professor layton and the curious village

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  • 8/2/2019 Professor Layton and the Curious Village


    Professor Layton andthe CuriousVillage Walkthrough

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    Professor Layton and the Curious Village Walkthroughby The Lost Gamer ( 2009

    For a list of all my various guides, please check

    Table of Contents:001. General information

    002. Video Walkthrough003. Walkthrough003a. Chapter 1: Reinhold Manor Awaits003b. Chapter 2: The Fugitive Feline003c. Chapter 3: The Missing Servant003d. Chapter 4: Night Falls003e. Chapter 5: The Hunt Begins003f. Chapter 6: The Elusive Tower003g. Chapter 7: The Abandoned Park003h. Chapter 8: The Shadowy Intruder003i. Chapter 9: The Tower's Secret

    004. Gizmos005. Furniture006. Painting Pieces

    007. The Golden Apple's House008. The Puzzle Master's House009. UK Exclusive Puzzles010. Credits

    001-General Information-----------------------------------------------------------
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    This is a walkthrough for the Nintendo DS game called ProfessorLayton and the Curious Village. It's a puzzle/mystery gamecontaining a lot of brainteasers.

    Please note that this guide does not cover the Wi-fi puzzles youcan get with this game, because I am currently unable todownload the wi-fi puzzles for some reason. It worked when Ifirst purchased this game, but it doesn't work now. Dang.

    You can contact me at if you haveany questions, suggestions or that sort of thing.

    002-Video Walkthrough-----------------------------------------------------------

    I made a video walkthrough for this game, so if you would ratherwatch me solve various puzzles rather than read about them, youcan see them all at:

    I will put the links to individual videos in the guide as well.


    Video #1:

    The game begins with Professor Layton and his apprentice Lukedriving to St. Mystere, where the Professor has been asked tohelp solve an inheritance dispute. It seems that Baron AugustusReinhold left behind a will stating that his entire estate willgo to the one who finds the Golden Apple.

    This is quite a mysterious will, given that no one had everheard of the Golden Apple before the will's reading. Could it bea treasure of some sort?

    Lady Dahlia, Baron Reinhold's wife, has sent for ProfessorLayton to help solve the mystery. They just need to go to thetown and...wait, what's this?

    Puzzle #001: Where's the Town?------------------------------

    Lady Dahlia included a map, along with the instructions "My

    village is on a road that leads to no other towns." Theinstructions are on the top screen of the DS, and the map is onthe bottom screen.

    As you can see, there are four roads and five towns. Using yourstylus, draw a circle around the correct town. Which town isthat? Why, it's the town in the upper/left, the one with redroofs. Circle it and submit it as your answer.

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    With the puzzle solved, Professor Layton and Luke make it totown, where they stare at the very odd tower at the north partof town.

    Video #2:

    The drawbridge to town is closed. Tap on the man who runs thedrawbridge, Franco, to talk to him.

    Puzzle #002: The Crank and the Slot-----------------------------------Location: DrawbridgeCharacter: Franco--------------------

    Summary: To solve this puzzle, figure out which slot fits thecrank. Is it slot 1, 2 or 3? You can tap the crank to change theviewing angle to help you out.

    Solution: See the two square parts sticking out of the crank?Slots 2 and 3 show that the side between the two of them isflat. However, the crank shows that there is actually a sharpangle between the two of them. Therefore, Slot 1 is the correctanswer.


    Franco lowers the drawbridge and lets you into town. Now it'soff to find Lady Dahlia! But first...let's explain the game'scontrol scheme!

    Click on the shoe in the bottom/right corner. Yellow arrows willappear. Click on the arrow to travel in that direction. A whiteglove appears in front of doors that you can enter through. Youcan also click on a person to talk to him or her.

    Try it out now by tapping on the woman on the left.

    Puzzle #003: Strange Hats-------------------------Location: EntranceCharacter: Ingrid------------------

    Summary: You have four hats pictures here. Which hat is as wideas it is tall?

    Solution: Hat A is the correct hat.


    You can talk to the man here. He tells you to tap on the barrelfor a hint coin. You can find hint coins hidden all over thisgame, and you can use them to get three hints on every puzzle.You're reading a guide with the answers to all the puzzles, soyou shouldn't need them, and so, I do not list where all the
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    hint coins are.

    Head north, and the professor explains about the game's savesystem. Tap the briefcase in the upper/right corner to be takento a screen where you can save your game, look up an index ofall the puzzles you've seen, read a journal to get an overviewof the plot, and read about the various mysteries in the game.

    You can also solve the painting, gizmo and furniture meta-puzzles here, but you don't learn about them quite yet.Basically, sometimes when you solve puzzles in this game, youwill get a painting piece, gizmo, or piece of furniture as areward. Collect them all, and at the end of the game, you cansolve each of the meta-puzzles for bonus puzzles.

    And now that you've gotten an idea of the control scheme, it'stime for...

    003a-Chapter One: Reinhold Manor Awaits-----------------------------------------------------------

    The goal of this chapter is to get to Reinhold Manor, which isin the northeast part of town.

    Of course, along the way, you'll want to talk to everyone youmeet in order to get a puzzle. In this game, pretty mucheveryone you talk to has a puzzle for you to solve.

    For example, that man there! Percy! The town author! Tap on himto get...

    Puzzle #004: Where's My House?------------------------------Location: PlazaCharacter: Percy----------------

    Summary: Leave the front door of Percy's house and turn left.Take a right at the first intersection you meet, and a right atthe next intersection you meet. You end up facing the morningsun. Which of the seven houses in the picture is the correctone?

    Solution: The morning sun is in the east, so you can workbackwards from there to figure it out. Alternately, you can useguess and check on every house--pick a house, follow theinstructions and see if it results in facing east. You can also

    rule out a few houses that are facing the same direction,because taking the same route from those houses would result infacing the same direction, and there's only one solution, sowhen two houses both lead you to the same direction, they can beruled out, right? Right.

    Anyway, the answer is the house with the blue roof in the middleof the screen, the one that faces north.


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    Video #3:

    Ah, but it's not just talking to people that gives you puzzles!You can also find puzzles by examining things! For example,examine that clock tower there to get a puzzle.

    Puzzle #005: Digital Digits---------------------------Location: PlazaExamine: Clock Tower----------------

    Summary: Occasionally, a digital clock will show the same digitthree or more times in a row, such as when it's 3:33. How manytimes does a digital clock do this over the course of one day?

    Solution: There's not much to do to solve this puzzle besidesmake a list of all the times during the day when three or moredigits appear in a row. Here's a list of all those times:

    1:11 AM2:22 AM3:33 AM4:44 AM5:55 AM10:00 AM11:10 AM11:11 AM11:12 AM11:13 AM11:14 AM11:15 AM11:16 AM11:17 AM11:18 AM11:19 AM12:22 AM1:11 PM2:22 PM3:33 PM4:44 PM5:55 PM10:00 PM11:10 PM11:11 PM11:12 PM

    11:13 PM11:14 PM11:15 PM11:16 PM11:17 PM11:18 PM11:19 PM12:22 PM

    The list is made up of 24 different times, so the answer is 34.
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    Those are both the puzzles you can do on this screen, meaningthere's not much left to do besides go right to the next screen.Do so, and the Professor and Luke see a man blocking the road.Tap on this man with your stylus to talk to him.

    His name is Marco, and he gives you a puzzle to solve.

    Puzzle #006: Light Weight-------------------------Location: Manor RoadCharacter: Marco----------------

    Summary: You have seven weights here that are all the sameweight. You also have a weight that is rather light, but itlooks exactly like the other weights. Can you figure out whichweight is the light one by using a scale only twice?

    Solution: The number of the light weight is randomly determined.You're going to have to use logic here. These instructions workwell:

    Place weights 1, 2 and 3 on the left-hand scale. Then placeweights 4, 5 and 6 on the right-hand scale. Press the red buttonto weigh them.

    If the left-hand scale goes up, you know the light weight iseither 1, 2 or 3. Then, weigh 1 and 2. If 1 and 2 are the sameweight, 3 is the light weight. If 1 and 2 are not the sameweight, choose the one that is lighter.

