productivity history of the nw iberian …

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[Vigo, May 2007]




The interplay between upwelling and runoff using

biogeochemical and biosiliceous markers



The interplay between upwelling and runoff using

biogeochemical and biosiliceous markers

Grupo de Biogeoquímica Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo


Departamento de Xeociencias Mariñas e Ordenación do Territorio.

Universidade de Vigo


The interplay of upwelling and runoff using biogeochemical and biosiliceous markers

Patricia Bernárdez Rodríguez


Vigo, May 2007

Grupo de Biogeoquímica Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo


Departamento de Xeociencias Mariñas e Ordenación do Territorio.

Universidade de Vigo


The interplay of upwelling and runoff using biogeochemical and biosiliceous markers

Tesis doctoral presentada en el Departamento de Xeociencias Mariñas e Ordenación do

Territorio de la Universidade de Vigo.

Memoria presentada por Patricia Bernárdez Rodríguez para optar al título de Doctora por

la Universidade de Vigo.

Realizada bajo la dirección de

Dr. Guillermo Francés Pedraz Dr. Ricardo Prego Reboredo

Vigo, 9 de mayo de 2007

Guillermo Francés Pedraz, Profesor Titular del Departamento de Geociencias Marinas y Ordenación del Territorio de la Universidad de Vigo y Ricardo Prego Reboredo, Investigador Científico del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) en el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo:


La presente memoria titulada PRODUCTIVITY HISTORY OF THE NW IBERIAN RÍAS AND SHELF FROM THE LATE HOLOCENE TO PRESENT. The interplay of upwelling and runoff using biogeochemical and biosiliceous markers, para optar al Grado de Doctora que presenta Patricia Bernárdez Rodríguez ha sido realizada bajo nuestra dirección tanto en la Universidad de Vigo como en el Grupo de Biogeoquímica del IIM (CSIC).

Considerando que representa trabajo de Tesis, autorizan su presentación ante la Comisión de Doctorado de la Universidad de Vigo.

Y para que así conste y surta los efectos oportunos, firmamos el presente certificado en Vigo a 9 de mayo de 2007.

Los directores

Guillermo Francés Pedraz Ricardo Prego Reboredo

La doctoranda

Patricia Bernárdez Rodríguez

—din que non hai r ías má is bonitas que as nosas

—pero xa non teñen peixes

Cousas da vida



Esta Tesis Doctoral se ha podido llevar a cabo gracias a que ha existido un gran apoyo

humano y económico y es por ello que me llena de orgullo y satisfacción agradecer como se

merecen a todos aquellos, personas e instituciones, que han puesto su pequeño granito de

arena en esta duna.

Como en esta vida lo que importan son las personas, no los recursos, mis primeros

agradecimientos van a ser a para ellas. Todas y todos, personas humanas en los que se

incluyen compañeiros, amigos, becarios, alumnos, técnicos, profesores, que se hayan

cruzado conmigo en los últimos siete años han sufrido mis preguntas, necesidad de ayuda,

cabreos, caprichos, disquisiciones filosóficas y demás stuff que va asociado al inicio,

desarrollo y finalización de LA TESIS. La lista de nombres me la guardo, no vaya a ser que el

orden, la jerarquía o el rango molesten a unos o a otros, aparte del hecho de que siempre te

olvidas de alguien… Así, la enorme contribución de cada uno de vosotros me la llevo en la

cabeza y sobre todo en el pecho. Pero, ante todo, graciñas compañeiros. Sois importantes

para mí. Sin vosotros, todo esto sería menos llevadero, porque sois los que me habéis

ayudado, animado y sobre todo los que me hacéis reír, que es lo importante, porque le alarga

a una la vida y porque evita la aparición de canas, jajajaja!!

Pero sin duda, el que más me ha sufrido ha sido el que ha estado más cerca sensu

stricto. !Que pasiensiña tes rapas! A él es a quien va dedicada. Por cierto, irmao, a vida, obra

e milaghros da mosca dos collóns ghustoume moito. Xa sabes que inda que teña o PhD

diante do nome, faltame moito para chegar o teu nivel. Bótote de menos. Pai e nai, que

saibades que aprendin moito, de todo, incluso do que non é ciencia, inda que pareza mentira.

Graciñas por soportarme e apoiarme nesta decisión. Espero non trabucar.

Gracias Directores por la valía científica y humana que me habéis demostrado y que ha

contribuido a mi superación personal y científica. Soy una cabezona, lo sé, es la herencia de

la familia Vitos… así que romper el melón es difícil y no me cabe duda de que me habéis

ayudado mucho.

Agradezco al área de Paleontología de la Universidad de Salamanca y al Research

Center of Ocean Margins de Bremen por haberme acogido, por proporcionarme los medios y

por enseñarme ciencia de la mejor. Mis supervisores allí son también directores de esta Tesis.

Por supuesto todos lo firmantes y revisores de los papers que resultarán de la finalización de

esta tesis son una parte importantísima de ella. Gracias por las ideas, correcciones, datos,

aportaciones, muchísimas gracias ¡Que genial es la ciencia cuando se trabaja en equipo!

La realización de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido posible gracias a la concesión de la beca

predoctoral AP2002-2905 del Programa Nacional de Formación de Profesorado Universitario

(FPU) del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, así como la beca de Estudios de

Tercer Ciclo otorgada por la Xunta de Galicia. Le agradezco a la Xunta de Galicia, en

concreto a la Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria, la concesión de una beca

de ayuda para la realización de una estancia de investigación en la Universidad de

Salamanca. A la Universidad de Vigo le agradezco la concesión de diversas ayudas de viaje

para la difusión de resultados científicos en diversos congresos nacionales e internacionales.

Sin la financiación derivada de la incentivación a la investigación concedida al Grupo de

Oceanografía Geológica y Biogeoquímica por parte de la Universidad de Vigo hubiera sido

imposible la finalización de este trabajo de investigación.

Los proyectos de investigación así como los contratos de investigación con empresas

y/o administraciones han financiado y proporcionado el material, los equipos, los resultados y

la experiencia necesarios para que este trabajo se llevara a cabo. Se agradece en concreto a

los proyectos REN2003-09394, METRIA-REN2003-04106-C03, PGIDIT05PXIB31201PR,

EVK2-CT-2000-00060, PGIDT04PXIC31204PN, PGIDT00MAR30103PR, MAR96-1782,

1FD97-0479-C03-02. Además, esta Tesis Doctoral es una contribución al programa español

del LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone).


Presentation and Thesis structure

Chapter I ________________________________________________ 1



2. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS ........................................................................................ 9

3. TRABAJOS PREVIOS........................................................................................... 12

4. JUSTIFICACIÓN Y OBJETIVOS ........................................................................... 14

5. Referencias ........................................................................................................... 21

Chapter II_______________________________________________ 25


1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 31

2. REGIONAL FRAMEWORK.................................................................................... 33

3. MATERIAL AND METHODS ................................................................................. 33

3.1. Sample recovering and processing

3.2. Opal analysis

3.3. Accuracy and precision of the opal determination

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .............................................................................. 37

4.1. Opal distribution in surface sediments of the Ría de Vigo

4.2. Opal content in the muddy fraction of surface sediments of the Ría de Vigo

4.3. Opal content in the Galician continental shelf: An accurate paleoproductivity proxy

5. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 47


References................................................................................................................ 49

Chapter III ______________________________________________ 55



2. STUDY SITE ......................................................................................................... 63

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................... 65

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .............................................................................. 66

4.1. Surface sediment: biogenic silicon fluxes and opal record

4.2. Subsurface sediment: postdepositional processes

5. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 76


References................................................................................................................ 77

Chapter IV ______________________________________________ 81


2. REGIONAL SETTING ........................................................................................... 89

3. MATERIAL AND METHODS ................................................................................. 91

3.1. Location and sampling

3.2. Procedures and analytical strategies

4. RESULTS.............................................................................................................. 93

4.1. Diatom assemblages in the water column: Seasonal patterns

4.2. Diatom assemblages in the sediment traps: Seasonal patterns

4.3. Diatom assemblages in the surface sediment: Species encountered

4.4. Other biosiliceous components

4.5. PCA analysis: Relationships among diatoms, biosiliceous compounds and geochemical features

5. DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................... 109

5.1. Water column and sediment trap data vs. diatoms record in the sediment: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions

5.2. Diatom and biosiliceous compound surface sediment distribution: oceanographic and environmental controlling factors

5.3. Diatom record vs. geochemical characteristics of the sediment

6. CONCLUDING REMARKS .................................................................................. 120


References.............................................................................................................. 123

Chapter V _____________________________________________ 131



2. STUDY SETTING................................................................................................ 138

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................................. 140

3.1. Water column sampling and processing

3.2. Surface sediment sampling and analytical procedures

3.3. Taxonomic identification

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 142

4.1. Planktonic diatoms composition, distribution and relation to hydrology

4.2. Distribution of diatom assemblages and biosiliceous material in the surface sediments

4.3. Paleoimplications

5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS....................................................................... 155


References.............................................................................................................. 157

Chapter VI _____________________________________________ 163

LATE HOLOCENE HISTORY OF THE RAINFALL IN THE NW IBERIAN PENINSULA—EVIDENCE FROM A MARINE RECORD 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 169

2. REGIONAL SETTING ......................................................................................... 170

3. SAMPLING AND ANALYSES.............................................................................. 173

3.1. Location of the core and sampling

3.2. Procedures and analytical strategies

AMS dating

Grain size, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, nitrogen, opal and terrigenous content determinations

Metal analyses

Preparation sample cleaning and mounting of slides for siliceous compounds counting

Diatom and biosiliceous compounds quantification

4. RESULTS............................................................................................................ 178

4.1. Sediment lithostratigraphy, chronology and age-depth model

4.2. C/N ratio and terrigenous content

4.3. Metals content in bulk sediments: Fe, Al, LSi and Ca/Al

4.4. Occurrence of diatoms in marine sediments: Freshwater and benthic assemblages

4.5. Phytoliths, crysophycean cysts and palinomorphs: Biosiliceous land-input indicators

5. DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................... 183

5.1. Period 1: 4700–3300 cal. yr BP

5.2. Period 2: 3300–1700 cal. yr BP


5.3. Period 3: 1700–1200 cal. yr BP

5.4. Period 4: 1200–0 cal. yr BP

6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS....................................................................... 191


References.............................................................................................................. 193

Chapter VII ____________________________________________ 199


2. FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES: DATA ACQUISITION AND METHODS .............................................................................................................. 208

2.1. Core location and sampling

2.2. Procedures and analyses

Chronological control

Bulk biogenic component analyses

Analytical procedures for metal determinations: Ba, Cu, Mn, Pb, Al, Fe

Siliceous microfossils preparation: Diatom counting and relative species percentages

3. PALEOENVIRONMENTAL PROXIES. PALEOCLIMATE AND PALEOPRODUCTIVITY APPROACHES................................................................. 214

3.1. Chronostratigraphical features

3.2. Sediment composition

Bulk biogenic components

Metals content


3.3. Diatom assemblages: downcore variations

4. DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................... 220

5. CONCLUDING REMARKS .................................................................................. 225


References.............................................................................................................. 229

Chapter VIII: Summary and conclusions ____________________ 237

Chapter IX: Self-criticism and perspectives _________________ 249

Taxonomic appendix ____________________________________ 257



Chapter I ________________________________________________ 1

Figura I.1. Localización del área de estudio ........................................................................... 5

Figura I.2. Esquema de los materiales y procedimientos utilizados en cada una de las áreas estudiadas.................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter II_______________________________________________ 25

Figure II.1. Chart of the study area. Above: core CGPL00-1 location in the Galician continental shelf. Contour lines in this map show depth in m. Below: map of the Ría de Vigo showing the 51 sampling sites (circles). Samples of sediment were taken from the uppermost oxic layer (0–1 cm). Opal analyses were performed in bulk and muddy fractions for selected samples (black circles).......................... 34

Table II.1. Study of precision of the method. Table shows samples used in this work, location (latitude and longitude in UTM units), number of analysis, mean, standard deviation and relative standard deviation. Opal content determinations for each sample were done in different runs ...................... 37

Figure II.2. a) Opal distribution in the bulk sediment throughout the Ría de Vigo. b) Detailed map of the superficial sediment distribution of the Ría de Vigo (modified from Vilas et al., 1995) ..................... 38

Table II.2. Opal percentage in the bulk sediment and in the <63 µm fraction from selected surface samples from the Ría de Vigo. Table also shows a description of the sediment samples, the percentage of each fraction and the variation percentage between opal in bulk and in muddy fraction. Variation percentage is calculated following the equation (2) ................................................................ 42

Figure II.3. Plots showing the linear correlation between opal percentage in the bulk sediment and in the muddy fractions. a) Superficial sediment samples from the Ría de Vigo. b) Gravity core CGPL00-1. Dots represent sediment samples of the upper 47 cm and crosses are the samples located in the sandy sequence. Linear correlation parameters are m (slope), a (intercept), R2 (R-squared value) ............ 44

Figure II.4. Plot of the down core variations of the CGPL00-1. Dots symbolize samples that have been analysed in the muddy fraction, and the crosses show the biogenic silica content in the bulk sediment. Relative standard deviation (10% uncertainty) for samples analysed in the <63 µm fraction (dashed line). Relative standard deviation for samples analysed in the bulk sediment (solid line) ................. 45

Table II.3. Opal percentage in the bulk sediment and in the <63 µm fraction for the core CGPL00-1. Table also shows the percentage of mud in each sample and the variation percentage between the opal content in bulk and in muddy fraction. Variation percentage is calculated following the equation (2) .. 46

Chapter III ______________________________________________ 55

Figure III.1. Map of the Ría de Vigo showing the sampling stations. Bathymetric lines every 10 m depth.................................................................................................................................. 64

Figure III.2. Contour plots of the distribution of opal percentage in the Ría de Vigo at different sediment depths. Contour lines every 0.2 wt.% opal. Colour scale from light to dark grey indicates the increase in the opal percentage ........................................................................................................ 67

Table III.1. Biogenic silicon flux data (annual mean) for both boxes and different hydrographical situations (winter, spring, summer with upwelling and summer without upwelling). Original data from


Prego et al (1995) is also presented in brackets (mg Si m-2 d-1) and represents the biogenic silicon flux to the sediment for each hydrographical condition ................................................................. 69

Figure III.3. Plot showing the linear correlation between the mean annual silicon flux to the seabed and the mean opal content in the first centimetre of the sediment in each box considered in Prego et al. (1995). Box 1, located in the San Simón Inlet, was not included in the regression. Equation of the linear regression also shown (BSiF represents the biogenic silicon flux .............................................. 70

Figure III.4. SEM images of some benthic diatom species found in the San Simón Inlet (surface sediment samples 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54). a) b) c) d) e) f) Cocconeis spp. g) h) i) Diploneis spp. j) k) Psammodyction spp. l) Paralia sulcata m) n) Achnanthes spp. o) Amphora sp. ............................. 72

Figure III.5. Plot of the percentage of opal from the top down to 15 cm in the longitudinal and cross-section of the Ría de Vigo. Stations used for the longitudinal and cross-section is indicated in the map. Sample number at the top of every contour plot .................................................................... 75

Chapter IV ______________________________________________ 81

Figure IV.1. Schematic illustration of the physiography and surface sample locations of the Ría de Pontevedra. Map shows the location of the bed sediment sampling (black circles) and grain size distribution (modified from Vilas et al., 2005). White diamonds indicate the stations were sediment traps were moored and the water column phytoplankton sampling carried out. Depth contours in metres ... 90

Table IV.1. Mooring positions and water depth ..................................................................... 91

Table IV.2. Sediment characterization at the sampling sites. Data from Dale and Prego (2002) ........ 94

Figure IV.2. Temporal variations of the standing stocks of total diatoms and abundance of the main diatom groups in the water column (cell l-1) at the three sampling sites. Abundance mean values of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom abundance ................................................................................................................... 95

Figure IV.2. (cont.) Temporal variations of the standing stocks of total diatoms and abundance of the main diatom groups in the water column (cell l-1) at the three sampling sites. Abundance mean values of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom abundance ................................................................................................................... 96

Figure IV.3. Seasonal patterns of the total diatom and vertical fluxes of the main diatom community groups in the sediment traps (diatom m-2 day-1) at the inner, middle and outer sampling sites (I, M, O). Mean values of the vertical fluxes of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom downward flux .......................................................................... 98

Figure IV.3. (cont.) Seasonal patterns of the total diatom and vertical fluxes of the main diatom community groups in the sediment traps (diatom m-2 day-1) at the inner, middle and outer sampling sites (I, M, O). Mean values of the vertical fluxes of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom downward flux .......................................................................... 99

Table IV.3a. Absolute abundances per gram of dry sediment and relative percentage (with respect to BSi material) of the diatom valves and fragments of diatoms .................................................. 101

Figure IV.4. Contour plots of the relative abundance of the main diatom species found in the superficial sediment of the Ría de Pontevedra .................................................................................. 103


Figure IV.5. Contour plots of the abundance per gram of sediment of the crysophycean cysts, phytoliths and relative abundance of the benthic and freshwater diatom groups .......................... 105

Table IV.3b. Absolute abundances per gram of dry sediment and relative percentage (with respect to BSi material) of the porifera spicules, phytoliths and crysophycean cysts .................................. 106

Table IV.3c. Absolute abundances per gram of dry sediment and relative percentage (with respect to BSi material) of the radiolarians, silicoflagellates, the dinoflagellate A. pentasterias and palynomorphs................................................................................................................................ 107

Figure IV.6. Scatterplot with the factor loadings extracted using the R-mode principal component analysis. Each variable is represented as a point................................................................. 108

Figure IV.7. Mean relative abundance of dominant diatoms in water column (cell ml-1), sediment traps (diatoms m-2 day-1) and surface sediments (valves g-1×103) throughout the sampling period. Average value of the same taxa accumulated in surface sediments for each station ................................ 110

Figure IV.8. Distribution patterns of the factor scores obtained using the R-mode principal component analysis ..................................................................................................................... 120

Chapter V _____________________________________________ 131

Figure V.1. Locality map of the study area. The position of the bed sediment sampling (black circles) is shown. Diamonds indicate the stations where water column phytoplankton sampling was carried out. Contour plot shows the mud content in the surface sediments (modified from Cobelo-García and Prego (2004). Dotted white line represents the longitudinal axis. Water depth variation along the longitudinal axis of the ría is also shown............................................................................................ 139

Table V.1. Position and water depth of the stations sampled for diatom water column estimates .... 140

Figure V.2. Solid line indicates the Grande de Xubia River daily discharge during year 2000 (values in m3 s-1). Grey bars show the daily variations of the Upwelling index (Qx m3 s-1 km-1) at point 43°11'’ kindly given by Jose Manuel Cabanas (IEO). Dashed lines indicate the water column sampling dates................................................................................................................................ 141

Figure V.3. Temporal variations of the standing stocks of total diatoms and the main diatom groups abundance in the water column (white symbols, cell ml-1) at the three sampling sites. Bars show the relative percentage of each species or group. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram showing the total diatom Note also that there is no data for the outer station in the sampling survey of May. ..... 143

Table V.2. Sediment characterization at the sampling sites.................................................... 148

Figure V.4. Contour plots of the abundance per gram of sediment several sediment compounds. Longitudinal axis variation of the abundance each is also shown A) A. pentasterias, B) Porifera, C) Cingulum, D) Phytoliths, E) Crysophycean cysts, F) Palinomorphs, H) Diatom valves, I) Silicoflagellates................................................................................................................................ 150

Figure V.5. Maps showing the distribution of the main diatom species found in the superficial sediment of the Ría de Ferrol as well as the variation throughout the longitudinal axis of their relative percentage................................................................................................................................ 151

Figure V.6. Average value of the relative contribution of the diatom taxa in the water column during the sampling period and percentage of the diatoms accumulated in surface sediment at sites 42 (Outer), 7 (Channel) and 11 (Middle).............................................................................................. 155

Chapter VI _____________________________________________ 163


Figure VI.1. Localization of the study area on the northwestern Iberian margin. Simplified map showing the present surface sediments distribution of the Galician continental shelf (modified from Dias et al. 2002a) and the location of the core SMP02-3 .................................................................................... 172

Table VI.1. Radiocarbon dates and calibrated ages from core SMP02-3. Samples were pretreated and measured at the radiocarbon laboratories of Geochron Laboratories, USA and AMS 14C Dating Centre of the Aarhus University, Denmark. The age estimations were derived from the intercepts of the radiocarbon age plus and minus two times the total standard deviation of the age (2σ) with the linear interpolation of the marine calibration data set (Marine 04, Hughen et al., 2004). Conversions of radiocarbon ages to calibrated ages are worked out by using the CALIB 5.0.1 program after Stuiver and Reimer (1993, modified 2002). No local reservoir effect has been applied ................................. 174

Table VI.2. Results of the analysis of the PACS-2 (NRCC, Canada) certified reference sediment. .. 176

Figure VI.2. Sedimentological features and lithological description of the core. C: Clay. S: Silt. Sd: Sand. VF: Very fine sand. F: Fine sand. M: Medium sand. Co: Coarse sand .............................. 179

Figure VI.3. Age versus depth model for core SMP02-3 based on calibrated ages listed in Table VI.1. Solid line represents the theoretical age model assuming linear sedimentation rates between 14C dated levels (black circles). Down-core variations of the δ13C (‰) in foraminiferal tests, sedimentation rate (mm yr-1) .................................................................................................................... 180

Figure VI.4. Plot showing the down-core profiles of paleo-indicators of terrestrial input used. Note the inversed scale for Ca/Al ratio. Solid triangles indicate positions where dating samples were collected. Shaded areas indicate rainy climatic events discussed in the text............................................ 181

Figure VI.5. Summary scheme of the periods described, their relationship with the main global climatic events, the correlation with intervals/episodes defined by other proxies and other authors in the nearby area, and climate forcing mechanisms. Dark grey squares represent periods of high rainfall whereas Light grey squares are indicative of high productivity and upwelling influence. C: Cold. W: Warm. SB/SA: Subboreal/Subatlantic Transition. RWP: Roman Warm Period. DA: Dark Ages. MWP: Medieval Warm Period. LIA: Little Ice Age. GSM: Grand Solar Maximum. W: Wolf. S: Spörer. M: Maunder.... 185

Table VI.3. Pearson correlation matrix of the main riverine input proxies used in this work. Good correlations have been found between parameters, showing their potential use for terrestrial input markers ..................................................................................................................... 189

Figure VI.6. Scatter diagrams of Al, Fe, LSi, Ca/Al, C/N ratio and terrigenous content. Linear regression is shown (solid line). Dashed lines represent the prediction intervals at the 95% confidence interval. Pearson’s correlation coefficients are shown in the Table VI.3 (p<0.01). Grey areas indicate the strong rainy period described in the text ..................................................................................... 190

Chapter VII ____________________________________________ 199

Figure VII.1. Base map of the study area showing the core site (SMP02-3) and the geographical distribution of the sediments containing more than 50% of mud (modified from Dias et al., 2002a) .. 208

Figure VII.2. Sedimentary logs of the core. Distribution of depositional facies are also shown. Dated levels throughout the core and the result of the calibration is shown on the right side................... 210

Table VII.1. Comparison of the analytical results of the certified reference material PACS-2 (NRCC, Canada) with the measured data ..................................................................................... 212

Table VII.2a. Content of opal, TOC, calcium carbonate and detritics ........................................ 215

Table VII.2b. Concentrations of several metals analysed in the sediments of the core ................. 216


Figure VII.3. Profiles of the chemical elements analysed in the core. Total concentration (solid circles) is shown on the left axis and metal/Al normalization (open squares) is shown on the right axis ...... 217

Table VII.2c. Al, total Ba and calculations of the Baexcess ....................................................... 218

Figure VII.4. Compilation of diatoms and geochemical proxies in the sediment core SMP02-3. Grey areas indicate climatic events discussed in the text. Lithostratigraphic units and AMS 14C datings (filled triangles) are also displayed ........................................................................................... 221



Presentación de la Tesis

Esta memoria de Tesis Doctoral se enmarca dentro del estudio de ciclo biogeoquímico

del Si, concretamente en forma de sílice biogénica, así como en el análisis de las

asociaciones de diatomeas y su registro en el sedimento como indicadoras de las condiciones

océano-hidrográficas del margen noroccidental gallego. Este estudio del ópalo biogénico, de

las asociaciones de diatomeas en la columna de agua, en trampas de sedimento y en el

registro superficial, combinado con otros marcadores (proxies) permite deducir cambios en la

oceanografía y en el clima regionales, al igual que profundizar en las causas de esos

cambios. Las rías de Vigo, Pontevedra y Ferrol y un registro Holoceno de la plataforma

continental gallega son el material empleado para la consecución del objetivo general de este

trabajo de investigación.

El estudio de las condiciones sedimentarias, oceanográficas y climáticas actuales en

las rías será de utilidad para acotar los procesos que actúan y/o intervienen en dichos medios.

Una vez finalizado este análisis de las condiciones actuales y de los procesos, le sigue un

examen y reconstrucción de la paleoceanografía, paleoclimatología y paleoproductividad

durante el Holoceno tardío en un archivo sedimentario de la plataforma adyacente a las Rías

Baixas. La plataforma continental es especialmente apropiada para el análisis paleoclimático,

puesto que en ella confluyen los procesos típicamente marinos y oceánicos. Además, suele

registrar tasas de sedimentación relativamente elevadas que permiten un estudio de alta

resolución. En la zona de estudio, la reconstrucción hidrográfica se llevará a cabo a partir de

diferentes proxies de diversa naturaleza: micropaleontológicos, biogeoquímicos y


sedimentológicos, con el fin de emplear marcadores independientes que aporten mayor

solidez a las interpretaciones obtenidas.

En cualquier estudio científico se tiene que plantear una hipótesis general de trabajo,

que quedaría cubierta por un objetivo general. Aquí la hipótesis de partida inicial se basa en el

uso de las diatomeas como indicadoras de las condiciones de productividad en sistemas

afectados por la dinámica de upwelling y por los aportes continentales, procesos que en

ambos casos provocan una fertilización de la columna de agua superficial y el subsiguiente

incremento de la productividad primaria. En síntesis, se trata de dilucidar la utilidad de estos

organismos de forma combinada con otros indicadores de productividad de diversa índole,

para seguidamente elaborar una reconstrucción paleoclimática y paleoceanográfica de la


Estructura de la Tesis

Esta memoria consta de nueve capítulos. De forma sucinta, el contenido de cada uno

de los mismos es el que se expone a continuación:

Capítulo I: En este capítulo, de carácter introductorio, se aborda en primer lugar el interés de

las diatomeas y de los marcadores biosilíceos para el análisis de los ambientes

actuales y su posterior aplicación en las reconstrucciones paleoclimáticas y

paleohidrográficas. Además se presentan de una forma muy general las principales

características de la región de estudio, ya que en los capítulos correspondientes se

tratarán de una forma más detallada las peculiaridades de cada área concreta. Así

mismo, se tratan diferentes aspectos relacionados con el material con que se ha

trabajado y con las técnicas empleadas. También es objeto de este capítulo el

considerar los estudios genéricos previos en el área de estudio y las acciones de

diversos organismos y centros de investigación que tradicionalmente han contribuido al

conocimiento multidisciplinar de las rías y su plataforma adyacente. Finalmente, se

enumeran los objetivos generales y específicos de la investigación y se justifica la

pertinencia de los mismos y del desarrollo del resto del trabajo presentado como Tesis


Este capítulo ha sido redactado íntegramente en castellano en virtud de la normativa

propia de la Universidad de Vigo sobre la presentación de Tesis Doctorales.

El cuerpo principal de análisis de resultados y discusión se centra en varios apartados

que han sido estructurados en forma de artículos científicos, algunos ya publicados o en

revisión y otros enviados para su publicación. Por ello estos capítulos aparecen redactados en

inglés y en la forma en la que fueron aceptados o en la que han sido enviados. No obstante,


se ha considerado pertinente incluir al principio de cada uno de estos capítulos un resumen

en castellano.

Capítulo II: Esta sección recoge los resultados y discusión sobre el contenido en ópalo

biogénico de los sedimentos superficiales de la ría de Vigo y de un testigo de la

plataforma continental gallega, tanto en el sedimento total como en la fracción fina.

Capítulo III: En este capítulo se describe el contenido en ópalo del sedimento subsuperficial

de la ría de Vigo, su registro sedimentario y las condiciones de preservación que

afectan al mismo. Además se efectúa una correlación entre el flujo de silicio biogénico

hacia el fondo de la ría y el contenido de ópalo de los sedimentos.

Capítulo IV: En este apartado se expone un estudio estacional completo del proceso de

producción primaria de origen biosilíceo en la columna de agua, su flujo vertical hacia

el fondo y su posterior registro en el sedimento reciente de la ría de Pontevedra.

Además, se integran los resultados de la distribución de diatomeas en los sedimentos

superficiales con los patrones de distribución y contenido de diversos parámetros


Capítulo V: En esta sección se describe el modelo de producción de diatomeas a escala

estacional y espacial en la columna de agua en la semicerrada ría de Ferrol y su

relación con los patrones de distribución de diatomeas en el sedimento superficial.

Capítulo VI: En él se presenta una reconstrucción de las condiciones hidrológicas, climáticas

y las variaciones en la precipitación sobre el noroeste de la Península Ibérica a partir

de diversos trazadores de aporte fluvial recogidos en un testigo que registra estos

cambios durante los últimos 5000 años. Específicamente nos centraremos en la

identificación de diversos periodos de mayor/menor influencia terrestre y relativamente

más/menos lluviosos. Se pondrá especial énfasis en la caracterización de los factores

climáticos de escala global y regional que afectan a la zona, y la posible influencia

antropogénica sobre el registro.

Capítulo VII: En este apartado se efectúa una aproximación a las condiciones generales de

producción primaria y los procesos que influyen en la misma en la plataforma

continental gallega durante los últimos 5000 años a partir de las asociaciones de

diatomeas y los marcadores biogeoquímicos.

Capítulo VIII: En él se presenta una síntesis general de todos los resultados obtenidos en los

seis capítulos precedentes. Además, se hacen explícitas las conclusiones generales y

particulares de esta Memoria.


Capítulo IX: En este apartado se presentan y plantean algunas ideas sobre el desarrollo de

futuros trabajos relacionados con el tema de la Tesis. Por otra parte, también se

exponen algunas inquietudes científicas y una visión autocrítica del trabajo llevado a


Al igual que el Capítulo I, los dos últimos (Capítulos VIII y IX) también han sido

redactados en su totalidad en castellano.

Dada la estructura de memoria por la que se ha optado, se ha considerado más

oportuno reflejar las referencias bibliográficas al final de cada capítulo, en lugar de que

aparezcan en su conjunto como un apartado independiente. De esta forma, resulta más

sencillo discriminar las citas específicas utilizadas para cada uno de los diferentes aspectos

abordados en este trabajo.









Las zonas costeras son lugares de especial interés para la investigación científica

puesto que son las áreas donde la densidad de población es mayor y, por ello, están sujetas a

una intensa actividad antrópica. Así, es posible obtener en el registro sedimentario marino

pistas de esa actividad, al igual que de los procesos naturales de carácter climático-

oceanográfico que ocurren.

La zona concreta en la que se ha desarrollado este trabajo se localiza en el margen

noroccidental atlántico de la Península Ibérica (Figura I.1). Galicia queda enmarcada entre 42°

y 44° de latitud Norte y, desde el punto de vista climático e hidrográfico, se encuentra bajo la

influencia del sistema del Atlántico Norte. Toda su geografía está marcada por el carácter

oceánico, con cierta influencia mediterránea que se traduce en un ambiente húmedo y

lluvioso, de abundantes precipitaciones, pero a su vez de suavidad térmica y con tendencia a

la aridez en verano (Pérez-Alberti, 1982; Martínez-Cortizas, 1999a, b). Debido a su gran

influencia marítima, Galicia tiene un clima caracterizado por variaciones de temperatura muy

ligeras, es decir, presenta inviernos suaves y veranos frescos.

En particular, las rías y la plataforma continental gallegas están afectadas de un modo

muy importante por los cambios en los sistemas de de altas y bajas presiones de las Islas

Azores e Islandia, respectivamente (Wooster et al., 1976; Haynes et al., 1993), lo que causa

que el régimen de vientos varíe estacionalmente, tanto en intensidad como en dirección.

Durante el verano el anticiclón de las Azores se sitúa sobre el Atlántico Norte, hacia el Oeste

de la Península Ibérica, mientras que la baja de Islandia se encuentra debilitada. Bajo estas



condiciones, los frentes fríos discurren a latitudes más altas y no afectan a la costa

norooccidental ibérica. El gradiente de presiones atmosférico que se establece entre el

anticiclón de las Azores y la Península Ibérica se ve reforzado por el desarrollo de una baja

termal sobre la península, lo que da lugar a que se desarrollen vientos del Norte persistentes.

Este patrón de vientos genera un transporte de Ekman hacia el Oeste (McClain et al., 1986) y

el subsiguiente afloramiento de la Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW, Fraga,

1981). Este autor describe la presencia de dos masas de agua diferentes a lo largo de la

costa gallega. Ambas son similares a la Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENACW), definida por

Fiúza (1984), el cual discrimina un miembro extremo subpolar (ENACWp) y otro subtropical

(ENACWt). La subpolar se mueve hacia el Sur, mientras que la subtropical lo hace hacia el

Norte (Ríos et al., 1992), convergiendo ambas en las proximidades de cabo Fisterra. También

influyen en este proceso la circulación general de la ENACW (Ríos et al., 1992) y las

características topográficas de la línea de costa (Blanton et al., 1984). La inyección de

nutrientes por medio de la ENACWt a las aguas superficiales de la plataforma y al interior de

las rías (Álvarez-Salgado et al., 1993; Prego et al., 1999) se produce desde abril a octubre

(Fraga, 1981; Fiúza et al., 1982; Blanton et al., 1984). Este particular proceso oceanográfico

da lugar a elevadas tasas de producción primaria y biomasa fitoplantónica.

En invierno el anticiclón de las Azores se desplaza hacia una posición más meridional y

la baja de Islandia se refuerza. Los sistemas de bajas presiones que se mueven hacia el Este

pasan ahora sobre el Atlántico Norte y extienden su influencia sobre la península, dando lugar

a un régimen de vientos predominantes del Oeste-Suroeste altamente energético, que genera

alturas de olas mucho mayores y el flujo de una corriente que viaja hacia el Norte denominada

Iberian Poleward Current (IPC, Frouin et al., 1990; Haynes y Barton; 1990; Vitorino et al.,

2002a, b). Las borrascas atlánticas que discurren más al norte de nuestras latitudes también

afectan al litoral gallego a través de sus extremos o colas y, ocasionalmente, se presentan en

forma de borrascas continuadas que afectan de lleno a la región. En esta situación ciclónica

dan lugar a episodios de altas precipitaciones con vientos del Suroeste típicamente invernales

y otoñales.


Chapter I


ra I.

1. L




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Otra situación de invierno, aunque ocurre de forma más esporádica, se produce cuando

un anticiclón se sitúa al este de las islas Británicas y una borrasca sobre el continente

europeo, dando lugar a la entrada de aire frío de componente N-NW. Es la llamada entrada de

aire polar de carácter árido y seco, que induce precipitaciones y temperaturas más bajas que

las habituales (Naranjo y Pérez Muñuzuri, 2006).

Por otro lado, la fisiografía de la costa de Galicia presenta notables particularidades de

tipo biogeográfico, derivadas de su peculiar forma. Su apertura muy recortada de cara al

océano y sus fuertes variaciones orográficas dan lugar al principal rasgo que caracteriza el

litoral gallego, que es la presencia de entrantes costeros denominados rías, que consisten en

valles fluviales y zonas deprimidas invadidas por el mar (Rey, 1993; Vilas, 2002; Evans y

Prego, 2005). Es por ello, que las rías son zonas de intercambio tierra-océano con un gran

potencial para evaluar diversos procesos que tienen lugar en este ambiente, y que serán

desarrollados a lo largo de esta Tesis. Su posición latitudinal y su evolución geomorfológica le

imprimen un patente carácter de área de transición climática muy adecuada para estudios

paleoclimáticos. Por otro lado, y tal como ya se ha puesto de manifiesto, toda la zona se

localiza en un punto de encuentro de diversas masas de aire que le confieren ser una zona

clave para el estudio de las en zonas templadas, debido a la gran variedad de ambientes.

Las áreas específicas de investigación son las rías de Pontevedra, Vigo y Ferrol y la

plataforma continental gallega adyacente a las Rías Baixas (Figura I.1). Las rías de Vigo y

Pontevedra presentan unas características fisiográficas típicas de las Rías Baixas, que son

las que se localizan en el Suroeste de Galicia (Figura I.1), como son la orientación NE-SW, su

forma de embudo en planta y la presencia en la boca de la ría de una serie de islas que

actúan de protección frente a los temporales (excepto la ría de Muros, que carece de islas en

su embocadura). Su conexión con el mar abierto se produce a través dos bocas situadas al

Norte y al Sur de cada grupo de islas, de tal manera que el intercambio de agua entre las rías

y la plataforma está parcialmente bloqueado por la presencia de las Islas Cíes en Vigo y las

de Ons y Onza en Pontevedra, que forman parte del Parque Nacional Marítimo–Terrestre de

las Islas Atlánticas. Ambas, como el resto de las Rías Baixas, reciben el aporte principal de

agua dulce a través de ríos que desembocan en la zona más interna, y que varían su caudal

estacionalmente en función del régimen de precipitaciones, el cual es más alto durante los

meses invernales. En el caso de la ría de Vigo, los aportes continentales son el resultado de

la combinación de un flujo regulado por la presa de Eiras, en el curso alto del río Oitabén y el

flujo natural de agua debido al río Verdugo, el cual confluye con con el Oitabén antes de

desembocar en la ensenada de San Simón. Los ríos Redondela y Ullo también desembocan

en la ría de Vigo, si bien sus aportes son menores (Gago et al., 2005). Para la ría de


Chapter I

Pontevedra, el mayor caudal fluvial y los aportes continentales son debidos al río Lérez

(Prego et al., 2001; deCastro et al., 2006a).

Todo este conjunto de características da lugar a que en el interior de las Rías Baixas

se produzca una circulación residual, forzada por el aporte de agua dulce y el régimen de

vientos. La dinámica mareal, debido a su carácter cuasiperiódico, no ejerce normalmente una

especial influencia en la dinámica de aguas. La circulación se estructura en dos capas, con

entrada de agua oceánica por el fondo y salida de agua superficial, menos salina, por la

superficie. Como regla general, la circulación residual se intensifica en invierno por causa de

un mayor flujo de agua dulce que actúa como motor del sistema, hecho que origina una

disminución del tiempo de residencia del agua en la ría. Por el contrario, durante la primavera

el flujo de agua dulce es menor y, consecuentemente, la circulación se ralentiza (Prego y

Fraga, 1992). En verano la fuerza dinámica que incrementa la velocidad residual de las aguas

es el afloramiento de aguas subsuperficiales procedentes de la plataforma continental

provocado por los vientos persistentes del norte. Sin embargo, con otras condiciones

meteorológicas, como la presencia de los vientos del sur, se bloquea la salida de aguas,

reteniéndose el agua dulce en las zonas más internas y actuando las rías como un sistema

semicerrado. También es necesario resaltar que existe un comportamiento diferencial entre

ambas bocas de acceso a las rías, de tal manera que la entrada de agua oceánica se produce

preferentemente por la boca sur, mientras que la salida es mayor por la boca norte, por la cual

se produce la salida, por ejemplo en el caso de la ría de Vigo (Souto et al., 2003). Esta

circulación diferencial a través de las aperturas oceánicas es debida al giro inducido por la

fuerza de Coriolis, lo que genera una preferencia de la salida de agua dulce por la margen

norte (deCastro et al., 2006b).

Atendiendo a la influencia continental y oceánica que reciben las Rías Baixas, éstas se

pueden subdividir longitudinalmente en diversas partes. Las zonas más internas suelen estar

más afectadas por procesos típicamente estuáricos; las zonas medias son áreas de

intercambio y en las partes externas predominan los procesos oceánicos.

Dependiendo de la situación geográfica, la configuración fisiográfica, la influencia de

agentes marinos (marea, oleaje, temporales, afloramiento), la descarga fluvial y la influencia

antrópica sobre cada una de las Rías Baixas, la composición y distribución espacial del

material sedimentado presenta diversas variaciones. Los fondos de estas cuatro rías se

encuentran tapizados por una mezcla de sedimentos siliciclásticos y carbonáticos de origen

litogénico y biogénico, respectivamente. En general, la distribución de tamaños de grano está

controlada por el ambiente hidrodinámico que, a su vez, es función de la energía del oleaje, la

topografía del fondo, las corrientes mareales y el aporte de agua dulce de los ríos. Así, a



grandes rasgos, la cobertera sedimentaria actual presenta los tamaños más finos en el eje

central y profundo de las rías y en las zonas internas. A lo largo de la línea de costa y

bordeando al cinturón de fangos el sedimento se hace cada vez más grueso. Los canales de

entrada a las rías presentan fracciones arenosas en elevada proporción (ver revisión en Vilas

et al., 2005).

La ría de Ferrol presenta unas características muy diferenciadas de las dos anteriores.

Forma parte de las Rías Altas, las cuales se localizan en el noroeste de la costa gallega. En

primer lugar presenta una morfología en embudo, con un canal central muy estrecho y

relativamente profundo en el que se registran velocidades de corriente muy elevadas. El

principal curso fluvial hacia la ría de Ferrol es el río Grande de Xubia, que vierte en su

cabecera, con oscilaciones características de un régimen pluvial oceánico (Rio y Rodríguez,

1992; deCastro et al., 2004). Este pequeño aporte continental es uno de los motores de la

circulación residual estuárica que suele observarse en esta ría, aunque el principal

mecanismo que controla su circulación es la influencia mareal (deCastro et al., 2003;

deCastro et al., 2004). Así, la circulación dentro de la ría es cuasiperiódica, puesto que el

aporte fluvial es bajo. La columna de agua está muy mezclada en la parte externa y en el

canal de entrada a la ría, mientras que en las zonas internas se encuentra parcialmente

estratificada, especialmente durante el invierno, cuando el caudal fluvial es mayor. El

sedimento dominante en la boca de la ría y en el canal de entrada es arena fina, pobre en

materia orgánica y rico en material carbonatado, mientras que en el resto de la ría los fondos

presentan un contenido importante de las fracciones fangosas (López-Jamar et al., 1996;

Cobelo-García y Prego, 2004). Hay que indicar que en las zonas más internas el contenido en

fango es mayor en el margen norte.

Desde el punto de vista medioambiental, las rías y la plataforma gallegas presentan

una gran riqueza biológica debido a que en sus aguas aflora la ENACW, portando gran

cantidad de nutrientes. Toda la zona de estudio, como ya se apuntó anteriormente, está muy

influenciada por la dinámica del afloramiento o upwelling, lo que da lugar a una elevada

producción primaria. No obstante, por lo que respecta al ciclo anual de producción biosilícea y

las condiciones de producción, las rías de Vigo y Pontevedra presentan características

distintas a la de Ferrol. Uno de los factores principales que controlan el crecimiento de las

diatomeas es el contenido en nutrientes esenciales, cuya abundancia depende del aporte

fluvial y la entrada de agua central noratlántica cuando tiene lugar el afloramiento estacional.

Este proceso es precisamente el que diferencia a la ría de Ferrol de las Rías Baixas. Mientras

que en las rías de Vigo y Pontevedra el agua aflorada penetra hasta zonas muy internas

debido a su orientación NE-SW, en la ría de Ferrol está dificultada la entrada de aguas ricas


Chapter I

en nutrientes, dado su menor calado, y la posición y forma del Golfo Ártabro que aíslan a la

ría del afloramiento (Prego y Varela, 1998).

Por su parte, en la plataforma continental gallega la producción primaria y su registro

se ven afectados por procesos semejantes a los que acontecen en las rías. En concreto nos

estamos refiriendo al desarrollo del upwelling durante los meses de verano y al aporte fluvial,

en este caso, por parte de los ríos Miño y Duero principalmente. La plataforma continental

gallega adyacente a las Rías Baixas es estrecha, y su morfología es bastante plana. La

plataforma interna está cubierta por una capa casi continua de arena y fango de reducido

espesor cuya granulometría aumenta hasta el tamaño grava en las cercanías de la costa y de

los afloramientos rocosos (Dias et al., 2002a, b; Jouanneau et al., 2002; Ferrín, 2006). En la

plataforma media el sedimento superficial está compuesto principalmente por fango y arcilla

formando el denominado Galicia Mud Patch, un cuerpo sedimentario relativamente reciente

con orientación Norte-Sur (Drago, 1995). En la plataforma externa dominan los materiales

arenosos (Dias et al., 2002a, b; Jouanneau et al., 2002; Ferrín, 2006). La fuente de

sedimentos que da lugar al Galicia Mud Patch proviene principalmente del Sur, de la descarga

de los ríos Miño y Duero (Araújo et al., 2002; Oliveira et al., 2002a, b), que tienen una cuenca

de drenaje extensa y caudales elevados (Vitorino et al., 2002a, b). En condiciones de

elevadas precipitaciones este transporte hacia el Norte se ve favorecido por el desarrollo de

una pluma superficial poco salina llamada Western Iberian Bouyant Plume (WIBP) (Peliz et

al., 2002). El resto de ríos que vierten en la costa oeste de Galicia, como ya se ha

mencionado anteriormente, son de pequeño caudal en comparación con estos últimos citados

y desaguan en las cabeceras de las rías, de manera que estas actúan como trampas de su

carga sedimentaria. Además del aporte sedimentario de origen continental, la segunda fuente

de material es de naturaleza biogénica, la cual no es ajena a la elevada producción primaria

en la columna de agua. Esta componente biogénica, en concreto el material biosilíceo, será

uno de los principales objetos de este estudio del registro sedimentario del Galicia Mud Patch.


Dada la diversidad de objetivos planteados y de los materiales analizados (muestras de

columna de agua, trampas de sedimentación, sedimento superficial y subsuperficial y columna

sedimentaria), la descripción detallada del material, las técnicas de muestreo y los

procedimientos analíticos utilizados se encuentran en cada uno de los capítulos que

componen el cuerpo principal de esta Tesis. Por tanto, este apartado se limita a presentar el

esquema que aparece en la Figura I.2 con el fin de que el lector tenga desde el inicio una idea

clara del tipo de material analizado y de las variables estudiadas en cada una de las áreas de

trabajo. Es común a todas ellas el análisis de las comunidades/asociaciones de diatomeas y



del ópalo, si bien en algunas también se han contemplado otros marcadores biosilíceos, como

los fitolitos, las crisófitas, las espículas de esponjas, etc. Dichos marcadores poseen un gran

interés en estudios paleoclimáticos y paleoceanográficos, como se pondrá de relieve en los

capítulos posteriores. También se han analizado aspectos sedimentológicos (litología, tamaño

de grano, estructuras sedimentarias, etc.) y biogeoquímicos (composición y contenido en

metales). Todos los resultados serán posteriormente integrados en un marco de interpretación

que, por estar basado en múltiples trazadores, harán posible la obtención de conclusiones

apoyadas en datos independientes entre sí.

A modo de resumen, el hilo conductor de toda la Tesis Doctoral se basa en el estudio

de las diatomeas y el ópalo en diversos compartimentos del medio marino: la columna de

agua, trampas de sedimentos, sedimento superficial y registro sedimentario Holoceno. Sin

embargo, es en el sedimento donde se centra gran parte de la atención y donde, además de

sus características texturales, se determinará la abundancia de diatomeas fósiles, el

contenido en otros marcadores biosilíceos y el contenido en metales, con el fin de integrar

todos los resultados dentro de un marco de interpretación basado en múltiples trazadores que

resulten en un adecuado planteamiento de las conclusiones.


Chapter I


ra I.

2. E



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La investigación en el medio marino es compleja y generalmente requiere una

aproximación interdisciplinar a través de la cual se aporten datos de una zona desde

diferentes especialidades. Este es el caso de las rías y plataforma continental gallegas, cuyo

conocimiento se ha enriquecido de forma espectacular en los últimos quince años. Con

anterioridad sólo existían trabajos muy locales y dispersos que, si bien en algunos casos,

aportaron informaciones de suma relevancia, no permitían establecer una visión de conjunto

sobre las condiciones ambientales regionales y de su evolución. En los últimos años gran

cantidad grupos de investigación pertenecientes a diferentes organismos han concentrado sus

esfuerzos en el conocimiento científico de la zona desde diversos puntos de vista:

oceanografía física, climatología, hidrografía, biogeoquímica, geología, etc. Ello trae como

consecuencia que el conocimiento, los temas abordados y el número de trabajos se haya

multiplicado de forma notable y que la recopilación de toda la información existente se

convierta en una tarea ingente. Por ello, en este apartado lo único que se pretende es poner

de manifiesto la gran labor científica llevada a cabo por diferentes grupos de trabajo, tanto de

Universidades como de organismos públicos de investigación, ya sean nacionales o

extranjeros. Huelga decir que existe más información bibliográfica que la referida en esta

memoria y a la que se ha procurado acceder para el conocimiento exhaustivo del medio, de

los procesos que actúan y para la interpretación de los resultados. Así, aunque se ha llevado

a cabo una intensa revisión de la literatura científica disponible, para cada capítulo se han

seleccionado aquellas citas consideradas más relevantes por la información que aportan y por

su difusión internacional. Es decir, en este momento únicamente se hace alusión a las

instituciones y proyectos que más han contribuido al conocimiento de las rías y de la

plataforma continental de Galicia, dejando para los capítulos posteriores la reseña de los

trabajos específicos relacionados con las zonas y los aspectos concretos que se abordan en

cada uno de ellos.

