· project 1: rationale main colours i have used (but not...

Post on 13-Oct-2020






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References for this PDF

Img 1 KEYRINGS (n.d) retrieved from:

Img 2 ROAD SIGNS (n.d) retrieved from:

Img 3 SIDE OF TRUCK (n.d) retrieved from:

Img 4 BUS SIDE AD (n.d) retrieved from:

Img 5 BILLBOARD (n.d) retrieved from:

Img 6 BACK OF TRUCK (n.d) retrieved from:

Img 7: WAREHOUSE EMPTY + EXIT (n.d) retrieved from:


Img 8 WAREHOUSE OUTDOORS (n.d) retrieved from:,%20Tulare%20web%20pic.jpg’



SHONA WONG / 1036457653

Project 1: Rationale Main colours I have used (but not all)

C=0, M=19, Y=93, K=0

C=15 M=100, Y=90, K=10

C=0 M=0, Y=0, K=90

Main typeface I have used:

Coolvetica Regular

My final design that I ended up using for my suite of promotional messages contained colours of yellow, red and charcoal black and the typeface of Coolvetica which is a custom typeface that I got from These colours are the main colours I used throughout my suite of designs. I have also used the same typeface throughout my suite of designs to maintain a system of seeing. (see Week 2, p.7-8)

SYSTEM OF SEEING - CONSISTENTSY SYSTEMSColoursI have only listed the the three main colours that I have used through out my final designs. All the other colours are actually in the default swatches in Illustrator. Those are the colours I have used in illustrator for my pictograms that I created.The reasoning behind my main chosen colours was that I wanted to go for a ‘Danger/Caution/Warning theme. (Sherin, 2012) asserts that colour can evoke certain emotions and responses. The use of bright colours are used to attract attention. Various colours in different stuations can have different meanings. In my case, I chose that bright, saturated yellow because it draws attention to my designs and that I wanted to present a caution/warning aspect to my design. People often recognise yellow as the colour of caution and warnings and using this yellow may help them recognise my designs as an way to inform them of caution or warning.

Similarly, the red is used to show danger. I have chosen the red also because it is bright and easy to read on the yellow. They are both amongst warm hues which I have decided to go with instead cool hue colours. Warm hues present increasing danger/excitement, risks, and hyperactivity in contrast to cool colours which are more calm and hypoactivity. According to (Sherin, 2012) warms colours can be easily saturated and stand out more in comparison to cold colours. Bright

colours are very successful in drawing the viewer’s attention The red is also bright against the yellow and allows the text to be read as it is easy to see and contrasts on the yellow backgrounds. I have also used the charcoal black as it is a neutral colour. The charcoal black adds to the warning/caution theme as it is similar to the colours that warning and cautions signs use (black and yellow). The black is quite neutral and I use it to mainly add text and information. When the information is important (all the information I put is important but the most important information I use in red), I use red to highlight that information. This is a LATCH (reffering to my Week 4 Infographics Notes on p.25-26 of e-journal) way of organizing, using colour to categorize the information as well as creating hierarchy by showing which information is more important. It is also a technique descirbed by (Sherin, 2012) to help people categorize information and act as a breather for people when reading information. This rationale uses colour to act as a breather for the reader. (This way, readers do not have suffer reading chunks of black text).

Again I am also using white as well, that works with the red that I have chosen. This goes with the danger theme as danger signs or raod signs often use red and white colours together. The white is useful as it contrasts with the red, yellow and black making it easier to show text and graphics.

I have also used colour to emphasise certain graphics and pictograms. This is shown in the main large portrait poster (spider flow chart) as I make the spider flow chart the main focus point as well as seperate the flow chart form other ideas. This is another LATCH way of organizing information that I have used. In the spider web flow chart, I have used white fill with black outline to help seperate the

pictograms within the flow chart-- which from far seperates the flow chart from the rest of the poster. (Schneider, et al, 2012) states that graphics or aspects of the design can be emphasised using a contrast of colours and framing. The contrast of the black outline and white fill to the bright yellow background allows the spider web flow chart to become the focus point of the poster because it is emphasised by contrast and draws the attention from the viewer. I have also positioned the flow chart centrally so this reinforces the main focus point for the poster. This complements the attention attractive background as the background first draws viewers in and then the viewers are immediately drawn from the the text above the spider flow chart to actual spider flow chart itself. I have used a location, hierarchy and category (as part of LATCH) information orgnaizing technique to help organize the information. By placing it centrally it creates symmetrical balance which depicts stability in the design (Scheider , et al, 2012); this also reflects on the identity of Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KABWA).