    If the right-hand scale goes up, you know the light weight iseither 4, 5 or 6. Then, weigh 5 and 6. If 5 and 6 are the sameweight, 4 is the light weight. If 5 and 6 are not the sameweight, choose the one that is lighter.

    If the left-hand scale is equal to the right-hand scale, thenyou know the light weight must be 7 or 8. Weigh the two of themto determine which is lighter.


    Marco lets you pass. Now you can walk north towards the manor.Your path here is block by Ramon, a servant at the manor. He

    thinks Layton could be someone in disguise, so he asks Layton tosolve a puzzle and thereby prove his identity.

    In case you haven't figured it out yet, pretty much everycharacter in this game has a puzzle for you to solve.

    Puzzle #007: Wolves and Chicks------------------------------Location: Manor BorderCharacter: Ramon

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    Summary: You want to take three wolves and three chicks across ariver. You have to take one or two animals with you when youcross the river, and if the wolves ever outnumber the chicks onone bank, they will eat the chicks. Can you get the animalsacross the river without allowing the wolves to eat the chicks?

    Solution: There are multiple solutions, and you get as manytries as you need to solve the puzzle. My strategy is to startby getting the wolves on the right side of the river.

    1. Take two wolves right.2. Take one wolf left.3. Take two wolves right.

    Then you want to start moving all the chicks over. This willrequire having an equal amount of wolves and chicks on bothsides.

    4. Take one wolf left.5. Take two chicks right.6. Take a chick and a wolf left.

    Now move two chicks right so all the chicks are on the righthand side.

    7. Take two chicks right.

    Now that all the chicks are on the right, you want just bringall the wolves right.

    8. Take one wolf left.9. Take two wolves right.10. Take one wolf left.11. Take two wolves right.


    Ramon is pleased when you solve the puzzle, and he leaves. Youcan now walk towards the manor, but before that, tap on theflowers on the other side of the riverbank to get a puzzle.

    Puzzle #008: Farm Work----------------------Location: Manor BorderExamine: Flowers


    Summary: Alfred and Roland are being paid $100 to plow and sow a10-acre plot of land. Each boy will plow and sow half of theland. Alfred plows 20 minutes per acre, and Roland plows 40minutes per acre. Roland sows three times as fast as Alfred.

    So, how much of the $100 should Roland receive?

    Solution: Ha, this is a tricky puzzle. It tries to confuse you

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    by giving you a bunch of unnecessary mathematical facts.

    To put it simply, Alfred works on half the land, and Roland doesthe other half. Since each of them does half the work, each ofthem should receive half the money. The answer is $50.


    Now head forward towards the manor. Luke is impressed by howlarge it is, and thus ends Chapter One.

    003b-Chapter Two: The Fugitive Feline-----------------------------------------------------------

    Video #4:

    Professor Layton and Luke have arrived at Reinhold Manor. Theygo inside and meet Matthew, the butler. He says that everyone iswaiting upstairs, but before you can join them, you must solve amatchstick puzzle. Matthew then explains the control scheme for

    matchstick puzzles.

    Puzzle #009: One Poor Pooch---------------------------Location: Manor EntranceCharacter: Matthew------------------

    Summary: Here's a picture of a dog. After the picture, the dogis hit by a car. Move two matchsticks to show what the dog lookslike after it is hit by the car.

    Solution: The game says not to assume you'll be looking at thedog from the side when the puzzle is done. That's your hint thattells you you'll be looking at the dog's flattened body fromabove.

    Change the picture from__

    /| |__\|__|/\ /\


    \__//| |__

    \|__|/ \


    Examine the bookshelf for another puzzle.

    Puzzle #010: Alphabet---------------------Location: Manor Foyer
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    Examine: Books--------------

    Summary: What's the last letter of the alphabet? Hint: It's notZ.

    Solution: Tricky puzzle! It wants you to answer "t", which isthe last letter in the word "alphabet".


    While in the manor foyer, you can look at the paintings on thewall. One is of the late Baron Augustus Reinhold, and the otheris of his daughter Flora.

    When you look at the paintings (if you don't look at them now,later on, Layton will look at them automatically), Matthew givesyou a painting frame. Throughout this game, when you solvecertain puzzles, you get pieces of the painting that belongs inthis frame. When you collect all twenty of them, you can put the

    painting together and get three bonus puzzles.

    Go upstairs now to meet Baron Reinhold's wife, Lady Dahlia. Acutscene plays, where Professor Layton talks to Lady Dahlia.There is a mysterious crashing sound, and her cat escapes fromthe house.

    Lady Dahlia becomes upset and demands that you search for hercat, Claudia by name. This will be the goal of Chapter Two--tofind Claudia the Cat. You'll have to search throughout theentire town to find her, and so, you will get a basic idea ofthe town's layout while searching for Claudia.

    You can talk to Simon, the man with glasses, for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #011: Arc and Line-------------------------Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Simon----------------

    Summary: You have a mathematical puzzle, which requires somebasic geometry skills to solve. How long is line AC?

    Solution: Line AC is the same length as line BD, because ABCD isa rectangle, and the two diagonals of a rectangle are always thesame length.

    Now, you may notice that BD is a radius of the circle. Theradius of the circle is ten inches (5 + 5), so BD must be 10inches as well. And since AC = BD, AC is 10 inches. The answer,therefore, is 10 inches.


    Tap on the chandelier to get a hidden puzzle.

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    Puzzle #110: The Vanishing Cube-------------------------------Location: Manor ParlorExamine: Chandelier-------------------

    Summary: You have a bunch of matchsticks here that form fourcubes. Move one matchstick so you have only three cubes.

    Solution: This requires three-dimensional thinking. See the cubein the middle/back? Only one side of this cube is showing. Thatmeans this is the cube that is going to "disappear".

    Take the matchstick that forms the side of this cube, and rotateit so it is facing straight up and down. Then place it so itforms a side on the uppermost cube. It will connect the red endof two matches if you do this properly.


    Now that you're done with the puzzles here, go outside.

    Video #5:

    Hey, Claudia the Cat is here! Tap on her, and she runs off.Then, there's a minor scene in which a mysterious villain crash-lands in town and declares his intent to get the treasure ofBaron Reinhold and defeat Professor Layton! Uh oh!

    The villain won't try to kill Layton for a while, though, sojust forget about him for now and look for Claudia. Move back tothe screen with Ramon, and you can click on the boat for apuzzle.

    Puzzle #013: Sinking Ship-------------------------Location: Manor ParlorExamine: Boat-------------

    Summary: Fifteen people are on a sinking ship. There is a fiveperson raft onboard, and an island four and a half minutes away.How many people can make it to the island if the boat sinks intwenty minutes?

    Solution: The trick to this puzzle is realizing that you'll needat least one person on the raft at all times.


    Minute 1: Five people get on the raft.Minute 4 1/2: Four people land on the island. One takes the raftback to the ship.Minute 9: Four people get on the raft.Minute 13 1/2: Four people land on the island, making eightpeople on the island in total. One takes the raft back to theship
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    Minute 18: Four people get on the raft.Minute 20: Ship sinks. The eight people on the island and thefive people on the raft are safe. Therefore, 13 people lived.


    Go down a screen, to the screen with Marco. Here, you can goinside the building on the left by tapping on the door. Insidethis abandoned store are two puzzles.

    Puzzle #014: Which Chair?-------------------------Location: General StoreExamine: Chair--------------

    Summary: Which of the five chairs is good for an auditorium?

    Solution: Chair E, because it is the only chair that isstackable. Humbug, I say. That's not much of a puzzle.


    Puzzle #015: How Many Are Left?-------------------------------Location: General StoreExamine: Candle---------------

    Summary: Ten candles are lit. Some wind blows out three of thecandles. How many candles are left in the end?

    Solution: This puzzle is phrased in an attempt to confuse you.What it means by "how many candles are left in the end?" is "Howmany candles will NOT melt?". The answer is three--the ones thatwere blown out.


    That's it for the general store. Leave, then go left to theclock tower area. Franco shows up and says someone stole thecrank to the town, so no one can get in or out of town now. Ibet that's the work of the mysterious villain!