Durante los últimos 50 años en el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo (IIM-

CSIC) se han realizado innumerables estudios hidrográficos y biogeoquímicos de gran

relevancia internacional. Este Instituto es pionero en el conocimiento de las rías y sistemas

costeros gallegos desde un punto de vista oceanográfico (Guerra y Prego, 2003). Todo este

estado de conocimiento ha resultado de especial relevancia para abordar este estudio. La

colaboración de este centro con diversos departamentos de la Universidad de Vigo a través,

por ejemplo, de la creación de unidades asociadas ha contribuido además a implementar,

actualizar y aumentar todo este conocimiento científico.


Chapter I

Otro centro de relevancia es el Instituto Español de Oceanografía y, particularmente,

sus centros de Vigo y A Coruña. Ambos trabajan intensivamente en el estudio del régimen de

afloramiento y su influencia en el sistema biológico. En concreto, es muy destacable todo el

estudio ecológico de las comunidades biológicas pelágicas y bentónicas de la región, de tal

manera que gran parte de las publicaciones derivadas de este centro han sido consultadas

con asiduidad.

Resultan de especial importancia dos proyectos de investigación sobre la plataforma

continental, el Omex I y II, en los que han trabajado diversos grupos de investigación de la

zona y de los países vecinos, Portugal y Francia. Ambos proyectos abordan el conocimiento

regional desde diversos puntos de vista: biológico, químico y sedimentológico, resultando en

una importante cantidad de información disponible de gran valor. En continuación con estos

estudios, actualmente se está llevando a cabo y desarrollando el proyecto Galiomar, cuyos

investigadores principales pertenecen al Research Center of Ocean Margins (RCOM) y a la

Universidad de Bremen. En una línea continuista, se pretende elucidar la arquitectura

sedimentaria y los procesos de sedimentación que afectan la plataforma continental gallega

frente a las Rías Baixas y hasta Finisterre y al talud continental.

Desde el punto de vista de la geología y, más concretamente, de los aspectos

relacionados con el relleno sedimentario, una importante contribución al conocimiento de las

Rías Baixas gallegas y de la plataforma se debe al Departamento de Geociencias Marinas y

Ordenación del Territorio de la Universidad de Vigo. A través de diversos proyectos

desarrollados por los especialistas de dicho departamento y utilizando técnicas estratigráficas,

sedimentológicas, sísmicas, geoquímicas y micropaleontológicas se ha profundizado en el

conocimiento de los sistemas de rías, en la cartografía de los sedimentos superficiales, en las

características del relleno sedimentario y en los factores locales, regionales y globales que

han determinado la evolución durante el Cuaternario de las rías y de la plataforma continental

del Galicia. También algunos investigadores de la Universidad de A Coruña han contribuido a

la información que hoy se dispone sobre algunos de las cuestiones citadas anteriormente.

Aunque en este apartado se ha puesto el acento principalmente en el trabajo de

investigación llevado a cabo mayoritariamente por organismos localizados en Galicia, no hay

que olvidar la contribución de especialistas y grupos de otros centros de investigación,

fundamentalmente mediante colaboraciones con los grupos gallegos que más activamente

han trabajado en la región.

En definitiva, se puede afirmar que aunque toda esta zona se encuentra muy estudiada

desde temáticas muy diversas, aún se pueden realizar más trabajos y proyectos de

investigación que aborden otros aspectos, fundamentalmente aquellos de carácter integrador



y con una perspectiva multidisciplinar. En este sentido, es cuantioso el número de Tesis

Doctorales derivadas de todos los proyectos y líneas de investigación que se llevan a cabo en

los centros citados anteriormente, entre las cuales se incluye la que ahora se presenta y en la

que confluyen la tradición y la experiencia de líneas de trabajo llevadas a cabo por el grupo de

Bioqueoquímica del IIM-CSIC de Vigo y por el Departamento de Geociencias Marinas de la

Universidad de Vigo.


Por todo lo anteriormente expuesto respecto al área de estudio, la metodología

empleada y los antecedentes regionales de la investigación marina, en este apartado se van a

plantear de forma concreta la motivación de esta Tesis Doctoral, las hipótesis de trabajo y los

objetivos generales y específicos del estudio.

El establecimiento de zonas con diferente productividad primaria en una región o a

escala global es un reflejo de la circulación oceánica y, en zonas costeras, de los aportes de

nutrientes desde el continente a través fundamentalmente de los ríos. Puesto que parte de la

materia, ya sea orgánica o mineral, generada por la proliferación de organismos

fitoplanctónicos se acumula en los sedimentos de fondo, la medida de la concentración y la

abundancia relativa de los compuestos generados por estos mecanismos en sedimentos del

pasado puede ser utilizada como un indicador de la paleoproductividad, la paleohidrografía y

la paleocirculación oceánica. Debido precisamente a este potencial para la reconstrucción

paleambiental, los estudios sobre la productividad de la columna de agua han sido tratados

ampliamente en las últimas décadas.

Uno de los indicadores más comúnmente utilizados como marcador de

paleoproductividad es el ópalo biogénico generado por diferentes grupos fitoplanctónicos,

como por ejemplo, diatomeas y silicoflagelados. Estos organismos son capaces de extraer de

las aguas el ácido silícico para formar sus esqueletos, por lo que dicho compuesto es para

ellos un nutriente esencial. Las diatomeas proliferan en zonas de alta productividad, en las

cuales las probabilidades de que una parte se preserve en el registro sedimentario son más

altas. Son excelentes indicadores de las características físico-químicas y de los procesos

oceanográficos que ocurren en la columna de agua. Además constituyen un grupo fósil

relativamente abundante en las muestras de sedimento objeto de estudio. Estas zonas de

mayor productividad primaria, además de las regiones caracterizadas por upwelling

permanente, son los sistemas costeros, donde se encuadra esta investigación. Así, la

producción primaria está basada en gran medida en la producción biosilícea y, por tanto, el

seguimiento de sus patrones de crecimiento y conservación en el registro sedimentario sirve


Chapter I

para caracterizar las interacciones entre los sistemas atmosférico, oceánico y geológico. Es

por este motivo que el registro de ópalo en los sedimentos se utiliza como un marcador de

paleoproductividad. Si bien el contenido de ópalo y las asociaciones de diatomeas en los

sedimentos pueden ser utilizados como trazadores de la paleoproductividad y de la

paleohidrografía, hay que tener en cuenta que para cada región y para cada caso de estudio

existen una serie de procesos que determinan su abundancia y su distribución espacial y

temporal. Las características hidrodinámicas de la zona, los aportes fluviales de silicato

disuelto, los efectos antropogénicos, los procesos de transporte y resuspensión, o la

remineralización en la columna de agua podrían enmascarar el registro del material biosilíceo

y en concreto de las diatomeas en el sedimento como indicador directo de las condiciones de

producción en la columna de agua. Estos tipos de procesos son complejos y a veces no están

bien descritos, de tal manera que es necesario un estudio integral de los mismos. Por todo

ello, existe una necesidad de calibración de la información oceanográfica que nos dan estos

marcadores biosilíceos. En este sentido, el presente trabajo está dirigido a la utilización del

ópalo biogénico y las asociaciones de diatomeas como trazadores de la productividad en una

región costera, unido al uso de otros marcadores biogeoquímicos y sedimentológicos.

Consecuentemente, y con el fin de evaluar la productividad primaria en la zona de

estudio y de sentar las bases de los factores que determinan sus variaciones, en este trabajo

se propone analizar diferentes aspectos relacionados con la concentración de sílice biogénica

en el sedimento, tanto de carácter metodológico, como de naturaleza ambiental. Así pues, se

analizarán no sólo los patrones de productividad y su expresión sedimentaria, sino también

factores distintos a la productividad que afectan a la concentración de ópalo y diatomeas en el

sedimento, como son la preservación y la dilución. Por otro lado, basándose en marcadores

biogeoquímicos, también se valorarán algunos aspectos relacionados con causas antrópicas.

El conocimiento de estos aspectos y de su influencia en el registro reciente es el paso previo

para, en un futuro, aplicar los resultados obtenidos a una interpretación más exhaustiva del

registro fósil.

El clima es consecuencia de la interrelación que existe entre los diferentes

compartimentos que forman la Tierra, la atmósfera, los océanos, el hielo o criosfera, los

organismos vivos o biosfera, y los sedimentos y rocas o geosfera y, a tenor de los datos

recientes, de lo que se está dando en llamar la antroposfera. Los factores que controlan esa

variabilidad climática se relacionan principalmente con procesos de carácter natural

relacionados con la dinámica océano-atmosférica. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas se

están detectando cambios relacionados con las actividades humanas, por ejemplo el

incremento del CO2 atmosférico (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC 2007).



Además, actualmente, existe un fuerte consenso científico respecto al hecho de que el clima

global se verá alterado significativamente en los próximos años. Estos efectos de las

actividades antropogénicas se superponen con la variabilidad natural del clima, la cual varía

en escalas de tiempo muy diversas. Así, para poder comprender algunos de los procesos

relacionados con el cambio global se debe primero comprender el sistema globalmente y

observar cómo funciona.

Este estudio del clima y de su variación natural o antropogénica es un trabajo

multidisciplinar en el que hay que considerar muchas cuestiones, aspectos y metodologías de

trabajo que pertenecen a campos de la Ciencia muy diversos, y que tradicionalmente se

encuentran muy fragmentados: Oceanografía, Química-Física, Geología, Biología,

Meteorología, Economía, etc. Además, existe una necesidad de trabajo en conjunto de todos

los organismos implicados en el problema: administraciones y organismos internacionales,

centros de investigación, asociaciones sociales, etc. Para ello es necesario analizar cada uno

de los compartimentos interrelacionados y en este sentido, este trabajo se centra en uno de

ellos, el océano y el registro en el sedimento de todos los procesos que actúan.

Consideraremos los sedimentos marinos como archivos naturales de la actividad biológica y

de las condiciones hidrográficas en las que han sido formados. Este estudio del registro actual

y reciente, así como su correlación con el medio ambiente permite calibrar las posibilidades

de interpretación paleoambiental del registro y poder utilizarlo como una ventana al pasado.

Es por eso que esta Tesis Doctoral sólo pretende abarcar un estudio muy concreto de las

condiciones actuales y su aplicación a un registro sedimentario Holoceno como parte de ese

conocimiento global necesario para la resolución de problemas relacionados con el clima.

El periodo Holoceno, dentro del cual se enmarca nuestro estudio paleoclimático, hasta

hace unas décadas se consideraba como una fase climáticamente estable y caracterizada por

un nivel del mar alto. Sin embargo, los datos recientes revelan la existencia de una cierta

variabilidad climática durante el Holoceno. De hecho, el interés de la comunidad científica por

reconstruir la variabilidad climática reciente de nuestro planeta ha ido in crescendo de manera

significativa, puesto que la evolución climática dentro de este periodo ha determinado y, muy

probablemente, determinará el progreso y futuro de la humanidad. En este sentido, el

conocimiento de estas variaciones regionales en nuestro pasado reciente servirá para

caracterizar esta zona climática. Lo que se plantea, en definitiva, es prever la posible

evolución futura del sistema, y aportar luz a todo el conocimiento sobre el cambio global que

se extrae en otras zonas.

De forma concreta, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general el estudio, desde

una perspectiva sedimentológica, biogeoquímica y micropaleontológica, de los sedimentos


Chapter I

recientes depositados en los ambientes de ría, así como calibrar su dependencia de los

patrones hidrográficos y de producción primaria como base para una reconstrucción climático-

oceanográfica precisa del registro sedimentario Holoceno.

Este objetivo general se desglosa en tres grandes apartados en los que se agrupan

diversos objetivos específicos o concretos que aluden a aspectos de diversa índole, los

cuales se especifican a continuación:

Objetivo I. Caracterizar el registro de ópalo y su preservación en los sedimentos

superficiales y subsuperficiales de la ría de Vigo y calibrar los valores obtenidos con el flujo

de sílice biogénica hacia el fondo. Ello supone:

1. Realizar una puesta a punto del método de análisis de ópalo en los sedimentos

de Galicia, en concreto en muestras de la ría de Vigo y de la plataforma

continental adyacente, así como la estimación de la precisión del mismo en los

rangos existentes.

2. Determinar y elaborar mapas de la distribución espacial del contenido en ópalo

en los sedimentos superficiales y subsuperficiales de la ría de Vigo.

3. Estudiar la relación del ópalo con otras variables composicionales del

sedimento, como el contenido en materia orgánica y en carbonatos.

Igualmente, determinar la influencia de las características texturales del

sedimento en la concentración de ópalo medida.

4. Evaluar los diversos procesos que afectan a la sedimentación de sílice

biogénica y a su preservación.

5. Establecer las diferencias espaciales en la productividad de la ría de Vigo

atendiendo a la presencia de ópalo en el sedimento, y relacionar éstas con los

flujos de silicio biogénico desde la columna de agua hacia el fondo. En este

sentido, se busca valorar la utilización del porcentaje de ópalo en el sedimento

como indicador directo de la productividad en la columna de agua y,

eventualmente, determinar qué otros factores influyen en dicho porcentaje.

Objetivo II. Caracterizar la dinámica estacional de las poblaciones de diatomeas

actuales en dos rías (Ferrol y Pontevedra), cuyas características hidrográficas son muy

diferentes, lo que incluye estimar el papel de la variabilidad estacional y espacial de los

patrones atmosféricos, oceanográficos e hidrográficos sobre el flujo de organismos biosilíceos

hacia el fondo marino y, de forma inversa, la aplicabilidad del registro sedimentario para la



interpretación de las condiciones oceanográficas e hidrográficas en el pasado. Más

concretamente, los objetivos específicos de este bloque son:

1. Analizar la variación estacional de la abundancia de diatomeas en la columna

de agua en dos rías gallegas, Pontevedra y Ferrol, y su relación con los

procesos hidrográficos, oceanográficos y biogeoquímicos que ocurren en

ambas rías.

2. Cuantificar los flujos de diatomeas y su exportación al fondo de la ría de

Pontevedra, así como explicar sus variaciones espaciales y temporales.

3. Comparar el porcentaje relativo y la abundancia de cada una de las especies

de diatomeas que proliferan en la columna de agua con su concentración en el

sedimento, con el fin de reconocer variaciones en la preservación y registro de

cada una de ellas.

4. Cuantificar la abundancia relativa de las especies de diatomeas y de otros

restos silíceos encontrados y elaborar mapas de su distribución en el

sedimento superficial, así como contrastar los resultados con los patrones

hidrográficos y de producción primaria característicos de las rías de Ferrol y

Pontevedra para poder explicar los procesos y factores que controlan su


5. Verificar las utilidades y limitaciones de la distribución de los componentes

biosilíceos en el registro reciente como trazadores paleoambientales,

paleohidrográficos y paleoclimáticos en los ambientes de rías y sentar las

bases para futuras reconstrucciones.

Objetivo III. Realizar una reconstrucción de la evolución oceanográfica y climática de

la zona durante el Holoceno basada en los marcadores biogeoquímicos y biosilíceos.

1. Reconstruir la historia paleoceanográfica, paleohidrológica y paleoclimática de

la región, con especial énfasis en las condiciones de paleoproductividad.

2. Examinar las variaciones de la productividad primaria a partir de las

asociaciones de diatomeas y parámetros geoquímicos en la plataforma

continental de Galicia, atendiendo a los procesos que controlan la misma, los

ciclos de upwelling y el aporte de nutrientes por los ríos.

3. Evaluar el aporte de material de origen continental o litogénico al registro

sedimentario y su relación con cambios en el régimen de lluvias sobre el

continente y con el patrón de vientos dominantes.


Chapter I

4. Analizar el posible impacto y registro en los sedimentos de la plataforma

continental de diversas actividades antropogénicas.

5. Identificar los mecanismos climáticos de escala regional y local que controlan

los parámetros biológicos, sedimentológicos y geoquímicos registrados. En

este sentido, se busca correlacionar el registro Holoceno con otros obtenidos

en la misma zona climática y con diversos eventos globales ya descritos.

6. Estudiar la influencia de procesos diagenéticos/tafonómicos que afectan al

registro sedimentario Holoceno.


Chapter I


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Vilas, F., 2002. Rías and tidal-sea estuaries. In: Knowledge for Sustainable Development, an insight into the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. UNESCO EOLSS (Ed.) 2, theme 11.6.3, 799–829.

Vilas, F., Bernabeu, A.M., Mendez, G., 2005. Sediment distribution pattern in the Rias Baixas (NW Spain): main facies and hydrodynamic dependence. Journal of Marine Systems 54, 261–276.

Vitorino, J., Oliveira, A., Jouanneau, J.M., Drago, T., 2002a. Winter dynamics on the northern Portuguese shelf. 1: Bottom boundary layer and sediment dispersal. Progress in Oceanography 52, 129–153.

Vitorino, J., Oliveira, A., Jouanneau, J.M., Drago, T., 2002b. Winter dynamics on the northern Portuguese shelf. 2: Bottom boundary layer and sediment dispersal. Progress in Oceanography 52, 155–170.

Wooster, W.S., Bakun, A., McClain, D.R., 1976. The seasonal upwelling cycle along the eastern boundary of the north Atlantic. Journal of Marine Research 34, 131–141.






3.1. Sample recovering and processing

3.2. Opal analysis

3.3. Accuracy and precision of the opal determination


4.1. Opal distribution in surface sediments of the Ría de Vigo

4.2. Opal content in the muddy fraction of surface sediments of the Ría de Vigo

4.3. Opal content in the Galician continental shelf: An accurate paleoproductivity proxy




∗ This chapter is based on Patricia Bernárdez, Ricardo Prego, Guillermo Francés, Raquel González-Álvarez, 2005. Continental Shelf Research 25, 1249–1264. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2004.12.009

Abstract. Biogenic silica content was determined in both superficial marine sediments from the Ría de Vigo and gravity core samples (core CGPL00-1) from the adjacent continental shelf. Samples were processed following the alkaline leaching procedure. The standard deviation for opal rich samples is very low (±0.2), whereas for opal poor samples (<1.3 wt.%) the relative standard deviation can reach up to 16%.

Opal percentages in superficial dry bulk sediments and gravity core samples range between 0.2–5.1 wt.% and 1.1–2.0 wt.%., respectively. Maximum opal percentages are found in the inner part of the ria around San Simón Inlet. Values of 2–3 wt.% typify the inner-central part of the ria. Throughout the ria longitudinal axis opal content is about 2 wt.%. Smaller values are found in the margins at the mouth of the ria. Opal distribution throughout the core is irregular, but there is a general tendency for higher values in upper muddy level and lower values in sandy sequence.

Opal analyses were performed for the total and <63 µm fractions of both ria and core sediment samples. For the core samples, there is no correlation between opal content in the fine and bulk fractions, but opal percentage in the muddy fraction is an useful parameter to standardize results and to apply as a paleoproductivity proxy. For the ria surface sediments there is a good correlation between biogenic silica content in both fractions (R2=0.90). This fact suggests that the information provided by total and fine fraction analysis is similar, as a result, the opal content analysis in the fine fraction does not supply any new information concerning diatom productivity.

Keywords: opal/paleoproductivity/grain size/ria/Galician continental shelf/Spain

Resumen. El contenido en sílice biogénica de sedimentos marinos superficiales de la ría de Vigo y del testigo CGPL00-1 obtenido en la plataforma continental gallega adyacente ha sido determinado. Las muestras han sido procesadas siguiendo un método de digestión alcalina. La desviación estándar obtenida para las muestras más ricas en ópalo es muy baja (±0.2) mientras que para las muestras pobres en ópalo (<1.3%) la desviación estándar relativa puede incluso llegar al 16%.

El porcentaje de ópalo en el sedimento total seco para las muestras de sedimento superficial de la ría de Vigo varía entre 0.2 y un 5.1%. Los porcentajes máximos de ópalo se encuentran en las partes más interna de la ría y en la ensenada de San Simón. Las partes central e interna se caracterizan por valores entre el 2 y 3%. A lo largo del eje longitudinal de la ría el contenido de ópalo se encuentra en porcentajes cercanos al 2%. Los valores más bajos se localizan en los márgenes y en la boca de la ría.

Para las muestras del testigo de gravedad el rango de valores encontrado es de 1.1–2.0%.El perfil de distribución de ópalo a lo largo del registro es irregular, pero existe una ligera tendencia a registrarse valores más altos en el intervalo fangoso superior y más bajos en la secuencia arenosa basal.

Los análisis de ópalo fueron realizados además en la fracción <63 µm tanto para las muestras de la ría como del testigo. No existe correlación entre el contenido en ópalo en la muestra total y en la fracción fina para los sedimentos del testigo. Así, el contenido en ópalo en la fracción fangosa es un buen parámetro para estandarizar resultados y aplicarlo como un indicador de paleoproductividad. Sin embargo, se observa una buena correlación entre el contenido en sílice biogénica entre ambas fracciones (R2=0.90) para los sedimentos superficiales de la ría. Este hecho sugiere que la información obtenida por ambos análisis es similar y que la determinación de ópalo en la fracción fina no es necesaria para inferir la producción de diatomeas.

Palabras clave: ópalo/paleoproductivvidad/tamaño de grano/ría/plataforma continental gallega/España





Silicid acid is one of the major nutrients in the marine environment since marine

planktonic microorganisms (diatoms, radiolaria and silicoflagellates) build amorphous silica

shells from this nutrient, which they must extract from surface seawater undersaturated with

respect to solid amorphous silica. A large fraction of biogenic silica production in superficial

waters is recycled via dissolution within the upper 100 m of the water column (Nelson et al.,

1995; Tréguer et al., 1995; Ragueneau et al., 2000), though dissolution can continue on the

sea floor (Willey and Spivack, 1992; Tréguer et al., 1995; Rickert et al., 2002). As a result,

only a small fraction of the original opal reaches the sediment surface (Nelson et al., 1995;

Tréguer et al., 1995; Ragueneau et al., 2000). In spite of this fact, biogenic silica (BSi)

accumulation in the sediments still reflects the general pattern of primary productivity in the

overlying waters (Lisitzin, 1972; Banahan and Goering, 1986; Leinen et al., 1986) and can be

used as a proxy for paleoproductivity studies (Charles et al., 1991; Mortlock et al., 1991;

Ragueneau et al., 1996; De La Rocha et al., 1998; Masqué et al., 2003).

Spatial distribution of opal content has been widely studied, both in coastal-shelf areas,

(DeMaster, 1981; Kamatani and Oku, 2000; Emelyanov, 2001; Gehlen and van Raaphorst,

2002; Liu et al., 2002) and in the deep ocean (Schlüter and Rickert, 1998; Dixit et al., 2001;

Ragueneau et al., 2001; Rathburn et al., 2001; van der Weijden and van der Weijden, 2002).

However, only a few studies have been done in sediment cores, with the purpose to determine


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

changes in the biosiliceous paleoproductivity of the superficial water column (Charles et al.,

1991; Mortlock et al., 1991; Abrantes, 1996; Mortyn and Thunell, 1997; Anderson et al., 1998;

De La Rocha et al., 1998; Weber and Pisias, 1999; Gorbarenko et al., 2002; Masqué et al.,


Numerous techniques and modifications have been used in the determination of

biogenic silica in sediments. In general, they can be divided into four broad areas. Some

procedures are based on structural analysis of the solid phase e.g., direct IR spectroscopy of

amorphous opal (Chester and Elderfield, 1968; Fröhlich, 1989) and X-ray diffraction, direct

diffraction of amorphous opal (Eisma and van der Gaast, 1971) and the conversion of opal to

cristobalite at high temperature (Bareille et al., 1990). Other methods are based on point

counts of siliceous microfossils (Leinen, 1985; Pokras, 1986), and on normative calculations

estimating biogenic silica by subtracting mineral silicates calculated from the Al and Mg

concentration from the total Si content, to determine the excess of biogenic silica (Leinen,


However, the potentially most sensitive technique for determining biogenic silica is wet-

chemical leaching (Müller and Schneider, 1993). This technique is based on the assumption

that the biogenic silica and aluminosilicates have different dissolution rates, even in a weak

alkaline solution, with fast-dissolving amorphous biogenic silica and slow-dissolving non-

biogenic silica phases, such as clays, feldspars and quartz. The advantages and limitations of

these various methods have been discussed by DeMaster (1991), who basically proposed the

use of the wet alkaline extraction technique as the most versatile procedure for opal

measurements of samples with different origins and compositions. These procedures are also

simple and economical for processing (Kamatani and Oku, 2000). Accordingly, wet-alkaline

methods are the most used techniques (Hurd, 1973; Eggimann et al., 1980; Kamatani, 1980;

DeMaster, 1981; Shemesh et al., 1988; Mortlock and Froelich, 1989; Gehlen and Van

Raaphorst, 1993; Müller and Schneider, 1993; Kamatani and Oku, 2000; Fabres et al., 2002;

Koning et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2002).

The alkaline leaching technique has diverse problems, and several factors may affect

the precision and accuracy on BSi content measurement. The recovery of biogenic silica

depends on extraction conditions, leaching procedure, sediment composition and dissolution

by non-biogenic silica compounds. Therefore, variability in opal measurements should be

recognized and discussed.

The main objectives of the present study are 1) to establish the precision of the

Mortlock and Froelich (1989) method for the opal percentage range found in Galician sediment

samples, 2) determine the distribution of the biogenic silica content in surficial sediment of the


Chapter II

Ría de Vigo and in core samples of the Galician continental shelf, 3) determine the influence of

grain size distribution in opal determination, and 4) discuss the importance of the use of

biogenic silica percentage in fine fraction as a paleoproductivity proxy.


The study area is located in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula and embraces two

zones, the Ría de Vigo, one of the chief embayments of the Galician coast, and the Galician

continental shelf (Figure II.1).

The ria can be divided into several zones according to the degree of continental or

oceanic influence. The innermost zone includes the San Simón Inlet, that is under a strong

tidal influence (average tidal range ~3m) and freshwater supply from the Verdugo-Oitavén

River (annual average flow of 27.5 m3s-1, Río and Rodríguez, 1992). The middle zone is

influenced by both continental and oceanic contributions, whereas in the outermost zone

freshwater input is negligible (Nogueira et al., 1997). The ria behaves as a partially mixed

estuary (Beer, 1983) with a two-layered positive residual circulation pattern, maintained in

winter by the freshwater flow and in summer by upwelling (Prego and Fraga, 1992).

Off the ria, the Galician continental shelf is relatively narrow: the 200 m isobath lying at

15–30 km from the coastline (Figure II.1). Sediment supply comes mainly from the Miño River

(the rias act as sediment traps (Prego, 1993)), and defines a sedimentary body at 110–120 m

depth known as the Galicia Mud Patch (Dias et al., 2002). The hydrography of the ria-shelf

region is strongly influenced by a seasonal wind-driven upwelling (Fraga, 1981; Blanton et al.,

1984; Álvarez-Salgado et al., 1993), SW storm surges (Vitorino et al., 2002) and the presence

of a poleward current during winter months (Frouin et al., 1990; Haynes and Barton, 1990).


3.1. Sample recovering and processing

Fifty-one sediment samples from the uppermost oxic layer (0–1 cm) were collected in the

Ría de Vigo by a Van Veen grab on board the R/V Mytilus during a research cruise in October 1999

(Figure II.1). After collection, surface sediment samples were dried in an oven below 40°C and kept

in plastic storage for subsequent analyses. Afterwards, bulk sediment was size-fractionated by dry

sieving into mud, sand and gravel through sieves of 63 and 2000 µm mesh size. Opal

determinations were done on bulk sediment for all samples, and for selected sites, analyses were

carried out also in the <63 µm fraction (Figure II.1).


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

Figure II.1. Chart of the study area. Above: core CGPL00-1 location in the Galician continental shelf. Contour lines in this map show depth in m. Below: map of the Ría de Vigo showing the 51 sampling sites (circles). Samples of sediment were taken from the uppermost oxic layer (0–1 cm). Opal analyses were performed in bulk and muddy fractions for selected samples (black circles).


Chapter II

Opal analyses were also carried out on samples from a 96 cm gravity core (CGPL00-1)

retrieved from the Galician continental shelf (42°5’15.115’’N, 9°3’46.380’’W, 130.8 m water

depth) on board the R/V Mytilus during a cruise in May 2000 (Figure II.1). The core was sealed

just after collection and kept in storage at 4°C until analyses were performed in the laboratory.

The core was split longitudinally in two sections: one was used for determination of the

biogenic silica percentage and correlative subsamples of 2 cm thickness were taken for grain

size analyses. After removing the organic matter with H2O2, the coarse fraction was separated

from the fine fraction by wet sieving through a sieve of 63 µm mesh size. The >63 µm residue

was dry sieved through 2, 1, 0.5, 0.250, 0.125 and 0.063 mm sieves and weighed. Mud

content was determined following the method outlined by McManus (1991). X-Ray

nephelometry (Micromeritics, Sedigraph 5100) was used to separate silt and clay. Finally,

determinations of opal percentage were carried out on the dry bulk sediment and in the <63

µm fraction. Measurements of the biogenic silica content in the bulk sediment were done every

2 cm, whereas in the muddy fraction opal analyses were done every 5 cm.

3.2. Opal analysis

Opal concentration was measured using the alkaline leaching technique outlined by

Mortlock and Froelich (1989). Sediment samples were kept in storage at 4°C and softly dried

to constant weight at 40°C. Preceding leaching, samples were crushed with a mortar and

pestle and homogenised.

At least two replicates of each sediment sample were treated in each leaching

experiment. In addition, a blank leaching solution was included in all runs. Dried sediment was

weighted (approximately 200 mg) into a polypropylene centrifuge tube. Carbonates and

organic matter were removed by hydrochlorhydric acid 1M and peroxide (pharmaceutical

grade). 40 ml of 2M Na2CO3 solution was added to the samples. The tube was closed with

caps having pin-holes for ventilation, sonified, homogenised, and placed in a covered

constant-temperature water bath preheated to 85°C for 5 h. The tubes were agitated

vigorously to suspend the solids at 2 and 4 h and incubated again in the water bath. All steps

after removal of the tube from the hot bath were done quickly to minimize irreversible loss of

dissolved silica to solid surfaces. After a total of 5 h, samples were agitated and then removed

from the water bath and centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min at 22°C. Immediately after

centrifugation, approximately 10 ml of the leaching solution were transferred to plastic tubes

and stored for subsequent analysis. The resulting extract was measured for the dissolved

silicate concentration by the molybdate blue spectrophotometric method according to Hansen

and Grashoff (1983) using an AutoAnalyser Technicon II. The sample was previously acidified


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

with HCl to neutralize the Na2CO3 leaching solution and segmented by air bubbles to enhance

mixing with reactive agents (ascorbic acid, oxalic acid and molybdate).

The analyser was calibrated and checked for linearity by running the blank leaching

solution and the working standard solution. Once linearity was checked, an appropriate

working standard solution was run (106.58 µM Si(OH)4) before and after the sample series.

Precision of the analytical system is based on replicate measurements of silicon standard

solutions. Dissolved silicate content for each sample was calculated taking into account the

dissolved silicate concentration of the working standard solution. Finally, the percentage of

opal in dry sediment is expressed by:


CCopal m ×


100)(% 0 (1)

Cm is the dissolved silicate concentration of the sample in µM, C0 is the dissolved

concentration of the blank in µM, P is the dry sediment weight in µg and K (2.7 gmol-1l) is a

constant value comprising the digestion volume (l), the molecular mass of Si (gmol-1) and a

correction factor that depends on the opal water content (10% in this case because of their

recent origin).

3.3. Accuracy and precision of the opal determination

Due to the absence of certified BSi standards, establishing absolute accuracy from

existing methodologies is not possible. As there is not an amorphous silica standard or purified

BSi available to add to the sediment matrix, some authors have established accuracy by

comparison with other techniques (Mortlock and Froelich, 1989; Conley, 1998; Liu et al., 2002)

or analysis of artificial sediment standards that contain a known fraction of pure biogenic opal

(Mortlock and Froelich, 1989; Müller and Schneider, 1993; Koning et al., 2002). However, it is

difficult to prepare an artificial matrix similar to natural sediments, to mix various sedimentary

components in the laboratory or to manufacture an internal laboratory standard. Thus, it is

accepted the assumptions pointed out by Mortlock and Froelich (1989) about accuracy and the

opal measurements done are considered exact.

The precision of the overall method was estimated from analyses of selected superficial

samples from the Ria de Vigo (samples 10, 49, 26, 39 and 31) with opal contents covering the

entire opal range found in the ria and shelf sediments (Table II.1). The standard deviation of

the analysed samples ranges between 0.14 and 0.22 and increases slightly as the opal

content diminishes, but the general trend is nearly constant. Precision of the method is about ±

0.2 for the opal range studied. It decreases when opal percentages are relatively low, but

according to the stability of the standard deviation value (± 0.2) precision is satisfactory for all


Chapter II

sediment samples analysed, regardless of their opal content. When the relative standard

deviation (RSD) about the mean is examined, this value rises when the biogenic silica content

diminishes down to 1.3 wt.%. Mortlock and Froelich (1989) analysing sediments from Atlantic,

Antarctic, Pacific and Indian Oceans obtained similar RSD results, i.e. around 8% in samples

with opal concentrations lower than 15 wt.%.

Table II.1. Study of precision of the method. Table shows samples used in this work, location (latitude and longitude in UTM units), number of analysis, mean, standard deviation and relative standard deviation. Opal content determinations for each sample were done in different runs.





OPAL MEAN (wt.%)




10 530005.31 4683159.26 6 5.01 0.18 3.49

49 528921.71 4682062.81 6 4.12 0.19 4.73

26 516124.18 4676928.81 6 2.97 0.14 4.88

39 523588.86 4677136.80 8 2.14 0.21 9.95

31 518330.63 4678200.05 6 1.37 0.22 16.30


4.1. Opal distribution in surface sediments of the Ría de Vigo

Biogenic silica analysis of bulk sediment samples from the Ría de Vigo shows that, as a

general tendency, maximum opal percentage is found in the inner part of the ria (Figure II.2A),

clearly decreasing towards the mouth of the ria. Higher percentages (about 4–5 wt.%) are

found in the San Simón Inlet. In the inner part of the ria and near the Rande Strait adjacent to

the northern coast opal percentage is around 2–3 wt.%. Similar values are registered in the

middle zone of the ria (about 2 wt.%), especially throughout the longitudinal axis. In contrast,

lower percentages (<0.5 wt.%) are found in the ria margins, particularly, at the ria mouth. In

this sector, sediment structure (Figure II.2B) comprises coarser grain sizes such as quartz

sand and biogenic carbonates (Nombela et al., 1987; Vilas et al., 1995).

It is interesting to compare our results with previous works by different authors in the

surrounding area. Prego et al. (1995) studied the biogeochemical silicon cycle in the Ría de

Vigo and also described a decrease in opal content from the inner part to mouth in the

superficial sediments. According to these authors, opal distribution shows high percentages

along the central axis (>2.5 wt.%), especially in the central zone, whereas low opal contents

typify the margins to the ria. Compared to this study, we have increased the number of


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

sampling stations, and the innermost part of the ria (San Simón Inlet) has also been surveyed.

This higher sampling resolution permits us to establish a more accurate account of opal

distribution of the ria and, in fact, remarkable differences with the Prego et al. (1995) results

are found. For example, the highest values (even 5 wt.%) are located in the inner part of the

ria (San Simón Inlet) and in the inner-central zone.

Figure II.2. a) Opal distribution in the bulk sediment throughout the Ría de Vigo. b) Detailed map of the superficial sediment distribution of the Ría de Vigo (modified from Vilas et al., 1995).


Chapter II

Subsequently, Prego and Bao (1997) evaluated biogenic silica content in superficial

sediment samples recovered from the whole Galician continental shelf, and Barciela et al.

(2000) extended this study to two other rias, Pontevedra and Arousa. Recently, Dale and

Prego (2002) have determined the opal content in the uppermost oxic layer (1 cm of sediment)

in sampling stations of the Ría de Pontevedra. This work shows that higher opal percentages

are recorded in the inner ria and towards to the northern coast, whereas, at the ria mouth,

biogenic silica content is relatively low, mainly due to the coarser grain size distribution in this


Comparisons with Ría de Pontevedra and Arousa illustrate that opal content is similar

between them, ranging from 0.5 to 5 wt.%. Biogenic silica distribution is analogous between

the Ría de Vigo and Pontevedra, higher percentages occurring in the inner part and towards

the north shore in the inner-central zone. This particular trend is due to a dilution effect caused

by residual organic matter in the sediments of the southern margin of the Ría de Vigo (Vilas et

al., 1995) and by discharges of particulate organic matter from a nearby paper mill (Arbones et

al., 1992) and urban wastewater in the Ría de Pontevedra (Barciela et al., 2000; Dale and

Prego, 2002). On the other hand, biogenic silica distribution of the Ría de Arousa is quite

singular because higher opal percentages in the north coast are not detected and opal in this

ria shows a general decreasing trend from head to mouth. This pattern is explained by the

higher fertilization by silicate provoked by the freshwater input of the Ulla River (Vergara and

Prego, 1997).

Taking into account these previous studies and the results of the present work, it is

possible to discriminate three areas in the Ría de Vigo in relation to opal content of seabed

sediment: the inner ria (San Simón Inlet), a central area where opal content is still relatively

high, but less than in the internal zone and, finally, an outer area characterized by lower

biogenic silica percentages.

Data concerning primary productivity in the Ría de Vigo are relatively scarce and have a

wide range of variability depending on the ria sector and the sampling period considered.

Mean annual value of net primary production throughout the ria, at an annual scale, is about

350 mgCm-2d-1 (Prego, 1993), although 40% of this quantity is remineralized. During the

upwelling season in 1997 Gago et al. (2003) found values of net ecosystem production around

790 mgCm-2d-1, but 68% of production is trapped in the sediments. Elevated values from

spring to autumn range between 700 and 1200 mgCm-2d-1 in the inner part of the ria (Vives

and Fraga, 1961), even 2400 mgCm-2d-1 in summer (Tilstone et al., 1999). Fraga (1976) found

values of about 2800 mgCm-3d-1 in the inner zone. A mean seasonal water column gross

primary production of 2100–2700 mgCm-2d-1 (Moncoiffé et al., 2000) is also found in the inner


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

ria, but only 33% is transferred to sediment on the shelf or to superior trophic levels. Thus,

elevated values of primary production are found when upwelling occurs form April to October.

As a general rule, productivity in the Ría de Vigo shows a decreasing trend from head

to mouth (Fraga, 1976) with the highest values in the inner-central part (adjacent to Rande

Strait). Primary production is 3–4 times higher in the inner zone than in the outer zone (Vives

and Fraga, 1961). Prego (1993) and Gago (2000) also registered this spatial and temporal

differences in their calculations about carbon fluxes to the sediment.

Considering data about carbon primary production in the ria, the opal content in the

sediment is correlated with the productivity in the water column, principally diatoms, typical

biosiliceous organisms in upwelling areas (Bao et al., 1989; Lisitzin, 1996; Bao et al., 1997).

However, in San Simón Inlet the opal content found in the sediment is higher than

expected, and it cannot be explained only by water column productivity. This semi-enclosed

area is characterised by shallower depths, which permits seabed illumination, tidal mixing, and

introduction of dissolved silicate input from river discharge (Prego and Fraga, 1991; Vergara

and Prego, 1997). Thus, proliferation of benthic diatoms in this sector is enhanced. Moreover,

Varela (1984) and Varela and Penas (1985) pointed out the increasing in the

phytomicrobenthic production in intertidal environments, and the higher frustule resistance of

benthic diatoms to dissolution. Pazos et al. (2000) revealed the presence of green algae in

particulate matter of the Verdugo-Oitavén River. Margalef (1956) and Bao et al. (1989) found

freshwater diatoms in the San Simón Inlet and in the vicinity of Rande Strait. Therefore, the

high opal percentage found on the sediment of the San Simón Inlet could be due to the growth

of benthic diatoms and the input of freshwater diatoms.

Looking at the sediment cartography of the Ría de Vigo (Vilas et al., 1995) (Figure

II.2B), the distribution of biogenic silica in the bed-sediment appears closely correlated with

the sediment structure throughout the ria. Seafloor sediment is composed of mixed siliciclastic

and skeletal gravels in both the outer area and the margins of the ria. Grain size distribution in

the entrance channels, north and south of the Cíes Islands, is characterised by a high sand

proportion, especially in the northern mouth, whereas along the longitudinal axis, sediment is

finer. Towards the shoreline, the sediments become coarser, grading through various

intermediate sediment types into clear carbonate skeletal sands or mixed carbonate

siliciclastic sands. In some places, especially in the outer and northern parts of the ria,

patches of the calcareous algae Lithothamnion corralloides and Phymatolithon calcareum are

found (Nombela et al., 1987; 1995; Vilas et al., 1995). The central and inner parts of the ria are

dominated by clay and silt fractions. Particularly in the inner parts, fine-grained sediments

persist up to the shoreline. Opal content appears to be related to the fine fractions distribution,


Chapter II

showing higher percentages throughout the longitudinal axis and in the inner and central parts

of the ria (Figures II.2A and II.2B).

Carbonate content also shows a good agreement with the grain size distribution.

Maximum percentages are recorded in the south entrance channel, whereas minimum

carbonate content is recorded in the central axis of the ria. Organic matter content appears to

be related to the fine fraction distributions, showing its maximum percentages in the inner and

middle part of the ria (Vilas et al., 1995).

Opal distribution all along the ria appears to be influenced by the primary production in

the water column, as well as the biogenic carbonate and lithogenic fractions of the sediment,

resulting of the ria hydrodynamic (Prego and Fraga, 1992; Taboada et al., 1998) and

sedimentation processes (Prego, 1993; Dale and Prego, 2002).

4.2. Opal content in the muddy fraction of surface sediments of the Ría de Vigo

Grain size distribution can affect opal content in sediment because coarser grains

provide a dilution effect that must be eliminated, as it was demonstrated by Luoma et al.

(1990) in the heavy metal case. In order to remove this, we evaluated the opal percentage in

the <63 µm fraction because we assumed that most opal, principally diatoms, is retained here.

Therefore, important information can be obtained when opal is normalised and quantified in

this fraction. This hypothesis is supported by two conditions:

1) Fertilisation by nutrients during upwelling process leads to an increase in the total

primary production, particularly in the biosiliceous production. Tilstone et al. (2000) in a study

in this area show that biosiliceous production is due to a larger contribution by diatoms. 2)

Diatom size depends on a few parameters, such as the characteristic size of the species,

water column temperature (Margalef, 1956; 1959), and the essential nutrient supply (Burckle,

1998). Nevertheless, it is unlikely that diatom frustules can reach sizes >63 µm.

However, other biogenic silica contributions in the >63 µm fraction would be possible,

e.g., sponge spicules remains but this type of biogenic silica is quite refractory and the

dissolution in the alkaline leaching solution is difficult (Müller and Schneider, 1993).

In order to test the above hypothesis, a comparison between opal percentage in total

and muddy fractions was carried out for nineteen sediment samples, with an opal content in

the bulk sediment of 1–5 wt.% and a mean value about 2.9 wt.% (Table II.2). In these

samples, opal percentage in the fine fraction ranged between 1.9–5.9 wt.%, with a mean value

of 3.5 wt.% (Table II.2).


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy


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Chapter II

To quantify the difference between the opal content in both fractions, the variation

percentage is calculated using the expression:

10063 %

%63 % ×<−<



µ (2)

Variation percentage (Table II.2) shows that the opal percentage in the bulk sediment is

relatively lower than in the <63 µm fraction, except for sample 20 (variation percentage -2.5%).

Samples 44 and 37 contain similar opal percentages in the bulk and muddy sediment. Mean

variation percentage for all samples is approximately 17%, therefore differences between opal

percentage in the bulk and muddy fractions are remarkable. Variation percentage can even

reach 40%, demonstrating that biogenic silica is more concentrated in the muddy fraction.

Figure II.3A shows the linear correlation between the opal content in the bulk sediment

and in the finer fraction. The correlation coefficient is high (R2=0.90). This excellent

relationship shows that variations in the opal content in both sediment fractions are analogous.

Thus, we conclude that analysis of opal in the muddy fraction is unnecessary, and

variations in biosiliceous productivity in the recent sedimentary record of the ria can be

detected by the analysis of opal in the bulk sediment. This methodological information can be

also applied to the other Galician Rías or similar environments as estuaries or embayments.

4.3 Opal content in the Galician continental shelf: An accurate paleoproductivity proxy

To establish the temporal variability of the sedimentary record of biogenic silica, a

gravity core CGPL00-1 was retrieved from the Galician continental shelf.

Lithology of the core is characterised by the presence of two well-differentiated

sections: the lower half of the core consists of laminated glauconitic sand overlying a bioclastic

gravel interval 2 cm thick, whereas the upper one is characterised by green mud deposits

(González-Álvarez et al., 2005).

According to the interpretation of González-Álvarez et al. (2005), the sandy sequence

recorded in the lower part is defined as a nearly instantaneous deposit caused by successive

storm events during the Subboreal/Subatlantic transition, and the upper muddy interval

corresponds to the last 3000 years. Therefore, to establish changes in the paleoproductivity for

the last 3000 years we will focus on the biogenic silica profile recorded in the muddy sequence

(level 47 cm to top of the core) because the sandy interval has a reworked origin. Opal

measurements in bulk and fine fractions were done throughout both sandy and muddy

sequences of the core.


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

Figure II.3. Plots showing the linear correlation between opal percentage in the bulk sediment and in the muddy fractions. a) Superficial sediment samples from the Ría de Vigo. b) Gravity core CGPL00-1. Dots represent sediment samples of the upper 47 cm and crosses are the samples located in the sandy sequence. Linear correlation parameters are m (slope), a (intercept), R2 (R-squared value).

As a general pattern, the trend of opal abundance in the bulk sediment throughout the

whole core shows two different modes (Table II.3, Figure II.4). In sandy sequence, opal

distribution shows a very irregular profile, whereas in the muddy sequence biogenic silica

values stabilize around 1.5 wt.%.


Chapter II

Profile of the biogenic silica percentage in the <63 µm fraction displays a relatively

regular tendency. From the bottom of the core to 60 cm, opal content increases progressively.

Values became stable from 60 to 25 cm, averaging 1.6 wt.%, and from this level to the core

top, opal percentage decreases considerably (Table II.3, Figure II.4). This trend closely

resembles the bulk sediment fraction profile in the muddy sequence, whereas in the sandy

sequence both profiles differ.

Figure II.4. Plot of the down core variations of the CGPL00-1. Dots symbolize samples that have been analysed in the muddy fraction, and the crosses show the biogenic silica content in the bulk sediment. Relative standard deviation (10% uncertainty) for samples analysed in the <63 µm fraction (dashed line). Relative standard deviation for samples analysed in the bulk sediment (solid line).

Considering the relative standard deviation for each analysis, variations in biogenic

silica content in both fractions are within the uncertainty range of 10% in the muddy sequence

of the core (excluding sample 15–16), although bioturbation signatures would blur down core

variations and homogenize the opal concentrations. However, in the sandy sequence

(excluding samples 80–81 and 85–86), dynamic range in opal concentration shows major

variations between both fractions (Figure II.4). Discrepancies in the concentration of biogenic


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

silica in bulk and muddy fractions reveal that dilution by coarser sediments is important. It is

also supported by the high values of the variation percentage calculated for samples of sandy

sequence in contrast to those calculated for samples of muddy sequence.

Table II.3. Opal percentage in the bulk sediment and in the <63 µm fraction for the core CGPL00-1. Table also shows the percentage of mud in each sample and the variation percentage between the opal content in bulk and in muddy fraction. Variation percentage is calculated following the equation (2).


(depth, cm)


(%) OPAL <63 µm

(wt.%) OPAL BULK



0-1 – 1.47 1.36 7.28 1-2 74.502 1.56 1.39 10.92 5-6 77.883 1.35 1.57 -16.44

10-11 – 1.39 1.40 -0.45 15-16 86.394 1.41 1.74 -22.91 20-21 83.791 1.35 1.39 -2.81 25-26 85.464 1.60 1.61 -0.50 30-31 82.633 1.59 1.47 7.61 35-36 76.472 1.54 1.57 -1.99 40-41 67.968 1.53 1.49 3.09 45-46 65.863 1.59 1.56 1.47 50-51 62.462 1.53 1.45 5.28 55-56 26.294 1.48 1.26 14.98 60-61 39.014 1.53 1.61 -4.70 65-66 52.166 1.26 1.60 -26.81 70-71 40.413 1.33 1.60 -20.09 75-76 27.410 1.03 1.35 -31.63 80-81 30.846 1.36 1.33 2.77 85-86 27.912 1.22 1.21 0.90 90-91 21.926 1.22 1.93 -58.08 95-96 – 1.09 1.60 -47.07

A linear correlation between opal percentage in the bulk sediment and in the muddy

fraction is effectuated to contrast changes in the opal content between both fractions. Figure

II.3B shows that there is no correlation between both analyses, in contrast to the results found

for Ría de Vigo. Assuming that the biogenic silica (largely diatoms) is presented mainly in the

muddy fraction, we conclude that opal concentration in bulk sediment does not reflect changes

in the biosiliceous productivity of the uppermost seawater. Coarser biosiliceous material, as

sponge spicules remains would be masking the contribution of the phytoplanktonic organisms.

