programs for week g february · 2019. 7. 17. · denly, dunninger exclaimed: "k. g. is kate...

Post on 30-Oct-2020






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THA M Packing M

.1r )We Heard iDe ,Ciom

An 'Intimate' Interview with Woolley

Pages 4 & 5

Charm cis

Yours! By Miss Julia Sanderson

Page 30

Art S. Pablet, 1308 East 67th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: Since coming to Los Angeles three

years ago. my patiently- acquired knowl- edge of radio schedules has been complete- ly upset. I knew precisely the hours of all my favorite programs in the East and Middle West but out here, the differences of time have nullified all that.

I've inquired repeatedly at news stands for some weekly publication giving sched- ules. Having little time to read newspa- pers. I invariably forget to purchase one each day, and most nights found me won- dering what was happening on the air. But the news dealers assured me there was no publication to fill my wants.

It was only just recently. after having made a purchase at one of the markets. that 1 casually picked up what i thought was one of the usual booklets of menus, etc. Then I glanced more carefully at the publication and found it was Radio Life -exactly the type of magasine I had been asking for and looking for the past three yeara!

How come ?' Why are the news stands and magazine counters unaware of this most useful publication for radio listeners? I can now take five minutes and check in ink the programs i wish to hear, thus missing nothing of interest or Importance. Thank you!

Radio Life restricts its sole to food markets. That is ils distinctive type of circulation. Hut we're glad that you eventually discovered the mays -ine and like it so well. Thank you for your letter and write again!

Mr. Tom Thompson, 9810 Portola Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Sirs' Would you please give me some in-

t,rtnation about the "Vic and Sade" pro- gram? What relation is "Russell Miller" to "Vic and Sade "? I thought that "Rush" was their son on the program, but now 1


When the

School Bell Rings

It's Time to Listen to

The Broadway's


Conducted by Mary O'Brien


9 :15 A.M. K H J

Page Two

On Our Cover Sort of a surprise package is

gracious Martha Mears, whose picture appears on Radio Life's cover this week,-such a LITTLE girl to have such a full, low voice. The dainty, diminutive blonde songstress has just recently re- turned to the Al Pearce show, "Fun Valley," heard over the Blue -KECA at 1:00 p.m. Sunday. She also adds sparkle to "10-2-4 Ranch," an- other B l u e Network program, broadcast at 12:30 o'clock mid- day, Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day. On the latter show, she ap- pears in typical Western cowgirl garb and appropriately, too, for she's an expert rider. Her Christ- mas gift from Al Pearce was a horse.

hear that "Russell" is the son? What goes on, anyway? Best wishes to a grand maga- zine.

Russell Miller is the son of "Vic and Sade" on the program of that rtame. The part is played by David White- house.

Mrs, Gladys A. Allen, 1140 West 59th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: Since the west coast has increased

in population by the thousands and little children are being cared for by nurseries, block mothers, and /nigh school girls will- ing to earn a little extra money, why wouldn't it be a good idea to put on a

Publisher, Director.

Carl M. Culbreth

Rigsby; Sadler ;

Managing Business

.Manager, Pinson Vaughan; Office Manager, Georgia F. Caywood; Editor, Evelyn Mosby; Art Director, Allen Ricks; Log Editor. Pearl Rail; Editor- In-the-Service, John F. Whitehead,

(%7 RADIO LIF1C Is published weekly by Compton Printing Company, 1029 West Washington blvd., Los Angeles 15. Phone RI. 5262. Postpaid Subscriptions, 82.00 per year of 52 issues. Advertising rates may be had on application to the Busi- ness Manager. Single copies are 3c. Un- solicited material is sent at mender's risk. Radio Life assumes no responsibil- ity for same. All remittances should be by Postal Money Order, &sprees Money Order or Check In favor of Radio 1,11e. Currency Is sent at sender's risk. This Issue le numbered Volume 8, No. 26. Entire contents of this Issue copyrighted, 1943. Reprinting in whole or part with- out permission strictly prohibited. Edi- torial Offices, 1558 North Vine street. Hollywood 28. Telephone HEmpstead 2025. Business and Advertising Offices. 1020 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles. Telephone Richmond 5262. Entered no Second Class Matter May 8, '942. at the l'ostoffice of Los Angeles, California. under the Act of March 3. 1879.

program to help entertain the little tuts:' The mothers of today are harrassed by war- engendered problems such as cooking for swing -shift and graveyard workers, shopping for food with one eye on points and the other on rationed items, and have scant time to tell that last little story that sends drowsy -eyed youngsters off to dreamland.

Of course we have numerous programs on the air for children but they're rather on the exciting side. My suggestion would be to have something entertaining, yet tranquil, such as a serial about "Alice in Wonderland" or some of Hans Anderson's fairy tales. These stories are constructive and also interesting. And what sponsor wouldn't he extremely satisfied to know that his story- telling program was reach- ing millions of children?

The evenings are long, and it would be a desirable thing to know that our young- sters are indoors listening to a good story. Of course these stories can be read from a book but the children I refer to haven't reached that age, or if they have, would much prefer having them told to them.

William Calfetto, Brooklyn, New York. Sirs: If i were not on the swing shift

at a busy shipyard, I could write the great- est prize -winning letter you ever had in your department. "The Ear inspires the Pen." i could say magnanimous things about Radio Life and i would heartily mean every word of it. Yes. I am faithful to Radio Life.

1 miss listening to the radio since I've been on the swing shift and that's where your magazine fills that gap. I especially miss Tommy Cook. one of my top favor- ites. Could you try to include his radio activities somewhere in the pages?

Yes, you'!l be seeing a story about Tommy Cook in Radio Lt /e one of these days. We are planning one for a future issue,




WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL The appetizing wholesome tonic

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Are You Skeptical

About ftulluillger' He Claims No Supernatural Powers, Is Right Only 90 Per Cent of the Time, Yet His Program Is the Most Provocative on the Air

Wednesdatl.9 p.m. Blue -RECA

jrWAS the late O. O. McIn- tyre, for years one of Amer- ica's leading columnists, who summed up the wizard- y of Dunninger, Master

Mentalist who is now per- forming his mind -reading feats for radio.

Said McIntyre: "I confess to no be-


W arcia Sinclair

lief in mind reading, yet I recently saw a manifestation of its work that left a roomful of intelligent people speechless."

Dunninger, who seldom uses his first name, Joseph, is a suave, dark man in his late forties . a man with high forehead, piercing eyes, and an aura of mystery ... has been demonstrating telepathy for the past two decades. In McIntyre's case, Mrs.

McIntyre wrote "Who is K. G. and where born ?"

Nothing else. After writing the question secretively, she placed it in a vanity case. No one came near. Sud- denly, Dunninger exclaimed: "K. G. is Kate Gatwood. Your mother's mai- den name. She was born May 1. 1854. is Gallipolis, Ohio."

Astounded, the always -skeptical McIntyre spent the rest of the eve- ning peeking under chairs. That was in 1932. Last fall, Dunninger came to radio. His program is the most pro- vocative on the air.

Surrounded on the studio platform by a group of unimpeachable citi- zens, the mentalist has peered out into the audience and called off numbers, birthdays, addresses, the serial number, color and dealer of a can of his sponsor's product (Kern- Tone) a name chosen at random from among millions in a Chicago telephone directory, seat and aisle numbers of show tickets held by per- sons in the studio.

An Example .The other night before an audience

in Dallas, Texas, Dunninger had three of the city's prominent citizens. among them the mayor, as his "un- impeachable group." It was prear- ranged that they should determine upon a building, and an occupant of the structure. While Duninger pre- pared to read their minds, they were told to concentrate on their agreed objectives.

Like clockwork he told the com- mittee that they were thinking of a tall, white building. "Could it be the Cotton Exchange? "

"You are absolutely right," the group told Dunninger.

He continued. "You are thinking of a man. His initials are J. W. His last name is Evans."

"Correct," the group affirmed, breathless;v.

"You are thinking of a poster. It's on the right as you enter the build- ing," Dunninger said.

"No," the group replied. "That's not right."

"I'm not always right," the mind -

reader explained. "Sometimes I'm wrong. Anyway, I'll fell you what that poster says. It's a war poster and it reads, "Help Preserve the American Way of Life."

One of his first radio feats was to read the mind of a newspaper editor seated at the desk of the New York Daily Mirror, two miles from the studio. Grasping a slate, Dunninger wrote the headline: "How the U. S. 5th Landed With Its Guns Blazing." Called on the telephone, Editor Ken-

Please turn to Page :11)

4 A SUAVE DARK MAN WITH PIERCING EYES, Dunninger has at- tended over 1,000 seances and has

witnessed nothing he cannot duplicate by trickery or explain by natural means. By his own mental wizardry, continues to amaze all who witness his work.

Page Three

Albs CONTRADICTING A N Y P R E S S AGENT'S pope dream, this child-

hood photo proves Monty Woolley wasn't born with his beard. Looking very much like any other new -born baby, Edgar Mon - tillion Woolley made his entrance into this world on August 17, 1888, in a hotel at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street in New York City.

A SMOOTH -CHEEKED SCHOOL- BOY, Monty attended ;MacKenzie

School at Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.; then entered Yale with the class of 191 I, where he met and formed his friendship with songwriter Cole Porter.

MONTY SPORTED A MUSTACHE from 1911 to 1927 as a compromise

with his mother who thwarted his early desire to grow a beard. Photo shows Woolley at the time he served as I st Lieutenant in World War L

tt'rdnrsduW. y p.m. CNS- K N ,1

AIONTY WOOLLEY has been presented to the public as a "character" -a bearded wit with an acid tongue. And as

we watched him rehearse for his weekly Wednesday night appearance as host of "The New Old Gold Show," we were wondering if we would find him as much of a character as he is scripted.

He left the mike and approached us, a man of smaller stature than he seems on the screen. But in all other respects, we would say Monty Wool- ley proved to be just as you would undoubtedly picture him -a com- pletely independent personality with his thoughts confined solely within his own sphere, his manner abrupt and a bit supercilious.

But it would have been the disil- lusionment of a lifetime if The Beard had emerged a mild- mannered gen- tleman with the gracious airs of a little old lady. It takes all kinds of people to make a world, and Monty is of the variety that is the spice of life.

Seventeen years ago. he went off by himself to the seclusion of the quiet countryside, telling none of his friends or acquaintances of the plan he had in mind. There, unseen and in secrecy, he ceased to shave, and soon emerged with that hirsute adornment that was, one day, to be focused in the prominence of the the- atrical spotlight.

Proudly he returned to New York City, prepared to present himself and his fine new beard as a delightful surprise for his circle of close friends, among them the gifted writer of pop- ular music, Cole Porter.

Introduced Beard Assuming his most nonchalant

manner, Monty made his appearance upon Mr. Porter's threshold, his beard neat, trim, and impressive. Mr. Porter opened the door, took one look and exclaimed:

"Omigawd! I think I'm going to be sick!"

But Monty Woolley was an individ- ualist. As such, he thus blossomed forth with his whiskers in the year 1927, flaunted them jauntily in the breeze, and paid no heed to the pro- tests and pleadings of his friends. Neither did he bat an eyelash nor give up an inch of The Beard's growth when the quips flew thick

and fast, and the laughter lingered loud and long.

Then an individualist, now an in- dividualist. Woolley hasn't changed. Persuading him to tell about "The Beard" was one of Radio Life's tough- est assignments. Woolley wandered from room to room in CBS' spacious studios while your reporter tagged patiently behind, comforted by the thought that the tale of "The Beard" was worth waiting for. Bit by bit, he condescended to give us the story.

Monty Woolley had early in life formed the determination to wear a beard. His desire to raise one was thwarted at first by his mother, who didn't want her son adding age to his fine, youthful face. Respecting her wishes, he compromised on a mus- tache.

Yearned for Beard But his fondness for beards was

further fostered when, after his grad- uation from Yale University, he en- tered the august halls of Harvard to study for a Ph.D. under the tutelage of the learned Professor George Ly- man Kittridge, famous exponent of Shakespearean literature. The "Kit- ty" beard was famous from coast to coast. It was a beautiful specimen and Monty admired it with rapt at- tention. The seed of Woolley's whis- kers (metaphorically speaking) was planted there in the professor's class- room.

It was Kittridge too, who advised the young student to give up more academic pursuits and stick to dra- matics. Monty heeded his advice by returning to Yale where, as an as- sistant professor, he was given com- plete charge of extra -curricular dra- matic activities, especially the Yale Dramatic5Society -with time out dur- ing World War I in which he served overseas as a first lieutenant at- tached to the general staff in Paris.

After the armistice he returned to the University and his dramatic so- ciety. Those were great days for him, as among his students were such keen witted men as Stephen Vincent Benet, Thornton Wilder and Philip Barry.

Yale was bequeathed a large sum of money for establishing a drama school. Although there occurred a series of student demonstrations fa- voring Woolley, George Pierce Baker of Harvard was asked to head the now famous dramatic workshop at the University. Obviously disappoint- ed, Woolley then turned to directing an occasional Broadway show, but he seemed more interested in enjoying

A Ready Wit, a Brilliant Brain, and a Beard Make Monty Woolley An Incomparable Character

life. He travelled, was known from New York, California, and Florida to Rio and the Riviera.

He became famous as a wit and raconteur. He used to regale parties with a little song of Cole Porter's which Porter didn't think worth pub- lishing. It was called "Miss Otis Re- grets." Monty plugged it until it he- came famous.

Woolley was also the inspiration for Porter's song "It's De- lovely." The chance remark was made by The Beard when, during a world cruise, he was standing at the ship's rail with Linda and Cole Porter, admiring the harbor view of Rio de Janeiro. Cole said, "It's delightful." Linda chimed in, "It's delicious "; and Mon- ty topped it off with "Its de- lovely!"

The Beard made its Broadway debut when Monty acted in the mu- sical, "On Your Toes," and the result was a tempting offer from Holly- wood, where the dignity of Woolley's whiskers received their first rude shock. In his initial film, "Live, Love and Learn," Monty and his beard got thoroughly drenched with a large pitcher of water, and in his subse- quent screen appearances his beloved adornment suffered further indigni- ties.

The actor's fastidious concern for his hirsute splendor is shown in his careful selection of pictures to be re- leased for publicity purposes. He is greatly displeased if The Beard ap- pears untrimmed and untidy. He must make a careful choice of a bar- ber as well, since many are not prop- erly trained on the care and treat- ment of a beard. And he also admits being in agreement with those who opine that a beard does not look well with a bathing suit.

Hollywood Types Him Hollywood's receptive gesture to-

ward the novelty of a bearded thes- pian was to type him at once for an endless succession of roles: ambassa- dors, physicians, professors, French mayors and Russian grand dukes. Quite discouraged, Woolley crawled within himself and became the bearded hermit of Beverly Hills.

On one unhappy evening while seeking escape in sleep, which is his favorite diversion, he was awakened by the ringing of the phone. It was his old friend, Moss Hart, calling from New York. "Monty, I want you to fly east right away," Hart's excited voice buzzed. "George Kaufman and I have written a comedy we want you to star in."

"That's a very poor joke to play on a tired old man who's trying to sleep," Monty retorted angrily before banging down the phone. But it was no joke. It was the real beginning of the actor's present -day popularity, for the play was the riotous hit, "The Man Who Came to Dinner," and with his subsequent starring role in the screen version of the same opus, Monty and his beard captured the at-

Please Torn to Page 31)

FUSSY ABOUT HIS BEARD, Monty is displeased it made to lace the camera when his whiskers are untrimmed and untidy. He is particular too, in his choice of

a barber, since many are not properly trained on the care and treatment of a beard. i MONTY WOOLLEY HAS MADE HIMSELF -not with his beloved beard, but rather by the wit and workings of his brilliant brain. His success is built upon

his own reputaton as a unique and incomparable character. (Note modest inscription on his dressing gown pocket.)

- '



RADIO: West * National and International

Week's Casualties Last week's casualties on Radio Row

were severely unfortunate and quite diversified. They included a broken foot suffered by NBC's "Standard Sym- phony" Conductor Wallenstein, whose pedal extremiti was smashed by an overturned, sand -filled cigaret recep- tacle, to a case of the mumps, whose victim was youthful supporting actor Conrad Binyon.

We'll Take It Attention to Radio Life readers: Phil

Baker will emcee CBS' Sunday night quiz, "Take It Or Leave It" from Hol- lywood beginning March 5.

Valentine Victuals Penny Singleton, CBS' "Blondie ", and

her husband, Major Roper t Sparks, presented the members of the pro- gram's cast with fresh eggs from their "Pennybob Farm" as Valentine treats.

Wave On Land Irene Rich, star of CBS' "The Woman

from Nowhere ", dashed out of the studio the other day to meet her Wave daughter, Lt. Frances Rich, for a cup of coffee and a bit of mother- daugh- ter chattèr. Although Frances had been in town for 24 hours, both gals were so busy that their visiting had to be snatched in five -minute relays. Lt. Rich is on a nationwide speaking tour on behalf of the Navy Depart- ment.

Swooner- Sweater Frank Sinatra has received a brown

cashmere sweater as a belated birth- day gift from five of his most ardent fans. "And Frank's wife, N a n c y, really helped us select the gift," they explained. "We wrote her that we had saved the money from our allowances, and she told us that he needed a brown sweater."

Gift of Sight In the dramatization of a recent

series of "Point Sublime" stories, heard Mondays on KHJ at 8:30 p.m., the fictional character of "Sammy Saul" had his sight restored, through the cooperation of the Dawn Society, after he had been blinded in battle in the South Pacific.

Inspired by the story of "Sammy Saul ", two radio listeners of Fresno,

California, Kenneth V. Tindall and Rollie N. Tindall have notified the Dawn Society of San Francisco that they have pledged their eyes to the Society to aid in restoring sight to the blind.

Through their pledge to the Society, the two Fresno listeners will leave instructions at their deaths that the corneas from their eyes be given to the Dawn Society to be grafted onto the eyes of some living sightless per- son. According to Robert L. Redd, writer- producer of the "Point Sublime" series who did research on the Dawn Society before writing the "Sammy Saul" stories, about 64 per cent of the corneal grafting operations result in the restoration of sight to the pa- tients.

Late Arrival When Wally Brown was quite late

for the "Dinah Shore Show" rehearsal, Dinah's opening line in the script sounded like a deliberate plant. It read: "We thought you would never get here!"

Incidentally, "Ticker" Fr e e m a n, Dinah's song arranger, is currently awaiting orders to report for army duty.

New Program A new program and a new product

simultaneously took to the air via KMPC, Monday, January 31st. The program is co- authored and narrated by Hal Hodge, sometimes called the "Gay Boulevardier" because of his years conducting Hollywood Boulevard Quiz, and Martha Moore, who will be remembered for her Woman's Forum broadcasts and Views and Reviews.

After 20 seasons on the airlanes, selling everything from hardware to cosmetics, Hal and Martha are taking on a new and shining look and they say it's because of their sponsor's product, a new washing powder which they've been testing on things that needed scrubbing.

Tune in KMPC any morning, Mon- day through Friday, at 10:30 o'clock and visit awhile with Martha and Hal.

Saturday Night Secret Nancy Norman, soloist of the Monty

Woolley -Sammy Kaye Old Gold pro- gram, is a very popular gal with the

boys. But she's kept her beaux be- wildered by her refusal to make any Saturday night dates. Logical con- clusion was that Nancy has a secret special sweetheart, but the truth is this. She has to get up at 5 a.m. on Sunday mornings in order to be on another radio show.

Two or Nothing at All When Ken Niles, announcer- actor-

hunter extraordinaire, promised to bring Judy Canova a grouse from his forthcoming hunting expedition, the CBS comedy star retorted: "One grouse nothing! You promised me some grice! And I want two or nothing!"

No Pink Plphant? Bob Greene, CBS newscaster, looked

up from his desk the other day to see a man with a monkey promenad- ing through his office. The door opened again and in paraded a woman toting two small children, fol- lowed by a cowboy in full regalia and three jaunty sailors. Then came the janitor, industriously sweeping his way in between the furniture.

Bob was getting ready to rush for a thermometer to see what was ailing him, when one of the procession thoughtfully explained that all of them were arriving for interviews for CBS' "I Was There" program, and had been detoured through Bob's office by a "wet paint" sign.

Minor Mystery Mercedes McCambridge, of the "1

Love A Mystery" cast, was called upon to solve a mystery of her own re- cently. In rearranging the bathroom medicine chest, Mercedes placed an 8 -ounce bottle of witch hazel on a table only to find a few minutes later that it had disappeared. Clues revealed only one possible suspect - her two -year -old son; Lawrence. In- vestigating, Mercedes found the cul- prit in another room hiccoughing vio- lently, with an empty bottle beside him. The doctor prescribed a sen- tence of strong coffee. Punishment: one hangover -small boy size.

Another Haymes Bob Haymes, vocal heart -throb of

Columbia network's "Sunday Night Salute ", emerges as a movie star in his own right with the current release of his new film, "S wing Out the Blues." Bob, younger brother of CBS' Dick Haymes, has been signed to a long term film contract.

Old Clothes Man Maestro Billy Mills of NBC's Fibber

McGee and Molly show has his ward- robe and his NBC dressing room crammed with old suits, some of which date back to his college days. In public, Billy always appears turned out in the latest fashion, but at re- hearsal he is liable to be dressed up in some snappy 1918 model sport suit. "And on every wedding anniversary," Billy informs us, "I put on the same suit I wore when I was introduced to Mrs. Mills. It's a tight fit now!"

DiggV' iscs With JACK LAWSON

LETTERS OF INDIGNATION from FRANK SINATRA fans continue to pour in, following the very untactful remarks concerning Mr. Sinatra which we published several weeks ago. We'd like to print ALL of your letters, fans, but unfortunately, that female Simon Legree of the blue pencil, namely EVELYN BIGSBY, our editor, does not agree that we should get out a com- plete issue containing nothing but Sin- atra fan letters. Please remember, though, that the remarks about Mr. Sinatra were not made by us, but by a MR. TED SHAFFER, who no doubt still is stinging from the letters we al- ready have published.

JUST once and the satisf pick out i

it verbati are the al note).

"Dear Sir: This is directed to Jack Lawson whose article "Diggin' Discs" Is not only onesided but prints only whets it wants to print. I have heard and read many acqusations of Sinatra fans, to the effect that they are very young, stupid and onesided in their critisism of other crooners. It seem to me that in reading many articles and critisisms on and for Sinatra that I have never heard quite as assanine as the one in your article -this article being by one Ted Shaffer, no doubt, either an old fanatic or a young child -He said something to this effect "This Sinatra is not only a phoney but also I think he STINKS."

"NEVER in all my reading of ar- ticles on Frank. Sinatra have I heard any thing so uterly ungroundedand. I am a Sinatra fan and I am very very proud of it, as I know him and a bet- ter and fairer fellow can't be found anywhere. Even if a am a Sinatra fan I don't claim to simply hate Bing Crosby. I like him because he seems so human but when it comes to sing- ing I prefer Frank Sinatra, will you please write and explain this onesided - ness because I do not think It is your fault, you wanted to print something that would stir up Sinatra fans. Well, it certainly did me. As I voted for Sin- atra in your contest I think the leat you can do is write and exlain this stupidity. Waiting your reply I remain yours truly Jacquline Richards 2125 Glen Ivy Drive Glendale, Calif."

Dear Jacquline: Far be it from me to say a good word on behalf of Ted Shaffer, in view of his current shame, but in all fairness, you do him a deep injustice. Mr. Shaffer did NOT say that Mr. Sinatra is a "phoney." To quote him accurately, he said, "If SIN - ATRA had won, it (the contest) would have been a phoney." Now we do hope you'll write another nice letter and apologize to Mr. Shaffer, who, after all, was merely expressing HIS opin- ion -and not misquoting anybody.

CO FINISH this thing off, for all (and especially for

action of Sinatra fans), we'll t letter at random and print m. Spelling and punctuation uthor's (proof reader: please

Next Week March 5 is the week "Sunrise

Salute" fans get their pictures and story on CBS' early morning pro- gram with Galen Drake, Dave Lane, and all the gang. Also the issue with a candid camera coverage of Mutual's "Pay Day Quiz ". Too, we have covered that exciting new Blue show, "Deadline Dramas" and Ed- die Cantor's wonderful stance at the NBC mike for 24- non -stop hours of bond s e l i i n g. Bert Wheeler is sketched in : breezy little story we think you'll like.

Costello's Charm The other evening when Bud Abbott

and Lou Costello were appearing at the Hollywood Canteen, a soldier shouted to the rotund comic, "Lou, where's the derby ?" With a grin, Cos- tello disappeared for a minute and came back with a battered brown derby on his head.

Back in 1938, when Abbott and Cos- tello first went on the air on the Kate Smith program, the funny little hat was given to Lou by John Morris who owned the hat store in Paterson, N. J., where Lou once clerked. Cos- tello used it at his radio debut and has kept it with him ever since. Once it disappeared, but the comedian ne- gotiated its return through a "Lost and Found" column.

"Even now," says Lou, "when I need inspiration for a laugh, I pop the derby on my head, and out pops a good gag."

Good Press Agents Bing Crosby spent his first day off

from his latest movie, "Going My Way ?" to have his portrait taken with his four young sons, whom he calls "The Irishers." Fifty prints were mail- ed to the Crosby home and Dixie (Bing's wife) frantically phoned Para- mount Studios for another batch of prints.... It seems that the boys had intercepted the package of original pictures and had given them away to their little friends.

Carson Kids Agent Practical Joker Jack Carson pulled

one of the best Hollywood has heard. When Jack's agent sent the CBS come- dian a renewal of his contract to sign, Jack had a printer make a new copy of the document which duplicated the original with one alteration. Where the small print specified that Jack was to pay 10 per cent to the agent, the new contract read the reverse -that the agent was to pay Jack!

Carson returned the new form with his signature and three months later when the agent asked for payment, Jack had his lawyers send the ten - percenter a similar bill. Imagine the agent's amazement when he reread the legal -bound contract demanding one - tenth of his own earnings be paid to Carson. But his woes were soon dispersed. Jack tore the paper in the presence of the agent's other clients!


For the best Gags of the Week. heard over Radio and sent Radio Life. tickets will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts. Send gour best gag se- lection to 1029 West Washington Boule- vard. Los Angeles.

Miss Angeline Lampas, 3977 Hubert Ave- nue, Los Angeles, Calif.

Heard on the Jack Carson show: Jack: Everyone in the hospital knew

it was Sinatra's baby. Tugwell: How, Uncle Jack? Jack: Well, he let out one howl and four nurses fainted.

Mr. W. H. Shubrook, 1220 North Beachwood Avenue, Hollywood, Calif.

Heard on the Bergen- McCarthy show. Charlie McCarthy (to negro cab

driver): Are you free? Cab Driver: Say, boss, ain't you ever

heard o' Lincoln? * Mr. Bob Townsend, 4317 Beethoven Street,

Venice, Celli.

Heard on the Bob Hope show: Prof. Colonna: I was a bottle baby

until I was ten years old. Hope: You were? Colonna: Yes. But I pushed the cork

out and escaped. * Miss Myrtle Feder, 858 North Hudson Ave-

nue, Hollywood, Calif.

Heard on "What's New ": Jack Douglas: She had such beauti-

ful shoulder blades that she always put her sweater on backwards.

* Mrs. T. M. Heggland, 193 West Atlanta

Street, Altadena, Calif.

Heard on "The Breakfast Club ": Husband: Have you mended my

socks yet, dear? Wife: No, I haven't. Did you buy

that beautiful fur coat for me for Christmas?

Husband: Not yet, dear. Won't you please mend my socks?

Wife: (Irately) If you don't give a wrap I don't give a darn!

* Mrs. George Geiger, 11667 McCormick St.,

North Hollywood, Calif.

Heard on "Take It or Leave It ": Phil Baker: When Frank Sinatra

sings "I Ain't Got Nobody," he ain't kidding!" * Miss Betty Lou Jones, 117 Cypress Avenue,

Santa Ana, Calif.

Heard on Phil Baker's "Take It or Leáve It ":

Phil: They spell Berlin B - e - r - i - n now, because the Yanks have bombed the "1" out of it.



Precasts & Vreieus q d

Q Q 4 49 QSt o 94 Q 0U Q 4 4.9 Q Q_13 4_4 QSL.4 Q_Q Q Q9 Q_4 4_Q_4 4_4 QStJL9 Q.-£SZQ.9 QSL43 Q

%`neGLirmff Monday, February 28 -Peter de Lima,

news commentator, KECA, 1:45 p. m. (15 min.) Monday -Friday. Formerly KECA, Monday- Friday, 1:20 p. m.

Monday, February 28 - "Neighbors ", with Irene Beasley, KNX, 12:15 p. m. (15 min.) Monday - Friday. Formerly KNX, Monday -Friday, 12:00 noon.

Monday, February 28 - "The Open Door ", KNX. 2:00 p. m. (15 min.) Monday -F r i d a y. Formerly KNX, Monday -Friday, 12:15 p. m.

Saturday, March 4- "What's New ? ", KECA, 4:30 p.m. (30 min.). Formerly KECA, Saturday, 4:00 p. m.

Variety Monday, February 28 - "Luncheon

with the Stars ", KECA, 12:15 p. m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. This new show brings you informal interviews with the stars who are lunching at the RKO movie studios.

Monday, February 28 - "A Song Is Born ", KFI, 6:00 p. m. (30 min.) A program presenting songs by non- professionals and behind -the -scenes dramatizations about America's fav- orite melodies.

Comedy Friday, February 3- "It Pays To Be

Ignorant," KNX, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) This popular hilarious quiz show replaces the Phillip Morris Play- house.

Drama Saturday, March 4- "Grand Central

Station ", KNX, 10:00 a. m. (30 min.)

Commentalion Sunday, February 27- "Letters from

Servicemen ", KNX, 4:15 p. m. (15 min.). Sports ..uthority Rube Sam- uelson reads letters from our boys, and comments on them.

Friday, March 3- Robert St. John, KFI, 4:45 p. m. Monday- Wednesday -Fri- day. Mr. St. John will substitute for H. V. Kaltenborn while the latter journeys to Cuba. *

B-1 usic Saturday, March 4 - "Downbeat

Derby', KHJ-DLBS, 8:00 p. m. (One

hour). Al Jarvis spins records for your pleasure.

Public* Hairs Saturday, March 4 -"Jobs for Heroes ",

KHJ, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.).

a/7) ar)f? Drama

Sunday, February 27 -"The Star and the Story ", KNX, 5:00 p. m.'(30 min.) "His Girl Friday" with Rosalind Rus- sell and Walter Pidgeon.

Sunday, February 27- "Hollywood Ra- dio Theater ", KFI, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) "Party of the First Heart" with Joan Bennett.

Monday, February 28- "Screen Guild Theater ", KNX, 7 p. m. (30 min.) "Three Men On a Horse" with Jack Benny.

Monday, February 28 - "Suspense ", KNX, 9 p. m. (30 min.) "Sorry, Wrong Number" with Agnes Moore- head.

Monday, February 28 - "Lux Radio Theater ", KNX, 6:00 p. m. (One hour). "Guadalcanal Diary" with William Bendix, and Lloyd Nolan, Preston Foster and Richard Jaeckel tentatively scheduled to portray the leading roles.

Tuesday, February 29 - "Everything for the Boys ", KFI, 9 p. m. (30 min.) "Rogue Male" will star Ida Lupino with Ronald Colman.

Monday, February 28- "I Love a Mys- tery", KNX, 8:00 p. m. (15 min.) Monday- Friday. "The Fear That Crept Like a Cat ", a new Carlton Morse adventure- thriller.

É40),&,d74P Draina

Sunday, February 27- "Green Valley, U. S. A. ", KHJ -Mutual -DLBS, 2:00 p. m. (30 min.). Wendy Barrie will be the series' first guest star.

* Variety

Sunday, February 27- Bergen and Mc- Carthy, KFI, 5:00 p. m. (30 min.). Dorothy Lamour will be guest star.

* Quiz Shows

Sunday, February 27 - "Quiz Kids ", KECA, KFMB, 8:30 p. m. (30 min.) Fred Allen is guest.


KFI Mystery fans being a race apart and

a law unto themselves, this column probably is unnecessary.

Any real mystery f a n probably knows the time and day of every good whodunit on the air. But for the bene-

fit of some who may have come in late, or who may not be able to deci- pher the small type in t h e logs, we hereby list a few clues to the lo- cation of some very high class ra- dio mystery shows.

Having found a good picture of Jay Jostyn as Mr. District Attorney, let's start out with that show, a peren- nial favorite. Mr.

D. A. Is a big drawing card not only with fans who like real mystery stor- ies, but with the tuner -inners who lis- ten just because of the melodrama and action, of which Mr. D. A. has plenty. He's on the air Wednesdays over KFI at 6:30 p.m., just after Eddie Cantor. (Paid for by the same sponsor, too) .

Wednesday night is also Mr. and Mrs. North night. Mr. and Mrs. North are unique among detectives. They frequently make mistakes. Both Mrs. (who is the smarter of the two) and

A Mr. are wisecrackers, and the whole program has a welcome sense of hu- mor. Look for the Mr. and Mrs. North adventures on Wednesday at 9:00, via KFI.

The Ellery Queen of radio is as mysterious a character as the E. Queen who is both the author and the hero of those famous books. But his program is not quite as mysterious as his books. You have a pretty good chance of guessing whodunit, and El- lery allows time for you to guess while he quizzes his guest armchair detec- tives. This one is a Thursday feature, 9:30 p. m.

You never know what's coming on NBC's Mystery Theater, Tuesdays at 6:00. Famous stories of all kinds are dramatized, with Jeffrey Barnes as narrator. For the best classics and modern mysteries, try Mystery Thea- ter on KFI.