    Franco also found a weird gizmo, which he gives to you. From nowon, people will give you gizmos when you solve certain puzzles.Collect all the gizmo pieces, open up the "Gizmo Puzzle" in

    Layton's trunk, then click on all the gizmo pieces you collectedto get a robot dog.

    Claudia the Cat is here. Tap on her, and Luke tries to calm herdown. She attacks Luke. What a vicious cat!

    There are a few buildings here at the Clock Tower, but the onlyone you can enter now is the Town Hall, which has a blue door.Inside is Rodney. Talk to him for a puzzle, and when you solvethe puzzle, he gives you a gizmo. So, do that to see how getting

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    gizmos works.

    Puzzle #016: Triangles and Ink------------------------------Location: Town HallCharacter: Rodney-----------------

    Summary: There's a big triangle made up of little triangles.With one dip in ink, you can make four little triangles. Howmany dips of ink does it take to draw the big triangle?

    Solution: Seven.


    Tap on the window on the right for a hidden puzzle.

    Puzzle #118: Red and Black Cards--------------------------------

    Location: Town HallExamine: Windows----------------

    Summary: A deck of cards is shuffled, then cut in half. If youdo this 1000 times, how many times will the number of blackcards in Pile A equal to the number of red cards in Pile B?

    Solution: Math! Fun math, too. Let's say Pile B has x blackcards. That means Pile A, then, must have 26-x black cards(because there are 26 black cards in total).

    As for red cards, Pile B has 26-x red cards (because there are26 cards in Pile B in total). So, the number of red cards inPile B = the number of black cards in Pile A. Aha! The number ofred cards in one pile always equals the number of black cards inthe other pile!

    So, if you do this trick 1000 times, the conditions will be met1000 times. Cool!


    Video #6:

    Leave the town hall. If you talk to Deke, he tells you Claudiawent left. However, Professor Layton suggests taking a detour to

    the south to get a room at the inn.

    So, go south. Talk to Stachenscarfen here for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #017: Five-Card Shuffle------------------------------Location: EntranceCharacter: Stachenscarfen-------------------------
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    Summary: Which one of the four pictures is different than theothers?

    Solution: D is the one that is different.


    Now, go inside the Inn, which is the building with the bluedoor. Talk to the woman there, Beatrice, to get the FurniturePuzzle. It's sort of like the Gizmo puzzle. From now on,whenever you solve certain puzzles, you get pieces of furniture.Get all the pieces of furniture and solve a furniture puzzle toget three bonus puzzles! You won't be able to do that for quitesome time, however.

    Beatrice also has a puzzle for you.

    Puzzle #018: Of Dust and Dustpan--------------------------------Location: Inn

    Character: Beatrice-------------------

    Summary: Move two matches to make it so the dustpan is holdingthe dust.

    Solution: You have to turn the dustpan upside-down to solve thisone. Move the rightmost match to the left of the dust. Then,move the middle match (the only match that is horizontal) to theleft a little to connect the two lower matches. See how thedustpan is now upside-down?


    There is a hidden puzzle in the picture behind Beatrice.

    Puzzle #112: My Beloved-----------------------Location: InnExamine: Picture----------------

    Summary: Arrange the pieces of this picture so they form apicture of "My Beloved".

    Solution: If you think of the pieces of the picture like this:

    A BC D

    Switch C and B, then C and A.

    C AB D

    Rotate A twice, then rotate D twice. The black outline sort oflooks like a woman, and that's the solution.

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    Leave the Inn and go south. If you tap on the Laytonmobile, youget a puzzle.

    Puzzle #019: Parking Lot Gridlock---------------------------------Location: DrawbridgeExamine: Laytonmobile---------------------

    Summary: Slide the cars out of the way so the Laytonmobile canexit!


    1. Move the second-from-the-top car right.2. Move the car right of the Laytonmobile up.3. Move the car right of the Laytonmobile up.

    4. Move the Laytonmobile right.5. Move the bottom/left car up.6. Move the bottommost car left.7. Move the second-from-the-bottom car left.8. Move the second-from-the-left car down.9. Move the Laytonmobile left.10. Move the topmost car down.11. Move the second-from-the top car left.12. Move the topmost car left.13. Move the rightmost car up.14. Move the car right of the Laytonmobile up.15. Move the Laytonmobile right.


    Okay, let's get back to searching for Claudia! Go north twice,then left. The woman here, Agnes, knows how to get on Claudia'sgood side: offer her some food.

    But, of course, Agnes won't give you the food unless you solve apuzzle.

    Puzzle #022: Pigpen Partitions------------------------------Location: Park RoadCharacter: Agnes----------------

    Summary: Draw three lines to separate the seven pigs.

    Solution: Okay, see the pig in the bottom middle and the pig inthe top middle? One line starts from the peg left of the pig inthe bottom middle, and stops on the peg right of the pig on thetop middle.

    Another line starts from the peg right of the pig in the bottommiddle, and stops on the peg two left of the pig on the top

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    The third line starts on the peg below the pig in theupper/left, and stops on the peg below the pig on theupper/right.


    Agnes gives you fish bones for Claudia. You can now go north togive the fish bones to Claudia and end the chapter if you want,but there are a few puzzles left in this chapter. Three of themare on this screen.

    Video #7:

    Puzzle #020: Unfriendly Neighbors---------------------------------Location: Park RoadCharacter: Pauly----------------

    Summary: Draw four lines between the four sets of numbers. Justmake sure that none of the lines overlap.

    Solution: The line between the two B's is a straight up/downline. The D line goes left from the left D, up to the top of thescreen and to the right. The line from the right D goes leftonce, up to the top of the screen and left. The two willconnect.

    The C line goes right from the left C, and it goes all the wayright, then up, then right and goes into the C. The A line goesdown, right, down, left, down, right and up--basically, it goesalong the only empty spot left for it.


    Puzzle #021: Pill Prescription------------------------------Location: Park RoadCharacter: Pauly----------------

    Summary: A dude man has to take ten pills, and he has to labelthem in the order he will take them. What's the least number ofpills he has to label?

    Solution: If he labels all the pills except one, he can alwaysidentify it as the unlabeled one. For example, if he decides notto label Pill 5, he will always know which pill is Pill 5--it'sthe only one without a label.

    So the solution is that he can get away without labeling onepill, but the puzzle assumes that he doesn't have to label thefirst pill either, because he'll swallow it before doing anylabeling. I don't know HOW he knows which pill is Pill 1 if hedoesn't do any labeling, but that's the puzzle solution anyway.
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    Puzzle #111: Mystery Item-------------------------Location: Park RoadExamine: Poster---------------

    Summary: What is...something that you need to live, somethingthat people keep in their houses AND something that decreases inquantity the longer it's kept?

    Solution: Food. Move a matchstick on the leftmost box to spellout the word "Food" and submit it as your answer.


    Go inside the blue door building to the right, which is thelocal restaurant. Both the characters here have puzzles.

    Puzzle #025: Equilateral Triangle---------------------------------Location: RestaurantCharacter: Flick----------------

    Summary: Can you move this triangle:

    XX XX X XX X X X

    Upside down by only moving three X's?

    Solution: Yes! Move coins 1, 2 and 3:

    1X XX X X2 X X 3

    To these spots:

    2 X X 3X X X

    X X1


    Puzzle #023: Juice Pitchers---------------------------Location: RestaurantCharacter: Crouton------------------

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    Summary: Crouton has an eight-quart container of juice, a five-quart container and a three-quart container. Can you move thejuice between the three containers until you get four quarts inone jar?

    Solution: Crouton has a few puzzles that involve separatingliquids in uneven containers. The solution to these puzzles isgenerally these four steps:

    1. Big jar to middle jar2. Middle jar to small jar3. Small jar to big jar4. Middle jar to small jar

    Just repeat the four steps until you get the desired amount ofliquid. In this case, it takes seven turns.


    Once you solve the puzzles here, go outside and go north.Claudia the Cat is here, and she'll come with you if you gotfish bones from Agnes (puzzle #22). Before you do that, checkout the garbage. Professor Layton will be reminded of a puzzle,because pretty much _everything_ reminds the Professor of apuzzle.

    Puzzle #026: Bottle Full of Germs---------------------------------Location: Park GateExamine: Garbage----------------

    Summary: You have a breed of germ that divides in half everyminute. If you start with 1 germ, the jar becomes full in 60minutes. If you start with 2 germs, the jar becomes full in howmany minutes?