Therefore, opal content measurement in the finest fraction is a better tool to ascertain changes

in paleoproductivity. However, biosiliceous productivity reconstructions are traditionally done

using the opal content in the bulk sediment (Charles et al., 1991; Mortlock et al., 1991;


Chapter II

Abrantes, 1996; Mortyn and Thunell, 1997; Anderson et al., 1998; De La Rocha et al., 1998;

Weber and Pisias, 1999; Gorbarenko et al., 2002; Masqué et al., 2003). As we have

demonstrated in this study, sediment samples with a high content of >63 µm fraction should be

studied carefully, and comparisons of opal in the bulk and in the muddy fraction must be

testing. We recommend using this parameter instead of biogenic silica percentage in the bulk

sediment in temporal records of other world areas that present major variations in sediment


Using opal in the muddy fraction as a paleoproductivity proxy, González-Álvarez et al.

(2005) have described the productivity conditions of the Galician continental shelf during the

last 3000 years. In this way, relatively stable biosiliceous production (averaging 1.6 wt.% opal

in the finest fraction, Table II.3) is recorded between 885 cal BC and 1420 AD (47 to 25 cm).

At 1420 AD a strong decrease in the opal content is detected. Taking into account other

parameters analysed in that study, a short but intense upwelling of intermediate cold waters is

registered at this level.


Biogenic silica determinations in sediment samples of the Ría de Vigo and the Galician

continental shelf have been carried out satisfactorily. Standard deviation of the method in

these samples is calculated in ±0.2. Relative standard deviation ranges between 4 and 10%

for sediment samples higher than 1.37 wt.%. For opal poor samples precision of the method is

lower, but satisfactory.

High-resolution sampling permits us to establish an accurate description of opal

percentage variations in the Ría de Vigo. Biogenic silica determinations were also carry out in

areas of the ria not previously studied. Opal content distribution shows that maximum values

are found in the San Simón Inlet. High values are found in the northern coastline in the inner

ria. Smaller percentages typify the margins of the outer ria and the entrance channels.

Biogenic silica percentage in the sediments throughout the ria is controlled by biosiliceous

production of the overlying water column as well as the dilution effect caused by coarser

sediment fractions and carbonate and organic matter content.

In order to remove the dilution effect, especially by coarser sediment structure,

analyses in the <63 µm fraction were carried out. Elevated linear correlation (R2=0.90)

between the opal analyses in both fractions leads to conclude that biogenic silica percentage

in bulk sediment is a helpful parameter to ascertain spatial changes in the biosiliceous

production in the water column of the Ría de Vigo.

In the core CGPL00-1, opal content measured in the muddy fraction is a sensible

parameter to establish paleoproductivity changes in the seawater column. Biogenic silica in


Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

the <63 µm fraction allows us to standardize results and to eliminate interferences due to

coarser grain sizes, because coarser biosiliceous compounds could mask the diatom record.

This new contribution to the study of biogenic silica content in spatial and temporal records is

keen interesting and permits us to evaluate adequately the use of opal as a paleoproductivity



Authors would like to thank Marta Elena González and Daniel Caride for their technical assistance in laboratory processing. We are indebted to M. Leeder, M. Pérez-Arlucea and P. Diz for their helpful comments to this paper. P.B. and R.G.-A. acknowledge Xunta de Galicia (Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento) and Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Universidades) for the doctoral fellowships. REN2002-04629-C03, EVK2-CT-2000-00060, and PGIDT00MAR30103PR projects supported this work. We are also indebted to two anonymous referees for their constructive comments that greatly improved the quality of the paper.


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Opal content in the Ría de Vigo and Galician continental shelf: biogenic silica in the muddy fraction as an accurate paleoproductivity proxy

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Vergara, J. and Prego, R., 1997. Estimación de los aportes fluviales de nitrato, fosfato y silicato hacia las Rías Gallegas. In: Prego, R., Fernández, J.M. (Eds.), Procesos Biogeoquímicos en Sistemas Costeros Hispano-Lusos. Servicio de Cultura de la Diputación de Pontevedra, Spain, pp. 33–40.

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4.1. Surface sediment: biogenic silicon fluxes and opal record

4.2. Subsurface sediment: postdepositional processes




∗ This chapter is based on Patricia Bernárdez, Guillermo Francés, Ricardo Prego, 2006. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68, 271–281. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2006.02.008

Abstract. Opal concentrations in dry bulk sediment were measured in forty three sampling stations in the Ría de Vigo at 0–1, 1–2, 4–5, 10–11 and 14–15 cm sediment depths. The amount of opal was correlated with the biogenic silicon flux to the sediment obtained by means of a box model. The biosiliceous flux to the sediment (annual mean) is in good agreement with the content of opal found in the uppermost oxic layer, revealing that pelagic primary production is the main factor controlling the biogenic silica content in surface sediments. This correlation is illustrated by the equation: Opal (wt.%)=0.103×BSiF+0.414, (R2=0.95) where BSiF is the biogenic silicon flux to the sediment in g Si m-2 year-1. In the innermost part of the ría, i.e. San Simón Inlet, the content of opal is higher than predicted by the equation, since other biogenic silica sources to the sediment may be involved, as benthic diatoms proliferation or freshwater diatoms input. Elevated percentages recorded in the inner ría in the subsuperficial sediment respond to the establishment of suboxic-anoxic conditions that enhance the preservation of opal. The input of faecal pellets to the surface sediment derived from mussel rafts also controls the opal distribution and concentration in the ría.

Keywords: opal/surface and subsurface sediments/biosiliceous flux/ría/Galicia

Resumen. Se ha analizado la concentración de ópalo en muestras de sedimento seco de cuarenta y tres estaciones a lo largo de la ría de Vigo a diferentes profundidades de sedimento (0–1, 1–2, 4–5, 10–11 y 14–15 cm). El contenido en ópalo en el sedimento superficial ha sido comparado con el flujo de silicio biogénico hacia el fondo obtenido a partir de un modelo de cajas. El flujo de material biosilíceo al sedimento en media anual se correlaciona con el contenido de ópalo en el centímetro superior de sedimento, lo que indica que la producción primaria de carácter pelágico es el factor principal que controla la cantidad de sílice biogénica que queda depositada en el sedimento. La ecuación lineal obtenida es ópalo (%)=0.103×BSiF+0.414, (R2=0.95), donde BSiF es el flujo de silicio biogénico al sedimento en Si m-2 año-1. En la parte más interna de la ría, en la Ensenada de San Simón, el porcentaje de ópalo es mayor del que predice la ecuación, lo que muestra que existen otras fuentes de sílice biogénica en o al sedimento que no dependen de la producción biosilícea en la columna de agua, como son la proliferación de diatomeas bentónicas o la entrada de diatomeas de agua dulce a la ría aportadas por la descarga del río Verdugo-Oitabén. Además, el aporte de pellets fecales al sedimento superficial derivado del cultivo de mejillón en bateas también controla la distribución de ópalo y su concentración en la ría. Los elevados porcentajes que se hallan en la parte interna de la ría en los sedimentos subsuperficiales responden al establecimiento de condiciones de anoxia-suboxia que dan un lugar a unas condiciones adecuadas para la preservación del ópalo.

Palabras clave: ópalo/sedimento superficial y subsuperficial /flujo biosilíceo /ría/Galicia





Silicon is an essential parameter in the ocean because is a major nutrient required by

phytoplanktonic primary producers. The biogeochemical cycle of silicon is driven by the

biomineralization of opal by diatoms and other organisms in ocean surface waters followed by

dissolution of the biogenic silica after the organisms die. Remains of this organisms sink to the

sediment providing to opal a high potential as a proxy of paleoproductivity. However, a small

fraction of the biogenic silica is buried and preserved in marine sediment. In coastal areas

biogenic silica content is normally low as a result of the high terrigeous input, so its utility has

been questioned (Nelson et al., 1995). Recent progress performed in the study of the silicon

marine cycle suggest that the use of opal as a paleoproductivity proxy can be looked at in a

more optimistic view. There is a crucial need for a better calibration of this marker in order to

improve our capacity to interpret the opal burial in the sediment in terms of paleoproductivity

and paleoceanography. The main factors that involve the linking between surface production

and the biogenic silica burial are the spatial and temporal variations of preservation efficiency,

lateral advection, sediment redistribution and the uncoupling between Si and C

biogeochemical cycles (Ragueneau et al., 2000). These factors create discrepancies between

export and sedimentary siliceous fluxes at a global scale (Nelson et al., 1995).

Controls on biogenic silica dissolution and preservation in marine environments are

complex. The transfer processes of biogenic silica from surface waters to the sediment are


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)

controlled by the competition between physical export and biogeochemical recycling. Several

factors such as availability of dissolved silicate for growth, temperature (DeMaster, 1981),

trace element chemistry of the seawater (van Bennekom et al., 1991), silica recycling in the

water column (Nelson et al., 1995), seasonality (pulses of primary production), supply rate

(Pokras, 1986), lateral transport and resuspension events, selective grazing or the formation of

aggregates (Pasow et al., 2003) and faecal pellets play also an important role. Dissolution of

biogenic opal starts within the water column, and continues in the sea floor, where the

processes related to preservation of the settling material to the sediment are numerous and

poorly understood, namely: post-depositional dissolution and early diagenesis in the sediment

matrix (Ragueneau et al., 2001), sedimentation rate (Pokras, 1986), benthic activity, and

bioturbation that enhances the mixing of pore fluids and increases the removal rate of

dissolved silica to the overlying water column, abundance of the lithogenic particles and the

corresponding influence of aluminium concentrations in opal solubility (Van Cappellen and

Qiu, 1997), and the kinetic and thermodynamic conditions affecting the opal solubility.

Despite these inconveniences, the information derived from content of biogenic silica in

the sediment combined with other productivity markers in a multi-proxy approach is useful.

Research is commonly focussed on surface sediments to ascertain spatial changes in pelagic

primary production. Opal-rich sediments are associated with high primary productivity in

coastal areas however, data on biogenic silica content (BSi) in estuarine and coastal

sediments are relatively scarce.

One of these areas is the Galician coast and adjacent shelf. Previous studies on opal

distribution in the rías (Barciela et al., 2000; Dale and Prego, 2002; Cobelo-García and Prego,

2004) and continental shelf (Prego and Bao, 1997) were limited to the surface sediment (<2

cm depth, uppermost oxic layer), and have the limitation of a low resolution mapping. The Ría

de Vigo has been targeted as the subject of research aimed at understanding its hydrography,

nutrient cycles, primary production and plankton communities. Although, the Ría de Vigo has

been researched thoroughly, little information is available about the record of productivity in

the sediments since a very limited number of studies have been carried out to date. Prego et

al. (1995) evaluated the silicon cycle focusing in the water column processes, including

phytoplankton taphocenosis in the surface sediments in relation to upwelling non-upwelling

events. Also, Bernárdez et al. (2005) have reported values of biogenic silica in the uppermost

oxic layer, which are strongly correlated to spatial variations in primary productivity.

Thus, on the basis of a high resolution mapping and a description of the distribution of

the amount of opal in a Galician Ría, the aims of this study are (1) to map the opal content and

its local changes in the surface and subsurface sediments in the Ría de Vigo and (2) to


Chapter III

correlate the opal record in the surface sediments with the biogenic silicon fluxes from the

surface waters to the seabed.


The Ría de Vigo is the southernmost one of a set of four incised valleys (Rías Baixas,

NW Iberian Peninsula), where long term climatic variability has changed the extension of the

estuarine zone through time (Evans and Prego, 2003). The physiography of the ria shows a

funnel-like shape in plan view, gradually widening seawards, and is partially enclosed by the

Cíes Islands resulting in relatively calm conditions in the ría (Figure III.1). The most important

freshwater input comes from the Verdugo-Oitabén river that flows into San Simón Bay, at the

landward head of the ría. The annual freshwater flux is 26 m3 s-1, but the freshwater

contribution varies monthly from 30 to 56 m3 s-1 during the rainy season (November–March)

until 2 to 12 m3 s-1 in the wet season (June–October) (Pérez-Arlucea et al., 2000 and

references therein).

The Rías Baixas are influenced by a seasonal quasi-permanent upwelling, usually

occurring from spring to September or October (Fraga, 1981). This process is driving by the

northerly trade winds where the resulting baroclinic pressure gradients in the rías are

compensated by intrusions of the cold, nutrient-rich, sub-surface oceanic East North Atlantic

Central Water, ENACW. Therefore, residual circulation is strongly influenced by coastal

upwelling dynamics (Fraga 1981). The ría is characterised by a two-layered residual

circulation pattern, with freshwater outflow at the surface balanced by the inflow of saltier

water in the lower layer. In winter, river discharge favours the positive estuarine circulation, but

during summer, stratification is maintained by the vertical distribution of the temperature in

spite of the river flow (Prego and Fraga, 1992). The density-driven flow is influenced by wind

regime rather than by the other weather conditions such as continental runoff and heat

exchange with the atmosphere (Álvarez-Salgado et al., 1993). Southerly winds promote

coastal downwelling, and thus, the surface inflow of surface oceanic water with relatively high

thermohaline variability and low nutrient content.


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)

Figure III.1. Map of the Ría de Vigo showing the sampling stations. Bathymetric lines every 10 m depth.


Chapter III

The annual cycle of primary production in this region is controlled by the inflow pulses

of ENACW during upwelling, with peaks of biomass during late spring and summer. Due to this

upwelling situation, the Rías Baixas are among the most productive oceanic regions in the

world being subjected to important human activities of economic interest such as mussel

production. Consequently, the ría sediments have typically high contents of organic matter and

opal (Prego et al., 1995; Bao et al., 1997; Barciela et al., 2000; Dale and Prego, 2002;

Bernárdez et al., 2005). In the Ría de Vigo, mean annual values of net primary production are

about 350 mg C m-2 d-1 (Prego, 1993), but during the upwelling season in 1997 Gago et al.

(2003) reported a net ecosystem production of 790 mg C m-2 d-1. High values of around 700

and 1200 mg C m-2 d-1 were also found in the Box 2 and 3 (Figure III.1), and especially from

spring to autumn with peaks ranging from 2100 to 2800 mg C m-2 d-1 (Fraga, 1976; Tilstone et

al., 1999; Moncoiffé et al., 2000) as a result of the fertilization of surface waters when

upwelling occurs. Several authors have also reported important spatial variations in primary

productivity within the ría, suggesting a general decreasing trend from head to mouth (Prego

1993 and references therein).

The grain-size distribution of the seabed consists of mixed siliciclastic and bioclastic

gravels in both the outer area and the boundaries of the ría, and a major axial deposit of

cohesive sediments in the middle ría, whereas the inner areas are dominated by clay and silt

(Vilas et al. 2005). Elsewhere, particularly in the inner area, fine-grained sediments also

persist up to the shoreline. Organic matter content is related to mud distribution, showing

higher percentages in the central axis and in the inner and middle ría areas (Diz et al, 2006).

Elevated values are also found in the southern margin of the inner ría, probably related to the

urban wastewater (Vilas et al., 2005).


Forty three surface and subsurface sediment samples, taken on a spatial high-

resolution basis, were analysed for biogenic opal content. All samples were collected with a

box-corer on board the R/V Mytilus (IIM-CSIC) in September 1998 (Figure III.1). Each box core

was completely sampled at 1–centimetre intervals from the 0–1 down to 4–5 cm, and also at

2–cm intervals from 5 to 15 cm. Opal determinations were carried out in 43 samples for the

uppermost centimetre, 42 samples at the 1–2 and 4–5 cm, 35 samples at the 10–11 cm and in

33 samples at the 14–15 centimetre sediment depth. Additionally, in some stations located in

the longitudinal axis, depth-resolution sampling is even every centimetre.

Sediment samples were stored in plastic bags at 4°C until opal analyses were

performed in the laboratory. The bulk sediment (approximately 200 mg) was dried using an


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)

oven at a temperature lower than 50°C, and treated with 5 ml of HCl (1M) and 5 ml of H2O2

(pharmaceutical grade) in order to eliminate carbonate and organic matter. The determination

of the amount of opal contained in the bulk sediment was carried out following the wet alkaline

leaching procedure devised by Mortlock and Froelich (1989). Biogenic silica was extracted into

a 2M Na2CO3 solution at 85°C for 5 h. Finally, the dissolved silicate concentration present in

the extract was measured by means of molybdate blue spectrophotometry using a continuous

flow analyser AutoAnalyser Technicon II. Precision of the biogenic silica measurement was

evaluated from replicate analyses of selected surface samples from the Ría de Vigo, which

have different opal content that cover the entire opal range found in the ría. Standard deviation

for 6 to 8 parallel extractions was ±0.2, indicating good reproducibility, though for the opal poor

samples (<1.3 wt.%) relative standard deviation reaches up to 16% (Bernárdez et al., 2005).


4.1. Surface sediment: biogenic silicon fluxes and opal record

The amount of opal in the surface sediment ranged from almost undetected to a

maximum percentage of 3.9 wt.% with a mean value of 1.70 wt.% (Figure III.2). Highest

concentrations were found in the San Simón Inlet, with values around 3–3.5 wt.%. In this area,

the maximum values (around 3.5 wt.%) were located in the innermost part (Box 1, Figure III.1),

i.e. nearby the Verdugo-Oitabén mouth, and the lower ones (3 wt.%) in the vicinity of the

Rande Strait. In the Box 2 (Figure III.1), biogenic silica content decreases to percentages

about 2–3 wt.%, however, higher values were found on the northern shore. Concentrations

about 1.5–2 wt.% were found in Boxes 3 and 4, along its central axis in a lengthwise direction.

Lower biogenic silica values were located at the ría mouth channels and persisted up to the

shoreline, where the sediments are rich in carbonates and sands. As expected, the amount of

opal clearly decreases from the head to the mouth of the ría.

Opal distribution appears well correlated with the sediment structure in the Ría de Vigo.

The amount of biogenic silica showed a distribution similar to the muddy fraction and also to

low energy processes. Low biogenic silica percentages were found in the entrance channels

and the shoreline, where high energy and erosive processes are of remarkable importance

and coarser sediment fractions are dominant. That grain size effect in opal distribution has

been discussed in Bernárdez et al. (2005) leading to the conclusion that for muddy sediments

of the ría the analysis in the finer fraction (<63 µm fraction) is unnecessary. The percentage of

biogenic silica in bulk sediment (without correction of grain size) was chosen to evaluate the

biosiliceous production in the water column.


Chapter III

Figure III.2. Contour plots of the distribution of opal percentage in the Ría de Vigo at different sediment depths. Contour lines every 0.2 wt.% opal. Colour scale from light to dark grey indicates the increase in the opal percentage.


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)

Data about the silicon and carbon fluxes in the Ría de Vigo has been studied in terms of

biogeochemical processes and water circulation (Prego, 1993; Prego et al., 1995; Gago et al.,

2003), but the benthic-pelagic coupling concerning silicon in the ría has not been developed

yet. Further information about this relationship improves our ability to discern seasonal and

spatial changes in paleoproductivity from the geological record.

A correlation between the silicon and carbon production rates in the water column and

the opal content record in the surface sediment was found. Elevated silicon and carbon fluxes

to the sediment, and thus, high primary productivity in Box 2, matched well with elevated

concentrations of biogenic silica in surface sediments. Mean annual value of photosynthesis in

the five boxes (Figure III.1, Prego, 1993) also shows that highest values are located in the Box

2 and 3 (between Vigo and the Rande Strait, Figure III.1), where high values of opal are

recorded in the uppermost oxic layer. Enhanced productivity driving by the upwelling in these

boxes was already pointed out (Fraga, 1976). Lower values of primary productivity, found

especially in the outer zone, are correlated with a decrease in the amount of opal in the

sediment. Thus, as a general view, opal concentrations in the surface sediments are

consistent with the spatial changes in productivity along the ría (Bernárdez et al., 2005). Our

findings are supported by the amount of organic carbon in the superficial sediment reported by

Diz et al. (2006). In the outer area (limit in the station 26, Box 4 and 5, Figure III.1) values are

around 2%, whereas in the middle-inner part (Box 3 and 2) organic carbon ranges between 3–

4% being especially high in the innermost stations (Box 1, San Simón Inlet).

We used the dataset reported by Prego et al. (1995) for the calibration of the opal in the

sediment as a productivity proxy applying the biogenic silicon deposition in the sediment in

each zone of the ría and for different hydrographic and production periods (Table III.1). Due to

the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of biogenic silicon net deposition data presented in

Prego et al. (1995) some calculations were carried out: (i) first, according to the four typical

behaviours of the silicon cycle along the year described by Prego et al. (1995) we calculated

the biogenic silicon flux to the seabed for both hydrographical situation and boxes; (ii) second,

taking into account the mean upwelling index for each month, defining the seasonality in the

area, we extrapolated the biogenic silicon flux obtained for each hydrographical situation to the

months when these distinctive conditions occur. Thus, values of the biogenic silicon net flux to

the sediment (mg Si m-2 d-1) for each box were converted to annual values (g Si m-2 year-1),

and in addition, we have calculated a mean annual flux deposition of silicon in the five boxes

described in Prego et al. (1995). The mean opal content in the first centimetre in each box was

estimated with regard to the area covered by each opal isopleths on the contour map (Figure


Chapter III

III.2). Therefore, we can compare the annual biogenic silicon flux to the seabed (Table III.1)

with the biogenic silica content in the surface sediment.

Table III.1. Biogenic silicon flux data (annual mean) for both boxes and different hydrographical situations (winter, spring, summer with upwelling and summer without upwelling). Original data from Prego et al (1995) is also presented in brackets (mg Si m-2 d-1) and represents the biogenic silicon flux to the sediment for each hydrographical condition.

Period Time spans (months) Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5

Winter 4 (13) 1560 (-605*) 0 (0) 0 (-4) -480 (6) 720

Spring 3 (19) 1710 (49) 4410 (17) 1530 (11) 990 (14) 1260

Summer with upwelling 2 (159) 9540 (82) 4920 (172) 10320 (46) 2760 ND Summer without

upwelling 3 (8) 720 (124) 11160 (5) 450 (14) 1260 ND

Total BSi flux (g Si m-2

year-1) 13.53 20.49 12.3 4.53 1.98

Figure III.3 shows the linear correlation between the annual biogenic silicon flux and the

percentage of opal for each box (excluding Box 1):

Opal (wt.%) = 0.103BSiF + 0.414 (1)

where BSiF is the biogenic silicon flux to the sediment in g Si m-2 year-1

The high correlation between both parameters, excluding Box 1, demonstrates the

coupling between the benthic (bottom sediment) and the pelagic environment. These

quantitative findings are supported by the correlation between the opal record in the surface

sediment of the ría and the sink to the bottom of the particles produced by silica-producing

organisms. However, since the content of opal is integrated over the full 1 centimetre, this

parameter does not reflect short-time temporal variations, being an excellent proxy of long-

term spatial and temporal changes in productivity (Rathburn et al., 2001). According to the

reported sedimentation rates (Desprat et al. 2003), one centimetre spans approximately five

years. The appearance of opal when the silicon deposition flux is zero (see equation 1) is

explained by several factors: (i) The seasonal pulses are not sufficient enough to change the

background of opal, (ii) Lithogenic silica leaching lead to a slight overestimation of the

biogenic silica, because correction for non-biogenic constituents were not applied in the

Mortlock and Froelich (1989) technique, (iii) The decrease in the residence time of water when

upwelling occurs lead to a transport and export of the biogenic particulate material from the

high productivity areas in the inner ría to the outer zone. This lateral transport of biogenic silica

due to positive residual circulation might increase the opal percentage in the sediment.


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)

However, slow transport currents (Souto et al., 2003) and the low water column depth allow

the sedimentation of most of the biosiliceous compounds in the production area.

Figure III.3. Plot showing the linear correlation between the mean annual silicon flux to the seabed and the mean opal content in the first centimetre of the sediment in each box considered in Prego et al. (1995). Box 1, located in the San Simón Inlet, was not included in the regression. Equation of the linear regression also shown (BSiF represents the biogenic silicon flux.

Data of the biogenic silicon fluxes and the opal content in the Box 1 need special

attention. Contrary to what may be expected, the highest values of biogenic silica recorded in

the Box 1 (San Simón Inlet) are not related to an enhanced net primary production. Biogenic

silica percentage in the first centimetre in the San Simón Inlet is considerably higher than

predicted by the linear correlation. Therefore, at least, a second source of biogenic silica to the

bottom sediment must be invoked. The most reliable explanation is the presence of a

important contribution of opal due to the siliceous benthic production. Scanning electron

microscope (SEM) images of the most common benthic diatom groups and species

(Cocconeis, Diploneis, Psammodyction, Achnanthes, Amphora and Paralia sulcata) were

obtained (Figure III.4). These groups and species have a high abundance in the San Simón

Inlet surface sediment samples, instead of planktonic forms such as Chaetoceros resting

spores, Thalassionema nitzschioides or Thalassiosira, commonly found commonly found in the

sediments of the medium and outer ría (Bao et al. 1989).


Chapter III

The contribution of the benthic siliceous production was calculated using the equation

(1). The opal content expected in the Box 1 concerning only the input of pelagic biosiliceous

flux (13.53 g Si m-2 year-1, Figure III.3) is 1.80 wt.%, according to the equation (1). The

difference between the opal percentage found (3.16 wt.%, Figure III.3) and expected (1.80

wt.%) is the contribution owing to the benthic diatoms. Around 43% of the biogenic silica found

in the surface sediments of the San Simón Inlet is due to the benthic biosiliceous production:

%43100%)16.3/%36.1(% =×=lBenthicOpa

The high opal content due to microbenthic production is related to an increase of the

intertidal environments, the resistance of the benthic diatoms to dissolution (Varela and Penas,

1985), the nutrient inputs (Gago et al., 2005), and the shallower depths. However, the

contribution of the benthic biosiliceous organisms may be overestimated due to the biogenic

silica supply from other sources, e.g. freshwater diatoms. The abundance of the freshwater

group is low in comparison with the benthic assemblage as detected by means of scanning

electron microscopy. Low sediment suspended loads in the Verdugo-Oitabén river were found

(Pérez-Arlucea et al., 2005), and the river-borne suspended matter entering the Inlet is

dominated by clay minerals, quartz and feldspar; organic matter consists mainly of Fe-rich

algae and occasional diatoms (Pazos et al. 2000). However, several freshwater species were

identified by Bao et al. (1989), even in the medium ría.

There are also a large number of mussel rafts in the outer part of the Inlet. These rafts

contain strings of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), that concentrate fine-grained sediment to

produce faecal mud, which is ultimately deposited in the adjacent ría floor. San Simón Inlet

acts a sediment trap to muddy sediments (Nombela et al., 1995). Thus, high concentrations of

the diatoms frustules in the faecal pellets raise the opal content in the Inlet.

4.2. Subsurface sediment: postdepositional processes

Linkages between biological, hydrological and sedimentological processes in the recent

sedimentary record are important to understand the limitations and usefulness of the opal

productivity proxy in the geological record. A detailed study of the biogenic silica content in the

subsurface sediment was carried out for understanding post-depositional processes that could

have an effect on the opal record.

Results of opal concentration at different sediment depths are shown in Figure III.2.

Contour plot of opal at 1–2 cm depth showed the same distribution and analogous values as

compared to the pattern found in the surface sediments. However, in the Box 2 (Figure III.1), a

distinctive trend was found, characterised by higher opal percentages close to the northern

shoreline (ca. 2.8 wt.%). This pattern was also identified in the surface sediments.


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)

Figure III.4. SEM images of some benthic diatom species found in the San Simón Inlet (surface sediment samples 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54). a) b) c) d) e) f) Cocconeis spp. g) h) i) Diploneis spp. j) k) Psammodyction spp. l) Paralia sulcata m) n) Achnanthes spp. o) Amphora sp.


Chapter III

Several differences were found at 4–5 cm depth with regard to previous results. First,

the mean opal content (1.9 wt.%) is higher than in surface sediments. The decrease in the

percentage of opal from the Verdugo–Oitabén mouth to the Rande Strait area, as recorded in

the upper centimetres, is blurred. Second, the higher percentages of biogenic silica detected

for the previous centimetres in the Box 2, close to the northern shore, was not identified at this

sediment depth. The amount of biogenic silica in the central axis of the ría becomes higher,

reaching values up to 2 wt.%.

Biogenic silica distribution showed a distinguished pattern at 10–11 cm depth,

characterised by elevated values in the vicinity of Rande Strait and in the outermost area of

the San Simón Inlet, ranging from 3 to 5 wt.%. Moreover, higher biogenic silica percentages

were found in the longitudinal axis, up to 2.5 wt.%.

The contour map at 14–15 cm depth closely resembles the one found for the previous

depths studied. The highest percentages of opal were found in the vicinity of Rande Strait.

However, opal content in this area was slightly lower than the at 10–11 cm depth (with values

around 4.2 wt.%). In the longitudinal axis in Box 4 (Figure III.1), biogenic silica percentage

ranged between 2–2.4 wt.%.

According to the amount of opal, and as observed in the longitudinal axis section, two

areas can be clearly distinguished (Figure III.5). The limit is located between the stations 36

and 41 and represents the high-low productivity boundary. In the outer area (Box 4 and 5),

opal values are lower, especially in the two upper centimetres (Figure III.2). Generally

speaking, opal profiles show lower values in the first or even the second centimetre. Due to

the lack of data about benthic silicon dissolution rates along the profiles in the Ría de Vigo,

this fact could be interpreted as a fast remineralization of the “fresh” biosiliceous material at

the oxic sediment-water interface. The presence of the fluffy layer and the associated lower

sediment density can also play a role in this trend.

In Box 2, opal concentration in the subsurface sediments is high, especially in the

station 45. The high concentration of opal registered at 10–11 cm depth in the vicinity of

Rande Strait can be explained by the combination of several factors: 1) A rise in the primary

productivity at the period of burial 2) A decrease in the input of lithogenic particles, and 3) An

enhanced preservation efficiency of the opal due to the establishment of suboxic-anoxic

conditions during burial. The latter is particularly important in areas of an elevated high

primary production, and it is linked to oxygen consumption because of the remineralization of

organic matter during burial. Although areas of highest opal concentration seem to be coupled

with the biosiliceous pelagic productivity, the hindered diagenetic processes and oxic-anoxic

conditions in the sediments controls the opal accumulation in the sediment. Dissolved oxygen


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)

values near the seabed in the Ría de Vigo shows that the sediment-water interface is oxic

(Doval et al., 1998), but in muddy sediments without bioturbation, as in these stations, oxic-

anoxic limit is very close to the surface sediment Abella et al (1998). Recent studies in the Ría

de Arousa indicated strongly reducing environments in these type of sediments, with mean Eh

values that ranging between -120±20 and -252±60 mV and pH values varying from 8 to 8.7

(Otero et al., 2006). Diz et al. (2006) also shows that in the most inner settings of the Ría de

Vigo degradation processes of organic carbon could cause low oxygen and/or reducing

conditions in the sediment affecting negatively the benthic foraminifera populations. Lack of

burrowing and a reduced ventilation of the sediment also increase the opal preservation

efficiency. Thus, preservation of the opal in this area is strongly influenced by the arrival of

large amounts of organic matter and the establishment of reducing conditions during burial.

As explained previously, the most common opal-depth profile is characterized by a

decrease in the amount of opal in the upper centimetres, but other trends can be found locally.

Some stations in the northern shore in the Box 2 showed a higher amount of opal in the two

upper centimetres (Stations 38 and 34, Figure III.5). The anti-clockwise circulation in this area,

cross to the ría axis (Montero et al. 1999) seems to explain the more intense deposition of fine

particles, as diatom frustules, in the northern shoreline, and the reduction of the sedimentation

of the biosiliceous compounds in the southern margin. The high input of faecal pellets with

elevated concentrations of diatom frustules derived from the nearby mussel rafts could also

increase the amount of opal in the sediments in this zone due to the high number of these

structures in the area.

In the cross-section of the outer area lower opal concentrations were found, even in the

subsuperficial sediment (Figure III.5). This pattern is linked to the coarser sediment structure

at the margins as well as higher bottom currents (Diz et al., 2004). Values around 2.2–2.4

wt.% at the station 26 between 5 and 11 cm sediment depth are associated to the

establishment of a lower energy environment and the deposition of muddy sediments in the

central axis of the ría.


Chapter III

Figure III.5. Plot of the percentage of opal from the top down to 15 cm in the longitudinal and cross-section of the Ría de Vigo. Stations used for the longitudinal and cross-section is indicated in the map. Sample number at the top of every contour plot.


Benthic–pelagic coupling and postdepositional processes as revealed by the distribution of opal in sediments: the case of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)


The benthic-pelagic equation (1) presents an evaluation of the linking between

biosiliceous production and the record in the sediments. The biogenic silicon flux to the

seabed follows the same trend as the opal content in the surface sediments, confirming the

usefulness of opal as a proxy of paleoproductivity in ría environments, as well as estuarine,

coastal and shelf areas with high primary productivity. Elevated values of opal found in the

San Simón Inlet are mainly due to the growth of benthic diatoms. The input of freshwater

diatoms from the Verdugo-Oitabén River and the concentration of diatom frustules in faecal

pellets also increases slightly the biogenic silica content in that area. The anti-clockwise

circulation in the inner areas could enhance the deposition of biosiliceous particles in the

northern margin. In the outer area, lower values of opal are related to a decrease in the

primary productivity and the coarser sediment structure.

Different patterns of opal accumulation were recognized in the subsurface sediment,

responding to changes in the opal accumulation, postdepositional processes or to the input of

diatom frustules in the faecal pellets derived from the mussel rafts. Typical opal-depth profiles,

particularly those of stations located in the longitudinal mud patch, are characterized by a

slight decrease in the amount of opal in the upper centimetres. High values of biogenic silica in

the inner area (Box 2) in the subsuperficial sediment (11–15 cm) are related to the

development of a reducing environment that enhances the opal preservation due to the

oxidation of organic matter in this high productivity area.


The authors would like to express their gratitude to Roberto Bao, Antonio Cobelo-García and Carlos Souto for the valuable comments on the manuscript and for helping improve and correcting the English. We are also indebted to M. A. Barcena and O. E. Romero for their help with diatom identification. Marta Elena González and Daniel Caride are sincerely acknowledged for their technical assistance in laboratory processing. This work was supported for the METRIA REN2003-04106-C03, REN2003-09394, EVK2-CT-2000-00060, PGIDT04PXIC31204PN and PGIDT00MAR30103PR projects. P.B. would like to thank the Xunta de Galicia (Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento) and Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Universidades) for financial support.


Chapter III


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3.1. Location and sampling

3.2. Procedures and analytical strategies


4.1. Diatom assemblages in the water column: Seasonal patterns

4.2. Diatom assemblages in the sediment traps: Seasonal patterns

4.3. Diatom assemblages in the surface sediment: Species encountered

4.4. Other biosiliceous components

4.5. PCA analysis: Relationships among diatoms, biosiliceous compounds and geochemical features


5.1. Water column and sediment trap data vs. diatoms record in the sediment: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions

5.2. Diatom and biosiliceous compound surface sediment distribution: oceanographic and environmental controlling factors

5.3. Diatom record vs. geochemical characteristics of the sediment




∗ This chapter is based on Patricia Bernárdez, Manuel Varela, Yolanda Pazos, Ricardo Prego, Guillermo Francés. To be submitted.

Abstract. Seasonal variability of diatom populations from the Ría de Pontevedra (NW Iberian Peninsula) was measured fortnightly on the basis of water column abundance, vertical fluxes and preservation in the underlying sediment. Depending on the oceanographic situation, samples were divided into low, moderate and high productivity periods, according to diatom abundance. Seasonal variations of the diatom species in the water column were indicative of different environments and oceanographic characteristics, nutrient levels, river influx and water column stratification.

Additionally, analysis of diatom distribution and biosiliceous compounds has been carried out in 27 surface sediment samples. These organisms are used as tracers of the hydrographical and biogeochemical processes occurring in the Ría de Pontevedra. The marine planktonic assemblage in the surface sediments is located in the outer area of the ría. It is mainly composed by Chaetoceros resting spores (R.S.) together with T. nitzschioides, L. danicus R.S. and P. sulcata. Higher abundances of freshwater assemblages, as well as the terrestrial input proxies (crysophycean cysts and phytoliths), are limited to the inner ría, where the input of freshwater release of the Lérez River has its strongest influence, especially in the northern shore. Benthic group is also restricted to the innermost areas where low water depths allow for growth. Principal component analysis was successful to distinguish between estuarine-freswater and ocean-dominated upwelling areas in the Ría de Pontevedra. Thanatocoenosis seabed distribution was closely related to oceanographic features of the area and the riverine input.

A good agreement between the biocoenotic and the thanatocoenotic diatom community for the most important species was found. Biogenic silica flux and accumulation point to the utility of some species and assemblages in the reconstruction of hydrodynamic and production characteristics of the ría and estuarine domains in the marine paleo-records. However, lack of preservation of some species due to their low preservation efficiency results in difficulties in interpreting the sedimentary record.

Biological response, production patterns and diatom succession related with their ecological preferences in the Ría de Pontevedra can also be applied to other rías and temperate coastal environments.

Keywords: diatom assemblages/sediment traps/diatom fluxes/surface sediments/Ría de Pontevedra/NW Iberian Peninsula/Leptocylindrus danicus resting spores/Chaetoceros resting spores/Thalassionema nitzschioides/Paralia sulcata

Resumen. La variación estacional de la población de diatomeas en la ría de Pontevedra (NO de la Península Ibérica) fue monitorizada quincenalmente a partir de la abundancia de diatomeas en la columna de agua, su flujo vertical hacia el fondo y preservación en el sedimento. Se diferenciaron diversos periodos de producción alta, media y baja en base a la abundancia de diatomeas en la columna de agua. Las variaciones estacionales de las especies de diatomeas presentes en la columna de agua son indicativas de las condiciones oceanográficas, la abundancia de nutrientes, el aporte fluvial y la estratificación de la columna de agua.

Además, se ha determinado la distribución de diatomeas y componentes biosilíceos en veintisiete muestras de sedimento superficial a lo largo de la ría. Estos organismos se utilizan como trazadores de los procesos hidrográficos y biogeoquímicos que tienen lugar en la ría de Pontevedra. La asociación planctónica marina se localiza en la parte externa de la ría. Las especies principales que se encuentran en esta zona son esporas de Chaetoceros spp., T. nitzschioides, L. danicus R.S. y P. sulcata. La asociación de diatomeas de agua dulce limita su aparición a la ría interna, y especialmente hacia la orilla norte, así como los trazadores de aporte terrestre (quistes de crisófitas y fitolitos), donde se encuentra el mayor aporte fluvial (Río Lérez). Los taxones de origen bentónico se restringen también a las zonas más internas, donde la baja profundidad de la columna de agua permite su crecimiento. El análisis de componentes principales (ACP) nos ha permitido distinguir entre las zonas de la ría de Pontevedra influenciadas por los procesos estuarinos y de aporte de agua dulce de las dominadas por los procesos oceánicos y de upwelling.

Se ha observado una buena correlación entre la comunidad de diatomeas presentes en la columna de agua y la que se encuentra en el sedimento para aquellas especies más importantes. Del estudio de los flujos de sílice biogénica y su acumulación para estas especies y asociaciones se deriva que estos organismos son útiles para la reconstrucción de las características hidrodinámicas y de producción de la ría y ambientes estuáricos a partir de paleo registros. Sin embargo, la no presencia en el sedimento de algunas especies debido a su baja eficiencia de preservación nos pone de manifiesto también las dificultades en la interpretación del registro sedimentario.

La sucesión de diatomeas, su respuesta biológica y los patrones de producción que se relacionan con sus preferencias ecológicas, también pueden ser empleados en otras rías y sistemas costeros templados.

Palabras clave: asociaciones de diatomeas/trampas de sedimento/flujo de diatomeas/sedimento superficial/Ría de Pontevedra /NO Península Ibérica /esporas de Leptocylindrus danicus /esporas de Chaetoceros /Thalassionema nitzschioides/Paralia sulcata





The coastal ocean and upwelling-influenced continental margins are known to be

among the most productive biological systems in the ocean, accounting for high percentage of

the primary productivity in the marine environment (Walsh, 1991). Generally, upwelling areas

are characterised by the dominance of diatoms, but only a small quantity of their silicified

valves proliferating in the water column are preserved in the sediments (Nelson et al., 1995;

Tréguer et al., 1995; Ragueneau et al., 2000). Time-series sediment trap data are a helpful

tool to clarify the behaviour of biosilica particulate material, since it allows collection of the

settling particles directly, making possible the study of the ecological features and

characteristics of the diatoms settled. Trap and water column studies have shown that,

although there is a good correlation between primary production and downwards fluxes to the

sediment there are different probabilities of being part of the sediments depending on the

species (Sautter and Sancetta, 1992; Romero et al., 2000; Koning et al., 2001; Abrantes et al.,

2002; Bárcena et al., 2004). Little information exists about the dynamics and ecological

characteristics of the particle fluxes, and there is a lack of knowledge about the export of the

biogenic material from the water column to the sediment, especially in estuaries and rías.

These microsiliceous organisms represent a great potential for studies in palaeoclimate

and palaeoceanography research in the coastal marine domain of upwelling areas (Sancetta,

1982) due to their sensitivity to environmental variables (Schuette and Schrader, 1981a, b;


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

Hobson and McQuoid, 2001). In fact, the variations observed in the diatom assemblages of

surface coastal sediments can be used to distinguish conditions of upwelling from conditions

of production mediated by continental supply. Moreover, diatom taxa variations in recent

sediments are useful to explain the differences in characteristics of upwelling water masses,

nutrient distribution, currents, rainfall, land-freshwater influence or regional climatic processes

(Sepúlveda et al., 2005).

The high primary productivity of the Galician Rías is attributed to nutrient enrichment

from coastal upwelling which favours phytoplankton growth. Studies on phytoplankton

succession in the Galician Rías (Margalef et al., 1955; Figueiras and Niell, 1987; Varela, 1992;

Varela et al., 2004; Varela et al., 2005) describe a predominance of diatoms due to upwelling

influence. However, their contribution to phytoplankton dynamics and impacts on regional

biogeochemistry are poorly understood yet. Despite of this large body of knowledge of

phytoplankton ecology in the rías, very little is known about the diatom abundance and

biogenic silica distribution patterns in the sediment reflecting present day hydrography and

productivity conditions (Margalef, 1958, Bao et al., 1989; Bao, 1991; Bao et al., 1997; Prego

and Bao, 1997; Bernárdez et al., 2005; Bernárdez et al., 2006). There is a need of connecting

all the information about the composition and structure of the pelagic community, their vertical

flux to the seabed and their record in the sediment. Studies addressed to quantify the record of

the biosiliceous material and its relationship with the pelagic downward fluxes has not been

conducted in a Galician ría yet.

In this paper the contribution of the pelagic biosiliceous particles to the sediment using

the material collected in the traps was estimated. Detailed quantitative analyses were carried

out on particulate material collected in the water column and sediment traps to asses the

seasonal and spatial variability of the diatom assemblages. As a general aim, we study the

present-day primary productivity and silica production, biosilica downward fluxes, and opal

accumulation on the seafloor, in order to ascertain the preservation biases of the assemblages

during settling and within the sediments.

The comparison among the three compartments highlighted the abundance of the

siliceous compounds in the superficial sediment and its relation with the hydrography. The

specific aims of this paper are as follows: (1) To compare the diatom content in the traps and

water column with those preserved in the surface sediments and attempt to extrapolate results

for paleoceanographical and paleoproductivity interpretations. (2) To contrast the results with

the hydrography and primary production patterns also described by other authors. The study

compiles the extents and limitations of fossil diatom distribution in surface sediments as

tracers of hydrography and oceanography focusing on the interpretation of these organisms as


Chapter IV

paleoclimatic tracers down-core. Pelagic origin of some silica compounds was assessed to

check the importance of differential preservation of the diatom species. (3) To test the power

of the diatom taxa recorded in the surface sediments as proxies for paleo-conditions and later

reconstructions. To our knowledge, this is the first study carried out in a ría regarding the

composition of the biosiliceous elements in the surface sediment and its relation with diatom

composition in the water column and sediment traps.


The Galician rías (NW Iberian Peninsula) are a set of estuary-type coasts best

described as drowned river valleys formed by sea flooding during Pleistocene-Holocene

transgression (Vilas, 2002), where the estuarine zone may migrate longitudinally depending on

the extent of climatic changes (Evans and Prego, 2003). The Ría de Pontevedra, belonging to

the group of Rías Baixas, is one of these funnel and V-shaped embayments. It is oriented in a

SW–NE direction and widens progressively from the Tambo Island toward the mouth (Figure

IV.1). The ría exhibits different characteristics according the degree of estuarine-marine

influence, hydrodynamic and sedimentologic characteristics, and can be divided in several

sectors. The outer zone is communicated with the shelf by two entrances due to the presence

of Ons Islands at the open sea entrance. This area presents mostly a sandy cover, with high

abundance coarse carbonate-rich sediments (Vilas et al., 2005) (Figure IV.1).

The inner part can be considered as an estuary from both hydrographic and

sedimentological considerations, with the main estuarine processes being confined to the

inner relatively small brackish water zone (Evans and Prego, 2003). In a sedimentological

point of view, this zone is characterized by the presence of fine-grained and organic-rich

sediments also present in the longitudinal axis even in the outer ría (Vilas et al., 2005).

At the ría head Lérez River provides the main freshwater runoff which flows into the

estuary, depending on the rainfall pattern (monthly average discharge 2–80 m3 s-1, peaks ~120

m3 s-1 (Prego et al., 2001; deCastro et al., 2006a).

Hydrography of the ría is very well known nowadays, acting as a partially mixed estuary

with a double-layered residual pattern (Prego et al., 2001; Gómez-Gesteira et al., 2001; Ruiz-

Villarreal et al., 2002; Álvarez et al., 2003; Gómez-Gesteira et al., 2003; deCastro et al., 2004;

Dale et al., 2004). As with the rest of the Rías Baixas, circulation is driven by the entrance of

oceanic water masses when northerly winds are persistent and upwelling occurs in spring and

summer (Fraga, 1981), the freshwater input at the head of the ría during rainy periods, tidal

forcing and the wind regime, which is mainly SW or NE (Gómez-Gesteira et al., 2001). Tidal


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

forcing on the ría circulation is only observed in the innermost ría (deCastro et al., 2000;

Gómez-Gesteira et al., 2001; Prego et al., 2001) resulting in a inversed circulation pattern.

Figure IV.1. Schematic illustration of the physiography and surface sample locations of the Ría de Pontevedra. Map shows the location of the bed sediment sampling (black circles) and grain size distribution (modified from Vilas et al., 2005). White diamonds indicate the stations were sediment traps were moored and the water column phytoplankton sampling carried out. Depth contours in metres.

Nutrient fluxes into the ría were strongly driven by the incoming oceanic flow throughout

the year (Dale and Prego, 2005), exhibiting a pronounced seasonal variation. In late spring

and summer, upwelling favourable winds are usual, and Eastern North Atlantic Central Water

(ENACW) is upwelled into the ría, renewing nutrients (Tenore et al., 1982). At other times of

the year terrestrial runoff is the dominant nutrient supply. The ecological impact of fertilization

by nutrients in the ría is high primary productivity (Tilstone et al., 1994).

Phytoplankton blooms in the rías occur in spring (mainly of large diatoms) and autumn

(mixed populations of diatoms and dinoflagellates) (Figueiras and Niell, 1987). However, the

highest phytoplankton biomass is usually observed during summer due to the effect of

upwelling (Campos and Mariño, 1984; Figueiras and Niell, 1987; Varela et al., 2001; Varela et

al., 2004). Most of the phytoplankton growth inside the rías is induced by regenerated nutrients

from organic matter in shelf waters that re-enter in the rías when upwelling occurs (Fraga,

1981; Prego, 1994; Álvarez-Salgado et al., 2000). Primary production in the Ría de

Pontevedra varies considerably depending on the balanced influence of upwelling and runoff.


Chapter IV

It is characterized by the export of large quantities of organic carbon and organic materials

(Varela et al., 2004), and their record in the sediment is susceptible of reflecting

oceanographic conditions.

In this way, the Ría de Pontevedra constitutes an interesting area of study due to the

following reasons: i) the ría, like most of the estuaries in the western coast of the Iberian

Peninsula, is under the effect of strong upwelling or downwelling episodes, which reinforce or

stop the estuarine positive circulation and the primary productivity, ii) Seasonal changes in

hydrography are closely related to changes in productivity, iii) The river flowing at the head

leads to a large mixing zone between continental and oceanic waters.


3.1. Location and sampling

Water column sampling was carried out fortnightly between February and June 1998 on

board the RV ‘Mytilus’. Seawater samples for diatom cell counts were collected at Stations O,

M and I with Niskin ‘General Oceanic’ bottles at discrete depths of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 m

(depth permitting and 5 m above the seafloor) (Figure IV.1).