TypefaceI have chosen Coolvetica Regular as my typeface for this project. For my designs, I orginally wanted to get Helvetica for my typeface but I could not find it. This was the typeface I found which was also satisfactory. I wanted to use a neutral typeface that was easy to read and had a neutrual personality. The reason that I want it to be neutral is because I did not want to seem negative or positive, but in the middle. I know the message of my design may lean towards the negative side, I also wanted to keep a neutral perspective, that personally I do not want to use shock or guilt tactics too much nor seem too nice either. I wanted to be able to inform the target audience without being too nice or too mean. This was my goal in approach to the project and the target audience. The typeface

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SHONA WONG / 1036457654

depicted how I approached this project.

See more next page.Layouts and FormatsIn my e-journal, i have showcased my transition from inforgraphic and complex format to the simple, pictographic style format. The reason I have chosen to go with this pictographic format is because the target audience (from my project 1 research from p.15-21 in my e-journal; also refer to my storyboarding of the target audience in p.29-30) is consistenly on the move and is busy all the time. These are people consistenly on the job and has no time to read full amounts of information on unsecured loads. In my pictographic and simple approach, I am removing statistical or informative text and statistics and using the sole power of imagery and symbols (pictograms) to get the message across to the target audience. What I am mainly going for in this layout/approach is immediacy. I want the target audience to be able to be informed without much waste of their time. Pictograms are easy to read and can speak a thousand words. Humans were evolved to see imagery rather than text. I also think that pictograms are very easy to understand and direct. It is also universal and can speak multiple langauges so this is a useful way of communicating because Australia is a multi-cultrual country and the target audience could have various diversity of people from different ethnicities and races from all over the world. This is also why I have chosen the simiplicity approach of pictograms and less information text because it communicates fast, effectively and universally. This is what makes this approach accessible to target audience who sees my designs.

ConceptThe concept behind my designs is using the danger/hazard persepective of the project. I know this leans towards a negative point of view instead of a positive, but the aim of the project is to inform the target audience of the dangers of unsecured loads. I did develop systems in my prototyping such as reward systems which was more positive because it would reward people who did the right thing (secure their load properly) but I also felt it did not work which is why I did not choose it as my final design. It did not work because I thought that it may give the wrong impression to those who do the wrong thing and they may take it for granted. Another reason is because it is not an infographic or promotional message but rather a system which is not what this project is asking for. Focusing on the danger/hazard perspective is most convincing in my opinion because it shows the impact that unsecured loads can have on people. I know many campaigns such as smoking, and drugs use shock tactics

and showcase the negative impacts of smoking and drugs (I have researched this in my findings on p.15-21 of my e-journal) but this project is different, despite using the hazards/dangers as ways to convince the target audience to secure their loads, I think this is most appropriate way (and also what the project brief is asking me to do in its list of purposes) to communicate and inform the target audience to secure their loads properly. It is also the most direct way to tell them to secure their loads. I could have just told the audience to secure their loads but I highly doubt they would without legitimate reasons. Using hazards and dangers of unsecured loads to inform the target audience to secure their load is powerfully convincing despite the guilt factor and also a direct way of communicating. It is a bit on the negative side, the difference between me and campaigns such as smoking and drug campigns is that I am keeping it neutral by showcasing pictograms and direct messaging (in purpose to just inform the target audience of the possible concquences), instead of case stories/scenarios of deaths, accidents, injuries or any statistical evidence of the hazards or dangers. In a way, I am not stepping over the boundaries of a negative, bias approach, but keeping it neutral by not providing the statistical evidence.