    Solution: The 1 germ becomes 2 germs after 1 minute...sostarting with 2 germs only shaves 1 minute off the total. 60 1= 59, so the answer is 59 minutes.


    Good, once you're done with the puzzle, NOW you can pick upClaudia and end the chapter.

    003c-Chapter Three: The Missing Servant-----------------------------------------------------------

    The game tells you that if you missed any puzzles in the lastchapter, they will now appear in Granny Riddleton's Shack nearthe clock tower.

    Video #8:

    Professor Layton and Luke return to the mansion with Claudia,
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    but there's no time for celebrating. Something really bad hashappened--Simon (the man with glasses) has just been killed!

    Fortunately, Inspector Chelmey from London is on the case! Now,talk to Matthew and Gordon for puzzles and plot advancement.

    Puzzle #027: Bickering Brothers-------------------------------Location: Manor FoyerCharacter: Gordon-----------------

    Summary: Six brothers are sitting at a table. Brothers 3 and 5can't sit next to each other, and no brother sits next tosomeone a year older or younger than he is.

    Solution: Place the brothers like this:

    15 3

    2 64

    Puzzle #028: Find the Dot-------------------------Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Matthew------------------

    Summary: You have a strange shape with a red dot and black doton it. When you turn it around, where will the black dot be?

    Solution: The lower/right corner.


    Matthew tells you that he found a mysterious small cog on theground at the scene of the crime.

    Chelmey returns after you talk to Gordon and Matthew. He becomesconcerned that Ramon isn't here, and so he puts Ramon at the topof his suspect list.

    The Professor can then go into Lady Dahlia's room. She gives youthe mission of finding Ramon while Chelmey inspects the crimescene. Chapter Three officially begins here.

    Inside Lady Dahlia's room is a picture of her holding a baby.Leave the room and ask her about it to learn that she's neverhad a baby in her life. How odd.

    Video #9:

    Inspector Chelmey here has a puzzle for you.

    Puzzle #029: Five Suspects--------------------------
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    Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Chelmey------------------

    Summary: Five people were arrested, and each gave a statement.

    A: One of us is lying.B: Two of us are lying.C: Three of us are lying.D: Four of us are lying.E: All five of us are lying.

    How many people are telling the truth?

    Solution: Only one of them is telling the truth: Person D. Youknow this is the case, because all five disagree, so no morethan one can be telling the truth.


    Head downstairs and talk to Matthew. He says that the picture ofthe woman with the baby is really Lady Violet with FloraReinhold. How curious that she looks so much like Lady Dahlia!

    Head outside, and our heroes see Claudia with Simon's glasses.That could be an important clue! They inform Inspector Chelmeyabout the glasses, but he just gets mad at the Professor forinterrupting his investigation.

    As Luke points out, Inspector Chelmey is kind of rude. Oh well.It's best to forget about him for now, and just start lookingfor Ramon.

    Outside of the manor, Agnes is waiting with a puzzle.

    Puzzle #030: One Line Puzzle 1------------------------------Location: Manor BorderCharacter: Agnes----------------

    Summary: Which of the four pictures can't be drawn with only asingle stroke of the pen?

    Solution: The cottage.


    Leave the manor grounds now, and talk to Marco. He tells you toavoid the mysterious tower. If you talk to him again, he givesyou a puzzle.

    Puzzle #031: Racetrack Riddle-----------------------------Location: Manor RoadCharacter: Marco----------------

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    Summary: We have three horses here.

    Horse A runs two laps in a minute.Horse B runs three laps in a minute.Horse C runs four laps in a minute.

    If you line up all three horses and set them running on the sameracetrack at the same time, how long will it be before they'reall lined up at the starting line again?

    Solution: One minute, clearly.


    Head inside the abandoned general store now. This will be thelast time you visit the general store in this game. Examine thecandle and the candy jar for puzzles.

    Puzzle #033: Light Which One?

    -----------------------------Location: General StoreExamine: Candle---------------

    Summary: You have one match. You want to light a room with anoil lamp, fireplace and heat your bathwater. In order to do thissuccessfully, what do you light first?

    Solution: The match!

    Puzzle #032: Candy Jars-----------------------Location: General StoreExamine: Candy Jar------------------

    Summary: You have 10 jars with 50 pieces of candy each. You pourout the candy into bags. Now, you have 20 bags full of candy.

    You want to have an average of 25 pieces of candy per bag. Whatis the percentage of this happening?

    Solution: 100% -- this happens 100% of the time. Basically, youneed to know the mathematical concept of "average", or else youprobably won't be able to solve this puzzle.


    Video #10:

    Leave the General Store (forever), then go to the left to theplaza where the clock tower is. Percy warns the Professor andLuke to stay away from the mysterious tower. He also gives you apuzzle.

    Puzzle #034: How Many Sheets?
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    -----------------------------Location: PlazaCharacter: Percy----------------

    Summary: There's a picture of several sheets of paper. How manysheets of paper are overlapping at the place where the mostsheets overlap?

    Solution: Five.


    Tap on the building right of Percy to get a puzzle.

    Puzzle #058: Get the Ball Out 1-------------------------------Location: PlazaExamine: Door-------------

    Summary: Can you move all these various blocks in order to getthe red ball to the bottom of the lock?

    Solution: My strategy (which isn't the fastest) involves fillingthe right-hand side of the puzzle with blocks and not movingthem at all. That way, you have less blocks you have to worryabout dealing with.

    1. Move the left blue block down.2. Move the left green block down.3. Move the right blue block up.4. Move the upper purple block up and left.5. Move the lower purple block up twice.6. Move the bottom yellow block right.7. Move the upper yellow block down.8. Move the left blue block right.9. Move the left green block down.10. Move the upper yellow block in the upper/left corner.11. Move the red ball down three times.12. Move the upper yellow block right.13. Move the left green block up.14. Move the red ball into the lower/right corner.15. Move the left blue block up.16. Move the red ball into the finishing position.


    If you go to the left, a loud noise sounds. Pauly says it comesfrom the mysterious tower. Professor Layton figures thatbecause people have been mentioning the tower a lot lately, itmust be important.

    Go inside the restaurant here and talk to Crouton for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #024: Milk Pitchers--------------------------

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    Location: RestaurantCharacter: Crouton------------------

    Summary: Crouton has a ten-quart container of milk, a seven-quart container and a three-quart container. Can you move themilk between the three containers until you get five quarts intwo jars?

    Solution: Move the milk like this:

    1. Big to middle2. Middle to small3. Small to big4. Middle to small5. Small to big6. Middle to small7. Big to middle8. Middle to small9. Small to big


    Leave the restaurant and go right to the plaza with the clocktower. Talk to Deke to gain access to the northern part of town,where the tower is. He doesn't let you pass until you've solvedtwelve puzzles, as well as puzzle #35.

    Puzzle #035: Strange Dots-------------------------Location: PlazaCharacter: Deke---------------

    Summary: You have some dice, with numbers associated. What isthe number that goes with the fourth die?

    Solution: Three! See, the dice are supposed to resemble clockhands. Deke must have thought up this puzzle because he'sstanding in front of a clock tower.


    Deke then steps aside and lets our heroes into the northern partof town.

    Video #11:

    You can get a number of puzzles here. One comes from Lucy, onecomes from the cat and mouse, and one comes from the doorway tothe left.

    Puzzle #036: Too Many Mice--------------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Cat and Mouse------------------------
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    Summary: A certain mouse species gives birth once a month, withtwelve babies being born at a time. A mouse that is two monthsold can give birth.

    You buy one of these mice. How many mice will you have in tenmonths?

    Solution: One mouse, the one you bought.


    Puzzle #037: Brother and Sister-------------------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Lucy---------------

    Summary: A boy has an older sister. If you take two years awayfrom the boy's age and give them to the sister, she would be

    twice his age. If you take three years away from the boy's ageand give them to the sister, she would be three times his age.How old are they?

    Solution: Math time! If B is the boy's age and G is the girl'sage, the premises of the puzzle give us two equations.

    2(B 2) = G + 23(B 3) = G + 3

    The first equation simplifies into...