There's no mystery at all about "Voice of a Nation." It's an open and above -board show, bringing you the editorial opinion of papers from here to Portland, Maine, and back again. Frank Hemingway and Jack Latham are the co- narrators.

"Voice of a Nation" has more po- tential writers than any show on the air, because t h e program m a y be gleaned from any of a thousand edi- torials. If you want to know what's exciting controversy in America, listen any night, Monday through Friday at 10:45 p. m., to "Voice of a Nation."


Jay Jostys

SUNDAY, FEB. 27 *Indicates News Broadcacts,

The WORLD Tomorrow!



analyzes today's news with the pro - ph e c i e s for The World Tomorrow.

9:30 A. M.

KMTR Snedy

SFI- Rhapsody of the Rockies H*KNX, "(PAS. KGER -News.

KECA -What's Your War Job? KHJ, KGB, HVOE- Wesley

Radio League. *1011t' -News, Maurice John-

son. HF%%B -Cncle Ge and Aunt

Ge Ge. * HMTR News, Voice of Pro- phecy. KFC- Country Church.

HRED -Ranch Program. KWKW- Father Molnar Hun-

garian Baptist. HFJ -Say It With Music. KIX.M- Sunday Concert.

0:05 -HN_X -Blue Jacket Choir. HOER-Kingdom Within. HFOS -Rev. Dean Reed.

8:13 -HFI -Book of Books. HPAS- Immanuel Baptist

Church. 8:30 -K11- Waltzes America Loves.

HNS- intitatioo to Learning. KHJ. KFXM, EVOE -Voice

of Prophecy. KELA -Hour of Faith. KMPC- Wesley Radio League. HEWS- Union Rescue Mission. ILMITR -W. B. Record. EWRW- Pan -American Mis-

slonaryy. KFAC-Hymns America Loves. KEYD, KGB- Church of

Christ. HFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. HOER-Evangelist Bill

Mauppin. 0:45 *BFI. KFAC, BRED -Newsm,

KGER- Baptist Revival. HFOS- Varieties.

9 *BFI- Carveth Wells. KNX -Salt Lake Tabernacle.

*KECA, HGER -News. KHJ, KGB. HVOR -Radio

Bible Class. *RMPC -News, Music. *KMTR -News, Swedenborg

Hour. HPAS -Judge P. E. Gardner. RWHW- American Jewish Hr. HRKD -Music Masters. KFAC- Liberal Catholic Hour. HGFJ -Horning Melodies. KFVD-Waltz Time. KPPC -Rev. Myron Nichols.

9:05 -KGER -Rev. I.arrlmore. 9:15- KFI- Successf ul Gardening.

KECA-Master Radio Canaries RMPC -Frank and Ernest. KMTR -Pastor Egert son. KFAC -Voice of Health. HPPC- Prelude to Worship. HGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell.

9:30-KFI-Stradivari Orch. *KNX -Transatlantic ('all.

Church on High 9:30 a.m. Sunday

KPAS -1110 kcy.

Rev. A. V. Havens M.A., B.D.

TEMPLE CHOIR 305 E. coin.. Glendale,

I..a KHJ- Treasury Star Parade. KMPC-Old Sunday School. KFR'B- Swing Session.

*KMTR -The World Tomorrow. HPAS -Church on High. HPPC -Dr. F. I'. Woeliner. KFVD- Victory Parade. KFS.'H -- Soldiers of the Press. HVOE- Sunday Serenade.

KGER -Radio Revival. 9:45 -KHJ, KGB-Al Williams.

HGER -Full Gospel. HFX.M- Unscheduled. HVOF- Treasury Salute.

I A *KFI- Layman's Views of News

V ENS-Merry Go Round. *HECA, HFMB -John Kennedy,

News. *HHJ, KGB. HFXM, KV0E-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC-News, Modern Sere-

nade. *KFWB, EGER, KFOS -News. *KMTR -News, Fannie Rein-

hart. HPAS- Slavic Program.

10:05- HGER -Fullerton Foursquare. 10 .15-KFI-Sunday Serenade.

BUJ, KGB, HFSM HVOE- Romance of the Highways.

KECA-Radio News Weekly. 10IPC- Geller Worshop. HEWS-Swing Session. HFOS- People's Church.

10:30 -KFI- Chicago Roundtable. KECA- Musical Toast. HHJ KGB, HFLM, KVOE-

Bolby Hookey. KMPC-Off the Record. HPAS- -Czech Polkas. HPPC- Church News.

10:45 *KYX -Edward R. Marrow. - KHJ-Morning Melodies.

KPPC -Tower Chimes. HFOX- Cumberland Church.

ii-HET-Thole We Love. ENX- America- Celiing Un-

limited. *KECA, KFWB, EMPC -News.

HRJ. KGB,' HGER -Pilgrim Hour.

*RMPC-News. Off the Record *KMTR-News, Central Church

of Christ. HPAS -- Church of Open Door. HFAC -lst Methodist Church. KM-KW-Glendale U. B. Cb. HGFJ- Concert. KFSM 9t, Paul M E. Ch. HPPC- Church Service, Dr.

Eugene Carson Blake. HVOE- Concert Miniature. KEGS- Presbyterian Church.

11:15 -RECA- Behind the War News. HFWB -Swing Session. HFOX- Varieties. KVOE -Word of Life.

11:30 -KFI -John Charles Thomas. *ENS-World News Today.

HWHW -All Saints Episcopal. KFOX -1st Chrustian Church.

u:45*KECA -News. KMTR-Buenas Nuevas.

11:55 -KNX -Songs of America.

12 *KFi -World News Parade. ENS -N. V. Philharmonic.

*KHJ, HEWS, HGER -News. KECA, HEMS-Life of Riley.

*KMPC-News, Off the Record. *KMTR -News, St. Brendan's.

KGB, HFXM, HVOE -This Is Fort Dix.

12:05 -HGER -Olga Graves. 12:15 *HFI -l' ton Close.

KHJ-Parade of States. KFV,'B -Swing Session.

*KWKW -News. HFAC- Tallored Melodies. HVOE -Word of God, Rev.

Pearson. EPPC -Music of Masters.

32:30 -KFI -This Is the Army Hour. KECA, HEMS -Hot Copy. KHJ-Beverly Hillbillies. HFWB -Jean Leonard. KWKW- Hungarian Rhap-

sodies. HPAS -Dr. Corley. HGFJ -Interlude.

*HRHD -News. Browning. HOER -Trinity Holiness

Church. KGB- Blackwood Quartet. HFX.M- Midway Minstrels. EVOE- Missionary Alliance.

LO :45 *HPAS -News. HFOX- Jewish Church. KFXM- Corral Reveries. iNX -N. Y. Philharmonic. HSECA.

HEMS-Fun Valley, with Al Pearce.

*KMPC -News, Samuel B. Mc- Kee.


Lutheran Hour. *KMTR -News Pianos.

H KWW- Italian Serenade, HPAS -Prayer Convoy. HFAC -Victory Players. KFOE- Meiody Theater. HGFJ- Cowboy Trails.

*REVD- -News. 1:05- HGER -Rev. Chas. Greene -

myer. KFVD -McBee Piano.

Ií15. -1EFWR- Speare Productions. HMTR -Betty Philips. HFVD -Moods in Music.

1:20 --KMPC -Looks at Books. KFVD- Musical Revue.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programa Appear In

Evening Progr Lightface Type: Attern on and

tuna in Boldface.

Variety 10:30 -Hookey Hall. KHJ. 11 :00- Lockheed Show, LENS. 3:30 -America in the Air. ENX. 4:00 -Jack Benny. HFL. 5:00--Bergen-McCarthy Show,

8:00 -Radio Reader's Digest, ENS.

8:15 -Chamber Music Society, Basin Street. KECA

8:30 -Fred Allen. Texaco. ENS. 7 :u0- Gertrude Lawrence's Rev-

lon Show HECA -HFMB. ::30 -Bob Crosby-Les Tremayne.

HFL. 5:05 -The Great Gildersleeve.

HFL, 8:30 -Jack Benny, KHJ-HGB. 9:30 -Hollywood Theater. KF[. 9 :30- Sunday Night Salute ENS

10:30 -Melodies for Uncle Sam, EECA -KFMB.

11'ar 8:00 -What's Your War Job.

KECA -KFMB. 12:30 -Army Hour. EFi. 4:15 -Letten from Service Men,

KNX. Draina

10:15- Romance of the HighwaPir, KHJ.

11:00 -Thorn We Love. KFI. 2:45 -Woman from Nowhere.

ENS. 3:00- -First Nighter, KHJ. 3:00- Silver Theater, ENE. 3:45 -- Newsmakers, KFI. 4:30 -The Whistler. ENS. 5:00 -Star and the Story. LENS. 5:30 -One Man's Family, HFi. 7:39 --The Weird Circle. RECA. 8 :00 -Crime Doctor ENS. 8:30 -Eye Witness News. KMPC. 9:00.-"I Was There." ENS. 9:00 -Deadline Drama. KE('A.

9:30 -Hermit's Cave. RAMC.

Quis Programs 1 :00 -Take it or Leave It ENS. 8:30 -Quiz Kids. KECA -i EMB.

Outstanding Music 9:00 -Salt Lake Tabernacle,

XXX. 9.30 -Stradivari Orch., KFI.

11:30 -John Charles Thomas. KFI 12:00 --New York Philharmonic.

H.M. 1:30 -Pause That Refreshes.

ENS. 1:30 -Metropolitan Opera Audi-

tions, KECA- KFM.B. 2 :00 -NBC Symphony, 2 :00- Family Hour PENS. 2 :30- Memory Music, T. Bacon.

KHJ. 2:30- Wheeling Steelmakers,

KFI. 8:00 -('les eland Symphony. HHJ. 8:00 -31anhattan Merry-Go-

Round, BFI. 6:30 -Album of Familiar Music.

KF7. 7:00 -Hour of Charm, KFI. 7:30-Hancock Trio, HMIS'. 8:30 -Standard Symphony, BFI.

10:00- Newslcal. REVD. 10:30 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,


Public Affairs 2 :00 -Where Do We Stand?

EEC A. 4:15 -- District Attorney Speaks,

KMTR. 5:30 -Walter Duranty, KECA-

HFMB. 8:00 -Frust Warning, HFi. 9:45- Washington Inside Out.

KE('A. 10:00 -Court of Public Opinion.


Men and Women NEW TALENT

Wanted for Radio Broadcasting and Script Writing

Free .4 nth /ions by .4 ppt. Daily Frederick H. Spears The West's Outstanding

Radio School 6671 Sunset H011ywood 2325

Hear our show Sun. KF/VB 1 :15 P..11.

1:30*KFI- Highlights of Week's News.

ENS -Pause That Refreshes. KECA, KFMIs- Metropolitan

Opera Auditions. HHJ, KGB -Life of Lincoln. RMPC- Mother's Album. HFWB- Calltornia Flyers. KMTR-lounit Peoples' Ch. KWKW -Hoyes Hour. RIAS- Church In Barn. HFAC -Rhumba Time. HGFJ- 31hsical Round. KFOX- Varieties. KFVD-Hawaiian Musica, KFXM- Concert Halo HVOE -Four Square.

I :45 *HHJ -News. KMPC-Memory Hassell. KFVD -Civoro Group. KFOX- Sister Allie Brewer.

Hear Our Pupils Sing KFVD

Sunday 1:45 p.m. Free Auditions

Phone or Write CIVORU STUDIO

1 664 No. Bronson -GL. 1 268

2 Fl -NBC Symphony. HKNX- Family Hour.

KECA -Where Do We Stand' RAJ KGB. HVOE- "Greer

Valley C. S. A." *KMPC-News, Music. *KFK B -News. *KMTR-News,

SPAS- Informed Democracy. KFVD- Editor of the Air. HGFJ -Say It With Music. HFOS -Rev. Hedrick. HGER -Long Beach Band.

t:15*KFOX -News. KMPC-Theosophy Speaks. HF11B -The Old Fashioned

Girl. REAM- Sabbath Harmonies.

R:30 -EECA HEMS- Wheeling Musical Steelmakers.

HELL-Memory Music, Ted Bacon.

RMPC Battle of Baritones. KF%VB- Westerns. HMTR -Tour Evangelist. HPAS- Burbank Foursquare. KWKW -Lower Lights. EFOS -Rev. Billy Adams. KF.SM -The Shadow. HVOE- Bethel Tabernacle. KGB -Convair Entertains.

2:45 -ENS -Irene Rich, Woman from Nowhere.

KESM- Romance of Highways KFVD- Colored Revue. HVOE- Treasury Salute.

Theater. KFI- Catholle Hour. HHJ, KGB, HEWN!, RN OE-

First Nighter,


KMTR Sunday 3:30 p.m.

8:45 a. m. Mon. thru Fri.

HECA -Radio Hall of Fame *KMPC, KMTR -News. Music. *RESIFT.. HGER -News.

HPAS -El Monte Nazarene Church.

KGFJ -Meet the Bands. KFVD- Popular Fasorit es. HFOX -Res. Earl Isle.

3:O5-KGER- Marvin H. ('a 3:15 -HFWB -Lest We Forget, with

Hal Styles. KMTR -Sunday Visitor.

3:30 *KFl -Reports from the Battle- front.

ErNE- America In the Air.


Close. KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KI'AS- Church of Christ. KFVD -Hank, Nightwatchman KWKW -Old Time Religion. KFXM- Church of Christ, KGER -Covenant Message.

3:45 -KFI- Newsmakers Renting. KH.1, KGB, HIVE-Unsched-

uled. KFW'B -Help Wanted.

4 w KFI -Jack Benny. *KNX -Wm. L. Shirer. *KE('A -News Views.

KHJ KGB, KFXM, KMPC, KVOk -Old Fashioned Revisal KPAS- Alhambra Pres. Ch.

*Kill'(', KMTR -News, Music. KFWB -Dare Orating. KWKW- Sunday at Four.

*KGER -News. REON- Sunshine Pastor.

:15 -KNX -Letters from Service- men.

HF('A- Church Federation Vespers.

SFWB -Ted LeBerthon. KMTR -Your District Attor-

ney Speaks. KWKW-B. 1. B. Presents. KGER -Rev. R. H. Harms.

4:30 -KFI -Fitch Bandwagon. KNX -The Whistler. KF.UASam Hayes, Spectator.

*KFWR -News. KMTR -Word of Truth. KPAS- Holliston Ave. M. E.

Church. HFVD -Tea Time Music. RGEK -- Colonial Tabernacle.

1:45 *KECA -News Digest. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. REVD- Carter Wright.

5 KFI- Bergen -McCarthy. KNX -Star and the Story. KECA -National Vespers. NUJ. KGB, KEXM. KVOE-

Mediation Board. *KMPC-News, Manhattan

Highlights. *HMTK News, Bethel Chapel.

KPAS -Open Bible Hour. KWKW -Oran. KFAC -Bowling News. KGFJ- Twilight Time. KEVI)- Harlem Holiday. KFOX -Rev. Dilbeck.

*KGER -News. 5:95 -SEER -Bev. Draper. 5:15- HFAC -Christian Science.

KMPC- Victory, F.O.B. Detroit.

KWKW- Church of Truth. KFOX -Rev. Hale.

5:38 -KEN -One Man's Family. *KNX- William Winter, News. *KF'CA- Bradbury Presents

Duranty. KMTR- Soldier's Program. KFAC -Organ Recital. KEAS -Helen Markham. K W'K W'- Gospel News. KFOX-Calvary Echoes. HVOE -Of Chie Interest. KGER -Abundant Life.

1:45 *KECA, KF.NB -Drew Pearson. *KNX -Bob Andersen, News. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM KVOE-

Gabriel Heatter. *KMPC -John Carver.

KMTR -Church of Christ. 5:55*KNX -Eric Sevarehd, News. 6 -1EFI- Manhattan Merry -Go-

Round. KNX -Conrad Nagel Show.

*KECA KFMB- Walter Win - chehl.

KHJ, KGB, KFX. M- Clevelaud Symphony.


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fnl her, Director.

P. O. Ron tra. Los Angeles,


4:00 P. M.- Mutual Network KHJ, 9:10 Kilocycles. KPMC, 1560 Kilocycles. KGB, 1360 Kilocycles. KVOE, 1490 Kilocycles. KFXM, 1240 Kilocycles.

9:00 P. M.- Rebroadcast KPAS. 1110 Kilocycles. KI'RO, 1440 Kilocycles.

10:00 P. M.- Rebroadcast. KMPC, 710 Kilocycles. KFOX, 1280 Kilocycles.

*KMPC -News. Pilgrim's Hour *RFWB, KEOS -News.

*KMTR -News, Salute to Red Cross.

KPAS -Lutheran Gospel Hour KFAC-Alesander Markey.

*KGER -News, Rev. Burpo. KVOE- Gospel Light.

8:15 -RECA, KFMB- Chamber Ma- sic Soc., Lower Basin Street. HEAVE-Dave Ormont. HFAC -Music for Eteryone. KFOX -Congo Room.

6:30 -BEI -Album of Familiar Music.

KNX- Texaco Star Theater - Fred Allen.

RFWB- Gospel und Song. KMTR -Saviour of All. KI'AS- Beyond Tomorrow. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:43 -RECA, KFMB -Jimmy Fidler. *KRKD -News, Browning.

KPPC -Story Hour. sy-KFT-Hour of Charm.

KNX-Take It or Leave It. RECA, KFMB- Gertrude Law-

rence's Revlon Theater. *KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KVOE-

Cedric Foster. *KMPC -News. First Church

Vespers. KFWII -Helen Beauchamp,

Vocal. *KMTR -News, Music,

KPAS -Ethel Hublex. KFAC-Open Forum. K(.FJ- Programme del Oroo. KFOX- Escursions In Selene. KPPC- Treasury Star Parade.

*KGER -News, Sister Sylvia. 7:13 -KHJ. KGB -Goodwill Hour.

KMTR -Cathedral Hour. *KFWB. Kt'AS -News.

KPI'CSacred Song Recital. KFOX- Swedenborg Hour. HVOE- Church of Christ.

7:30 -KFI -Bob Crosby -Les Tre- mayne.

HNX -Adventures of the Thin Man.

BECA -Weird Circle. KMPC- Ilancuck Trio. HFWB -Guy Lombardo. KMTR- Southwest Church of

Christ. KPAS- Church of Open Door. KFOX -Choir Loft. KPPC -Organ Recital. KFXM-Ave Maria Hour.

7 :45- KPPC- Concert. 8 -KFI -Frost Warning; The

Great Gildersleeve. KNE -Crime Doctor. KE('A, RF:MK- Greenwich

Village Chapel. KHJ, KGB, KFXM KVOE-

Boyd Raeburn's Orch. *KMPC -News, Music.

KFW'B- Hollywood Presby- terian Church.

*KMTR-News. KFA(--.1st Methodist Church. KPPC- Sunday Eveoing Hour.

*KGER -News. KFOX- Christian Science. Ku, F.1 -B. S R. t 'ow bins.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:43 A. M. Monday through Friday

8:U5 -KGER -Olga Graves. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

8:15 *KECA -Feature Section, Pat Bishop.

KMPC- William Parker. 8:25*KNX -News. 8:30- KFIStandard Symphony.

KNX -In Time to Come., RECA, KENB -Quiz Kids. KHJ, KGB. HFXM, KVOE-

Jack Benny. *KMPC -Eyewitness News.

KPPC -Word of Life. KOFJStep Lively. KFOX- Musical Comedy.

8 :4 5-K.H l' C- S po rt s t i m e. KPPC- Religious News.

9 -RECA, SFMB- Deadline Drama.

*KNX -"1 Was There." *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Organ Melodies.

KFW'B- Union Rescue Mission. *KMTR -News Sunshine Mis-

sion. Church. *KGFJ, KGER -News.

SPAS. HPRO -Old Fashioned Revival.

PAGE 11 SUNDAY LOGS 11:20 -KNX-Sammy Kaye Orch. 11:30 -KHJ -Paul Martin's Orch.

KNX-Phil Harris. KMTR -When Day Is Done.

*HPAS -News. 11:45 -KFI- Musical Encores.

KNX-Horace Hridt Breit. 11:55*KNX, KFW'B, KMPC -News.

"IN TIME TO COME" a musical and dramatic tribute to the future of

the Pacific Coast.

Presented by:


KNX 8:30 P. M.

HFAC Sunday Evening Club. KEOX- County Barn Dance.

9:15 *HHJ. KGB, KVOE Rez Miller KGFJ -Dance Rhythm.

9:30 -SEI- Hollywood Theater. KHJ, KVOE -- Wings Over the

West Coast. KNX-Sunday Night Salute.

*KECA-News, Ted Meyers. KMPC- Hermll's Cave. KFWB- Lutheran Church. KFOX -Re. Paul Crevlstoa. KGB -Something Old, Some-

thing New. HFXM- ('rbita Ballroom Orch. HEER -Tuckin' In Hour.

9:45 -RECA- Washington Inside Out.

HFAC -Rev. D. L. Campbell.

i0 *BFI -The Reporter. *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire.

KHJ, KGB KFXM, EVOE- Old Fashioned Revival.

HECA. KFMB -Court of Pub- tic Opinion,

*KMPC -News, Old Fashioned Revival.

"Good News Hour"

C. J. Kennedy, Director

KFWB -980 kc. 10:15 P. M.


RFWB -Dave Ormoni. *KMTR -News, Bob Brooks.

KPAS -Voice of Calvary. K(iFJ -Hank, Night watchman

till 0 a.m. *KFVD- Newsical. 3 Hrs. *BILER -News, Della Collins.

10:15 -BFI -Chapel Quartet. KNX -Cumment. HFWB -Goal News Hour. KMTR- l'ontrelli Orch.

*HFAC -News. 10:30 *BFI- Inside the News (Thrifty

Drug Co.). KNX-We Deliver the Goals. RECA, HFMII- Melodies for

Uncle Sam. KMTR -Spade Cooley Orch. KPAS -Bright Corner Church HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KFVD- Newsical.

10:45 -KFI -Labor fur Victory. KERB -Voice of the Army. KM'l'R- V- iennese Ensemble.

10:30 P. M. -KFI "Inside the News"


Presented by


11 *SEI-Eleventh (lour News. *KNX-News.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Rev. Percy B. Crawford.

*KMPC -News, Masters' Hour. *KMTR -News, Hal Grayson

Orch. HF'A(' -Lucky I.ager Dance

Time. *KFVD- Newsical, 'till 1 a.m.

11:15 -KFI -Pacific Story. SECA, KFMB -Bridge to

Dreamland. KFWB-Navy Waves.

WAS PURIST Xavier Cugat, star of the

Mutual - Don Lee network's show, was .a musical purist during his career as a con- cert violinist. He had a fana- tic's scorn for anything less than the classics. To quote Cugat. "I was nevair in a dancing place, -that was a deezgrace. I nevair leestened to dance music, - that was deezgosteeng!"


Star of such recent stage hits as "By Jupiter" and "Something for the Boys ", Benay Venuta, lovely blonde songstress of the Blue Net- work's "Duffy's ", recently turned down her sixth offer to return to Broadway in new musical shows. Benay wants to spend as much time as possible with her husband before he leaves for active duty as a Naval officer. Her two-year -old daughter also takes much of her time.

* * GUARD ANSWERS To actors doing return en-

gagements on NBC's "Ellery Queen" show, it is a surprise to learn that solutions to the mysteries still are not in- cluded in the scripts until dress rehearsal. Inaugurated during the early days of the program, this policy guards against the guest detectives learning the answers in ad- vance.


It was no surprise to any- one when Clayton Collyer of the Mutual -Don Lee net- work's "Superman" gave up a promising legal career to become an actor. His moth- er, sister and brother all are seasoned thespians of the screen and stage. * *

WELL -INFORMED Author of the recently -pub-

lished book, "Germany Will Try It Again" is Sigrid Schultz, for many years a Mutual - Don Lee network commentator. She was sta- tioned in Berlin as a foreign correspondent from 1919 un- til 1941, when the United States declared war against Germany.

MONDAY, FEB. 28 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

En- Johnny Murray. HNX- Collins Calling.

*KECA- Between the Lines. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, BVOE-

Dr. Louis Talout. *HMPC-News, Hurt Flutau.

KF{VB- Curtis Springer. *KMTR - News, Treasury Songs. *KPAS, BGFJ, HGER, BFOX



KPAS 8:30 A. M. Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

HWHW- Pan -American Mis- sionary.

HRHD- Morning Melodies. KFVD- Stuart Hamblen.

8:15 *HF1 -T. B. Blakiston, Com- ment.

HNX -Valiant Lady. *HECA -News.

HMPC- Market Report, Sports, Weather.

KMTR -Dr. A. U. Michelson. HGER- Mizpah. HGFJ -Swing Styles. HFOX -Take It Easy.

11:30*KFI, BFAC. HRHD -News. HET A- McNrill's Breakfast

Club. KNX -Kitty Foyle.

*HHJ -Bill Haworth, News. HMPC -Unity Daily Word. HFWB -Help Wanted. HPAS -Haven of Rest.

*KWKW -News. *KRED -News Headlines.

KGB, KV'OE -lolly Joe and Ralph.

KFXM- Sunshine Service. 8:45 -HFl -David Harum.

HNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

HHJ- Victor Lindlahr, *HF WR- News,

KMTR -Bible Treasury. HGER -Rev. Bennington. HFOX- King's Men. KFVD- Vocal Favorites.

11:55 -KGB -How Do You Say It? i:58 -KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. KNX -Kate Smith.

*HH.1, BFX 111, KGB, EVOE- News, Boake Carter.

HEC A- Dorothea Ramsay, Women Who Make News.

*HM P(' -News, Housewives' Exchange.

EFWB -Dr. Reynolds. *KMTR, KWKW -News, Music.

KPAS -Polly and Pat. HRHD -Sagebrush Serenade. EFON- Firebrands for Jesus.

*HGF.1, SGER -News. 9:05 -HGER -Rex. Larrimore.

*KIN- Edward Jorgenson.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)


Every morning -Mon. thru Frl. KFAC at 9:15 KGF.1 at 10:15

9:15 -KFI -Woman of America. HNX -Big Sister. HHJ -Time Out.

*SECA. KFVD -News. HFAC-Voice of Health. HGER -Dr. J. A. Lovell. HGFJ -Medical. KFXM -Old Family Almanac. KGB -Music Mixers. HVOE- Orange Co. Fed.

Women's Clubs. 9:30*KFI -MaJor H. S. Turner,

Comment. HNX- Romance of Helen


KHJ, KGB, EV'OE -1 Hear Music.

EECA HEMS- Breakfast at Sardis.

*KFWB, HWHW -News. KMTR -W. B. Record. HPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. HFAC -Midmorning Serenade. HGFJ -Swine: Serenade. HGER -Radio Rests al. HFVtl -Dr. Richardson. HF.L-M -Yours Very Truly.

9:40 -KFI- Magazine Page. 8:45 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

HNX -Our Gal Sunday. H.MTR- Curtis H. Springer.

*HRHD -News, Clifton. HGFJ- Hoosier Observer. SGER -Full Gospel. KFVD -Here Comes Parade.

9:55 *KFI- News.

10 *KFI -Larry Smith, Comment. HNX -Life Cao Be Beautiful.

*HECA, HFMI9 -Tonyy Morse. *HHJ, KGB, H:: M, EVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *HMPC -News, Housewives'

Exchange. KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *B ?1TR -News, Rev. H. O. Egertson.

HFAC -On the Line. SPAS- Scratches and Jockeys.

*KGFJ, BFOX -News. KFVD- Midmorning Serenade. HWHW- Woman's World. HRHD -Turf Bulletin.

*HGER -News: Full Gospel, KFXM -Waltz Time.

10:15*HFI- Burritt Wheeler. HNX -Mo Perkins. HECA KFMB -Sweet River. HHJ -happy Homes, Norma

Young. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. HGFJ -Voice of Health. BRED -Talk. SGER -Kingdom Within. H(:B EV-OL -Babe Rhodes

Orch. KFXM -All Around the Town. HFOX -Emma Taylor.

10 :30-AFT-Aunt Mary. *HNX -Bernadine Flynn, News.


-News. HMPC -Sing With Mee. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. HGFJ -Salon Swing. SPAS -Thoughts in Poetry. HFV'D -Union Rescue Mission. HRHD -I Solemnly Swear. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Lunch-

eon with Lopez. 10 :e.5 *H1ÿ1 -Art Baker, News.





S70T640T790T930T1020T I G T 1240 TI33uTI39U -y- 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 12BU 136U 1430 1490

KNX -The Gold bergs. HECA -Betty and Bob. HHJ -How Do You Say It? HMPC-Das id Ramsey. KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR- Philip M. Lovell. KFAC-Organ. EKED- Midnight Mission. KFXM -Captivators. HVOE -Jeno Bartel's Orch.

10:50 -HNX- Leaders of United Na- tions.

11-Kn.-Guiding Light.

HX -Young Dr. Malone. *HHJ -This Changing World. *HECA HFB- Baukhage

Talki M

ng. *HMPC -News, William Parker

HFWB -AI Janis. *KMTR-News, Dr. Louis Tal-

HFAC -Les Adams. HPAS -Meet Priscilla Alden. EKED- Studio Quiz.

*KGB, HVOE -Cedric Foster. *HGFJ, HPAS, HFV'D, HGER

-News. 11:15 -KFI- Today's Children.

SNAG -Joyce Jordan, M.D. HECA, ILFMB- Mystery Chef. HHJ -Round Towner. KMPC-Say It With Music. KGB, KFXM, HVOE -Pao

Americana. HGFJ- Pot -Pourri. EFOX-Spotlight Bands.

11:30 -KFI -Light of the World. HNX -We Love and Learn. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Yours For a Song. KMTR- Curtis Springer.

*SPAS -Pasadena Independent.

*BGFJ -Drama the Lines.

*HWHW, HRHD, HFOX -News EGER -Rev. Greenemeyer.

11 :45 -HFl -Hymns of Ali Churches. KNX -New Adventures of

Perry Mason. *HECA, HFMB -News, Ted


Melody Rendezvous. HMPC-This Day of War.

Prayer. HPAS -Hoot's Painted Post. BIND- Violet Schram. HGFJ -Melody Moments.

11:55 *HWHW -News.

12 KM-Farm Reporter. *KHJ -Broadway News.

SECA, HFMB -Morton Dow- ney.

*EMPC -News, Baritones, R rather.

MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In LIghtface Type; Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8 :00-Johnny Murray, KM. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 930 -Breakfast at Sardl's,

KECA -KFMB. 10:30 -Luncheon with Lopez,

KGB - KFXM -KVOE. 3:10 -Smile Awhile, HGFJ. 4:30 -Andy and Virginia, HECA -

HFMB. 8:30-Spotlight Bands, RECA-

KFMB. 8:15 -Lum and Abner. RECA-

HFMB. 8:30 -Gay Nineties Revue, HNX. 9:30-Vox Pop, KNX,

10:30-A Boy, A Girl and a Band, HECA -HFMB.

lf'ar 10:00 -Woman's World, KWKW. 10:50- Leaders of United Nations,

KHJ, 2:45 -American Women, HNX. 5:15 -Salute to the Services,

KMTR. 8:00 -Reuters' News Dispatch,

HFWB. Outstanding Music

5:30 -Voice of Firestone, BFL 7:00 -Contented Program EFI, 8:00 -Evenings Concert, HFAC.

K 8:05 -Fred Waring, ?FI. 9:00- Telephone Hour, EFL

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, HFAC.

10:00- Newsical, KFVD. L0:00- Eastside Dance Tonite,

KFWB. L1:05- Classic Hotu, HECA.

Drama 3:30 -Vic and Sade, KFI. 4:15 -Care and Feeding of a

Husband, KHI, 4:45-Capt. Jack, HECA -HFMB. 8:00 -Lux Theater, HNX, 8:55 -Coronet Story Teller,

HECA -RFMB. 7:00 -Screen Guild Theater,

HNX. 7:30 -Blondie, HNX, 7 :30-Lone Ranger. KHJ. 8:00 -I Love a Mystery, HNX. 8:00 -Sherlock Holmes. KHJ. 8:30 -Cavalcade of America,

8:30-Counterspy, HECA -BFM. 8:30 -Point Sublime,

B me KHJ.

9:00 -Suspense, KNX. 9:30- Hawthorne House, ILO.

Quiz Programs 9:15- Believe It Or Not, HHJ -

DLBS. 8:30 -Dr. I. Q.,

Please, KFI.

Public A fairs 8 :15 -Let's Speak Spanish,

HMPC. 9:00 -Frost Warning, KFI. 8:15 -Hon. Jerry Voorhis, KPAS

Sports- Comment 10 :00-Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 5:30 -Race Results, KHHD. 8:08 -Sports Roundup, KMTR.

*KMTR -News, Bob Kills and Playboys.

KFAC-Luncheon Concert. HPAS- Farmyard Capers.

*HGFJ, KGB, EVOE -News. HRHD- Prairie Schooner. HFNM- Unscheduled.

*BGEH -News: Music. 12:15- HFI -Ma Perkins.

KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley.

With the Stars.

HHJ. KGB, HVOE -Two Key- boards.

*BFOX, KFXM -News, HFAC- Luncheon Concert.

12:30 -KFI -Pepper Young Family. *HNX -William Winter,

HECA- 10 -2 -4 Ranch. KHJ -Homemakers Club.

*RF WB -News. HPAS -Curtis H. Springer. HWHW- Maurice Johnson. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Farm Front. HVOE- Yankee House Party.

12:45 -SFI -Right to Happiness. HNX -Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories In Melody. BFWB -Al Jarvis.