Water column particulate material was collected with a multitrap collector system

(Knauer et al., 1979) deployed 5 m above the sea bottom and anchored to the seafloor at the

same water column stations (O, M, I) for periods of ~24 h (Table IV.1). The trap system

consisted of 4 bound Plexiglas tubes (6 cm diameter) filled with preservative-free filtered

seawater. NaCl (35 g) was added to each tube to raise the salinity and prevent the exchange

of material with surrounding water and particle loss (Knauer et al., 1979; UNESCO, 1994).

Degradation of the trapped material is supposed to be limited due to the short period of time

developed. Trap deployment was intended to span the whole survey period, although logistical

problems limited the collection period to 5 months (February to June 1998) covering the most

important oceanographic periods, winter mixing, spring bloom and upwelling.

Table IV.1. Mooring positions and water depth.

Sediment traps Longitude W Latitude N Water depth (m)

Inner I 8.739 42.392 45 Middle M 8.792 42.365 36 Outer O 8.868 42.350 25


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

For the determination of the biosiliceous material abundance in the sediment, fieldwork

consists of a sediment sampling cruise covering all the ría. 27 surface sediment samples were

collected using a Shipek grab and were taken from the uppermost oxic layer with the help of a

syringe (Figure IV.1).

3.2. Procedures and analytical strategies

Diatom identification and cell counting of the material collected in the traps and in the

water column were performed in samples preserved with Lugol’s solution to be examined

under a Nikon Eclipse TE 300 inverted microscope following the technique described by

Utermöhl (1958). Organisms were identified and counted using a magnification of 40×, 100×

and 250× and 1000×. The nomenclature and taxonomic identification for species followed that

of Tomas (1997). Results are expressed as diatoms m-2 day-1, for the sediment traps, and cells

(diatoms) l-1, for water column. Results are also expressed as relative abundance of each

species averaging the complete sampling period.

The procedure for the treatment of raw material for biosiliceous counts follows the

method devised by Abrantes et al. (2005). A microscope (LEICA DMLB and a Nikon

microscope) with phase contrast optics and a magnification of up to 1000× was used for

qualitative and quantitative analyses and diatom identification. Several non-overlapping

transverses covering both central and marginal zones of the cover slip were examined

depending on the diatom abundance. In general, at least 300 diatom valves were identified in

each sample to ensure proper assessment of diatom abundance (valves g-1) and composition

when possible, and raw counts were then converted to percent abundance. In each slide

specimens were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. In a few cases, difficulties

arose in distinguishing between two or more species and in consequence, species were

combined in one counting group or genera group. Taxonomic identification and grouping is

based on ecological characteristics as stated in well-known bibliographies and was made

using several floras (Hustedt, 1930; Hustedt, 1959; Round et al., 1990; Hartley, 1996; Hasle

and Syvertsen, 1996; Witkowski et al., 2000; see Taxonomic appendix). Schrader and

Gersonde’s (1978) recommendations were followed for diatom counts and total number

estimates, therefore only diatoms that were essentially whole were counted.

The numerous taxa were gathered into various groups, which include three different

types: dominant taxa, species of the same genus living in similar environments; and species

showing comparable ecology and distribution, e.g. freshwater and benthic (see Taxonomic

appendix). The freshwater diatoms appearance is due to the transport from the main

tributaries draining the ría. The benthic group included epiphytic, episammic, epilithic and

epipelic species that live attached to a substrate at depths under the euphotic zone. Their


Chapter IV

occurrence reflects inner ría conditions, that is, relatively low salinity and water depths. Paralia

sulcata was not included in this group because this species is tychopelagic. Number of diatom

fragments, silicoflagellates, sponge spicules, palynomorphs, phytoliths, crysophycean cysts

and radiolaria per gram of sediment was also assessed.

Siliceous microfossils and compounds distribution were plotted using the Golden

Software Surfer 8.0 package for Windows, using the Kriging method for data interpolation.

Geochemical data of the superficial sediment, as well as the experimental procedures

were obtained from the paper published by Dale and Prego (2002), including the content of

total nitrogen (TN), total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), calcium

carbonate, and opal (biogenic silica or BSi) (Table IV.2).

Statistical analysis of the dataset obtained was carried out using the software package

SPSS 13.0.1 (LEAD Technologies) for Windows.


4.1. Diatom assemblages in the water column: Seasonal patterns

Seasonal variations of diatom groups are shown in Figure IV.2. Value represented is an

average of the absolute abundances at different depths. Several stages of high, moderate and

low abundance of diatoms have been recognized in the period studied. High diatom

productivity was recorded on February 25th, May 12th and June 23rd. Especially high diatom

abundance was recorded in May 12th, with values higher than 20×106 diatoms l-1 in the three

stations. Periods of moderate diatom abundances included February 11th, March 3rd and 24th

and April 27th. Low production periods coincided with April 13th, May 26th and June 10th. On

average, diatom abundance varied between 4.8×106 cells l-1 for the outer station, 4.7×106 for

the middle station and 10.5×106 in the inner station. Higher concentration in the sampling

period was found in the inner ría, being always higher in the different productivity periods

studied. For the stations O and M, diatom abundance during high production period are 2.6 to

2.2 times higher than the mean, but for the innermost station this value only reaches 1.6. High

diatom abundances persisted in the inner zone even during low production periods.

Due to the large quantity of data, we have considered only the most representative

species and taxa.


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions


e IV

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Chapter IV

Figure IV.2. Temporal variations of the standing stocks of total diatoms and abundance of the main diatom groups in the water column (cell l-1) at the three sampling sites. Abundance mean values of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom abundance.

Chaetoceros spp. are the dominant taxa, accounting 60–70% of the assemblage in the

three stations studied. Low abundances are found on February 11th, March 11th and June 10th

for the outermost stations and also in February and June at the innermost station. Relative

abundance increases during high production periods, reaching the 90%. In the innermost

station relative abundance is low during the high production stages in comparison with the


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

moderate and low production periods. The contribution of the Chaetoceros resting spores

(R.S.) in the water column is very low at all stations, excluding June 23rd and February 25th

(high production periods).

Figure IV.2. (cont.) Temporal variations of the standing stocks of total diatoms and abundance of the main diatom groups in the water column (cell l-1) at the three sampling sites. Abundance mean values of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom abundance.

Leptocylindrus danicus is one of the main components of the assemblage, peaking on

June and ranging from 20 to 83% in all sites and on May 26th at the O and M stations. This

species represents an important contribution to the assemblage during low diatom production

periods at all stations, reaching the 50% of their abundance in the outer station.


Chapter IV

Thalassionema nitzschioides shows a low percentage over the complete period, except

for April at the stations O and M, when a significant percentage, varying from 3 to 16% was

found. At the sampling site I, relative high percentages are found on February 10th (6.3%) and

April 13th (4.6%). Percentage of this species in the low production periods is higher than in the

productions peaks, especially in the outermost stations.

Skeletonema costatum always peaks during high production periods on May and June

23rd, and also on February 10th at the stations M and I. This species constitutes a high fraction

of the total assemblage during elevated diatom production, ranging from 10.1 to 14.3%, and

being almost absent the rest of the period studied.

Rhizosolenia spp. only peak in the outermost stations (O, M) during the February 10th

representing around 18–22% of the total assemblage. On June 6th it represents a relative high

percentage (around 7-8%) in all sampling sites. Averaging all the sampling period, relative

contribution is very low, down to 2.3%. Relative contribution is constant and non-dependent of

the diatom production.

Thalassiosira spp. do not show high abundances. Relative percentage is about 4–8%

on February 10th and especially, during a high diatom production sampling date, on May 12th.

This genus presents lower abundances in the water column at the innermost sampling site in

comparison with the stations O and M.

Freshwater diatoms, the benthic assemblage and the tycoplanktonic species, Paralia

sulcata, appear in winter, in February, and also during April, coinciding with periods of high

runoff, sediment re-suspension and high turbidity.

4.2. Diatom assemblages in the sediment traps: Seasonal patterns

Downward fluxes of diatoms were highly variable during the whole sampling period

(Figure IV.3), showing a prominent peak on February 24th (2600–5700 cells m-2 day-1) and high

values on May 12th (1100–1800 cells m-2 day-1) and June 23rd (2000–3800 cells m-2 day-1).On

average, maximum vertical diatom fluxes are recorded at the innermost station (1500 cells m-2

day-1). Maximum fluxes are found during high production periods, 40 times higher than in

moderate and low stages. In general, the production periods in the water column correlate

quite well with the vertical biogenic flux to the seabed recorded in the sediment traps. The

main flux events found are due to the high proliferation of Chaetoceros spp.

Strong fortnightly variations in the diatom flux and species flora were found in the

sediment traps. Regarding species composition, no important differences in fluxes and relative

contribution were observed between stations, excepting for some distinct patterns as

explained below.


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

Figure IV.3. Seasonal patterns of the total diatom and vertical fluxes of the main diatom community groups in the sediment traps (diatom m-2 day-1) at the inner, middle and outer sampling sites (I, M, O). Mean values of the vertical fluxes of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom downward flux.

A few species dominate the assemblage throughout the sampling period. Chaetoceros

spp. are the main contributor of the diatom flux, as observed also in the water column.

Chaetoceros group peaks on February 25th and on March 11th and June 23rd. Its abundance is

especially low during the first week of February and April. Daily flux of this species is high


Chapter IV

during high production accounting ~80% of the assemblage. The main contributor of the

Chaetoceros group to the sediment traps are their resting spores, representing even the 97%

of the total diatom concentration. Very low diatom sedimentation rates were recorded on 10th

June coinciding with the disappearance of this group in the traps and the prevalence of other


Figure IV.3. (cont.) Seasonal patterns of the total diatom and vertical fluxes of the main diatom community groups in the sediment traps (diatom m-2 day-1) at the inner, middle and outer sampling sites (I, M, O). Mean values of the vertical fluxes of each diatom group or species during high, moderate and low production phases throughout the sampling period are also shown. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram for the total diatom downward flux.


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

L. danicus exhibits very low abundances and fluxes during the period studied. As

observed in the water column, higher fluxes were recorded during low productivity periods.

Two peaks on March 24th and May 26th were observed at the outermost station and one peak

on May 26th at the station M. L. danicus is almost absent at the innermost station, excepting on

March 11th. In general, the contribution of this species is higher during low diatom production.

T. nitzschioides is the second component of the diatom species found in the sediment

traps. This species peaks on April 27th at the three stations, accounting between 33 and 73%

of the assemblage, and also on February 10th at the station I. The contribution of this species

to the total diatoms is high, varying between 10 to 20% when diatom abundance is low.

Vertical fluxes to the sediment are low when production decreases. In general, excluding some

peaks, the vertical flux is roughly constant through time.

S. costatum also contributes in a significant portion of the species studied, but only

during short periods of time, appearing on May, when diatom production is high. In the

innermost station its contribution is almost negligible, increasing at the outermost stations.

Rhizosolenia spp. represent on average between 3% (station O) and 10% (site I) of the

assemblage. Maximum concentrations occur on June accounting up to 33% at the station I. Its

contribution is also important on February 11th at the station O. At the station M, its mean

relative abundance is constant and non-dependent on the production period, but in general is

better represented during high production periods. Vertical fluxes coincide with high

percentages of this genus, being higher on average at the innermost station, as observed for

other species.

Thalassiosira spp. represent a significant proportion of the total assemblage. However,

daily fluxes are very low in comparison with other species and groups. Seasonal pattern shows

strong variations in abundance and flux. In the outer and middle stations their relative

abundance is significantly higher during low/moderate production periods, accounting 6–10%

during April and February 11th. Higher contribution of this species was found at the station I

during May.

P. sulcata appears occasionally in the sediment traps, especially on April, even though

its relative abundance can reach values of 14%.

Benthic group is quite well represented in the sediment traps, on average, relative

contribution is very low 0.5–1.2%. Higher contribution during low production periods in winter

(up to 10%) is due to the input of superficial sediment in the trap.

Freshwater assemblage is poorly represented, but shows two distinctive peaks on June

10th at the outermost station and on April 27th at the sampling site I. As observed for the


Chapter IV

benthic taxa, on average, its contribution to the total assemblage is very low, as well as

downward fluxes.

4.3. Diatom assemblages in the surface sediment: Species encountered

The distribution pattern of diatom abundance (Figure IV.4) is characterized by the

elevated values in the middle an inner ría, as the number of valves per gram is especially high

in an area parallel to the northern coast in the inner ría. The outer ría is poor in diatoms, with

absolute abundances between 6.8×105 and 2.4×105 valves g-1 (Table IV.3a).

Table IV.3a. Absolute abundances per gram of dry sediment and relative percentage (with respect to BSi material) of the diatom valves and fragments of diatoms.

Station Slide fraction

Counted valves Diatom valves Diatom fragments

×105 % ×105 % 8 1/6 397 14.7 27.8 20.5 38.9 9 1/10 254 15.6 28.7 21.4 39.4 10 1/4 522 12.8 24.5 16.1 30.7 11 1/6 412 15.2 24.8 17.8 29.0 12 1/7 313 13.5 22.5 14.1 23.5 13 1/3 252 4.6 26.0 3.2 18.2 14 1 320 1.9 36.2 0.7 12.9 15 1/2 292 3.6 21.7 2.4 14.5 16 1/5 222 6.8 19.2 4.3 12.2 N1 1/3 266 4.9 26.6 8.7 47.3 N2 1/6 359 13.2 22.3 27.1 45.6 N3 1/6 328 12.1 24.3 22.5 45.2 N4 1/8 486 24.0 19.7 59.9 49.0 N5 1/8 458 22.6 43.3 14.3 27.4 N6 1/2 211 2.6 24.5 2.3 22.1 N7 1/2 290 3.5 27.4 1.9 14.6 N8 1/3 458 8.4 27.3 3.6 11.7 N9 1/3 420 7.7 50.8 1.8 12.0 N10 1/3 132 2.4 24.1 0.9 9.5 S2 1/2 345 4.2 23.9 8.5 47.9 S3 1/3 540 10.0 33.0 13.0 42.9 S4 1/8 493 24.3 32.3 32.3 43.0 S5 1/3 414 7.6 33.2 4.4 19.2 S6 1/4 484 11.9 35.0 6.2 18.3 S8 1/4 324 8.0 27.1 5.7 19.4 S9 1/5 0 0 0.0 0.1 30.8 S10 1/6 391 14.4 48.6 5.3 18.0

Mean 10.0 28.0 11.8 27.5 Max 24.3 50.8 59.9 49.0 Min 0 0 0.1 9.5

Moreover, lowest diatom concentrations were found at the stations located at the ría

mouths. Diatom absolute abundances in surface sediments ranged between 1.98×105 (station


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

14) and 24.3×105 (station S4) valves g-1 with a median value of 10×105 (Table IV.3a). These

values are in the range reported in nearby areas (Bao, 1991; Bao et al., 1997, Prego and Bao,

1997; Abrantes and Moita, 1999). The contribution of the diatoms (whole valves and

fragments) to the bulk biogenic silica content in the sediments is ~55%, ranging from around

31% to about 76% (Table IV.3a).

Diatom community is mainly composed by Chaetoceros resting spores (R.S.) ranging

from 13% (station N1) to 86% (station N5). Among the several types of Chaetoceros R.S. four

stand out as the main contributors in the sediment: R.S. C. affinis, C. diadema, C. compressus

and Chaetoceros sp1. Vegetative frustules of Chaetoceros spp. were scarce in the sediment.

Highest percentages of resting spores were located in the middle-outer areas of the ría and

low values were found at the innermost sampling stations (Figure IV.4).

P. sulcata is the second main component of the assemblage (Figure IV.4) with highly

variable percentage values between 0–1 up to 20% and presents a scattered distribution

pattern throughout the ría. Higher abundances were found especially in the external ría and

also along the longitudinal axis, whereas this species is absent at the stations located close to

the Lérez River mouth.

The third species in importance is T. nitzschioides (Figure IV.4). Relative abundance

was within the 2.3–10% range. Distribution was similar to that found for Chaetoceros R.S.

Maximum percentages were located in the outermost stations, but also, relatively high

concentrations are found in the innermost ría at the southern margin.

L. danicus R.S. have common abundances around 1–4%, peaking at the station 15

(17.8%). Its distribution is roughly uniform throughout the ría, excepting that station with the

maximum percentages. It is almost disappeared at the innermost stations and at the northern

margin of the external ría (Figure IV.4).


Chapter IV

Figure IV.4. Contour plots of the relative abundance of the main diatom species found in the superficial sediment of the Ría de Pontevedra.


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

Genus Thalassiosira was found in very low abundances (0–3.3%), with a

heterogeneous distribution throughout the ría. Higher concentrations were found at the inner

ría and in the northern shore (Figure IV.4).

S. costatum as well as Rhizosolenia spp. genera were very scarce in the surface

sediment. However, we show their distribution maps for comparison with their presence in

water column and traps. Although their spatial pattern is scattered, in general, S. costatum

was found in the southern margin of the inner ría and Rhizosolenia spp. at the northern mouth

in the external stations (Figure IV.4).

The contribution of benthic group is very important in the shallowest stations from the

inner ría (20–62%) with poor occurrences at the external ría (Figure IV.5). Pattern distribution

of this taxa mirrors that found for the freshwater flora, with the exception of the freshwater

peak off Couso Point. The shift from the planktonic-diatom taxa dominance to the freshwater-

benthic diatom assemblage is located at the station 12 (Figure IV.5). Freshwater assemblage

is restricted to the stations close to the ría head, at the Lérez River mouth, and especially in

the northern coast (~10%), decreasing the relative abundance offshore (~6%). Limit of this

influence is located around station 12. However, high percentages of the freshwater species

are found in the station 16 located in the outer ría (Figure IV.5).

4.4. Other biosiliceous components

Silicoflagellates, radiolarians, crysophycean cysts, porifera, phytoliths and the siliceous

dinoflagellate Actiniscus pentasterias were the major constituents of the other siliceous

biogenic particles found in the sediments (Table IV.3b, c, Figure IV.5). Main contributor to

biogenic silica (BSi) in the sediment are diatom valves and fragments. The porifera were the

second component, averaging 17.2%, up to 36% of the biosiliceous components. The third

contributor were the phytoliths (average 14.4%) followed by cingulum (diatom girdle bands)

(mean 11%) and crysophycean cysts (Figure IV.5). Silicoflagellates, A. pentasterias and

radiolarians were secondary components of sedimentary BSi.

Porifera abundance varies from 1.4×106 to 1.2×104 specimens g-1, with higher values in

the middle zone and at the southern mouth.

Phytoliths abundance is high, ranging from 1.9×106 to 3×103 specimens g-1. Highest

concentration was located at the innermost sampling stations from the northern coast.

Crysophycean cysts are recorded in higher abundances at the inner ría, (1.4×105 to 1.6×104)

resembling the pattern distribution found for phytoliths. Since both parameters are of

continental origin, their presence in marine sediments implies and aeolian or fluvial transport

to the oceanic domain.


Chapter IV

Figure IV.5. Contour plots of the abundance per gram of sediment of the crysophycean cysts, phytoliths and relative abundance of the benthic and freshwater diatom groups.

Silicoflagellates were present in low abundances, ranging from 0 to 2×104 specimens g-1.

Higher values were located in the inner-middle ría and they were not present in the

longitudinal axis at the outer ría. A. pentasterias only appeared in the inner part of the ría and

also in three stations located at the mouths. Radiolarians content was also very low,

concentrating their appearance in the northern margin of the ría and in the outer zone. Pollen

forms were scarce all over the ría, however, they were present at the ría mouth, but the

highest abundances about (2×104–4×104 specimens g-1) were found in the innermost area.


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

Table IV.3b. Absolute abundances per gram of dry sediment and relative percentage (with respect to BSi material) of the porifera spicules, phytoliths and crysophycean cysts.

Station Porifera Phytoliths Cingulum Crysophycean cysts

×105 % ×105 % ×104 % ×104 % 8 1.7 3.4 13.1 25.0 18.5 3.5 7.0 1.3 9 2.2 4.1 12.0 22.1 14.1 2.6 14.1 2.6 10 8.0 15.4 11.4 21.7 30.6 5.8 8.1 1.5 11 11.8 19.3 10.5 17.2 54.0 8.8 4.8 0.8 12 13.9 23.2 11.9 19.9 55.3 9.2 6.9 1.2 13 5.6 31.3 2.6 14.5 15.5 8.7 1.8 1.0 14 1.6 29.5 0.6 12.3 4.2 7.8 0.4 0.9 15 5.1 31.1 3.4 20.7 18.6 11.2 0.7 0.4 16 11.9 33.5 7.3 20.6 49.3 13.8 0.9 0.3 N1 0.6 3.6 3.5 19.0 5.3 2.9 0.7 0.4 N2 2.8 4.7 12.9 21.7 30.7 5.2 2.9 0.5 N3 3.4 6.8 8.7 17.6 26.2 5.3 4.0 0.8 N4 7.8 6.4 18.8 15.4 106.1 8.7 6.9 0.6 N5 6.1 11.7 3.2 6.1 47.9 9.2 9.3 1.8 N6 2.4 22.9 0.8 8.1 23.2 21.8 0.3 0.3 N7 3.5 26.9 1.6 12.7 22.0 16.9 0.3 0.3 N8 8.7 28.2 4.9 15.9 50.0 16.1 1.4 0.5 N9 2.4 16.1 0.9 6.4 21.6 14.2 0.3 0.2 N10 3.6 36.0 1.1 11.3 18.8 18.6 0 0.0 S2 0.5 3.3 3.3 18.9 9.1 5.1 1.4 0.8 S3 1.6 5.5 3.1 10.3 22.9 7.6 1.6 0.5 S4 4.9 6.6 4.0 5.3 87.9 11.7 4.4 0.6 S5 2.9 12.6 2.1 9.2 57.5 24.9 0.9 0.4 S6 4.9 14.5 3.7 10.9 68.8 20.2 2.7 0.8 S8 7.4 25.2 3.2 11.1 50.3 17.0 0.4 0.2 S9 0.1 30.8 0.03 7.7 1.2 30.8 0 0.0 S10 3.1 10.6 2.2 7.7 42.2 14.2 2.5 0.9

Mean 4.8 17.2 5.6 14.4 35.3 11.9 3.1 0.7 Max 13.9 36.0 18.8 25.0 106.1 30.8 14.1 0.6 Min 0.1 3.3 0.03 5.3 2.6 0 0


Chapter IV

Table IV.3c. Absolute abundances per gram of dry sediment and relative percentage (with respect to BSi material) of the radiolarians, silicoflagellates, the dinoflagellate A. pentasterias and palynomorphs.

Station Silicoflagellates A. pentasterias Radiolarians Palinomorphs

×103 % ×103 % ×103 % ×103

8 3.7 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 3.7 9 18.5 0.3 6.1 0.1 6.1 0.1 30.8 10 7.4 0.1 9.8 0.2 0 0.0 2.4 11 7.4 0.1 7.4 0.1 0 0.0 0 12 8.6 0.1 12.9 0.2 4.3 0.1 0 13 0 0.0 3.7 0.2 1.8 0.1 7.4 14 0.6 0.1 1.2 0.2 0 0.0 0.6 15 1.2 0.1 2.4 0.1 2.4 0.1 11.1 16 6.1 0.2 9.2 0.3 3.0 0.1 18.5 N1 0 0.0 0 0.0 1.8 0.1 3.7 N2 0 0.0 0 0.0 3.7 0.1 14.8 N3 0 0.0 3.7 0.1 0 0.0 7.4 N4 9.8 0.1 14.8 0.1 0 0.0 9.8 N5 14.8 0.3 4.9 0.1 4.9 0.1 0 N6 1.2 0.1 1.2 0.1 0 0.0 1.2 N7 2.4 0.2 9.8 0.8 3.7 0.3 6.1 N8 3.7 0.1 5.5 0.2 0 0.0 1.8 N9 0 0.0 3.7 0.2 0 0.0 11.1 N10 1.8 0.2 1.8 0.2 0 0.0 5.5 S2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 6.1 S3 5.5 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 5.5 S4 19.7 0.3 14.8 0.2 0 0.0 0 S5 5.5 0.2 3.7 0.2 0 0.0 12.9 S6 2.4 0.1 7.4 0.2 0 0.0 0 S8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4.9 S9 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 S10 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0

Mean 4.4 0.1 4.6 1.1 0.04 6.1 Max 19.7 0.3 14.8 6.1 0.3 30.8 Min 0 0 0 0 0 0

4.5. PCA analysis: Relationships among diatoms, biosiliceous compounds and geochemical features

To investigate the covariability between the different diatom species, biosiliceous

compounds and geochemical parameters of the sediments a principal component analysis

(PCA) was carried out. Prior to multivariate analyses, dataset was first studied on the basis of

linear correlation between variables. Close relationships were found between the benthic and

freshwater assemblages with the terrestrial input indicators (crysophycean cysts and

phytoliths). Also these variables have a high positive linear correlation with the organic carbon

and nitrogen content and negative with the carbonate content. TOC/TN ratio in the sediment is


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

also considered as a proxy of organic matter origin, and as shown by Dale and Prego (2002)

higher values were found in the inner ría. Opal content has a good correlation with P. sulcata,

porifera, diatom fragments and phytoliths. However, diatom content is well correlated with the

diatom fragments, TOC, TN and crysophytes. With respect to diatoms Chaetoceros R.S. has a

significative positive correlation with T. nitzschioides and highly negative with the freshwater

and benthic assemblage. L. danicus correlates well with P. sulcata.

Figure IV.6. Scatterplot with the factor loadings extracted using the R-mode principal component analysis. Each variable is represented as a point.

We used a R-mode factor principal components analysis (PCA) to analyze the

distribution of diatom species (3% frequency in at least one sample) and geochemical (TN,

TOC, opal and CaCO3) and some biosiliceous compounds (phytoliths, crysophycean cysts,

porifera and diatom valves abundance) among sites. Variables were standardized to mean


Chapter IV

zero and standard deviation one for each species and variables, having a similar weight, and

permiting the comparison of their variance.

PCA analysis returned two principal component factors, which explained 54.6% of the

data. The PC1 (contribution to the total variance is 34.09%) loads positively mostly of benthic

and freshwater assemblages, crysophycean cysts, phytoliths and TOC and TN concentrations.

Chaetoceros R.S., T. nitzschioides and carbonate content have negative factor loadings

(Figure IV.6). S. costatum is ecologically linked also to the low salinities and high nutrient

levels from river run-off, but their low abundance in the sediment leads to slight dependence

on the PC1 factor (0.246).

The second component PC2 explained the 20.51% of the variance. Opal is the first

scorer of this factor and porifera the second in importance, with a smaller contribution of

Chaetoceros R.S. and P. sulcata species (Figure IV.6).


Diatom water column abundance and flux data have been assessed in several sampling

periods, i.e., winter, spring bloom, upwelling and non upwelling conditions between February

and June. In terms of productivity the sampling covers the most important periods in the ría:

the spring bloom and upwelling season. Diatoms produced during the bloom periods are

preserved with a high efficiency (Nelson et al., 1995), although the biogenic silica seabed

preservation efficiency depends on variable processes such as bioturbation, sedimentation

rate, thermodynamics (Ragueneau et al., 2000). In consequence, spatial and seasonal

variability of the diatom record is blurred by these processes.

5.1. Water column and sediment trap data vs. diatoms record in the sediment: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions

Mean relative abundances of dominant diatom species in the water column and in the

sediment traps were compared to the relative contribution of each species and groups in the

underlying surface sediments (Figure IV.7).

Fortnightly sediment trap records show that species abundances and assemblages

change depending on the oceanographic processes and environmental conditions. Moreover,

species composition also varies depending on the ría area where trap was placed. This fact

also has consequences in the recent sedimentary record.


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

Figure IV.7. Mean relative abundance of dominant diatoms in water column (cell ml-1), sediment traps (diatoms m-2 day-1) and surface sediments (valves g-1×103) throughout the sampling period. Average value of the same taxa accumulated in surface sediments for each station.

Data shows that the most important differences in the relative contribution of each

species are always related with the innermost station I. Nutrient salts were always presents in

this part of the ría due to river input and/or runoff, leading to constant and high biosiliceous


The relative abundance of the main diatom species and groups and biosiliceous

components studied showed significant differences between the water column, traps and

surface sediments (Figure IV.7). Regarding species composition in the three domains studied

the following observations are of interest:


Chapter IV

Peaks in Chaetoceros abundance at the water column and vertical fluxes in the

sediment traps in May is due to the high input of nutrients due to river runoff in April (deCastro

et al., 2000; Álvarez et al., 2006) combined with favourable upwelling conditions during the

second week of April and May (Prego et al., 2001). Moreover, high relative contribution of this

species from the second week of February is related to the development of unusual upwelling

conditions. Also, high contribution of this species is related to the upwelling influence and the

fertilization by nutrients by ENACW, especially in summer. However, lack of northerly winds

driving upwelling in June (Prego et al., 2001) leads to a low abundance of this species and the

proliferation of other taxa.

This group has a high preference for conditions of high productivity (Rojas de Mendiola,

1981; Abrantes and Sancetta, 1985; van Iperen et al., 1987; Abrantes, 1988; Pitcher, 1990;

Sautter and Sancetta 1992; Lange et al., 1998; Abrantes and Moita, 1999; Romero et al.,

1999a; Koning et al., 2001; Abrantes et al., 2002). Chaetoceros resting spores are indicative of

late summer/fall conditions with low nutrients, a phenomenon that is also recorded in a

sediment trap study (Lopes et al., 2006). Since this species is the dominant component of the

assemblage in the water column and sediment traps during high production periods and also

in the sediments (Figures IV.2 and IV.3) we conclude that this BSi reflects the high production

conditions in the surface waters, usually due to upwelling (Bao et al., 1997). Chaetoceros R.S.

dominance reflects the importance of the high primary production associated with fertilization

by nutrients when hydrographic conditions are adequate under turbulent conditions when

stratification is broken by upwelled waters. In fact, Rodríguez et al. (2003) found the highest

abundance of diatoms between May and October during 1999 at a fixed station of the outer

ría, and the most abundant species was C. socialis.

A sharp drop in Total Chaetoceros abundance is detected in the sediment traps, being

even lower in the sediment (Figure IV.7). This genus is composed by fragile chain-forming

diatoms rarely found in the traps and sediments in the form of vegetative cells (Bao et al.,

2000). However, with nutrient deficient and stressful conditions in the euphotic zone after the

upwelling, they form resting spores (Margalef, 1978; Rines and Hargraves, 1988; Pitcher,

1990), which are very resistant to dissolution and become a major component of both the trap

and the surface sediment assemblage (Blasco et al., 1981; Koning et al., 2001). A detailed

view of the Chaetoceros composition shows that there is an increasing percentage and also

abundance of resting spores in the sediment traps reaching up to 78%. The content of resting

spores is indicative of the production of vegetative cells during fertilization by nutrients,

especially during upwelling. In the surface sediment, values were between 44–60%, being


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

highest at the station M. A slight loss of resting spores in the sediment was detected or even

an increase of the relative percentage of other species.

Thalassiosira group shows a progressive decay of their content from the surface waters

to the sediment (Figure IV.7). At the innermost station relative percentage accounts 4.9% in

the sediment traps, dropping to 1.7% in the sediment. Vertical fluxes of this genus were very

low in comparison with other species or groups, indicating the low preservation efficiency of

this group within the water column (Margalef, 1958). Moreover, burial efficiencies for this

weakly silicified group are very low or zero being present in very low percentages of the

sediment assemblage.

Thalassiosira spp. show two peaks the first week of February after the unusual winter

upwelling conditions (Álvarez et al., 2003) and in May when upwelling starts (Prego et al.,

2001), especially at the outermost stations (Figure IV.2). This group proliferates on winter

throughout the Portugal coast reflecting more persistent fertility conditions and continuous

nutrient input (Abrantes and Moita, 1999) decreasing their abundance when fertilization by

upwelling occurs and Chaetoceros spp. dominate. In this way, this species is indicative of both

processes, dissolution of frustules in the water column and constant fertilized water column,

and their use in sediments as a paleoindicator should be took carefully.

Rhizosolenia spp. show a similar percentage in the water column and sediment traps

(~2-3%), with values up to 9.8% at the sediment trap located at the innermost sampling site

(Figure IV.7), but showed a strong decrease in the top sediment (Figures IV.4 and IV.7). This

is the result of the strong dissolution of the weakly silicified frustules. Apparently the

dissolution occurs at the sediment-water interface before being buried, but strong dissolution

processes in the water column and within the sediment can not be discarded.

Ecological requirements of this genus are linked to pre-upwelling conditions by the end

of winter and spring. As observed for Thalassiosira genera the high abundance found in the

innermost station is not reflected in the surface sediments. Higher percentages on February

10th were related to the development of a winter upwelling bloom as also reported in Saanich

Inlet (Mcquoid and Hobson, 1997). This cylindrical and slightly silicified genus is related to a

pre-upwelling bloom off Somalia (Koning et al., 2001). Their dominance before the onset of the

upwelling is due to their capacity to adjust their buoyancy, responding to changes in the

thermocline and migrating vertically between the surface water and nutrient-rich deeper water

and for nutrient assimilation (Villareal et al., 1999). Dissolution of siliceous valves of this genus

within the sediments implies their limited use for paleoreconstructions. However, when found

in high percentages are good markers of enhanced preservation conditions.


Chapter IV

S. costatum is very well represented in the water column at all stations but it sharply

dropped at the seabottom (Figure IV.7). Although this species can be found in higher

percentages during short periods of time at the water column, their abundance sharply

decreases at the sediment trap, pointing to a strong dissolution within the water column due to

the delicate structure of their frustules. High concentrations of the high dissolution-sensitive

species in surface sediments indicate high vertical fluxes of diatom valves to the seafloor and

the effective preservation (Romero and Hebbeln, 2003).

This estuarine-adapted species appears in high abundances on February 11th and May

when upwelling conditions are relatively well developed and the input of nutrients is high

(Prego et al., 2001), especially at the outermost stations. It is a good tracer of high productivity

(Romero and Hebbeln, 2003) and characterizes the spring bloom, for example in the British

Columbia fjords (Sancetta, 1989), but its low preservation efficiency hinder its use as a

paleoenvironmental indicator. The appearance of this species in high concentrations in the

sedimentary record also allow us to trace enhanced preservation conditions, that is, a sub-oxic

environment, and/or high primary production. However, S. costatum is also related to the input

of nutrients by heavy rainfall run-off or constant river flow (Mcquoid and Hobson, 1997;

Nogueira et al., 2004). In our case, the appearance of this species in winter is linked to

freshwater inputs from the river flow (Casas et al., 1999; Varela et al., 2001). Although

Rodríguez et al. (2003) found elevated percentages during a spring bloom at the end of May

1999 this species is one of the dominant during winter. In May 13th an important supply of

continental freshwater was introduced in the shelf, arriving at the ría through the southern

mouth leading to an typical early spring bloom that was linked to haline stratification (Varela et

al., 2001; Varela and Prego, 2003). The freshwater intrusion reverses the normal salinity

gradient at the southern mouth of the ría (Álvarez et al., 2006). This unusual patterns

introduce high nutrients content suggesting the existence of a bloom that penetrates the ría,

embedded in a water mass that is fresher than the estuarine one (deCastro et al., 2006a).

High abundances of S. costatum, also in the outer ría indicates that the low-salinity water

mass (Miño River intrusion) is entering the ría from shelf, and the River Lérez is not the only

supply of continental water (deCastro et al., 2006a). This fact is important for future

paleoreconstructions, because this species, if preserved in high abundances and together with

the amount of the freshwater assemblage, can be used as riverine input marker and inner

estuarine processes (Hay et al., 2003).

L. danicus abundance in the water column, the sediment traps and surface sediment

shows a peculiar pattern. Percentage of this species is high in the surface waters, averaging

around 8% for all stations. It completely disappears in the sediment traps, and re-appears with


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

high percentages, especially in the outer ría, with the form of resting spores. This pattern could

be explained by imprecisions during identification and counting spores in the traps. The non-

appearance of L. danicus in the traps in forms of vegetative cells is due to its delicate frustule.

The absence of spores does in the traps can be the result of lack of sampling in the period just

after the bloom of this species, when sporulation occurs. In a general view, the abundance of

resting spores in the surface sediment do not clearly resembles its seasonal pattern downward

fluxes, but they are indicative of the production of the vegetative cells in the water column.

Ecologically, L. danicus appears after upwelling, with the breakage of summer

stratification and the beginning of mixing period (Varela et al., 2001) and when nutrient levels

are low. This species is one of the most important contributor to the assemblage, being a good

indicator of last phase of upwelling when stratification occurs and nutrient levels drop (Casas

et al., 1999; Varela et al., 2001; Bárcena et al., 2004). During the sampling period, L. danicus

appeared in June, under water column stratification conditions, when upwelling index is close

to cero, indicating a low influx of high-nutrient oceanic water (Prego et al., 2001). This species

proliferated after the bloom of the chain-forming species Chaetoceros spp. confirming the

above interpretations. It was also identified as a fast-growing competitor during late summer-

blooms (Bode et al., 2005) and in the Ría de Pontevedra is associated to winter conditions,

that is, under a well mixed water column (Rodríguez et al., 2003). Hobson and Mcquoid (1997)

related its appearance to the stratified phase of a turbulent environment. However, our data

does not support this ecological interpretation.

T. nitzschioides mean relative contribution progressively increases from the water

column to the sediment for all stations, indicating a strong enrichment of the contribution of

this species in the surface sediment (Figure IV.7). This is due to the high preservation

efficiency of this species in the sedimentary record since its strong frustule (Koning et al.,


Peak of T. nitzschioides in April in the water column and traps (Figures IV.2 and IV.3) is

related to the high riverine run-off (deCastro et al. 2000; Álvarez et al., 2006), the input of

nutrients and weaker upwelling conditions as shown by other authors (Pokras and Molfino,

1986; Abrantes, 1988). Seasonal variation of their abundance is controlled by the input of

nutrients when river runoff is high, coinciding with rainy conditions in winter (van Iperen, et al.,

1987; Abrantes and Moita, 1999). Moreover, in the sediment this species is highly resistant,

so, its appearance in the sedimentary record, is related to high river runoff and high rainfall.

This colony-forming species is also common in winter off Portugal coast around upwelling

centres in less nutrient-rich waters indicating periods of long but weakened upwelling

(Abrantes, 1988; Abrantes and Moita, 1999) and also in the Galician shelf, Bao et al. (1997)


Chapter IV

linked its appearance in sediments with weaker upwelling conditions and persistent nutrient

input. This neritic species is also indicative of low/weak upwelling production conditions

(Bárcena and Abrantes, 1998). Moreover it can be also found around upwelling centres

(Margalef, 1978) and together with Chaetoceros R.S. could also help to track upwelling

conditions with increased nutrient supply (Hasle and Mendiola, 1967; Schuette and Schrader,

1981a, b; Lange et al., 1998; Bao et al., 2000; Romero and Hebbeln, 2003). T. nitzschioides

tolerates variable conditions, but the persistent presence of this species throughout the

sampling period in the traps is also indicative of resistance even when nutrients content is low,

independently of the oceanographic conditions. The relative stable downward fluxes of T.

nitzschioides (excepting in April) indicate that it is better able to get preserved in areas of low

productivity/nutrient than other diatoms species, while with strong fertilization conditions it is

diluted by fast-blooming species such as Chaetoceros spp. (Lopes et al., 2006). In our case,

this species indicates high freshwater run-off, and also tracks weaker upwelling conditions and

constant nutrient supply.

Freshwater assemblage abundance in the water column and in the sediment is higher

at the innermost station (Figure IV.7). In the sediment traps its contribution is negligible

(Figure IV.3). Relative percentage is relatively important in the sediments, especially at the

station I, being indicative obviously of the river runoff. The appearance of this group (2%) in

the water column of the innermost station on April (Figure IV.2) also indicates the influence of

the riverine plume with salinities around 30‰ at the inner ría (Prego et al., 2001). Therefore,

freshwater diatoms track the intensity and direction of the river plume, making possible the

paleoreconstruction of the riverine input by the presence/lack of this group.

P. sulcata abundance is almost absent in the water column and sediment traps (Figure

IV.7). This meroplanktonic diatom (McQuoid and Nordberg, 2003) appears during fall and

winter due to sediment resuspension caused by very intense vertical mixing in the water

column (Margalef, 1958; Sancetta and Calvert, 1988; Casas et al., 1999). In the ría, mixing of

waters occurs when high freshwater input enters towards the embayment and higher current

velocities re-suspend the sediments introducing allocthonous diatoms, as in the first week of

April. In this way, high relative contribution of this species is detected during low production

periods under non-blooming events by the lack of the spring blooming species.

Benthic assemblage follows the same distribution in the three compartments as found

for P. sulcata. Percentage is between 7 to 20 times higher in the surface sediments than in the

water and traps, indicating a strong enrichment of this group (Figure IV.7). Moreover, the

appearance of e.g. Cocconeis spp., Diploneis spp., Navicula spp. in the sediment traps and

water column especially the first week of April (Figures IV.2 and IV.3) are also indicative of


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

resuspension of the sediment typical in winter with high runoff (Figueiras and Niell, 1987).

Paleo-implications of its distribution is related to the lower contribution of the planktonic

assemblage and the impossibility of reconstructing past oceanographic conditions.

Consequently, the appearance of this group in a typical marine environment is related to

transport processes of this group to the oceanic domain. In the Ría de Vigo case, benthic

diatoms appears in very high percentage at all stations located in the inner areas (Bernárdez

et al., 2006). Their occurrence in the shelf or outer ría probably reflects littoral influence and

transport from the innermost areas.

In summary, the diatom community found in the overlying waters is usually reflected in

the surface sediments, excepting the slightly silicified frustules under low preservation

conditions in the sediment. However, we find some diatom flora only present in the water

column and traps but not in the sediments, and some species found in the sediments but not in

the plankton samples such as P. sulcata.

5.2. Diatom and biosiliceous compound surface sediment distribution: oceanographic and environmental controlling factors

Estimated diatom abundances in the surface sediments of the ría fall within similar

order of magnitude (Figure IV.4) as reported for other coastal or shelf upwelling-influenced

areas (Schuette and Schrader, 1981a; Abrantes, 1988; Lange et al., 1998; Romero et al.,

1999a; Nave et al., 2001; Romero and Hebbeln, 2003; Hay et al., 2003) being higher than for

example in the Mediterranean (Bárcena and Abrantes, 1998). Values in the Rías Baixas are

around 10×106 valves g-1 with maximum concentrations in the Ría de Arousa and minima (<105

valves g-1) nearby the Finisterre Cape (Bao et al., 1997). In the Ría de Vigo values are around

10–20×106 valves g-1 (Prego et al., 1995).

Lower diatom absolute valves abundance were recorded at the entrance channels of

the ría (Figure IV.4), where grain size is coarser, reflecting a dilution effect through increased

deposition of clastic material (Vilas et al., 2005). Grain-size variations along the ría suggest

that the lower abundance of diatoms in the outer areas could be a function of transport

(diatoms being removed from coarser sediments) or preservation (with dissolution in more

porous sediments). Favourable conditions for diatom preservation were usually reflected by

high abundance estimates. The pattern of diatom content also shows an increased percentage

at the innermost parts at the northern shore, being indicative of enhanced preservation

conditions in the muddy areas. Diatom/Chaetoceros R.S. ratio also shows high values at the

innermost sites, indicating a strong potential of these sediments for diatom preservation.

Patterns of preservation were also related to the oxygenation conditions of the sediment. Oxic-

suboxic conditions are commonly found at the innermost parts of the ría, where mud content


Chapter IV

and organic carbon are high, leading enhanced opal preservation. At the outer areas, coarser

sediments permit the oxygenation of the sediment, favouring bioturbation and permitting the

break out and fast dissolution of diatom frustules. Only the strong silicified species resist to

dissolution, as for example, P. sulcata.

High percentages of Chaetoceros R.S. found at the middle ría are triggered by the

influx of ENACW waters fertilizing the ría. Low abundances found in the inner ría are due to

the high contribution of freshwater and benthic diatoms. Also, in the northern and southern

mouth low values were found, indicating lower diatom production in this area. The high

productivity of the surface waters and the influence of coastal upwelling especially in the

middle-outer areas of the ría are mirrored by the dominance of upwelling-related Chaetoceros

R.S. as observed in the Ría de Vigo (Prego et al., 1995) (Figure IV.4). Chaetoceros R.S.

geographical distribution in the modern sedimentary record marks the area where stronger and

more important upwelling conditions occur. As reported by Lopes et al. (2006) Chaetoceros

R.S. percentages provide a better semi-quantitative index of paleoproductivity than absolute

abundance, which is compromised by dilution with terrigenous sediments near the coast.

P. sulcata is thycopelagic, highly silicified and preserves very well in the sedimentary

record. Its abundance at the ría mouth points to its resistance to dissolution and high energy

currents. The high abundances in the outer sector point to an enhancement of this resistant

diatom due to differential dissolution, indicating oxic conditions in the seabed (Figure IV.4).

This species is also a tracer of high fertilization by nutrients and upwelling (Roelofs, 1984;

Abrantes, 1988; Abrantes 1991; Bao et al., 1997; Bárcena and Abrantes, 1998; McQuoid and

Nordberg, 2003 and references therein). In fact, their appearance in high percentages at the

outer ría can also reflect the oceanic influence and the entrance of high-nutrient shelf waters

when upwelling is well developed. However, caution must take care on interpreting their

spatial and vertical distribution due to its special resistance to deterioration.

Paleoenvironmental interpretations using P. sulcata are difficult due to their characteristics

features. In our case, their relative contribution is high at the outer ría, where oceanic waters

and upwelling predominates. We must combine its employment as paleoproxy in P. sulcata-

dominated biofacies for the identification of high production areas with other biogeochemical

markers (Bao et al., 1997).

T. nitzschioides geographical distribution (Figure IV.4) should be indicative of high

riverine discharge and weaker upwelling conditions on the basis of their seasonal variations

and downward fluxes to the seabed. The constant percentage in the outer areas of the ría is

associated to the constant nutrient supply from oceanic waters. However, its geographical

distribution with lower percentages at the stations of the inner ría, do not resemble the


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

distribution pattern of, for example the freshwater assemblage (Figures IV.4 and IV.5). Hay et

al. (2003) also found elevated percentages of this species in the outer parts of a temperate

fjord linked to the entrance of offshore waters.

Thalassiosira spp. present a scattered distribution, but persists in significative

abundances at the inner ría (Figure IV.4). This fact is indicative of their resistance and

adaptation to conditions relatively low nutrients input but constant in time, supplying by for

example by the Lérez River. In this way, relative abundance is high in the northern margin due

to displacement of the surface river waters due to the Coriolis effect, an asymmetry observed

throughout the year (deCastro et al., 2006b).

The higher percentage of L. danicus in the sediments of the outer ría is related to the

lack of the benthic and freshwater assemblage and relatively low percentages of the

Chaetoceros R.S. This species reflects the areas where stratification, following upwelling,


The freshwater assemblage showed a strong influence of the riverine plume at the

innermost ría, declining towards the middle ría. Coriolis force drives the freshwater flow to the

northern mouth, especially during the wet season (deCastro et al., 2006b) provoking the

sedimentation of the river-derived particles at the northern margin. Oceanographic surveys

done at the same period also illustrated the extent of the low salinity river lens and reduced

freshwater retention (Prego et al., 2001). Other biosiliceous continental-derived material, as

phytoliths and crysophycean cysts appears at the same stations and with the same pattern

distribution as the freshwater assemblage, demonstrating the riverine transport of these

components to the ría (Figure IV.5). Hay et al. (2003) also found the same distribution patterns

in a temperate fjord and other authors (Rebolledo et al., 2005; Lopes et al., 2006) on the

Chilean Fjords and NE Pacific respectively, indicating the important implications for

paleoreconstructions. This fact has important paleoimplications since in coastal areas with

higher riverine influence most of these particles are derived from the fluvial domain, instead of

aeolian transport as observed for example in NW Africa and Equatorial Atlantic (Romero et al.,

1999b; Romero et al., 2000; Nave et al., 2001).

The appearance of high abundances of freshwater diatoms at a station located at the

southern mouth of the ría could be related to the influence of the Miño River plume after

extremes flood events (Figure IV.5). Lower salinities recorded at the southern mouth in the

Vigo and Pontevedra rías are derived from the salinity plume located at the shelf and getting

into the rías (Álvarez et al., 2006), and transporting allochthonous freshwater diatoms floating

on the surface water. One of these events was recorded during the sampling period leading to

an early spring bloom, detected by the high abundances of S. costatum in the water column


Chapter IV

and sediment traps, even in the outer areas, mixed with a more advanced successional stage

of phytoplankton community (deCastro et al., 2006a). This slightly silicified species is only

present in the inner ría and at station 16. Preservation of this species in the sediment is then

related to enhanced preservation efficiency in the sediment but, the low preservation efficiency

in the sediment of this species impede their use as river plume or run-off tracking.

The record of this delicate frustule species in the fossil record implies good conditions

for preservation. The non-presence of fragile species (e.g. S. costatum) in our sediment

samples suggest that dissolution after burial in this region is high as shown by Schuette and

Schrader (1981a, b) excepting the inner areas.

Benthic species extends towards the inner ría in shallow areas. Their appearance at

higher depths indicates transport from the inner areas. Therefore, benthic taxa could be used

in the paleoceanographic record as an indicative of down-slope or down-shelf transport. The

spreading of benthic and freshwater forms towards outer areas of the ría and also in the

adjacent shelf points to the existence of currents towards the outer shelf and high riverine

discharge (Figure IV.5).