    2B 4 = G + 22B 6 = G

    The second equation simplifies into...

    3B 9 = G + 33B 12 = G

    Now we know that both 2B 6 and 3B 12 equal G, so...

    2B 6 = 3B 122B + 6 = 3B6 = B

    The boy is 6. Now, plug that into 2B 6 = G...

    2(6) 6 = G12 6 = G6 = G

    The girl is 6 as well.

    Alternately, you could have just guessed ages at random for onecharacter and fit that age into both equations to see if itworks.

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    Puzzle #107: A Worm's Dream---------------------------Location: Clock TowerExamine: Doorway on the Left----------------------------

    Summary: We have a worm in an apple! Slide all the pieces of thepuzzle into place.

    Solution: The trick to the puzzle is that the upper/left andbottom/right pieces are identical. The bottom/right piece goesin the upper/left corner, and the upper/left piece goes in thebottom/right corner. So don't let the two identical pieces foolyou while solving the puzzle.


    Go north now. Both of the characters here have puzzles.

    Puzzle #038: Island Hopping---------------------------Location: Fork in the RoadCharacter: Zappone------------------

    Summary: You have a series of islands and bridges. You want tovisit every island once and cross over every bridge once. Sadly,this is impossible.

    It IS possible if another bridge existed. Where should thisbridge go?

    Solution: The bridge goes from the purple house (in the middleof the diagram) to the lighthouse which is down/left of it.


    Puzzle #039: One-Line Puzzle 2------------------------------Location: Fork in the RoadCharacter: Agnes----------------

    Summary: Agnes has four more pictures for you. Three of them canbe drawn with one stroke of the pen, but one can't. Which one isthe one that doesn't belong?

    Solution: Professor Layton's top hat. Sorry, Professor!


    Take the left fork to the north to reach the market, where thereare two puzzles. One comes from Archibald, and one comes fromthe wall above Archibald.

    Puzzle #040: How Old is Dad?

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    ----------------------------Location: MarketCharacter: Archibald--------------------

    Summary: A 22-year-old boy doesn't know how old his father is.The father figures his son is kind of a dolt, and tries to gethim to think by saying he is as old as the son, plus half of hisown age. How old is the father?

    Solution: If you think about it, everyone is half of his or herown age, plus half of his or her own age. So the son's age mustbe half of the father's age. The son is 22, so the father mustbe 44.


    Puzzle #101: Splitting It Up----------------------------Location: Market

    Examine: Wall-------------

    Summary: You take a cube and paint all six sides red. Then, youcut the cube into 27 identical-sized pieces. How many of thosepieces will have one red side?

    Solution: Six, one on each face of the larger cube.


    That's all there is to the left fork. Go back south, then takethe right fork north.

    Video #12:

    A timid-looking fellow named Gerard is standing here. Talk tohim twice for two puzzles. You might have to go away and comeback to hear the second puzzle, though.

    Puzzle #041: Spare Change-------------------------Location: Northern PathCharacter: Gerard-----------------

    Summary: You have a picture of coins and a rope. If the rope is

    pulled tight, how many coins will be above it?

    Solution: Nine.


    Puzzle #042: The Camera and Case--------------------------------Location: Northern PathCharacter: Gerard
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    Summary: A person is selling a camera and a case for $310. Hesays the camera costs $300 more than the case.

    You buy the case with a $100 bill. How much change should youget back?

    Solution: We know that the camera and the case cost $310, andthat the camera is $300 more than the case. The only way thisworks is if the camera is $305, and the case is $5.

    So, if you pay $100 for a $5 case, you should get $95 in change.


    Good news! This is the point in the game where you should havecollected all the gizmo parts! Put them together to get a robotdog that hunts out hint coins!

    When you go north from here, you meet Jarvis. He tells you thatZappone should know where Ramon is. Go south two screens, thentalk to Zappone.

    Zappone tells you to visit Crouton, the man who runs therestaurant. Go south two screens. Before visiting the restaurantto the left, you should go inside town hall building to get apuzzle from Rodney, and you should go north to get a puzzle fromLucy.

    Puzzle #043: Three Umbrellas----------------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Lucy---------------

    Summary: There are three girls. Each person has an umbrella. Butsay they take their umbrellas from an umbrella stand withoutlooking. What are the odds that only two girls will walk offwith their own umbrellas?

    Solution: The odds are 0. It's impossible for only two girls tohave their own umbrellas. If two girls have their own umbrellas,the third girl has hers, too, which means _three_ girls havetheir own umbrellas.

    Puzzle #044: Stamp Stumper

    -------------------------Location: Town HallCharacter: Rodney-----------------

    Summary: Divide the block of stamps into seven groups, eachgroup with a total of 100. Just to make things harder, eachgroup has to be a different shape.


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    With those puzzles out the way, it's high time to put an end tothis chapter of the game. Go to the restaurant and talk toCrouton. He mentions a rumor about an old man who kidnapspeople.

    Crouton tells you to visit the cafe, and the chapter ends.

    003d-Chapter Four: Night Falls-----------------------------------------------------------

    Video #13:

    It looks like the Professor and Luke get to do even MOREwandering around town.

    Adrea here has a puzzle.

    Puzzle #045: Puzzled Aliens---------------------------Location: Park RoadCharacter: Adrea----------------

    Summary: Some aliens are confused about an Earth device, andgive a very strange description of it. What are they talkingabout?

    Solution: The answer is a compass. Bleh...


    When you go to the right, Gerard interrupts the investigation byforcing you to find his glasses. Fortunately, they're not far.Go left, then up to the park gate. Deke knows where the glassesare.

    Puzzle #046: The Biggest Star-----------------------------

    Location: Park GateCharacter: Deke---------------

    Summary: Draw a line between four stars to make a big star.

    Solution: The trick is that the top of the pine tree forms oneof the points of the big star.---
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    Deke tells you to go the inn for the glasses. So, go to the inn.Outside of the inn, click on the sign for a hidden puzzle.

    Puzzle #113: The Pet Hotel--------------------------Location: EntranceExamine: Inn Sign-----------------

    Summary: Rearrange the matches to spell the name of an animal.

    Solution: CAT. Fortunately, not too many three-letter animalnames exist, so guessing the correct answer is pretty easy.


    Go inside the inn, and ask Beatrice for the glasses. She givesthem to you. Then, go the Gerard and give him his glasses. Hewill now step aside and let you explore the north part of town.He will also give you a puzzle.

    Puzzle #047: On the Run-----------------------Location: PlazaCharacter: Gerard-----------------

    Summary: There's a map with many exits. A burglar starts at thered arrow, and whenever he reaches a junction, he turns left orright. He never retraces his steps, either. Which exit can henot go through?

    Solution: Exit B! No matter which direction he approaches itfrom, he can't go through it.


    Video #14:

    Go to the north part of town now. Lucy has a puzzle, and the catand mouse have a puzzle, too.

    Puzzle #048: Cats and Mice--------------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Cat and Mouse------------------------

    Summary: 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes. How many cats cancatch 100 mice in 100 minutes?

    Solution: 5 cats. Hey, if they catch mice at a rate of 5 miceper 5 minutes, that means in 100 minutes, they catch 100 mice.


    Puzzle #049: 1,000 Times
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    ------------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Lucy---------------

    Summary: _ is 1,000 times _ _. Which letter fits in all threeblanks?

    Solution: The letter "m". If you use the metric system, onemeter (M) equals 1,000 millimeters (mm).


    Go north and talk to Marco for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #050: OTTF?------------------Location: Fork in the RoadCharacter: Marco----------------

    Summary: There is a series of letters: O T T F _ S S E N T.Which letter goes in the empty spot?

    Solution: The letters spell out the alphabet. One Two Three FourFive Six Seven Eight Nine Ten. The answer is "F" for "Five".


    Head inside the cafe. The barman agrees to help if you've solved30 puzzles. If you haven't done that yet, go to GrannyRiddleton's shack and solve some puzzles.

    Once you've solved enough puzzles, the Crumm the Barman tellsyou to see Prosciutto. To get to his house, you leave the cafeand take the right fork. However, Professor Layton is going totake the long way to Prosciutto's house, in order to make surehe finds all the puzzles in the north part of town.