*HFAC -News. SFOX- TSeasury Star Parade. KFVD- Violet Schram, KGB, KFXM- Yankee House

Party. SGER -Lest We Forget.

1 -BPI-Backstage Wife. HNX- Broadway Matinee.

*HECA, HFMB -News Sum- mary, Sam Hayes.

*K.MPC -News, Man of the Desert.

*HF WB- Today's War Moods. *KMTR- News, Behind the War

News. HFAC -Dr. Helen Collier. SPAS -J. Newton Yates,

Organ. *HGFJ, KFVD HGER -News.

KFXM, KY0E- Walter Comp- ton.

1:15-EH-Stella Dallas. HHJ- Strullin' Tom.

*HECA HFB -Blue News- room RMesiew. KGB EVOE- Salvation Army K'Ï }M -Moods In Music. HMPC -Tick Tock Tunes. HF WB-AI Jarvis. HFAC -J. Newton. Yates.

Organ. KGFJ- Calling All Zones.

1:tO *HECA -Edward Jorgenson, News.

1::5 *HNX -News. 1:30 -BFI -Lorenzo Jones.

HNX -School of the Air. *KECA, HFMB -Time Views

the News. HHJ -This Is Music. HMPC -Family Bible. BFAC -Novelty Tunes.

*HPAS, HWHW -News. *HRHD -News, Music.

HGFJ -Treasury Star Parade HFOX- Christlan Science.

1:45 -BFI -Voting Widder Brown. *RE('A, HF`IR -Peter de Urns

HMPC-Hits and Bits. EFAC-Gems of Melody. HGFJ -Let's Dream, HPAS -Ring Sings. KRED- Singing Walters. KFVD -Music City. HOER-George Strange.

1 :55*HECA-News. 2-HFI -When s Girl Harries.

BNX -The Open Door, HECA, KFMB- What's Doing,

Ladies. *HHJ. KGB, BVOE -Ray Dady,

News. *HMPC -News, Pau Ameri-

cana. *KMTR -News, Music.

HWHW -Concert Matinee. BRKD- Matinee Melodies. KFVD -Victory Parade.

*HGFJ, BEER -News. 2:15-K171-Portia Faces Life.

' HNX -Put Luck Party. *HHJ, BGB, KFXM HVOF¡ --

Don Lee Newsreel Theater. KMTR -Win Morro. KGER -War Production

Training. 2:20- HHJ -Newsreel. 2:30 -BFI -.last Plain Bill.

*BECA- Behind the War News. HMPC-8 mphon of Melody. SFWB -Hal Styles. HPAS - Slapsy Maxie's.

*HRHD -News. KFOX- Western Song.

9:40*KNX -News.


2:45 -KFI -Front Page Farrell. HNX -American Women. RECA- .alute to V "ictory.

*KFVD -News. HRHD -South Sea Serenade. HFI -Star Playhouse. HNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three ó Clock News. *KHJ-News. *KMPC -News, Wax Museum.

KFWB--Varieties. *KMTR -News, Music. *KGFJ, HGER -News. *KPAS- Listeners' Digest. *KWIEW -Off the Press.

RFAC- Symphony. KRKI)- Matinee Melodies. KGB. RN OE- Prayer Radio

Tour. RF'XM- Prayer, Devotions. HFV'D- Popular Favorites.

3:10 -HGFJ -Smile Awhile. 3:15 -BFI -Road of Life.

RAJ- Background for Lhing. SPAS-.Juke Box Matinee. KFOX- Hawaii Calls. KWRW -Who's Who. SV0E-Of ('hic Interest.

3:30 -KFI -Vic and Sade. KNX-Lynn Murray's Music. HE('A -My True Story. KHJ-Round Towner, KMPC-Swing Shift.

*KFWB -News. HMTR -Pianos.

*HRHD -News, Music. HWRW -Hoyes Hour. KGB- Miracles of Faith. KFX M- Rhythmaires. KGER -AIL States.

S:43 -BFI -Brave Tomorrow.

*KTo- .

Huntley, The World

HHJ -Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

*SECA, KFMII -News. HMTR -Santaella Ensemble. HGB EV'OE -- Johnson Family KFXM-Matinee Melodies. RFI -Dr. Kate. KNX -Dean Dlckason.


News. Fulton Lewis, Jr. *RMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWB -Nip and Tuck. *RMTR-News, Music.

Comedy Re- vieve.

KGFJ-Home Hour. EFV'D -Plano Music. HGER -John Brown University

4:15*HFI -News of the World. *HNX -Bob Andersen, News.

HECA -Ruth Wentworth. RAJ, KGB, KFXM -Care and

Feeding of a Husband. KFWB- Adeline Hansen. HMTR -Radio Newsreel. HRHD- Movieland Quiz.

*KFV D -News. 4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

HNX -Open House. }SECA KFMB-Andy and

Virginia. KHJ- Lullaby in Rhythm. RMPC -Invitation to Waltz.

*KFWB -News. Music. KMTR-Treasury Salute. KGB, HS 0E-It Pays To Be

Ignorant. H W K W- Melodies.

HFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. HGER -God's Bible Hour.

1:45 -HFL- Robert St. John, for Raltenborn.

HEC'A- 4'aptaln Jack. HHJ, KFXM -Frolics. KMPC-Busy Money. HEW II-Stuart Hamblen, RFAC -Rhin sha Time.

*KRKD -News. KFOX -Eddie Dean.

S*KFI -OK for Release. HNX -Galen Drake. KECA, HFMB- -Terry and the

Pirates. *HHJ -News. *KM PC -News, Your Date. *KMTR -News, Music.

AWEW- American Jewish Hr. SPAS -Uncle Charlie.

*KRKD- Songs' of the Saddle.

KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. 5:13 *KFI -Pat Bishop, News.

KNX -Texas Rangers. HF.CA -Dick Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Superman. HM PC -Dance Music. KMTR- Salute to the Services.

*RFAC, KFYD -News. 6:30 -KFI -Voice of Firestone.

*KNX-Harry Flannery. KECA, HFSIB -Jack Arm-

strong HH,1, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

World's Front Page. RMPC -Man With a Band. HMTR -Irwin Allen. RFA(' -Whoa Bill Club. HRHD -Race Results. KPAS- ('urtis H. Springer. KGFJ- Winged Horizons. KFOX -On the Band Wagon. KFVD- Evening Serenade.

5:43 *HNX -News, Truman Bradley. KECA KFMB- ('apt. Mid-

night. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KiOE-

Gordon Burke, News. RMPC -Help Wanted. RMTR -Old Age Pension. KGFJ -Frank Sinatra Sings. HGER -Dr. Lovell.

5:53 *ENX -ßi11 Henry.

6 HFI -Air Wars Serenade. KNX -Lux Theater.

*KECA -News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

News, Gabriel Heatter. *RMPC -News, Weather. Music. *KFWB, EFOX, HGER -News. *KMTR-News, Sports Roundup

RFAC -Music for Everyone, SPAS -Hospitality House. KNEW-Italian Melodies. KGFJ-Home on the Range.

6:15 -BFI- Echoes and Encores. KHJ KGB. HFXM, KVOE-

Relieve It Or Not. KECA-Today in History. RMPC -Let's Learn Spanish.

*KFWB -Jahn B. Hughes. KMTR-Ham and Eggs. KPAS-Church on High. K RED- Song -O.

6:30 -KFI -Dr. I. Q. SECA, HFMB- Spotlight

Bands. HHJ, KFXM, HVOF Paul

Winchell and Jerry Mahoney RMPC -Throw h the Years. KFWB- America Dances. HMTR- Christabe) Paukhurst. KG I- Dinner Concert. KPAS-Church of Christ. RRHD -Toast to Town. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. KGER-Prophecy Speaks.

*KGB-Eddie Orcutt. 6:45 -KPAS- Townsend Plan.

KRKD -Sweet and Lovely. KFXM- Listen to This.

6:55 -KECA, KFMB- Coronet Story Teller.

7- EFL- Carnation Contented Hour.

HNX Screen Guild Theater. *RHJ. KGB, KFX11, KV'OE-

Henry Gladstone. *SECA, ETON', KFMB -Ray-

mond Gram Swing. *RMPC, KMTR-News, Music. *KRKD. HPAS, KGER -News.

RFAC -Floyd A. Allen. KGFJ-Spanish Hour.

7:05 -HGER -Townsend Nat'l Re- covery Plan.

HPAS -Gilbert Wales. 7 :15*KHJ, KGB- Fulton Ousler.

*HECA -News. KMTR-W. B. Record. HPAS -Our Daily Bread. HRHD/., Time. KFXM-Today's American

Hero. KVOE-Smooth Performance.

7:30 -HFL- Information Please. KNX- Blondie. HECA, KFMB- Horace Heidt

for Servicemen. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE-

Lone Ranger. *KFWB -News.

HMTR -Dr.A. V. Michelson. SPAS- MorjRaus. RFAC -Lockheed Choral

Group. HRHD -Do You Know? SFOX- Service Men's Club.

7:45 *KFWB -Major H. S. Turner, Comment.

SPAS -Asher & Little Jimmie. KFAC-News.

8 -KFI- Frost Warning. Fred Waring Victory Tune Time.

HNX -F Love a Mystery. KECA KFMB -Watch the

Wosid Go By. KR.1. KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Sherlock Holmes. *RMPC -News, Interlude.

*KFWB- Reuters' News Dis - patches.

*HMTR -News. Music. KFAC- Evening Concert.

*HPAS -News. KGF.1 -B A R Cowboys. HVOESherlock Holmes.

6:05 -11GER -Rev. Smith. HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*HPAS -J. Frank Burke.


Exclusive -KFWB 8 P. M. Mon. thru Fri. Also AP. UP, and INS

8:15 *BFI- Fleetwood Lawton. KNX-Eddie Sullivan Enter-

tains. RF:('A. HFMB -Lum & Abner.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05 -9:00 P. M.

Alan 10:30 -10:15 A. N. Monday through Friday

HMI'(' -William Parker. KFWB -This Is the Story,

with Warner Bros. Orch. HPAS -Hon. Jerry Voorhis.

6:30- HFL- Cavalcade of America. KNX -Gay Nineties Revue. HECA, KEMB- Counterspy. KHJ KGB, KFXM, HYDE-

Point Sublime. RMPC- Design for Dancing.

*KFWB -News. KPAS, KFOX -P. E. Gardner. KGFJ-Tic Toc Tunes.

S :- ..- KFWB -Hedp Wanted. KMPC-Design for Dancing.

5:55 -HNX- Joseph Harsch. MI- Telephone Hour. KNX- Suspense. REC'A. KFMB -Blind Date.

KFXM, KGB. HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*K.MP(' -News, Music Box. KFWB- Victory Service Men's

Club. *HMTR -News, Music.

KGFJ-Newsboy's Review. HPAS -Dr. Louis Talbot. KFOX- Church of Christ. HGER -Lucy West.

5..3 *KH.1, KGB. HFXM, HVOE- Cecil Brown, News.

KMTR-Back to the Bible. 5:30 -KFI- Hawthorne House.

KNX -Vox Pop. *HECA, RFMB- Lowell Thomas

KHJ. KGB, KFXM. HVOE- Buddy Cole, at Organ.

*KFWB -News. KPAS-Life and Health. KFOX -Major Bateson.

5: 5*HECA, KFMB- Feature Sec- tion, with Pat Bishop.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KV'OE- Fulton Lewis. Jr.

RMTR -Editor's Notebook. HPAS -Charles W. /lamp.

10 *KFI -The Reporter. *KNX -Ten o Clock Wire. *SECA.

F son, Hollywood Spotlight, o

Thrifty Drug. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Dr. Polyzoides. *KMI'C -News, Moments of


10:00 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


KFWB- Eastside Dance Tonite *KMTR-News, Bob Brooks.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

HPAS- Gideaos.

13 MONDAY LOGS EGFJ -Hank, Nlghtwatchmaa,

'till 6 a.m. *KFV'D- Newslcal, 3 Hrs.

10:15 -KFI- Manchester Bodily. *HNX -- Commentary, John

Burton. HMI, KGB, KFXM, Ks OE-

Milt Berth's Orch. RMPC- Rainbow Rendezvous. HPAS- Sheridan Davie.

10:30*KFI- Inside the News (Thrifty Drug).

HNX -M. Mastro. HECA, KFMB-A Boy, A Girl

and A Band.

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Eery Ni, Cleve Sender

KFWB America', Finest land, ÿ

KHJ-Johnson Family. KMPC -Dance and Romance. HPAS- Baltimore Gospel

Tabernacle. HVOE. HFXM -Chicago Mea-

sles. Symphony. *KFVD- Newsical.

10:45 -KFI -Voice of a Nation. KHJ- Grill Williams' Orch.

11 *BFI, HNX -News. *KH1 -News, Yankee House

Party. *HECA, KFMB-News, Classic

Hour. *RMPC -News, Music.

KFWB- Eastside Dance To- nite.

*KMTR-News, Hal Grayson Orch.

*KFVD- Newslcal. 11:15 -KFI -Joe Reichman's Orch.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

11:30 -HNX -Dale Cross Orch. KFI- Ronnie Mansfield. 1111J-Cisco Kid. KMPC-Treasury Star Parade RMTR -When Day Is Done.

*HPAS -News. *KFVD- Newslcal. 'till 1 a.m.

11:45 -EF1- Musical Encore. KMPC-Musical Americana.

11:55 *HNX, KMTR. KFW -B -News. RMPC- Weather.

HELPS YOUNGSTER Youngest listener ever to

seek the advice of John J. Anthony on his Mutual -Don Lee Network program, the "Good Will Hour ", was a lit- tle gill, four and a half years old. Anthony helped her find her lost dog within an hour.

PICKS BEAUTIES Paul Whiteman, Blue Net-

work musical director, has taken on new duties, outside his job. Twenty -five pictures were sent him by the Mon- tana State College paper and from these photographs he has chosen the "Big Five Montana Queens."

SWEATER TIP Here's a tip on sweater -

laundering from Florence Halop, radio sweater girl, who plays "Miss Duffy" in the Blue Network show, "Duffy's ". To keep the but- tonholes of your cardigan from stretching, be sure to baste them Together straight and firm before you wash the garment. says Florence.

TUESDAY, FEB. 29 *Indicates Neiss Broadcasts

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded music has been scheduled.

0-KFI-Johnny Murray. KNX -Collins Calling. KECA- Between the Lines. KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KV0E-

Hasen of Rest. *KMPC -News, Kurt Flatau.

KFWB- Curtis H. Springer. *KMTR -News, Treasury Songs

KFAC-Country hurch *KPAS, KGFJ, KFOX, HGER -

News. KWKW- Pan -American Mis-

sionary. KRKD -Morning Melodies. KIND-Stuart Hamblen.

8:15*- KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com- ment.

KNX -Valiant Lady. *KECA -News.

KMJC- Market Report, Sports, Weather.

KMTR-Dr. A. U. Michelson. KGFJ-Swing Styles. HFOX -Take It Easy. KGER- Mizpah.

8:30-KFI, KFAC, RKD -News. KECA, KFB- MCNeI1i's

Breakfast Club. KNX -Kitty Foyle.

*KHJ -Bill Haworth, News. KMPC -Unity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. KPAS-Baptist Brothers.

*KWKW -News. KFOX -Dr. Lovell.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KFXM -Sunshine Service. KGB. KVOE -lolly Joe and

Ralph. 8:45-KFI-David Harum.

KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. KM-Victor Lindlahr.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KGER -Rev. Bennington. KFOX- King's Men. KIND-Vocal Favorites.

8:55 -KGB, KFXM, HVUE- Strictly Personal.

8:58 - HMTR -Time Signal.

, 0 *KFI -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*RAJ, KFXM, KGB. KV0E- Henke Carter News.

KECA -Art Baker. *KMPC -News, Housewives

Exchange. KFWB-Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR. KWKW-News, Muait. KPAS-Polly and Pat.

*KGFJ-News. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

8:08 *HFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

8:15- KFI-W aman of America. KNX-Big Sister.

*KECA, KFVD -News. KHJ -Women of Today. KGFJ- Medical. KFAC-9 nice of Health. KWKW -Woody Herman. KGER-Rev. J. A. Lovell. KGB- Shipmates. KFXM -Old Family Almanac. KVOE -Music Mixers.

:38 *HFI -Major H. S. Turner. Comment.

KNX-Romance of Helen Trent.

KECA, KFMB- Breakfast at Sardi's.

HHJ, KGB. KVOE -I Hear Music.

*KFWB, KWKW -News. KMTR -W. B. Record. HPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KGER -Radio Revival. KFVD -Dr. Richardson. HGFJ -Swing Serenade. KFXM -Tours Very Truly.

J:40- KFI -Magazine Page. 9:45 *HFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer.

*KFWB -News, Music. KGFJ -Blood Goes to War.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KFVD -Here Comes the

Parade. KGER -Fall Gospel. KFXM -Waltz Time.

:55*KFI -News.

10 *HFI -Larry Smith. Comment. KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. MPC -News, Housewives' Exchange.

*KMTR -News, Paster H. 0. Egertson.

KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milani.

KWKW- Woman's World. KPAS- Scratches and Jockeys

*KGFJ, KFOX-News. KRKD -Turf Bulletin.

10:15 *HFI- Burritt Wheeler, Com- ment.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA, HI':MB -sweet Riser. HHJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Young. KMTR- ('hirago Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ -Voice of Health. KGER- Kingdom Within. RRHD -Dr. Richardson. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGB. KVOE -Babe Rhodes

Orch. KFXM -All Around Town.

10:30-KFI-Aunt Mary. KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News BUJ-Round Towner. KECA -Jay Burnett. KMPC -Sing With Mee.

*KFWB, KFAC, KWKW -News KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KGFJ -Salon Swing. KPAS- Thoughts in Poetry. KRKD-P.-T.A. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. KGB. KFXM. KVOE- Lunch-

eon with Lopez. 10:45 *HFI -Art Baker News.

KNX-The Goldiergs, KECA -Betty and Bob. KMPC -David Ramsey. HFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR-Talks and Tunes. KFAC-Organ. EFOX -AI Clausen. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFXM- Behind the Gun.

ii11- Guiding Light. KNX-Young Dr. Malone.

*KECA, KFMB- Baukhage Talking.

KHJ -This Changing World. *KMPC -News, William Parker *KMTR-News, Dr. Louis Tal-

bot. 11EFWB-Al Janis. KRKD -Studio Quiz. KPAS -Meet Priscilla Alden. KFAC-Les Adams.

*KGFJ, KGER-News. KGB, HVOE- Cedric Foster. KFXM -Captivators.

11:15 -KFI- Today's Children. KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D. LECA, KFMB- Mystery Chef. KHJ-Strictly Personal. KMPC-Cookery College. KGFJ- Pot- Pourri.



57DT64oT790T93oT1020T 110 1240 T1330-1-1390 T 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

KGB, KFXM, K1, OE -Foot- light Rhapsody.

11:20 -KHJ -Round Towner. 11:30 -KFI -Light of the World.

KNX -We Lose and Learn. KMP(' -Say It With Music. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer.

*KPAS- Pasadena Independent. KFAC- Between the Lines.

*KWKW, KFOX -News. KGFJ- Drama. *KRKD -News, Douglas. KGB, KFXM, KV0E -Yours

For a Song. KGER-Rev. Chas. Greene -

myer. 11:15 -KFI -Hymns of All Churches.

KNX -Perry Mason. *KECA, KFMB -News, Ted

Meyers. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE- Melody

Rendezvous. RMPC -This Day of War,

Prayer. KPAS- (:ibson's Painted Post. KGFJ- Melody Moments. KFVD- Violet Schram.

11 :55*K W K W -News.

32 -KFI -Farm Reporter. *KM- Broadway News.

KECA, KFMB- Morton Dow- ney.

*K.MPC -News, Battle of the Baritones.

*KMTR-News, Bob Wills and Playboys.

KPAS- Farmyard Capers. KFAC-Luncheon Concert. .

*KGFJ, KGER -News. *KGB KVOE-News.

KFXM-Unscheduled. KFOX -March Time. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. KFVD -Luncheon Music.

12:15- KFI -Ma Perkins. KNX -Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. KECA- Luncheon With the

Stars. KHJ -Palmer House Orcb. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KGER -U. S. Civil Service.

*KFXM -News. KVOF Women's Reserve,

CSMC. 12:30-KFI-Pepper Young's Family.

*KNX -William Winter,' KHJ-Homemakers' Club. KECA -Stars for Victory.

*KFWB -News. KPAS-- Curtis H. Springer. KWKW - Maurice Johnson. HFOX- Symphonic Swing. KGB -Molly Morse.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety .00-Johnny Murray, HFI.

9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9 :30-Breakfast at Sardl's,

KECA -KFMB. 10:00 -Chef Milani, KFWB. 10:30 -Luncheon with Lopez,

KGB -KFXM -KVOE. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook, KFI i:30 -Date with Judy, KFI. 5:00 -Burns and 'Allen. KNX. 6:30 -Fibber McGee and Molly,

KFI. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands, KECA -

KFMR. 7.00 -Bob Hope, HFI. S:15 -l.nm and Abner, KECA -

KFMB. s:30- Johnny Presents Ginny

Simms, KFI. 5:30 -San Quentin on the Air,

KR,1. 9:30- Duffy's. KECA -KFMB. 9:00- Everything for the Boys,

9:00-Judy Canova Show, KNX.

,War 9:45 -Blood Goes to War, KGFJ. 2:45- American Women, KNX. 3:15 -Out of the Shadows, KECA 7 :00-Red Cross, KNX.

Drama 4:15 -Care and Feeding of a

Husband, KHJ. 5:00-Mystery Theater, KFI. 6:55 -Coronet Story Teller,

KECA -KFMB. 7:30 -Red Skelton, KFI. 7:30 -The Shadow, KIIJ.

5:00 -I Love Mystery, ENE. 5:30 -Big Town, KNX. 8:30 -World We're Fighting For,

HFI. 10:00 -Our Neighbors. KPAS. 10:30 -Creeps by Night. KECA.

Quiz Programs 6:15- Believe It Or Not, KHJ -

DLBS. 1:00 -Pay Day Quiz, EMI-


Outstanding Music 4 :30-American Melody Hour,

KNX. 7:30 -Inglewood Park Concert,

KNX. 5:00 -Evening Concert. KFAC. 5:05 -Fred Waring, KFI. 5:15 -Harry James. K.N.X. 9:15- Musical Portraits, EECA-

KFMR. 10:00 -lanky Lager Dance Time,

KFAC. 10:00- Newslcnl, KFVD. 1o:00- Eastside Dance Tonite,

KFWB. 11:30 -Chicago Theater Sym-

phony, KRJ. Public Affairs

8:00 -Frost Warning, KFI. 10:30-Congress Speaks, ENE. 10:45 -Education for Freedom,

KHJ. Sports -Comment

19:00 -Turf Bulletins. KRKD, 5:30 -Race Results, KRKD. 0:06 -Sports Roundup, KMTR.

KF:L'M -Farm Front. KYOE- Yankee House Party.

12:45 -KFI-Right to Happiness. KNX-Bachelor's Children. KECA-Memories in Melody. HFKB -Al Janis.

*KFAC -News. KGB- Blackwood Quartette KFXM -Derby Roundup. KYOF- Yankee House Party. KFOX- Varieties.

1 HFI -Backstage Wife. KNX -Broadway Matinee.

*KECA, AIMS-News Sun. mary, Sam Hayes.

*RMPC -News, Man of the Desert.

*KFWR- Today's War Moods. *KMTR -News, Music. *KGFJ, KGER KFVD -News. *KFXM, KVOF- Walter Comp-

ton. KFAC-Dr. Walter Raymond. KPAS-J. Newton Yates.

Organ. I:15 -KFI- Stella Dallas.

HHJ -Strollin' Tom. *KECA, KFMB -Blue News-

room Review. KMPC -Tick Tock Tunes. KFWB -AI Jarvis. KFAC-J. N. Yates, Organ. KGFJ-Quiet Moments.

1:20 *KECA -Gen. Paul B. Malone 1:25 *KNX -News. 1:30 -KFI- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX -School of the Alr. KHJ -This Is Music. KGB, KVOE, KFXM -Full

Speed Ahead. *KECA, KFMB -Time Views

the News. RMPC- Famliy Bible.

*KPAS, HWHW, KRKD-News KFA(- Novelty Tunes. KFOX -Concert Master. HGFJ -It Can Happen.

1:45-KFI-Young Widder Brown. *KECA, KFMB -Peter de Lima

KMPC-Freedom's Mightiest Weapon.

KFAC -Gems of Melody. KRKD -Singing Waiters. KPAS -Bing Sings. KFM-Vocal Varieties. KGER-George Strange. KGFJ-Let's Dream.

1:55 *HEC A -News. 2-EFl -When a Girl JÌarrles. i KNX -The Open Door.

*KHJ, KGB, EVOR-Ray Dady, News.

KECA, KFMB- What's Doing, Ladles. -

*KMPC -News. Pan -Americana *KMTR-News, Philharmonic

Reporter. *HGFJ -'30" for Today.

HWHW -Concert Music. KFOX -Organ Treasures. WEED-Concert Melodies. KFXM- Unscheduled. KFVD- Victory Parade. KGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15-KFI-Portia Faces Life. KNX -Pet Luck Party.

*HHJ. KFNM, KGB, KVOE- Don Lee Newsreel Theater.

KMTR-Win Morro. 2:20 -K11J- Newsreel. 2:30 -KFI -Just Plain Bill. *( hind the War News. KHP- Symphony of Melody.

KFWB -Hal Styles. KMTR-Victory House. KPAS-Slapsy Maxie's. KRKD -News. FOX Songs of the West.

2 :40 *KNX -News. 2:45 -KFI -Front Page Farrell.

ENE- American Women. KECA-Salute to Victory. mum-south Sea Serenade.

*KFVD -News.

3 -KFI-Star Playhouse. HNX -Housewives' Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KHJ -News. *KMPC -News. Wax Museum.

KFWB -Vocal Varieties. *KMTR -News, Music. *KPAS-Listeners' Digest. *KWKW-Off the Press.

KFAC- Symphony. *KGFJ -News.

KRKD-Matinee Melodies. KGB, H \OE- Prayer, Radio

Tour. KFXM- Prayer, Devotions.

3:10-KGFJ-Smile Awhile. 3:15 -KFI -Road of Life.

KHJ-An Organ and a Voice.


Shadow,. 1131TR- Eugenia Clair Pre-

sents. SPAS -Juke Box Matinee. HWKW'- Pentecostal Taberna-


K1'0X- Hawall Calls. KVOE -Of Chic Interest.

a:30- KFI -Vic and Sade. KNX -Riders of the Purple

Sage. KM-Round Towoer. KECA -My True Story. KMPC -Swing Shift.

*HFW'B- Hews. HMTR -Pianos.

*RILED-News Headline.. HWKW -Hoyes Hour. KFON -Help Wanted. KFXM- Rhythmelres. EVOE- Treasury Salute.

*KRKD -News. 5:45- KFI -Brave Tomorrow.

KNX-World Today. Chet Huntley.

KHJ -BUJ Hay Reads the Bible.

SMTR -Santaella Ensemble. KFXM- Matinee Melodies. KGB, HVOE- Johnson Family

4 HFI -Dr. Kate. -KNX -Milton Charles.


KGB, HVOE- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

KMPC -News, Swing Shift. KFWB -Bert Flake.

HMTR -News, Music. KFAC- Muslcal Comedy Re-

view. KGFJ -The Home Hour. REVD-Plano. SGER -John Brown Dniv'erslty

4:15 *KFI -World News. *KNX-Bob Andersen, News.

RAJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE- Care and Feeding of a Husband.

KECA -Ruth Wentworth. KMPC- Imitations to Waltz. HEWS- Gospel and Song.

*K.MTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFID -News.

KRHD- Movieland Quiz. KGER-Dr. Welkem.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -American Melody Hour. KHJ -Lullaby in Rhythm.

*KECA- Kurritt Wheeler. *KMPC, KFAC-New..

SMTR- Treasury Salute. HWKW- Melodies. REVD- Popular Favoritess, KGB- Service House Party. KFXM -Dr. Philip Lovell. SGER -God's Bible Hour. SVOE -Your Income Tax.

4:45 -148J -Earl Carron's. KECA- Twilight Tales. KMPC -Busy Money. RFWB- -Stuart Hamblen. EFAC-Rhumba Time. KFOX -Eddie Dean.

*HRHD -News. Browning. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. HFXM- Musical Cocktail.

S *KFI -OK for Release. KNX-Galen Drake.

*KHJ -Broadway News. KECA, KERB-Terry and the

Pirates. *KMPC News, Your Date. *KMTR-News, Music.

KWKW- American Jewish Hr. SPAS -Dacce Charlie. KRHD -Songs of the Saddle. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

*HGFJ, SFX..% SGER -News. 8:05 -SGER -Olga Graces. 8:15 *RFI -News, Pat Bishop.

KNX -Texas Rangers, KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ. SFX.M, KGB. HTOE-

Superman. KMPC -Dance Music. KMTR- Salute to the Services

*KFAC, REVD-News. RGFJ -Name the Tune.

5:30 -KFI -A Date with Judy. *KNX-Harry W. Flannery.

KECA, KERB-lack Arm - stron

KHJ, KGB. KFXM. SVOE- World's Front Page.

SPAS- Curtis H. Springer. KMPC -Man With a Band. HMTR -Irwin Allen. HFAC -W hna Bill Club. KGFJ-Twilight Time. HUED-Race Results. HFVD- Evening Serenade.

5:48 *HNX- Tniman Bradley, News. KECA, KERB-Cappt. Midnight

*KHJ, KGB, HFXM, HVOB Gordon Burke, News.

KMP( -Help Wanted. HMTR -Old Age Pension. KRHD- Hollywood Tunesmitbs KGFJ-Frank Sinatra Singe.

KGER-Dr. Lovell. 5:65*K3. X -Bill Henry.

HFl- Mystery Theater. HNX -Burns and Alien.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- Gabriel 'leatter.

*KECA -News. *KMPC -News, Weather Music SEWS, KFOX, KGER, HEX.M,.

-News. HMTR -News Sports Roundup.

KFAC -Music for Everyone. KS KW- Italian Melodies. SPAS- -Future Pianists. KRED -Early Dencette. HGFJ -Home on the Range. KGER-Rev. Burpo.

6:15-KHJ, GB, KFNM KVOE- Beiieve It Or Not.

*KECA -Today in History. H.HPC -Let's Learn Spanish.

*RFWB -John B. Hughes. KMTR -Ham and Eggs. SPAS- Lincoln Ave. Pres. Ch.

6:30 -KE1- Fibber McGee and Molly KNX-Report to the Nation. SECA. HEMS-Spotlight Band HHJ, KFXM- American

Forum of the Atr. KMPC- Through the Years. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFWB- 'America Dances." SPAS -Church of Christ. KRHD -Toast to Town. KVOE- Gospel Light. KGFJ -Dinner Concert. KFOX-Hat's Memory Room. KGER-Prophecy Speaks.

*KGB -Eddie Orcutt. 6:43 -SPAS- Townsend Plan. 6:55 -SECA- Coronet Story Teller.

7 QFI -Bob Hope. KN) -Red Cross Program.

*KECA, KERB- Raymond Gram Swing.

*$Sill -News, Candlelight and

*KMTR -News Music. KFAC -M. Howard Fagan. RGFJ- Spanish Hour.


HYDE- Smooth Performance. 7:03- SGER -Townsend Nat'l Re-

covery Plan. :15 *HHJ -Fulton Ouster.

*KECA, KFMB, KGB -News, KMTR-W. B. Record.

*KPAS-Our Daily Bread. KEN 3I-Today's American

Hero. SVOE- Orange Co. O. C. D.

7 :30 -AFT-Red Skelton & Co. HNX -Inglewood Park Con-


KGB -Gus Arnheim. KVOE- Christian loutil. KGFJ-B. & R. Cowboys.

8:05 -SGER- Deborah ('all. SPAS -J. Frank Burke.

8:15*KFI- Fleetwood Lawton. KNX-Harry James Orch. KECA, KFMB -Lum & Abner.

*KMPC -William Parker. HEWS-Home Front Forum. SFON- Adventures in Re-

search. 8:30 -KFI -Johnny Presents Ginny

Simms. KNX-Big Town. SECA, >CFMB- Duffy's. KHJ -San Quentin on the Air. KMPC- Freedom's Mightiest

Weapon. WITH-Central Church of

Christ. *K FW B -News.

KFXM -Air Depot. KGFJ-Tie Toe Tunes. KFOX. SPAS -Judge Gardner SGER -High School Gang. KVOE- Sinfonietta.

s:45 -KFR'B -Help Wanted. EMIT-Design for Dancing.

9 -1EFI- Everything for the Boys, Ronald Colman,

KNX-Judy Canova Show. SECA- Soldiers of the Press.

*SHJ, KGB, KFXM HYDE- News, Glenn Hamy.

*KMPC -News, Music Box. KEWB- Musical Comedy Ex-



Hoffman & Ortiz presented by

AUSTIN STUDIOS Friday, 7:00 to 7:15 P. M.

Blue Network

*KMTR -News. Music. SPAS -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

HGFJ, SGER -News. KFON- Church of Christ.

9:05 -KGER -Olga Graves. 9:15-KHJ, KGB, HFXM. KVOE-

Rex Miller. KECA, HFMB- Musical Por-

traits. KMTR-Back to the Bible. SFW'B -Dave Ormont. KGFJ -Dance Rhhm. KFX.M- Famous thers.

Male Quartette

KNX -Tuesday, 7:30 P. M.

Inglewood Park Cemetery Assn.