5.3. Diatom record vs. geochemical characteristics of the sediment

The spatial distribution of the positive values of the PC1 factor scores is related to the

area where continental influence and estuarine processes dominates, while negative factor

scores spreading westward in the outer area (limit station 12) reflects oceanic influence

(Figure IV.8). Therefore, the influence of the river plume is clearly identified in the sedimentary

record. In coastal areas, an important contribution of land-derived material should be

expected. In this case, values of the TOC/TN ratio below 10 (Table IV.2; Dale and Prego,

2002), even in the inner station, could lead us to conclude that the main organic matter source

is marine. However, as observed especially in the freshwater assemblage distribution, the land

derived processes are important in the inner ría. TOC/TN ratios are not suitable for

quantitative approaches for the origin of the organic matter, although values <10 reflect that

the main source of organic carbon is marine (Emerson and Hedges, 1988; Meyers, 1994).

Surface river water was displaced northward due to the Coriolis effect generating a maximum

of this factor. PC1 distribution reflects the terrestrial input and riverine influence. We will

simply designate this factor as the ‘land and freshwater influence factor’.


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

Figure IV.8. Distribution patterns of the factor scores obtained using the R-mode principal component analysis.

On the contrary, PC2 is confined to open-ocean and especially in the middle ría region,

being the factor scores highly positive in the oceanic domain (Figure IV.8). This factor is

indicative of the influence of the upwelling of ENACW. ‘Marine primary production factor’ is a

suitable designation for this component.

In summary, on the basis of the PCA, the first component (PC1) illustrated the strong

separation between the inner and outer stations, representing the freshwater influence/marine

domain and a benthic taxa gradient in the assemblages. The second axis (PC2) is related to

the marine autochthonous productivity and the influence of the input of oceanic water masses

(Figure IV.7). In fact, forcing mechanisms controlling the entrance of the oceanic water

masses is highly influenced by the climatic and atmospheric conditions. Sediment diatom

assemblages and the geochemical tracers throughout the ría are hypothesized to reflect the

combined influences from the Lérez River and the hydrodynamic and oceanographic regime,

because the rías are a principal exchange of terrestrial and marine waters. Factors extracted

using PCA analysis reflect the fluvial-estuarine domain and the oceanic influence on the

diatom assemblages and geochemical characteristics of the surface sediments, allowing the

identification of changes in these environmental conditions in the sedimentary archive.


This study concerns the seasonal variation in the water column and sediment traps and

the spatial distribution of the siliceous signal in the surface sediments of a Galician ría.

Chaetoceros spp. are linked to the development of high production conditions caused

by upwelling driven by northern winds. Thalassiosira spp. appear under continuous nutrient


Chapter IV

input. Rhizosolenia species responds to the winter upwelling blooms, but they proliferate under

low nutrient contents in the surface waters. S. costatum is related to riverine and freshwater

input and inner estuarine processes and T. nitzschioides tolerates variable conditions but also

related to river runoff. L. danicus proliferates after the upwelling under low nutrient levels and

stratification. P. sulcata and benthic group only appeared in the water column with high river

runoff due to the resuspension of the sediment. Freshwater group is relatively important in the

innermost stations tracking the intensity of the Lérez River plume.

Strong dissolution of the slightly silicified species occurred mostly at the water/sediment

interface. Rhizosolenia spp. undergo the early diagenetic and dissolution processes within the

sediment, completely disappearing. However S. costatum experiences dissolution

progressively from the low-deep water column and in the sediment independently of the

location in the ría. The same behaviour was observed for the Thalassiosira species excluding

the innermost station. T. nitzschioides shows the opposite pattern, a strong enrichment of their

relative percentage, both in the traps and the sediment. Chaetoceros species are very well

preserved in the sediment as resting spores. L. danicus is also well represent below the traps

in the form of resting spores, indicating good preservation efficiency of the spores, especially

in the middle ría. Benthic and freshwater species appear preferentially in the sediments of the

innermost areas. P. sulcata is one of the robust species that only appears in the sediments,

only when the preservation conditions are inadequate.

Diatoms were the main contributors to the opal fraction in the surface sediment.

Seasonal and repeated upwelling events and the input of freshwater diatoms in the inner areas

due to Lérez River flow permit the tracking of the primary production in the surface sediments.

Freshwater, crysophycean cysts and phytoliths document the geographical extension of the

Lérez River plume and the entrance of fresher water from the southern mouth of the ría with

high riverine discharges to the shelf from the Miño River. This fact is of great importance in

estuarine areas for paleo-discharge reconstructions, since we can track the displacement of

this estuarine zone through time using these tracers. These remarks have implications for the

use of thanatocoenosis downcore and fossil diatom assemblages together with geochemical

and other paleoproxies for reconstruction of paleoceanographic conditions in the rías and

nearby areas, such as the continental shelf.

Geochemical and micropaleontological proxies and PCA analysis in the surface

sediment reflected the strong contrast between the upwelling influenced area and the

estuarine-dominated inner zone. A good correlation between present day surface water

characteristics and surface-sediment properties was observed, taking into account the

‘continental influence’ and ‘preservation’ processes that affect and alter the surface-sediment


Processes controlling the diatom production and accumulation in a western Galician Ría: Implications for paleoreconstructions

composition. The study shows that the diatom distribution, species composition and

biosiliceous remains in the surface sediments in the Ría de Pontevedra are closely correlated

with the oceanographic conditions and environmental variables e.g. freshwater discharges,

nutrient input by upwelling and water column stratification.


We thank the crew from the Mytilus research vessel, the people who helped during the campaigns and with the laboratory and technical work. This work was supported by the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, under the project ‘Hydrodynamic and silicon cycle in the Ría de Pontevedra’, ref. MAR96-1782, and partially funded by the projects REN2003-09394, METRIA-REN2003-04106-C03, PGIDIT05PXIB31201PR, EVK2-CT-2000-00060, PGIDT04PXIC31204PN and PGIDT00MAR30103PR. P.B. was supported by a research grant jointly funded by Xunta de Galicia (Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento) and Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Universidades).


Chapter IV


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Chapter IV

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3.1. Water column sampling and processing

3.2. Surface sediment sampling and analytical procedures

3.3. Taxonomic identification


4.1. Planktonic diatoms composition, distribution and relation to hydrology

4.2. Distribution of diatom assemblages and biosiliceous material in the surface sediments

4.3. Paleoimplications




∗ This chapter is based on Patricia Bernárdez, Ricardo Prego, Manuel Varela, Guillermo Francés. To be submitted

Abstract. The diatom abundance in the water column was assessed in several campaigns underlying different productive regimes in the Ría de Ferrol, a semi-enclosed embayment in the NW Iberian Peninsula. Modern diatom distribution patterns in surface sediment were also investigated, in order to determine the influence of hydrography, upwelling, and riverine nutrient input on the production and record of these biogenic components.

Very low abundances were found in the water column during the winter sampling date, whereas in spring and summer diatoms proliferate. Excepting for winter, constant nutrient supply by rivers located at the ría head and continuous renovation of waters lead to constant diatom production. Chaetoceros spp. were the primary components of the water column community during spring and summer, followed by T. nitzschioides and Rhizosolenia spp. N. longissima represented a significant portion of the winter assemblage, together with P. sulcata and benthic taxa. L. danicus, N. longissima and S. costatum characterize the autumn campaign, when stratification of waters occurs, being L. danicus especially abundant at the outer ría. In this way, the main factors controlling the abundance of diatoms in the Ría de Ferrol are the riverine freshwater inputs, the hydrography, water dynamics and circulation within the ría.

Hydrographic and primary productivity patters also govern the diatom abundance and assemblage composition preserved in surface sediments. A strong E-W gradient in diatom abundance and composition in the sediments can be distinguished. Samples located at inner ría and the margins have the highest abundances of diatoms, and they are primarily dominated by benthic species. Freshwater group, crysophycean cysts and phytoliths follow the influence of river runoff at the landward stations. Middle ría is characterized by Paralia sulcata, and Thalassiosira spp., with small occurrences of the benthic and freshwater group. Chaetoceros R.S., L. danicus and T. nitzschioides species typify the outer ría, demonstrating the influence of the penetration of oceanic water waters into the embayment due to enhanced tidal mixing through the narrow channel. This last assemblage corresponds to nutrient-rich and high-productivity coastal areas influenced by oceanic waters.

In general, sediment diatom assemblages reflect diatom production patterns in the water column, excepting for slight silicified species. In the inner areas caution in interpreting a paleorecord is needed due to the high contribution of allocthonous taxa, being indicative of low water depths.

Keywords: diatoms/water column/surface sediments/Ría de Ferrol

Resumen. La abundancia y composición de la comunidad de diatomeas ha sido determinada en muestras de la columna de agua a lo largo del eje longitudinal de la Ría de Ferrol a lo largo de una serie temporal que cubre diversos periodos oceanográficos. Asimismo, se ha cuantificado la abundancia y porcentaje relativo de estos componentes biosilíliceos en el sedimento superficial a lo largo de toda la ría, con el fin de comparar ambos compartimentos y calibrar el uso de estos marcadores como indicadores de diferentes condiciones hidrográficas.

Los valores mínimos de abundancia de diatomeas en la columna de agua se producen durante el invierno, mientras que en el resto de campañas la concentración es alta, debido a la constante renovación de agua en la ría y al aporte de nutrientes por parte de los cursos fluviales. Chaetoceros spp., T. nitzschioides y Rhizosolenia spp. proliferan durante la primavera y el verano N. longissima, P. sulcata y el grupo de diatomeas bentónico son indicadores de condiciones invernales de baja producción. L. danicus, N. longissima y S. costatum caracterizan la campaña de otoño, cuando ocurre la estratificación de la columna de agua. Los principales factores que condicionan esta sucesión fitoplanctónica son la hidrografía característica de esta ría, su circulación, la escasa entrada del agua aflorada debido al upwelling y el aporte de nutrientes por parte del curso fluvial en su cabecera.

El registro de diatomeas en el sedimento superficial está controlado por la productividad y la hidrografía. Los máximos de abundancia se localizan en las zonas internas, en las cuales domina el grupo de diatomeas de carácter bentónico. Las diatomeas de agua dulce, los quistes de crisófitas y los fitolitos también se localizan en esta zona, reflejando la influencia del aporte fluvial. La ría media está dominada por P. sulcata, Thalassiosira spp. y pequeños porcentajes de diatomeas bentónicas y de agua dulce. Chaetoceros y L. danicus R.S. y T. nitzschioides caracterizan las zonas más externas, lo cual se relaciona con la entrada de aguas oceánicas a la ría ricas en nutrientes.

El porcentaje de cada una de las especies de diatomeas que queda registrado en el sedimento superficial es un reflejo de la comunidad que prolifera en la columna de agua, excepto en las zonas más internas, donde el elevado número de diatomeas de agua dulce y bentónicas enmascara el registro pelágico.

Palabras clave: diatomeas/columna de agua/sedimentos superficiales/Ría de Ferrol




Primary production in the coast of Galicia (NW Spain) is largely influenced by coastal

upwelling (Teira et al., 2001), due to the nutrient enrichment by the Eastern North Atlantic

Central Waters (ENACW) (Blanton et al., 1984). Thus, in coastal waters, upwelling and

productivity often represent two covariant parameters that cannot be dissociated. Ría systems,

i.e. small coastal embayments characterizing the Galician coast, are fertilized by two sources

of nutrients, upwelling and continental runoff, with the first dominant (Prego et al., 1999a). In

addition, rías are characterized by changing hydrographical conditions: salinity gradients,

stratification and mixing of waters.

Much of the primary production of this nutrient-replete areas is by diatoms (Nelson et

al., 1995) resulting in significant settling fluxes of these biosiliceous organisms. Diatoms are

one of the most common microfossils in sediments, such as those affected by upwelling

(Schuette and Schrader, 1981a, b; Abrantes, 1988; Bao et al., 1997; Bárcena and Abrantes,

1998; Abrantes and Moita, 1999; Nave et al., 2001; Romero and Hebblen, 2003; Lopes et al.,

2006). The abundance of the diatoms species in the water column and sediments show

definite regional distribution patterns associated to oceanographic conditions (Pokras and

Molfino, 1986). Of special importance is the clarification of the connection between the

seasonal and spatial variations in assemblages of biosilicate organisms in the water column

and those found in the sediment (Sancetta and Calvert, 1988; Lange et al., 1998; Romero et

al., 2000; Koning et al., 2001; Abrantes et al., 2002; Bárcena et al., 2004), since biogenic silica


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

is severely affected by dissolution in the undersaturated ocean water (Nelson et al., 1995,

Ragueneau et al., 2000).

Analysis of surface sediments, representing the recent record of these primary

production and hydrographic conditions tracers, provides an opportunity to unravel how the

diatoms found water column are incorporated into the seafloor and how modern environmental

conditions are reflected on it (van Iperen et al., 1987). The knowledge and understanding of

these processes is highly interesting in the coastal regions located where hydrographic

gradients are large and where freshwater and marine conditions play a role, such as those

found in rías and estuaries. On the other hand, coastal and small embayment areas are key

zones susceptible for using the sedimentary record in studies about paleoclimate and

paleoreconstructions. In this way, the quantification of microfossil changes occurring within the

sediment record requires an understanding of the modern distributional patterns and

ecological preferences of species.

There are very few published data in the Galician Rías and specifically in the Rías

Altas, concerning the seasonal succession of the diatom community, production patterns

(Bode and Varela, 1998a, b, Varela et al., 2001; Bode et al., 2005a, b) and sediment record of

these hydrographic tracers. Consequently, in order to improve our knowledge about the

diatoms seasonal cycle in the Rías Altas and its relation to oceanographical conditions, water

column samples from different surveys were collected at three control sites in the Ría de

Ferrol. Surface sediments characterization in terms of diatoms and siliceous compound has

been never carried out in this ría. Therefore, the second objective is to quantify the abundance

of these biosiliceous components on the seabed and document the regional distribution

patterns. Finally, other questions we strive to address are: Is the surface water diatom

production correlated to their record in the seafloor sediment? How well the sediment record

reflect spatial and temporal changes in hydrography and surface water biosiliceous



Located in the Galician coast to the north of Cape Fisterra, Ría de Ferrol is one of the

small embayments commonly named Rías Altas. Therefore, it affords a representative contrast

to the large rías situated to the south, i.e. Rías Baixas, in terms of morphology, physical

oceanography, rivers contributions and primary production dynamics. Ría de Ferrol is located

between the coordinates 43°26’–43º31’N and 8°9’–8º21’W. In plan view it is funnel-shaped

covering 27 km2 with a longitudinal axis of 15 km long and a maximum width of ~3 km. Depth

varies from 32 m at its mouth to a few meters at the innermost part (Figure V.1). The water


Chapter V

exchange between the ría and the shelf occurs through a narrow channel (2 km length, 0.35

km width, ~20 m depth). Freshwater runoff is small and it is mainly supplied by two main rivers

located at the innermost part, Grande de Xubia River and Belelle River. Approximately

average river flows volumes are 6 and 0.8 m3 s-1 respectively (Rio and Rodríguez, 1992;

deCastro et al., 2004). The annual river discharge versus the total volume of the ría is 0.8

(deCastro et al., 2004).

Figure V.1. Locality map of the study area. The position of the bed sediment sampling (black circles) is shown. Diamonds indicate the stations where water column phytoplankton sampling was carried out. Contour plot shows the mud content in the surface sediments (modified from Cobelo-García and Prego (2004). Dotted white line represents the longitudinal axis. Water depth variation along the longitudinal axis of the ría is also shown.

From a physiographic point of view, the Ría de Ferrol can be divided into several zones

(Figure V.1; deCastro et al., 2004): (1) the outermost one extends from the mouth to the

beginning of the channel (2) the narrow channel, i.e. the Strait of Ferrol (2 km long, 0.5 km

wide, 20 m depth) (3), the middle zone, extending towards the As Pias Bridge covers most of

the area of the ría, (4) the innermost zone is characterized by wide mudflats in a very shallow

environment. It extends from the As Pias Bridge to the ría head and due to this structure the

exchange of water and organic material between the medium and inner zone is reduced.

The hydrographic behaviour of this ría is distinctive among other Galician rías. The

water circulation depends strongly on tide and therefore circulation can be considered periodic


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

since the river inflow is very low (deCastro et al., 2003). The occasional existence of wind-

induced currents constitutes other factor controlling the residual circulation in the ría, but only

affects near the surface (deCastro et al., 2003). At the mouth, where large tidal velocities

enhance the mixing, a well-mixed water column is found. In contrast, the middle and inner

parts of the Ria de Ferrol seems to be partially stratified during the wet season (deCastro et

al., 2004). The intrusion of nutrient rich water (ENACW) from the shelf is hard, due the

orientation of the ría and the narrow shape of the channel (Bode et al., 2005a). The

topographic features of the Artabro Gulf, generates a shadow and thus, the ría-shelf water

exchange is confined, remaining almost isolated from upwelled seawater (Prego and Bao,

1997; Prego and Varela, 1998; Prego et al., 1999b).

From a geological standpoint, watersheds are formed by igneous rocks, dominated by

schists, gneisses and granites. The sediment contained in the ría basin is of continental and

marine origin, derived from the biological activity in its waters and the riverine discharge

supply (Lueiro and Prego, 1999). The type and grain size of sediment varies along of the ría

(Figure V.1, López-Jamar et al., 1996; Cobelo-García and Prego, 2004) and depends on the

hydrography and velocity of the currents. At the mouth and the main channel of the ría, the

sediments are predominantly fine sand, with low contents of organic material (1.7–2.5 wt.%).

Conversely, the sediments located at the inner and middle parts of the ría are composed by

muddy fractions, and higher concentrations of organic matter (3.7–13.2 wt.%). In the middle-

inner areas mud content is higher at the northern shoreline (Figure V.1).


3.1. Water column sampling and processing

Four seasonal cruises were carried out in the Ría de Ferrol onboard the R/V Lura

during 2000 on 22nd February, 16th May, 11th July and 5th September, covering three different

zones of the ría (Figure V.2). Water samples were collected using Niskin bottles ‘General

Oceanics’ of 5 litres at the Station O, C and M (Figure V.1, Table V.1).

Table V.1. Position and water depth of the stations sampled for diatom water column estimates.

Water column samples Longitude W Latitude N Water depth

(m) O Outer 8º 19.59’ 43º 27.15’ 31

C Channel 8º 15.56’ 43º 28.20’ 18 M Middle 8º 12.78’ 43º 28.15’ 12


Chapter V

Figure V.2. Solid line indicates the Grande de Xubia River daily discharge during year 2000 (values in m3 s-1). Grey bars show the daily variations of the Upwelling index (Qx m3 s-1 km-1) at point 43°11'’ kindly given by Jose Manuel Cabanas (IEO). Dashed lines indicate the water column sampling dates.

Diatom composition was determined in Lugol’s preserved samples in these stations

throughout the longitudinal axis. Samples were counted using a Nikon microscope, following

the technique described by Uthermöhl (1958). A magnification of 100× was used for big forms,

250× for intermediate and 400× and 1000× for large species.

3.2. Surface sediment sampling and analytical procedures

Surface sediment samples were taken at 35 sites from the R/V Mytilus (Figure V.1 and

Table V.2). Two Van Veen grab samplers of different size were used. Only the surface layer of

the sediment was collected (<1-cm), using polyethylene spatulas and stored 4ºC. Sediment

was dried in a oven below 50ºC.

The determination of the amount of opal contained in the surface sediments was carried

out following the method of alkaline digestion by Mortlock and Froelich (1989) and the

following analysis of dissolved silicate in the obtained extract using the method reported by

Hansen and Grasshoff (1983). The total organic carbon (TOC) was determined by the

difference between total carbon (TC) measured in a Perkin Elmer elemental CNH analyzer and

inorganic carbon (TIC) analyzed by calcination loss between 550 and 975ºC. Total nitrogen

(TN) was also determined with the same equipment at the University of Coruña. Data is

presented in Cobelo-García and Prego (2004).


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

Preparation of the sediment samples for the diatom counts was carried out following the

technique developed by Abrantes et al. (2005). For slide preparation, a known volume of

suspension was strewn uniformly onto cleaned two circular cover slips placed in a circular

evaporation tray after stirring the solution for homogenization (Battarbee, 1973). After the

dishes had been dried, smear slides were removed and assembled with Permount™ mounting

medium onto permanently labelled slides.

3.3. Taxonomic identification

The identification of diatoms found in the water column were based on a variety of

taxonomic monographs, but mostly according to Tomas (1997). Total abundance is expressed

as cells ml-1 and the relative percentage of each species and ecological groups was also


Our taxonomic identification (genera and species) of the diatoms present in the surface

sediments is based mainly on ecological characteristics using several floras, keys and specific

bibliographies (Hustedt, 1930; Hustedt, 1959; Round et al., 1990; Hartley, 1996; Hasle and

Syvertsen, 1996; Witkowski et al., 2000 among others). Schrader and Gersonde’s (1978)

guidelines were followed for diatom counts and total number estimates, so only diatoms that

were essentially whole were counted. Absolute abundances are expressed in number of

valves per gram of dry sediment. In a few cases, difficulties arose in distinguishing between

two or more species and therefore, these species were combined in one counting group or

genera group. The taxa were grouped into three different types: dominant taxa, species of the

same genus living in similar environments; and species showing comparable ecology and

distribution that is, common ecological meanings, as freshwater and benthic. Paralia sulcata

was not integrated in the benthic assemblage since it is considered tychopelagic.


4.1. Planktonic diatoms composition, distribution and relation to hydrology

Only the most representative species found in the water column were plotted in Figure

V.3. May and September are the sampling dates with higher diatom abundances.

Phytoplankton abundance is high all year round excepting February, when the diatom quantity

was very low, ~1000 times lower than in the other periods (82–122 cell ml-1). This fact is in

accordance with the chlorophyll-a values, displaying maximum values in September and

minimum in February (Varela et al., 2003; Bode et al., 2005a). No significant differences in the

diatom concentration were found between stations for the same sampling date, excepting for


Chapter V

the outer station during July cruise, when the diatom abundance was between six and ten

times lower than for the other stations.

Figure V.3. Temporal variations of the standing stocks of total diatoms and the main diatom groups abundance in the water column (white symbols, cell ml-1) at the three sampling sites. Bars show the relative percentage of each species or group. Note the logarithmic scale in the diagram showing the total diatom abundance. Note also that there is no data for the outer station in the sampling survey of May.

In general, diatom abundance values are higher than those found in other rías during

spring and summer (Varela et al., 2001; Varela and Prego, 2003; Varela et al., 2005). Spring

and summer bloom and phytoplankton succession and community are most likely similar to

that found in other rías (Figueiras and Niell, 1987; Casas et al., 1999: Figueiras et al., 2002;

Varela and Prego, 2003; Varela et al., 2004; Varela et al., 2005). Continuous renovation of

water warrant that nutrients were not exhausted and phytoplankton growth will be guaranteed

(Bode et al., 2005a). In fact, excepting for the winter campaign, there is a reduced seasonal


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

variability on diatom abundance favoured by lower water residence times within the ría and

constant input of shelf waters (Bode et al., 2005a). Diatom composition and phytoplankton

abundance may be controlled by the continental supply of nutrients due to the reduced size of

this ría.

The main component of the diatoms association was Chaetoceros spp., whose

contribution ranges from 42 to 99% in May and July. In May, the riverine runoff is

approximately half of the annual mean, but coincides after a strong runoff peak during April.

Moreover, strong northerly winds were recorded and upwelling conditions in the shelf. Water

column is very well stratified, affecting upper 10 m, due to the strong runoff and solar heating.

In this way, this chain-forming species characterizes the spring and summer blooms, when

primary productivity is enhanced by the nutrient input by oceanic waters, mixing of the water

column and solar irradiance. In the Ría de Ferrol it seems to be more representative of spring

conditions, accounting almost the 100% of the diatom community. In summer (July cruise)

Chaetoceros spp. appear together with Rhizosolenia spp., Thalassiosira spp. and T.

nitzschioides. In contrast, it almost disappears in February and September, due to the low

primary production rates and the appearance of other species more adapted to this

oceanographic conditions.

Chaetoceros spp. usually display higher percentages in the O and C stations where the

direct influence of oceanic waters is observed. However, in the Ría de Ferrol case, the input of

nutrient-rich central waters (ENACW) is low even when the upwelling is well developed in the

Galician shelf. In fact, upwelling of shelf water only affected the water layer below 15 m in the

outer ría during summer (Varela et al., 2003).

Nitzschia longissima group follows the opposite trend to that found for Chaetoceros

R.S. This group accounts most of the percentage of the total diatoms during February and

September cruises, especially at the outermost station sampled. This species is well adapted

to winter conditions, under low illumination and can be considered a tracer of mixed water

conditions as observed in other rías (Prego et al., 2007).

Winter campaign is also characterized by the appearance in the water column of

benthic taxa and the meroplanktonic species P. sulcata (1.5–3%), especially at the O and C

stations. This flora spends its life as bottom forms attached to mud, sand or to a fixed

substratum (Mcquoid and Nordberg, 2003). They enter the surface waters only if they are

moved effectively from their natural habitat by currents. In this way, reworking of the surface

sediment under turbulent conditions explains this seasonal pattern. Moreover, strong tidal

currents observed in this ría can resuspend and transport these taxa from inner to outer areas.

Riverine discharge during the winter cruise is relatively low in comparison with the annual


Chapter V

mean (Figure V.2), therefore, thermohaline stratification is weak. In fact, the water column is

very well mixed as evidenced by the homogeneity of the vertical profiles of salinity and

temperature (Varela et al., 2003; Bode et al., 2005a, b) and shelf waters are restricted to the

outer area.

L. danicus is the third component of the diatoms assemblage in the water column. It is

absent for all the sampling periods and stations, but appears in high abundances and relative

percentages during September, together with N. longissima. In this cruise L. danicus

represents around 75% of the total diatoms at the station O and ~35% for sites C and M.

Oceanographical patterns are characterized by the reduced runoff and absence of northerly

winds, which implies the stratification of the water column (Figure V.2). A small layer of

nutrient-rich shelf water enters the ría through the bottom, provoking the blooming of this fast-

growing competitor (Bode et al., 2005b) as observed for other authors in other areas (Casas et

al., 1999; Varela et al., 2001; Bárcena et al., 2004). During autumn this species could be a

high contributor of the assemblage (Varela and Prego, 2003; Nogueira and Figueiras, 2005).

The contribution of S. costatum to the diatom community is also relevant during

September (3195–12166 cell ml-1), having the highest occurrence at the innermost station

(16%). Ecologically, this species is linked to the supply of nutrients by riverine discharge,

appearing associated to low salinities (Varela et al., 2005). This ecological preference explains

its higher relative abundance in the inner station. In fact, this species is one of the dominant

species during nutrient-enrichment of the rías in winter provoked by the high freshwater input

(Casas et al., 1999; Rodríguez et al., 2003; deCastro et al., 2006; Prego et al., 2007).

However, S. costatum is absent in winter, when riverine discharge is high. The lack of

sampling in the innermost areas could affect to the non appearance of this taxa in the water

column. It also dominated biomass in the water column during spring blooms and upwelling in

the Rías Baixas (Tilstone et al., 2000; Varela et al., 2005) and A Coruña Bay (Varela and

Prego, 2003), linked to high nutrient concentrations. A winter bloom of this species was

detected in the Ría de Vigo related to upwelling-favorable period under winter thermal

inversion conditions and later coastal wind relaxation period (Álvarez-Salgado et al., 2005).

However, this species does not appear in this ría due to the hardly supply of nutrient-rich

upwelled waters. In summary, together with L. danicus, this species is indicative of late

summer blooms in September.

Thalassiosira spp. only contribute in a high percentage (39.3%) and abundance (5299

cell ml-1) during the July cruise at the station M. It is important to note that only the large

species of Thalassiosira were included in this group. In fact, most of the small centric diatoms

(<30 µm) probably belonged to this genera. Ecologically speaking, this genus appears in


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

relatively high abundances on winter season throughout the Portugal coast indicating

continuous nutrient input (Abrantes and Moita, 1999). However, in the Ría de Vigo, the

dominance of Thalassiosira spp. biomass in the water column during upwelling is associated

with high nutrient concentrations having a strong dependence on the silicate availability

(Tilstone et al., 2000). In the Ría de Pontevedra its appearance is related to continuous

nutrient input (Bernárdez et al., in prep.) but in the Ría de Ferrol case, its blooming is strongly

related to high productivity conditions. The growing of this genus can also be explained by in

situ regeneration of nutrients, especially nitrate, in the middle ría during summer (Bode et al.,


T. nitzschioides contribution to the total diatoms is important during July, up to 4.8% for

the station M. It also displays significative percentages during the winter cruise (absolute

abundance <100 cell l-1) due to water column mixing and river-derived nutrients supply. It

completely disappeared in May and September. Therefore, this species is representative of

mid-summer blooms in middle areas. It also tracks the nutrient supply from oceanic waters in

the outer station during the summer sampling, but it is diluted by fast-blooming species such

as Chaetoceros spp. T. nitzschioides presents low percentages in the Rías Altas (Varela et al.,

2001; Varela and Prego, 2003; Varela et al., 2005), whereas in the Rías Baixas appears in

relatively high contribution associated to spring conditions and upwelling (Prego et al., 2007).

In other coastal-shelf areas is linked to nutrient input by river runoff with high rainfall

conditions and/or occasional upwelling and with nutritive waters near transported from

upwelling centres (Blasco et al., 1981; Abrantes, 1988; Bárcena and Abrantes 1988; Pokras

and Molfino, 1986). Higher percentages found towards the inner ría reflect their adaptation to

estuarine systems, a pattern also observed in the Ría de Pontevedra (Bernárdez et al., in


Rhizosolenia spp. appear during July cruise at the station O, accounting for 4.5% of the

assemblage. In the Ría de Ferrol this genera is representative of the summer blooms at the

outer ría, but its relative percentage is diluted by the appearance of Chaetoceros spp. taxa.

However, in the Ría de Pontevedra appeared in relevant percentages during a winter diatom

bloom in the external areas, and reappears after upwelling under stratification of the water

column (Bernárdez et al., in prep.). Also, some rhizosolenoids species are dominant during

spring and autumn blooms as well as during upwelling events (Casas et al, 1999).

No evidences of freshwater diatoms in the water column were recorded throughout the

sampling period. However, thermohaline stratification induced by continental water is detected

during all cruises, being particularly important in the inner part of the ría (Varela et al., 2003).


Chapter V

In this way, the non appearance of this group could be partially due to the reduced water

column sampling in the inner areas and the low quantity of freshwater supply at the ría head.

4.2. Distribution of diatom assemblages and biosiliceous material in the surface sediments

The diatom signal in surface sediments depicts a clear W–E pattern, and follows the

opal content distribution (Cobelo-García and Prego, 2004) (Figure V.4, Table V.2). The

distribution patterns of diatom valves abundance show generalised high values at the inner ría

and at the A Malata Bay (4.2×106 valves g-1) indicating a clear gradient inshore-offshore

(Figure V.4). On mean, the abundance is 1.1×106 valves g-1 representing the 30.7% of the

total biosiliceous compounds found in the sediment. This averaging value is representative of

the middle ría. Low abundances characterize the channel and outer ría (down to 1.4×106

valves g-1). At stations located along the middle ría connecting the inner area and the channel-

outer ones, diatom concentration is relatively constant and lower than that found at stations

located in the inner areas. Diatom valves abundance is in accordance to that found in the

surface sediments of the Rías Baixas and continental shelf (Prego et al., 1995, Bao et al.,

1997; Bernárdez et al., in prep.).The geographical pattern in the diatom distribution is also

similar to other rías, with maximum values located close to the ría head. Distribution of the

diatom fragments follow that found for valves, accounting on mean the 22.8% of the total

biogenic silica. Other fragments of diatoms, such as cingulum (diatom girdle bands) were also

found in significative abundance (averaging 5.8% of the BSi) in the medium areas of the ría

and at the northern margin (Figure V.4).

Regarding other siliceous compounds in the sediment their geographical distribution

appeared complex (Figure V.4). One of the main contributors to the biogenic silica are the

sponge spicules remains (averaging 29.9%). Abundance is low in the outer area and in some

of the innermost stations. High contents are found in the medium zone (2.0×106 specimens g-

1) and in the A Malata Bay. Silicoflagellates are present in very low concentrations (maximum

value of 2.5×104 specimens g-1), presenting a scattered distribution pattern. The amount of the

dinoflagellate Actiniscus pentasterias in the surface sediments is very low (mean 3.3×103

specimens g-1). This organism appears in the ría sediments in those stations located at the

northern margin of the outer area and at main channel.

Diatom assemblages of ría-estuarine environments are characterized by the low

percentages of open ocean taxa, in contrast to the Galician-Portuguese shelf (Abrantes, 1988;

Bao et al., 1997; Abrantes and Moita, 1999). In general, diatom assemblages resemble those

from coastal zones in temperate areas, but the Ría de Ferrol is characterized by the large

occurrences of benthic and freshwater taxa.


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record


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Chapter V

The benthic assemblage dominates in the superficial sediments, averaging 55.5%

(range 16.4–86.2%) (Figure V.5). Highest values are found in the inner ría and also at the

northern margin of the outer ría close to the Ferrol city. High percentages are also found

throughout the margins where low depths permit their growth and intertidal environments are

well developed. Low values characterize the main channel and the station located out of the

ría. This pattern is typical of small embayments, fjords, or estuarine environments with inner

protected areas (Hay et al., 2003, Bernárdez et al., 2005; Bernárdez et al., 2006; Bernárdez et

al., in prep.). In our case, even the main channel and the outer station have an important

contribution of the benthic assemblage (~20%), due to the transport from the innermost areas

due to the strong tidal influence and low residence time of the waters within the ría (deCastro

et al., 2003; deCastro et al., 2004). This group can be used as a reliable proxy of the low

depth and intertidal environments, especially in this enclosed and protected environment.

Therefore, percentages up to 60% found in a marine paleoclimatic record recovered in the ría

could indicate that the water column is very low (approximately below 5 m depth).

Despite the presence of allochthonous taxa in the inner ría, high efficiency preservation

conditions can be found landwards. Higher amounts of fine sediments and organic carbon

(Cobelo-García and Prego, 2004) (Table V.2) permit the establishment of reducing conditions

leading to appropriate settings for the diatom conservation.

Chaetoceros R.S. are the second component of the sediment assemblage, accounting

for 23% on average. In general, the higher values are found at the main channel and at the

outer areas, and especially from the station 8 towards the mouth of the ría (Figure V.5).

Distribution pattern is well correlated with the water column production patterns, seasonally

and spatially. Their content in the sediments reflects the summer phytoplankton blooms

influenced by the oceanic waters. In this way, downcore concentrations of Chaetoceros spp.

R.S. would accurately reflect episodes of high spring and summertime productivity.

P. sulcata represents up to 31.3% of the association, with a mean percentage of 11.1%

(Figure V.5). Its thick walls are resistant to dissolution, contributing in high abundance in

coastal sediments. It is commonly associated with the sea-floor diatom community (Zong,

1997). Very low percentages were found in the inner ría, backwards As Pías Bridge. It is very

well represented in the middle area at the southern margin, where low water depths are found,

and in a general view, in the outer ría. Spatial distribution is closely related to that found for

Chaetoceros R.S. indicating that it is more adapted to outer and middle areas of the ría where

the oceanic influence is high. This fact is also observed in the Ría de Pontevedra (Bernárdez

et al,. in prep.). In fact, this species is indicative of the influence of upwelling and high

productivity conditions (Mcquoid and Nordberg, 2003 and references therein).


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

Figure V.4. Contour plots of the abundance per gram of sediment several sediment compounds. Longitudinal axis variation of the abundance each is also shown A) A. pentasterias, B) Porifera, C) Cingulum, D) Phytoliths, E) Crysophycean cysts, F) Palinomorphs, H) Diatom valves, I) Silicoflagellates.


Chapter V

Figure V.5. Maps showing the distribution of the main diatom species found in the superficial sediment of the Ría de Ferrol as well as the variation throughout the longitudinal axis of their relative percentage.


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

L. danicus R.S. displays low contents in the sediment. Maximum percentages (~3.7%)

are found in the outer and middle ría, being practically absent from the stations from the

innermost areas (Figure V.5). The sediment distribution reflects its proliferation in the water

column during September, appearing only in the outer stations (Figure V.3). Ecologically, it

represents the input of nutrient-rich shelf waters and water column stratification. In this way as

pointed by Bárcena et al., (2001), this species can be used in the sedimentary record as an

indicator of the last phase of upwelling and beginning of stratification.

Freshwater taxa is restricted to this areas where the main river flowing is found (up to

13.5%) (Figure V.5). Freshwater diatoms are indicators of the sources of continental material

and reduced salinity resulting from freshwater drainage from land. In fact, the lithogenic

components are higher in this area, reflected by the mud and Fe content in surface sediments

(Cobelo-García and Prego, 2004). Throughout the rest of the ría percentages are low, around

2%. In this way, freshwater abundance in down-core sediments from the inner ría reflects river

discharge, assuming that runoff matched by an increased transport of this allochthonous taxa

into the ría. The restricted exchange between the inner ría and the middle areas due to the

presence of the As Pías Bridge impede the transport of these taxa. Moreover, strong tidal

currents during ebb tide could transport in the surface waters a few specimens to the open

ocean. When attempting to interpret the fossil assemblages it is important to know how of

much of the diatoms were tidally transported from inner areas.

The distribution of the freshwater group matches with notable occurrences of other

biosiliceous components such as phytoliths and crysophycean cysts, also considered as

tracers of run-off (Figure V.4). The content of phytoliths (silica-rods bodies derived from grass)

in the ría sediments is relatively high, accounting for the 11.5% of the total biogenic silica.

Abundance is relatively constant throughout the medium-inner ría, showing a homogeneous

distribution, with maximum values of 9.7×105 specimens g-1 in the middle ría and at the

stations located close to the northern margin. Its abundance is below 2.0×105 specimens g-1 at

the outermost sampling sites and those located in the central channel. On the other hand,

crysophycean cysts contribute with low percentages to the biosiliceous material. Maximum

abundances (~5×104 specimens g-1) were sited at the Grande de Xubia River mouth and at the

northern margin of the ría. Abundances around 1–2×104 specimens g-1 were found in the rest

of the sampling sites. Palinomorphs, one of the tracers of continental-derived material,

distribution and abundance is low, displaying a patchy distribution with higher values in

stations located the inner-medium areas in the middle of the longitudinal channel (Figure V.4).

Maximum value is 3.7×104 specimens g-1 located at the station 53.


Chapter V

T. nitzschioides contributes on 1.4% on average to the total diatom community. Its

distribution is irregular throughout the ría (Figure V.5). Maximum values (~5%) are located at

the outermost stations and at the main channel, being indicative of the influx of nutrient-rich

offshore shelf waters as shown in other areas (Hay et al., 2003). It is also found (1–2%) in

some sampling sites close to the Grande de Xubia River at the inner ría, since in some cases

its growing is controlled by the input of fluvial-derived nutrients (Pokras and Molfino, 1986;

Abrantes, 1988). However, in the Ría de Ferrol case, its contribution to the sediment in the

innermost areas is reduced due to the high abundance of the benthic and freshwater taxa.

This fact reduces the effectiveness of this species as tracer of past changes in river discharge.

Their abundance and corrosion resistant valves merit their use as a paleoceanographic proxy

(Tanimura, 1999). In this way, T. nitzschioides were found also in greater abundance in the

sediment collected material in the Ría de Pontevedra (Varela et al., 2004).

Other diatom genera such as Thalassiosira spp., S. costatum and Rhizosolenia spp.

appear occasionally in the surface sediment and they have a scattered distribution (Figure

V.5). In general, Thalassiosira spp. appear at the middle ría, as found in the water column

(Figure V.3). S. costatum and Rhizosolenia spp. are found at the margins of the ría and at the

outermost station.

In summary, based on the recent diatom and biosiliceous components distributions

several zones were defined and recognized:

Zone 1: This zone of the ría extends from the Belelle and Grande de Xubia rivers mouth

up to the As Pías Bridge. The most representative species of this area are the benthic and

freshwater groups with small occurrences of T. nizschioides and P. sulcata. This assemblage

is associated with the nutrients input by freshwater runoff. The highest amount of diatom

valves and crysophycean cysts, phytoliths and palinomorphs were also detected in this zone

also indicating a high riverine influence. On the other hand, the high surface of intertidal

environments favours the growth of benthic diatoms.

Zone 2: It extends from As Pías bridge to site 10. This zone is principally dominated by

P. sulcata, and Thalassiosira spp. Freshwater and benthic group (~3% and~50% respectively)

have also an important contribution. Diatom valves are present in relatively low values. High

concentrations of porifera, phytoliths, and cingulum the components characterize the area.

This zone represents the combined influence of both marine and freshwater influences. In fact,

the high phytoliths concentration is related to the transport from the inner areas in the upper

surface layers with low salinity. The abundance of all these markers at sites distal from the

river indicates that this area is influenced by both upwelling and high river discharge.


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

Zone 3: This zone extends from sampling site 10 towards open sea, covering the outer

area and the main channel. Our results show that this area is characterized by Chaetoceros

R.S., L. danicus R.S. and T. nitzschioides, together with small contributions of Rhizosolenia

spp. and S. costatum. Thus, this area is linked to the high marine influence caused by the

input of oceanic waters, driving the diatom composition and record in the sediments. This zone

faces the open ocean and receives the influence of the water exchange between the ría and

the shelf. In this way, it appears more influenced by coastal processes, including the small

entrance of shelf waters due to summer upwelling. However, A Malata Bay, although located

in the outer ría presents typical characteristics of the inner areas, with high percentages of the

benthic assemblage, as well as elevated concentrations of the diatom frustules, crysophycean

cysts and phytoliths. This area is affected by the harbour area, and it is relatively protected

from the entrance of marine waters and the mixing of the water column through the channel.

4.3. Paleoimplications

Diatom percentages in the water column and the sediment were compared, using the

average percentages of each species for all sampling campaigns and the relative

concentration in the underlying sediment (Middle-St 11, Channel-St 7, Outer-St 42, Figure

V.6). Patterns of diatom distribution in sea-bottom sediments generally agree with the

proliferation of diatoms abundance in the water column. However, the sediment assemblage

differs from the pelagic one in the middle-inner areas, where the benthic and freshwater

assemblages dominate. In fact, in this area, all species are diluted by the high abundance of

the benthic taxa, accounting for 59.6% and for P. sulcata (14.4%). All the planktonic taxa is

underestimated in this area. Therefore, caution is needed when using the diatom assemblages

for paleoreconstructions as soon as allocthonous taxa appears. Only T. nitzschioides showed

comparable percentages in the water column and sediments, but higher percentages can be

found for stations C and O.

The contribution of Chaetoceros R.S. to the seabed in the main channel is slightly

higher to that found for the water column. This pattern is also detected in the outer ría. The

relative contribution of this group in the sedimentary record is always superestimated due to

their high resistance. When found in the sedimentary record in percentages lower than ca.

20% we can conclude that this sediment corresponds to the innermost areas of the ría.

A common pattern to all sampling stations is the absence in the sediments of N.

longissima. This species could be a good indicator of the winter conditions in the ría, that is,

the mixing of the water column, but this signal is completely removed from the recent

sediments. In this way, if appearing, it is indicative of good preservation conditions. Moreover,

the contribution to the sediments of low silicified species, such as S. costatum and


Chapter V

Rhizosolenia spp., is very low, hindering their use as environmental tracers. As reported in the

case of N. longissima their occurrence reflects both the adequate oceanographic conditions for

growing and high preservation efficiency in the sediments.

Figure V.6. Average value of the relative contribution of the diatom taxa in the water column during the sampling period and percentage of the diatoms accumulated in surface sediment at sites 42 (Outer), 7 (Channel) and 11 (Middle).

In brief, many processes, such as differential dissolution, lateral advection and

transport, and, hydrographic conditions complicate the relationship between the living diatom

assemblage and that found in the underlying sediments. In this way, inferences about

paleoenvironmental conditions must be based in several species. Attempts to generate

paleoecological transfer functions, in order to characterize the relations between the modern

diatom assemblages and the hydrographic conditions of the Ría de Ferrol, must be the next

step in this study.


Diatom community production patterns follow hydrographical changes through the

sampling period. Its record was variable depending on location and season, linked to runoff

supply, water dynamics and circulation within the ría. Diatom production is high, except for the

winter season, due to the low residence time of the ría waters and constant input of river-

derived nutrients. Chaetoceros spp. dominate during spring and summer, together with T.

nitzschioides and Rhizosolenia spp. N. longissima, P. sulcata and benthic taxa characterize

winter season, whereas in autumn L. danicus becomes abundant.

The distribution pattern of diatoms in surface sediments shows a significant relation to

hydrographic conditions, freshwater input and productivity. Several paleoenvironmentally


Diatom community in a semi-enclosed ría and their contribution to the sedimentary record

significant diatom species address these points. The sedimentary assemblage is composed by

the most solution-resistant of the diatoms found in the water column. The dominant diatom

species in the sedimentary assemblage are those associated with the benthic environment and

with spring and summer blooming conditions. The species composition allows for a

differentiation of oceanic-influenced sediments from the inner-ría ones. Diatoms are abundant

in inner sediments of the ría, influenced by the freshwater runoff and by the low depths

permitting the benthic diatoms assemblage to growth. The transition from the oceanic waters-

affected stations and the inner ones is detected in the middle ría. Diatoms are in low

abundance in offshore sediments, being the planktonic diatoms the dominant assemblage. In

this way, paleoceanographic reconstructions based on sediment cores from the inner basin

should provide detailed records of fluctuations in the ría environments and sea level changes,

whereas cores recovered in the outer ría should yield more information about general patterns

of primary productivity.

Chaetoceros R.S., Rhizosolenia spp. and L. danicus R.S. may be used as indicators of

the oceanic waters flowing into the ría. L. danicus R.S. also tracks the stratification conditions

of the water column without upwelling. N. longissima, if found in the sediments represents the

winter conditions, and well mixed water column. T. nizschioides is linked to high production

conditions during summer and nutrient supply by oceanic waters. However it is indicative also

of nutrient-enrichment by continental waters, but is getting better preserved in the sediments

of the outer areas. These remarks can be used for future paleoenvironmental reconstructions

of the coastal changes and the spatio-temporal evolution of the ría environments.


This work was supported by FEDER-CICYT under the project ‘Biogeochemical Processes in the Ferrol Ria: Fertilization by Nutrients and Spatio-temporal Variation of Metals in the Sediment’, ref. 1FD97-0479-C03-02. We are indebted to the crew of the R/V Lura and R/V Mytilus that greatly facilitated sampling and field work, and also to the technicians who participate in all the phases of the laboratory work. Patricia Bernárdez thanks the Spanish Government (FPU program) and Xunta de Galicia for financial support.


Chapter V


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Chapter V

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3.1. Location of the core and sampling

3.2. Procedures and analytical strategies

AMS dating

Grain size, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, nitrogen, opal and terrigenous content determinations

Metal analyses

Preparation sample cleaning and mounting of slides for siliceous compounds counting

Diatom and biosiliceous compounds quantification


4.1. Sediment lithostratigraphy, chronology and age-depth model

4.2. C/N ratio and terrigenous content

4.3. Metals content in bulk sediments: Fe, Al, LSi and Ca/Al

4.4. Occurrence of diatoms in marine sediments: Freshwater and benthic assemblages

4.5. Phytoliths, crysophycean cysts and palinomorphs: Biosiliceous land-input indicators


5.1. Period 1: 4700–3300 cal. yr BP

5.2. Period 2: 3300–1700 cal. yr BP

5.3. Period 3: 1700–1200 cal. yr BP

5.4. Period 4: 1200–0 cal. yr BP




∗ This chapter is based on Patricia Bernárdez, Raquel González-Álvarez, Guillermo Francés, Ricardo Prego, Mº Ángeles Bárcena, Oscar E. Romero, in press. Journal of Marine Systems

Abstract. This study reconstructs climatic variability over the last 4700 yr in the NW Iberian Peninsula on the basis of lithological, sedimentological, biogeochemical, micropaleontological (diatoms and biosiliceous compounds) and AMS 14C analyses conducted in a gravity core retrieved from the Galician continental shelf. The core was recovered at the Galicia Mud Patch, a muddy sedimentary body highly influenced by the terrestrial supply of the Miño and Douro rivers, and thus controlled by the rainfall variations over the catchment area. River plume transports the lithogenic and continental-derived compounds to the shelf area allowing us to recognize several periods of terrestrial/marine influence. These periods are well correlated with the lithological units identified. Coarser sediments, high values of Ca/Al, low values of Fe, Al and lithogenic Si (LSi) are representative of the marine-influenced periods. These stages are related to dry conditions and winds coming from the NE under a NAO positive-like phase.

Terrestrial-influenced stages are characterized by muddy sediments, with high content of Fe, Al and LSi, freshwater and benthic diatoms, continental-derived organisms (crysophycean cysts and phytoliths) and high amount of land-derived organic matter as reported by the C/N ratios. The influence of NAO positive- and NAO negative-like periods and solar activity are the two mechanisms quoted to explain the climatic variability during the last 4700 years.

Proxies for the lithogenic input and terrigenous content (non-organic material) show an increase at around 2000–1800 cal. yr BP, linked to the warmer conditions and high precipitation patterns during the Roman Warm Period, and soil erosion due to forest degradation and other anthropic activities. A strong river flow event is recorded in shelf sediments during 800–500 cal. yr BP. A pervasive NAO negative-like period, and the high irradiance registered during the Grand Solar Maximum (GSM) controlled the precipitation and induced a high run-off and riverine influx during this event.