    Two puzzles are here at the cafe. Zappone has one, and the otheris a hidden puzzle behind the bottles.

    Puzzle #051: The Town Barbers-----------------------------Location: Crumm's CafeCharacter: Zappone------------------

    Summary: The two has two barbers. Barber A has a horriblehaircut, and Barber B has a nice haircut. Who is the betterbarber?

    Solution: Barber A. The assumption is that the barbers cut eachother's hair, instead of cutting their own hair. If that's thecase, Barber A gives a better haircut.


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    Puzzle #106: How Many Glasses?------------------------------Location: Crumm's CafeExamine: Bottles----------------

    Summary: A man wants to move the glasses of juice in the top rowso they look like the glasses of juice in the bottom row. Whatis the least number of glasses he has to touch?

    Solution: One. Presumably, he pour from one glass into anotherwithout touching the second glass.


    Leave the cafe forever now (you will never have to return) andtake the left fork. Agnes and Giuseppe here both have puzzles.

    Puzzle #053: Fish Thief

    -----------------------Location: MarketCharacter: Agnes----------------

    Summary: Brothers A, B and C are accused of eating a fish. Theyeach make a statement.

    A: I ate the fish.B: I saw A eat the fish.C: B and I did not eat the fish.

    One of the brothers is lying, but which one?

    Solution: C is the liar. Apparently, C and A both ate the fish.


    Puzzle #054: Monster!---------------------Location: MarketCharacter: Giuseppe-------------------

    Summary: Oh no! A monster is attacking the town! Stab it in theeye!

    Solution: The monster is the sky, so stab the moon.


    Head to the right to see Pauly, who's upset. He always seemsupset about something, I've noticed.

    Video #15:

    Pauly's upset because he can't solve a puzzle! This looks like a
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    job for Professor Layton!

    Puzzle #052: Find a Star------------------------Location: Northern HillCharacter: Pauly----------------

    Summary: Find a star in the picture.

    Solution: It's in the upper-left corner.


    Pauly gets mad at the Professor for solving the puzzle. That'sgratitude for you!

    Go south and into a house to the left. This is Prosciutto'shouse. He's got a big ham hanging from his ceiling, and those ofyou who speak Italian will be amused at the fact that

    "Prosciutto" means "ham" in Italian.

    Talk to him, and he tells you about the strange kidnapper. Then,tap on the ham for a hidden puzzle.

    Puzzle #114: Tetrahedron Trial------------------------------Location: Prosciutto'sExamine: Ham------------

    Summary: You are given a picture of a tetrahedron that has beenlain flat. Which of the triangles goes in the empty spot so allthe various lines will connect with the tetrahedron is folded upagain?

    Solution: C


    Leave Prosciutto's house. Professor Layton and Luke seem to havereached the end of the investigation for the day...when they seea stranger stuffing an unconscious Ramon inside a large sack.

    Our heroes give chase, but the stranger manages to flee and hideinside the tower. The tower's lights go on, and a large noisesounds.

    Our heroes return to the scene of the kidnapping, where theyfind a small cog, just like the one found at the scene of themurder. How odd. In any case, chapter four is now over!

    003e-Chapter Five: The Hunt Begins-----------------------------------------------------------

    Professor Layton returns to Reinhold Manor to tell everyone thebad news about Ramon being kidnapped and/or possibly murdered.

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    Inspector Chelmey seems disinclined to agree about the matter,and it seems he is right, as Ramon comes walking in through thedoor shortly after!

    Ramon denies any knowledge of being kidnapped. Luke wants toargue, but the Professor shushes him.

    Chelmey, Ramon and Lady Dahlia leave. Talk to Gordon for apuzzle.

    Puzzle #012: Make a Rectangle-----------------------------Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Gordon-----------------

    Summary: You have a shape that can be cut into two pieces. Thetwo pieces can be put together to form a rectangle.

    Solution: The top piece should be shaped like this.

    _ _ _ _ _|_|_|_|_|_|



    When you leave the manor, Professor Layton and Luke talk. Laytonagrees that they saw a dead or unconscious Ramon and does notunderstand what happened. Why, the things that are happeninghere are downright curious!

    Video #16:

    A new day begins, and it starts with a phone call from InspectorChelmey, who wants to see Professor Layton and Luke at themanor. The Professor hopes the discussion will be about whathappened yesterday.

    Talk to Beatrice here for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #055: The Odd Sandwich-----------------------------Location: InnCharacter: Beatrice-------------------

    Summary: Beatrice has an odd sandwich that she wants to fitinside her small lunchbox. How many times does she need to cutthe sandwich before it fits?

    Solution: Once.


    Leave the Inn and talk to Stachenscarfen for a puzzle.
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    Puzzle #056: The Lazy Guard---------------------------Location: EntranceCharacter: Stachenscarfen-------------------------

    Summary: A lazy guard wants to walk through nine rooms whilemaking the fewest number of turns possible. How many turns willhe make?

    Solution: The trick is that he can make fewer turns if he entersthe room at an angle than if he enters the room while goingperpendicular to the doorway. The answer is two.


    Go north, and talk to Deke for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #057: Cut Which One?---------------------------

    Location: PlazaCharacter: Deke---------------

    Summary: There are six interlocked rings in the picture. Whichone can you cut away to make an unbroken chain of five rings?

    Solution: Cut off Ring D.


    Head right. There's a piece of paper on the ground here thattalks about the death of Lady Violet, Baron Reinhold's firstwife. You'll learn more about her backstory soon.

    Talk to Marco here for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #059: The Longest Path-----------------------------Location: Manor RoadCharacter: Marco----------------

    Summary: Can you get from point A to point B while taking thelongest route?

    Solution: You want to go left from A. Take the second left three

    times in a row. Then, take the first left, the first right, thesecond right twice, and then reach B.


    Head to the manor now. Claudia is outside it, and tapping on herreveals a puzzle.

    Puzzle #060: Weighing Cats--------------------------

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    Location: Reinhold ManorCharacter: Claudia------------------

    Summary: You have two equations here.

    Four white cats = 5 black cats1 white cat + 2 black cats = 3 red cats

    What about 3 red cats + 4 black cats VS 4 white cats and 1 blackcat? Which of those two groups is heavier? Or do they weigh thesame?

    Solution: The first group is heavier, which is easier to see ifyou replace "3 red cats" with "1 white cat + 2 black cats". So,the correct answer is "A".


    Video #17:

    Head inside the manor now to see Chelmey yell at Matthew forbringing him sweets. The Inspector certainly has a temper, andhe turns it on Professor Layton. He's mad that Layton interferedwith the murder case yesterday, trying to raise up a panic aboutRamon being killed when Ramon is perfectly fine. He ordersLayton off the case.

    That's quite rude of Inspector Chelmey, but Layton doesn't wantto give up quite yet. Leave the manor and go south to talk toRamon. He confirms the story he said yesterday; he says nothinghappened at all. Apparently, he doesn't remember beingkidnapped.

    Professor Layton then decides that he and Luke don't HAVE tosolve the murder mystery. They came to St. Mystere to solve themystery of the Golden Apple, and by golly, that's what they'regoing to do. Thus begins Chapter Five.

    That's right. About three hours into the game, Professor Laytonand Luke decide to try solving the mystery that they came to thecurious village to solve. Good job, Professor!

    The Professor decides to start his search in the manor. Goinside the manor and upstairs to talk to the people there. Allthree have puzzles, and Gordon has two.

    Puzzle #061: Pin Board Shapes-----------------------------Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Gordon-----------------

    Summary: What is the largest cross you can make a pin board thathas 17 pins inside it, and 16 pins outside it?

    Solution: The cross needs to be tilted at a 45 degree angle.
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    It'll look something like this, if you draw a line between thevarious x's:



    Puzzle #103: Wood Cutouts-------------------------Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Gordon-----------------

    Summary: You have an oddly-shaped piece of plywood that you wantto cut into four identical pieces.

    Solution: Each piece will be shaped like this:

    x xxxxxxx (that's six blocks wide)

    Puzzle #062: The Mysterious Note--------------------------------Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Inspector Chelmey----------------------------

    Summary: Chelmey once got a note that reads like this:

    710 57735 345509 51 7719

    Which suspect, Bill, John or Todd, is the one whom Chelmeyshould arrest, based on that note?