KECA, KERB-Red Ryder. KHJ-The Shadow.

*KFWB -News. HMTR -Dr. A. D. Michelson. SPAS- Morgans. KFAC-Dr. E. J. Goodspeed. KRHD -Do You Know.. KFOX--Service Men's Club. KGB, HFXM. HYDE-San

Quentin on the Air. 7:45- *EF'WB- Major H. S.Turner.

Comment. SPAS -Asher & Little Jimmie

*KFAC-News. 8 -KFI -Frost Warning, Fred

Waring Victory Tune Time. KNX -1 Love a Mystery.

*KECA, KFM11 -Watch the World Go By.

EHJ, KFXM -Pay Day Quis. K.lPC -News, Interlude.

*KMTR -News. Grace Dotson. *KFW B- Dispatch from Rea-

ten'. KFAC -Evening Concert.




9:25*KNX-Joseph Harsch. 9:30 -HFS -The World We're Fight-

ing, Pat Bishop. *KECA, HFMB -LowNl Thomas

HNX -Edwln C. Hill. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, ESCE-

Buddy Cole, Organ. *HEWS. KFSG -News.

KGFJ-Bar X Ranch. SPAS- Spotlight Stories.

9:45*HECA. KERB- Feature Sec- tion with Pat Bishop.

HNX -Deane Dickson. *HHJ KGB. KFXM. KVOE-

Fulton Lewis. Jr. SPAS- Charley Hemp.

lO *KFI -The Reporter. *KNX -Ten ó Clock Wire.

KECA, HEMS- Erskine John- son, (Thrifty Drug).

*H ^'-News, Moments of ody.

SFWB- Eastside Dann To- Hite.

*KMTR -News, Bob Brooks. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. SPAS -Our Neighbors. HFNM, HVOE -Henry King's


10:00 P.M. -KECA ''Hollywood Spotlight'


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


HGFJ -Hank, Night Watch- man, till 6 a.m.

HFOX- Leitani Hut. *KFVD- Newsical, 3 Hrs.

10:15 -KFI- Cheque Your Music. *KNX -John Burton, News.

RAJ, KGB, KF', HVOE- Hilt Herth Orch.

KMPC- Rainbow Rendezvous. H.MTH -Pete Pontreili Orcb,

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Every Nit. [mope SuelMy

KFWS Awerlei a Roost hod,

10:30 -KFI -Inside News (Thrifty Drug).

HNX- Congress Speaks. *KHJ- Johnson Family. KECA- Creep, By Night.

*KFVD- Newsical. SPAS -Carter Wright.

10 :45- KFI -Voice of a Nation. HNX -Organ, Piano. KHJ, KFNM- Education for

Freedom. KMTH- Viennese Ensemble.

*KFI -Eleventh Hour News. *KNX -News, Roh Andersen. *KHJ -News, lankee House

Party. *KECA -News, Classic Hour. *KMPC -Newa, Dance and

Romance. KFWB -Eastside Dance To-

Hite. *KMTR -News. Music.

HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

SPAS -Bishop Crouch. *Kf'VD Newsical.

11:15 -HF[ -Joe Reiehman's Biltmore Orch.

11:20- HNX -Sammy Kaye Orch. 11:30-KHJ-Chicago Theater Sym-

phony. KFI- George Olson's Orch. KNX -Phil Harris Orch. KMPC- Masica Americana. SMTR- "When Day Is Done"

*SPAS -News. *KFVD- Newsical 'till I a.m.

11:45 -RFI- Musical Encores. HNX- Horace Heidt.

11:55 *HNX, HEWS -News. KMPC -Weather.



Bob Ripley of the KHJ- Don Lee program, "Be-

lieve It Or Not ", might be pitching for the New York Giants today if a promising baseball career hadn't been abruptly halted by a broken arm. After that accident, Bob went back to drawing and eventually originated "Believe It Or Not."


Bob Bence, KFRC staff an nouncer on Gen. David Pres- c o t t Barrows' program and other KHI-Don Lee shows, recently submitted to a minor operation at a San Francisco hospital.


*Indicates News Broadcast.

At hours where no listing is shown for a local station. recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

8 KFI-Johnny Murray. KNX -Collins Calling.

*KECA- Between the Lines. KH.I. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Dr. Louis Talbot. *KMI'C -News Kurt Matsu.

KFWB-- Breakfast Club. *KMTR -News, Treasury Songs. *KI'AS, KGFJ, KGER, KFOX-

News. KFAC- Country Church. KWKW- Pan -American Mis-

sionary. KFIlt- Stuart Hamblen.


KPAS 8:30 A. M.

Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

8:05 -KGER -Soul Patrol. *KFOX -News.

8:15 *KFI -T. B. Blakiston, tom - nsent.

KNX- Vnlinnt Lady. *KECA -News.

KMPC -Market Report, Sports, Weather.

KMTR -Dr. Michelson. KGFJ-Swing Styles, KGER- Mizpah. KFOX -Dr. LoselL

8 :30 *KFI ,_News. KECA KFMB-MeNeilis

Breakfast Club. KNX -Kitty Foyle.

*KHJ -Bill Haworth, News. KMPC -l'nit Daily Word.

*KFAC, KW KW -News. KPAS -Has en of Rest.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KFXM- Sunshine Service. K(.R. RN OE -Jolly Joe and

Ralph. 8 :45- KFI -David Darum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

11111.1- Victor l.indlahr. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KGER -Rev. Bennington. KFOX- King's Men.

8 :55 -KGB, KVOF-How Do You Say It..

8 :58 -KMTR -Time Signal.

PPolly and Pat

ATTERSON "Household Hints-

KPAS--9:00 a. m. Monday Thru Friday

9 *KFT -News. KNX-Kate Smith. KECA- Women Who Make

News. Dorothea Ramsay. *HMI. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Boake Carter, News. *KM PC-News, Housewises

Exchange. *KMTR, KWKW -News. Music.

KFAC -Musical Comedy. KPAS-Polly and Pat. HRRD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFOX -Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGFJ, KGER-News. 9:05-KGER-Rev. Larrimore. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Com-

ment. S:15 -KF'I -Woman of America.

KNX -Big Sister. *KECA, REVD-News.

KHJ -Time Out. KFAC -Voice of Health. KGFJ-Medical. KGER -Rer. J. A. Lovell. KFXM -Old Fancily Almanac. KVOE -Music Mixers. KGB- Elwood Bailey.

0 :30*KFl -Major H. S. Turner, comment.

KNX-Romance of Helen Trent KHJ, KGB, HYDE -1 Hear


RECA. KFMB- Breakfast at Sardis. KF'W'B, KWKW-News. MTR -W. B. Record.

KFAC- Mid -Morning Serenade KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KFVD -Dr. Richardson. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KFXM -]burs Very Truly. KGER-Radio Revival.

9:35 -KVOE -Coast Guard Band. 9:40 -KFI- Magazine Page. 9:45 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. *KFWB -News, Music.

KMTR -Curtis H. Springer, *KRKD- News, Clifton.

KFXM- Waltz Time, Aunt Jemima.

KGFJ -Hoosier Observer. 9:55-KRKD-Oh: Oh:

KHJ -Aunt Jemmia. *KFI -News.

10 *KFl -Larry Smith, Comment. KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. *KM PC -News, Housewives'

KF W'It- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milani.

HEAR PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

Now KWKW -10 A. M.

*KMTR -News. Pastor H. 0. Egertson.

*KGFJ, KFOX -News, KFAC -On the Line. KPAS -Scratches and Jockeys. KWKW- Woman's World. KFVD- Morning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins. KGER-News, Full Gospel.

10:15 *KFI- Burritt Wheeler, Com- ment.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA, KFMB -Sweet River. KHJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Young. KMTR -Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ-Voice of Health. HRHD -Dr. Richardson.


KVOE rKFSDTKMDCTIEVTKFWBTKNX KR'KD T KPTC KFDXTKGBT T 57DT64GT79oT930-T1020T 1150 1 1240 T1330T1390 600 110 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

KGER- Kingdom Within. HFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGB -Babe Rhodes Orch. KFX1a -All Around the Town.

110 :30-KFI-Aunt Mary. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn, News.

KECA -Jay Burnett. *KFWB, KWKW, KFAC -News

BMPC $ing With Mee. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KGFJ-Salon Music. KPAS- Thoughts in Poetry. HRKD- Snmoiloff. KIND-Union Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor. KFOX -Trade Wind Tavern. KGB, KF.V11, KVOE- Lunch-

eon with Lopez. 10:45 *BFI -Art Baker, News.

KNX -The Goldberg,. KECA -Betty and Bob. KHJ-How Do You Say It.. KMP(' -David Ramsey. KFW'B- Science of Mind. KMTR -Philip M. Los ell. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFOX -AI Clausen. KVOE --Deno Bartels; Orch. KFXM- Captivators.

10:50 -KNX -Leaders of United Nations.

üKFI- Guiding Light. KNX -Soong Dr. Malone.

*KECA, HFMB- Bauklinge Talking,

KH.1- -This Changing World. *BMPC-News, William Parker *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Tal-

bot. Kt/WIT-Ai Janis. KFAC-Les Adams. RYAS -Meet Priscilla Alden.

*KGFJ, KFVD, KGER -News. KRKD -Studio Qulz. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-- Cedric

Foster. 11:l:í -KF1- Today's Children.

KF :('A, KFMB- Mystery Chef. KNX Joyce Jordan. M.D. KM-Round Towner. KGB, KFXM WVOE -Songs

of the Service. KMP(' -Say It With Music. KGFJ-Pot Pourri. KFOX -Spotlight Bands. KGER-Rev. Chas. Greene -

myer. 11:30 -KFI -Light of the World.

KNX -We Love and Learn. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, BVOE-

Yours For a Song. KMTR- Curtis H. Springer.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programa Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.


8 :00-Johnny Murray. KFI. 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardl's,

KECA -KFMB. 10:00 -Chef Milani, KFWB. 10 :30-Luncheon with Lopez,

KGB -KFXM -K V OE. 3:10 -Smile Awhile, KGFJ. 4:30 -Andy and Virginia, RECA-

KFMR. 0:00 -Frank Sinatra, KNX, 0:00 -Eddie Cantor KFI. 0:30 -('arson Comedy Show,

KNX. 7:00 -Kay Hyser, KFI, 7:30 -(resta Blanca Carnival,

KNX. 8:15 -Lam and Abner, KECA -

KFMB. 5:30 -Beat the Band, KFI. 9:00Everybody's Inn, KNX. 9 :30-Scramby-Amby, BFI. 9:30 -Orson Welles Show, KNX.

10:00 -Hollywood Spotlight, KECA.

War 10:50 -Leaders of United Nations.

KHJ. 2:45 -American Women, KNX. 5:15 -Salute to the Services,

KMTR. 8:00 -Reuters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:00 -Television, Test Pattern,

WBXYZ. 8:30 -Television, To Keep Fit,

WBXYZ. 9:00 -Television, Vaudeville.


Drama 1:30 -True Detective Stories,

KHJ. 3:00 --Star Playhouse. BFI. 4:15 -('are and Feeding of a

Husband, KHJ. 8:30 -Mr. District Attorney BFI 7:30 -Lone Ranger, KHJ-KGB-

KY'OE. 8:00 -I Love a Mystery, KNX. 8:30 -Dr, Christian, J. Hersholt,

KNX. 8:30 -Bulldog Drummond, KHJ. 9:00 -Mr. and Mrs. North. KFI.

Quiz Programs 4:45-Capt. Jack, RECA. 8:30 -War Council Quiz, B.MI'C.

Outstanding Music 7:00 -Great Moments In Music,

KNX. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:05 -Fred Waring, KFI. 8:15 -Harry James, KNX.

10:00 -lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10 :00- Newsical, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Dance Tonite,


Public Affairs 10:15 -Your 1943 Income Tax,


Sports -Comment 10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 5:30 -Race Results. KRKD. $:30- eportstime, KMI'C. 8:06 -Sports Roundup, KMTR.

*KWKW -News, Music. HGFJ- Drama. KFAC- Between the Lines. $PAS- Pasadena Independent.

*KRHD, KFOX-News. KFAC -On the Line.

11:45 -KFI -Hymns of All Churches. KNX -Perry Mason. *KECA. KFMII -News, Ted Meyers. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Melody Rendezruus. KMPC -This Day of War, l'rayer. K(iFJ- Melody Moments. KPAS-Hoot's Painted Post. KFVD -Piolet Schram,

11:55 *K WK W-News. KFI -Farm Reporter. KECA, KFMB -Morton

Downey. *KHJ -Broadway News. *KMI'C-News, Weather, Bari- tones, *K1ITII -News, Bob Wills and Play boys. *KGFJ. KGB, KVOE -News.

KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KPAS- Farmyard Capers. KWKW -Lunch With the Moores. KRKD- Prairie Schooner, KFOX -March Time. KIND-Luncheon Music. KFXM -Hollywood Headlines. *HGER -News, Music.

12:15- KFI -Me Perkins. KNX -Neighbor, Irene Beas- KH I- Palmer House Orch. KECA- Luncheon with the Stars.

*KFOX, KFXM -News. KGER -Officials on Parade.

12:30- KFI -Pepper Young's Family. *KNX -William Winter. KECA- 1n -2 -4 Ranch. KHJ -Homemakers' Club. *KFWB -News. KPAS- Curtis H. Springer, KWKW- Maurice Johnson. KFAC -U. S. Coast Guard. KFXM -Farm Front. KGB -Molly Morse. IC OE- Yankee House Party.

12:45-KFI-Right to Happiness. KNX -Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody. KFWB -Al .farri,.

*KFAC -News. KFOX -Treasury Star Parade. KGB, REAM, K1'0E- Yankee House Party.

1 -KFI- Backstage Wife. KNX -Broadway Matinee. *KECA, KFMB -News Sum- mary. Sam Hayes.

*KMPC -New., Man of the Desert. *KFWB- Today's War Moods. *KMTR -News, Behind the War News.

KFAC -Dr. Helen Collier. KPAS-J. Newton Yates, Organ. *KGFJ, KFVD, KGER -News.

KFOX -Dance Time. *KFXM, KVOE- Walter Comp- ton.

1:15- KFI -Stella Dallas. KHJ- ßtrollin' Tom. *KECA, KERB-Blue News-

room Review. KMPC -Tick 'rock Tunes. KFWB -AI Janis. KFAC -.1. Newton Yates.

Organist. KGFJ -Calling All Zones. KGER -Voice of the Army.

1:20 *KECA- Edward Jorgenson. 1:25- KNX -News. 1:30 -KFI- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX -School of the Air. *KECA. KFMB -Time Views

of the News. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

True Detective Mysteries. KMPC -Family Bible.

*KPAS, KWKW -News. KFAC- Novelly Tunes.

*KRKD-News, Music. KFVD -Hawaiian Music. KFOX- Christian Science. KGFJ- Hasten the Day.

1:45 -KFI -Young Widder Brown. *KECA, KEMB -Peter de Linn

KMPC-Hits and Bits. KFAC -Gems of Melody. HRHD- Singing Waiters. KGFJ-Let's Dream. KFXM- Unscheduled. KGER-George Strange. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:55*KECA -News.

FEBRUARY 27, 1944

FI -Rhen a Girl Marries. 2 HHNX -The Open Door.

*KHJ, KGB, RVOE -Ray Dady, News.

KECA, KFMB -What s Doing, Ladles.

*KMPC -News, Pan -Americana *KMTR -News, Music. *RGFJ -"30" for Today.

KWKW -Concert Matinee. K RHD- Concert Melodies. KGER -Long Beach Band. HFVD- Victory Parade. KFXM -Lois Suffield, Safety.

2:15 -KFI -Portia Faces Life. KNX-Pot Luck Party. KHJ -Today on the Coast.

*KGB, KFXM, KVOE -Don Lee Newsreel Theater.

H MTR -W'in Morro. KFOX-Public Bulletin.

2:20 --KGER -tong Beach Band. *KHJ-Newsreel.

2:30 -KFI -Just Plain Bill. *KECA- Behind the War News.

KMPC Symphon of Melody. KFWB-Hal Styes. RMTR -Victory House. KPAS- Slapey Maties.

*HRHD -News. KFOX-Songs of the West. KFXM-Newsreel.

2 :40 *KNX -Newe. 2:45 -KFI -Front Page Farrell.

HNX -American Women. KECA-Salute to Victory.

*KFVD -News. KRKD-South Sea Serenade.

11-Star Playhouse. HNX -Housewives' Protective

League. *KECA -Three ó Clock News. *KHJ -News. *KMPC -News, Wax Museum.

KFWB-Vocal Varieties. *KMTR -News. Muele.

KFAC -Symphony. *KWKW-Off the Press. *HPAS -Listeners' Digest. *KGFJ, KGER -News.

KGB. KVOE- Proyer, Radio Tour.

HFX.N- Prayer, Religious News.

KFOX- Rainbow Trio. 8:05 -KGER -John Brown. 3:10 -KGFJ -Smile Awhile. 3:15 -KFI -Road of Life.

KECA -Navy Waves. KHJ- Background for Liv ing. KMTR-D. C. Tracy. SWKW -Who's Who. KPAS-Juke Box Matinee. EFOX-Hawail Calls. RVOE -Of Civic Interest.

3:30- KFl -Vic and fade. KNX-Lynn Murray's Music. HHJ -Round Towner. KECA -My True Story. KMPC -Swing Shift.

*KFWB-News. HMTR -Pianos. KWKW -Hoyes Hour.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KGB- Treasury Song Parade. KFOX-Help Wanted. KFXM- Rhythmaires. EVOE- Treasury Salute.

3:40 -KFWB -Dr. Reynolds. 3:45- KFI -Brave Tomorrow.

*KNX -The World Today. KHJ-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KMTR-Santaella Ensemble. KFXM -Matinee Melodies. KGB -Voice of the Army. KGB, KV'OE- Johnson Family.

3:05 *KNX -News Analysis, Chet Huntley.

4 HFi -Dr. Kate. *HNX -Dean Dickason. *KECA, KFOX -News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

Fulton Lewis jr. *KMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWB-Nip and Tuck. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC-Musical Comedy Re- view.

KRKD -Toast to the Town. KF V D- Plato. KGFJ-Home Hour. EGER -John Brown University

4:15 *KFI -News of the World. *KN ( -Bob Andersen. News.

HHJ, KGB. KFXM, MBE- Care and Feeding of Husband.

KECA -Ruth Wentworth. KFWB-Gospel and Song.

*HMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFVD -Newe.

KRHD- Movieland Quiz. KGER-Dr. Welkem.

4:30- KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Easy Aces. KECA -Andy and Virginia. KHJ -Lullaby in Rhythm.

RADIO LIFE PAGE 17 WEDNESDAY LOGS KMPC- Invitation to Waltz. KMTR-Treasury Salute. K W K W- Melodies. KGER-God's Bible Hour. KGB. HIDE -Halls of Monte-

zuma. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell.

4:45 *KFI- Robert St. John. for Kaltenborn.

KHJ, KFXM- Frolics. KECA- ('apt. Jack. KMPC -Busy Money. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen.

*KRHD -News. KFAC- Rhumba Time. KFOX -Eddie Dean. HGER -Colonial Tabernacle

5 *KFI -OK for Release. HNX -Galen Drake. *KHJ- Broadway News. KECA KFMB -Terry and the

Pirates *KMPC -News, Your Date. *KMTR -News, Music.

HPAS -Uncle Charlie. KWKW- American Jewish Hr.

*KGFJ, KFXM, KGER -News. KRHD -Songs of the Saddle. 'MVP- Evening Serenade. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

5:05 -KGER -Olga Graves. 5:15*KFI, HFAC, KFVD -News.

KNX -Texas Rangers. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Superman. KECA -Dick Tracy. KMPC -Dance Tunes. K51TR Salute to the Services KGFJ -Name the Tune.

*KFVD- News. 5:30 -KFI -Alvin Wilder.

*KNX-Harry W. Flannery. KECA, KFMB -lack Arm-

strong. HMI, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

World's Front Page. KMPC -Man With a Band. HMTR -Irwin Allen.

*HPAS -- Curtis H. Springer. KGFJ -Twilight Time. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KRKD-Race Results. HGER -God's Quarter Hour. KFOX-On the Bandwagon. KFVI)- Evening Serenade.

5:45 *KFI -Louts Lochner. *KNX-News.

KECA. KFMB -Capt. Midnight *KHJ, KGB, HELM, HV'OE-

Gordon Burke. News. KM PC-Help Wanted. HMTR -Old Age Pensions. KGFJ -Frank Sinatra Sings. KGER-Dr. Lovell.

5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry. 6 -KFI -Time to Smile with

Eddie Cantor. KNX-Frank Sinatra.


Gabrie Heatter. *KMPC -News, Rattler, Musi- *KFWB, HGER, KFOX, KFX1)1

-News. *HMTR -News, Sports Roundup

KFAC-Music for Everyone. KWKW- Itallan Melodies. KGFJ -Home on the Range. EPAS,Paeadena Playhouse.

b:15--KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- Believe It Or Not.

*KECA-Today in History. KMPC -Let's Learn Spanish. }WITH-Ham and Eggs.

*KFW'R -John B. Hughes. KGER -Rev. Burpo. KFOX -Easy Listening.

*HFVD -News. 6:30- KFI -Mr. District Attorney.

KNX -Carson Comedy Show. RECA, KFMB- Spotlight

Bands. HHJ, KFXM-Soldiers With

Wings. KMPC-War Council Quiz. KFWB- America Dances. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KPAS- Church of Christ. KRKD -Toast to Town. KGFJ- Dinner Dance. KGER -Prophecy Speaks. KFOX -Hais Memory Room.

*KGB -Eddy Orcutt. HVOE- Gospel Light.

6:45 -KRHD -Sweet and Lovely. KPAS- Townsend Plan. KFXM-Listen to This.

6:55 -KECA, KFMR -- Coronet Story Teller.

7- K11 -Kny Kyser's Musical College.

KNX-Great Moments in Music.

*KECA, FM fl-Raymond Gram Swing.

*KIE.J. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Itoyai Arch Gunnison.

*KMPC, KMTR -News. Music.

KFAC-American Waltzes. KGFJ -Spanish Hour.


KPPC -Pasadena Civic Music Assn.

7:05 -HGER -Townsend Nat'l Re- covery Plan.

HPAS- Gtibert Wales. 7:15 *KECA, KFMB -News.

*KHJ, KGB- Fulton Ouster. KMTR-W. B. Record. KFAC-Chapel Service.

*KPAS -Our Daily Bread. KPPC-Organ Recital. RFOX -Dr. Trotter. KFXM- Today's American

Hero. KVOE- Dinner Dance.

7:30 -KNX- Cresta Blanca Carnival. !MCA, HFMB -Star for a


Lone Banger. *KERB -News.

KMTR -Dr. A. U. Michelson. KPAS- Morgans. KRKD-Do You Know? !PP(' -Let'. Talk It Over. KFOX-Service Men's Club.

7:45*KFWB -Major H. S. Turner. Comment.

HPAS -Asher L Little Jimmie *KFAC-News.

8 -KFI -Frost Warning, Fred Waring Victory Tune Time.

KNX-I Love a Mystery. *KECA KFMB -Watch the

World Go By. KHJ. KGB -Main Line.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Atom 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

*KMPC -News, Interlude. *KMTR -News. *KFpá

eh. B-Reuters' News Dis -

*KI'AS. KGER-News. HFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -B R R Cowboys.

Petrie. HPPC -Rev. George E. KFXM- Redlands University. HV'0E- National Editorial

Hour. R'6X]'Z -Telev Isba Test-

Pattern. 8:05- HPAS -J. Frank Burke.

HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. 8:15 *KFI -Fleetwood Lawton.

HNX -Harry James Orch. RECA, KFMB -I,um d Abner. KMPC- William Parker. KFR "B -This Is the Story,

with Warner Orch. KPAS-Jon Billings. EVOF Minister's Hour.

zútemeat ! iNyalec1( THRILL TO


WEDNESDAY 8 :30 P.M. K H J a..d DOM LEE 7f.e.o.4

"42" HAIR Ora:7 42" SHAMPOO

8:30 --KFI -Beat the Band. HNX -Ur. Christian. Jean

Hersholf. RECA. KFMB -Mv Best Girls KHJ. HGB KFXM, KV0E-

Bulldog Drummond. KM l'CSportstime.

*KFWB -News. Ki'AS -Radio Gospel Hour. KPPC- Treasury Star Parade. KGFJ -Tic Toc Tunes. KFOX -Grace Memorial Ch. W6XYZ- Televtalon, Keeping

Fit. 8:45-K 1.3% B-Help Wanted.

KMPC- Dealgn for Dancing. 8:55- HNX -Joseph Hoesch.

9 KFI -Mr. and Mrs. North. HNX- Everyhody's Inn, Sam-

my Kaye. Monty Woolley. KECA, HFMB- Dunninger,

Mind Reader. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMP(' -News. Music Box.

KFWB- Musical Gems. *KMTR -News. Music.

KGFJ- Newshoy's Review. KI'AS -Dr. L. J. Talbot. HPPC -Voice of the Army. ,

KFOX -Church of Christ. WSXYZ- Television, Vauds-

sWe. 9:05- HGER -Rev. Clyde Compton. 9:15 *HHJ. KGB. HFXM, KVOE-

Cecil Brown, News. KMTR-Back to the Bible. KGFJ-Dance Rhythm. HPPC- Civilian Defense.

9:30 -KFI -Scramby Amby. KNX -Orson Relies Show.

*KECA, KFMB- Lowell Thomas KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Buddy Cole, at Organ. *KFWB, HFSG -News.

KI'AS- Spotlight Stories. KFOX -MaJor Bateson. HGER -Trinity Holiness Ch.

9:45*KECA, KFMB- Feature Sec- tion, Pat Bishop.

*KIIJ. KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Fulton r.

KMTR-Spade Lewis,

t pade ooley's Orch. HPAS -Charley Hemp.

10 *KF'I -The Reporter. *HNX -Ten o'clock Wire. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Dr. Polyzoides. KECA- Erskine Johnson, Hol-

lywood Spotlight (Thrifty Drugs).

*KMPC -News, Moments of Melody.

KFWB- Eastside Dance Tonite

10:00 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


*HMTR -News, Bob Brooks. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. HPAS -Ice Hockey.

*KF VD- Newsical, 3 Urs KGFJ -Hank. NlghtwateLman,

't111 6 a.m. 10:15 -KFI -Your 1943 Income Tag;

*KNX -John Burton News. KIM KGB, KV0F -Arch

R'ard. KMPC- Rainbow Rendezvous. KMTR -Pete PostretiL KFXM- Unscheduled.

DANCE Tonite 1oto12P.M. every N. S..d.y

RFWS/ Asoleo'. F1...1 Bemis

10:30 *KFI- Inside the News (Thrifty Drug).

HNX -M. Piestle." KHJ -Johnson Family. KECA-Freddy Martin Orch. AMP(' -Dance and Romance. KFW'B- Eastside Dance Tonite

*KFV'D- Newsical. 10:45 -KFI -Voice of a Nation.

KMTR -Viennese Ensemble. 1IR *KFI, K". KMTJt -News. i *KHJ. News, Yankee House

l'arty. *KECA -News, Classic Hour. *KMPC -News, Dance and

Romance. KFW B- Eastside Dance Tootle

*K TR Night, Ama-

HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KPAS -Helen Markham. *KFVD- Newsical.

11:15-HFI -Joe Reichman's Orch. 11:20 -KNS -Sammy Raye Orch. 11:30 -KFI- George Olson Orch.

KNX -Phil Harris' Orch. KHJ-Halls of Montezuma. KMPC -Treasury star Parade.

*HPAS- Newe. *KFVD- Newaicnl, till 1 a.m.

11:45- KFI -Musical Encores. KNX -Horace Heidt Orch. KMPC- Musical Americana.

11:55 *KNX, KMPC, REVS-Newa.

THURSDAY, MARCH 2 Indicates News Broadcast.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded music has been scheduled.

0-KFI-Johnny Murray. KNX- Collins Calling. KECA- Between the Lines.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Hacen of Rest.

*KMPC-News, K. Louis Flatan.

KFWB- Curtis H. Sprriinger.


KWKW -Pan- American Mis- sionary.

KFAC- Country Church. KFVD- Stuart Hamblen.

8:05 -KGER -Soul Patrol. 8:15 *KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. ENX- Valiant Lady.

*KECA-News. KMPC-Market Report,

Sports, Weather. KMTR-Dr. Michelson. KGFJ -Swing Styles. KGER- Mizpah.

8:30*KFI ° KRHD -News. KF.AA, KFMB- McNeill's

Breakfast Club. KNX-Kitty Foyle.

*KHJ -Bill Haworth. SPAS- Baptist Brothers. K.MPC -Cnity Daily Word. KFWB-Help Wanted.

*KFAC, KWKW-News. HRHD -News Headlines. KFX14I- Sunshine Service, KFOX -Dr. Lovell. KGB KVOE -Jolly Joe and

Ralph. 8:45 -HFl -David Harum.

KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. KHJ-Victor Llndlahr.

*HFWB -News. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KGER -Rev. Bennington. KFOX- King's Men. KFVD -Vocal Favorites.

8:55 -KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Strictly Personal.

8:58 -HMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News, KNX-Kate Smith.

*HHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE- Boake Carter.

KECA -Art Baker. KMPC-News, Housewles'

Exchange. KFR B-Dr. Reynolds.

*HMTR, KWHW' -News, Music. SPAS -Polly and Pat. KRHD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFOX- Firehrands for Jesus

*KGFJ, KGER -News.


R. L McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)


Every morning -Mon. thra Fri. KFAC at 9:13 KGFJ at 10:15

9:05 -KGER -Rev. Larrimore. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

111:15-KFI-Woman of America. KNX-Big ister.

*KECA, KFMR -News. HHJ -Sewing School of the

Air. *KFVD-News.

KFAC -Voice of Health. KGFJ- Medical. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KGB, KVOE -Music Mixers. KFXM -Old Family Almanac. KGB- Problem Clearing House

9:30*KFI -Major H. S. Turner, Comment.

KNX- Romance of Helen Trent.

KH.). KBG, KV0E -1 Hear Music.

RECA, KFMB -Breakfast at Sardi's.

*KFWB. KWKW-News. SPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KMTR-W. B. Record. RFA('- Midmorning Serenade. KGFJ -Swing Sexgsde. KGER -Radio Revissa? KFXM -Tours Very Truly. KFVD -Dr. Richardson.

9:40 -KFI- Magasine Page. 9:43 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. *KFWB -News, Music.

KMTR-Curtis H. Springer. KGFJ -Blood Goes to War,

*HRHD -News. Clifton. KHJ-Aunt Jemima.

9:55 -HRHD -Oh! Oh! KH.1. KFXM -Aunt Jemima.

*KFI-News. i0 -KFI- Standard School Broad- cast.

KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful. *KECA, HFMB -Tony Morse. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Glenn Hardy, News. *KM PC -News, Housewives'

Exchange. KFR'B- Kitche4 Kollege.

*KMTR-News, Pastor H. 0. Egertson.

KWKW-Woman's World. SPAS- Scratches and Jockeys.

*KGFJ. HFOX -News. EKED -Turf Bulletins.

*KGER -News; Full Gospel. 10:13-KNX-Ma Perkins.

HHJ -Happy Homes. KECA, KFMB -Sweet River. KMTR-Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS-News. KGFJ -Voice of Health. KRKD -Dr. Richardson.

*KPAS-News. KGER -Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KFXM -All Around the Town.

10 :30-KFI-Aunt Mary. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn, News

KECA -Jay Burnett. EHJ, KFXM, HVOE -Let's Be

Charming, Julia Sanderson. HMPC -Sing With Mee.

*KFWB, KFAC-News. KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson. KGFJ -Salon Music.

*KWKW -News. KRHD -Voice of Government. KFVD -t nlon Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor. KWKW-Wayne King. .

10:45*KFI -Art Baker, News. KNX -The Goldbergs. HE( A -Betty and Rob. HMPC -David Ramsey. KFWB- Science of Mind. HMTR -Talks and Tunes. KRKD-Midnight Mission. KFOX -M Clausen.

lâ3.1- Guiding Light. KNX-Young Dr. Malone.

*KECA, KFWB- Baukhage Talking.

KHJ-This Changing World. *KMPC-News, William Parker

KFWB -AI Janis,



s70T640T790T930T1020T 1150 T 1240 T13301-1390 T 600 710 870 980 1070 WO 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

*HMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talhot.

KFAC -Les Adams. SPAS -Meet Priscilla Alden. KRKD- Studio Quiz.

*KGFJ, KFVD KGER -News. KF01 -This Rhythmic Age. KGB, KVOE- Cedric Foster. KFXM -Capth store.

11:15 -KFI- Today's Children. KNX-Joyce Jordan, M.D. KHJ-Strictly Personal. KECA, KFMB- Mystery Chef. KMPC-Short Story Secrets. KGB, HVOE -La Conga. KGFJ -Pot Pourri.

11:20 -KHJ -Round Towner. 11:30 -KFI -Light of the World.

KNX-Re Love and Learn. KH,I, KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Yours for a Song. HMPC -Say It With Music. HMTR- Curtis H. Springer. KFAC- Between the Lines. KPAS- Pasadena Independent.

*KWKW-News, Music. KGFJ- Drama. KGER -Rev. (ireenemeyer.

*KRKD, KFOX -News. 11:45- KFI -Melodies of Home.

KNX -Perry Mason. *KECA, KFKB -News.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- Melody Rendezvous.

HMPC -This Day of War, Prayer.

KFVD- Violet Schram. SPAS -Hoot's Painted Post.