Keywords: paleoclimatology/Late Holocene/North Atlantic Oscillation/river-input/rainfall/diatom assemblages/NW Iberian Peninsula

Resumen. En este estudio se presenta una reconstrucción de la variabilidad climática en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica durante los últimos 4700 años, a partir de análisis litológicos, sedimentológicos, biogeoquímicos, micropaleontológicos (diatomeas y material biosilíceo) y dataciones de 14C llevados a cabo en un testigo de gravedad recogido en la plataforma continental gallega. El testigo fue extraído en la Galicia Mud Match, un cuerpo sedimentario fangoso que se encuentra altamente influenciado por el aporte de material terrestre de los ríos Miño y Duero, y por lo tanto controlado por las variaciones de precipitación en la cuenca de drenaje de ambos ríos. La pluma generada por el elevado aporte fluvial de los ríos transporta el material de origen litogénico y continental hacia la plataforma, lo que permite la identificación de diversos periodos de mayor o menor influencia marina y terrestre. Estos estadios se correlacionan bien con las unidades litológicas que fueron identificadas a lo largo del testigo. Los periodos de más influencia marina se caracterizan por sedimentos más gruesos, valores altos de la relación Ca/Al, valores bajos de contenido en Fe, Al y silicio litogénico (LSi). Estos estadios se relacionan con condiciones áridas y vientos procedentes del NE bajo la influencia de una fase predominante positiva de la NAO (Oscilación del Atlántico Norte).

Los periodos durante los cuales la influencia terrestre es mayor se identifican por la presencia de sedimentos fangosos, altos contenidos de Fe, Al y silicio litogénico (LSi), diatomeas bentónicas y de agua dulce, material biosilíceo aportado desde el continente (quistes de crisófitas y fitolitos) y mayores porcentajes de materia orgánica de origen terrestre derivada de la ratio C/N.

Los indicadores de aporte litogénico y terrígeno (material no orgánico) muestran un incremento alrededor de 2000–1800 cal. yr BP, que está relacionado con condiciones más cálidas y patrones de precipitación alta durante el Periodo Cálido Romano, así como un incremento de la erosión de suelos debido a la degradación de los bosques por las actividades antrópicas. Además, se ha detectado un evento de descarga fluvial muy alta durante 800–500 cal. yr BP, el cual está controlado por el desarrollo de un periodo de NAO negativa dominante sumado a la elevada radiación solar que se registra durante el Máximo Solar (GSM), los cuales inducen la precipitación y por lo tanto la descarga y el aporte hacia la plataforma.

Así, condiciones alternantes de NAO negativa y positiva y la actividad solar son los dos mecanismos que explican esta variabilidad climática y su registro durante los últimos 4700 años.

Palabras clave: paleoclimatología/ Holoceno tardío/Oscilación del Atántico Norte /aporte fluvial/precipitación/asociaciones de diatomeas/NO Península Ibérica




The view of stability of the present Holocene epoch has been questioned (Meese et al.,

1994; O’Brien et al., 1995; Bond et al., 1997; Bianchi and McCave, 1999; deMenocal et al.,

2000; Mayewski et al., 2004). The stable and warm climate has undergone a series of climate

fluctuations and reorganizations, but their worldwide distribution on a global scale in different

environmental archives and chronology is still being discussed (Bradley and Jones, 1993;

Hughes and Diaz, 1994; Stuiver et al., 1995; Keigwin, 1996; Broecker, 2001). In addition, the

forcing mechanisms of the Holocene changes are still a matter of debate (van Geel et al.,

1999; Crowley 2000; Jones and Mann, 2004).

The NW Iberian Peninsula off the Galician coast is a high sensitive area where climate

is susceptible to change due to variations of the polar front and the Canarian-Iberian upwelling

system. Moreover, this area has also a great potential for determining the hydrographic

interaction between riverine and ocean waters because of the proximity of the Miño and Douro

river mouths (Figure VI.1).

Despite increased and well-deserved attention toward climatic and oceanographic

variability during the Holocene (e.g. Bond et al., 1997; deMenocal et al., 2000), there are few

high-resolution records over this time span for the NW Iberian Peninsula. Recent studies in the

Holocene period in this region have identified several major climatic changes (Martínez-

Cortizas et al., 1999; Diz et al., 2002; Desprat et al., 2003; Abrantes et al., 2005; Álvarez et


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

al., 2005, González-Álvarez et al., 2005c; Martins et al., 2005; Bartels-Jónsdóttir et al., 2006;

Martins et al., 2006a, b; Lebreiro et al., 2006).

Climatic fluctuations have long been noted as being cyclical in nature responding to

several processes. Causes of these variations and abrupt and slight transitions at different

time intervals have been hypothesized, including solar activity, astronomical forcing, CO2,

global thermohaline circulation and oceanography, or oscillations in the atmospheric pressure

system, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO).

Despite these climatic factors affecting the sedimentary record, anthropogenic influence

can also be documented as having strong influence. Human impacts in the last 3000 years

registered in a wide variety of temporal archives in the nearby area have been identified by

several authors, such as mining activities (Kylander et al., 2005), and changes in vegetation

(Desprat et al., 2003; Martínez-Cortizas et al., 2005) and in land use. The study of a marine

sediment core as an environmental archive has allowed us to reconstruct the climatic history

of the last 4700 years on a regional and a global scale, and discriminate the possible human

impacts on the record.

We focused on the Late Holocene climate changes and involved processes affecting

the NW Iberian margin region. This paper reports the study of a sedimentary record retrieved

from the Galician continental shelf. Many paleoenvironmental proxies in the core have been

examined, including lithological information, X-Ray radiography, sedimentary structures,

sediment composition, metal content and diatom flora and biosiliceous compounds. This

multivariable approach is needed in order to get a more comprehensive view of the physical

and biogeochemical processes involved. In the present manuscript, the main objective is to

outline the environmental evolution of climate and anthropogenic influence in the NW Iberian

Peninsula extending back 4700 cal. yr BP. This study is specifically targeted to use the

terrestrial-derived fractions as a potential index of climatic, hydrologic and past fluvial input

conditions over the NW Iberian Peninsula. We focus on the description of alternating

wetter/drier periods and marine/terrestrial influence. This paper also explores the forcing

factors of climate in the NW Iberian area and how these climatic signals are recorded in the

sediments. In addition, we address the influence of local human activities on land and its

record in the continental shelf sediments.


This study has been carried out in the Galician continental shelf, NW Iberian Peninsula.

This coast is characterized by the presence of the Rías Baixas, small coastal embayments

drowned by the sea during the last transgression (Rey, 1993). In this area, the shelf is


Chapter VI

relatively narrow. The slope change is located at a distance of 15–30 km from the shoreline

(Figure VI.1). Surface sediments have been described as fine silty-clays, building up the

Galicia Mud Patch, a sedimentary body situated in the middle shelf. In deeper and coast areas

sandy sediments cover the seabed. The Galicia Mud Patch is an elongated North-South-

orientated deposit, that yields and age of 2650±280 years BP at about 80 cm depth in the

portuguese part (Drago, 1995), extending off the Miño River. The origin of the Galicia Mud

Patch is related to the abundant supply of sediment, especially during episodic flood events,

shelf morphology and hydrographic conditions that favour the accumulation of muddy

sediments (Dias et al., 2002b; Jouanneau et al., 2002; Vitorino et al., 2002a, b) (Figure VI.1).

The main sediment source of clayey-silty sediments deposited at the Galician shelf, as shown

by their geochemical properties, come from the Douro River (Araújo et al., 2002; Oliveira et

al., 2002a, b), although the contribution of the Miño River is not negligible. These fine

sediments were remobilized and transported from the adjacent Portuguese shelf towards the

Galicia Mud Patch by several oceanographical mechanisms (Vitorino et al., 2002a, b). River

influx at the heads of the Rías is very low and export of sediment from Rías to the shelf is

small (Rey, 1993).

Sediment spreading off-shelf is low, since sediment transport when river floods, storms

and riverine supplies are high, is northwards (Jouanneau et al., 2002). Sedimentation rates in

the Portuguese-Galician shelf range overall from 0.05 to 0.40 cm y-1 (Jouanneau et al., 2002).

In nearby cores sedimentation rates vary between 0.009-0.19 cm y-1 (Jouanneau et al., 2002;

González-Álvarez et al., 2005c; Martins et al., 2006a, b).

Galician-shelf area is located in the northern boundary of the Canarian-Iberian

upwelling system, where the along-shoreline winds interact with the topography to generate

upwelling-downwelling dynamics with a marked seasonal cycle (Wooster et al., 1976; McClain

et al., 1986). The position of the Azores anticyclone and the Iceland Low determines the

passage of fronts in this area, leading to two characteristic situations. During winter, the

Azores anticyclone is located in the northwest African coast and a low-pressure center over

Iceland. This situation induces prevailing southwesterly winds blowing over the shelf and

resulting in a reversal of the typical circulation and the development of a downwelling regime

(Vitorino et al., 2002a, b). On the contrary, in spring and summer the Azores anticyclone

moves to the North inducing high pressures with N-NNE winds, and generating frequent

upwelling events off the coast and the intrusion of the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water

mass (ENACW) (Fraga, 1981; Prego and Bao, 1997).


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

Figure VI.1. Localization of the study area on the northwestern Iberian margin. Simplified map showing the present surface sediments distribution of the Galician continental shelf (modified from Dias et al. 2002a) and the location of the core SMP02-3.

Other typical oceanographic features in winter are the Western Iberian Buoyant Plume (WIBP)

and the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC) flowing northwards along the Galician-Portuguese

shelf border (Haynes and Barton, 1990; Frouin et al., 1990; Peliz et al., 2003; Varela et al.,

2005). The WIBP is a low-salinity surface water mass driven by the winter-intensified runoff of

the rivers flowing on the NW Iberian Peninsula (Peliz et al., 2002). The discharge regime of


Chapter VI

Miño and Douro rivers is influenced by Atlantic fronts which cross the Iberian Peninsula mostly

during winter. Under favourable winds and high riverine discharge, the river plume spreads

northwards of the river mouth, towards the Rías Baixas (Álvarez et al., 2006). During typical

non-upwelling winter conditions, the plume is confined to the inner shelf (Peliz et al., 2002).

Nutrient fluxes and input of detrital and terrestrial particles to the shelf from river flood events

are high during this situation. The stratification conditions at the surface layer, induced by the

presence of the WIBP, and the high nutrient levels can be suitable conditions for

phytoplankton growth.

The atmospheric sea level pressure difference between the Azores High and the

Iceland Low, defined as NAO index, also controls the regional patterns of precipitation and

aridity (Björck et al., 2006). Over the Iberian Peninsula, atmospheric storminess and increased

precipitation coincide with NAO-negative periods (Hurrell, 1995), whereas lower humidity on

the continent and therefore, a dry period, is linked to NAO-positive phases. This parameter

varies on decadal timescales, but it shows extending phases of both positive and negative

periods. In this way, this parameter should be a useful mechanism for explaining climatic

conditions and extreme flood events related with increased rainfall.


3.1. Location of the core and sampling

The material used in this study was obtained from the gravity core SMP02-3

(42º02.207’N, 9º02.363’W, 260 cm long, 121 m below sea level), collected in 2002 at the

Galicia Mud Patch (Figure VI.1). The core was sealed just after collection and kept in storage

refrigerated at 4°C until analyses were performed in the laboratory. The core was routinely

sectioned longitudinally in two halves, visually described and photographed. After splitting, 1-

cm thick and 30-cm long slices were removed from one half of the core to perform

radiographical analyses using Cabinet X-ray System (Faxitron Series, Hewlett-Packard). The

working-halves of the gravity core were sampled into 1-cm thick horizons. Each slice was then

divided into subsamples for different studies within the project: metals and biogenic

components analyses, grain size determinations, microsiliceous fossils and siliceous

compounds counts. Content of Fe, Al and Si, Total carbon (TC), Total nitrogen (TN), CaCO3

and opal determinations were conducted every 6 cm.

3.2. Procedures and analytical strategies

AMS dating


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

Age control was established using six 14C AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) dates

on planktonic foraminifera determined on ~10 mg of carbonate at the Geochron Laboratories

(Massachusetts, USA) and at the AMS facility of the Aarhus University (Denmark) (Table VI.1).

All 14C dates were corrected for 13C and for the marine reservoir age (δR=376±46, +400 years;

∆R=0) and then converted into calendar years (cal. yr BP) using the CALIB 5.0.1 software

(modified version 2002; Stuiver and Reimer 1993; Hughen et al., 2004). In upwelling-

influenced areas, such as off Galicia, reservoir ages may be higher than the global reservoir

correction value. However, as pointed out by Abrantes et al. (2005), the local reservoir-effect

correction is negligible and was not applied. A calibrated age range within two sigma

confidence limits was obtained, being ages mentioned in this manuscript expressed in

calibrated years before 1950 (cal. yr BP).

Table VI.1. Radiocarbon dates and calibrated ages from core SMP02-3. Samples were pretreated and measured at the radiocarbon laboratories of Geochron Laboratories, USA and AMS 14C Dating Centre of the Aarhus University, Denmark. The age estimations were derived from the intercepts of the radiocarbon age plus and minus two times the total standard deviation of the age (2σ) with the linear interpolation of the marine calibration data set (Marine 04, Hughen et al., 2004). Conversions of radiocarbon ages to calibrated ages are worked out by using the CALIB 5.0.1 program after Stuiver and Reimer (1993, modified 2002). No local reservoir effect has been applied.

Lab. number

Spliced depth (cm)

Sample type 14C AMS raw age (yr BP)

δ13C (‰)

Calibrated age 2σ (yr BP)

Calendar age (AD/BC)

GX-30664-AMS 5-6 Mixed planktonic foraminifera 580±30 -1.7 126 (207) 288 1662 (1743) 1824 AD

GX-32033-AMS 91-22 Mixed planktonic foraminifera 1310±40 -1.1 748 (841.5) 935 1015 (1108.5) 1202 AD

AAR-9450 149-150 Mixed planktonic foraminifera 1714±41 -0.74 1174 (1259.5) 1345 605 (690.5) 776 AD

GX-32034-AMS 194-195 Mixed planktonic foraminifera 2840±50 -0.4 2427 (2577) 2727 778 (627) 478 BC

AAR-9451 203-204 Mixed planktonic foraminifera 3458±50 -0.61 3207 (3330) 3453 1504 (1380) 1258 BC

GX-30665-AMS 254-255 N. pachyderma (right-coiling) 4460±40 -0.3 4517 (4652) 4787 2838 (2702) 2568 BC

Grain size, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, nitrogen, opal and terrigenous content determinations

Grain size analyses were performed every 6 cm. Sample treatment consisted of organic

matter removal with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and dispersion with sodium

hexametaphosphate. The coarse fraction (>63 µm) was separated from the fine fraction by wet

sieving. Grain-size distribution of the coarse fraction was determined by wet-sieving, with


Chapter VI

sieve columns ranging from 8 mm to 63 µm, spaced at 1 phi. Fine fraction (<63 µm)

distribution was determined by a X-Ray nephelometry technique using a Micromeritics,

Sedigraph 5100.

For the geochemical analyses, sediment samples were kept in storage in plastic bags at

4ºC until analyses were performed in the laboratory. Samples were also analyzed every 6 cm,

dried and ground to powder before processing. Total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN) were

measured with a LECO CN-2000 elemental analyzer at the Research Support Service (CACTI)

of the University of Vigo. TC was measured by high-temperature combustion and detection of

the gaseous by-products. Inorganic carbon (TIC) was measured with a LECO CC-100 analyzer

attached to the CN-2000. The gases produced with the CC-100 are analyzed by the CN-2000,

and then, the percentage of TIC in the sample from the CO2 released is calculated. Organic

carbon (TOC) was then determined as the difference between TC and TIC. Calcium carbonate

(CaCO3) content was calculated by multiplying the TIC using the molecular mass ratio 8.33,

assuming that all the inorganic carbon is in the form of calcium carbonate. In order to

investigate if the organic carbon is of marine or terrestrial derived origin, the TOC/TN ratio

(hereafter C/N ratio) was calculated as the percentage weight of organic carbon versus the

percentage weight of nitrogen.

The amount of biogenic silica contained in the bulk sediment was determined by direct

dissolution using a wet alkaline leaching procedure devised by Mortlock and Froelich (1989).

Dissolved silicate extracted during leaching was measured by means of the molybdate blue

spectrophotometry according to Hansen and Grashoff (1983) using a continuous flow analyser

AutoAnalyser Technicon II. The analytical deviation of the method was determined analysing

two or more replicates of each sample, striving for a deviation below ±0.2% (Bernárdez et al.,


Percentage of terrigenous content of the core sediment was calculated as the residual

after subtracting the measured contributions of the main biogenic components (i.e. TN, opal,

TOC and CaCO3).

Metal analyses

Previously to metal determinations, around 40–50 mg of dry bulk sediment were

microwave-digested in 6 ml HNO3 (65%) and 2 ml HF (48%) in Teflon® bombs using a

Milestone MLS 1200 Mega microwave oven following the EPA 3052 guideline (EPA, 1996) for

siliceous-type matrices. Handling and analysis of samples were carried out in a clean

laboratory. Plastic labware employed for sampling, storage and sample treatment was

previously acid-washed (HNO3 10%) for at least 48 h and rinsed throughout with Milli-Q water


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

(Millipore). Fe, Al and Si, were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS)

technique with a Varian 220FS apparatus. The accuracy of the analytical procedure was

checked using certified reference materials (CRMs), PACS-2 from the National Research

Council of Canada. The results obtained (Table VI.2), agree well with the certified values and

the relative standard deviations (RSDs) were typically lower than 10%, excepting Si (14.2%).

Table VI.2. Results of the analysis of the PACS-2 (NRCC, Canada) certified reference sediment.

PACS-2 Al (mg g-1) Fe (mg g-1) Si (mg g-1)

Measured value 67.6±3.9 n=3

41.6±2.0 n=3

279.7±39.7 n=4

Certified value 66.1±5.3 40.9±0.6 ~276*

*Information value only

The Si percentage due to lithogenic compounds, or lithogenic Si content (LSi), was

calculated by subtracting the total Si measured by FAAS and the biogenic Si contribution (BSi)

derived from the biogenic opal, determined by applying the molar weight of amorphous opal

(SiO2) and Si.

The Ca/Al ratio was obtained after the Ca content determined using the Ca and CaCO3

weight molar ratio and assuming that all the inorganic carbon is in this chemical form, versus

the total Al content.

Preparation sample cleaning and mounting of slides for siliceous compounds counting

Preparation of the samples was done following the method proposed by Abrantes

(1988). A fixed amount of dry sediment (2 grams) was placed in 600 ml beakers and treated

with hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 110 vols.) for carbonate and organic

matter destruction. First, the reaction took place over a hot plate at room temperature until the

reaction stopped. Distilled water was added and left to settle for about 8 h and then, the

excess of liquid was removed by means of a vacuum pump. Clay fraction was removed by

adding pyrophosphate sodium and distilled water to the beakers, leaving for 8 h and removing

the excess of liquid with the vacuum pump. This process was repeated until no clays remained

in the suspension. For each sample, total volume and suspension volume used to mount the

slides were known. For slide preparation, suspension was strewn evenly onto cleaned 18×18

mm cover slips placed in a circular Petri dish (Battarbee, 1973) after stirring the solution for


Chapter VI

homogenization. After the trays had been dried, slides were removed and assembled with a

toluene-based synthetic resin mounting medium (Permount™, Fisher Scientific).

Diatom and biosiliceous compounds quantification

Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed with a LEICA DMLB and a Zeiss

light microscope with phase contrast illumination, using a ×100/1.00 planapochromatic oil-

immersion objective. Several transverses across the cover slips were examined depending on

the diatom abundance (1/3 to 1/16). For each sample, 300–500 diatom valves were identified,

and raw counts were converted into relative abundances. Schrader and Gersonde’s (1978)

counting protocol was followed for diatom counts and total number estimates. Number of the

biosiliceous compounds of the sediment, such as diatom fragments, silicoflagellates, sponge

spicules, phytoliths, crysophycean cysts and radiolaria per gram of sediment was also

assessed, as well as palynomorphs abundance. Grass phytoliths were identified on the basis

of the classification of Twiss et al. (1969) and Madella et al. (2005).

Diatom genera identification was based on the work by Round et al. (1990) and,

whenever possible, each individual was identified to the species level following author’s

description and specific bibliography (Hustedt, 1930; Hustedt, 1959; Hartley, 1996; Hasle and

Syvertsen, 1996; Witkowski et al., 2000, and other taxonomic sources). The diatom taxa were

also grouped by their ecological significance.

Diatoms are relatively abundant in the sediment along the Galician-Portuguese margin

(Bao et al., 1997; Abrantes and Moita, 1999) reflecting water column productivity conditions

induced by upwelling. They can be used as a powerful paleoclimate indicators in the

sedimentary record. Freshwater and the benthic assemblages are the ecological groups used

in this work, since they are indicators of material transported from the coastal zone to the shelf

area. Benthic group includes forms living attached to a substratum or associated with

sediments. Since benthic diatoms are limited to the euphotic zone, high percentages of this

group at the core site indicate offshore transport. The contribution of freshwater and benthic

diatoms is especially significant, since the presence of these species in the marine domain

may help to track intensity of river flow or direction of currents that divert the river plume. In

this case we use the reworked origin of both assemblages as a proxy of riverine input.

Species and genera included in the freshwater group are Achnanthes lanceolata (de

Brébisson in Kützing) Grunow in Cleve et Grunow 1880, Aulacoseria spp. Thwaites 1848,

Ctenophora pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) Williams et Round 1986, Cyclotella spp. (Kützing) de

Brébisson 1838, Cymbella spp. Agardh 1830, Diatoma spp. Bory 1824, Epithemia spp. Kützing

1844, Eunotia spp. Ehrenberg 1837, Fragilaria complex, Gomphocymbella spp. Muller 1905,


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

Gomphonema spp. Ehrenberg 1832, Hannaea arcus (Ehrenberg) Patrick 1966, Hantzschia

amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow in Cleve and Grunow 1880, Luticola spp. (Kützing) Mann

1990, Meridion circulare (Greville) Agardh 1831, Pinnularia spp. Ehrenberg 1843, Sellaphora

spp. Mereschkowsky 1902, Stauroneis spp. Ehrenberg 1843, Stephanodiscus spp. Ehrenberg

1845, Synedra spp. Ehrenberg 1830 and Tabellaria spp. Ehrenberg 1840. The benthic

assemblage is composed by Achnanthes spp. Bory 1822, Amphora spp. (Ehrenberg) Kützing

1844, Auliscus sculptus (Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1864, Campyloneis grevillei (Smith) Grunow

1867, Cerautulus turgidus Ehrenberg 1843, Cocconeis spp. Ehrenberg 1837, Diploneis spp.

(Ehrenberg) Cleve 1894, Grammatophora spp. Ehrenberg 1840, Hantzschia spp. Grunow

1877, Mastogloia spp. (Thwaites) Smith 1856, Navicula distans (Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard,

1861, N. digitoradiata (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, N. palpebralis (de Brébisson) Smith

1853, Mastogloia spp. (Thwaites) Smith 1856, Opephora spp. Petit 1888, Pleurosigma spp.

Smith 1852, Podosira stelligera (Bailey) Mann 1907, Psammodiscus nitidus (Gregory) Round

and Mann 1980, Surirella fastuosa (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844, Toxarium spp. Bailey 1854,

Trachyneis aspera (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1894 and Tryblionella spp. Smith (1853) (see taxonomic



4.1. Sediment lithostratigraphy, chronology and age-depth model

Core sediment at SMP02-3 mainly consists of terrigenous and detrital material, quartz

and glauconite grains, with a lesser biogenic fraction, containing low abundance of calcareous

and siliceous microfossils. Four sedimentary units or intervals were recognized as obtained by

visual observations, X-Ray radiographs and grain size distribution (Figure VI.2): (i) Unit 1 from

260 to 204 cm (5Y 2.5/2 Munsell Soil Colour Chart®, 4700–3300 cal. yr BP) is composed by

glauconitic sands, bioclastic remains and quartz. It is characterized by high carbonate content

and low values of opal and organic carbon. This sedimentary unit is a fining upwards

sequence and it is slightly bioturbated at the top. (ii) Unit 2, from 204 to 163 cm (3300–1700

cal. yr BP) is composed by homogeneous clayish sediments (Colour 2.5Y 4/3, Munsell Soil

Colour Chart®) with very low values of the biogenic compounds. (iii) Unit 3, from 163 to 130

cm (1700–1200 cal. yr BP) is characterized by coarser sediments than the previous one. This

unit is slightly laminated. (iv) The upper greenish muddy interval, Unit 4 (1200–0 cal. yr BP),

has the same characteristics as the present seabed in the core of the Galicia Mud Patch. This

unit registers highly organic silt and clay with sparse gastropods and bivalve broken shells. In

a general view, textural and lithological patterns indicate a progressive decrease in energy

from the bottom to the top of the core.


Chapter VI

Figure VI.2. Sedimentological features and lithological description of the core. C: Clay. S: Silt. Sd: Sand. VF: Very fine sand. F: Fine sand. M: Medium sand. Co: Coarse sand.

The age-depth model is based on six calibrated AMS 14C dates (Figure VI.3) of the tests

of mixed planktonic foraminifera (Table VI.1). These ages provide an excellent chronology of

this sedimentary record. Ages between dated levels were obtained by linear interpolation

between the nearest AMS-dated points. The top of the core (0–1 cm) is assumed to

correspond to 0 cal. yr BP. Sedimentation rate ranges between 0.12 and 1.39 mm yr-1. A sharp

increase in sedimentation rate is identified at 150 cm, implying a major change in

sedimentation conditions at this level (Figure VI.3).


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

Figure VI.3. Age versus depth model for core SMP02-3 based on calibrated ages listed in Table VI.1. Solid line represents the theoretical age model assuming linear sedimentation rates between 14C dated levels (black circles). Down-core variations of the δ13C (‰) in foraminiferal tests, sedimentation rate (mm yr-1).

4.2.C/N ratio and terrigenous content

C/N ratio and TOC show the same downcore profile, due to the stability of the values of

TN content. C/N ratio registers low values at the bottom of the core (~7.6), increasing

progressively to values around 13 at 3300 cal. yr BP. Afterwards, the profile becomes stable,

with values around 10, but at 1200 cal. yr BP a sharp rise is identified. To the top of the core,

C/N values range between 13 and 19 (Figure VI.4). Shelf sediments receive autochthonous

particulate matter, mainly plankton due to the important biological activity in its waters, and

allochthonous particulate matter derived from river runoff. Assuming that elevated C/N ratios

(>20) are of terrestrial origin (continental vegetation) and marine phytoplankton displays C/N

ratios between 5–10, the sharp shift at 1200 cal. yr BP would be related to a change in the

intensity of terrestrial input into the Galician shelf.


Chapter VI


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Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

Terrigenous fraction clearly dominates the composition of the sediment, accounting for

78.2 to 95.6% of the bulk sediment. The amount of detritics follows an opposite trend to the

calcium carbonate distribution, and shows a good linear correlation (r2=0.64) with the sum of

Fe, Al and LSi content (p<0.01). Lower percentages are recorded at the bottom of the core

increasing progressively up to reach the maximum value (95.6%) around 2000 cal. yr BP. A

small decrease was recorded latter, but between 870 cal. yr BP to the present, a sharp

increase in the percentage occurs, even reaching values of 94% (Figure VI.4).

4.3. Metals content in bulk sediments: Fe, Al, LSi and Ca/Al

The vertical distribution of several metals in the bulk sediment is shown in Figure VI.4.

Fe content along the core is in the range of 17.8–48.49 mg g-1. Maximum values of the metals

considered for this study are generally registered in the muddy upper sequences, especially in

the Unit 4. Concentrations are low at the bottom of the core (17.8 mg g-1, Unit 1), progressively

increasing up to 45.3 mg g-1 at 2500 cal. yr BP and ~45 mg g-1 between 1990 and 1816 cal. yr

BP. A second peak in the Fe content is recorded between 790–540 cal. yr BP. Al content

varies from 33.22 mg g-1 to 118.76 mg g-1, showing a prominent peak between 790–540 cal. yr

BP, as observed for Fe. High Al content is also detected around 2000 cal. yr BP.

LSi profile ranges between 77.01 and 358.26 mg g-1. Values steadily increase from the

bottom of the core towards the top, peaking at 870–520 cal. yr BP. Its distribution displays a

similar pattern to those found for Fe and Al, however around 2000 cal. yr BP the LSi

concentration diminishes (Figure VI.4).

Ca/Al downcore variations mirror the distribution of the terrigenous material (Figure

VI.4, note the inversed scale). Ca/Al ratio is used as a tracer of fluctuations of the terrigenous

input into the continental shelf. Lower ratios indicate stronger discharge of terrigenous material

and the subsequent dilution of marine biogenic carbonate fraction. This marker also shows

distinct changes at 3300 cal. yr BP and at 1200 cal. yr BP. Lowest values are found between

2500–1640 cal. yr BP (Figure VI.4).

4.4. Occurrence of diatoms in marine sediments: Freshwater and benthic assemblages

Diatom abundance varies depending on diatom productivity, preservation and/or

dissolution of the diatom valves, and dilution with terrigenous and/or organic supplies. The

number of diatom valves per gram of sediment (not shown) has an irregular distribution

throughout the core. Large fluctuations varying from 7.5×104–1.6×105 valves g-1 to values up

to 2.5×106 at 790–613 cal. yr BP occur. Two levels barren of diatoms (4700–3300 and 2100–


Chapter VI

1100 cal. yr BP) point out to changes in the silica preservation conditions or low primary

production rates.

The freshwater and benthic diatom groups plotted against time are shown in Figure

VI.4. The diatom assemblage of the freshwater flora is not especially abundant throughout the

core, ranging from 1.1 to 4.8%, averaging 2.8%. Higher abundances occurs between 870–610

cal. yr BP. Although wind could also bring freshwater diatoms to the marine area, we infer that

this aeolian transport is negligible in comparison with the run-off transport. The relative high

abundance of this group likely reflects the influence of the discharge of the rivers to the

continental shelf and a subsequent northward transport.

Relative abundance of the benthic assemblage falls in a similar range that of freshwater

(2.4–5.7%), accounting averagely for 3.9%. Downcore profile also shows a small peak around

800–520 cal. yr BP (Figure VI.4).

4.5. Phytoliths, crysophycean cysts and palinomorphs: Biosiliceous land-input indicators

Phytoliths abundance displays a relatively stable profile along the core, but it gradually

increases from 3300 cal. yr BP to ca. 2000 cal. yr BP, showing a small peak at 1800 cal. yr

BP. High phytoliths content is recorded at 790–440 cal. yr BP reaching the maximum value at

790 cal. yr BP (Figure VI.4).

Crysophycean cysts per gram of sediment have very low and constant values

throughout the core. However, larger fluctuations in abundance occur in the upper part of the

core, corresponding to 790–610 cal. yr BP, reaching values between 1.18×105 and 5.45×104

phytoliths g-1 (Figure VI.4).

The amount of palinomorphs displays a constant profile, with very low values from the

bottom of the core up to 960 cal. yr BP. A sharp increase in the abundance is detected at 613–

347 cal. yr BP. Pollen influx is high in the recent period (Figure VI.4).


Core SMP02-3 provides an excellent record of the climatic changes occurred during the

past 4700 yr in the Galician shelf. Lithostratigraphic information provided the first approach to

the sedimentary conditions in the marine environment. Paleoenvironmental interpretation was

carried out taking into account the environmental-derived signals described for each

parameter, together with sedimentological, geochemical and micropaleontological. Four

sedimentary units are defined on the basis of lithological characteristics revealing changing

sedimentological conditions and different oceanographic situations. Thus, the


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

paleoenvironmental analysis of Galician continental shelf record is explained below for each of

the four defined time periods. Moreover, several periods with a distinct degree of

marine/terrestrial influence were recognized in the core as shown by the terrestrial and

lithogenic input tracers. The mechanisms put forward to explain these sedimentological and

geochemical shifts have involved several processes and driving climate forcings as discussed

below. Finally, our observations were compared with other paleoenvironmental data in the

same area.

5.1. Period 1: 4700–3300 cal. yr BP

This interval is characterized by a fining upwards sequence from the bottom of the core

up to the 204 cm depth. Relatively high sand content and high abundance of bioclast remains

(Figure VI.2) indicate energetic hydrodynamic conditions. High abundances of calcium

carbonate remains, related to the marine production, were recorded at the core bottom. Ca/Al

ratio is also in the highest values at this period.

C/N values ranging between 6.7 and 12, indicate that there is a high contribution of

marine-derived organic material. Terrigenous material, as well as low contents of Fe, Al and

LSi also show a persistent marine control. Phytoliths and crysophycean cysts present very low

abundances in this phase. The progressive increasing in the C/N values, as well as a higher

amount of terrestrial influx proxies and biosiliceous continental compounds point to a

increasing riverine input towards the end of this period (3300 cal. yr BP).

Low values of organic carbon (not shown) as well as the high energetic conditions

registered during the deposition of this sandy sequence imply oxic sediment conditions. As a

result, diatom frustules are not preserved during this interval due to the low preservation

efficiency of this biosiliceous material in sandy sediments (Ragueneau et al., 2000). Moreover,

the top of this sequence is highly bioturbated, this being indicative of dissolution of the diatoms

remains (Hay et al., 2003). The benthic foraminifera assemblage studied on a nearby core is

composed by species related to full oxygenation conditions and relatively high velocity flows

(Martins et al., 2006a). The prevalence of a winter regime, rains and downwelling conditions

under SW winds at this period favoured the deposition of coarser sediments (Martins et al.,

2006a). Our data, however, do not support their interpretation. In fact, the sediments

recovered at this period, mainly very fine sand, indicate marine influence (high abundance of

foraminiferal tests, high Ca/Al ratios) and low supply of fine-material derived from the riverine

plume when precipitation is high (Abrantes et al., 2005) (Figure VI.5).


Chapter VI


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Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

Between 4700 and 3300 cal. yr. B.P., a warm and dry period characterized by low

nutrient levels and productivity at the inner Galician shelf occurred, as also revealed by

planktonic foraminifera (González-Álvarez et al., 2005a, b). Around 3900–3600 cal. yr BP,

aeolian sediments in the Cíes beach barrier-lagoon and at a the Traba coastal wetland were

deposited, induced by arid climatic conditions and N-NE winds (Bao et al., 2007; Costas,

2006). Furthermore, analyses of different paleoenvironmental records (e.g. peat bogs) in NW

Iberian Peninsula suggest that a series of abrupt climatic changes occurred during this period,

involving alternate episodes of cooling, drought and increased rainfall and wind intensification.

Important variations in humidity were found by Fábregas-Valcarce et al. (2003) at 4700–4000

cal. yr BP and 3400–3000 cal. yr BP in different environmental archives. However, these rainy

episodes were not detected in our marine core. Only a slight increase of the terrestrial-derived

particles at 3300 cal. yr BP in our record might be indicative of the last humid phase described

by these authors. Cold temperatures, low rainfall and elevated wind strength at 4000–3400

cal. yr BP are consistent with the paleoenvironmental conditions recorded at our record

(Figure VI.5).

In summary, this period was characterized by the reduced flux of land-derived organic

matter to the bottom. The degree of the continental influence increases progressively to the

top of this sequence. A wind pattern with prevailing NE component is invoked to be the forcing

mechanism that explains this environmental setting under a cold and arid situation.

5.2. Period 2: 3300–1700 cal. yr BP

This period spans from 3300 to 1700 cal. yr BP, although as shown in Figure VI.4 our

record lacks of data of geochemical and microsiliceous proxies in the lower part. However, we

have extended it from 2500 back to 3300 cal. yr BP based on the lithology of the core, which is

characterized by an abrupt drop in the organic material content and elevated concentrations of

fine sediments, mainly clays. The high amount of fine material suggests an increase in the

terrigenous sediment influx to the shallow Galician shelf. Variation in the fine material content

at our core site could be an indicator of the terrigenous supply due to rainfall events leading to

floods at the shelf area with a high fine suspended sediment load material.

Increasing values of Fe, Al, LSi and detrital material suggest that riverine influence is

higher in this period than in the previous one. Al follows the Fe profile quite closely (correlation

coefficient R2=0.87), indicating that Fe is also a well-accepted marker of terrestrial input. Al is

interpreted as a proxy of aluminosilicates content in the sediment and it is introduced into the

marine system mainly by river run-off. LSi is considered a good proxy of the lithogenic silicate

compounds of the sediment, mainly by quartz particles. Si enrichment of sediments over the

inner shelf may result from a preferential settling of the coarser quartz particles (Araújo et al.,


Chapter VI

2002). In addition, the Miño river sediments have a relatively high Si content, being

predominantly coarse quartz particles (Araújo et al., 2002). The high content of ash coals are

also indicative of the high contribution of the organic matter from the continental domain,

explained by general deforestation and occurrence of fires after 4000 cal. yr BP (Santos et al.,

2000). The occurrence of freshwater diatom flora and benthic species in this period also

suggests an increased release of freshwater to the Galician shelf. Frequent salinity changes,

as well as the establishment of a restricted environment, was identified in the Ría de Vigo from

3000 to around 1800 cal. yr BP (Diz et al., 2002). High alkenone-derived SST (Diz et al., 2002)

and a warm cocolith assemblage (Álvarez et al., 2005) in the Ría de Vigo also support the

interpretation of a warm and humid environment during this period in the Galician area (Figure


The most remarkable event during this period occurs ca. 2000–1700 cal. yr BP. This

event is characterized by an increase in Fe, Al, phytoliths abundance and terrigenous

percentage. The C/N ratio, however, falls in the range of marine organic matter which could

indicate a reduced supply of organic matter of continental provenance. NE winds from land

could have transported the ferroalumino-particles and phytoliths to the marine domain, but this

climatic scenario would point to relatively dry and arid conditions, an explanation that the

paleoenvironmental markers do not support. In fact, Desprat et al. (2003) identified a warm

period and the development of temperate vegetation during the Roman colonization in Galicia

(RWP, peaking at 1800 cal. yr BP), suggesting relatively humid conditions (Figure VI.5). In the

Tagus depocentre deposit an excess precipitation period was also recorded around 2000 cal.

yr BP (0–550 AD) (Abrantes et al., 2005) related with more frequent NAO negative-like

periods. Moreover, in the Ría de Muros, the northernmost of the Rías Baixas, an event

recording high values of Fe and Ti was also identified at ca. 2000 cal. yr BP (Lebreiro et al.,

2006). These authors pointed to a climatic-triggered mechanism to explain their record.

However, this increase in the terrigenous markers can also be explained by anthropic-derived

activities on land. In this way, the raise in the lithogenic indicators could be explained by the

gold mining by Romans in the Miño River catchment area (Pérez García et al., 2000). One of

the most important tributaries of the Miño River, the Sil River, underwent an intensive mining

activity around 2000 years ago, through elaborate hydraulic mining methods using water

supplied by hundreds of kilometres of canals that traversed the mountains leading to lode

deposits (Spiering et al., 2000). Martínez-Cortizas et al. (2005) identified during Roman times

a period of forest clearance. Therefore, anthropic activities on land together with a NAO

negative phase could induce an increase in soil erosion and the subsequent record in the shelf



Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

5.3. Period 3: 1700–1200 cal. yr BP

During this period low values of the C/N ratio are recorded, and Fe, Al and detritic

compounds show an important decreasing trend. On the other hand, higher values of the Ca/Al

ratio as well as a slightly rise in sand content is observed. Low diatom abundances, as

consequence of strong dissolution and/or low production, result in the impossibility of define

the diatom assemblage. Paleoproxies point to a return to marine influence during this short

period, that can be considered an analog to the first described period 1 (4700-3300 cal. yr BP).

Driving climate mechanisms point to a recover in the relatively dry conditions in the

continent. This dry and cold climatic situation is triggered by N and NE winds prevailing on

land, occurring for example when NAO index is positive. Gil et al. (2006) reconstruction of the

position of the Icelandic low and Azores high during Dark Ages (DA) indicates that Azores high

was located over the Iberian Peninsula, on a typical position under NAO positive-like phase. A

cold period at the DA probably related with this atmospheric situation was also identified using

the pollen influx in the Ría de Vigo sediments (Desprat et al., 2003) (Figure VI.5).

5.4. Period 4: 1200–0 cal. yr BP

Last period is characterized by the high content of mud with the same lithological

features as those found in the present seabed at the core site. The C/N ratio with values

between 12 and 18 indicates that the organic matter is mostly of continental origin. The

presence of benthic diatoms at significant percentages in a core that is located well deeper

than the euphotic zone likely indicates transport from inner areas. Moreover, freshwater

species are also well represented in this interval. The non-organic material content remains

high and constant during this period revealing high influx of land-derived particles. All these

data point to enhanced flow of the Miño and Douro rivers and, therefore, an increase in the

precipitation over the NW Iberian Peninsula since 1200 cal. yr BP.

These terrestrial input proxies show good general agreement with changing

precipitation patterns (wet/dry) over this time interval with other archives in the same climatic

area. The high number of paleoflood records after 1300 cal. yr BP (Thorndycraft and Benito,

2006) also supports this hypothesis of increased land-material input to the Galician shelf. In

the Ría de Vigo, a period of frequent salinity changes and high runoff has been identified

during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) until the onset of the Little Ice Age (LIA) (Álvarez et

al., 2005) (Figure VI.5).

A relevant event is recognized around 800–500 cal. yr BP. Phytoliths, crysophycean

cysts and palinomorphs abundances are also considered as terrestrial input markers due to


Chapter VI

their continental origin. They are transported to the ocean by river run-off and/or wind (Romero

et al., 1999). High river run-off and thus, an increase in the rainfall, or transport by N-NE winds

from the continent could explain the presence of these tracers at the core site. However, due

to the proximity of the Atlantic river mouths, we infer that riverine run-off is the main driving

process acting, and the abundance of these markers are employed as freshwater discharge

indicators. These land input indicators show an abrupt increase at this interval. The rise of

these proxies is coupled with the highest content of Fe, Al and LSi, suggesting increased

continental-derived contribution, which is in good agreement with the freshening of the surface

waters indicated by the appearance of freshwater diatoms. Scatter plots showing the linear

correlations between the geochemical tracers (Al, Fe and LSi), as well as the C/N, Ca/Al ratio

and terrigenous content of the sediment are shown in Figure VI.6. Good correlation, as shown

by the Pearson’s correlation coefficients (p<0.01; Table VI.3), point out the usefulness of all

these proxies for the interpretation of the degree of oceanic and terrestrial influence. Fe, Al,

and LSi profiles, combined with the C/N and Ca/Al ratio, suggest reduced riverine input and

regionally dry conditions when these markers are in low values, and high terrigenous input to

the shelf area when they are high. Thus, this strong terrestrial input stage and consequently,

wet period, is identifiable in the scatter plots showing the linear correlations between the most

important terrestrial input indicators (Figure VI.6).

Table VI.3. Pearson correlation matrix of the main riverine input proxies used in this work. Good correlations have been found between parameters, showing their potential use for terrestrial input markers.

Ca/Al Terrigenous Silit C/N Al Fe

Ca/Al -.966** -.734** -.617** -.800** -.769**

Terrigenous -.966** .650** .505** .775** .786**

Silit -.734** .650** .710** .731** .563**

C/N -.617** .505** .710** .646** .444**

Al -.800** .775** .731** .646** .928**

Fe -.769** .786** .563** .444** .928**


In the Iberian Peninsula, paleoflood records indicate at least two phases of increased

frequency of large magnitude floods, and therefore, increased precipitation related to climatic

variability during the last ca. 1200 years, namely 975–790 cal. yr BP and 520–265 cal. yr BP

appearing to coincide with the MWP and the LIA (Thorndycraft and Benito, 2006). Martins et

al. (2006a) found an interval of increased river discharge, coinciding with the rainy event


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

recorded in our core, linked to the appearance of brackish-water benthic foraminifera. A strong

humid period was also identified by several authors at the Tagus mouth matching that found in

our record (Abrantes et al., 2005; Bartels-Jónsdóttir et al., 2006; Lebreiro et al., 2006, Gil et

al., 2006) (Figure VI.5).

Figure VI.6. Scatter diagrams of Al, Fe, LSi, Ca/Al, C/N ratio and terrigenous content. Linear regression is shown (solid line). Dashed lines represent the prediction intervals at the 95% confidence interval. Pearson’s correlation coefficients are shown in the Table VI.3 (p<0.01). Grey areas indicate the strong rainy period described in the text.

The identification of this wet period during a cold stage, such as the LIA, indicates a

precipitation-influenced forcing mechanism. Increased flood magnitude and/or frequency in the

Miño and Douro rivers discharge is strongly related to increased winter precipitation in the NW

Iberian Peninsula. High rainfall is related to a low-pressure cell located in Iceland, advecting

cold fronts into the NW Iberian Peninsula with predominantly SW–NE directions. A blocked

situation of this low-pressure cell would give to persistent precipitation and increased fluvial

discharge at the river mouths. This seasonal pattern, if maintained, could be related to a

persistent NAO negative-like phase over the Iberian Peninsula (Hurrell et al., 2003).


Chapter VI

Periods of solar maxima are believed to be related to low values in the North Atlantic

Oscilation (NAO) index, which are associated with high winter precipitation and river flow in

the Atlantic basins of the Iberian Peninsula. Cross-correlation of the curves of our indicators

with that of atmospheric ∆14C (Stuiver et al.,1998), reflecting solar activity, is significant. The

good parallelism between our record and the solar activity, especially during the Grand Solar

Maximum (GSM), reflects the influence of the global climate shifts on the climate variability in

this area. Therefore, this wet interval can be explained by several forcing climate mechanisms:

increased precipitation and run-off to the shelf related to a NAO negative-like stage, and for

the recent rainy period (800–500 cal. yr BP), the high irradiance and warmer conditions due to

the GSM could also be involved.


Our reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment provides evidence for a

variable Late Holocene period in the NW Iberian Peninsula. The study of a marine sediment

core allows us to identify changes in the riverine input, marine influence and human impact in

the Galician continental shelf sedimentary record for the past 4700 cal. yr BP. On the basis of

the aforementioned discussions several conclusions are drawn:

Lithostratigraphic and geochemical data allow identifying alternative periods of

terrestrial influence (Period 2: 3300–1700 cal. yr BP and Period 4: 1200–0 cal. yr BP) and

marine influence (Period 1: 4700–3300 cal. yr and Period 3: 1700–1200 cal. yr BP) in the shelf

zone. The marine-influenced periods are characterized by coarser sediments, low values of

Fe, Al, LSi, C/N, biosiliceous land indicators, high Ca/Al ratios and the lack of diatom frustules

due to the low preservation efficiency. Conversely, the terrestrial-influenced periods are

represented by muddy sequences that register high values of the lithogenic indicators (Fe, Al)

and C/N ratios, and high abundances of benthic and freshwater diatoms.

Several climatic forcing mechanisms can be invoked to explain these changes in the

high/low marine/terrestrial influence. During periods 1 and 3, prevailing dry conditions over the

NW Iberian Peninsula were triggered by winds blowing from the N-NE.

Continental-influenced periods are linked to NAO negative-like periods. In this scenario,

increased rainfall in the catchment areas of Miño and Douro rivers leads to higher run-off to

the shelf. Major peaks of terrestrial and lithogenic input proxies are interpreted as the record of

flood-like events and increased rainfall in the area.

An important riverine input peak around 2000–1800 cal. yr BP has been detected at the

top of the terrestrial-influenced period 2, being related to the warmer conditions during the

RWP. Past changes mediated by anthropic activities (forest degradation, soil erosion on land


Late Holocene history of the rainfall in the NW Iberian Peninsula—Evidence from a marine record

or gold mining activities in the catchment area) in NW Iberian Margin are identified in the

sedimentary record.

The strongest terrestrial signal has been identified between 800–500 cal. yr BP. This

humid period is linked to the establishment of rainy conditions in the catchment areas of Miño

and Douro rivers. The warm conditions at the Grand Solar Maximum could also be one of the

forcing factors of climate suggesting that our sedimentary record reflects global climatic

signals, as well as regional factors.

The chronology of main events in our record responds to changes in intensity and wind

direction triggered by the position of the high/low pressure systems. Therefore, the NAO drives

the rainfall patterns and river discharges to the Galician continental shelf. Within the

uncertainties of the age model, these events and their paleoclimatic implications match

relatively well with those described by several authors in the study area, as well as with global

climatic events.


The authors would like to express their gratitude to Marta Pérez-Arlucea for helping with the sedimentological features and the description of the core. We are thanked to Clemente Trujillo, Paula Ferro and Jesús Roncero for the technical assistance and the help in sample processing. We also wish to thank the referees Roberto Bao and Teresa Drago for providing insightful and helpful comments that greatly improve the final version of this manuscript. This work was supported by Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and Xunta de Galicia under the projects METRIA-REN2003-04106-C03, REN2003-09394, PGIDIT05PXIB31201PR, PGIDT04PXIC31204PN and EVK2-CT-2000-00060, PGIDT00MAR30103PR. P.B. and R.G.-A. thank the Xunta de Galicia (Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento) and Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Universidades) for financial support.