    Solution: When you flip your DS upside down, you can see thatthe numbers spell out "Bill is boss. He sells oil." Bill is theone who should be arrested.

    Puzzle #063: How Old is Mom?----------------------------Location: Manor ParlorCharacter: Lady Dahlia


    Summary: A father says he was once twice as old as his wife. Thenext year, he was only one and a half times her age. If thefather is 44 years old now, how old is the mother?

    Solution: When you work out the math, it ends up being the casethat the father is tricky, and talking about when he was twoyears old. The mother was one year old at the time. The nextyear, when she was two, he was three (which is one and a half

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    times two).

    The father is therefore one year older than the mother. If he's44, she's 43. Answer? 43.


    Once those puzzles are done, go downstairs and talk to Matthew.He can't tell you much about the late Baron Reinhold, but herecommends that you see Ingrid, who worked at the manor with theBaron for a longer period of time than Matthew did.

    Video #18:

    Head south/down a couple of screens to the area with Marco. Hey,Ingrid is there! What a fortunate coincidence.

    Ingrid tells you more about Lady Violet, the Baron's first wife.Go north twice and tap on Matthew to visit Lady Violet's grave.Matthew also tells the Professor about the Baron's journal.

    Head to Lady Dahlia's room on the top floor. The journal is onthe desk to the left. Read it to learn that the Baron left aclue about the Golden Apple with one of his friends.

    So now our mission is to find the Baron's friend! Leave themanor to find Ingrid. Talk to her, and she tells you thatZappone was a friend of the Baron.

    Zappone is hanging around the fork in the road, so head therenow. But first, you want to take a brief detour in Town Hall totalk to Rodney.

    Puzzle #064: Odd Equations--------------------------Location: Town HallCharacter: Rodney-----------------

    Summary: If 8 6 = 2, and 8 + 6 = 2, what does 7 + 6 equal?

    Solution: This puzzle uses time (or any other base 12 unit ofmeasurement) for an answer. 8 o'clock + 6 hours = 2 o'clock, and8 o'clock - 6 hours = 2 o'clock. Six hours past seven is oneo'clock, so the answer is "one".


    Leave City Hall and go to the north part of town. Before headingto the fork in the road, you can talk to Lucy and look at thecat and mouse for puzzles.

    Puzzle #066: Birthday Girl--------------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Lucy---------------
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    Summary: A woman, talking about her birthday, says she turns 22in two days, and on New Year's last year, she was 19. When isher birthday?

    Solution: January second. Today, in terms of the puzzle, must beNew Year's Eve. Tricky!

    Puzzle #067: The Chocolate Code-------------------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Lucy---------------

    Summary: Your gadget-loving girlfriend has sent you a message insome chocolate. It says GRCY NW. What does that mean in English?

    Solution: "TEXT ME". See, the bites of the chocolate refer todirections on a keyboard...yeah, I know, it's a pretty iffypuzzle. That's probably why it's not in the European version of

    the game.


    Video #19:

    Puzzle #065: What's E?----------------------Location: Clock TowerCharacter: Cat and Mouse------------------------

    Summary: According to the diagram, A = 2, C = 3, B = 3, D = 4.What does E equal?

    Solution: Well, it's kind of hard to show you with a picture ofthe diagram, but the number refers to the number of sides thatthe labeled section shares with another piece of the puzzle. Emust equal 5.


    That's all for now, so head north to meet Zappone. Ask him aboutthe Baron, and he denies being a _good_ friend of the Baron.Sigh...another dead end. I guess that means the Professor andLuke will just have to ask everyone they meet about the Baron inhopes of finding his friend.

    Go up the right path. Another journal entry is lying on theground here. It doesn't seem like the Baron's journal, either.The journal entries seem mysterious...unless, of course, youalready know about the ending of the game, in which case, themysterious journal entries aren't really mysteries at all.

    Talk to Gerard here twice for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #068: Find the Pentagons
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    -------------------------------Location: Northern PathCharacter: Gerard-----------------

    Summary: Can you find all the pentagons in this picture? Howmany are there?

    Solution: There are twelve pentagons.


    Head inside Prosciutto's for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #069: Chocolate Puzzle-----------------------------Location: Prosciutto'sCharacter: Prosciutto---------------------

    Summary: You want to break a bar of chocolate into 30 pieces.How many times must you break the bar?

    Solution: 29 times. The last time, you're splitting a piece inhalf. The puzzle tries to distract you by giving you a lot ofunnecessary instructions, but don't be fooled!


    Head to the marketplace, where there's a brief cutscene withGiuseppe. He was told that Layton bought a vase. Layton touchesthe vase, getting his fingerprints all over it.

    Meanwhile, the mysterious villain who crash-landed in town a fewchapters ago watches from the shadows.

    Layton returns the vase. The villain in the shadows later takesthe vase and tries to use it for a nefarious purpose, but thathappens later on. For now, Giuseppe apologizes for the confusionby giving the Professor a puzzle.

    Puzzle #070: The Shattered Vase-------------------------------Location: MarketCharacter: Giuseppe-------------------

    Summary: Put the pieces of the vase back together.

    Solution: Well, this certainly is an easy jigsaw puzzle. Put thepieces back into place, then give yourself a pat on the back.


    There's a big newspaper here. Tap on it to read an article aboutInspector Chelmey. Ah, how sweet! He's devoted to his wife, andhey, wait a minute. Is he eating sweets? But...he doesn't like

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    sweets! He yelled at Matthew about them earlier on in thischapter!

    Video #20:

    Reading the newspaper article about Chelmey causes Archibald toappear. Guess what? Archibald is the Baron's friend that we'relooking for! How fortunate.

    But first, talk to Giuseppe for a puzzle.

    Puzzle #071: Sausage Thief--------------------------Location: MarketCharacter: Giuseppe-------------------

    Summary: Someone ate the butcher's sausages! Four boys makestatements about the crime.

    A: B ate them.B: D ate them.C: I didn't eat them.D: B is lying.

    One of these boys is telling the truth. So, who at the sausage?

    Solution: Boy C ate the sausages. Also, boy D is the one who istelling the truth.

    Great, so NOW talk to Archibald about Baron Reinhold. Archibaldsays he has a desk the Baron gave him. Perhaps a note is inside?The Professor and Luke go to Archibald's home to see.

    Examine the desk. A note is in the right-hand drawer...but allit contains is an X. Perhaps it's a map of some kind...but a mapto where?

    Thus ends chapter five.

    003f-Chapter Six: The Elusive Tower-----------------------------------------------------------

    Archibald interrupts, saying that Beatrice at the Inn wants tospeak to the Professor. Well, a gentleman never wants to keep alady waiting, so it's off to the inn.

    But first, a hidden puzzle.

    Puzzle #108: Not Knots?-----------------------Location: Archibald'sExamine: Bookshelf------------------

    Summary: There are four pieces of string onscreen. Which oneswill form a knot when you grab their ends and pull them tight?
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    Solution: Rope C is the only one that forms a knot.


    Off to the inn! Once you go inside and talk to Beatrice, shetalks about a mysterious stranger who trashed his room andskipped without paying his bill. The picture of the strangerresembles the mysterious villain we've seen a few times.

    Beatrice asks the Professor to find this man.

    Leave the inn, and Luke notes that there's been a general lackof progress in the game so far. The Professor disagrees andnotes that many people in town have warned against going to thetower on the north part of town, the tower that makes mysteriousnoises (also the tower the kidnapped disappeared into when hetook Ramon).

    Perhaps the Golden Apple is in the tower, and nobody knows

    anything about it because everyone avoids the tower. It'scertainly a possibility.

    Chapter Six officially starts here. It's a rather short chapter.All you have to do is go north as far as you can, and thechapter ends.

    Go north once, to the plaza. There are two puzzles here. Percyhas one, and Rodney (inside the Town Hall) has the other.

    Puzzle #072: The Sound of Silence---------------------------------Location: PlazaCharacter: Percy----------------

    Summary: Which of the following words does not make the sound ofsilence?