11:55. KWKW -News. 119HFI -Farm Reporter.

KFMB -Morton Dow- ney.

*KHJ-Broadway News. *KMPC-News, Weather,

Baritones. *HMTR -News, Bob Wills and

Playboys. KFAC- Luncheon Concert.

SPAS- Farmyard Capers. HRHD -Prairie Schooner.

*KGFJ, KGB, KFSD, 10'0E- News.

KFXM- t'nseheduled. KFVD- Luncheon Music.

*KGER -News: Music. KFOX -March Time.

12:15 -KFI -Ma Perkins. HNX -Neighbors. Irene Beas-

ley. HE( 'A- Luncheon With the

Stars. HHJ. KGB. HVOE- Palmer

House Orch. KFAC-Gypsy Serenade.


THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Llghtface Type: Aft ernonn and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00- Johnny Murray. KFI. 9:00 --Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis,

KECA -KFMB. 10 :00-Chef 11111an1, KFWB. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook, KFI 8:00 -Kraft Music Hall, KFI. 8:00 -Major Bowes, KNX. 6:30 -Bob Burns, KFI. 6:30 -Dinah Shore. KNX. 6:30 -5potlight Bands, KECA -

HFMB. '7:00- Abbott .t Costello, KFL 3:00 -The First Line, KNX. T:30- Here's to Romance. KNX. 8:15 -Lum and Abner. RECA -

KFMB. 8:30 -Maxwell House Time, KFI. 9:00 -Hollywood Inn, HNX.

10:00- Hollywood Spotlight. [ECA 10:00- Duhonnet Date with Cugat,


Drama 3 :00-Star Playhouse, KFI. -(' 4:15 are and Feeding of a

Husband. KHJ. 6:55-Coronet Story Teller,

KECA -KFMB. 8:00 -I Love a Mystery, KNX. 8:15 -Night Editor. KFI. 8:30 -Famous American Chal-

lenges, "MCA-RIME. 8:30 -Death Valley Days, KNX.

9:00 -Aldrich Family, KFI. 8:30 -Ellery Queen, KFT.

War 9 :00-Housewives' Exchange.

KM PC. 2:45 -American Women. KNX. 5:15 -These Are the Marines,

KMTR. 8 :00- Dispatch from Reuters'.


Outstanding Music 6:30- Treasure Hour of Song,

RHJ. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:05 -Fred Waring, KFI. 8:15 -Harry James. KNX.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

10:00 -Newsical, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Dance Tonite,

KFWB. 11:30- Classic Hour. 'MCA.

Public Affairs 10:00 -Standard School Bread -

cast, KFI. 10:15 -Mayor Fletcher Bowron,

KFI. 10:30 -Town Meeting of the Air,


Sports- Comment 10:00-Turf Bulletins. KRKD. 5:30 -Race Results, HRHD. S .06-Shorts Roundup, HMTR.

.KFAC -I Solemnly Swear. 12:30-KFI-Pepper Young's Family.

*KNX- William Winter. RECA, HEMS- Echoes of Ha-

wail. KHJ-Homemakers Club.

*KFWB -News. SPAS- Curtis H. Springer. KWKW- Maurice Johnson. KFVD- Violet Schram. KFOX- Symphonic Swing. KFXM -Farm Front. RVOE- Yankee House Party.

12:45 -KFI -Road to Happiness. HNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories In Melody. KGB, HVOE- Yankee House

Party. KFXM -Derby Roundup.

*KFAC -News. KFWB-Al Jarvis. KGB- Blackwood Quartet. SFI- Backstage Wife. KNX- Broadway Matinee.

*KECA, KFMB -News Sum- mary, Sam Hayes.

*KMPC-News, Man of the Desert.

KFWB--Today's War Moods. *H.MTR -News, Behind the Wet

News. KPAS-J. Newton Yates,


News. *KFXM, KVOE- Walter Comp-

ton. KFAC -Dr. Walter Raymond. HFOX -Dance Time.

1:15 -111FI- Stella Dallas. KHJ- Strollia' Tom.

*KECA, KFMB -Blue News- room Review.

HMPC -Tick Teck Tunes. KFWB -Al Janis. KFAC -J. N. Yates, Organ. KGFJ -Todd Grant. KFXM, HVOE -Just Relax.

1:20*HECA -Gen. Paul B. Malone. I:25 *HNX -News. 1:30 -KFI- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX-School of the Air. *KECA, KFMB -Time Views

the News. KHJ KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Fal Fall Speed Ahead. KMPC- Family Bible. KFAC-Novelty Tunes. HIED- Hawaiian Music.

*KRHD -News: Music. *KPAS-News. *KWKW-News.

KGFJ -It Can Happen. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:45- KFI -Yanns Widder Brown. *KECA, RIME -Peter de Lima

HMPC -Hits and Bits. KFAC -Gems of Melody. SPAS -Federated Women's

Clubs. HERD- Singing Walters. KGFJ -Let's Dream. KGER- George Strange.

1: L5 *KECA -News.

2 KFI -When a Girl Marries. KNX -The Open Door. KHJ-Norma Young. Happy

Homes. *KGB, HVOE -Ray Dady.

News. RECA. KFMB- What's Doing,

Ladies. *KMPC-News, Pan Americana. *HMTR -News. Music. *KGFJ -30" for Today.

HWHW, HRHD -Concert. KFOX-Organ Treasures. KFVD- Victory Parade. KFXM- Cnseheduled. KGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -KFI -Port in Faces Life. KNX -Pot Luck Party.

*KH.1, KGB, KFXM, H3'OE- Don Lee Newsreel Theater.

HMPC. -South of the Border. HMTR -Win Morro. HFOX- Public Bulletin.

2 :20*KHJ- Newsreel. 2:30-KFI-Just Plain Bill.

*KECA- Behind the War News. HMPC -Flying Feet. KFWB -Hsi Styles. HMTR -Victory House. KPAS- Slapsy Maxie's.

*K RIM-News. HFOX -Songs of the West.

2:40 *KNX -News. 2:43 -KF1-Front Page Farrell.

KNX-American Women. hEl'A -i alute to Victory.

*KFVD -News. KRKD -South Sea Serenade.

3 KFI-Star Playhouse. -KNX- Housewives' Protective


F'E'BRUARY 27, 1944 RADIO LIFE *SECA -Three o'Clock News. *KH.1 -News. *HMPC -News Wax Museum.

KFWB -Vocal Varieties. *ews, Musk. KFAC-Symphony. SPAS- Listeners' Digest.

*HWHW -Oft the Press. *HGFJ, .HGER- News.

KGB, HVOE- Prayer, Radio Tour.

HFXM- Prayer, Devotions. *SPAS- Listeners Digest.

KRHD- Matinee Melodies. 3:10 -HGFJ -Smile Awhile. 3:15 -SFr -Road of Life.

RECA. KFMB -Since Pearl Harbor.

HHJ -An Organ and a Voice. HMTR -Eugenia Clair Pre-

sents. SPAS -Jake Box Matinee. HWHW- Pentecostal Taberna-

cle. HFOX- Hawaii Calls. SVOE -Of Civic Interest.

3:30-Kill-Vic and Sade. KNX- Riders of the Purple Sage.

SECA -My. True Story. KHJ -Round Towner. HMPC -Swing Shift.

*HFWB -News. HMTR -Pianos. SFXM- Rhythmalres. HWHW -Hoyes Hour.

*HRHD -News Headlines. HFOX -Help Wanted. HVOE- Treasury Salute. HFVD- Novelty Notes.

3:45 -KFI -Brave Tomorrow. *HNX -The World Today. Chet

Huntley. KHJ-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. HFXM- Matinee Melodies. KGB. EVOE- Johnson Family HMTR- Santaella Ensemble. SGER -U. S. Coast Guard. HFI -Dr. Kate. KNX -Milton Charles.


Fulton Lewis jr. *KMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWB -Bert Fiske. *HMTR -News, Music.

HFAC- Musical Comedy Re- view.

RI.F'J -Home Hour. EGER -John Brown University HEED-Toast to the Town.

4:15*KFI -World News. *KNX-Bob Andersen, News.

HHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Care and Feeding of a Husband.

HECA -Ruth Wentworth. KFWB- Goepei and Song.

*HMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFt7) -News.

HRHD- Movieland Quia. SGER -Dr. Waikem. KFOX -Dave Rose.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. HNX -Mr. Keene, Tracer of

Lost Persons. *HECA- Burritt Wheeler. Kill-Lullaby in Rhythm. HMPC- Invitation to Waltz.

KMTR -Treasury Salute. H WK W- Melodies. HFXM -Dt. Philip Lovell. HGER -God's Bible Hour. KVOE-Human Adventure.

4:45 -KHJ -Earl Carroll's. HE('A- Twilight Tales. KMPC -Busy Money. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. HFAC -Rhumbs Time.

*HRHD -News. KFXM-Lanf McIntyre Orch. KFOX -Eddie Dean. SGER -Colonial Tabernacle.

S *KFI -OK for Release. KNX-Galen Drake. HECA. KFMB -Terry and

the Pirates. *KHJ- Broadway News. *HMPC -News. Your Date. *HMTR -News. Music.

Kl'AS -Uncle Charlie. KRKW- American Jewish Hr. HRHD -Songs of the Saddle. KFVD- Evening Serenade.

*HGFJ, HGER KFXM-News. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

5:05 -HGER -Olga Graves. 5:15*KFI, KFVD, HFAC -News.

KNX -Texas Rangers. HECA-Dick Tracy. HHJ. KGB, KFNM, KVOE-

Superman. HMPC -Dance Music. HMTR -Sen ice Salute, the

Marines. HGFJ -Name the Tune. 5:30-1111-Alvin Wilder.

*KNX -Harry W. Flannery.' SECA, HE y ack Arm- strong.

*KHJ, KGB, HVOE- World's Front Page.

HMPC -Man With a Band. HMTR -Irwin Allen. SPAS -Curtis H. Springer. HFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KIND- Evening Serenade. HRHD -Race Results. HGFJ -Twilight Time. HGER -God's Quarter Hour. HFXM -High School Billies. SFOX -On the Band Wagon.

5:45 *KFI -Louis Lochner. *KNX-Truman Bradley.

HECA, HFMB- -Cappt. Midnight *HHJ. KGB KFXM, KVOE- Gordon Burke, News.

HMPC -Help Wanted. HMTR -Old Age Pensions.

HGFJ -Frank Sinatra Sings. HGER -Dr. Lovell.

5:55 *HNX -Bill Henry. 0-EFT-Kraft Music Hall.

KNX -Major Bowes Amateurs. *HECA, KFWB, KFOX, HGER.


Gabriel Heatter. *HMPC -News, Weather, Music *HMTR -News, Sports Roundup

KFAC -Music for Everyone. HWHW- Italian Melodies. SPAS -Future Pianists. HGFJ -Home on the Range.

6:15 -1EHJ KGB, HFXM, KVOE- Beiieve It Or Not.

*HECA, HEMS-Today in His- tory.

SMIC -Let's Learn Spanish. *KFWB -John B. Hughes.

KMTR-Ham and Eggs. SPAS- Calling All Americans. HGER -Rev. Burpo.

*HFAC, HF V B -News. 8:30 -KFI -Bob Burns.

KNX-Dinah Shore Show. KHJ- Treasure Hour of Song. SECA. SFMB- Spotlight Band HMPC -Through the Years. KFWB- America Dances. HMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KPAS -Church of Christ. HGFJ- Dinner Dance. KR/ED-Toast to the Town. HGER -Prophecy Speaks. HFOX -Hals Memory Boom.

*KGB -Eddie Oreatt. KFXM-OPA. HVOE- Gospel Light.

8:45 -SPAS- Townsend Plan. KMPC-Wartime Washington

Report. 8:55 -KECA, HFMB- Coronet Story

Teller. KFI- Abbott and Costello. KNX-The First Line.

*HH.I. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Henry Gladstone.

*KECA. HFMB- Raymond Gram Swing.

*HM Pt' -News, Candlelight and Sil% er.

*KMTR -News, Music. *KRHD, EGER. HFOX -News.

ILEAC- America Waltzes. HGFJ -Spanish Hour.

*SPAS -News. 7:05 -HGER -Townsend Nat'l Re-

covery Plan. 7:13 *SECA, KFMB -News.

*KH.1, KGB- Fulton Ouster. SPAS -Our Daily Bread. HMTR -W. B. Record. KFOX -Dr. Trotter. HFAC -Vocal Gems.

'HVOE- Smooth Performance. KFXM-Today's American

Hero. 7:30 -EFT-March of Time.

KNX- Here's to Romance. HECA, HEMS -Red Ryder. HH.1, KFXM, KVOE -Army

Air Forces Present. H PAS- Morgans.

*HFWB -News. KMTR -Dr. A. U. Michelson. KFAC-Dr. F. B. Fagerburg. ERRD -Do You Know? HGER -The New Church.

7:45 *KFWB -MaJor H. S. Turner, Comment.

SPAS -Asher & Little Jimmie *HFAC -News.

8 -EFT -Frost Warning, Fred Waring Victory Tune Time.

HNX -I Love a Mystery. *KECA, HFMB -Watch the

World Go By. HHJ, EVOE -lick and Pat.

*HMPC -News, Interlude. KFWB- Reuter's News Dis-

patch. *HMTR -News, Central Church

of Christ. RFA('- Evening Concert. KGFJ-B & R owhoys.

*KPAS -News. HF.C.M -Your Neighbor -the


PAGE 19 THURSDAY LOGS 8:05 -HGER- Inglewood 1st Baptist

Church. SPAS -J. Frank Burke.

8:15-EFT-Night Editor. KNX-Harry James Orch. KECA, HFMB -Lum & Abner.

*H,FWB --M i1,, TeddParker. ch. SPAS -Mary Burke King. 8:30-EFT-Maxwell House Time. KNX-Death Valley Days.


Hear this true Old Ranger story of how a batch of dough- nuts almost caused an upris- ing back in pioneer days.


*KECA -News. KHJ, HF.L11, HVOE -Human Adventure. HMPC- Design for Dancing. *}HFWB -News. ñ.MTR- Property Owners. SPAS -Radio Gospel Hour. KGFJ-Dance Rhythm. HFOX -Judge Gardner. HGER -Gospel Tidingsr

8:45 -HFWB -Help Wanted. KECA-Old Timers' Avenue. HMTE- Eternal Life.

8:55 *SNX- Joseph Harsch. KM- Aldrich Family. KNX-Hollywood Inn. HECA -This Is My Coun

*HHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- News. Glenn Hardy.

*HMPC -News, Music Box. KFWB- Musical Comedy. *HMTR -News, Music.

SPAS -Dr. Louis Talbot. HGFJ -Fishing Pals.

9:O5 -HGER -Rev. Billy Adams. 9:15-KHJ. KGB, KEXM, KVOE-

Rex Miller. HFW B- Manpower. HMTR -Back to the Bible. HGFJ -Dance Tunes.

*KFOX -News. 9:30 -KFI- Ellery Queen. KNX-Bob Becker Chats

About Dogs. *KECA. HEMS-Lowell

Thomas. HH.1, KGB, HFIM, EVOa.-

Buddy Cole at Organ. *HFW B -News. HGFJ -Bar X Ranch. SPAS-Spotlight Stories. HFOX- Church of Christ.

9:45 -KECA, HEMS-Feature Sec- tion. Pat Bishop.

HNX -Riders of the Purple Sage. RH.1, KGB HENS, EVOE-

Fulton Lewis, jr. HMTR -Spade Cooley Orch. HPAS--Charles W. Hemp. HFOX -Rev. C. T. James.

i0 *KFI -The Reporter. HECA, KFMB- Erskine John- son. Hollywood Spotlight

(Thrifty Drug). *KNX-Ten o'Clock Wire.

HHJ. KGB, HFXM- Duhonnet Date with Xavier Cugat.

*EMMelo -News, Moments of

HFWB -- Eastside Dance Tonite *HMTR -News, Bob Brooks.

SPAS -Voice of Calvary. *KFVD- Newsical. 3 Hrs. HGFJ -Hank, Nightwatchman,

till 6 a.m. HVOE- Smooth Performance.

10:00 P.M. -KECA - Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


10:15-EFT-Mayor Bowron.

*RN\-Jnhn Burton, News. endezvous. elli Orch. Forget.

HMPC-ltainhow F HMTR-Pete Ponti

We 10:30 *KFI- Inside the N

HNX -Texas Rang KHJ- Johnson Fa SECA, KE51B -To

of the Air. HMPC -Dance and SFWB- Eastside

nits. SPAS -Haven of

*KFVD- Newsical.

ews. ers.


DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Every Na. Except Sunday

If FAtBi America's fi..,t {and,

wo Meeting

Romance. Dance To-


10:45 -HFL -Voice of a Nation. JINX-Organ. Piano. HMTR -Viennese Ensemble. HGER -Mission Workers.

11 *KFI, HNX, KECA, News.

*HMPC -News, Dance and Ro mance.

KFW'B- Eastside Dance To- able.

*HMTR -News, Hal Grayson Orch. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

SPTime. AS- Christ Gospel. *HFVD- Newsical.

HVOE -Voice of the Arm,. 11:05- KHJ- Tankee House Party. 11:15 -KFI -Joe Beichman's Occis. 11:30 -KFI- George Olson's Orch.

KNX-Phil Harris Orch. HHJ, KGB. SVOE- Rings

Over the West Coast. HECA-Classic Hour. HMPC- Musical Americana. HMTR -When Day Is Done.

*KPAS -News. *KFVD- Newsical. till 1 a.m.

11:45-KNX-Dale Jones Orch. KFI- Musical Encores. 11:55 *KNX, KFWB -News.

HMPC- Weather.

HAD COMPETITION Bret Morrison, "The

Shadow" on KHJ Mutual - Don Lee, had stiff competi- tion in winning that role. He has selected from among 110 actors who auditioned for it. * *

"FREE FRENCH" Cliff Arquette's very free French for "mercie beau-

coup" is "mairzy doates ". It didn't go over very well it "Point Sublime ", either.


When he made his first public appearance as a mu- sician, Xavier Cugat, Mu- tual -1 on Lee network star, was only six years old. He played the violin on a tour of South America.


Lou Crosby, annou the Blue Network's and Abner" show, do of talking about "Pin -Up Girl ". The lady is his baby da and sometimes Lou h the "pinning."

ricer on "Lum

es a lot I. is own

young ughter- as to do


FRIDAY, MARCH 3 At hours shown for recorded scheduled.

,vhere no listing Is a local station,

n u s i c has been

*Indicnt rs News Broadcast.


KPAS 8:30 A. M. Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

Cy-KFI-Johnny Murray. GP KNX- Collins Calling.

*KECA- Between the nines. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Dr. Louie Talbot. *HMPC -News, K. Louis

Flatta. EFRB- Curtis H. Springer.

*HMTR -News, Treasury Songs *KPAS, KGFJ, KGER, KFOX

-News. KFAC-Country Church. EBBW-Pan-American Mia-

sionnry. KFVD- Stuart Hamblen.

8:05-KGER-Soul Patrol. 8:15*KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX-Vallant Lady.

*KECA -News. KMPC- Market Report,

Sports, Weather. EMTR -Dr. Michelson. KGFJ -Swing Styles. KGER- Mlzpah. HFOX -Take It Easy.

8:30*KFI, ERRO -News. KNX-Kitty Foyle.

*KHJ -Bill Haworth, News. !MCA. KFMR- McNelll's

Breakfast Club. HMPC -Unity Daily World. NFU' I-Help Wanted.

*KFAC, KWKW-News. HPAS -Haven of Rest. BRED -News Headlines. HFOX -Rev. Paul Creciston. KFXM -Sunshine Service. KGB, HVOE- ,lolly Joe and

Ralph. 8:45- KFI-David Herum.

KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories. KHJ- Victor Lindlahr. KMTR-Bible Treasury.

*KFWB -News. EGER -Rev. Bennington. Y- King's Men.

B -Vocal Favorites. HS'OE -Hase You Read -4

> 8:55 --KGB, HFXM, KVOE -How Do You Say K'

8 :88- 1MTR -Time Signai.

9 *HFI -News. KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Boake Carter.

SECA -Women Who Make News, Dorothea Ramsay.

*1gMPC -News, Housewives' Exchange.

RFWB- Health Talk. *HMTR, KWKW-News, Music. *KGFJ. KGER-News.

KFAC- Musical Comedy. KFN'B -Dr. Reynolds. KPAS -Polly and Pat. KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

8:S5 -KGER -Rev. Larrlmore. *KFI-Edward Jorgenson, Com-

ment. 9:15-KFI-Woman of America.

KNX -Big Sister. *KECA -News.

EHJ -Time Out. KFAC -Voice of Health. KGFJ- Medical. HGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KIN If-Family Almanac. KGB, KVOE -Music Mixers.

*KFVD -News. 9:30 *HFI -MaJor H. S. Turner.

Comment. KNX-Romance of Helen

Tremt. KN'. KGB, KV'OE -I Hear

Music. KEY A KFMB- Breakfast at Seed

*HEN'S. KWKW-News. KMTR -W. B. Record. HPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. El-AC-Mid-Morning Serenade. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. HOER -Radio Revival. KFXM -Yours Very Truly.

KFVD -Dr. Richardson. 9:40 -BFI- Magazine Page. 9 :13 -KFI -Peter deLima.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. *KFWB-News. Music.

KMTR-Curtis H. Springer. *KRKD -News, Clifton.

KFVD-Here Comes Parade. KGFJ- Treasury Star Parade. KFXM -Waltz Time Aunt

Jemina. 9:55 -KRKD -Oh!- Oh!-

KHJ -Aunt Jemlma. *KFI -News.

10-KFI- Tillamook Kitchen.

KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ, KFXM, EVOE -News. *SECA. KFMR -Tony Morse. *HMPC -News, Housewives

Exchange. KFWB-Kitchen Kollege.

*HMTR -News, Pastor H. O. Egertson.

KFAC -On the Line. *KGFJ, KGER HFOX -News.

KPAS-Scratches & Jockeys. KWKW- Woman's World. HRHD -Turf Bulletins. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

10:05- KGER -Full Gospel. 10:15- KFI -Burritt Wheeler.

KNX-Ma Perkins. RECA KFB -Sweet River. KHJ-Happy Homes. Norma

Young. HMTR -Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS-News. KGFJ -Voice of Health. KRKD -Dr. Richardson. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGB, HVOE -Babe Rhodes

Orch. KFXM -All Around the Town.

10 :30-KFI-Aunt Mary. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn, News.

KECA -Jay Burnett. *KHJ, KVOE, KFAC -News. KMPC -Sing With Mee. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFWB, KWKW-News. SPAS -Thoughts In Poetry. KRKD -Voice of Government. KGFJ-Salon Swing. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor. KGB. KFXM. KVOE- Lunch- eon with Lopez. KFOX -Lou White. Organ.

10 :45*KFI -Art Baker. News. KNX -The Goldberg,. KECA -Betty and Bob. KHJ -How Do l'ou Say It? HMPC -David Ramsey.



s70T640T790T930TIDZDT 1 1157 T 1240 T1330T1390 T 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1234 1280 1360 1430 1490

HFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR-Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KFAC- Organ. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFXM -Ca ticators. KVOE- Carlos Molio.'s Orch.

KFOX-Al Claaeeo. 10 :50-KHJ-Leaders of United


ii11- Gulding Light. KNX -Youngs Dr. Malone.

*H TC ki KFMB-Baukhage

KHJ -This Changing World. *KMP(' -News, William Parker

KFWB -A1 Jarvis. *HMTR -News. Dr. Louis

Talbot. *KFVD. KGFJ, KGER-News.

KPAS-Meet Priscilla Alden. KFAC -Les Adams. HRHD- Studio Quiz. KGB. EFXM, HVOE- Cedric

Foster. 11:15 -HFI -Today's Children.

KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D. }MCA, HFMB- Mystery Chef. KHJ -Round Towner. RMPC -Say It With Music. KGB. KFX51. KVOE- Quaker

City Serenade. KGFJ -Pot Pourri. KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:30-KFI-Light of the World. KNX-We Love and Learn. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

Yours For a Song. KMTR-Curtis H. Springer. KFAC- Between the Lines.

*KPAS-Pasadena Independent.

*ERKD. HFOX -News. KGFJ- Drama. KGER-Rev. Chas. Greene-

myer. KVOE -Have You Read?

11:45 -KFI -Betty Crocker. KNX-Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KV 0E-

Melody Rendezvous. *KECA. KFMB -News.

KNX-True Story. KMPC -This Day of War,

Prayer. HPAS- Gibson's Painted Post. KGFJ- Melody Moments. KFVD- Violet Schram.

11:35*HWHW -News.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Light face Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Johnny Murray. KFI. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9 :30-Breakfast at Sardis.

KECA -KFMB. 10:00 -Chef Milani, KFWB. 10:30 -Luncheon with Lopez.

KGB -KFXM -K VOE. 3:10 -Smile Awhile. KGFJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook. KFI 4:30 -Andy and Virginia. KECA. 8:00 -Hollywood Showcase KNX 8:30 -People Are Funny, KFI. 8:30 -Spotlight Bands. HECA-

KFMB. 7:00 -Moore- Durante Show,

KNX. 7:00 -Amos n' Andy, KFI. 7:30 -Stage Door Canteen KNX. 8:30 -Your All -Time Hit


KFI. 8:30 -What's the Name of That

Song?, KHJ. 9:00 -Kate Smith Hour. KNX. 9:00- Furlough Fun. KFI. 9:30 -Joan Davis Sow, KFI. 10:00- Hollywood Spotlight, RECA

War 10 :50-Leaders of United Nations.

KHJ. 2 :45- American Women KNX. 8:00 -Renters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:00 -Television, Test Pattern,

W6XYZ. 8:30 -Television. Late News,

Jack Latham. WOXVZ. 8:80 -Television, Art Apprecia-

tion. WUXYZ.

Quiz Programs 6:30 -Double or Nothing, KHJ -


8:30 -It Pays To Be Ignorant. HNX.


3:00-Star Playhouse, EFI. 4:45 -Capt. Jack, KECA. 8:30 -That Brewster Boy, KNX. 8:55- Coronet Story Teller,

KECA. 7 :30-Lone Ranger KHJ -

KFXM -KGB -K V OE. 7:30 -Adventures of Nero Wolfe,

KECA -KFMB. 8:00 -1 Love a Mystery, ENE. 8:15 -The Parker Family,

KECA -KFMB. 8:30 -Gang Busters. RECA-


Outstanding Music 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:05-Fred Waring. HFI.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Newsiest, KFVD. 10:00- Fastaide Dance Tonite,

KFWB. t1:05- Classlc Hour. RECA.

Public d Hairs 2:55 -Day in Washington. KHJ. 5:00 -Frost Warning, KFI. 10:00- Freedom of Opportunity,


Sports-Comment 10:00 -Turf Bulletins. KRKD. 5:30 -Race Results, KRKD. 8:06- Sports Roundup KMTR. 7 :3O- Sports Newsreel, KFI. 8 :30- Sportstime, KMi'('.

10:00 -Legion fights, HMPC.

National Skin Protector Presents

Fast 5- Minute Summary Afternoon Headlines this

Morning Daily 11:55 A. M.

KWKW -1430 Kc.

12- KFI -Farm Reporter. KECA, KFMB- Morton

Downey. *KHJ -Broadway News. *HMPC -News, Weather, Bari-

tones. *HMTR -News, Bob Wills and

Playboys. KPAS- Farmyard Capers. KFAC- Luncheon Concert.


KRKD- Prairle Schooner. KFVD- Luncheon Music. KFXM -Unscheduled. KFOX -March Time.

12:10- HGER -Listen, Ladies. 12:15- HFI -Ma Perkins.

KNX-Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley.

With the Stars.

KHJ, KGB. HVOE- Palmer House Orch.

*KFOX KFXM -News. 12:30 -KFI- t'eppM er Young's Family.

*KNX -Wiliam Winter. KECA- 10-2 -4 Ranch. KHJ -Homemakers' Club.

*KF'.B. KFAC -News. KPAS- Curtis H. Springer. HWHW -Maurice Johnson.

FOX-Sy mphonic Swing. KFXM -Farm Report. AVOE- Yankee House Party.

12 :45 -KFI -Right to Happiness. ANA-Bachelor's Children. KECA -Memories In Melody. KFWB -Al Janis.

*KFAC -News. KFVD- Violet Schram. KFOX- Treasury Star Parade. KGB, KVOE- Yankee House

Party. KFXM-Derby Roundup.

iHFI- Backdoge Wife. KNX- Broadway Matinee.

*KECA, HFMB -News Sum- mary, Sam Hayes.

*KMPC-News, Man of the Desert.

KFWB-Today's War Bonds. *HMTR -News, Behind the

War News. *KGFJ KFVD,

Newton Ews. Yates, tes Organ.

HWHW -Red Cross. KFAC-Ralph Lowe. EFXM, HYDE- Walter Comp-

ton. 1:05- HGER -Officials on Parade. 1 :15- KFI -Stella Dallas.

KHJ- Strollin' Tom. *KECA,

RF R, Blue News- room

Tack Tunes. KFWB -Al Janie. KFAC -J. Newton Yates, Or-

gan. KFXM-Moods in Music. KVOE -Just Relax. KGFJ -Calling All Zones.

1:20 *KECA- Edward Jorgenson. 1:25 *KNX -News. 1:30 -KFI- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX-School of the Air. *KECA, HFMB -Time Views

the News. HMPC -Family Bible. KFAC- Novelty Tunes.

*KPAS, KWKW-News. *KRKD -News. Music.

KGFJ -Voice of the Army. 'WON-Christian Science. KGB -Full Speed Ahead. REAM-Nay y Time. K1'OE- Sentimental Melody.

1:45-KFI-Young Widder Brown. *KECA, KFMB -Peter de Lima

HMPC -Btis and Hits. KFAC -Gems of Melody. KRKD- Singing Walters. KGFJ -Let's Dream. KGER-George Strange.

1:55 *KECA -News. el-KM-When a Girl Manies.

ANA-The Open Door. RECA -What's Doin' Ladies.

*KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Ray Dady, News.


FEBRUARY 27, 1944

*KMPC -News, Pan Americana. *KMTR -News Music. *K(:F./ -"30" for Today.

KWKW, KRKD-Concert Matinee.

KFOX-Organ Treasures. KEND- Victory Parade. HOER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -KM-Portia Faces Life. KNX -Pot Luck Party. KHJ-Today on the ('oast.

*KGB. KFXM, KVOE -Don Lee Newsreel Theater.

KMTR-Win Morro. KRKD-Women's Rork. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2:20 -KGER -Long Beach Band. *KHJ -Newsreel.

2 :30-- KFI -Just Plain Bill. *KECA -Behind the War News.

KMPC -I Solemnly Swear. EFWB -Hal Styles. KMTR-Victory House. APAS- Slapsy Maxie's. KFOX-Songs of the West. *HRKD- News.

2:441*SNX -News. 2:45 -KFI -Front Page Farrell. KI.('ASalute to 1 ictory.

HNX -American Women. KMPCSympliony of Melody. *SEND -News. 2:55 -KHJ -Day in Washington.

1p-KFI-Star Playhouse. KNX- Housewives' Protective

League. *KECA-Three o'Clock News. *KHJ-News. *KMPC -News Wax Museum. RFWB -Vocal Varieties. *KMTR -News Music.

K FA(:- Symphony. *K PAS-Listeners' Digest. *KWKW -Off the Press. KRED- Matinee Melodies. *KGFJ, KGER -News.

KGB, KVOE- Prayer, Radio Tour.

KFXM- Prayer, Devotions. 2:10 -HGFJ -Smile Awhile. 3:15 -KFI -Rond of Life. KIIJ- Background for Living. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KR KW -Who's Who. KFOX- Hawaii Calls. RI OE --Of Chic Interest. 3:30- KFI -Vic and Sode.

KNX -Lynn Murray's Music. KECA -My True Story. KHJ -Round Towner. KMPC-Swing Shift.

*KFR B -News. KMTR- Pianos. KFXM- Rhythmaires. KWKW -Noyes Hour. KFVD- Novelty Notes. KRKD -News Headlines. KVOE- Treasury Salute.

2:45 -KFI -Brave Tomorrow. *KNX -The World Today, Chet

Huntley. KHJ -Bill Hay. KMTR- Santaella Ensemble. HFXM- Matinee Melodies. KGB. HVOE- Johnson Family. HFI -Dr. Kate. HNX -Deane Dickason. gECA -News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Fulton Lewis Jr.

KMPC -News, Swing Shift, NU-RR-Bert Finke.

*KMTR -News, Music. KRKD -Toast to the Town. EFAC- Musical Comedy Revue HGFJ -Home Hour. KFV'D -Plano Music.

*KFOX -News. KGER -John Brown University

4:15*KFI -News of the World. *KNX-Boh And , News. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Care and Feeding of a Husband. RECA -Ruth Wentworth. AMP(' -invitation to Maltz. KFWB- Gospel and Song. KMTR -Radio Newsreel.

*KFVD -New.. KRKD -Movieland Quiz. KGER -Dr. Ralkem.

1:30 -BFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX-Broadway Calling.

*KECA-Andy and Virginia. KHJ- Lullaby In Rhythm. *KM PC News.

KMTR- Treasury Salute. KR'K W- Melodies. KF:CM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KVOE- Unscheduled. RGER -God's Bible Hour.

4:45*KFI -Robert St. John. for Kaltenborn.

KECA, ;WEB-Cappt. Jack. KIIJ, KFXM- Frolics. KMPC -Busy Money. HFRB -Stuart Hamblen. KFAC-Rhumba Time.

*HRHD -News.

RADI O LIFE PA KGB- Musical Scoreboard. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle.