Chapter VI


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2.1. Core location and sampling

2.2. Procedures and analyses

Chronological control

Bulk biogenic component analyses

Analytical procedures for metal determinations: Ba, Cu, Mn, Pb, Al, Fe

Siliceous microfossils preparation: Diatom counting and relative species percentages


3.1. Chronostratigraphical features

3.2. Sediment composition

Bulk biogenic components

Metals content


3.3. Diatom assemblages: downcore variations





∗ This chapter is based on Patricia Bernárdez, Raquel González-Álvarez, Guillermo Francés, Ricardo Prego, Mº Ángeles Bárcena, Oscar E. Romero. To be submitted

Abstract. The Holocene paleoclimatic history of the Galician continental shelf (NW Spain) has been investigated through the analyses of diatom remains, as well as geochemical and sedimentological parameters. Diatoms, siliceous compounds, and biogenic silica (BSi) and metals content were analyzed from a gravity core recovered from the Galician continental shelf, NW Iberian Peninsula, covering Late Holocene (last 5000 years). Results were integrated together in a multiproxy study in order to determine the climatic and the oceanographic influence on the paleoproductivity conditions that have occurred in the Galicia Mud Patch.

Downcore changes in diatom assemblage composition and abundance reflect changes in diatom production related to long/short-term variations in climate, regional oceanography, upwelling strength, and riverine influx off the coast of Galicia. As displayed by the diatom taxa record, paleoclimatic variability was related to different atmospheric conditions. Metals and microflora fluctuations are interpreted as changes in the riverine influence and upwelling intensity paced by oceanographic, atmospheric and climatic changes. Lack of diatoms in stages 4700–3300 and 1800–1200 cal. yr BP could be linked to early diagenetic processes taking place in the sediment after burial.

All tracers considered, Baexcess, metals and diatom assemblages, show consistent profiles displaying a general increase of the marine productivity for the last 1200 cal. yr BP. River run-off due to high precipitation conditions in the catchment area is an additional important source of nutrients to the surface waters promoting diatom production. In this way, microflora indicates that during 800 and 500 cal. yr BP high production is triggered by influx of river-derived nutrients. The biosiliceous and geochemical signatures of sediments from the last 500 cal. yr BP indicate conditions of enhanced upwelling and increased phytoplanktonic production associated to the intensification of northerly winds. The imprint of the anthropic activities has been recorded by the increasing Pb/Al ratios for the last 400 cal. yr BP. The oceanographic changes recorded in Galician shelf are correlative with other marine and terrestrial paleoenvironmental records in the NW Iberian Peninsula.

Keywords: upwelling/ metals/ diatom assemblages/Late Holocene/paleoproductivity/paleoceanography/Galicia/NW Iberian Peninsula

Resumen. La historia paleoclimática en la plataforma continental gallega (NO de España) ha sido investigada basándose en los restos de diatomeas y en parámetros geoquímicos y sedimentarios encontrados en un registro Holoceno. Se han analizado las diatomeas y los componentes silíceos, así como el contenido en diversos metales en un testigo de gravedad de la plataforma continental gallega (NO de la Peninsula Ibérica) que registra aproximadamente los últimos 5000 años. Los resultados se integran en un estudio multidisciplinar con el fin de determinar la influencia climática y oceanográfica sobre las condiciones de paleoproductividad que tuvieron lugar en la plataforma.

La variación temporal de la composición y abundancia de la asociación de diatomeas en el registro es un reflejo de sus variaciones en la columna de agua de acuerdo con cambios en el clima, la oceanografía regional, la intensidad del afloramiento y el aporte fluvial a la plataforma. Las fluctuaciones en la composición del sedimento se interpretan como cambios en el aporte fluvial o la intensidad del afloramiento. La falta de registro de diatomeas en los periodos 4700–3300 y 1800–1200 cal. yr BP se relaciona con los procesos de diagénesis temprana que tienen lugar en el sedimento tras su enterramiento.

Todos los parámetros analizados muestran perfiles de variación que indican un incremento general de la producción primaria durante los últimos 1200 cal. yr BP. El aporte fluvial derivado de la elevada precipitación en la cuenca de drenaje adyacente es una importante fuente adicional de nutrientes a las aguas superficiales que dan lugar a un incremento de la producción de diatomeas. En este sentido, los microfósiles silíceos indican que durante el periodo 800–500 cal. yr BP existe una elevada producción primaria que se debe al aporte de nutrientes por parte del curso fluvial. Durante los últimos 500 cal. yr BP la intensificación del afloramiento da lugar a también a un aumento de la producción fitoplanctónica. El registro de las actividades antrópicas (industrialización) se detecta por el aumento de la ratio Pb/Al durante los últimos 400 cal. yr BP. Los cambios oceanográfico-climáticos que se registran en la plataforma continental gallega se correlacionan con otros registros paleoambientales de la zona.

Palabras clave: upwelling/ metales/ asociación de diatomeas/ Holoceno/paleoproductividad/paleoceanografía/Galicia/NO de la Peninsula Ibérica





Paleoenvironmental reconstruction allows an understanding of the processes that drive

climate and ocean changes and affect biological systems. In this way, in recent years,

increasing interest has been shown in the study of past climate variations, especially over the

Holocene period. The Galician-Portuguese region off the Iberian Peninsula is a suitable area

to assess the paleoproductivity conditions and the climatic implications. This area is, together

with the Peruvian, Californian, and northwestern African systems, one of the major coastal

upwelling regions of the world ocean (Wooster et al., 1976; McClain et al., 1986). It is under

the influence of the North Atlantic weather systems that affect the east coast of the Atlantic

Ocean. The position of both pressure systems acting, the Iceland Low and the Azores High,

determines the intensity and direction of the coastal winds leading to a marked seasonal cycle

and, therefore, a seasonally-controlled hydrography (Wooster et al., 1976; McClain et al.,

1986). Upwelling events mainly occur from April to October (Fraga, 1981) when the Azores

anticyclone moves northwards and the N NNE winds along the coast exert a southwards

surface stress that causes Ekman transport offshore (Blanton et al., 1987; Álvarez-Salgado et

al., 1993). Upwelling forces the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW), either

subpolar or subtropical branches (Ríos et al., 1992), towards the coast during most of spring

and summer (Fraga, 1981; Tenore et al., 1995). The influence of the upwelling in this area is

generally restricted to a narrow band near the coast. In contrast, in winter the Iceland Low


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

strengthens and centers over the North Atlantic. As a result, downwelling-favourable southerly

winds prevail along the coast (Wooster et al., 1976; Fraga, 1981) and lead to the development

of the downwelling regime (Vitorino et al., 2002a,b) and a persistent poleward flow (Iberian

Poleward Current, IPC) along the continental slope (Frouin et al., 1990; Peliz et al., 2003).

Moreover, the Western Iberian Buoyant Plume (WIBP), a fresher surface water lens flowing

northwards, is also well developed during this season (Peliz et al., 2002) due to high river

runoff related to high rainfall.

These hydrodynamic and oceanographic features affect the primary production of this

region. Primary production in these upwelling areas is high due to the influx of nutrients in

spring and summer to the surface waters controlling phytoplankton activity, and especially that

of diatoms, which increases drastically. However, during winter, supply of nutrients may come

from the riverine runoff of the Atlantic Rivers draining hinterland. Water column studies on the

Portuguese shelf (Abrantes and Moita, 1999) indicate that when favourable upwelling

conditions prevail in summer, the diatoms, one of the main primary producers bloom. Diatom

assemblages have been used as qualitative indicators of primary production, changes in

paleo-upwelling intensity, as well as other environmental variables such as temperature and

salinity. In the studied area, different diatom assemblages are linked with the various surface

and subsurface water masses and freshwater inputs and hydrological fronts generated by the

upwelling processes (Abrantes and Moita, 1999).

Depositional systems of continental shelves are natural archives of data on changes in

past environmental conditions. A high number of paleoenvironmental tracers can be extracted

from their sediments. The continental margin west of Galicia is characterized by a relatively

narrow shelf. Sediment cover of the shelf is composed mostly by thin Pleistocene-Holocene

units (López-Jamar et al., 1992). Morphology and extent of the shelf sedimentary environment

is controlled by storm surges, supply of sediments, currents and a structural control

(Jouanneau et al., 2002; Dias et al., 2002a,b). The present sea-floor surface sediments are

dominantly silty clay with some areas of muddy sand sediments, and gravels at the ría mouths

near the coast (López-Jamar et al., 1992; Dias et al., 2002, Jouanneau et al., 2002). Large

loads of suspended fine sediment to the shelf are supplied by the main river system (Miño-

Douro), and other small rivers and streams along the coast, forming the Galicia Mud Patch.

Therefore, sedimentation on this margin is highly influenced by terrigenous inputs from the

river draining on the hinterland. The nature of sediments that accumulate in the Galician

continental shelf results from the combination of several main mechanisms as summarized: (i)

the rate of primary production in the surface waters and the subsequent accumulation of

biogenic material (organic, calcareous and siliceous) in the sediment; (ii) the diagenetic


Chapter VII

(dissolution) processes throughout the water column, at the sediment-water interface, and

within the sediment; (iii) and the supply of terrestrial material from the main river-systems

draining the area; (iv) the dispersal of the material due to the acting of current systems and

hydrographic conditions.

In this way, Galician shelf sediments contain geochemical, faunal and floral tracers of

terrestrial input, primary productivity, physico-chemical conditions of the surface waters and

terrestrial vegetation (Bernárdez et al., in press; González-Álvarez and Francés, 2005) which

show that this area is highly sensitive to climatic fluctuations. Little information about the

history of the marine paleoproductivity and paleoclimatology exists in this area, being some

studies restricted to the Rías Baixas and to the shelf (Diz et al., 2002; Desprat et al., 2003;

Álvarez et al., 2005; González-Álvarez et al., 2005; Martins et al., 2005; Martins et al.,

2006a,b; Martins et al., 2007; Muñoz-Sobrino et al., in press). However, the understanding of

upwelling variability and the ecological consequences during the late Holocene remains


In this paper we present a 4700-yr record of the climatic changes in the western

Galician continental shelf. This sediment record provides the opportunity for high-resolution

reconstruction of past environmental conditions in this temperate zone. We analyzed the core

sediment samples on the basis of a multivariable study based on sedimentological data, bulk

sediment composition, biogenic silica content, siliceous microorganisms (diatoms) and

concentration of several metals. Paleo-dataset was used as a basis for the reconstruction of

the history of marine environmental changes in the region.

In this way, the general objectives of this work are to detail the variations in siliceous

production and to assess the intensity of upwelling and productivity off Galician coast during

the last 5000 years. We also investigate how oceanographic and biological processes (e.g.,

upwelling, surface water dynamics, nutrients input, primary productivity) in the euphotic zone

control the production, export, and burial of some paleoenvironmental proxies, e.g., the

biosiliceous compounds and metals. Specifically we examine the production recording

potential of the diatom assemblages in the context of seasonal changes of the biological

productivity associated with the upwelling cycles. The results obtained are discussed in

relation to previously described climatic periods and from marine data in the study area. We

focus on the timing and the magnitude of the main production events during the Late Holocene

period and their relation to global climatic events and regional conditions.


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences


2.1. Core location and sampling

The material used in this work was obtained from a 260 cm-length gravity core SMP02-

3 (42°02.207’N, 9°02.363’W) retrieved from a water depth of 121 m in the core of the Galicia

Mud Patch offshore Galician coast during a cruise onboard R/V Mytilus in October 2002

(Figure VII.1).

Figure VII.1. Base map of the study area showing the core site (SMP02-3) and the geographical distribution of the sediments containing more than 50% of mud (modified from Dias et al., 2002a).

Core was stored at 4°C until it was longitudinally splitted in two equal parts (Ø 9 cm).

The core was visually described, logged, photographed, X-rayed and sub-sampled at constant

intervals. The working-halves of the gravity core were cut into 1-cm thick slices. Each slice

was then separated into subsamples and stored in plastic bags for different analyses. One half

was studied with regard to various sedimentological studies and the other half was used for

micropaleontological fossils identification and biosiliceous material counts, bulk component


Chapter VII

analyses and metal determinations. Samples for siliceous microfossil analysis were collected

at the same depth intervals as sediment subsamples used for geochemical and other

micropaleontological counts (e.g., benthic and planktonic foraminifera).

2.2. Procedures and analyses

Chronological control

AMS 14C dating of foraminiferal tests (∼10 mg carbonate) recovered from several levels

of the core were performed at the Geochron Laboratories (Massachusetts, USA) and at the

AMS facility of the Aarhus University (Denmark) (Figure VII.2).

Ages are given in calibrated years before present (cal. yr BP) to facilitate comparison of

the present results with other records of different origins. The raw 14C ages were corrected

with a regional deviation from the global reservoir effect (apparent surface-water age) (Bard,

1988) according to the Marine Reservoir Correction Database, and, therefore reported as cal.

yr BP with the Calib 5.0.1 software (Stuiver and Reimer 1993 modified version 2002; using the Marine04 calibration dataset for radiocarbon ages

younger than 26,000 14C years (Hughen et al., 2004). A calibrated age range within 2δ

confidence limits (95% probability) was obtained. The dates used in figures and discussion

represent the intercept of radiocarbon age with the calibration curve. No local-reservoir effect

was applied as shown by Abrantes et al. (2005).


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

Figure VII.2. Sedimentary logs of the core. Distribution of depositional facies are also shown. Dated levels throughout the core and the result of the calibration is shown on the right side

Bulk biogenic component analyses

Sediment composition was analyzed on bulk sediment and ground subsamples. One

portion of each 1-cm slice was used for the bulk geochemical analysis with a sampling


Chapter VII

resolution of 6 cm. CaCO3, organic carbon and nitrogen are standard parameters measured on

cores taken for marine studies. These tracers were measured on LECO carbon element

analyzers. Total carbon (TC) content and total nitrogen (TN) were measured with the CN-2000

analyzer using samples that had not been ashed prior to analysis. A portion of the sediment

was measured on a CC-100 analyzer for total inorganic carbon (TIC) content. Organic carbon

(TOC) was calculated as TC minus TIC. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) concentration was

calculated multiplying the total inorganic carbon (TIC) content by the factor 8.33 supposing

that all the inorganic carbon is in the calcium carbonate chemical type.

The extraction of amorphous silica particles was made following a soda-hydrolysis

technique based on Mortlock and Froelich (1989). The resulting extract was determined for the

dissolved silicate concentration on the basis of molybdate-blue spectrophotometry at 812 nm

(Hansen and Grashoff, 1983) by means of a continuous flow analyser AutoAnalyser Technicon

II. Data are expressed as weight of Si (e.g., biogenic silicon) and opal content was calculated

as 2.14×Si. This conversion does not account for the bound-water content (2–15% depending

on the type and age of the material; Mortlock and Froelich, 1989) of the opal, which is difficult

to predict.

All the results are given in weight percent of dry, salt-free sediment. The proportion of

non-organic, non-opaline and non-calcareous constituents is regarded as the lithogenic,

siliciclastic or terrigenous sediment fraction and it is calculated as the residual from 100% of

the calcium carbonate, total nitrogen and organic carbon and opal sum.

Analytical procedures for metal determinations: Ba, Cu, Mn, Pb, Al, Fe

For chemical analyses of the metal contents, the dry bulk and homogenised samples

were subjected to total acid digestion. Approximately 40–50 mg of sediment was weighted

directly into Teflon® pressure vessels. The samples underwent an acid digestion using a

mixture of concentrated HNO3, and HF using 6 ml HNO3 (65%) and 2 ml HF (48%) in a

Milestone MLS 1200 Mega microwave oven following the EPA 3052 guideline (EPA, 1996) for

siliceous-type matrices. Handling and analysis of samples were carried out in a clean

laboratory (ISO class 7-8) and plastic labware employed for sampling, storage and sample

treatment was previously acid-cleaned (HNO3 10%) for at least 48 h and washed throughout

with Milli-Q water.

Fe, Al, Mn and Ba were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS)

technique with a Varian 220FS apparatus. The concentrations of Cu and Pb were measured

by means of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) using a Varian 220

apparatus equipped with Zeeman background correction. The accuracy of the analytical


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

procedure was tested by repeated analyses of certified reference materials (CRMs), PACS-2

from the National Research Council of Canada (Table VII.1), excepting for Ba. In this case,

accuracy was determined analysing a control sample with a known concentration of Ba and

checking the reproducibility. RSD for Ba is 5.72%. The results obtained agree well with the

certified values. Relative Standard Deviations (RSDs) were typically lower than 10% excepting

Cu (14.8%) (Table VII.1).

Table VII.1. Comparison of the analytical results of the certified reference material PACS-2 (NRCC, Canada) with the measured data.

PACS-2 Al (mg g-1) Fe (mg g-1) Mn (mg g-1) Cu (µg g-1) Pb (µg g-1)

Measured value 67.6±3.9 41.6±2.0 0.48±0.04 318±47 186±11

Certified value 66.1±5.3 40.9±0.6 0.44±0.019 310±12 183±8

The excess/biogenic Ba concentration (Baexcess or Babio) was calculated following the

equation (1) (normative method). Ba/Al aluminosilicate ratio is required to assess the biogenic

barium, in particular in sediments with high detrital background (Reitz et al., 2004). This ratio

is presumed to be representative of the terrigenous input and serves as a correction factor for

substracting Ba associated to terrigenous inputs (Gingele and Dahmke, 1994). After detrital

barium is accounted for, the remaining one is attributed to biogenic barite and linked to the

productivity in surface waters (Gingele and Dahmke, 1994; Francois et al., 1995; Dymond and

Collier, 1996; Gingele et al., 1999).

A normative approache on conservative elements like Al is commonly used to assess

the detrital barium background:

Baexcess=Batotal-Baterr =Batotal-(AlxBa/Aldet) (1)

Ba should be affected by early diagenesis (McManus et al., 1994; McManus et al.,

1998; Paytan et al., 1996; Schenau et al., 2001), but in this work we will designate the

biogenic barium as barium excess (Baexcess) since we consider that the diagenetic

remobilization is discarded (Moreno et al., 2004) and the terrigenous component was excluded

by normalization to Al (Schenau et al., 2001). Ba/Aldet ratio can be estimated independently

and is constant in time and source (Table VII.2c). Due to the impossibility of determining this

regional factor, we use several Ba/Aldet ratio recommended: a regional ratio determined for the

Atlantic ocean north of 30ºS (0.004, Gingele and Dahmke, 1994), two mean values of the


Chapter VII

crustal ratio (0.0075 and 0,0065, Wedepohl, 1991; Bowen, 1979) and the global average

crustal ratio (0.0037, Reitz et al., 2004). We also determined the Baterr using the relative

percentages of opal, carbonate, detritics and organic carbon and their association of the Baterr

(Hyun et al., 2002) taking into account that most of the barium is associated to the terrigenous


Siliceous microfossils preparation: Diatom counting and relative species percentages

The sediment samples for diatom identification were prepared by a standard method

devised by Abrantes (1988). Suspension volume and volume used to mount the glass slides

were known. A 500 µL of slurry (after mixing the solution for homogenization) across a 18×18

mm circular cover slips, placed in a circular Petri dish (Ø 47 mm) was pipetting, and they were

left to dry at room temperature. When evaporation is complete and cover slips are dry, they

were removed and fixed on onto permanently labelled smear slides using the high refractive

mounting medium Permount™ (Fisher Scientific).

Light microscopes (LEICA DMLB and Zeiss) with phase contrast optics and a

magnification up to 1000× was used for quantification and diatom identification. Several non-

overlapping transverses across the cover slips were examinated depending on the diatom

concentration. For each sample, at least 300 diatom valves were counted to ensure proper

assessment of diatom abundance and composition. Although 300 valves is generally regarded

as the optimum number needed for quantitative interpretations, the scarcity of preserved

diatoms within the sedimentary record in several levels of the core prevented this in all but a

few samples. However, in micropaleontological studies based on the interpretation of the

proportional distribution of the dominant taxa (>3%) counts of around 100 specimens are

sufficient (Fatela and Taborda, 2002). The counting procedure and definition of diatom counts

and total number estimates followed those of Schrader and Gersonde (1978). Specimens

representing more than one-half of the valve were counted as one and for pennate diatoms,

such as Thalassionema spp., each pole was counted as one-half specimen. Remaining

fragments were not counted as one specimen. Diatoms were identified to the lowest taxonomic

level possible, based principally on the keys of Hustedt (1930), Hustedt (1959), Hartley (1996)

Hasle and Syvertsen (1996) and Witkowski et al. (2000) (see taxonomic appendix). Each

individual was identified to the species level, otherwise they were assigned to a genus on the

basis of Round et al. (1990). Data concerning the ecology of the diatom taxa were compiled

from previous references in addition to several specific bibliographies, and, species were

gathered into freshwater, benthic and marine planktonic species.


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

Number of diatom fragments, silicoflagellates, sponge spicules, phytoliths,

crysophycean cysts and radiolaria per gram of sediment was also assessed, as well as

palynomorphs abundance (data in Bernárdez et al., in press). Amorphous silica particles were

also observed and analysed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the Research

Support Service (CACTI) at the University of Vigo.

For evaluation of the state of preservation of diatom valves, the preservation index

defined by Abrantes (1988) was calculated.


3.1. Chronostratigraphical features

Lithological characteristics of the core and the age model based on the 14C AMS

planktonic foraminiferal dates (Figure VII.2) are extensively described in Bernárdez et al. (in


Sediments of the core are mainly composed by terrigenous and detrital material, quartz

and clay. Biogenic fraction represents a low proportion, consisting of calcareous remains of

gastropods, bivalves and foraminifers, and siliceous microfossils. Visual core description,

colour variation, and X-ray data do not show either significant evidences of sediment

disturbance, only some bioturbation at located levels.

The record spans from 4700 cal. yr BP to present, assuming that sample 0–1 cm

corresponds to 0 cal. yr BP. Sedimentation rate was quite variable over the age range studied,

ranging between 0.12 and 1.39 mm yr-1 (Figure VII.2), but it sharply increases during the last

1200 years (0–150 cm). This abrupt increase coincides with a change in sedimentary units.

3.2. Sediment composition

Bulk biogenic components

Sediments are predominately siliciclastic with the terrigenous fraction clearly dominating

(Bernárdez et al., in press). Concentrations of biogenic silica (BSi) reveal consistently high

values at the bottom of the core compared to those obtained in the upper muddy sequence.

Opal content falls in the range between 1.18 and 2.07 wt.%, accounting on mean for the 1.61

dry weight percent of the core sediment. Biogenic silica, as well as TOC constitute a small

source of biogenic components to the sediments, being CaCO3 the major component of the

marine derived biogenic sediments. TOC and BSi show a similar profile, displaying a strong

peak around 700 cal. yr BP (Table VII.2a).


Chapter VII

Table VII.2a. Content of opal, TOC, calcium carbonate and detritics.

depth (cm) Age cal. yr BP TOC (%) CaCO3 (%) opal (%) detritics

(%) 0 19 1.72 3.92 1.43 92.94 6 214 1.54 3.58 1.38 93.50

12 259 1.70 3.75 1.33 93.23 18 303 1.61 3.79 1.37 93.24 24 347 1.49 3.87 1.49 93.15 30 391 1.52 3.62 1.43 93.43 36 436 1.62 3.29 1.51 93.58 42 480 1.70 3.00 1.44 93.86 48 524 1.62 3.00 1.58 93.80 54 569 1.64 3.21 1.42 93.73 60 613 1.76 2.78 1.48 93.98 66 657 1.86 2.58 1.40 94.16 72 701 2.03 3.28 1.64 93.05 78 746 1.95 3.87 1.85 92.33 84 790 2.13 3.29 1.76 92.83 90 834 1.65 4.58 1.76 92.01 96 878 1.66 4.78 1.67 91.89

102 921 1.58 5.33 1.78 91.31 108 964 1.72 5.21 1.78 91.30 114 1007 1.81 5.41 1.79 90.99 120 1051 1.72 5.33 1.58 91.38 126 1094 1.49 6.21 1.67 90.64 132 1137 1.37 5.83 1.59 91.22 138 1180 1.09 7.16 1.60 90.14 144 1223 1.19 7.30 1.56 89.95 150 1289 1.18 7.41 1.59 89.82 156 1464 1.08 5.66 1.54 91.73 162 1640 1.18 3.12 1.18 94.52 168 1816 1.11 2.25 1.29 95.35 174 1991 1.11 1.79 1.35 95.75 180 2167 1.18 2.25 1.36 95.21 186 2343 1.32 2.37 1.62 94.70 192 2518 1.35 2.62 1.45 94.58 204 3356 1.45 5.25 1.42 91.89 210 3511 1.37 7.25 1.75 89.63 216 3667 1.30 8.66 1.70 88.34 222 3823 1.27 10.08 1.79 86.86 228 3978 1.11 10.95 1.91 86.03 234 4134 1.09 12.50 1.92 84.50 240 4289 0.92 12.20 2.06 84.82 246 4445 1.05 10.70 1.95 86.31 252 4600 0.94 18.91 1.89 78.26 258 4756 0.81 14.41 2.07 82.71

Metals content

The major components of the core sediments are Si, which represents 227 mg g-1 as a

mean value (85–364mg g-1), and Al (33–119 mg g-1, averaging 71 mg g-1) (Bernárdez et al., in

press). Low Al values are found between 4700 and 4000 cal. yr BP. An increasing trend is


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

recorded towards the top of the core peaking around 2000 cal. yr BP. Maximum values are

registered from 800 to 500 cal. yr BP.

Fe (ranging from 18 to 49 mg g-1) is also an important contributor to the sediment (Table

VII.2b). Good linear correlation between Fe and Al (Bernárdez et al., press) implies that Fe/Al

downcore variability is reduced, excepting for a small peak in the lower Unit 1 around 4200–

3900 cal. yr BP (Figure VII.3).

Table VII.2b. Concentrations of several metals analysed in the sediments of the core.

depth (cm) Age cal. yr BP

Cu (µg g-1)

Fe (mg g-1)

Mn (mg g-1)

Pb (µg g-1)

0 19 16.79 29.76 0.30 38.60 6 214 15.84 30.22 0.29 32.02

12 259 16.03 31.43 0.29 33.87 18 303 16.15 31.54 0.30 34.55 24 347 15.21 30.57 0.30 31.75 30 391 16.11 33.76 0.31 31.37 36 436 16.23 34.50 0.32 27.34 42 480 16.09 33.35 0.33 27.11 48 524 23.22 48.49 0.46 35.67 54 569 17.98 36.96 0.37 30.12 60 613 21.91 42.98 0.43 32.63 66 657 24.77 48.36 0.48 38.78 72 701 20.16 37.94 0.39 30.91 78 746 21.97 42.42 0.45 32.85 84 790 22.01 41.08 0.43 32.68 90 834 17.90 34.63 0.38 28.08 96 878 12.20 32.03 0.33 25.16

102 921 11.03 27.86 0.27 19.55 108 964 10.21 27.47 0.30 20.54 114 1007 11.57 28.21 0.28 21.65 120 1051 11.45 29.89 0.31 20.80 126 1094 10.12 25.49 0.25 18.65 132 1137 9.86 25.32 0.26 18.87 138 1180 8.30 23.96 0.25 18.08 144 1223 11.10 28.34 0.30 21.43 150 1289 11.52 29.09 0.30 29.23 156 1464 14.99 35.04 0.34 24.44 162 1640 21.25 39.81 0.37 25.25 168 1816 26.52 44.69 0.42 30.24 174 1991 25.95 45.19 0.43 32.09 180 2167 14.63 32.36 0.35 19.85 186 2343 15.07 36.28 0.35 22.63 192 2518 26.66 45.31 0.42 27.25 204 3356 18.48 37.81 0.37 22.90 210 3511 11.40 30.02 0.28 17.63 216 3667 10.20 28.39 0.31 17.31 222 3823 8.75 26.85 0.26 15.67 228 3978 5.81 23.41 0.17 8.71 234 4134 4.50 21.14 0.15 7.08 240 4289 4.51 19.72 0.15 7.34 246 4445 3.94 17.95 0.18 4.19 252 4600 3.06 17.85 0.09 1.99 258 4756 3.96 19.97 0.13 2.54


Chapter VII

Mn content shows high downcore variability (0.09–0.48 mg g-1). Higher amounts are

found at 790–524 cal. yr BP and around 2000 cal. yr BP (Table VII.2b). Mn/Al ratio displays

relatively stable values between 0.004 and 0.005, excepting at the bottom of the core where

ratios oscillate around 0.003. As observed for Fe/Al ratio, Mn/Al ratio shows a progressive

decrease from 1200 cal. yr BP up to 200 cal. yr BP (Figure VII.3).

Figure VII.3. Profiles of the chemical elements analysed in the core. Total concentration (solid circles) is shown on the left axis and metal/Al normalization (open squares) is shown on the right axis.

Pb is one of the minor components of the core sediments. This metal is detected in the

range of 2–39 µg g-1. Pb displays very low values in the lower part of the core, increasing

progressively up to 3300 cal. yr BP . From 1200 cal. yr BP to present, Pb content

progressively increases up to reach the maximum value in recent times (Table VII.2b). Pb/Al

ratio follows the same trend to that found for Pb content in the lower part of the core, and

around 3330 cal. yr BP values stabilize around 0.0003. From 400 cal. yr BP to present, ratio

progressively increases reaching the maximum value at present (Figure VII.3).

Cu levels in the core vary from 3 to 27 µg g-1, peaking around 1800–1990 cal. yr BP and

790–520 cal. yr BP. From 1200 to 800 cal. yr BP, very low and stable values are found (Table

VII.2b). Cu/Al distribution presents low variability. Only a small peak on the Cu/Al ratio is

recorded around 2000 cal. yr BP and also at the top of the core (Figure VII.3).


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

Table VII.2c. Al, total Ba and calculations of the Baexcess.

depth (cm)

Age cal. yr BP

Al (mg g-1)

Batotal (mg g-1) Baexcess

a Baexcessb Baexcess

c Baexcessd Baexcess


0 19 65.47 2.74 2.49 2.47 2.31 2.24 2.31 6 214 65.54 2.92 2.68 2.66 2.49 2.43 2.49

12 259 79.54 2.70 2.41 2.38 2.19 2.11 2.28 18 303 80.42 2.74 2.44 2.42 2.22 2.14 2.32 24 347 79.33 2.62 2.33 2.30 2.10 2.03 2.20 30 391 84.44 2.61 2.29 2.27 2.06 1.97 2.18 36 436 85.14 2.61 2.30 2.27 2.06 1.97 2.18 42 480 85.65 2.61 2.30 2.27 2.06 1.97 2.19 48 524 118.76 3.99 3.55 3.52 3.22 3.10 3.56 54 569 94.46 2.81 2.46 2.43 2.20 2.10 2.38 60 613 104.39 3.35 2.97 2.93 2.67 2.57 2.92 66 657 115.76 3.71 3.29 3.25 2.96 2.85 3.28 72 701 90.89 2.95 2.61 2.58 2.36 2.27 2.52 78 746 102.97 3.24 2.86 2.83 2.57 2.47 2.82 84 790 98.59 2.93 2.56 2.54 2.29 2.19 2.51 90 834 87.20 2.81 2.49 2.46 2.24 2.16 2.39 96 878 69.58 2.00 1.75 1.73 1.55 1.48 1.58

102 921 58.75 1.61 1.40 1.38 1.23 1.17 1.20 108 964 64.85 1.75 1.51 1.49 1.33 1.27 1.34 114 1007 66.36 1.54 1.29 1.27 1.11 1.04 1.12 120 1051 67.04 2.40 2.15 2.13 1.96 1.90 1.98 126 1094 55.85 2.05 1.85 1.83 1.69 1.64 1.64 132 1137 56.03 1.89 1.68 1.67 1.53 1.47 1.47 138 1180 49.60 1.62 1.43 1.42 1.29 1.24 1.20 144 1223 61.26 2.22 2.00 1.98 1.82 1.76 1.81 150 1289 61.15 2.18 1.95 1.93 1.78 1.72 1.77 156 1464 69.02 2.71 2.46 2.44 2.26 2.20 2.29 162 1640 78.91 2.79 2.50 2.48 2.28 2.20 2.36 168 1816 89.20 3.20 2.87 2.84 2.62 2.53 2.77 174 1991 91.00 2.94 2.60 2.57 2.35 2.26 2.50 180 2167 65.42 2.03 1.79 1.77 1.61 1.54 1.60 186 2343 67.99 2.36 2.10 2.08 1.91 1.85 1.92 192 2518 85.53 2.56 2.24 2.22 2.00 1.92 2.13 204 3356 77.38 2.26 1.97 1.95 1.75 1.68 1.84 210 3511 54.78 1.57 1.37 1.36 1.22 1.16 1.16 216 3667 61.61 1.39 1.16 1.15 0.99 0.93 0.99 222 3823 59.81 1.24 1.02 1.00 0.85 0.79 0.84 228 3978 37.70 0.34 0.20 0.19 0.09 0.06 -0.06 234 4134 34.30 0.69 0.56 0.55 0.47 0.43 0.30 240 4289 33.85 0.15 0.02 0.01 -0.07 -0.10 -0.24 246 4445 33.22 0.00 -0.12 -0.13 -0.22 -0.25 -0.40 252 4600 36.52 0.00 -0.14 -0.15 -0.24 -0.27 -0.36 258 4756 36.73 0.00 -0.14 -0.15 -0.24 -0.28 -0.38

a Reitz et al. (2004). new global average 0.0037 b Gingele and Dahmke (1994), 0.004 Atlantic ocean north 30º c Bowen (1979), 0.0065 d Wedepohl (1991), 0.0075 average crustal ratio e Hyun et al. (2002) where Baterr(mgg-1)=((30xCaCO3/100)+(120xopal/100)+(60xTOC/100)+(452xdetritics/100))/1000 using the percentages in dry weight.


Chapter VII

Barium in marine sediments occurs as biogenic barite or is associated with

aluminosilicates. The Ba/Al detrital ratio is the crucial factor in the Babio calculated from Batotal,

therefore we have calculated the amount of biogenic barium using different approaches.

Several discrepancies have been found between the methods and normative calculations

(Table VII.2c), but in order to get reliable values of this paleoproductivity proxy we have

decided to use the most recent global average crustal ratio (0.0037, Reitz et al., 2004). The

amount of biogenic barium in the sediment ranges from 3.6 (mg g-1) to almost nothing. Baexcess

exhibits a distinct profile, with two major peaks around 1800 cal. yr BP and 834–524 cal. yr

BP. In fact, values increase progressively from the bottom of the core towards the top. Total

Ba content follows the same trend, although values are slightly higher, between 0.12 and 0.44

mg g-1. Total Ba versus Al follows the same trend to that found for total barium from the bottom

of the core up to 1200 cal. yr BP. During the last 1200 years Ba/Al slightly increases, reaching

the highest values during last 200 years (Figure VII.3).


The frequency of the major species amounts to mean around 80% of the total species

percent throughout the core. The sequence of diatoms includes mainly species of the genera

Chaetoceros, Leptocylindrus, Paralia, and Thalassionema.

Chaetoceros resting spores (R.S.) (mostly C. affinis), are the main component of the

diatom assemblage, ranging from 20 up to 70% for the last 500 cal. yr BP. Their percentage

progressively increases from the bottom to the top of the core. C. cinctus R.S. has the same

profile as found for C. affinis R.S. but relative percentages are very low (0–3%). C. diadema

R.S. represents also a high contribution of the total Chaetoceros spores. Downcore pattern of

this species shows high abundances (~6%) around 1000–700 cal. yr BP (Figure VII.4).

Leptocylindrus danicus R.S. represents the 8–30% of the assemblage. Higher

percentages around 30% are found at 3300, 2200 and 1200 cal. yr BP. From this age to the

top of the record values become stable (around 18%) (Figure VII.4).

Paralia sulcata relative abundance varies from 5 to 43%, although a high amount of this

species is observed at around 1200–960 cal yr BP and around 400 cal. yr BP. The degree of

preservation of the assemblage calculated from the margin dissolution of this species follows

the same pattern to that found for P. sulcata. Higher abundances are found when preservation

is poor (Figure VII.4).

Thalassionema nitzschioides relative abundance varies between 2–6%. Higher values

(averaging 11.7%) are found from 3300 to 2200 cal. yr BP. A strong peak, with values up to

10% between 878–524 cal. yr BP, is also recorded (Figure VII.4).


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences


Knowledge on the seasonal diatom succession and its record in the sediments of the

Galician shelf is limited and no studies on the composition of the diatom community in

sediment traps or water column have been carried out. There are only a few studies regarding

diatom water column assemblages of the Portuguese-Galician shelf (Bode and Varela, 1998;

Abrantes and Moita, 1999; Bode et al., 2002). Interpretation is mainly based on the ecological

characteristics of the species described in Abrantes (1988) and Bao et al. (1997).

From the study of the record archived in core SMP02-3, different sediment conditions

are inferred for the last 5000 years. Two periods barren of diatoms have been identified in the

record (4700–3300 and 1700–1200 cal. yr BP) intercalated between periods where diatoms

are present (Figure VII.4). Diatom barren sequences in the Galician shelf record may reflect

lower production, combined with more intense dissolution of diatom frustules. However, we

suggest that the low diatom abundances observed in some samples result from severe

dissolution, indicating a diagenetic control. Fe and Mn contents are indicative of early stages

of diagenesis (Froelich, 1979) especially in organic matter-rich environments. Normalization of

these chemical elements to Al (Hanson et al., 1993) reports the separation of metal

concentrations into natural (marine-derived and terrestrial-derived) and other fractions (e.g.

anthropogenic). In this way, variations in the concentration of Fe/Al and Mn/Al in our record

point to different reducing/oxidizing conditions within the sediment. Both periods barren of

diatoms (Figure VII.3) record the highest values of the Fe/Al and Mn/Al ratios, therefore they

are representative an oxic environment promoted by coarser sediments, which favours the

biogenic silica dissolution. Profile of relative abundance of P. sulcata (Figure VII.4) shows that

even heavily silicified forms disappear from the sedimentary record. This species has been

related to enhanced upwelling conditions (Abrantes and Sancetta, 1985; Abrantes, 1988;

Abrantes, 1991; Bárcena and Abrantes, 1998) and linked to vertically-mixed water column and

high surface water salinity (McQuoid and Nordberd, 2003 and references therein). In our

record, higher abundances of P. sulcata coincide with high values of the preservation index,

therefore, as reported by Bao et al. (1997) in the Galician shelf surface sediments, abundance

of this species is mostly related to preservation conditions.


Chapter VII


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Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

On the contrary, the anoxic-suboxic conditions which lead to the reduction of Mn and Fe

are indicated by low values of Fe/Al and Mn/Al. The remobilization of Fe and Mn and the

increase of the reduced species in solution occur when dissolved oxygen is consumed in pore-

waters after organic matter remineralization. In our record, during the last 1200 cal. yr BP

sediment grain size is finer and a high influx of organic matter occur (Table VII.2a), therefore,

anoxic conditions in the sediment are well established. In this case, most of the diatom

assemblages remain in this suboxic-anoxic environment and, therefore, they are preserved.

Similar geochemical patterns have been already observed in a nearby core (Martins et al.,

2006b; Martins et al., 2007), pointing to depressed levels of oxygen and early diagenetic

changes in muddy sediments between 2200–1200 cal. yr BP and 500–0 cal. yr BP. However,

imprecision in their age model impedes the correlation of both records.

Despite the preservation effects on the diatom assemblage, we consider that downcore

variations in diatom abundance are the result of paleochanges in primary production. Clear

trends are observed when looking at the individual species data.

The high input of allocthonous diatoms at 800–500 cal. yr BP to the shelf leads to the

maximum concentration of the diatom valves. A strong peak in the relative percentage of T.

nitzschioides and C. diadema occurs at this age. T. nitzschioides responses to a weakened

upwelling and/or high fluvial input discharge (Pokras and Molfino, 1986; van Iperen et al.,

1987; Abrantes, 1988; Bao et al., 1997). In this way, T. nitzschioides is present in significant

percentages where runoff influence is detected by the presence of freshwater, benthic species

and other riverine input tracers (Bernárdez et al., in press). The downcore profile of C.

diadema also follows the same pattern, reaching the highest abundances (~6%) at 1000–700

cal. yr BP (Figure VII.4). Although ecological preferences of C. diadema R.S. are not

extensively investigated, a few studies report the appearance of this species during spring

blooms (Tiselius and Kuylenstierna, 1996; McQuoid and Nordberg, 2006). Rebolledo et al.

(2005) also associate this species to high nutrient concentrations in the Chilean Fjords. In our

case, the clear relationship between the percentage of the freshwater assemblage and C.

diadema R.S. suggests high influx of river-derived nutrients to the shelf.

It has been assumed that upwelling is the main mechanism for enhancing primary

production off Galicia. However, influence of river runoff during winter has not been properly

assessed. Some attempts for estimating the primary production on the shelf have been carried

out by Teira et al. (2001) and Joint et al. (2002), but they failed in the estimations during the

winter months, since few experiments were performed. Prego and Bao (1997) indicated that

upwelling is the main forcing controlling the silicate concentrations in the Galician continental

waters during summer, but they also pointed to the possible influence on productivity of


Chapter VII

silicate derived from freshwater inputs during winter. deCastro et al. (2006) also suggested

that high freshwater discharge fertilizing the area can induce a phytoplankton bloom in the

Galician shelf. This is in apparent contradiction to Bode et al. (2002), who have suggested that

relatively low numbers of diatoms in Galician waters occur under high runoff.

Baexcess is commonly used as a tool for the reconstruction of paleoproductivity although

some authors have discussed its validity (e.g., Anderson and Winckler 2005). In core SMP02-

3, high correlation between Ba and Al in bulk sediment reveals that the barium comes from

several different sources and some of the barium is associated with terrigenous

aluminosilicate materials. The non-terrigenous barium follows the same profile to that found for

other paleoproductivity indicators, such as TOC and opal (Table VII.2a, Figure VII.3).

Maximum values of Baexcess (Figure VII.4) coincide with strong humid periods reported by

Bernárdez et al. (in press): around 2000 cal. yr BP during the Roman Warm Period (RWP) and

at 800–500 cal. yr BP. During the RWP we can not evaluate the primary production and the

oceanographic conditions since it is one of the periods barren of diatoms. However, we can

conclude that at 800–500 cal. yr BP primary production is enhanced.

Downcore values of total Cu are within the range reported for the recent sediments

deposited in the western Galician shelf (Araújo et al., 2002; Corredeira et al., 2005). Two

strong peaks are observed around 2000 cal. yr BP and at 800–500 cal. yr BP paralleling the

pattern found for total Ba (Figure VII.3). These Cu peaks are related to strong input of detrital

materials from continental soils and weathered rocks, since when normalising to Al values

Cu/Al profile becomes stable, except for maximum values found at 2000 cal. yr BP. Cu is an

essential micronutrient for phytoplankton being part of the biogeochemical cycles (Sunda et

al., 1981). A strong biological uptake for Cu is observed in the Galician shelf waters (Santos-

Echeandía et al., 2005) since Cu concentrations in the suspended particulate matter are in the

range of dissolved values. Peak in Cu/Al around 2000 cal. yr BP and in recent sediments could

be linked to more biological activity and diatom productivity in surface waters that can raise its

content in the sediments.

Chaetoceros R.S. are heavily silicified and characteristic of turbulent waters rich in

nutrients of upwelling areas (Schuette and Schrader, 1981; Abrantes and Sancetta, 1985;

Abrantes, 1988; Pitcher, 1990; Abrantes and Moita, 1999; Abrantes et al., 2002; Romero and

Hebbeln, 2003). Under present-day conditions in the western Iberian shelf, Chaetoceros spp.

proliferate in spring and summer when upwelling is well developed (Abrantes and Moita,

1999). As one of the main contributor to diatom community in our record (Figure VII.4), it is

suggested that the presence of these spores is linked to more frequent upwelling events.

There are important amounts of different spore morphotypes of the diatom genus


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

Chaetoceros, mostly related to high nutrient input. One of these high nutrient input indicators

is C. cinctus. It is absent from the record, but appears during the last 500 cal. yr BP, reflecting

the upwelling intensification. C. affinis presents the same pattern, a species also related to the

coastal upwelling phenomena off Chile (Romero and Hebbeln, 2003).

Ecologically, L. danicus blooming is related to nutrient depletion, upwelling relaxation

and the breakage of summer stratification after the mixing period (Varela et al., 2001; Bárcena

et al., 2001; Bárcena et al., 2004). A strong decrease in the abundance of L. danicus is

recorded at recent times, when high nutrients and enhanced productivity by upwelling

intensification are recorded. Baexcess also exhibits high values (~2.5 mg g-1) during the last 500

cal. yr BP (Figure VII.4). However, these values do not reach those found during the humid

period registered at 800–500 cal. yr BP. Therefore we can conclude that primary productivity

during this period is triggered by river-derived nutrients, which could be supplied in higher

amounts that those derived from upwelled waters.

The intensification of the upwelling in the Galician-Portuguese margin during

approximately the last 1000 cal. yr BP is a well known fact (Soares, 1993; Diz et al., 2002;

González-Álvarez et al., 2005; Lebreiro et al., 2006; Martins et al., 2006a; Soares and Dias,

2006; Martins et al., 2007; Muñoz-Sobrino et al., in press). Our record confirms this

interpretation, however high temporal resolution in the upper part of our core allows us to

enclose the enhancement of the upwelling regime to the last 500 years. This upwelling

intensification is observed under a well-described NAO negative regime (Bernárdez et al., in

press). This apparent contradiction is explained by the seasonality of the oceanographic

processes acting in the region. We could define a predominance of a NAO negative-like phase

with SW winds and winter storm conditions during the last 1200 cal. yr BP, but this fact does

not implies the ceasing of the upwelling regime during summer. This climatic situation could be

blurred by prevailing winter conditions, but during the last 500 cal. yr BP, N NNE winds and,

therefore, the upwelling regime, would predominate in a seasonal scale. Combining both

climatic situations, the final result is the increase in productivity, but the diatom assemblages

permit to discriminate between both processes.

Other studies show increased upwelling in recent years in multiple areas around the

world and, in particular, in the Canarian-Iberian margin (Bakun, 1990; Anderson et al., 2002;

Goes et al., 2005; Santos et al., 2005; McGregor et al., 2007) most of them attributed to 20th

century global warming and atmospheric CO2 rise. Temporal resolution of our record does not

permit to discriminate enhanced upwelling on a decadal scale, but shows similar patterns to

those found by earlier authors on a century-decadal range. This fact has also important

implications on diatom productivity since, although dependent on a complex balance of several


Chapter VII

factors, it is controlled by upwelling. These results imply an increasing in phytoplankton

biomass and the response of the ecosystem and the consequent biological, climatological and

socioeconomical impacts. Upwelling may continue to strengthen with global warming

(McGregor et al., 2007), even in our study area, provoking ecosystem and diatom composition


On the other hand, it is important to point out that in the recent years a strong increase

in the Pb concentrations occurred (Figure VII.3). These values are within the range point out

by Araújo et al. (2002) for surface sediments in the muddy patch. When Pb is normalized with

Al, in order to eliminate the natural lithogenic influence, the variability of Pb/Al ratios is lower,

but still shows a significant rise in recent times. One of the primary sources of lead into the

aquatic domain is the atmospheric deposition (Clark, 2001). However, in the Galician shelf the

input by rivers flowing at the shelf could also be an important source. Enrichment factors and

isotope ratios seem to indicate that atmospheric Pb pollution started around 3500–3000 years

BP related to human activities (Martínez-Cortizas et al., 2002a), but in the NW Iberian

Peninsula atmospheric Pb pollution is only apparent since 2500 years BP (Martínez-Cortizas

et al., 2002b). A maximum in concentration was found during the Roman colonization and also

for the last 300 years due to industrial development (Martínez-Cortizas et al., 2002b). A small

peak in the concentration of this element during Roman Warm Period is recorded in our core.

Moreover, the increase in the Pb/Al ratios occurs approximately during the last 400 cal. yr BP

(Figure VII.3). This result confirms the age model of the core, but we are not able to detect the

decreased Pb concentrations for the using of unleaded gasoline also observed in other paleo-

records in Galician marine sediments and peat bogs (Cobelo-García and Prego, 2003;

Martínez-Cortizas et al., 1997). Conversely, the Pb enrichment in the sediments of the core,

which provides a high temporal resolution during the recent years, is in good agreement with

the Pb enrichment due to industrial and naval development (Martínez-Cortizas et al., 1997;

Martínez-Cortizas et al., 2002b).


A multidisciplinary study covering sedimentology (texture, organic matter content),

geochemistry (major, minor and trace elements), palaeoecolgy (diatoms, biosilica compounds)

and isotopic dating (14C) has been carried out on the gravity core SMP02-3 retrieved from the

Galician continental shelf (NW Iberian Peninsula). Paleoproductivity changes in the NW

Iberian Peninsula have been inferred from microflora and geochemical distributions of this

core. The study of microfossil assemblages and texture, composition and geochemistry of

sediments has been proved to yield relevant information on Holocene primary production

changes in the NW Iberian Peninsula.


