project 03 creating web pages with links, images, and formatted text - tags and attributes

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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Project 03 Creating Web Pages with Links, Images, and Formatted Text - Tags and Attributes



Project 03 – Tags and Attributes


<body>...</body> Defines the start and end of a Web page

alink="color" Defines the color of an active link

background="url" Identifies the image to be sued as a background

bgcolor="color" Sets the document's background color

link="color" Defines the color of links not yet visited

vlink="color" Defines the color of visited links

Link Color Attributes for <Body> TagAttribute Function

linkNormal linkControls the color of a normal unvisited link and/or link without mouse pointer pointing to itDefault color usually is blue

vlinkVisited linkControls the color of a link that has been clicked or visitedDefault color usually is green or purple

alinkActive linkControls the color of a link immediately after the mouse clicks the hyperlinkDefault color usually is green or red


<font>...</font> Defines the appearance of enclosed text

size="value"Sets the font size in absolute terms (1 through 7) or as a relative value (e.g., +2)


Sets the font color, can be a hexadecimal value (#rrggbb) or a word for a predefines color value (navy)

face="list"Identifies the font face; multiple entries should be separated by commas

point-size="value"Sets the point size of text for downloaded fonts

weight="value"Sets the weight of the font, ranging from 100 (lightest) to 900 (heaviest)

Font Attributes and ValuesAttribute Function


Changes the font colorValue inside quotation marks is a six-digit color code or color name


Changes the font face or typeValues inside quotation marks is the name of a font, such as Veranda or Arial; text appears using the default font if the font face is not specified


Changes the font sizeValue inside quotation mark is a number that represents sizeValues can be an actual font size of 1 (smaller) to 7 (largest) or a relative font size, such as +2 or -1, which specifies a number of sizes larger or smaller than the preset font size


<a>...</a>Anchor; creates a hyperlink or fragment identifier

charset="character set"

Specifies the character encoding of the linked resource

href="url"Hyperlink reference that specifies the target URL

name="text"Specifies a name for enclosed text, allowing it to be the target of a hyperlink

rel="relationship"Indicates the relationship going from the current page to the target

rev="relationship"Indicates the relationship going from the target to the current page

target="name"Defines the name of the window or frame in which the linked resource will display

<a> Tag Attributes and FunctionsAttributes


hrefSpecifies the URL of the linked page or file.

name Defines a name for the current anchor so it may be the target or destination of another link. Each anchor in a Web page must use a unique name.


Indicates a forward relationship from the current document to the linked document. The value of the rel attribute is a link type, such as prev, next, index, or copyright. For example, the chapter5.htm Web page might include the tag, <a rel="next" href="chapter6.htm"> to indicate a link to the Web page for the next chapter, chapter6.htm


Indicates a reverse (backward) relationship from the current document to the linked document. The value of the rev attribute is a link type, such as prev, next, index, or copyright. For example, the chapter5.htm Web page might include the tag, <a rel="prev" href="chapter4.htm"> to indicate a link to the Web page for the previous chapter, chapter4.htm


Specifies the content type (also known as media types or MIME types) of the linked page or file to help a browser determine if it can handle the resource type. Examples of content types include text/html, image/jpeg, video/quicktime, application/java, text/css, and text/javascript

Text Formatting Tags

HTML Tag Function

<b>...</b> Physical style tag that displays text as bold

<big>...</big> Increases the font size in comparison to the surrounding text

<blockquote>...</blockquote> Designates a long quotation; indents

margins on sections of text

<em>...</em> Logical style tag that displays text with emphasis (usually appears as italicized)

<i>...</i> Physical style tag that displays text as italicized


Sets enclosed text as preformatted material, meaning it preserves spaces and line breaks; often used for text in column format in another document pasted into HTML code

Text Formatting Tags

HTML Tag Function

<small>...</small> Decreases the font size in comparison to the surrounding text

<strong>...</strong> Logical style tag that displays text with strong emphasis (usually appears as bold)

<sub>...</sub> Displays text as subscript (below normal text)

<sup>...</sup> Displays text as superscript (above normal text)

<tt>...</tt> Displays text as teletype or monospace text

<u>...</u> Displays text as underlined


<b>...</b> Specifies text to display in bold no attributes


<bold>...</bold> Sets enclosed text to display in bold no attributes


<big>...</big> Increases the size of the enclosed text to

a type size bigger than the surrounding text;

Exact display depends on the browser and default font

no attributes


<blockquote>...</blockquote> Sets enclosed text to display as a

quotation, indented on the right and left no attributes


<center>...</center> Centers the enclosed text horizontally on

the page no attributes


<em>...</em> Indicates that the enclosed text

should be emphasized usually displays in italics no attributes


<i>...</i> Sets enclosed text to display in italics no attributes

Image<img>…</img> Inserts an image into the current Web page

align=”type”Defines image alignment in relation to the text or the page margin (top, middle, bottom, right, left)


Provides a text description of an image if the browser cannot display the image; always should be used

border=”value”Sets the thickness of the border around the image to a value in pixels, default size is 3

height=”value”Sets the height of the image to a value in pixels; always should be used

src=”url”Specifies the URL of the image to be displayed; required

usemap=”url”Specifies the map of coordinates and links that defines the href within this image

width=”value”Sets the width of the I image to a value in pixels; always should be used


<q>...</q> Sets enclosed text as a short quotation lang="option"

Defines the language in which the quotation will display


<small>...</small> Sets enclosed text to display in a smaller

typeface no attributes


<strong>...</strong> Sets enclosed text to display with strong

emphasis usually displayed as bold text no attributes


<sub>...</sub> Sets enclosed text to display in subscript no attributes


<sup>...</sup> Sets enclosed text to display in

superscript no attributes


<tt>...</tt> Formats the enclosed text in teletpye- or

computer-style monospace font no attributes


<u>...</u> Sets enclosed text to display with an

underline no attributes

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