5 *KFI -OK for Release. KNX -Galen Drake. KECA. HFMB -Terry and the Pirates.

*KHJ- Broadway News. KMPC -News, Your Date. KMTR- News, Music. KWKW- American Jewish Hr. SPAS -Uncle Charlie.


KRKD-Songs of the Saddle. KFVD- Evening Serenade, KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. 5:05-KGER-Olga Graves. 5:15 *11FI, KIND -News.

KNX -Teins Rangers. KECA -Dick Tracy. KILL KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Superman. KMI C -Dance Music. KMTR -Salute to the Services. KGFJ -Name the Tune.

*KFAC -News. 5:30 -KFI -Alin Wilder.

KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA. KFMB -Jack Arm- strong.

*KH. /, KGB KFXM, KVOE- World's Front Page.

KMP( -Man With Band. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KPAS- Curtis H. Springer. HFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ-Twilight Time. KKKD -Race Results. REVD- Evening Serenade. H(,ER -God's Quarter Hour. KFOX -On the Band Wagon.

5:45-KFI-Louls P. Lochner, Com- mentator. *KNX -New. Truman Bradley.

KECA, KF'31B -Cappt. Midnight *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- Gordon Burke, News.

' AMPC-.Help Wanted. KMTR -Old Age Pensions. KGFJ -Frank Sinatra Sings. KIND- Victory Parade. ARKD- Hollywood Tunesmiths RGER -Dr. Lovell.

5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 *HFI -Waltz Time. KNX- Hollywoml Showcase.

*HMI. KGB. KFXM, KV'0E- Gabriel Heatter.


*KMPC -News Weather, Music *KMTR -News. Sports Roundup SPAS- Pilgrim Inspirational

Hour. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KGFJ-Home on the Range. HFAC -Music for Everyone.

6:15*KVOE -News. KHJ, GB, HFXM, EVOE-

Believe It or Not. *KE('A, KFMB -Today in His-

tory. KMPC -Let's Learn Spanish.

*HS TR -Ham and HÉ gss. KRKD- Song -O. KGER -Rev. Burpo. KPAS -W. C. T. U.

6:30 -KFI- People Are Funny. KNX-That Brewster Boy. KECA, (FMB -- Spotlight

Bands. RIL.t, KGB, KFXM, RV'OE-

Double or Nothing. KM Pl'- Through the Years. HFWB- "America Dances." KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KPAS -Church of Christ. KRKD-Toast to Town. KGFJ- Dinner Concert. KGER-Prophecy Speaks.

6:45 -KPAS- Townsend Plan. KRKD -Sweet and Lovely. KFXM- Listen to This.

6:5 - KF:('A, KFMB- Coronet Story Teller.

0J-Amos 'n' Andy. KNX- Durante- Moore.

*KECA -Ray W. Smith. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Dale Car-

negie. *KMPC, KMTR-News, Music.

KFAC-America Waltzes. KGFJ-Spanish Hour. KRKD, KGER, KFOX, APAS

-News. KFXM- Serenade.

7:05 -AGER- Townsend Nat'l Re- covery Plan.

SPAS- Gilbert Wales. 7:15 *KltJ, KGB- Fulton easier.

*KECA, REEK-News. KMTR -W. B. Record. KRKD -Three Quarter Time.

*KPAS-Our Daily Bread. HFXM- Today's American


KFAC -Chapel Service. KVOE- Smooth Performance. KFOX -Dr. Trotter.

7:30 -KFI -Sports Newsreel. KNX -Stage Door Canteen. KECA, KF11B- Adventures of

Nero Wolfe. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Lone Ranger. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Dr. Michelson. KFAC- Lucille Palmer. KGER -Rev. Laurence Hume. KPAS- Morgans. KRKD -Do You Know? HFON- Service Men's Club.

7:15 -KFI- Cabbages and Kings. *HI RR -Major H. S. Turner, Comment.

*HFAC' -News. SPAS -Asher & Little Jimmie.

8 -KFI -Frost Warning, Fred Waring Victory Tune Time.

KNX -I Love a Mystery. *KECA, HFMR -Watch the

World Go By. KHJ -Quiz of Two Cities.

*KMPC -News, Interlude. *KFW'B- Dispatch from Reut- ers *R SITIt -New..

Evening Concert. *K I'.\> -News.


King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -1n:í5 A. M. Monday through Friday

KGFJ -B. & R. Boys. KFOX -Rainbow Trio. W6XYZ- Television, Test Pat - tern. HFXM -Tour Tax Advisor. KVOE -The Shadow.

8:O5- KGER- Mispah. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. RIAS -J. Frank Burke.

s:15 *KFI -Fleetwood Lawton. KNX -Joan Brooks Songs. SECA, [(FMB -The Parker

F'amuy. KMPC- William Parker. KFWB -This is the Story,

with Warner Bros. Orri,.

Nadia Zum lw I eadlr ./ LISTEN TO

"What's the Name of That Song ?"

7.<dQy g.30 . KHJ AND DON LEE w, !worm

"42" HAIR 01(.... 42" SHAMPOO

8:30 -KFI -Your All -Time Hit Parade. KNX -It Pays To Be Ignorant KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

What's the Name of That So? KECA. 11F51111-Gang Busters. KMPC- Sportstime.

*KFWB -sews. SPAS -P. E. Gardner. KGFJ-Three Quarter Time. [(FOX, KPAS-Judge Gardner. W6XVZ- Television, Today's

Globe, Late News Flashes. 6:45 -KFWB -Help Wanted.

KMPC- Design for Dancing. AEI -Furlough Fun. HNX -Kat, Smith Show. RECA, KtMB -Meet Your Navy.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- News, Glenn Hardy. KFWB- Musical Comedy, *KMI'(:, KMTR -News, Music. SPAS -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

I *AGF'J- Newsbo s Review. W6XYZ- Television, Art Ap- predation.

9:15*KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KV'OE- 'Cecil Brown, News.

KMTR -Back to the Bible. HRKD- County Barn Dance. 9:30 -KFI -Joan Davis Show.


Buddy Cole at Organ. *KFW'B -News.

KPAS- Pasadena Civic Dance. KFOX -Major Bateson, KGFJ-Bar X Ranch.

GE 21 FRIDAY LOGS 9:1. -KECA, KFMB -- Feature Sec- tion, Pat Bishop.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Fulton Lewis Jr.

KMTR Spade Cooley's Orch. KPAS- Charley Hemp. 9:56 -KNX- Joseph Harsch.

10 *HFI -The Reporter. *KNX-Ten


Freedom of Opportunity. RECA, KFMB -Erskine John - son, Hollywood Spotlight

(Thrifty Drugs.) *KMI'('- News, Legion Fights. KFW B- Eastside Dance Tonke

10:00 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News" with JOHN COHEE and PETER de LIMA


*KMTR -News, Bob Brooks. SFA(' -Lucky Lager Dance Time. *KFVD- Newsieal, 3 Hrs. HGFJ- Ilank, r. ightwatchman

tit 6 n. m. KPAS- Vi cdrrn Hit Parade.

MAIN BOUTS Hollywood Legion Fights

Friday 10:05 P.M.

KFOX- l'aimer Players. 10:05 -KGER -tory Rest. 10:10 *RGER -Aubrey Lee, News. 10:15*KFI- Manchester Roddy. *HNX -John Burton.

HH,I, KGB, KVOE- George Olsen's Orch. KMTR-fete l'ontreili Orch.

10:30*KFI- Inside the News, (Thrifty Drugs).

JINX -M. Mateo. KHJ-Johnson FiunilT. KI(',t- Freddy Marlin Orch.

DANCE Toni te loto12P.M. Ivory Nit, t.,pt Sunday

KFWB; Am,.ri,', finest tard. r'

KFV'D- Newsreel. 10:15 -KFI -VoIiro of a Nation.

KMTR -Viennese Ensemble.

11 *KFI, ANX, KMTR -News. *HH.1 -News, Paul Martin's

Orch. *KECA -Net's, Classic Hour. SFA(' -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KIM P(' -News, Dance and Romance.

KF W'II- Eastside Dance To,- nite. *KMTR -News, Hal Graysos's

Orel. *KFVD- Newsical,

11:15-BF1 -Joe Reiehman's Orch. SPAS- Evening Whispers. 11:20- HNXSammy Kaye Orch. 11:30 -KNX -Phil Harris Orch. BFI- George Olsen's Orch. Kll.l- Sinfonietta.

KMPC- Treasury Star Parade. KMTR -When Day Is Done. *SPAS- -News. KGER -Memory Ranch. *KIND- Newsicai, till 1 I1:45- KFI -Musical Encores. KNX -Horace Heidt Orch.

11:35 *HNX, KFWB -News, KMPC- Weather.

a m.



carefully and Intelligently, Item by Item each week, with program Information furnished by the va- rious stations. They are, there- fore as accurate as is humanly possible under present shifting wartime conditions.

*Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing is s h o w n for a local station, recorded m u s l e has been scheduled.

8 FI -Hook 'n' Ladder Follies. S*KNX. KGFJ. HGER -News.

*SECA- Between the Lines. HHJ, KGB KFXM, HYDE-

Haven of Rest. *KMPC-News, Kurt Flatan.

KFWB -Dave Otxnont. *KMTR -News. Mnsie.

KFAC- Country Church. KPAS- Children's Bible Hour. KWKW-Pan-American Mis-

sionary. KRKD -Morning Melodies. KFVD- Stuart Hamblen.

8:05 -KNX -Let's Pretend. KGER -Soul Patrol.

*KFOX -News. 8:15*RECA. KFWB -News.

HMPC -Market Report, Sports, Weather.

HMTR -Dr. A. U. Michelson. KRKD- Unseen Enemy. KGFJ -Swing Styles. HGER- Mizpah.

6:3O-KFI- Lighted Windows. HNN- Fashions In Rations,

Billie Burke. RECA, KFMB- McNeill'

Breakfast Club. *KH,J, KFAC, KRKD -News.

R)II'C -T'nu Shall Have Music HFOX- Varieties.

*KWKW-News. *KRKD -News Headlines.

KGFJ- Jungle Jim. KGB- Family Circle. KFXM -Sunshine Service. RVOE -- Concert Miniature.

9 :45-14I1.1- Junior Army. *11FWB -News.

KFVD -Vocal Favorites. HMTR- International Sunday

School. KFOX- King's Men.

8:58 -KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI. KGFJ, HGER -News. KNX- Theater of Today. YMCA, KFMB -Art Baker. HAS, KGB, KFXM, HV0E-

Dr. John Matthews. *KMPC. 101TR. KWKW-

News, Music. KFWB--Frank Colby, Words. KPAS -P. E. Gardner. HFOX- Firebrands for Jesup. HRRD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFVD-Waltz Time.

8:O5- -SC,ER -Ada S. Teeple. 8:15 -KFI -- Consumer Time.

KECA- Federated Churches. KMPC -Stage for Song. KFWB. KGFJ- Health Talk. HMTR -Bill of Rights. SFAC -Civil Service Com.

*KFVD -News. 9:30 -BFI -Pet Parade.

KNX--Stars Over HoUywood. KECA, HFMB- Breakfast at

Sardi's. HHJ. KGB. KF .M. KVOE-

Hello, Mom. EMPC- Studio Party.

* KMTR-W. K B. Record. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. HFVD -Here Comes the Pa-

rade. KFAC -Midmorning Mat inee. KGER-Radio Revival.

/:4O-KFXM- Morning Matinee. 8 :45- KFI -L. A. County Medical

Assoc. KFWB-E.S.O. Grams. !CUM-American Story Book.

*GFR s Clifton.

Gospel. KGB -Red Cross Reporter.

10- KFI -Here s to Tooth. HNX -Grand Central Station.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KV0E- News Glenn Hardy.


*KMFsews, Man of the

KFWB-Salvation Army. *HMTR -News, Pastor H. 0.

Egertson. KWKW-Woman's World.

KPAS- Scratches & Jockeys. KRKII -Turf Bulletins. KIND- Morning Serenade.

10:15 *KECA, SPAS -News. KMI'(' -Naomi Reynolds. KFWB- Income Tax Interview. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle. KFAC -L. A. Medical Assoc. KGFJ- Income Tax. KFOX-Rev. Emma Taylor. KFXM -Moods In Music. KVOE- Treasury Star Parade.

10 :30-KFI-The Baxter's. KNX- Internal Revenue. HE('A- Western Serenade.

*KHJ, KFAC -News. EM I'C- I'an -Am arIcana. HMTR- Challenge to Youth.

*KWKW-News. KRKD -Voice of Government. KGFJ -Salon Swing. KFVD- F'nlon Rescue Mission. RGER -Sunshine Pastor. KGB. KFXM- Luncheon With

Lopez. 10:45 -KFI -War Telescope.

*KECA-News. KF'W B-Dase Ormont. KPAS- Internal Revenue. KFOX -Rev. Fisher.

to :55 *HNX -News.

11 RFI -Hoy Shields Co. KNX-Mary Lee Taylor,

Economist. KECA, KFMB -Metropolitan

Opera. *HMPC -News. Your Income

Tax. KFWB-Al Jarvis.

*KMTR -News. The Lamp- lighter.

KW KW- Sonya Cook. KRKD -Studio Quiz.

*KGFJ, KIND, HGER -News. KFXM, KVOE- Charles

Hodges. KFOX -This Rhymth(c Age.

11:15 -11PAS- Marines. KGFJ- Pot- Pourri. RGER -Venice Foursquare. KIND- Musical Revue. KFXM, KVOE -Laoi McIntyre , Orch.

11:30-KFI-On Scouting Trail. KNX- Calling Pan -America. HMPC -Beverly Hills High

School. KMTR- Tabernacle Choir. KFAC -- Between the Lines.

*KPAS -Pasadena Independent. KRKD- Studio Quiz.

*KFOX -News. *RRK7V- News, Music.

RGER -7th Day Adventists. KGFJ -Musketeers Theater.



s1oT640T19oT93oT102o" 1 1150 T 1240 1-.1330T1390 T 600 110 810 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

NEWS BROADCASTS Indicated by star *

in log listings.

11:45 -HMI'(' -This Day of War, Prayer.

101TIt- Charles Frederick. KIND-Violet lolet Schram.

11 :55 *KWKW-News.

12- KFI-Farm Reporter. KNX- Columbia's Country

Journal. *K11.1-News. *HMPC -News, Weather, Bari-

tones. *KMTR -News, Music. $PAS -.1. Newton sates,

Organist. KWKW- Income Tax.

*KGFJ, RGER, KVOE -News. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. KFOX -March Time.

12:10 -KGER- Listen, Ladles. 122:11 -KFI -First Piano Quartet.

*RFOX, KFXM -News. KFAC -I Solemnly Swear. KVOE -Thin Is Halloran. KGFJ -Mary Yarrow.

1.2 30- KFI -Smilla' Ed McConnell &

Gang. *KNX- William Winter. *KFWB, KFAC- News.

KWHW- Maurice Johnson. KGB, KNOE- Army-Navy

House Party. KFXM -Smith American Way HGER -Bob Carlin. KFVD- Violet Schram.

12:45 -KNX- Philadelphia Orcb. KFWB -AI Jarvis. KMTR -The Gay Family.

*KFAC -News. RGER -Manual Arts High.

1 *KFI- Rupert Hughes. KHJ. KFXM, EVOE -Ten l'in

Topics. *KMPC -News, Unity Word. *KEW War Moods. *KMTR -Behind the War News.

KFAC- American Red Cross. KPAS- Waves.

*KIND, KGFJ, RGER -News. HFOX -Dance Time.

1:11.5- KGER -Huber and South. 1:13-KFI-The Peoples' War.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE- New Orleans Races.

SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Progra

p Appear

Li i h fac Boldface. Afternoon and


Variety 9:30- "Hello, Mom." KIM. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardi's.

KECA- KF51B. 10:30 -Luncheon with Lopez,

KGB- KFX:tl -KVOE, 4:30 -What's New. KECA-KFMB 6:00 -Barn Dance, KFI. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands, RECA-

EFMB. 0 :311 ---Can You Top This?. KFI. 7:00- Million Dollar Band, KFI. 7 :15- Grourho Marx. KNX. 7:30 -Grand Ole ()pry. KFI. 9:00 -Hollywood Theater. KFI. 9:01 -Your Hit Parade, KNX.

10:30 -Hollywood Barn Dance, FEN N.

D rain a 8:311-Lighted Windows, KIT. 9:00- Theater of Today, KNX. 9:30 -Stars Over Hollywood.

KNX. 10:00 -Grand Central Station.

KNX. 1:30 -The Colonel. KNX. ^:110- Corllss Archer, KNX. 4:00 -Nick Carter, HHJ. 8:30 -Inner Sanctum Mystery,


Quiz Programs 4:30 -Noah Webster Says. KFI. 6:33- Coronet Quick Quiz, RECA 8:00 -Truth or Consequences,

KFI. 8:00 -Thanks to the Yanks.

KNX. 0 :45 -Don't You Believe It,


War 8:30 -Fashions In Rations, B.

Burke, KNX. 10:4.5 -War Telescope, KFI. 1:30- Doctors at War, KFI. 4:01F -Man Behind the Gun. IEGNX

:00 -Jobs for Heroes. HHJ.

Outstanding usic 11 :00--Metropolitan Opera. RECA-

KFILB. 12:45- Philadelphia Symphony,

KNX. 2:15 -- Metropolitan Music Hour,

HEC A -HIM B 1:30- Boston Symphony, KECA. 8:45 -Saturday Night Serenade,

KNX. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 9:00 -Your Hit Parade, KNX.

10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:110- Eastside Dance Tonite, KFWB.

Public .if fairs 10:00 -Here's to Youth, KFI. 3:00 -These are Americans. KNX. 3:15 -People's Platform. ENE.

Sports -Comment 10:00 -Turf Bulletin. KRKD. 11:30 -On Scouting Trail. KFI. 1:00 -Ten Pin Topics, ENE. 1:15 -New Orleans Races, KIM-

ALBS. 1:30 -Hialeah Races, RHJ -DLBS. 5:15- Sports Revue. KNX. 1:30 -Race Results, HRRD. 6:06 -Sports Roundup. KMTR.

HFR'B -AI Janis. *KRKD -News, Music.

KGER- George Strange. KIND- Hawaiian Music.

1:30 -KFI -Doctors at War. KNX -The Colonel. KH.I, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Hialeah Races. AMP(' -Weekend Review. KMTR-George Highley Re-

porting. KFAC- Gilbert & Sullivan.

*KWKW -News, Movie Close- ups.

*K l'AS -News. 1:45-KHJ, KGB, HFl11, KVOE-

Tony Pastor's Orch. KltKl/- Singing Waiters. HFVD -Vocal Varieties. KFOX- Concert Master.

2 AFII-Your America. KNX- ('urliss Archer. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Navy Bulletin Board. *KMPC -News, Music. *HMTR -News, Dick Ross.

KWKW -Swing Symposium. KRKD -Concert Music. KGER -Long Beach Band. KFOX -Organ Treasures.

2:15 -RECA. KFMB- Metropolitan Music Hour.

KMPC -Say It With Music. 2:30 *KFI -Stories Behind Head-

lines. KNX- Mother and Dad. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE- Ameri-

can Eagle Club. *KFW R -News.

KMTR- Victory House. KPAS Slapsy Maxie's.

*KRKD -News. Music. 2:45- KFI -Meditation.

HRRD -South Sea Serenade *KIND- News.

3 KFI- Vegetables for Victory. KNX -These Are Americana. HHJ, KFXM, HVOF- Praytr,

Our World of Music. KECA -R

*HMPC, KMTR-News. Music. *KPAS- Listeners' Digest. *HFWB. HGER -News.

KFAC- Ballet Briefs. *HWHW -Off the Press.

KRKD- Matinee Melodies. HFOX- Rainbow Trio. KIND-Popular Favorites.

3:10-KGFJ-Smile Awhile. 3:11 -LEI -I Sustain Wings.

HNX- People's Platform. ERS -An Organ and a Voice. KMPC-Lady at the Mike. KFWB-Vocal Varieties. KWKW- Pentecostal Taberna-

cle. KPAS-Juke Box Matinee.

3:30 -KFI -Curt Massey and Co. KECA -Bible Message. KHJ. KFXM, EVOE- Hawaii

Calls. HMPC- Keyboard Portraits. HMTR -Pianos. KWKW -Hoyes Hour. HFOX -Help Wanted.

*KRKD -News. REiD- Novelty Notes.

3:45- FFI -Religion in the News. HNX -The World Today. KECA, HFMB -Leon Hender-

son. HMPC -)Ian With a Song.

*KFWB-News. HMTR -Santaella Ensemble. KGER- Marion Childs.

3:15 -KNE -Chet Huntley. Analyst.

4 -6E1-American Story. ENE -Man Behind the Gun. TM. KFXM, HVOE -Nick

Carter. HMPC, HMTR -News, Music.

KFWB -Gospel and Song. KFAC- Musical Comedy Re-

vue. KGFJ -Home Hour. KRKD -Toast to the Town.

*KGER, KFOX -News. KEN D- Plano.

4:15- KFWB -- Gospel and Song. KMI'(' -Man With a Band.

*KMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KIND -News.

KRKD- Movieland Quiz. HFOX -Dave Rose. HGER -Colonial Tabernacle.

FEBRUARY 27, 1944

4:30 -KFI -Noah Webster Says. HNX -Bill Hay. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Flying High. SECA- What's New. -Don

Ameche, MC. KMPC- Valley Church of the

Air. KFWB -Blind Artists Guild. KMTR- Treasury Salute. KFA('- Rhumba Time. KW K W- Meludles. KGER -Prophecy Speaks. KFOX- -Congo Room.

4:45 -KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KN\ -Meet the Music. KFAC- Hhumha Time. KFVD- Carter Wright.

*SKIED-News. En- Little Concert. KNX -Victory F.O.B. Detroit.


*KMI'C, KMTR -News, Music. KPAS-Riom Hour. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KFVD- Etening Serenade. KGB-- C'Isco Kid. HFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

5:05- HGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *KFI -News.

KHJ -Between the Lines. HMPC- Dance Music. KMTR- Federal Income Tat.

*RFA('. KFVD -News. KWKW- Science of Mind. KGFJ -Voice of Scripture. KGB. KF_.XM, KVOE -Cn-

scheduled. 5:30 -HFI- Traffic Tribunal.

*h. X -Harry Flannery. KECA, KFMB- Bustun Sym-

phony. KHJ- Concert. KM PC-Easy Listening.

*HMTR- Irwin Allen. *HPAS, KSIPC -News.

KRKD -Race Results. HW$W- Unity.

*SPAS -News. KGFJ- Twilight Time. KGER -Rev. Johnny Murdock. EFOX -On the Band Wagon. KFYD- Evening Serenade.

5:45 *KFI -Louts Lochner, Comment *K.VX- Truman Bradley News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, I %OE-

Gordon Burke, News. K.MPC- Bishop Stevens. KMTR -Old -Age Pensions. KPAS- Christ Lutheran

Church. HGFJ -Frank Sinatra Sings. KFVD- Serenade.

5 :55 *HNX -Ned Calmer. 6-KFI- National Barn Dance.

HHJ, KFXM, KGB -Chicago Theater of the Air.

HNX- Dorothy Allen. KPAS- Sunset Hour. LFOX -Ross Ballroom.

*K.MPC -News. 'Weather, Music *KFWB, HGER, KFOX -News. *KMTR -Sews, Sports Roundup

KPAS- Baptist Brothers. HWKW- Itnllan Melodies. HFAC -Music for Everyone. HGFJ -Hume on the Range. KVOE- Smlith Performance.

8:15 -KECA- Taylor Made Melodies. KMl'C -Let's Learn Spanish.


KMTR -Ham and Eggs. 8:30 -KFI -Can You Top This?

KNX- Eleonore King. KECA HI'SIB- Spotlight

Baacs. H)IPC- ('ballenge to Youth. KFWB- What's your Answer? HMTR -Ur. Clem Duties. KPAS-Sweet Chariot Hour.


KPAS Saturday 6:30 p. m.

KGFJ- Dinner Concert. KRKD -Toast to the Town. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. KGER -Rev. Lola Winning-

ham. RAVE-Gospel Light.

8:43 -KNN- Saturday Night Sere- nade.

KRKD- Father Vaughan. 9:55 -KECA, KFMB- Coronet Quick

Quiz. ly-KFI-Million Dollar Rand.

KECA -John W. Vandercook. KHJ -Jobs for Heroes, Joe

Crall. KGB. KFXM, KVOE -Royal

Arch Gunnison. *KMPC, KMTR -News, Music.



K H J Sat. 7 :00 -7:30 p. m.

KFWB- Desert Battalion. KFAC -Ur. James Wield, Jr. KPAS -Nazarene Church.

*KRKD, KGER. KF(IX -News. HGFJ- Spanash Hour.

::1S-- HNX- Gnmcho Mars. KGB. HFX.M, KVOE- Satur-

day Night Bandwagon. *KECA -News.

KM'S-Community Synagogue KMTR -W. B. Record.

::30 -HFI -Grand Ole Opry. KECA, KFMB --Red Ryder.

*KFWB -News. HMTR -Dr. A. U. Michelson. K PA S- Morgans. KFAC- Edwin Dunning. HFOX- Soldiers of the Press.

KRKD -Do Tou Know? HGER- Sister Sylvia.

7:45 -KNX -The Story Teller. KHJ KGB, KFX.M- Service

Unlimited. *KFWB, KF:tC -News.

KPAS -Asher & Little Jimmie KFOX -Judge Gardner.

-KFI- Frost Warning, Truth or Consequences.

KNX -Thanks to the Yanks. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Dowa-

beat Derby. SECA, KF3IIt -Early Ameri-

can Dance Music. *KMI'C -News, Radio Gospel

Hour. KFWB- Conference of Wo-

men. *KMTR -News, Music.

KPAS -Churches of God. KFA(' -E ening Concert. KGFJ -B. d R. Boys.

*KGER-News. 8:15 -KECA KFMB -This Is Holly -

woo Denny Shane. KFWB- Sailors with Wings. KMTR-Victory Program. K(iFJ- California Engineers. HFUX- Institute of Religious

Science. KVOE- George Duffy's Orch.

8:30 -KFI- :1nte's Irish Rose. HNX -Inner Sanctum Mystery. KECA, Kt-Mil -Club Good

Cheer. HMPC -Des:gn for Dancing.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Spade Cooley's Orch. KFOX- County Barn Dance. KPAS -Judge Gardner. KGFJ- Saturday Nile Special.

*KGB -News, Ted Lewis Orch. KFX.11 -Floyd B. Johnson. KVOE -Cisco Kid.

S:15 -KFWB- Treasury Star Parade 8 :55 *KNX -News.

9 -KFI -Young Artists' Contest, with Orch.

KNX -Your Hit Parade. KECA -Cowboy - Hit Parade.

*HBJ, KGB, KFX.11, KV0E- News.

*HMPC -News, Music B. KFWB- Victory Service Club.

*KMTR -News, Back to the Bible.

KPAS-Pasadena Chic Dance. KGFJ -Junior NIte Club. KFOX- Church of Christ. KGER -Loci West. KFSG -Radio S. S. Teacher.

9:15 -KHJ, KV'OE- Musical Cocktail *KFWB, KFOX -News.

KGB- Victory Network. 9:31 -KECA, KFMB- Reserve.

KH.I. KGB. KFXM. KVOE- Buddy Cole at the Organ.

*KFWB-News. KGFJ-Bar X Ranch. KFOX- Municipal Auditorium

Bands. 9:45 -KNX -Don't You Believe It.

KFI -Concert In Rhythm. KHJ -Songs of Good Cheer. KF.('A -Szath Myth, Music. KMTR-Spade Cooley's Orch. KFWB -Red Cross. KPAS- Charles W. Hamp.

Huntley, Valle.

4 O *HFI, KGFJ, HGER -News. *KNX -Ten Clock Wire,

*HBJ KFX.1I, KV0E -Dr. Polyzoides.

HE('A, HFMB -Wings to Vic- tory. s

*HMPC-News, Rainbow Ren- dezvous.

KFWB - Eastside Dance Tonfite HMTR -News Bob Brooks.

KFAC- Lucicy Lager Dance, KPAS-Ice Hockey. KFOX -County harn Dance. *KFVD- Newsical, 3 Hrs. KGFJ -Hank, Nightw'atchman,

till 0 a.m. 5-KFI -The Unseen Enemy. *KNX-John Burton, News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Henry King Orch.

HM P('- Rainbow Rendezvous. KMTR -Pete Pontreui Dreh.

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Ivory !Me Sunday

K F W B I Ai..rIca ', Il..t Bands

KFOX- Leilani Hut. KGER -Rev. Jeff Rickard.

10:30 -RFI- George Olson's Orch. KNX- Hollywood Barn Dance.

*KHJ -News. KECA- Freddy Martin Orch. KMPC -Dance and Romance. KFWB- Eastside Dance To-

night. HGER -Rev. Mabel Carpenter. *HFVD- Newsical. H.FXSI RAVE-Dick Dickin-

son Orch. 10:45 -KHJ, KGB --Gus Arnheim

Oreh. HNTR -Viennese Ensemble. HOER -Young People's Re-

vival. KFOX- Majestic Ballroom.

10:55 -KFI, KECA -Interlude. 11 *KFI, KNX -News.

KHJ -Paul Martin's Orch. *KMPC -News, Dance and Ro

mance. KFWB- Eastside Dance To-

night. *K5ITR -News, Hal Grayson

Omit, KPAS-Melodies in the Night KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KFVD- Newsical.

KVOE, KGB -Dance Time. KFOX -Victory Ensemble.

11:05 -HNX- Public Affairs. 11:15- KFI -Joe Reichman's Oreh, 11: 20- KNX -Sammy Kaye Orel]. 11:30-KIT-Pasadena ('itic Orch.

HNX -Phil Harris Orch. KECA -Classic Hour. KHJ-Navy Band. KMTR -Art Wenzel.

*KPAS -News. *KFVD- Newsical, till 1 a.m.

11:45 *KFI, KMTR -News. KNX -Dale Jones. KMTR -When Day Is Done.

11:55*KNX, KFWB -News. KMI'C- Weather.

NEW MEANING Stu Wilson referred to his PFC cousin

on the MutualDon Lee Network's "Homemakers' Club" the other day. Tommy Dixon, the KHJ announcer who dubs as stooge man on the show said, "Oh, you mean Private First Class ?"

"No," replied Wilson. "Poor Tarn- ished Civilian."


Hereafter, when Raymond Scott com- mands his 30 -piece CBS orchestra to get hot, they had better comply with -

restraint. For he will use scientific methods to measure the temperature of the notes that emanate from the instruments of his men. Scientists of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology announce that trumpet, saxo- phone and flute notes actually have a temperature. A delicate sound thermo-

BURNS, EAGLE SCOUT In recognitior of his tremendously

successful bond -selling activities in behalf of the Boy Scouts, NBC come- dian Bob Burns recently was made a Troop Committeeman of Troop 800x, Los Angeles. Said Burns, as he ac- cepted his papers from executives of the Boy Scouts, "I wish that I coulda been an Eagle before I started to moult."

meter has been perfected, capable of telling the exact temperatures of all sound waves. It responds to infini- tesimal changes of temperature creat- ed by the pressing of sound waves against one another as they surge through the air. Scott plans to use the instrument in his orchestra to deter. mine when a number Is truly and literally hot!

WRONG PEW Red -headed Quiz Kid Harve Fisch-

man, was one of the brain trusters on the Blue program's recent War Bond tour. Once during the trip, Harve's face turned as red as his hair. The boy went to a luncheon in the John Mar- shall Hotel in Richmond, saw four empty seats, thought the other Kids hadn't arrived.

Harve, royally received, enjoyed his meal from a place of honor and after- ward made a 20- minute talk. The other Quiz Kids hadn't arrived when he left the affair.

Later, he discovered that, instead of a party given by the superintendent of schools, he had walked, uninvited, into a membership campaign lunch- eon of the Richmond Musical Society.

"Thanks for coming, Harve," read a note he received subsequently from the society's president. "You certainly pepped up an otherwise dull Ireting."

1119.-...4- »/i. ...


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk () are of the contest. quiz. or offer type.