Paleoproductivity changes and upwelling variability in the Galicia Mud Patch during the last 5000 years: geochemical and microfloral evidences

Disappearance of diatoms during some periods of the core has been related to

oxygenation conditions and early diagenetic processes occurring during burial. Despite the

presumably large influence of biogenic silica preservation conditions in periods 4700–3300

and 1800–1200 cal. yr BP, relative abundances of diatom species are still reliable tracers of

oceanographic and indeed climatic conditions. Based on diatom valves abundance and

dominance, the assemblage zones present in the core can be divided in sub-environments that

have evolved through time. The sediments are characterized by a dominance of diatoms

representative of high nutrient environments (e.g., spores of Chaetoceros spp.), accompanied

by coastal planktonic, benthic and freshwater species.

The geochemical characterization of the sediment core indicates that sediments

deposited at the Galicia Mud Patch come from three different sources: lithogenic,

anthropogenic and biogenic. Peaks in metal concentrations are mainly related to detritic inputs

from the river plumes, especially at 800–500 cal. yr BP.

We have pointed that the sediment features (biogenic compounds and chemical

features) are triggered by climatic and oceanographic conditions in the Galician area, as well

as, by anthropic activities. The sharp rise in the Pb and Pb/Al concentrations occurred during

the last 400 cal. yr BP is linked to Pb enrichment after the industrialization.

With respect to the timing of coupled marine and terrestrial palaeoenvironmental

processes and their effect in the primary production, the record presented here shows that:

(1) In general, high productivity due to nutrient enrichment is recorded during the last

1200 cal. yr BP due to both upwelling intensification and river runoff.

(2) The major wetter event occurring at 800–500 cal. yr BP, provokes a high diatom

production, being the river plumes the main source of nutrients to the coastal waters off


(3) This study indicates that Chaetoceros R.S. and some morphotypes are useful

tracers of paleoupwelling conditions on the NW Iberian margin. The other proxies considered

show consistent patterns indicating high productivity in the Galician shelf during the last 500

years. This fact is due to the intensification of the upwelling phenomena related to prevailing N

NNE winds. Their expansion is registered for the last 500 cal. yr BP from the onset of the

humid event

In brief, marine productivity in this area is triggered by two processes that increase the

nutrient availability for phytoplankton growth: nutrient input by river discharge and/or coastal



Chapter VII


We would like to RV Mytilus crew and the technicians and scientists who have participated in the ría cruises and sampling. We are grateful to Clemente Trujillo, Paula Ferro and Jesús Roncero for laboratory technical support with sample preparation for diatom and metals analysis at the Institute of Marine Research (IIM, Vigo) and Micropaleontology Laboratory of the University of Salamanca. We also thank Dr. Antonio Cobelo-García for the valuable reviews and suggestions. Funding for this study was received from the MECD and Xunta de Galicia under the projects METRIA-REN2003-04106-C03, REN2003-09394, PGIDIT05PXIB31201PR PGIDT04PXIC31204PN, EVK2-CT-2000-00060 and PGIDT00MAR30103PR. Xunta de Galicia (Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento) and Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Universidades) financed P. Bernárdez with a grant.


Chapter VII


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Abrantes, F., 1991. Increased upwelling off Portugal during the last glaciation: Diatom evidence. Marine Micropaleontology 17, 285–310.

Abrantes, T. and Moita, T., 1999. Water column and recent sediment data on diatoms and cocolitophorids, off Portugal, confirm sediment record of upwelling events. Oceanologica Acta 22, 319–336.

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[Chapter VIII]



El análisis de la sílice biogénica y las asociaciones de diatomeas en sedimentos

recientes de las rías de Vigo, Pontevedra y Ferrol y en un registro Holoceno de la plataforma

continental gallega, junto con las características sedimentarias y biogeoquímicas de dichos

sedimentos dan lugar a las siguientes conclusiones generales:

Conclusión general I: Las variaciones espaciales del contenido en ópalo en los

sedimentos superficiales y subsuperficiales de la ría de Vigo están causadas

fundamentalmente por el flujo de sílice biogénica hacia el fondo.

Conclusión general II: Los patrones de producción de diatomeas en la columna de

agua, así como su posterior sedimentación y registro en el sedimento superficial de las rías de

Pontevedra y Ferrol han permitido:

1. Caracterizar la variación estacional y las condiciones oceanográficas bajo las

cuales se desarrollan y proliferan cada una de las especies de diatomeas.

2. Determinar los procesos que afectan a la preservación de las mismas en el

sedimento y su fiabilidad como trazadores climáticos e hidrográficos.

3. Sentar las bases para la interpretación paleoecológica de los ambientes de

ría basada en estos organismos y su aplicación como marcadores

paleohidrológicos y paleoceanográficos.

Conclusión general III: Se ha elaborado una reconstrucción paleoclimática y

paleoceanográfica de las condiciones reinantes en la plataforma continental gallega durante


Summary and conclusions

aproximadamente los últimos 5000 años basada en el análisis multidisciplinar de diferentes

proxies. Se ha puesto especial énfasis en relacionar estas variaciones climáticas y

oceanográficas y su impacto en la productividad primaria con otros eventos de escala regional

y local descritos por diversos autores.

Las conclusiones derivadas de los objetivos específicos que se plantearon al empezar

el estudio se desglosan en los siguientes apartados.

El registro de ópalo en el sedimento superficial y subsuperficial de la ría de Vigo

Se ha llevado a cabo satisfactoriamente la técnica de determinación de ópalo en

muestras de sedimento superficial, lo que garantiza una mayor calidad de los resultados. La

desviación estándar del método de digestión alcalina empleado es ±0.2.

Dada la elevada resolución espacial del muestreo superficial llevado a cabo en la ría de

Vigo los resultados obtenidos permiten la cuantificación precisa de las variaciones en el

contenido en ópalo en dicha ría, incluso en aquellas zonas en las que no existían datos

previos de este parámetro, como es el caso de la ensenada de San Simón. Es precisamente

en esa zona donde se localizan los mayores valores de sílice biogénica, que son debidos a la

importante presencia y crecimiento de diatomeas con forma de vida bentónica. Además, esta

elevada concentración también se puede relacionar con al aporte de diatomeas de agua dulce

a través del río Oitabén-Verdugo y con la alta concentración de sus frústulos en los pellets

fecales procedentes de los residuos del cultivo de mejillón en bateas instaladas en la


La margen norte de la zona interna de la ría de Vigo se caracteriza por porcentajes

elevados de sílice biogénica, mientras que la concentración disminuye hacia la boca de la ría,

de modo que los valores más bajos se localizan en los canales de entrada a la misma. Por

otro lado, el giro antihorario que describe el agua en las zonas internas, así como la tendencia

a que el agua dulce se concentre por la orilla norte pueden ser las causas de los valores altos

de ópalo detectados en la zona. La concentración de bateas en el margen norte de la ría

también contribuye a un aumento de sílice biogénica en los fondos adyacentes.

Todos estos procesos modelan el contenido de sílice biogénica que se halla en los

sedimentos superficiales, si bien esta distribución está principalmente controlada por la

producción primaria en la columna de agua, que aumenta hacia las zonas internas de la ría,

donde se registran los valores mayores.


Chapter VIII

El contenido en ópalo de los sedimentos superficiales de la ría de Vigo y la producción

biosilícea de la columna de agua están correlacionados linealmente. La ecuación obtenida

relaciona pues el medio pelágico y el bentónico. La variación espacial del flujo de sílice

biogénica hacia el fondo a escala anual presenta la misma variación que la distribución de

ópalo en el sedimento superficial. De este modo, se ha podido validar la utilización del ópalo

como trazador de paleoproductividad en ambientes de ría y estuarios y en zonas litorales con

alta producción primaria y, lo que es más importante, cuantificar ese flujo de Si hacia el fondo.

Sin embargo, tal y como se ha puesto de manifiesto anteriormente, en las zonas más internas,

donde existe un aporte alóctono de material biosilíceo, esta máxima debe ser tomada con

cautela, y se hace indispensable un estudio sistemático de las diatomeas que aparecen.

Asimismo, se pone de manifiesto un efecto de dilución derivado de la presencia de

partículas de sedimento más gruesas y de los elevados porcentajes de carbonatos y materia

orgánica. Es por ello que los valores más bajos de ópalo que se localizan en la zona externa

de la ría se expliquen tanto por la menor productividad primaria superficial en estas áreas

como por la textura del sedimento, predominantemente de tamaño grueso. Con el fin de

eliminar este efecto de dilución se han llevado a cabo análisis de ópalo sólo en la fracción <63

µm. La elevada correlación entre los valores medidos en la muestra total y en la fracción fina

indica que para determinar adecuadamente las variaciones espaciales en la producción

biosilícea en la ría no es necesario realizar análisis por fracciones granulométricas.

Sin embargo, cuando se ha seguido el mismo procedimiento en es testigo CGPL00-1,

obtenido en la plataforma continental, se llega a la conclusión de la conveniencia de medir la

concentración en ópalo en la fracción fina. El testigo CGPL00-1 presenta dos partes que se

diferencian claramente por sus características granulométricas. La basal es

fundamentalmente arenosa, mientras que la superior es predominantemente fangosa. Los

datos permiten afirmar que el análisis de ópalo en la fracción fangosa (<63 µm) expresa de

forma más fidedigna los cambios en la paleoproductividad de la columna de agua que el

análisis en muestra total. Ello se debe a que es posible estandarizar los resultados y además

eliminar las interferencias debidas a la presencia de partículas relativamente gruesas que

enmascaran el registro de las diatomeas.

Respecto a los perfiles de distribución de ópalo en el sedimento subsuperficial se han

observado patrones muy diferentes en función del área de la ría que consideremos. La

distribución vertical de ópalo es la respuesta a diversos procesos: los cambios en el flujo y

acumulación de material biosilíceo y, por tanto de la producción primaria en la columna de

agua; los procesos postdeposicionales y el aporte de frústulos de diatomeas en los pellets

fecales producidos por los cultivos de mejillón. Los perfiles de contenido en ópalo típicos del


Summary and conclusions

eje fangoso de la ría se caracterizan por un ligero descenso del porcentaje de ópalo en los

centímetros subsuperficiales. Por el contrario, en la zona interna se registran concentraciones

de ópalo muy elevados a profundidades de hasta 11-15 cm, y que se asocian al desarrollo de

un ambiente reductor que posibilita un aumento del potencial de preservación de la sílice


Producción primaria, flujos biosilíceos al sedimento y registro del material biosilíceo en el sedimento superficial de las rías de Pontevedra y Ferrol

Ría de Pontevedra

El estudio de la variación estacional de la comunidad de diatomeas en la columna de

agua pone de manifiesto que:

1. El género Chaetoceros se asocia al desarrollo de condiciones de producción altas

causadas por procesos de upwelling ligados a la dominancia de los vientos del Norte.

2. Thalassiosira spp. aparece bajo condiciones de aporte continuo de nutrientes,

mientras que las especies del género Rhizosolenia responden a las eclosiones invernales y

proliferan cuando el contenido en nutrientes de las aguas superficiales es bajo.

3. S. costatum se desarrolla cuando existe un elevado aporte de nutrientes a las zonas

más internas de la ría procedente del río Lérez. También los aportes fluviales, especialmente

durante el invierno, determinan la abundancia de T. nitzschioides, si bien esta especie tolera

condiciones oceanográficas variables.

4. L. danicus prolifera tras el afloramiento cuando el contenido en nutrientes es más

bajo y existe estratificación de la columna de agua al final del verano. La especie P. sulcata y

las diatomeas de carácter bentónico sólo aparecen en la columna de agua cuando la

descarga fluvial es elevada y se produce la resuspensión del sedimento superficial. El grupo

de diatomeas de agua dulce se detecta en las estaciones más internas, y su presencia

constituye un buen trazador de la intensidad de la pluma de agua dulce del río Lérez.

La comparación entre los taxones recogidos en la columna de agua, en las trampas de

sedimento y en el sedimento superficial pone de relieve que en la interfase sedimento-agua se

produce una severa disolución, que afecta más a las especies con frústulos pobremente

silicificados. Así pues, S. costatum se disuelve progresivamente a medida que va cayendo a

través de la columna de agua. Este mismo patrón se observa para las especies del género

Thalassiosira, a excepción de la estación localizada en la zona más interna de la ría. Por su

parte, Rhizosolenia spp. sufre procesos de disolución una vez que llega al sedimento, de tal


Chapter VIII

manera que desaparece del mismo completamente. Por el contrario, T. nitzschioides muestra

un patrón inverso, de tal manera que su abundancia relativa es mayor en las trampas y en el

sedimento superficial que en las muestras de agua. Las especies de Chaetoceros se

preservan en las trampas en forma de esporas en elevada concentración. Este hecho también

se obseva para L. danicus, el cual se preserva muy bien en el sedimento superficial,

especialmente en la ría media. Las especies bentónicas y de agua dulce se localizan en los

sedimentos de las zonas más internas. P. sulcata aparece en el sedimento a lo largo de toda

la ría debido a que es una especie robusta, e incluso cuando las condiciones de preservación

no son las óptimas.

De todo el material biosilíceo encontrado en el sedimento superficial se concluye que

las diatomeas son los organismos que aparecen con mayores abundancias, especialmente en

la parte más interna de la ría. La elevada representación de diatomeas de agua dulce,

crisófitas y fitolitos en la margen norte e interna de la ría caracterizan la extensión geográfica

de la pluma de agua dulce del río Lérez. Incluso, la entrada por la boca sur de la ría de agua

relativamente dulce procedente de fuertes descargas del río Miño queda reflejada en el

sedimento superficial mediante estos marcadores. Este hecho tiene importantes implicaciones

en la reconstrucción de los aportes fluviales en el pasado, y subsecuentemente de la

intensidad de las precipitaciones sobre el continente. El análisis de las diatomeas de agua

dulce, crisófitas y fitolitos en registros de ría interna permitirían monitorizar el desplazamiento

de la zona estuarina a lo largo del tiempo.

El análisis conjunto de los marcadores geoquímicos y micropaleontológicos usando el

análisis de componentes principales muestra el contraste que existe entre las zonas de la ría

influenciadas por el upwelling y aquellas de la zona interna dominadas por procesos


En definitiva, se ha observado una buena correlación entre las propiedades del

sedimento superficial y los patrones oceanográficos actuales. Así, el estudio muestra que la

distribución de diatomeas y restos biosilíceos se relaciona con las variables ambientales que

controlan la hidrografía y la producción primaria, como son la descarga fluvial y el aporte de

nutrientes por el upwelling.

Ría de Ferrol

Del estudio de la comunidad de diatomeas en la columna de agua y de las

asociaciones registradas en los sedimentos superficiales de la ría de Ferrol se derivan estas



Summary and conclusions

Los patrones de producción de diatomeas en la columna de agua difieren ligeramente

de los encontrados en la ría de Pontevedra. En primer lugar, la abundancia de diatomeas en

la ría de Ferrol a lo largo del año es considerablemente mayor, exceptuando el invierno. Se

trata de una ría semicerrada que recibe un aporte continuo de nutrientes a través del río

Grande de Xubia que desemboca en la cabecera de la ría. Aunque la descarga fluvial sea

más baja de la que reciben otras rías, referida el volumen total de agua contenido en la ría es

parecida a la de Pontevedra. Además, el estrecho canal que da paso a la parte media de la

ría y la alta influencia mareal que se observa favorece la continua renovación de aguas y, por

tanto, el aporte de nutrientes, lo que da lugar a una producción continua.

La comunidad de diatomeas presentes en la columna de agua también es similar a la

encontrada en la ría de Pontevedra, así como su evolución estacional. Sin embargo, ambas

difieren en la abundancia absoluta y relativa de cada especie. La discrepancia más importante

es la aparición en esta ría de un elevado porcentaje de N. longissima durante la campaña de

invierno, de tal manera que se comporta como indicadora de las condiciones de mezcla de la

columna de agua. Esta especie también presenta abundancias elevadas en septiembre, y

junto con L. danicus y S. costatum, es característica de este periodo. A pesar de ello, N.

longissima y S. costatum no quedan preservadas en cantidades importantes en el sedimento,

así como los taxones Rhizosolenia spp. y Thalassiosira spp. Por el contrario, L. danicus

prolifera en mayores abundancias en la estación más exterior de la ría, quedando también

bien representada en los sedimentos superficiales de la zona externa en forma de esporas, al

igual que sucede en la ría de Pontevedra. Esta especie es indicadora de las condiciones de

estratificación de la columna de agua y de la entrada de aguas oceánicas.

Otra de las diferencias importantes entre las rías de Ferrol y Pontevedra es la escasa

entrada a la primera del agua aflorada Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) a través

del canal de entrada a la ría, lo que se traduce en una elevada producción de individuos del

género Chaetoceros en la parte externa, quedando preservadas además en el sedimento en

forma de esporas. T. nitzschioides prolifera en mayores abundancias en la columna de agua

durante condiciones de alta producción en verano en la parte media de la ría. Sin embargo,

aparece en mayores porcentajes en el sedimento superficial en el canal y la zona externa, un

patrón que también se detecta en la ría de Pontevedra.

Es común a ambas rías la aparición de diatomeas bentónicas y de P. sulcata en la

columna de agua durante la campaña de invierno, incluso en las zonas externas, lo que refleja

el transporte desde zonas internas y la resuspensión del sedimento en condiciones altamente

energéticas. Esa especie caracteriza la comunidad de diatomeas de los sedimentos

superficiales de la zona media. No obstante, una peculiaridad de la ría de Ferrol estriba en el


Chapter VIII

elevado porcentaje de diatomeas bentónicas en la zona interna a profundidades menores de 5

m. Teniendo en cuenta la morfología estrecha de esta ría y el aporte fluvial relativamente

escaso que recibe, la asociación de diatomeas de agua dulce está restringida a la zona de

cabecera. Por consiguiente, el grupo de diatomeas bentónico pueden ser utilizado como

trazador de la posición del nivel del mar y de la línea de costa en el pasado, al menos en rías

con características semejantes a las de Ferrol.

Interpretación de los cambios en la productividad y la influencia terrestre en el registro Holoceno de la plataforma continental

La reconstrucción climática que se ha realizado en el testigo SMP02-3, recogido en la

plataforma continental gallega a una profundidad de 121 m, muestra evidencias de sucesivas

variaciones ambientales a lo largo del Holoceno reciente. Su estudio ha permitido identificar

diversos periodos que muestran diferentes grados de intensidad de la dinámica de upwelling,

de la influencia fluvial y del impacto humano.

Los marcadores biogeoquímicos indican que los sedimentos depositados en esta zona

provienen de tres fuentes principales: litogénicas, antropogénicas y biogénicas. En este

sentido, los datos geoquímicos y litoestratigráficos permiten identificar periodos alternativos

de mayor o menor influencia continental. Así, entre 3300 y 1700 cal. yr BP y durante los

últimos 1200 años los procesos que gobiernan el dominio emergido se hacen sentir también

en la plataforma, en contraposición a los periodos 4700–3300 cal. yr y 1700–1200 cal. yr BP,

durante los cuales tales procesos no afectaron a la plataforma media. Estos periodos de

condiciones netamente marinas se identifican por la presencia de sedimentos arenosos, con

valores bajos de Fe, Al, LSi, C/N y otros indicadores terrígenos, así como valores altos de la

relación Ca/Al y la falta de registro de diatomeas. Por el contrario, los estadios en los que se

detectan aportes desde las zonas emergidas se caracterizan por valores elevados de Fe, Al, y

C/N, así como por porcentajes relativamente elevados de diatomeas bentónicas y de agua


La desaparición del registro biosilíceo en los períodos 4700–3300 and 1800–1200 cal.

yr BP puede estar relacionada con las condiciones redox en sedimento y procesos

diagenéticos que ocurren durante el enterramiento. En concreto, en estos niveles se infiere

que las condiciones son relativamente óxicas, lo que provoca la disolución del material

biosilíceo. Sin embargo, durante los últimos 1200 años el aumento en el contenido de carbono

orgánico y la aparición de materiales más finos, da lugar a condiciones reductoras que

favorecen la preservación de diatomeas. En estas zonas donde el material biosilíceo se


Summary and conclusions

preserva, se observa una dominancia de diatomeas representativas de ambientes ricos con

nutrientes, y un elevado número de especies bentónicas y de agua dulce transportadas.

Los mecanismos climáticos que se invocan para explicar estos cambios en la firma

terrígena de los sedimentos de la plataforma son el establecimiento de periodos sostenidos de

NAO positiva o negativa. Durante fases con preponderancia de NAO positiva prevalecieron las

condiciones de aridez relativa sobre el continente y vientos dominantes del N-NE. Por el

contrario, durante las fases mantenidas de NAO negativa, el incremento de las precipitaciones

sobre las cuencas de drenaje de los ríos Miño y Duero y el consecuente incremento de la

descarga fluvial dejaron su huella en los sedimentos de la plataforma media. En definitiva, el

incremento de los trazadores de procedencia continental y litogénicos se asocian a un

aumento de las precipitaciones en momentos de NAO negativa dominante.

Es importante destacar que uno de esos periodos de elevado aporte continental a la

plataforma se registra entre 2000 y 1800 cal. yr BP, momento que coincide con el

establecimiento de condiciones más calurosas durante el Periodo Cálido Romano. La

degradación de los bosques y por lo tanto el aumento de la erosión de los suelos, unidos a

condiciones más lluviosas y cálidas reforzaron aún más la señal terrígena en los sedimentos

de la plataforma. Alguna de las causas consideradas, como la deforestación, poseen una

componente antropogénica bien documentada. Por otro lado, el registro del contenido de Pb y

la relación Pb/Al presenta valores muy altos durante los últimos 400 años, lo cual es

consistente con los datos de incremento de este parámetro en otros registros terrestres y

marinos. Este hecho indica que las actividades industriales y antropogénicas en tierra también

se pueden identificar en este registro marino.

El mayor evento lluvioso que se registra a lo largo del testigo se localiza a 800–500 cal.

yr BP. El proceso climático que dio lugar al registro de este evento puede estar relacionado

con un incremento de la actividad solar coincidiendo con el denominado Máximo Solar, del

que también existen evidencias de temperaturas más cálidas.

La cronología de todos estos eventos responde a cambios en los sistemas de presión

atmosférica que afectan a la región. Así, las condiciones variables o predominantes de NAO

positiva o negativa controlan los patrones de lluvias y descarga fluvial o el desarrollo del

upwelling. Dentro de la incertidumbre que se deriva de la propia realización del modelo de

edad del testigo, todos los eventos registrados y las interpretaciones realizadas se relacionan

adecuadamente con los que describen otros autores en estas áreas, así como con eventos

climáticos de escala global.


Chapter VIII

En lo que se refiere a las variaciones en la productividad, en general se detecta un

aumento durante los últimos 1200 cal. yr BP. Concretamente, hay dos procesos principales

que controlan el aporte de nutrientes y por tanto la producción biosilícea. Durante el periodo

800–500 cal. yr BP, el elevado aporte de material de origen fluvial provocado por las plumas

de los ríos Miño y Duero, y por tanto de nutrientes, estimula la producción fitoplanctónica.

Durante los últimos 500 años se observa además la intensificación del upwelling costero

durante la estación de verano, quedando registrado por un aumento en el porcentaje relativo

de esporas de Chaetoceros. Esta intensificación del upwelling es consistente con los registros

actuales de escala decadal que lo relacionan con el incremento de CO2 en la atmósfera. Así,

este resultado implica que en el futuro podría producirse un aumento de la biomasa

fitoplanctónica como respuesta del ecosistema a estos cambios y el consiguiente impacto



[Chapter IX]



Ningún trabajo de investigación es perfecto y siempre hay determinados aspectos u

objetivos que quedan escasamente resueltos, o bien interpretaciones que podrían pulirse.

Seguramente hay aspectos de esta Tesis Doctoral que son mejorables y no quería renunciar a

la oportunidad de ponerlos de manifiesto y, en la medida de lo posible, justificarlo.

En primer lugar, aunque se ha llevado a cabo un estudio muy detallado de la

acumulación de ópalo en la ría de Vigo, no se ha realizado el análisis cuantitativo y exhaustivo

de las asociaciones de diatomeas presentes en el registro sedimentario reciente, puesto que

ya existen trabajos publicados al respecto, ni tampoco de la composición de ese material

biosilíceo (silicoflagelados, esponjas, fitolitos, quistes de crisofíceas, etc.). Sólo se apunta a la

existencia en elevadas cantidades de diatomeas de carácter bentónico y de agua de dulce en

las partes más internas de la ría. A pesar de ser una ría muy estudiada y de la que existe un

conocimiento bastante bueno de los aspectos biogeoquímicos, hidrográficos y sedimentarios,

es necesaria una investigación integral de las condiciones de sedimentación del material

biosilíceo a una escala estacional, con una alta resolución de muestreo y su comparación con

el registro actual. Además, todo ello debería estar combinado con un amplio estudio de las

condiciones hidrográficas y geoquímicas. De esta manera se podrían parametrizar

adecuadamente todas las variables y procesos que interactúan y disponer para el futuro de

una buena base de datos susceptible de ser utilizada para inferir condiciones de


Respecto al estudio de las asociaciones de diatomeas en la columna de agua, en las

trampas de sedimentos y en el sedimento superficial en la ría de Pontevedra, es necesario un


Self-criticism and perspectives

análisis más completo del ciclo anual de producción y sedimentación y su relación con las

condiciones hidrográficas del medio. La falta de muestreos en la columna de agua y en

trampas a lo largo de todo el ciclo estacional, principalmente durante el final de verano y en

otoño debido a un problema logístico, impidió un registro completo de esa variabilidad. Sin

embargo, este muestreo integral de todos los compartimentos permitió realizar la primera

caracterización del transporte de diatomeas hacia el sedimento en las rías gallegas.

Con relación al estudio de las asociaciones de diatomeas en la columna de agua en la

ría de Ferrol, cabe decir que la resolución temporal del muestreo, aunque limitada, sí es

representativa y caracteriza de forma importante los principales periodos oceanográficos y los

procesos hidrográficos y de producción que afectan a esta ría. Tal y como se ha apuntado en

el caso del estudio en la ría de Pontevedra, sería necesario un análisis más detallado del ciclo

anual de producción de diatomeas. Además, puesto que es una ría tan dinámica, resultaría de

una gran importancia conocer el proceso de sedimentación del material orgánico y también

detrítico, el cual no ha sido llevado a cabo.

Por otro lado, y aunque se ha puesto de manifiesto el aporte y registro de organismos

biosilíceos por parte de los principales cursos fluviales en su cabecera, no se ha efectuado

una estimación de ese flujo de diatomeas de agua dulce a ambas rías. Este proceso podría

ser abordado simplemente muestreando la zona fluvial y la desembocadura.

Respecto a la reconstrucción paleoclimática llevada a cabo en el archivo sedimentario

de la plataforma continental, hay que poner de manifiesto la falta de registro de los

indicadores biosilíceos en diversos niveles, lo que impide una interpretación precisa de los

procesos climático-oceanográficos que afectan a la región durante la segunda mitad del

Holoceno. Aún así, el objetivo principal ha sido cubierto satisfactoriamente, combinando el

registro de diatomeas y sílice biogénica con el uso de diversos marcadores o proxies de otra

índole. En este sentido, y debido a la falta de registro y con el fin de precisar los diversos

periodos climático-oceanográficos inferidos sería necesario un aumento de las dataciones de 14C. Por otro lado, este registro sedimentario todavía puede aportar mucha más información,

puesto que también se están llevando a cabo estudios sobre las asociaciones de

foraminíferos planctónicos y bentónicos y su composición geoquímica, análisis isotópicos y

estimaciones de temperatura superficial de la columna de agua. Además, existen otros

testigos de sedimento en esta escala temporal que también pueden ser utilizados mediante el

uso de estos trazadores para corroborar las conclusiones derivadas de este trabajo.

Sin duda el inicio, desarrollo y conclusión de una Tesis Doctoral es un proceso de

aprendizaje continuo que no acaba cuando es defendida, sino que te acompaña a lo largo de

toda la carrera investigadora. En este sentido todo este trabajo ha permitido establecer un


Chapter IX

orden de prioridades y necesidades inmediatas de estudio. La Tesis Doctoral es el inicio de

esa carrera de investigación, y es a partir de este momento cuando el planteamiento de

nuevas hipótesis de trabajo y problemas científicos que se traducen en la redacción de

proyectos de investigación es la prioridad. Es por ello que no quería dejar pasar la

oportunidad de plantear algunas inquietudes, ideas futuras y necesidades científicas con

respecto a la línea de investigación en la que está enmarcada esta Tesis.

1. Ampliar a otras rías el estudio de la concentración y distribución de ópalo biogénico

y de las asociaciones de diatomeas en el sedimento. En concreto, el análisis del ciclo anual,

flujos y registro de las asociaciones de diatomeas en el sedimento superficial en cada una de

las Rías Altas también puede ser una buena continuación de este trabajo, debido a sus

características fisiográficas, oceanográficas y productivas claramente diferenciadas de las de

las Rías Baixas.

2. Por otro lado, y en continuación con la línea de trabajo propuesta anteriormente,

sería asimismo muy interesante ampliar la escala espacial de este estudio, de tal manera que

incluyera, por ejemplo, el análisis de muestras de sedimento de todo el Margen Atlántico

Ibérico, el Golfo de Cádiz y el Golfo de Vizcaya, tanto en las zonas más litorales como en la

plataforma. En este sentido, ya existe una importante base de datos de diatomeas recientes

en toda la costa portuguesa y plataforma y rías gallegas, que debe ser ampliada y que pueda

ser susceptible de ser utilizada como base de datos regional combinándola con datos

oceanográficos para la elaboración de ecuaciones de transferencia.

3. También es oportuno un estudio más amplio de la producción biológica y su

registro en el sedimento a escala anual por medio de trampas de sedimentación en la

plataforma continental, e incluso en zonas más externas, como el talud continental.

4. El desarrollo e implementación de una estación fija océano-metereológica que

contemple el análisis de variables oceanográficas y la consiguiente respuesta biológica en

series temporales sería de vital importancia para su variabilidad a una escala supraanual. Así,

un estudio multidisciplinar que contemple la evaluación de diversos parámetros, por ejemplo

geofísicos, geoquímicos, metereológicos, etc. permitiría la integración de resultados para un

futuro estudio paleoclimático. Se han llevado a cabo diversos intentos de control de diversos

parámetros a lo largo de varios años (principios de los 90 hasta 2003) exclusivamente en la

ría de Vigo y en la bahía de A Coruña por parte del Instituto Español de Oceanografía

(programa de radiales) y el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo (IIM-CSIC). Sin

embargo, no existe una estación fija o de control para ninguna de las rías gallegas en la cual

observar, en nuestro caso, la abundancia o flujo de diatomeas al fondo y las variaciones de

las mismas a escala decenal. Esto resulta de crucial importancia para determinar la influencia


Self-criticism and perspectives

sobre el medio biológico y geológico de diversos procesos climático-oceanográficos que

varían en ese rango temporal. Es necesario identificarlos para diferenciarlos de aquellos

derivados de las actividades antrópicas que actúan en esa misma escala de tiempo. Este

esfuerzo de identificación de los procesos que actúan a la escala temporal a la que lo hace la

actividad humana sobre el ambiente es clave para entender la futura evolución climática.

5. Continuando con la anterior línea de investigación, sería muy interesante un

estudio de alta resolución de registros relativamente recientes (200 años aproximadamente)

para correlacionar con las condiciones actuales y con datos históricos e instrumentales de

diversos parámetros (temperatura, precipitación, etc.). Los estudios de registros de escala

centenaria y decenaria a alta resolución son muy escasos en esta zona y, por tanto, la

identificación de los procesos climáticos que actúan a esa escala. La correlación y calibración

de los marcadores paleoclimáticos con datos históricos a estas escalas de tiempo son de

especial importancia para el estudio del cambio climático reciente y la elaboración de modelos

de predicción y evolución del clima.

6. Otro aspecto importante de esta investigación es la aplicación del uso de los

organismos biosilíceos a registros costeros, por ejemplo, en playas-barrera-lagoon o lagunas

litorales de esta zona, que puedan abarcar por ejemplo la transgresión holocena. La

caracterización y evolución de los ambientes sedimentarios en zonas litorales puede ser

llevada a cabo con estos organismos. De hecho, pequeñas variaciones en el nivel del mar y la

consecuente respuesta de esos ambientes sedimentarios implica un desplazamiento y/o

aparición de diversas especies de diatomeas en función de las características del ambiente.

La estratigrafía usando diatomeas puede ser utilizada como indicadora de los factores que

afectan a la evolución costera en el pasado.

7. Se ha puesto de manifiesto que tanto en las rías como en la plataforma continental

gallega los sedimentos poseen una importante contribución de material procedente de la

descarga fluvial. Así, se opina y propone un análisis desde diversos aspectos (biológico,

geoquímico, etc.) de las partículas (orgánicas y no orgánicas) que son transportadas por

carga de fondo y suspensión por los ríos que desembocan a cada ría y plataforma. Una

caracterización a escala anual de todo el proceso de aporte y su variabilidad relacionada con

las características climáticas de la zona, cálculo de flujos, permitiría abordar íntegramente el

análisis de estas zonas costeras altamente influenciadas por procesos que se producen en el

continente y que dependen de él.

8. Por otro lado, en esta zona altamente influenciada por la descarga fluvial sería muy

interesante realizar también un análisis del origen y proveniencia de la materia orgánica que

queda registrada en el sedimento, mediante análisis de 15N y 13C. Asimismo, también sería


Chapter IX

necesario un análisis de estos parámetros en la materia particulada que aportan los diversos

cursos fluviales.

9. En lo que respecta a estudios paleoclimáticos y paleoceanográficos, el extremo

noroccidental de la plataforma continental gallega está relativamente poco estudiado. En

concreto, la mayoría de trabajos se centran en el Holoceno reciente, y existen pocos registros

que abarquen el Ultimo Máximo Glacial y la variación glacial-interglacial. Actualmente existe

una colaboración con investigadores de la Universidad de Bremen, Max Planck Institute y

RCOM que incluye estudios geofísicos, sedimentológicos, geoquímicos y

micropaleontológicos en la plataforma gallega frente de las Rías Baixas y en el talud

continental, que nos va a permitir abordar este tema.

El desarrollo de todas estas futuras líneas de investigación depende sin duda alguna

de su posible financiación a través de proyectos de investigación, contratos I+D+I o estudios

con empresas.



Taxonomic appendix


Ría de Pontevedra Ría de Ferrol SMP03-2

Water colum

Sediment traps

Sediment Water

column Sediment Sediment

Benthic group Achnanthes spp. Bory 1822 X X X Achnanthes brevipes Agardh 1824 X Amphora spp. (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844 X X X X X Auliscus sculptus (Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1864


Campylodiscus spp. Ehrenberg ex Kützing 1844


Campyloneis grevillei (Smith) Grunow 1867 X X Catenula adhaerens (Mereschkowsky) Mereschkowsky 1903


Cerataulus radiatus (Roper) Ross 1986 X Cerataulus turgidus Ehrenberg 1843 X X X Cocconeis spp. Ehrenberg 1837 X X X X X Cocconeis californica Grunow 1881 X X Cocconeis costata Gregory 1855 X X Cocconeis dirupta Gregory 1857 X X Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt 1955 X Cocconeis disculus (Schumann) Cleve 1895 X X Cocconeis distans Gregory 1855 X X Cocconeis pediculus Ehrenberg 1838 X X Cocconeis peltoides Hustedt 1939 X Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg 1838 X X X Cocconeis pseudomarginata Gregory 1857 X X Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenberg 1838 X X X X X Delphineis spp. Andrews 1977 X X Delphineis surirella (Ehrenberg) Andrews 1981 X Dimeregramma marinum (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Dimeregramma minor (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Diploneis spp. (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1894 X X X X Diploneis bombus (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg ex Cleve 1894


Diploneis cabro (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1894 X Diploneis didyma (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1894 X X X Diploneis interrupta (Kützing) Cleve 1894 X X Diploneis notabilis (Greville) Cleve 1894 X Diploneis papula (A. Schmidt) Cleve 1894 X X Diploneis smithii (Brébisson ex Smith) Cleve 1894


Eunotogramma marinum (Smith) Peragallo ex vanLand 1978


Grammatophora angulosa Ehrenberg 1840 X X Grammatophora spp. Ehrenberg 1840 X X X Grammatophora marina (Lyngbye) Kützing 1844


Grammatophora oceanica (Ehrenberg) Grunow 1881


Grammatophora serpentina (Ralfs) Ehrenberg 1844


Taxonomic appendix


Ría de Pontevedra Ría de Ferrol SMP03-2

Water colum

Sediment traps

Sediment Water

column Sediment Sediment

Benthic group Gyrosigma spp. Hassall 1845 X X X Gyrosigma fasciola (Ehrenberg, 1839) Griffith and Henfrey, 1856


Hantzschia spp. Grunow 1877 X X Licmophora spp. Agardh 1827 X X Licmophora flabellata (Carmichael) Agardh 1830


Mastogloia spp. (Thwaites) Smith 1856 X X Mastogloia pseudoexigua Cholnoky 1956 X Navicula spp. Bory 1822 X X X X Navicula cancellata Donkin 1872 X Navicula digitoradiata (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Navicula distans (Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Navicula forcipata Greville 1859 X X Navicula palpebralis (de Brébisson) Smith 1853 X X X Navicula peregrina (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844 X Navicula transitrans (Grunow) Cleve 1883 X X Nitzschia panduriformis Gregory 1857 X Opephora spp. Petit 1888 X X X Opephora schulzii (Brockmann 1950) Simonsen 1962


Petroneis monilifera (Gregory) Stickle & Mann 1990


Plagiogramma pulchellum Greville 1859 X Plagiogramma staurophorum (Gregory) Heiberg 1863


Pleurosigma acutum Norman ex Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Pleurosigma angulatum (Quekett) Smith 1853 X Pleurosigma elongatum Smith 1852 X Pleurosigma spp. Smith 1852 X X X X X X Podosira stelligera (Bailey) Mann 1907 X X X X X Psammodiscus nitidus (Gregory) Round and Mann 1990


Rhabdonema minutum Kützing 1844 X X Rhabdonema adriaticum Kützing 1844 X Striatella unipunctata (Lyngbye 1819) Agardh 1832


Surirella spp. Turpin 1828 X Surirella fastuosa (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844 X X X X Toxarium spp. Bailey 1854 X X X Trachyneis aspera (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1894 X X X X X Trachyneis spp. Cleve 1894 X X X Tryblionella Smith (1853) X X X Tryblionella coarctata (Grunow) Mann in Round et al., 1990


Tryblionella punctata Smith 1853 X X X

Taxonomic appendix


Ría de Pontevedra Ría de Ferrol SMP03-2

Water colum

Sediment traps

Sediment Water

column Sediment Sediment

Freshwater group Achnanthes lanceolata (de Brébisson in Kützing) Grunow in Cleve et Grunow 1880


Achnanthes minutissima Kützing 1933 X X Aulacoseria spp. Thwaites 1848 X X X Aulacoseria granulata (Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Aulacoseria islandica (O. Müller) Simonsen 1979


Ctenophora pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) Williams et Round 1986


Cyclotella spp. (Kützing) de Brébisson 1838 X X X Cyclotella litoralis Lange and Syvertsen 1989 X X Cyclotella menenghiniana Kützing 1844 X X X Cyclotella ocelata Pantoscek 1912 X X Cymbella spp. Agardh 1830 X X X Diatoma spp. Bory 1824 X X X Diatoma hyemalis (Roth) Heiberg 1863 X X X Diatoma vulgare Bory 1824 X X Epithemia spp. Kützing 1844 X X Epithemia adnata (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1853 X Epithemia argus (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844 X Eunotia spp. Ehrenberg 1837 X X X Eunotia arcus Ehrenberg 1837 X Eunotia pectinalis (O.F. Müller) Rabenhorst, 1864


Eunotia pectinalis var. minor (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1864


Eunotia triodon Ehrenberg 1837 X X Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton 1869 X X Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kützing) Petersen 1938 X X Fragilariforma spp. Williams and Round 1988 X X Fragillaria spp. Lyngbye 1819 X X X X Gomphocymbela spp. Muller 1905 X X Gomphonema spp. Ehrenberg 1832 X X X Gomphonema acuminatum Ehrenberg 1832 X X Gomphonema truncatum Ehrenberg 1832 X X Hannaea arcus (Ehrenberg) Patrick 1966 X X X Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow in Cleve and Grunow 1880


Luticola spp. (Kützing) Mann 1990 X X Melosira moniliformis (Müller) Agardh 1824 X Meridion circulare (Greville) Agardh 1831 X X Pinnularia spp. Ehrenberg 1843 X X X Pinnularia acoricola Hustedt 1934 X X Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg 1843 X X Sellaphora spp. Mereschkowsky 1902 X X X Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Mereschkowsky 1902


Stauroneis spp. Ehrenberg 1843 X X

Taxonomic appendix


Ría de Pontevedra Ría de Ferrol SMP03-2

Water colum

Sediment traps

Sediment Water

column Sediment Sediment

Freshwater group Staurosirella spp. Williams and Round 1988 X X X Staurosirella pinnata (Ehrenberg) Williams and Round 1987


Stephanodiscus spp. Ehrenberg 1845 X X X Surirella angusta Kutzing 1844 X Surirella biseriata Brébisson 1836 X Synedra spp. Ehrenberg 1830 X X X Synedra closterioides Grunow 1881 X Synedra ulna (Nietzsche) Ehrenberg 1838 X X X X Synedra undulata (Bailey) Gregory 1861 X Tabellaria spp. Ehrenberg 1840 X X X X Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kützing 1844 X X X

Taxonomic appendix


Ría de Pontevedra Ría de Ferrol SMP03-2

Water colum

Sediment traps

Sediment Water

column Sediment Sediment

Other species Actinocyclus curvatulus Janisch 1878 X X Actinocyclus octonarius Ehrenberg 1838 X X Actinoptychus senarius (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg 1843


Actinoptychus splendens (Shadbolt) Ralfs ex Pritchard 1861


Anaulus spp. Ehrenberg 1844 X X Anaulus balticus Simonsen 1959 X Anaulus minutus Grunow in van Heurck 1881 X Asterionella formosa Hassall 1850 X Asterionellopsis glacialis (Castracane) Round in Round et al., 1990


Asteromphalus flabellatus (Brébisson) Greville 1859


Azpeitia nodulifera (Schmidt) Fryxell and Sims 1986


Azpeitia tabularis (Grunow) Fryxell and Sims 1986


Bacteriastrum spp. Shadbolt 1854 X X Bacteriastrum delicatulum Cleve 1897 X Bacteriastrum hyalinum Lauder 1864 X X X Biddulphia alternans (J.W. Bailey) Van Heurck 1885


Bidulphia pulchella Gray 1831 X Biddulphia obtusa (Kützing) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Caloneis spp. Cleve 1894 X Cerataulina pelagica (Cleve) Hendey 1937 X X X Chaetoceros spp. Ehrenberg 1844 X X X X Chaetoceros spp. R.S. Ehrenberg 1844 X X X X X X Chaetoceros affinis Lauder 1864 X X X X X X Chaetoceros atlanticus Cleve 1873 X Chaetoceros brevis Schütt 1895 X X Chaetoceros cinctus Gran 1897 X X X Chaetoceros compressus Lauder 1864 X X X Chaetoceros constrictus Gran 1897 X Chaetoceros convolutus Castracane 1886 X Chaetoceros curvisetus Cleve 1889 X X X Chaetoceros danicus Cleve 1889 X X Chaetoceros debilis Cleve 1894 X X X Chaetoceros decipiens Cleve 1873 X X X Chaetoceros densus Cleve 1901 X X X Chaetoceros diadema (Ehrenberg) Gran 1897 X X X Chaetoceros didymus Ehrenberg 1845 X X X X Chaetoceros neogracilis Schütt 1895 X Chaetoceros laciniosus Schütt 1895 X Chaetoceros lauderi Ralfs in Lauder 1864 X Chaetoceros lorenzianus Grunow 1863 X X X X X Chaetoceros perpusillus Cleve 1896 X

Taxonomic appendix


Ría de Pontevedra Ría de Ferrol SMP03-2

Water colum

Sediment traps

Sediment Water

column Sediment Sediment

Other species Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus Mangin1910 X Chaetoceros radicans Schütt 1895 X Chaetoceros seychelarum Karsten 1907 X X Chaetoceros simplex Ostenfeld 19014 X Chaetoceros socialis Lauder 1864 X X X Chaetoceros subsecundus (Grunow in Van Heurck) Hustedt 1930


Corethron criophilum Castracane 1886 X Coscinodiscus spp. (Ehrenberg) Hasle and Sims 1986


Coscinodiscus argus Ehrenberg 1838 X X X Coscinodiscus concinnus Smith 1856 X Coscinodiscus decrescens Grunow in Schmidt 1878


Coscinodiscus oculus iridis Ehrenberg 1840 X Coscinodiscus radiatus Ehrenberg 1841 X X X X Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reiman and Lewin 1964


Detonula pumila (Castracane) Schütt 1896 X X X Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow in Van Heurck 1883


Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg 1840 X X X Fragilariopsis doliolus (Wallich) Medlin and Sims 1993


Guinardia delicatula (Cleve) Hasle 1996 X X X Guinardia flaccida (Castracane) Peragallo 1892 X X X Guinardia striata (Stoltherfoth) Hasle1996 X X X Hemiaulus hauckii Grunow in Van Heurck,1882 X Hemidiscus cuneiformis Wall 1860 X X X Huttoniella reichardtii Karsten 1928 X Lauderia annulata Cleve 1873 X Lauderia borealis Gran 1900 X Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve 1889 X X X Leptocylindrus danicus R.S. Cleve 1889 X X X Leptocylindrus mediterraneus (H. Peragallo, 1888) Hasle 1975


Leptocylindrus minimus Gran 1915 X X X Lioloma pacificum (Cupp) Hasle X Navicula spp. Bory 1822 X Nitzschia spp. Hassall 1845 X X X X Nitzschia bicapitata Cleve 1901 X X X Nitzschia longissima (Brébisson in Kützing) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Odontella mobiliensis (Bailey) Grunow 1884 X X X X X X Paralia sulcata (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1873 X X X X X X Planktoniella sol (Wallich) Schütt 1892 X X Pseudonitzschia spp. Peragallo in Peragallo 1900


Taxonomic appendix


Ría de Pontevedra Ría de Ferrol SMP03-2

Water colum

Sediment traps

Sediment Water

column Sediment Sediment

Other species Pseudonitzschia pungens (Grunow ex Cleve) Hasle 1993


Pseudonitzschia subpacifica (Hasle) Hasle 1993


Pseudonitzschia delicatissima (Cleve) Heiden in Heiden and Kolbe 1928


Rhizosolenia spp. Brightwell 1858 X X X X Rhizosolenia alata Brightwell 1858 X X Rhizosolenia bergonii Perigallo 1892 X Rhizosolenia fragilissima Bergon 1903 X X Rhizosolenia hebetata (Bail) Gran 1904 X X Rhizosolenia robusta Norman 1861 X Rhizosolenia setigera Brightwell 1858 X X X Rhizosolenia shrubsolei Cleve 1881 X X Rhizosolenia styliformis Brightwel 1858 X Roperia tesselata (Roper) Grunow ex Pelletan 1883


Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve 1878 X X X X X X Stephanopyxis turris (Greville and Arnott) Ralfs ex Pritchard 1861


Thalassionema nitzschioides (Grunow) Mereschkowsky 1902


Thalassionema frauenfeldii (Grunow) Hallegraeff 1986


Thalassiosira spp. (Cleve) Hasle 1973 X X X X X Thalassiosira angulata (Gregory) Hasle 1978 X X X Thalassiosira anguste-lineata (Schmidt) Fryxell et Hasle 1977


Thalassiosira fallax Meunier 1910 X Thalassiosira ferelineata Hasle and Fyxnell 1977


Thalassiosira levanderi Van Goor 1924 X X X Thalassiosira nordenskiöldii Cleve 1873 X Thalassiosira oestrupii (Ostenfeld) Hasle 1972 X X Thalassiosira rotula Meunier 1910 X X X Thalassiothrix longissima Cleve and Grunow 1880


Triceratium spp. Ehrenberg 1839 X Tryblionella navicularis (Brébisson ex Kützing) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861


Esta Tesis se centra en el estudio del ópalo biogénico, organismos biosilíceos y marcadores biogeoquímicos en diferentes compartimentos del medio marino. Estos trazadores oceanográficos se han analizado en la columna agua, trampas de sedimentos y sedimento superficial de las rías de Vigo, Pontevedra y Ferrol, y en el registro sedimentario Holoceno de la plataforma continental gallega. El objetivo de esta Tesis es relacionar las condiciones de productividad primaria con los patrones oceanográficos y/o climatológicos actuales, así como evaluar el flujo de material biosilíceo a través de la columna de agua y su acumulación en los sedimentos. Se ha realizado una reconstrucción paleoceanográfica y paleoclimática precisa del registro sedimentario Holoceno teniendo este conocimiento de los procesos que afectan a los marcadores estudiados.

This Thesis deals with the biogenic opal, biosiliceous organisms and biogeochemical markers in the marine environment. These tracers were analysed in the water column, sediment traps and superficial sediment of the ría de Vigo, Pontevedra and Ferrol, as well as in the Holocene sediment record of the Galician continental shelf. The aim of this work is to correlate the primary production conditions with the recent oceanographical and climatological patterns in the area. In addition, the vertical fluxes of the biosiliceous material and its accumulation in recent sediments has been evaluated. On the basis of diatoms, biosiliceous compounds and biogeochemical tracers a paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic reconstruction of the Holocene sediment record has been done taking into account the processes affecting these markers.

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