    Solution: Well..."note" and "scale" contain silent e's, and"chord" has a silent "h". The "sound of silence", therefore,refers to silent letters. The answer is "rest", which is theonly word on the list without a silent letter.

    Puzzle #073: How Many Squares?------------------------------Location: Town HallCharacter: Rodney-----------------

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    Summary: Rodney gives you a pin board with twelve dots. How manysquares can you form on this pin board?

    Solution: The answer is eleven.


    Video #21:

    Head north a couple of times, to the marketplace. Agnes has twopuzzles for you.

    Puzzle #074: A Broken Window----------------------------Location: MarketCharacter: Agnes----------------

    Summary: Four children were playing ball, and one of them broke

    a window. All four children make a statement.

    A: I didn't break the window.B: I broke the window.C: A did not break the window.D: B did not break the window.

    The child who broke the window is lying; the other children mayor may not be lying. Who broke the window?

    Solution: Use logical deduction to solve this puzzle. Forexample, you can immediately deduce that B did not break thewindow. If B did break the window, B would lie about it, notadmit to it.

    It turns out that Child A broke the window, and B and C lied.

    Puzzle #075: The Wire Cube--------------------------Location: MarketCharacter: Agnes----------------

    Summary: You want to create a cube out of wires, using thefewest number of wires possible. No portion of the cube can havemore than one length of wire running over the same edge.

    Solution: I do not understand this puzzle, but the answer isfour, because a cube has eight corners (?) and each wire has twoends, and eight divided by two is four.


    You can now head north of the market for the first time ever toreach the path entrance. The sign here contains a hidden puzzle.

    Puzzle #119: Red and Blue 1
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    ---------------------------Location: Path EntranceExamine: Sign-------------

    Summary: Switch the red balls with the blue balls.

    Solution: The strategy I use is to first switch the balls on thebottom row. That makes it possible for you to empty out eitherthe left or right side and move the ball on the bottom row tothe top row. You can then do the same thing on the other side,so the balls on the top row are in place, and you don't have tomove them again.

    From there, it's simple enough to fill in the balls in thesecond-to-top row. Then switch the bottom row balls and put theremaining balls in place. As you can kind of guess, I found itwas easiest to concentrate on filling up one row at a time.

    So once again, my strategy is to:

    1) Swap the two balls on the bottom row.2) Get balls into place on the top row.3) Fill the second-from-the-top row.4) Fill the bottom row again.5) Fill the remaining row.


    North of here is the Tower Road, where you can find anotherjournal entry. You can also find two puzzles here.

    Puzzle #102: Aces and the Joker-------------------------------Location: Tower RoadCharacter: Martha-----------------

    Summary: You have a deck of 52 cards scattered all around, andyou pick them up one-by-one. What are the odds that you'll pickup the four aces before the joker?

    Solution: This puzzle is easier than it seems. You don't have toworry about all 52 cards; you only need to worry about fivecards: the aces and joker. The odds of picking the joker lastout of the group is one in five, because there is one joker andfive cards. 1 in 5 is 20%, so the answer is 20.

    Puzzle #117: Painting a Cube----------------------------Location: Tower RoadExamine: Window---------------

    Summary: You want to paint a cube so that all the faces of thecube that touch each other are different colors. You have threecolors, so how many ways can you paint the cube?

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    Solution: Just one. Any variations are simply the same cuberotated.


    When you go north, you reach the base of the tower, which isshut off. There is a cutscene starring a mysterious woman atthis point in the game. She runs off and leaves a ticket for thelocal amusement park behind her. Is this some sort of clue?

    003g-Chapter Seven: The Abandoned Park-----------------------------------------------------------

    Video #22:

    Professor Layton decides to follow up the clue about theamusement park by going to the amusement park.

    On your way to the park (which is on the left-hand side of

    town), you go to the park road, where Pauly and Adrea havepuzzles.

    Puzzle #076: A Tile Square--------------------------Location: Park RoadCharacter: Pauly----------------

    Summary: You have a tile that is 10 inches by 12 inches by .5inches long. What is the fewest number of tiles you would needto make a perfect square out of one of those sides?

    Solution: 20 tiles, as 20 X .5 = 10. So all the .5 tiles wouldline up to form a square with the 10 inch side.

    Puzzle #077: Which Job?-----------------------Location: Park RoadCharacter: Adrea-----------------

    Summary: Company A pays 100,000 a year and gives you a 20,000raise yearly. Company B pays 50,000 every six months, with a5,000 raise each six months. Which company should you work for?

    Solution: Company B. Because it gives more frequent raises, the

    salary for that company increases more quickly. When you add upthe total amount of money you made in one year, Company B alwaysends up having given you more.


    Now, head inside the restaurant for a series of puzzles.

    Puzzle #078: Water Pitchers---------------------------
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    Location: RestaurantCharacter: Crouton------------------

    Summary: Crouton has a 16 quart jar, a 9 quart jar and a 7 quartjar.

    Solution: Crouton has a few puzzles that involve separatingliquids in uneven containers. The solution to these puzzles isgenerally these four steps:

    1. Big jar to middle jar2. Middle jar to small jar3. Small jar to big jar4. Middle jar to small jar

    Just repeat the four steps until you get the desired amount ofliquid. In this case, it takes fifteen turns.

    Puzzle #079: Apples to Oranges------------------------------Location: RestaurantCharacter: Crouton------------------

    Summary: Can you switch the apple crates with orange crates?

    Solution: Why, this is quite similar to the red and blue puzzlea while ago, except easier. The way I solve it is by switchingthe two upper corners, then switching the other two boxes in thetop row. That way, the two top rows are switched and you nolonger have to worry about them.

    Then, do the exact same thing with the bottom rows, and slip themiddle rows into place. It's not too difficult.


    You can leave the restaurant now or later to learn that the gateto the park is locked, which officially starts Chapter Seven, bythe way.

    Video #23:

    Flick has four chess-related puzzles for you.

    Puzzle #080: Too Many Queens 1------------------------------Location: RestaurantCharacter: Flick

    Summary: Can you stick four queens on a four by four chessboardso no queen blocks another queen's path?

    Solution: Yes. This solution works, along with flipping it invarious ways.
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    Puzzle #081: Too Many Queens 2------------------------------Location: RestaurantCharacter: Flick

    Summary: Can you stick five queens on a five by five chessboardso no queen blocks another queen's path?

    Solution: Yes. This solution works, along with flipping theboard in various ways.





    Puzzle #082: Too Many Queens 3------------------------------Location: RestaurantCharacter: Flick

    Summary: Can you place three queens on a five by five board sothat there's no spot on the board that is not in their line ofmovement?

    Solution: Yes. This solution works, along with flipping theboard in various ways.





    Puzzle #083: Too Many Queens 4------------------------------Location: RestaurantCharacter: Flick

    Summary: Can you stick eight queens on an eight by eight board

    so no queen blocks another queen's path? Three queens arealready in place to help you get started.

    Solution: This solution is this:



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    Okay, enough chess puzzles. Time to continue with the plot. Ifyou haven't already, check the gate to the park to learn thatit's locked. Then, stop by Town Hall and ask Rodney what's goingon.

    Rodney doesn't know where the caretaker to the park is, but hementions the man doubles as the caretaker for the sewers. So,head back to the park road and go down into the sewers.

    When you're in the sewers, you can tap on the manhole for apuzzle.

    Puzzle #120: Get the Ball Out! 3--------------------------------

    Location: Sewer ExitExamine: Manhole----------------

    Summary: Can you move the ball to the bottom of the screen?

    Solution: The strategy is to move the yellow block right, whichwill require moving the green block to the bottom/right. You canfree up some space by working in a counter-clockwise fashion.

    1. Move the bottom blue block right.2. Move the bottom purple block into the exit.3. Move the bottom blue block left twice.4. Move the second-from-bottom blue block down to the bottomrow.5. Move the right green block down.6. Move the upper purple block right twice.7. Move the upper blue block right twice.8. Move the second-from-top blue block up to the top row andright.9. Move the left green block up.10/11. Move the two blue blocks on the bottom row to the lefttwice.12. Move the right green block into the bottom/right corner.13. Move the yellow block right.14. Move the lower/right blue block right.15. Move the upper/lef

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