*indicates programs of news and commentators. tble's Irish Rose...» . KFI. 8 W' :30 p.m. Sa Chef Milani. ._.SFB, 10 a.m. M -F tbhott and Coatello... r KFI. 7 p.m. Th Chicago Round Table

» KFI 10:30 a.m. Su

Edams, Le KFAC. 11 a.m. M -F Chicago Theater KHJ, KGB. KFXM, 6 a.m. Sa tdventures of Nero Wolfe KECA. 7:30 p.m. F Chicago Theater Symphony tdventures of the Thin Men.. KNX, 7:311 p.m. Su __.__. ..._ .......HHJ, 11:30 p.m. Tu %loom of Familiar Music KFI. 6:30 p.m.- Su _.._..__..DL1611 10:30 p.m. M Elden, Priscilla ... ».._._.._ SPAS. 11 a.m. M -Sa Children's Bible Hour...___..HPAS, 8 a.m. M -Sa Udrich Family..._---- KFI, 9 p.m. Th Christian Science _ _HFAC, 5:15 p.m. Su Ellen. Fred ______._........... KNX. 6:30 p.m. Su ,_.KFOX, 8 p.m. let, 3d, 5th Su: Men. Irwin..._..___.__..HMTR 5:30 p.m. M -Sa 1:30 p.m. M. W. F tmecfte, Don .._....._____..........MEGA. 4 p.m. Sa Church Federation Vespers KE('A. 4:11 p.m. Su tmerica in the-Air- he Air. _ .KNX, :30 p.m. Su Cieco Kid ...... ._.»__ KHJ 11:30 p.m. M tmerican Forum of the Air.. KHI, 6:30 p.m. Tu Clvorn Group ...__.......... . KFVD, 1:45 p.m. Su tmerican Town Meeting of the Air _''

KECA, 10:30 p.m. Th Classic Hour.._.__SECA, 11:05 p.m. M. W. F

tmerican Eagle Club KHJ. 11:30 p.m. Th

KGB. KFX.M KVOE. 2:30 p.m. Sa *Close. Symphony._._......_.. KM, 6 p.m. Sa

American Melody Hour KNX. 4:30 p.m. 'fu *Close, Upton KFI 12:15 p.m. Su

American Story ... R1, 4 p.m, Sa °" "ood KHJ HFXM. HVO%:, 3 :30 p.m. Su

tmerican Story Book _.....HMTR, 9 :45 a.m. Sa Club Good Meer KECA, 8 :30 p.m. Sa tmerican Women. - .... »__._.HNX, 2 :45 p.m. M -F Colman, Ronald...._.__._ HF7. 9 p.m. Tu

('niions Calling..._-._ _....KNX, 8 a.m M -F Amos n Andy...._ KFI. 7 p.m. F .Andy and V'irginia......RECA, 4:30 p.m. M. W. Columbia Church...._. 1 a.m.; 10 a.m. Su *Andersen. Bob ...KNX. 5 :45 Su; 12 :15 p.m. M -F Columbia's Country Journal...__ _KNX, 12 n Sa *Art Baker, News HFI IO :45 a.m. M -F Community Synagogue KFWB, 7 :15 p.m. Sa Art Baker's Notebook RF1I, 4:30 p.m. M -F Concert Matinee. _.-KWKW. 1:15 p.m. M -Sa

KECA, 9 a.m. T. Th, Sa Contented Hour___...._...... BFI. 7 p.m. M

Arlington Time Signal KSITR 8 :58 a.m. I) Coronet Quick Q u is _.KECA, 6:15 p.m. Sa Army Air Forces Present KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Th Coronet Story Teller Army Service Presents KECA, 11 p.m. Sa KECA, KFMB, R:SS p.m. M -F Armstrong, Jack. KECA 5:30 p.m. M -F Counterspy _ ...KECA. KFMB, 8:30 p.m. M Army Hour KFI. 12:30 p.m. Su Country Church of Hollywood. Asher and Little Jimmie -KPAS 7:45 p.m. M -Sa -- - -- - .....- .____...HFAC. 8 a.m. Tu -Su Aunt Jemima.._...___._ »..__...KNX. 7:20 a.m. M -F County Medical Aun....»»...KFAC, 10:15 a.m. Sa

....._._._.._....HHJ 9:55 a.m. W -F _..__...KFI. 9:45 a.m. Sa Aunt Jenny KNX 8:45 a.m. M -F Court of Publie Opinion SECA. 10 p.m. Su aunt Mary _._ KM, 10 :30 a.m. M -F Creeps by Night _.KECA, 10:30 p.m. Tu Bachelor's Children ......_»..KNX, 12:45 p.m. M -F Crests Blanca Carnlval..._._.HNX 7:30 p.m. W Background for Living..KHJ 3:15 p.m. M. W. F Crime Doctor. SNx S p.m. Su Backstage Wife KFI, 1 p.m. M -F Crosby. Bing Hì7; 6 p.m. Th Bark to the Bible HMTR, 9:15 p.m. M -Sa ('a[at, Xavier KHJ, 10 p.m. Th Baptist Brothero...__._..HPAS, 8:30 a.m. T. Th *Dady, Ray ___..._....._......_.....HHJ. Burn Dance -- ._ .. KFI 6 p.m. Sa KGB, KFXM, KVOE. 2 p.m. M -F Battle of the Baritones -_IM PC, 12 n M -F Dance Time (Lucky Lager) *Itaukhpge Talking KECA, KFMB, 11 a.m. M -F -- KFAC, 10 p.m. M -Ss; 10:30 p.m. Su Beat the Band........... »..._ EFT. 8:30 p.m. W Dance Tonite (9aetalde Beer) ..........- .__..__...- "Believe It Or Not.._.».SHJ, 6:15 p.m. M -F ---- --- SFWB, 10 p.m. M -Sa Benny. Jack..._.._..... .._ BFI, 4 p.m. Su Date With Judy. .._ BFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu

_KHJ. 8:30 p.m. Su David Hamm .. ......KFI, 8:45 a.m. M -F Bergen -McCarthy ...___._...._...........KFI, 5 p.m. Su Davies, Dr. Clem......_...KMTR 8 :30 p.m. Tu -Sa Betty and Bob .»..HE(:4, 10:45 a.m. M -F Davie (Joan) Show..._._._._.)#FI 9:30 p.m. F' '- Deadline Drama.... KECA, 9 p.m. Su Bible the Lines.. _ KECA. 3 a.m. Mu; Death Valley Da s- --KNX, 8:30

D p.m. Th Bible Treasury Hour H.VITR 'i311 p.m. Su; 7 7 D

8:45 a.m. M -F Detroit Bible Class. KGB KVOE, 9 a.m. Su Big Sister... _KNX. 9:15 a.m. M -F District Attorney Speaks I MTR, 4:15 p.m. Su Big Town _ ._. KNX, 8:30 p.m. Tu Dick Tracy .._.KECA 5:15 P.m. M -F Bill Hay Reads the Bible._...KHJ, 3.45 p.m. M -F *I)ickason, Deanr _._.._...._.KNX, 4 p.m. M -F Itill of Rights.......W.__.___KMTR, 9.15 a.m. Sa U tors at W'ar...._ ...BFI, 1:30 p.m. Sa Biota Hour.........___.__»....._ KPAS,

V p.m. Sa Don't You Believe ItL. ....KNX, 9:45 p.m. Sa

*Bishop. Pat EF7, 5:15 m. m-i: *Double or Nothing__ KHJ, KECA, 9:45 p.m. M -F; 8:15 p.m. Su KGB, KXrt, KVOE, 6:30 p.m. F

*Blnkiston, T. B . ._. KF1 8 :15 a.m. M -F Downey, Morton..__... ...__._._.KFA;A, 12 n. M -F Blind Artists Guild. ....KFWB, 4:30 p.m. Sa Drake, Galen...__. _. »..__KNX, 5 p.m. M -F

. 8 :15 a. m.: R :30 a.m. M -F Blind Date...__.._ .._ KECA, 9 p.m. M - - ..... ---. Blondie....._.___........_. ....KNX, 7 :30 p.m. M Dr. Christian -KNX 8:30 p.m. W Slue Jacket Choir.__...._..... KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su *Blue Newsroom SECA, 1:15 p.m. M -F Sitle Ribbon Town, l;. Marx ..KNX. 7:15 p.m. Sa Bob Becker Chats on Dogs.-.KNX, 9:30 p.m. Th Bob Crosby -Les Tremayne KM, 7:30 p.m. Su *Roddy. Manchester..._.. ... RH, 10:15 p.m. M. F Books of hooks KFI, 8:15 a.m. Su Boston Symphony....KECA, KFMB. 5:311 p.m. Sa Easy Aces ...KNX, 4:30 p.m. W Boites, Major __.._ ».._ KNX, 6 p.m. Th Editor's Notebook...__.._.KMTR, 9:45 p.m. M Bowlers Sports Cast._.. KFAC, 5 p.m. Sa Education for Freedom..__.KHJ, 10:45 p.m. Tu Sowron Fletcher KFI, 10:15 p.m. Tit Ellery Queen....._. ..KFl, 9:30 p.m. Th *Bradley, Truman. KNX, 2:30 p.m. M -Th Evening Concert __....._.HFAC, S p.m. M -Sa

_...... 5:45 p.m. M -F' Everybody's Inn __.._...._..__.._.HNX, 9 p.m. W Brave Tomorrow __._..KFI, 3:45 p.m. M -F Everything for the Boys.._......_...HFI, 9 Dm. Tu Breakfast at Sardi'a.._ ......_.._._.._.....» Eyewitness Newt._._._._ KMPC, 8:311 p.m. Su

KECA, KFMB 9:30 a.m. M -Sa Family Bible.._ .KMPC 1:30 p.m. M -F Brewster Boy.._.._..._. »_.. KNX, 6:30 p.m. F Family Hour..._ ._._.....1 #NX 2 p.m. Su Bridge to Dreamland._._...KE('A, 11:15 p.m. Su Farm Reporter..._..___._... _.._.KFI, 12 n. M -Sa Broadway Matinee.. »......._....... KNX, 1 p.m. M-F Fashions In Rations, Billie Burke *Broadway News....KHJ 12 n M -1'; 5 p.m. M -F . __ KNX, 8.30 a.m. Sa *Brown, Cecil ... ___..__.KHJ. 9:15 p.m. M. W, F *Feature Seetion..HECA, KFMB. 9:45 p.m. M -F Bulldog Drummond......KHJ, DLBS, 8:30 p.m. W ....._............ »......_...._...__. KECA, 8:15 p.m. Su *Burke. Gordon _..... KILJ, 5:45 p.m. M -F' Federated Churches KECA 9:15 a.m. Sa *Burke, J. Frank ._ KPAS, 8 :05 p.m. M -F Fibber McGee and Molly.__ K1í1. 6:30 p.m. Tu Burnett. Jay KECA 10:30 a.m. M -F *Fidler. Jimmy.»..KECA, KFMB 6:45 p.m. Su Burns, Bob KF1, 6:30 p.m. Th Fitleld, J. W..._..- _..__.....__ KIAC 7 p.m. Sa (turns and Allen.. KNX, 6 p.m. Tu First Church Vespers._.......HMPC, 7:05 p.m. Su *Burton. John.... KNX, 10:15 p.m. M -F First Line _..._ ....HNX, 7 p.m. Th Busy )Toney __.._._.KKK) 4:45 p.m. M F First Nighter _.._.._.........HHJ, 3 p.m. Su t alifornia Flyers..- _............KFMB, 1:30 p.m. Su Fitch Bandwagon. - ..KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su (ailing All Zones KGFJ, 1:15 p.m. M. W, F *Flannery Harry W..-KNX, :30 p.m. M -Sa (ailing l'an- America....__ KNX, 1:30 p.m. Sa *Flatau. K. L KMÌ'C, 8 a.m. M -F t anova (Judy) Show__...__....KNX, 9 p.m. Tu Foreman Phillips' County Barn Dante........ (an You Top This ?._.._ ...BFI 6:30 P.m. Sa HFOX. 9 p.m. Su: 8:30 P.m. Sa; Cantor, Eddie...__ I('F7, 6 p.m. W *Foster, Cedric. .. SI(J, 7 Dm. Nu Captain Jack MECA, 4:45 p.m. M, W. F ........... ......._...._.._.._- ...DI.BS, I1 a.m. M -F Captain Midnight KECA. 5:45 p.m. M. W, F Frank A Ernest __..KMI'C, 9:15 a.m. Su Care and Feeding of Husband Frank Colby Words ..KFWB, 9 a.m. Sa

.KHJ, 4:13 p.nt. M -F Frank Sinatra Sings...___.KGFJ 5:45 p.m. M -F Carnation Hour... ._.KFI, , p.m. M F. Sinatra -B. Wheeler_... KNX. 6 p.m. W Carnegie, Dale. KHJ, 7 p.m. F Front Page Farrell.. .BFI, 2:43 p.m. M -F Carson, Jack KNX 6.30 p.m. W Frost Warning.._ _. BFI, 8 p.m. I) *Carter. Bunke ...._...___ KHJ. Furlough Fun. .......___....___.KFI 9:00 p.m. F

KFXM, KGB, KVOE, 9 a.m. M -F Fun Valley with Al Pearce KECA. 1 p.m. Su Catholic Hour ........ __.KFI. 3 p.m. Su Gang Busters..._ 'MCA. KFMB, 8:30 p.m. F Cavalcade of America..._...».._.HI'I. 8:30 p.m. M Garden Hints....._.__ HMIK' 4:15 p.m. Mn Chamber Music Society Lower Basin Gay Nineties _.... ... KN`, 8:30 p.m. M

Street KECA, 6:15 p.m. Su *.}Gladstone. Henry._.KHJ. DL11y. 7 P.m. 51 -F Chapel Quartet (Pierce Bros.) Goldbergs...___._._. KNX. 10:45 a.m. M -F

KFI, 10:15 p.m Su Good News KFWB. 10:15 p.m. Su

Dr I Q Dr. Kate..._._

.Dr. Michelson. Dubonnet Date Duffy's *Duranty, Walter Dunninger

HF'7, 8:30 p.m. M KFI, 4 p.m. M-F

HMTR 8:15 n.m. M-SII HJ, 10 p.m. Th . HECA, 8:30 p.m. Tu _._KECA. 5:30 p.m. Su

.KECA 9 p.m. W

Good Will Hour RAJ 7:15 p.m. Su Grand Central Station ____ .KNX, 10 a.m. Sa Grand Ole Opry...._....___ -.BFI, 1:30 p.m. Sa Great Gildersleeve ..»......_...BFI, 8 p.m. Su Great, Moments in Music...-.-.KNX, 7 p.m. W' "Green Valley U.S.A." KHJ, 2 p.m. Su Greenwich Village Choir.._ KECA, 8 p.m. Su *Greene- Wintl&..._.__- ._HNX, 10 p.m M -Sa Guiding Light .KFI, 11 a.m. M -F *Gunnison, Royal Arch..._ ... KHS. 7 p.m. W -Na Hamblen, Stuart SFWB, 4:45 p.m. D

_--_.SFVD, 7:45 a.m. M -F Ham and p'_._..__KMTR, 6:15 p.m. M -Sa Hancock Tr.. KMI'(', 7:30 p.m. Su Hank the Nlghtwatchman 'till R a.m

..._._.._......._.KGFJ. 10 a.m. D

*Hardy, Glenn.___......_' KHJ, KGB, ..--..-KVOE, 10 a.m.; 9 p.m. D

Harlem Amateur Hour..._...HMTR, 11:05 p.m. W Haven of Rest KPAS, 8:30 a.m. M, W, F

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 8 a.m. T, Th, Sa Hawaii Calls._... __.KHJ, 3:30 p.m. Sa 'Hawk, Bob KNX, 8 p.m. Sa *Haworth. Bill ..._ HHJ, 7: 8:30 a.m. M -F Hawthorne House BFI, 9:30 p.m. M Hay, Bill . .NHJ, 3:45 p.m. M -F *Hayes. Sam ... ....__..._.._ KECA, 4:30 p.m. Su

KECA, 7:45 a.m.: 1 p.m. M -F *Heatter, Gabrlei..__._.KHJ, KGB, 6 p.m. M -F

KHJ, KGB, 5:45 p.m. Su Heartstrings. KWKW, Lt n. F Hello, Mom... KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Sa *Henry, Bill . :55 p.m. M -Sa Hero's to Romance..._....._.._.NX 7:30 p.m. Th Here's to Youth...._._ _ KFI, 10 a.m. Se Hermit's Cave.... ,..HMI'C, 9:30 p.m. Su *Hill, Edwin C. KNX, :30 p.m. Tu Hit Parade ..._..._..___..._.__. KÑX, 9 p.m. Sa Hollywood Barn Dance..,HNX. 10:30 p.m. Sa Hollywood Inn ..........._ ».__._._. KNX. 9 p.m. Th Hollywood Spotlight. KECA, 10 p.m. M -F Hollywood Showcas- KN"( 6 p.m. F Hollywood Theattr..--._..HFI, 9:30 p.m. Nu Homemakers Club--.__KHJ, 12:30 p.m. M -F Hookey Hall- KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Su Hope, Bob KFI, 7 p.m. Tu Hopper, Hedda...._..._. ____. ». -.KNX, 6 p.m. F Hut Copy . -- .... -- -.KECA. KFMB. 12:30 p.m. Su Hour of Charm Ell 7 p.m. Su Hour of Faith..__ ....SECA. 8:30 a.m. Su *Housewives' Eschange_.KMPC, 9, 10 a.nt. M -F "'Housewives' Protective League

-.KNX, S p.m. M -F How Do You Say It._HHJ, 10:45 a.m. M, W, F Hughes, Rupert KF1 1 p.m. Sa *Hughes. John B. _KFWB, 6:15 p.m. M -Sa Human Adventure ---KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Th *Huntley, Chet._ KNX. 3:55 p.m. M -Sa

7.45 p.m. Na Hymns of all Churches. _KFI, 11:45 a.m. M -Th I Love a Mystery..._.__..INX, 8 p.m. M -F Informed Democracy KPAS, 2 p.m, Su Information Please_ ___. KFI, 7:30 p.m. M In Grandpa's Day... KECA, 9:30 p.m. Sa Inglewood Park Concert..._. KNX, 7:30 p.m. Tu Inner Sanctum Mystery._._..KNX, 8:30 p.m. Sa *Inside the News (Thrifty Drug) ......... _..._

_..._BFI. 10:30 p.m. Su- Sa International Sunday School

l^.HMTR, 8:45 a.m. Sa

In Time to Come. -.KNX, 8:30 p.m. Nu Invitation to Learning.-- KNX, 8:30 p.m. Su I Solemnly Swear KFAC, 12:15 p.m. Sa

_ _KRKD 10:30 a.m. M I Sustain Wings._ .KFI, 3:15 p.m. -Sa It Pays To He lgnorant _.KNX, 8:30 p.m. F I Was There. KNX. 9 p.m. Su Italian Melodies--_.._._....HWKW. 8 p.m. M -F James, Harry. .HNX 8:15 p.m. Tu, W Th Jarvis, Al..__._ KFWB 11 a.m. 5 -Sa Jobs for Heroes KHJ, 7 p.m. Sa Johnny Presents._...._.._ BFI, 8:30 p.m. Tu Johnson Family__ KGB. KVOE 3:43 p.m. M -F

KEW, 10:30 p.m. M -F Johnson, Floyd B...KMTR, 8:05 p.m. Su, M,W F

._...10:30 a.m. 5M -F

*Johnson, Erskine KECA, 10 p.m. M -F *Jorgenson, Edward_ KECA 9 a.m. M -F

1:20 p.m. M, W. F Joyce Jordan. KNX, 11:15 a.m. M -F' Junior Army . KHJ, 8:45 a.m. Sa Just Plain BSU.._.._...__......HF7, 2:30 p.m. M-F Kaye, Sammy .......,_...._... »_.....KNX, 9 p.m. W *Kennedy. Joha.__._.HECA KFMB, 10 a.m. Su Kitty Foyle _ KNX, 8:30 a.m. M -F' Kraft Muslo Hall_ __. BFI, 6 p.m. Th Kyser Kay..... _..... .._..HF7, 7 p.m. W Lamplighter

__ ighter 12:06 a.m. M -Sa

11 a.m. Sa Lawrence, Gertrude......KECA. KFMB, 7 p.m. Su *Lawton, Fleetwood (M1cMahan's:

KF1, 8:15 p.m. M, Tu Tit, F *Laytnan's Views of News..._KFI, 10 a.m. Su Leaders of United Nations

.KHJ. 10:50 a.m. M. W. F LeBerthon, Ted _ KFWB, 4:15 p.m. Su Legion Fights.. .KECA, KFMB 10 p.m, F

....... ».. _....... _.... KMIC, 10 p.m. F Leon Henderson. KECA. 3:43 p.m. Sa Lest We Fnrget.._.._._.....HFWB, 3:15 p.m. Su Let's Be Charming, Julia Sanderson -----

.......... ....._. .KHJ. 10:30 a.m. Tb Let's Pretend. KNX, 8:05 a.m. Sa


*Lewis, Fulton jr KHJ, KGB, HFXM, HVO., 4 p.m. M -F' 8:45 p.m. M -F

Liberal Catholic Hour KFAC, 9 a.m. Su Life Can Be Beautiful.__.....SNX 10 a.m. M -F Lite of Lincoln KHJ 1:30 p.m. Su Life of Riley KECA, KFMB, 12 u. Su Light of the N'orld..._..._.KFI 11:30 a.m. M -F Lighted Windows. HÌ1, 8:30 a.m. Sa Lladlahr, Victor ...__.._.HHJ, 8:45 a.m. M -F

Listener's Digest __....._ KPAS. 3 p.m. M -Sa stening Poet _._ _ _.KECA, 7 :45 a.m. Tu

*Lochner, Louis_...____.KFI, 5:45 p.m. W -Sa Lockheed Show .._.___.._____._.KNX, 11 a.m. Su bone Ranger . ............__.._._._..._.._.._ KHJ,

KVOE, KGB 7:30 p.m. M, W, F Looks at Books

KGB, 1:20 p.m. Su

Lorenzo Jones. KFI 1:30 p.m. M -F Lower Basin Street _ KFI, 8:15 p.m. Su Lucky Lager Dance Time KFAC, 10 p.m. D Lum und Abner.... KECA, KFMB. 8:15 p.m. M -Th Luncheon with Lopez ......._ KGB,

KFXM, KVOE. 10:30 a.m. M -F Lutheran Gospel Hour _--.....KPAS, 6 pH J. Su Lutheran Hour H

KGB, HFXM, KVOE, 1 p.m. Su Lux Theater _ KNX. 8 p.m. M Make Believe Ballroom...._..HFWB, 11 a.m. M -Sa

Ma Perkins..._...._.._.._....._. _.HFL 12:15 p.m. M -F _0:15 a.m. M -F Man Behind the Gun

.KNX, 4 p.m. Sa

Manhattan Merry-Go- Round_ KFI, 8 p.m. Su March of Time..._ EEl, 7:30 p.m. Th Markets and Sports KMPC 8:15 a.m. M -Sa Marx, Groucho._ KN't. 7:15 p.m. Sa Mason, Perry...._.--.KNX, 11:45 a.m. M -F' Massey. Curt Co....._...._... KFI, 3:30 p.m. Master Radio Canaries. KECA, 9:15 a.m. Su Mathews, Dr.... ..._.__...._.._. _ ..__......._._HHJ,

HFXM, KGB, KVOE, 9 a.m. Sa Matinee in Rhythm_. KFI, 1 p.m. Sa Maxwell House Time.. .._BFI 8:30 p.m. Th McCarthy. Charlle._.___..___.._.._.KFI, 5 p.m. Su McNeill's Breakfast Club

KECA. KFMB, 8:30 a.m. M -Sa Mediation Board......._...KHJ DLBS 5 p.m. Su Meet Priscilla Alden. KPAS. 11 a.m. M -Sa Memory Muelo, T. Bacon...__.BHJ, 2:30 p.m. Su Melodies for Uncle Sam ._ ...._._

KECA, KFMB, 10:30 p.m. Su Message of Israel._

- ._BECA, 7 a.m. Su

Metropolitan Music Hour KECA HEMS. 2:15 p.m. Su

Metropolitan Opera.._KECA, KFMB, 11 a.m, Sa Metropolitan Opera Auditions...___. ..... ----

RECA. KFMB. 1:30 p.m. Su Miller, Rex. KHJ, KGB, 0:15 ,pan. Su. T. Tb

Million Dollar Band._.._._._.__. KFI, 7 p.m. Sa Moore- Durante KNX, 7 p.m. F Morgans _.... SPAS, 7 :30 p.m. M -Sa **Morse, Tony _..KECA, KFMB, 10 a.m. M -F Mother and Dad _.....___ - _.....HNX 2:30 p.m. Sa Mr. and Mrs. North.......__.._. _.R1, 9 p.m. W Mr. District Attorney........... KFI, 6:30 p.m. Tk Mr. Keene .... ... _. .KNX 4:30 p.m. Th Murray. Johnny KFI 8 a.m. M -F *Morrow, Edward KNX 10:45 a.m. Su Music Masters. ..._ KRKD, 9 a.m. Su Musical Comedy Revue ....KFAC, 4 p.m. M -F Musical Portralts._... KECA, KFMB, 9:15 p.m. Tu Musical Toast .._._.._.._...........KECA, 10:30 a.m. Su Music Hour ._ KECA, 9:30 a.m. Su NO Best Girls KECA KFMB, 8:31) p.m. W My True Story HÉCA 3:30 p.m. M -F Mystery Chef }MCA, KFMB, 11:15 a.m. M -F Mystery Theater.__.._...._ KFZ, 6 p.m. Tu Nagel, Conrad .__.__.___.KNX, 6 p.m. Su National Barn Dance..._...,.._ .... .KFI, 6 p.m. Sa Navy Bulletin Board..._....._ KHJ,

HFXM. $GB, KVOE, 3:15 p.m. Sa Navy In Review....._ .KFWB, 8 p.m. Sa Navy Waves.-...._.KECA, KFMB 3:15 p.m. W .1 NBC Symphony FI 2 p.m. Su Neighbors KNX, 12:15 p.m. M -F New Adventures of Perry Mason

KNX. 11:45 a.m. M -F New York Philharmonic KNX, 12 u. Su *NewslcaL..._..__.KiVll, 10 .m. -1 a.m. Su -Sa *News Makrrs.._..._....___.._.KFI, 3:45 p m. Su *Newsreel Theater_..._.___ . ._.KHJ,

HFXM, KGB, KVOE. 2:15 p.m. M -F Night Editor. ._........_..__.._.KFI 8:15 p.m. Th Noah Webster Says.......__.._.Hi1 4:30 p.m. Sa

O K for Release KFI, 5 p.m. M -F Old Age Pensions KMTR 5:45 p.m. M-Sa

M Old -Fashioned Revival HPC, 10 p.m. Su ..._.....HHJ, KGB. KVOE. 4 p.m.; 10 p.m. Su

O'Neill. Danny _...KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su One Man's Family._.__ _._KF1, 5:30 p.m. Su On Scouting Trail_...- _..__._....RFI. 11:30 a.m. Sa Open Door.......... ________ ....... KNX. 2 p.m. M -F Open Forum _ KFAC, 7 p.m. Su Open House ........._..__..__...._ KNX, 4:30 p.m. M Orson Welles Show..._..._.. KNX, 9:30 p.m. W *Our Daily Bread____...BPAS, 7:15 p.m. M -F Our Gal Sunday __--1114X, 9:45 a.m. M -F Our Neighbors ........_.._...».. SPAS, 10 p.m. Tu Out of the Shadows..___..HECA 3:15 p.m. Tu *Ouster, Fulton ........._...._...KHJ. 7:15 p.m. M -F Pacific Lutheran Hour..._KFWB. 9 :30 p.m. Su Pacific Story KFI, 1:15 p.m. Su Pan -American Missionary....KWK)W, S a.m. 3I-Sa Parade of States KHJ. 12:15 p.m. Sa *Parker, William KMPC 8:15 p.m. Su -Sa

H.\1PC, 11 a.m. M -F' Parker Family KECA, 11F11B, 8:15 p.m. F Pause That Refreshes KNX 1:30 p.m. Su l'ay Day Quiz RHJ, KFXMI. 8 p.m. Tu *Pearson, Drew KECA, KFMB, 5 :45 p.m. Su People Are Funny _.._......_.....KFI. 0:30 p.m. F People's Platform ........... _..__KNX 3:15 p.m. Sa People's War KF'1, 1 :15 p.m. Sa Pepprr l oung's Family .... -.KFI, 12 :30 p.m. 51 -F

*Peter de Lima ...SECA, 1:45 p.m. M -F -.- ---...-- ..- _...._.. KFI, 9:45 a.m. M -F

Pet Parade.._ _ BFI, 9:30 a.m. Sa Philadelphia Orchestra._....BNX. 12:45 p.m. Sa Pick and Pat - KHJ, 8 p.m. Th Pierre. ._ KWKW, 10 a.m. W Pilgrims Hour ._.._.__.,KHJ, KGB. 11 a.m. Su Point Sublime. KA.). 8:30 p.m. M Polly and Pat .KPAS, 9 a.m. M -F *Dr. Polyzoides..KHJ. DLBS 10 p.m. M, W Sa Portia Faces Life___. .IFI, 2:15 p.m. it-F Prayer _ __._ .SHJ DLBS, 3 p.m. D *Pringle, Nelson.._.___....... X, 7:45 a.m. M -F Public Affairs._._. KNX, 1:05 p.m. Tu, Th *Quiz Kids .........KECA, HFMB 8:30 p.m. Su Races », alit DLBS, 1:15 p.m. Sa Race Results _._.HRKD, 5:30 p.m. M -F Radio Bible Class KHJ, 9 a.m. Su Radio Hall of Fame KECA, 3 p.m. Su Radio Newsreel SMTR 4:15 P.m M -Sa Radio Readers' Digest.._...._.....11NX, 6 p.m. Su Radio Tour _ ___..KGB, KVOE, 3 p.m. M -F Rainier Show _._. RECA, 8:30 p.m. Sa Ranch 10 -2 -4 KECA 12:30 p.m. M, W. F Ramsay. Dorothea SECA, 9 a.m. M. W. F Red Ryder KECA, 7:30 p.m. Tu, Th, Sa Religion In the News KFI, 3:45 p.m. Sa *Retorts from the Battlefront

_... _ ._11F1, 3:30 p.m. So Revlon Theater.... ... _...._...__. KECA, 7 p.m. Sa Reuters' News Dispatches......SFWB, 8 p.m. M -F Rhapsody in the Rockies_....KECA, 8 a.m. Su Rich, Irene ....._...._... ... _ KNX, 2:45 p.m. Su *Richfield Reporter..____. KFI, 10 p.m. Su -F Right to Happiness.._....._KFI 1.2:45 p.m. M -F Road of Life..._ .......KII, 3:15 p.m. M -F Rocking Hone Rhythms B Hookey

_..._.. ._...._....-..__..__.....HHJ. 10:30 a.m Su Romance _.. KNX, 7 p.m. To Romance of Helen Trent--KNX, 9:30 air, . M -F Romance of Highways _..._._.._.._...........J,

_.KGB, KVOE. 10:15 a.m. Su Salt Lake Tabernacle... KNX, 9 a.m. Su Salute to Services.__-.S.MTR 5:15 p.m. M -F Salvation Army .......__..___.KFWH. 9:15 a.m. Sa Salvatore Santaelia_.....SMTR, 3:45 p.m. M-Sa Sanderson, Julia .KHJ 10:341 a.m. Th San Quentin a in on the AIr_.KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Tu Saturday Night Serenada__..BNX 0:40 p.m. Sa School of the Air...._.._ KNX, 1:30 p.m. M -F Science of Mind..__._.._._HFWB 10:45 a.m. M -F Scramby Araby -- - __._..__ RÌ7, 9:30 p.m. W Scratches 8 Jockeys...__ KPAS 10 a.m. M -Sa Screen Guild Theater._......_..__..I NX, 7 p.m. M Sewing School of the Air._._SHJ 9:15 a.m. Th Sherlock Holmes.______.-.r.KHJ, 8 p.m. M Shields (Roy) Co.. ....KFI, 11 a.m. Sa *Shirr, William.______... KNX, 4 p.m. Su Shore. Dinah._ ..__ KNX, 6:30 p.m. Tit Short Story Secrets_.___..KMPC. 11:15 a.m. Th Sideshow ..._.._____._______.KECA 11:30 a.m. M -F Scher Theater X 3 p.m. Su Simms, Gluey KFI 8.30 p.m. Tu Sing with Mee_____..._.KMPU. 10:30 a.m. M -F' Skelton, Red_.._ __ KFf, 7:30 p.m. Tu Smile Awhile.-.-... -.11i0FJ, 3:10 p.m. M -F Smilin' Ed McConnell...._ RFI. 12:30 p.m., Sa Smith, Kate... .._.___ __SNX, 9 a.m. M -F

... . *Smith, Larry _ _...__.__ SFI

HAX 10

, a.m9

p., mM -F F

Soldiers of the Press. _.KECA, 9 p.m. Tu Soldiers With Wings KHJ 6.30 p.m. W Songs of Faith....._._.....__. _.SFAC, 8 p.m. M Songs of Good Cheer ..............KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Sa Spanish Hour SGFJ 7 p.m. M -Sa

..._...___...,.._ _ _ .._.....HM1tR. 6 a.m. D Speak Spanish...__._.__.._.KMPC 8:15 p.m. M -F Sports Newsreel .It.El. 7:30 p.m. F Sportstime ....._.._.._..Y__.KMPC, 8:30 p.m. W -F

....___..n_._ ...._ __._.8 :45 p.m. Su Sports Roundup.._..__..___.KMTR, 8:06 p.m. M -Sa Spotlight Bands....KECA, KEMB, 8:30 p.m. M -Sa Stage Dour Canteen_ KNX 7.30 P.m. F Standard School Broadcast._ _...KFI. 10 a.m. Th Standard Symphony --____ .- .._ KFI 8:30 p.m. Su Star and the Story.._... KNX. 6 p.m. Su Star for a Night..._.._. ...SECA. 7:30 p.m. W Stars Over Hollywood_.._.KNX 9:30 a.m. Sa Star Playhouse.

- Kl!'I, 3 p.m. M -F'

St. Brendan's Boys' Choir....HMTR, 12:05 p.m. Su *St. John. Robert.._._.._.KFI, 4:45 p.m. M, W, F Stella Dalias..._.._._.._.._.._.KFI, 1:15 p.m. bi -F Stuck Quotations K11PC, 8:15 a.m. M -F

_..._...._.._...._ -_-.._.KHJ 2:20 p.m. M -F Stradivari Orchestra___.._._.KFI, 9:30 a.m. Su Strollin' Tom...._.._ KHJ, 1:15 p.m. M-F Styles, Hal..._. BFWB, 2:30 p.m. M -F

3:15 p.m. Su Sullivan Entertains.

..__ KN' 8.15 p.m. M Sunday Night Salute.. .KNX, 9:30 p.m. Su Superman KHJ.

KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 5:15 p.m. M -F Sunrise Salute KNX. 6:30 a.nt. 51 -Sa Suspense..._....__._.. _ _...._...BMX, 9 p.m. M Sweet Chariot Hoar..__.- .SWHW, 5 p.m. Su

_.__.._.._. _..........- _..__.1 p.m. W ..._..._.._.._ ...HPAS, 6:30 p.m. Sa

Sweet Riser _. _ KECA, 10:15 a.m. M -F *Swing, Raymond Gram. _...._

KECA KFMB, 7 p.m. M -Th Swing Shift..._.._ KMPC, 3:30 P.m. M -F Symphony..._ .... ...._._..KHJ, KGB 10:30 p.m. M -F Take It or Leave It -.........KNX, 7 p.m. Su Tailor Made Melodies

KECA, 10 :311 a.m.; 12 n. Su TayloTelephone

Hour r, Mary, 11 a.m. Sa

' KFI, 9 p.m. M 1'elerislon ..Y_.W6X1'Z, 8. 8:30, 9 p.m. W

........ _...._..- _..__. S. 8:30, 9 p.m. F Ten Pin Topics. KHJ, 1 p.m. Sa I0-2 -4 Ranch KECA, 11:30 p.m. M, W. F

Terry and the Piratee...___ HECA 5 p.m. M -F Thanks to the Yanks.... _...KNX, 8 p.m. Sa Theater of Today KNX, 9 a.m. Sa The Barters RFI, 10:30 a.m. Sa The Colonel ..._....__.__._.._.._KNX, 1:39 p.m. Sa The Shadow. .KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Tu The Story Teller............. __. KNX. 7:45 p.m, va These Are Americans. KN.l', 3 p.m. Sa This Changing World KHJ, 11 a.m. M-1, This Is Hollywood. KECA. 8:16 p.m. Sa This Is My Country. 'MCA. 9 p.m. Th This Is the Army,..___. ._..KFI, 12:30 p.m. Su Thoughts in Poetry KPAS, 10:30 a.m. M -F *Thomas. Lowelt..SECA. KFMB, 9:30 p.m. M -F Thomas John Charles._....KFI, 11:30 a.m. Su Those We Lo ve.__.._..__....._._BFI 11 n.m. Su Tillamook Kitchen. KF1, 10 n.m F Time to Smile with E. Cantor KFI, 8 p.m. W Time Views the News

.KECA, KFMR, 1::t0 p.m. M -F Time Out. ..._......_..___.._BHJ 9:15 a.m. M. W. F Today's Children._.._.._.._....HFI, 11:15 a.m. M -F Today to History.... _..._._.SECA, 8:15 p.m. M -F *Today's War bloods...:_._KFWB, 1 p.m. M -Sa Tomorrow's World KF1, 6:15 p.m. M Townsend Nat'l Recovery flan

._.._.__._-._._._.._..._BGER, 7:05 p.m. M -F _SPAS, 6 :45 p.m. M -F

Town Meeting BECA, KFMB, 10:30 p.m. Th Traffic Tribunal KFI, 6:30 p.m. Sa Transatlantic Call. KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su Treasure Hoar of Song....._.....KH,I, 8:30 p.m. Tb True Detective Stories KHJ, 1:30 p.m. W Truth or Consequences._ KFI. 8 p.m. Sa Turf Bulletins _ __ KRKD :10 a.m. M -Sa *Turner, Major H. S.._._.KFWB, :45 p.m. M -F

KFI, 9:30 a.m. M -F Twilight Tales...___..._.KECA, 4:45 p.m. Tu. Th Uncle Charlle.._._.. __._._._.....KPAS, 5 ,m. M -F Uncle Ge and Aunt Ge Ge __KFWB, N a.m. Su Union Rescue Mission...__._...____.._..,.

KFWB, 8:30 a.m.: II p.m. Su Unity Daily Word. _...HMPC. 8:30 a.m. M -F Valiant Lady .._ ......... ... ...- ...KNX, 8:15 a.m. M -F Vegetables for Victory.. KFI. 3 p.m. Sa Valley (:hurch...__._____.H\IPC, 4:30 K.m. Sa Vic and bade._ HFL. 3:30 p.m. M -F Victory Playe»....._. .KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Voice of Calvary _.K, AM, 10 p.m. Su Voice of Firestone._....._..__...BFI, 5:30 p.m. M Voice of Health...._.._.._.SFAC. 9:15 a.m. Su -F

.KGFJ. 10:15 a.m. M -F Voice of a Nation.._._.___SFI 10:45 p.m. M -F Voice of Prophecy KMP', 8 a.m. Su

KHJ, KGB. KVOE. 8:30 a.m. Su Voorhis, Hon. Jerry...____._.KPAS, 8:15 p.m. M Vox Pop _.. _BMX. 9:30 pm M Waltz Time KFI, 8 p.m. F Waring. Fred _._._..._..__.. F1 H, 8 p.m. M -F War Telescope .KF1, 10 :45 a.m. Sa Wartime Nutrition, Milani....HFWB,10 a.m. M -F Washington Inside Out.._.KECA 9:45 p.m. Su Watch the World Go By. KE(A. 8 p.m. M -F W. C. T. 17... _.SPAS, 6:15 p.m. F Weather HMPC fi a.m.: 6 D.m.;

......... -._ 8:15 a.m.: 12 n.: 11 :55 p.m. M -F We Deliver the Goods ..KNX, 10:30 p.m. Su We Love and Learn.-____KNX, 1:30 n.m. M -F Weird Circle __.... .__.KFkA 7:30 p.m. Su *Wells, Carveth._ .KFI, 9 a.m. Su K'entworth, Ruth .KECA, 4:15 p.m. M -F %Vestry Radio League KMPC. 8:30 a.m. Su

.KHJ, KGB KVOE, 8 a.m. Su Westerns.....___.._ .._.._.._._._.>FWB. 2:30 p.m. Su. Western Hit Parade ................BPAS la D.m. F What's Doing, Ladies..KKCA, KFMI%, 2 p.m. M -F What's New° KECA. 4 :30 p.m. Sa What's the Name of that Song °..HHJ, 8:30 p.o. 11

What's Your Answer? KFW1t 6:30 p.m. SI What's Your War Job....KECA, K'FMB, 8 a.m. 4u *Wheeler, Burritt... KFI, 10:15 a.m. 111 -W:

!MCA, 4:30 p.m. Tu. Th Wheeling Steelmakers._....HECA, 2:30 p.m. Su When a Girl Marries 111F1 2 p.m. M -F When Day Is Done SMTR. 11:30 p.m. M -F Where Do We Stand ° _____.KECA, 2 p.m. Su Whistler, The KNX, 4:30 p.m. Su

K Whoa Bill Club KFAC, 5:30 p . M -F *Wilder, Alvin.__..__.HF7, 5:30 p.m. Wm. Th, F *Williams, AI KHJ, 9:45 a.m. Su N'inchell Paul, L Mahoney KHJ 6:30 p.m. H *}Winchell, Winged Horizons H(1FJ, b :46 Dm 91 Wings Over the World.._..._....KECA, 10 p.m. Sa Wings Over Jordan HMI(' 7:30 a.m. Su W ings Over the West _KFAC, 7:30 p.m. W

KHJ KGB, 11:30 p.m. Th: 9:30 p.m. Su *Wintery W'm. KNX. 12:30 p.m. M -F

KNX, 5:39 p.m. Su; 9:30 p.m. W; 9 p.m. Su Woman of America. KF1, 9 :15 a.m. M -F Women's Clubs KPAS, 1 :46 p.m. Th Woman from Nowhere

AS, 2 :45 p.m. Su

Woman's W'orld._..._...._..KWKW. 10 a.m. II-Sa Women Today RHJ 9:15 a.m. Tu, Tb Women Who Make News KECA, 9 n.m. M, W. F Woolley, Monty HNX, 9 p.m. W World's Front Page News._.KHJ, 5:30 p.m. M -F *World News Today.. KNX, 11:30 a.m. Su *World Today KNX, 3:45 p.m. 11-Sa *World Tomorrow KMTR 9:30 n.m. Su World We're Fighting For KFI. 9:30 p.m. Tu Yankee House Party ..... _.._.KHJ. 11 :05 p.m. M -F

...___..KGB, KFXM, KVOE. 12:45 a.m. M -F Young Artists' Contest._...........BFI. 9 p.m. Sa Young, Norma..__..._.._...KHJ, 10:15 n.m. M -F Young People s ('hurc.h KHJ,

..._..r.__..RGI. HFXM, KVIIE, 11 p.m. Su KMTR. 1:30 p.m. Su

Young Widder Brown 611, 1:45 p.m. M -F Your All -Time Hit i'arade......HFI, 8:30 p.m. F Yours for a Song ........ ..._...DLBS, 11 :30 n.m. M -F


His Heart's in the Great Outdoors

(Continued from Page 27)

She fell right at their feet. They brought home all three grizzlies, but it was their closest call.

Like any other hunt e r, Niles has many a tall tale. One of his fa- vorites for laughs is his anecdote concerning a friend who was the type of fellow that used more words than action to prove his hunting prowess. It seems the man would talk for hours to Ken and his companions, explaining, among other things, the need for a hunter to remain calm and sure In order to aim straight and shoot to kill.

"We fixed him!" laughs Ken. "One of the fellows had killed a deer. We took its head and nailed it to a tree stump hidden by foliage. Our cock- sure friend sighted it, sent us a whispered alarm, and then started his slow careful stalking of the 'ani- mal.' I think it was an hour before he got within firing distance; then he emptied his gun.

"Still the deer didn't drop. The mighty hunter was astounded. He filled his gun and fired again. And all this time he was so excited, he didn't notice that his big game was an old tree stump!"

Then, that evening, Niles and his pals supplied the topper for the gag. They carved out a portion of the stump to resemble a T -bone and cooked it for the super- sportsman, telling him it was his kill and he had to eat it.

"That guy never bragged again!" Ken concluded with a grin.

Is Dog Fancier In addition to being the most en-

thusiastic sportsman along the air - lanes, Ken Niles is a dog fancier.

"The real thril' of hunting," he ex- claimed "is watching the dogs work." Niles breeds English setters, aire- dales, and the interesting labrador retrievers, doing nearly all of the training himself.

He has also become interested in bow and arrow hunting, feeling that this sport offers even greater thrills and personal satisfaction. He has al- ready started to make his own arrows and is going to begin work soon on a bow.

Being the sportsman that he Is, Niles is exceptionally well informed on matters of conservation, and speaks enthusiastically for any plan which promotes the conserving of wild game.

"Few people realize," he pointed out, "that in several states there is now a greater supply of game than ever before -more than when the In- dians roamed the plains!

"Conservation is the only sensible way to be sure that coming genera- tions will have a plentiful supply."

In addition to his hunting and fish- ing activities, Niles plays tennis and badminton like a champ, likes to swim, and has won amateur skiing

THRILL FOR ACTRESS Radio Life's Album girl, Sara Ber-

ner, one of radio's most popular act- resses, received a surprise thrill re- cently when she was asked to enter- tain some servicemen who had not seen a show in over a year. Sara was flown out to sea to one of our largest aircraft carriers several hundred miles off the coast. After the show, when she was being escorted about the ship which, incidentally, showed signs of battle, she suddenly came upon a group of planes bearing her name across their noses. The fliers informed her that the planes had been named for her because she had entertained thm at their base when they were cadets.


Although Jack McCarthy, announcer of the Blue Network's show, "The Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street," studied for a singing career, his first opportunity to warble on that program came when he was cast as an off -key tenor!

honors. His lean and tanned appear- ance is evidence of his love of the outdoor life.

Favorite spot for rest and relaxa- tion away from his microphone du- ties is his own rustic cabin, with its cheery open fireplace, a polar bear rug in front of the hearth, and a huge moose head upon the wall above. There, in an atmosphere that would delight the soul of any sportsman, Ken is surrotínded by the things he likes best -his dogs, his guns, and the prized mounted trophies from his many successful hunting and fishing expeditions.

Outdoor man that he Is, however, Niles is perfectly at home at the mike -at ease with every script and adept in the art of ad-libbing.

Most Memorable Broadcast His most memorable broadcast took

place ten years or so ago, at the dis- astrous Griffith Park fire, in which several youths were burned to death. A telephone was located in the golf house on the grounds, and Niles, as- signed to cover the catastrophe, called in to the studio and described the disaster over the 'phone directly to the radio audience, the receiver at the studio having been propped up in front of the microphone. To Niles' knowledge, it was the first time such a method was employed to present an on- the -spot broadcast.

When we asked Ken what was the funniest fluff he could remember, he laughed heartily and told us of the time that he had been called upon to introduce a well -known writer to the airlane audience. He had given the authoress a beautiful buildup: then was about to bring up the subject of her most recent novel. In doing so, a slip of the tongue caused him to say:

"There has been a great deal of fa- vorable comment concerning Miss Smith's new navel ... 1 1"

Let's Be Charming (Continued from Page 90)

because in these wartimes, no wo- man can be charming and extrava- gant at the same time. After all, extravagance when our government is asking us to conserve everything possible, means only one thing - thoughtlessness of others. And, as we've already said, so many times - the best posture, the loveliest smile, and the best clothes, without an honest interest in others will not make you charming. You will be merely a woman with superficial polish.

Be Fair to Hats Good grooming is as essential to

charm as any other single factor. And a woman can't be well groomed unless she always looks her best. How frequently women say that they always try a hat on when they look their worst, because if it's becoming then, they're sure it will be becom- ing when they're well dressed. That's such a silly attitude. In the first place no woman has the right ever to look anything but her best -we come right back to thoughtlessness there. It isn't fair to inflict yourself on others when you aren't at your best -not even a salesgirl wants to see a lovely hat go on uncombed hair and set against a sloppily or unmade -up face. It isn't fair to the salesgirl, the designer of the hat, the hat itself or yourself. So, remem- ber -when you've decided that you really need a new hat and go out to buy one -look your best. Another good thing to remember when you're buying a hat is that you'll be wear- ing it most frequently standing up. So try it on while you're on your feet. Perhaps it's a strange thing but sometimes a hat may go well with your face and not at all with your figure -so give them both a break and get a full -length view of yourself in the new hat. Point num- ber three in selecting a hat is to bear in mind its use. Most women want a hat to go with any number of different clothes. Keep that in mind when making your selection and choose one which is flattering for everyday wear as well as for those dressup occasions when you want to look extra specially smart.

To sum up, charm is made up of many things -and they can all be acquired. We can't all be born with pretty faces, but we can all develop an unselfish interest in other peo- ple, learn to walk well, learn to smile more frequently and learn the elements of good grooming so that we'll always look our best, and be our most charming.


Auditors 20 years' Motion Picture and Radio tax experience for Stars, Directors, Actors, technicians, Musicians. Publicity Men, etc. Each tax return triple checked promptly. Open 9:Oil a. m. to 9:10 p. m.

Suite 223 Guaranty Bldg. 6331 Hollywood Bivd. H011ywood 51 I I

His Heart's ¡nt/le


Outdoors By

Shirley Gordon

Y FATHER, smiled Ken Niles, "made special ar- rangements with the stork and staged my arrival at a spot that':

a sportsman's paradise." That was Livingston, Montana,

which is located close to Yellowstone National Park, and Ken grew up in the great outdoors, with the smell of the woods Around him, the scent of fresh game in the air, and the feel of a gun in his hand.

Today his work demands that he spend much of his time within the confines of a studio, handling micro- phones and scripts, with the sound of applause in his ears. It is work he likes to do, but there is seldom a mo- ment when he isn't longing for the wide open spaces and the thrill of a big game hunt.

Known along radio row as one of its best dressed men, and always the picture of immaculate grooming and fastidious taste, Ken Niles is a hand- some figure before a mike, his crisp curly hair now a very distinguished grey, and his wide flashing grin matching the buoyant enthusiasm in his voice.

Selected by the makers of Camel Cigarettes to be the voice for their product on this coast, he announces on their broadcasts of "Blondie" and the Abbott and Costello show, in ad-

AWAY FROM THE MIKE, Ken Niles dons the comfortable attire of a sportsman, and at every opportunity embarks on a hunting or fishing expedi- tion, returning with the prize catch of the season. At the mike (inset/ he lives up to his reputation as one of radio row's best dressed men.

Every Minute That Ken Niles Spends Behind a Mike, You Can Ret That He's Longing for a Dog, a Gun and Rig Game

dition to his work on "The Life of Riley," "Blue Ribbon Town," the Judy Canova show, and the Jimmy Fidler broadcasts.

Now long -recognized as one of west coast radio's top- flight mikemen, Niles first arrived in Hollywood over ten years ago and was selected to an- nounce and direct "California Melo- dies," CBS program which pioneered in the field of using screen stars in guest spots.

"Hollywood Hotel" was Ken's next important assignment, and his pop- ularity with studio audiences, his knack of putting movie celebrities at ease before the mike, and his genial personality definitely established him as one of the best announcers in the business.

Most Popular at U- Background for this success in the

field of radio is Niles' extensive ex- perience in the entertainment world, which followed his study of dramat- ics at the University of Montana - where, incidentally, he was voted the most popular man in his class. Ken has been, at varied intervals, an am- ateur lightweight boicing champion

of Montana, saxophonist with Vic Meyer's band in Seattle, juvenile lead in amateur theatricals and local stock companies, and vocalist with a Seattle station. Outside of show busi- ness, he once worked as a boiler- maker's helper and bell -hop in a re- sort hotel.

But, from the time of his boyhood back in Livingston, the great out- doors has offered Ken Niles his keen- est pleasures and biggest thrills.

"Dad started it all," reminisces Ken. "He was always such an en- thusiastic sportsman himself."

Ken handled a powerful 10 -gauge shotgun when he was just seven years old, killing his first rabbit and being knocked over by the weapon's recoil.

But his most terrifying hunting ex- perience occurred one time when he and his father were tracking grizzly bears. They jumped three of the ani- mals-a mother and two big cubs. The mother charged down on them fiercely and Ken's father fired at her five times before she was brought down with a shot between the eyes.

(Please fern f" Page 26)

Paul Archinard Bern

David M. Anderson Stockholm

Don Hallenbeck Algiers

NBC's Unique News Program Coordinates Flashes From Correspondents and Crisp Comment from Local Experts

Arondap-Friday. 5 p.m. NBC-KFI

%NIQUE in news program- ming is NBC's new "Okay for Release," a daily head- line summary with a new twist. From the far -flung

war fronts of the world, NBC's corps of crack correspondents daily trans- mit their sizzling items to the net- work's New York office. Coming into Hollywood's Radio City on the chain's special teletype, these front -line dis-

H. Y. Kahenbane Haw Yedt

patches are culled, then turned over to the network's local commentators, who give their own distinctive slant to the correspondents' information.

From foreign correspondent to commentator, then tb Writer Vincent Elliott, who prepares a script, which, after six hours of polishing, is turned over to veteran mikemen, Joy Storm and Jim Doyle, who pass the pro- gram on to you. A long way from Rome and Tarawa to you -but radio's miracle hurdles distances in hours

Upton Close Hollywood

JIM DOYLE, one of the fast -talk- ing team which delivers the final,

coordinated program, "Okay for Re-

lease." Doyle has had ten years of radio experience, has been in Hollywood since


Jelin W. Yandercook New York

Stanley Richardson London

Edward R. Wallace Melboerne

OTHER HALF OF this expert team is Joy Storm, who lek an

important post as head of NBC's News and Special Events to return to the microphone for this unique news program.

Lonis P. Locker Hollywood

George Thomas Folster Madrid

and provides listeners with a news commentary totally different from anything done before on the Pacific Coast.

Pictures of some of the correspond- ents reporting from world battle lines are shown on the accompanying pages, together with those of a few supplying material from Hollywood.

"Take, for instance, the Oriental situation," said Joy Storm. "If we receive a report on that, we refer it to our Far East authority, Upton Close. Louis P. Lochner is our com- mentation authority on anything per- taining to Germany. Fleetwood Law- ton is our source for South Ameri- can."

Teamwork The team of Storm and Doyle de-

livers the carefully wrought mater- ial in decisive, but sympathetic man- ner. Doyle, who has been in radio for 10 years, was on the announcing staff of KQW, San Jose, at the same time Storm was program director there. Storm, in fact, hired Doyle, but preceded him to Hollywood by one year in 1935, Doyle following to become a special events and news expert at KHJ- Mutual.

"I'm a modest news man," curly - bedded Jim replied, when asked to

f+hslwood .Lawton Hollywood

Henry Cassidy Moscow

tell more about himself. "And a hard- headed Irishman,"

countered Joy with a wink. Doyle is frequently accused of

sounding like John W. Vandercook and Edwin C. Hill. He has been ques- tioned about the similarity of voices so often of late that Doyle exclaimed: "I'm in a fix. I don't know who I sound like. Are you sure Vandercook doesn't sound like me?"

Clean -cut Storm, black of eye and hair, was promoted to head of NBC's Hollywood news and special events in 1941, after serving six years on the announcing staff. Due to the war, special events became infre- quent affairs, and Storm's decisive voice grew to be heard only occas- ionally on "The Army Hour."

Used to Act His friends were amazed when the

idea for "Okay for Release" took shape and Storm consented to leave his important position for a micro- phone job. His move became under- standable, however, when associates discovered he used to be an actor, first on the chautauqua and later in stock at Lincoln, Nebraska. His yearning to occupy a position in which he regularly contacted the

Please turn In Page :11)

W. W. Chaplin New York

CHARMING JULIA SANDERSON advises Radio Life ladies: watch your

posture, your smile, your grooming; be interested in other people. Charm

will be yours if you follow her important suggestions. (Note photo of

Julia Sanderson's husband, the late Frank Crumit.)

Thursday, 10:30 a.m. Alutual -KHJ

IR JAMES M. BARRIE, the famous playwright, once ;aid about charm, "If a woman has it, she needs nothing else, if she doesn't

have it nothing else will do her any good."

And how true that is! You know how frequently you'll hear people say "She's not a bit pretty, but my! Such charm!" Although I'm going to speak of charm from the point of view of a woman, it does apply equally as well to men.

A genuine interest in other people and the things they like is what makes people like you. Since, funda- mentally, charm is merely that qual- ity which endears a person to his fellows, I'd say that the most essen- tial element in charm is sincerity. If you're genuine and simple in your approach to others -think more of them than you do of yourself, you just can't fail to be well - liked.

Of course, there are other elements inherent in charm, and all of them can be acquired.

Posture Is Vital It has always seemed to me that

good posture is a vital necessity for charm. Katherine Cornell, who has earned for herself the title of "first lady of the theater" is a living ex- ample of just how much proper pos- ture can mean, and there's a story about it that she's very fond of tell- ing. Probably the reason she likes to tell this story is because it il- lustrates what a woman can do for

Page Thirty

By Julia


herself. Katherine Cornell likes to help people -that genuine quality again -and so she tells this hoping it will help other young actresses as it helped her. When she was just starting out in the theater, she ap- plied for a role, for which she was admirably suited. The producer rec- ognized the talent of the young actress -liked her voice and her emo- tional appeal, but she walked ter- ribly. She slumped across the stage in so frightful a manner that the prodúcer felt the audience would never wait for the beautiful voice - they'd laugh or be annoyed and her career would be over before it had begun. So he took her aside and told her. Katherine Cornell informed him of the fact that she had tried all the known methods of improv- ing her posture, but to no avail. He then suggested that she walk as if she were going to meet the most important person in her life. Head erect, eyes forward, spine straight - with the pride that comes to a per- son who is loved. She tried it, pro- jecting all of her great imagination. Directly in front of her, she saw him -the man of her dreams -and she walked straight toward him. Her success in the theater, she claims, stemmed right from that mo- ment. And I can well believe it, because everyone wants to look at and be seen with a person who looks sure of herself -it adds just that right touch of dignity, beauty and, yes, even a feeling of honesty and sincerity.

To some women a beautiful pos- ture seems to come naturally. At

least that's what Jeannette MacDon- ald says. When I asked the lovely actress what she thought was the most important attribute any woman could have -she came right back with -"a beautiful smile." She went on to explain that a woman with a ready smile is always good com- pany, because it shows that she's in good health and in good spirits. People like to be with happy peo- ple. There's enough trouble in the world without having glum looks around you. And, too, a ready smile indicates an interest in the feel- ings of other people.

In my pursuit of the charm tips of some of America's most outstand- ing people, I always hear the same expressions -an interest in people, a ready smile, good posture. But Jeannette goes further.

Look Your Best She honestly believes that a wo-

man must look her best to feel her best. And she thinks that color is tremendously important in looking your best. I've always found that the way to select the right colors is to hold up differently colored fab- rics against an unmade -up face. If you sit in strong daylight with a freshly washed face, you'll get an idea of your real coloring. You'll notice then that some colors com- plement your natural coloring while others wash it out.

Sometimes it happens, though, that women do not like the colors which do the most for them. I don't know why, but they seem to be psycholo- gically allergic to them. For those women, I would suggest that they carry some small object, preferably a handkerchief, either trimmed with that color or entirely of it until they become accustomed to having it around. From then on it is a com- paratively simple matter to add the color to y.:!tr wardrobe. But be cer- tain that 'ou like it before you do.

/Please !urn to Page Ytil

We "Beard" the Lion i Continued from Pape 5)

tention and affection of movie-goers the world over.

Now his raucous remarks and pun- gent wit are the delight of airlane audiences who tune in to hear his weekly co-starring spot with Sammy Kaye.

With his work in radio, Woolley is proving the point that his success in the theater is not to be attributed as much to his picturesque facial adornment as to his distinctive speaking voice, his genuine acting ability and his flair for being the

. personality of every party. He has made himself -not with his beard, hut rather by the wit and workings of his brilliant brain. His success is built upon his own reputation as a unique and incomparable character.

He however, does not discount the fact that The Beard itself has been an aid, serving as his distinctive "trademark." What pleases him par- ticularly though, is the change in the attitude of his friends toward it. Whereas once they quipped, scoffed, and pleaded that he resort to a razor, they now are the ones who beg of him most consistently never to let himself be parted from that cele- brated beard which is immortalized in a square of cement outside Grau- man's famed Chinese theater.

There remains but one bitter mem- ory in the tale of Woolley's whiskers. It concerns the night that he pre- pared lavishly for a Christmas party at the home of one of his friends.

Patiently he applied the brilliance of gold paint to the tips of his snow white beard. "It took me a long time and it was a delicate task," he re- called with a frown, "and that awful gold paint smelled atrociously. It al- most made me sick."

But at last The Beard was in readi- ness and with justifiable pride, he stepped into the presence of his host,

Listen to

The Broadway

News Every day at 12 noon and Mondoy through Friday at 5 p.m., over KHJ.

THE BROADWAY Where Los Angeles Shops with Confidence

who showed no reaction and seemed totally unimpressed. Woolley couldn't accept such indifference and finally asked his friend if he hadn't noticed something special.

"That you gilded your beard? Sure, I noticed it," replied his host uncon- cernedly. "It looks like scrambled eggs!"

Are You Skeptical About Dunninger?

Coot I f Pape :11

neth McCaleb verified Dunninger's answer. The studio audience gasped.

Dunninger does not claim any su- pernatural powers, says he is right only 90 per cent of the time. He maintains that every human being is telepathic to a degree and that he himself just happens to be en- dowed with unusual mental equip- ment for receiving and transmitting thoughts. Over a period of years, many records have been sufficiently authenticated to indicate the possi- bility of a person possessing another aimension of sight. Perhaps Dunnin- ger is another instance of the ability to "tune in" on the same wave - length as another person's thought forces.

Reads Morgenthau's Mind He has shown mind - reading inch -

nations ever since childhood, naming the person calling before his parents could answer the door bell or tele- phone. Clever of hand (he is one of the best card manipulators in the world) he started making his living by legerdemain when he was only 16. As his remarkable mind - reading feats began to draw attention, he was summoned to the White House, where he baffled Theodore Roosevelt. Thom- as Edison, Calvin Coolidge, and F.D.R. have also been subjects for Dunninger's "wizardry." According to the popular story, the mentalist was performing for the President and an intimate' group. He read the chief executive's mind, then told Secre- tary Morgenthau the denomination and serial number of a bill in his pocket.

Doubting, Morgenthau pulled out the bill -a $5 -and exclaimed: "You are right!"

Apprehensively, Mrs. Roosevelt is purported to have said: "Some people wouldn't like to have Dunninger around all the time!"

Dunninger's mother dui have him around all the time up until two months ago, when she died. He said the thought transferance between them was so accurate that at times it was boring. But at other times, his facilities came into valuable play, like the day his car was stolen. "Where is it ?" queried the police. "1 think it's at the corner of such -and- such," Dunninger is reported to have replied. Following his suggestion, the police found the automobile wrapped around a telephone pole. Under Dunninger's guidance, they

Okay for Release ,enol:,u,.a ,. Paye 29)

public was merely- the showman cropping out - "the ham in him," as Hollywood lightly phrases it.

Storm estimates he h a s spent about 10,000 hours broadcasting news and special events; Doyle thinks he has 3500 hours to his credit. "That's a lot of blatting," in his own words.

Off With Bang Both Storm and NBC newsman,

Bill Ratigan, may share honor for crystallizing the program's idea. Af- ter the latter had prepared a script, network executives were so enthused over the proposition that they asked that a record be cut. Practically no time elapsed until Storm and Doyle, chosen for their complementary voices, were on the air, and a month later, they were sponsored. Their first rating showed their standing as 4.2, exceptionally strong. Both Storm and Doyle feel that "Okay" represents a culmination of their backgrounds and interests. "There's only one thing could take us away from the show," they agree. "That's if someone offered us jobs as war correspondents."

also apprehended the man who stole it.

Fights Fakes Throughout his career, the mental-

ist has emphasized the fact that he is no magician or fortune -teller. Con- trarily, he has carried on a constant campaign against soothsayers, seers, witches, and similar operatives. As chairman of the Scientific American Committee for Investigation of Psy- chic Phenomena and the Universal Council for Psychic Research, Dun - ninger has attended over 1,000 se- ances. To date, he says he has wit- nessed nothing he cannot duplicate by trickery or explain by natural means. His offer of $10,000 to anyone who could perform any feat which he could not duplicate by trickery or ex- plain by natural means went unchal- lenged. Also unchallenged is Dun - ninger's offer of $10,000 to anyone who can prove that he uses a stooge or accomplice of any kind.

A close friend of Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Conan Doyle, and Houdini, the Master Mentalist received written messages from them before their deaths. Whenever a message purports to be from them, he checks with his originals. So far, Dunninger says, there has been no thought transmis- sion from the other world to him.

Besides presidents, Thomas A. Edi- son, and Pope Pius XII (when he was Cardinal Pacelli), the mind -reader has exerted his telepathic powers on Barbara Hutton, and one young man whose enthusiastic comment was "I'd love to have the folks see this!"

The "folks" were the King and Queen of England; Dunninger's sub- ject their son, then Prince of Wales.

Page Thirty -one

























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KFVD 20 Kilocycles Bof

Your Dial

EASTERN -COLUMBIA Broadway at 9th -Los Angeles


NEWSICAL* TIME Calendar For March

*Music Everyone Loves ... and News

Flashes Every Half -Hour!

Newsical Time is a combination of news and music that is sure to be your family's favorite "after -ten- p.m. program." No matter what evening you hap- pen to tune in, you can be sure of "easy listening." Eastern -Columbia's Newsical Time always brings your recorded musical favorites, programmed with such variety and sparkle that you never tire of the musical feast that has been especially pre- pared for you.

Cuban Fier.-. Light

Con ert

Emile Chorus

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Emery Deutch

Crosby "Westerns"

Xavi r Cug

Geor e Gersh in

Warf gs Glee ub

Boston ' ps" Orc ra

Tommy Dorsey

3 Hours

Every Night

0 P. M. to 1 A. .

Walt Disney Alb

Ra o d P ige

Barber S op Quartet e

Mor G Id

L rry A ter

Guy Lombardo

Frankie Cara Is

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Kate Smith String




Dick Robertson

Kings Men

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Russ Morgan

Meredith Wil

Joe R ch an (P


Sophi tes

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Jan Garber

Bob Hamilton Trio

Strike the Ba



Music T ough the Y ara

Lanny Ross and C orus

Sil er St nos

Wayne King

Salon Orchestra

Eton Boys

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Vaugn Monroe

Henry King

Gay Nineties


Frank Sinatra V


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Clyde Lucas

Collvbo B+Íliad

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Bob Crosby

Irving M

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Ambrose Orchestra

David Rose Or

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Richard Himber

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Glenn Miller



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Tommy Tucker

Red Army Ps

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Sammy Kaye

Musical Coin

Art Tatum an

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Deanna Dur

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Alvino Rey

Dick Jurgen.

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Shep Fields

Music of Romance

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Jimmy Dorsey

Raymond Paige Orchestra

Duke Ellington

Gershwin Mel e

Riffs Rhyth }

Mix Chor s

Wall t he St inwa

Goldkn Pa es of clod

Ray Noble

Songs of the g0's

Claude Thornhill

World War II Tunes

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Eddie Duchin

Nelson Eddy

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Violin Solos

Freddy Martin

March Tempo

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Modern Sitzes

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Glen Gray

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Joe Reichman

Harry James

Paul Whiteman Conce t

Horace Heidt

Fred Waring Glen Clu

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Ray Herbeck

Hits of Yesterday


Lann Rosi

Strike -Up the Band

Aane s


Announcer' Choice

EVERY HALF HOUR Newsical Time brings yo u five minutes of the latest news from United Press' fast news wire serv- Ice. And any time there's a BIG news flash, your announcer will break Into the musical program.

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