production log

Post on 27-May-2015






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Production Log

By Robert Hillard-Linney


This is the schedule that I had drawn up so that I could follow my progress on when I had to start and have complete all my tasks in the allotted time of 8 weeks that has been given to me for this assignment.

This was made so that I would have the correct and adequate amount of time to complete the tasks and be ready to start the next so that I wouldn't have to rush through the assignment

These designs were created so that I would have a better idea of what I wanted my final character to look like.

I chose to draw different types of long coats and old style clothing. The reason for this is because I wanted my character to look like he was from the past but in a futuristic environment.

These are some more designs that I had drawn so that I would be able to draw a more precise and realistic looking character in regards to clothing and style.

I had to decide on what my doppelganger device would look like, so to do this the design would have to look futuristic. So when looking for futuristic design for wrist devices there were a few that stood out. The design that I chose were generally ones that had more that a single strap and were very large on the main part of the device.

During the assignment I chose to take design off the internet and compile them into different mood boards to draw from for my final product.

I decided to get all different kinds of designs, shapes, futuristic and retro clothing for my characters design.

These are just some other mood board's compiled together with different designs to choose from and draw from to go towards my characters final design.

These are different device designs that i chose for there unique design and flare. I especially chose these designs for there similarities and futuristic look.

I decided to create a game world around my characters story for the game. To do this I used adobe Photoshop to put together these two levels for my characters world. When creating these I used a character that had a similar style to what I was going to create for my character.

When creating these game levels I chose to create them around my brief. So when I made these photos I chose to create futuristic and believable levels for my character to exist in. Creating these pictures showed some difficulty because I had to match the shades and colours with both my character and the background. I also had to create the correct mood for the game levels by using the shading also, so that it would match both character and background.

This is the final water colour study that I have made and used for my presentation for my assignment. As you can see it is a compilation of all the design and ideas that I chose for what my final design would look like. When creating the water colour I found it difficult to put create the colours for the character different items of clothing, it was also difficult to create the crease marks that are seen on my characters long coat.

This is the process of an illustrator image that I decided to design in correspondence to my final water colour and the game levels that I have created. This is the start of the process where first of all I decided just to start by outlining the image in black and white.

I then decided to start adding colours that were similar to the image next to him. I chose also to start changing the outline colours to match the seems in the characters clothing. The colours I chose were different shades that were to do with the light and dark that was on the images clothing.

I then was just adding more and more colours to the character to match the image until I finally had the illustrator image finished. The image took me about a week to complete.

When I created this character I didn’t feel that the image was very hard or showed any challenge when I created it. The reason for this is that I had not had to use anything that I hadn’t been able to deal with before.

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