project 2 final

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Interactive infograohic


Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing

Visual Explanation Illustration

Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing

Project Statement

Company: Mayo Clinic. A website where you can get patient care, health information, research, education, health tips, lookup symptoms, and tests and procedures

Problem: The website has information and recipes about juicing but it is not interesting to look at and could be much more engaging.

Opportunity: To get people to interact with the website and the information so the will be more likely to retain what they learn.

Solution: To create a website feature that displays different recipes and information when you roll over it. The illustration will be of a glass with different types of fruit and vegetable and when you rollover thefruitorvegetableitwillfilltheglassandtallyouthenutritional information.

Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing


Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing


Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing


Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing


Cool Slaw1 Crown Broccoli1/2 Small Red Cabbage2 Carrots1 Lemon (peeled)1 Green Apple

Broccolean1 Small Broccoli Crown1 Bunch Parsley4 Carrots1 Medium Cucumber

Popeye Punch2 Big Bunches Spinach1 Cup Raspberries2 Cups Pineapple

Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing


Popeye PunchPopeye Punch


Cool Slaw

Recipe2 Big Bunches Spinach1 Cup Raspberries2 Cups Pineapple

Kelsey Kieft Computer Drawing

Popeye PunchPopeye Punch


Cool Slaw

Recipe2 Big Bunches Spinach1 Cup Raspberries2 Cups Pineapple


One cup of Pineapple contains almost 100% of the daily value of manganese. An essential minteral needed for

healthy skin

Cool Slaw Broccolean Popeye Punch

Juicing For Health

Recipe1 Small Broccoli Crown1 Bunch Parsley4 Carrots1 Medium Cucumber

1 Crown Broccoli1/2 Small Red Cabbage2 Carrots1 Lemon (peeled)1 Green Apple

Recipe2 Big Bunches Spinach1 Cup Raspberries2 Cups Pineapple


Three medium Carrots contain 60 mg of calcium, 586 mg of

potassium and small amounts of magnesium, phosphorus

and vitamin C.

Eating Cabbage is a great way to reduce your risk

of breast cancer. It also contains other phytochemicals that pack an anticancer wallop

including dithiolethiones and sothiocynates

Lemons are packed with numerous health beni�ting

nutrients. They are an excellet source of asorbic acid, vitamin

C and vitamin A

Apples contain pectin, a valuable source of soluble �ber that can lower bad cholesterol and help regulate blood sugar

Anticancer properties of Broccoli are well established.

They contain stimulators of detoxifying enzymes that

seem to protect the structure of DNA

One cup of Pineapple contains almost 100% of the daily value of manganese. An essential mineral needed for

healthy skin

One cup of Spinach leaves provides 200 percent of the

daily value of vitamin K

Raspberries contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, and

bone building vitamin K all for just 64 calories a cup.

One cup of Cucumber has 16 micrograms of magnesium and

181 mg of potassium, which can help control and reduce

high blood pressure

Carrots are high in carotenoids, antioxidant

compounds found in plants that are associated with a wide

range of heath bene�ts including a decreased risk of

some cancers

Ten sprigs of Parsley contain 556 mcg of eye-

protective carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as 505 mcg of beta-carotene and 164

mcg of bone-building vitamin K

Broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse. One cup contains more than 2 g of protiein, 2 g of �ber and 43 mf of calcium.

Making it a superstar of eye nutrition

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