at double page spreads in other rock magazine and have noticed that there are some pull quotes amongst the text and images. So I then took some key quotes from the answers in the text and enlarged them and placed one amongst the text and another on the main image so that they attract attention.

Monday 3rd February-To add the finishing touches to my double page spread I decided to add more red to the pages so that they fit together more with the rest of my magazine. In doing so I made the quote on the image red so that it is easier to read, I then added a background the main part of the title and also I created a red box on the outside of the image so that it follows the same design as the contents page.

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