Throughout my suite of designs, I have kept the system of seeing the same. The system of seeing for my designs is using the same concept (the hazards/concequence appraoch), typeface, colours and the pictographic style. In my suite of designs, I have made a large portrait poster, bottle openers, key rings, billboards, road signs, warehouse posters, vehicle advertising and vehicle posters. This is all showed in the same PDF you are reading.

Road Signs/Billboards/Vehicle StickersI have explained this before, but the reason for using road signs is because the target audience is consistenly on the go. They will be on the roads majority of their work life and road signs are always on the road. Using road signs is useful because the target audience will be able to see and be informed quickly whilst on the road. I have kept the system of seeing the same for all the other forms, and the colours I have used will, again, draw attention the sign. The design of the sign cuts out most of the information I put in my large portrait poster because a road sign cannot have too much information. (Schneider, et al, 2012, p.25) states that some forms are designed to be looked at from a distance despite the large scale of the form, for example, road signs and billboards have less information as people are driving past them and do not have to time to read all the informaiton on there.

i have cut out the information and put what I think is necessary for the form of the message. For example in the road signs, vehicle stickers and billboards, I have made it simple and down to the point (more than the poster itself) to inform the audience of the dangers of unsecured loads. I have also tried different prototypes of informing other drivers of unsecured loads (not just target audience) and creating reminders for the target audience as well (such as... did you secure your load properly?) Most of the suite of messages I have used is derived from the first design (Large Portrait Poster which is one of the first pages of this PDF and also the right image of p.47 in the e-journal). I often refer it as the first of all the suite of messages as that was where I decided on the system of seeing.

Keyrings & Bottle openersI have researched before (p.15-21 in e-journal) about the target audience and would have guessed that most of the target audience might enjoy drinking. I have chosen to do bottle openers because it can serve as a multipurpose tool. It is not only purposeful for opening beer bottles and caps but also purposeful for informing the target audience to secure their load properly. This is also the same for the keyrings I have made. This informs the target audience to secure their load properly but also serves as a key ring to hold their keys. At least when they go to lock up their load, there will be a friendly reminder to secure their loads on their keys. I had to downsize the information to the keyring and bottle opener sizing as it is small. Unlike road signs, billboards and vehicle stickers which are large, key rings and bottle openers are not driven by, but can allow time to read. The unfortunate feature is that keyrings and bottle openers can only fit a certain amount of information due to its actual scale. (Henderson, 2015, personal communications) is the lecturer for CCA1108, and he presented a lecture in Week 5 about visual design. He showed us an example of a cluttered website and mentioned that it was difficult to breathe in because there was no space in the design. This was what made the design feel tight and stressed and thus he felt the same way as the user of the design. The same goes for the bottle and keyrings: If were to put too much information on the bottle opener or keyrings, it would not only be difficult to read but also appear very stressful without no space or void in the design.

Posters in WarehousesI have explained this one before as well. My first idea of the poster was to be able to inform the target audience when they are working

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and pakcing their load. Whether they are in a materials/tools shop such as Bunnings, Masters or SuperCheap Auto (unfortunetely I could not find an image of the inside of the shop. If I did, I would have made a mock up in real life to show where my poster would be) or a warehouse--outdoors or indoors (I also could not find a good picture with a full front view of a warehouse that was not empty- I explained this before on the mock up image for my large portrait poster of the empty warehouse) the workers (target audience) could see whilst they are working and be informed of the dangers/hazards of unsecured loads. This is also the same purpose I am going for in the vehicle stickers/posters.

So this is my chosen design for this project and although I wished I could have made the idea more innovative and creative, I am satisfied with my final design and this design is more applicable for the reuqirements of the design brief.

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Reference List Schneider, G., Evans, J., Shelly, G,B., Frydenberg, M., Evans, P.,...etc. (2012) CCA1108/4208 Communications and Digital Technology.Visual Design (p. 49-100). Victoria, Melborune: Cengage Learning. (c)

Sherin, A. (2012) Design Elements: Color Fundamentals. Massachusetts, USA: RockPort Publishers. (c)

All pictograms belong to me as I have created them.Refer to E-Journal for the references and research.

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