project report for patanjali

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali






    For partial fulfillment of te re!uirement for te De"ree of 

    Ma#ter of $u#ine## A%mini#tration &Full'Time(

    $at) *+,-',.

      Su/mitte% to0 Su/mitte% /10

    Prof2 3a"an $ati A4it ra5at

      M$A -t #em


    Ra4en%ra na"ar6 A2$2 Roa%6 In%ore' -7*+,* &MP(


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    The bookish knowledge of any program, which we get from educational institutions, is

    not enough to be used in our day-to-day life. The more practical knowledge we have, the

    more beneficial it is for our learning.

    To make the students aware of the working of the business world every student of 

    MASTE !" #$S%&ESS A'M%&%STAT%!& () thSem* has to undergo a ma+or research

     pro+ect where heshe eperiences many aspects of business under the supervision of 

    rofessional Managers.

    % strongly believe that the knowledge gained from this eperience is more than the

    knowledge gained from the theories in the book.

    /A0E1 %&'!E

      Student &ame

    'ATE1 A+it awat


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    This is to certify that Mr. A+it rawat Student of %nstitute of #usiness Management andesearch, %S Academy, %ndore of M#A ("ull time* program has prepared Ma+or research ro+ect report on topic To study of consumer perception on2  A STUDY OFCONSUMER PERCEPTION ON THE PATANJALI PRODUCTS IN INDORE 2under my guidance.

    %nternal Eaminer (3uide* Eternal Eaminer 

      'irector   %#M, %S Academy


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    % A+it rawat Student of %nstitute of #usiness Management and esearch, %S Academy,%ndore of M#A ("ull time* program has prepared Ma+or research ro+ect report on thetopic 4A STUDY OF CONSUMER PERCEPTION ON THE PATANJALIPRODUCTS IN INDORE2.

     The esearch as per my knowledge is original and genuine and not published in anyresearch 5ournal previously.


    M$A &-t#em(



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    % often wondered why the pro+ect reports always began with acknowledgement. &ow,

    when % have undertaken pro+ect myself, did % reali6e that pro+ect report involves not +ust

    the researcher but so many people that help in making the research possible. Therefore, %

    take pleasure in beginning the most beautiful part of the report.

    % fall short of words to epress my gratitude to my guide  Prof2 3a"an $ati

    and who despite their busy schedule were able to find some time to guide me through

    trouble and solve my problems to the best of abilities. 7ithout their unfailing guidance,

    encouragement and patience this pro+ect would not have been possible. %t has been a

    learning eperience under himher.

    % am thankful to my faculty guide Prof2 3a"an $atiwho gave me detailed instructions during my M2


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    Particulars Page No.


    History of Company15

    Literature Reie!2"

    Rationa#e of $tudy2"

    %&'ecties of t(e $tudy21

    Researc( )et(odo#o*y22

    +ata Ana#ysis , Interpretation23

    $ummary of Findin*s24



    .iio*rap(y / 0eio*rap(y27



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    Pata:4ali  ( पतञजल * is a proper %ndian name. Several important Sanskrit works areascribed to one or more authors of this name, and a great deal of scholarship has beendevoted over the last century or so to the issue of disambiguation.

    Amongst the more important authors called ata8+ali are1

    • The author of the Mah9bh9s  :ya, an advanced treatise on Sanskrit grammar and

    linguistics framed as a commentary on ;9ty9yana

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    The compound  name ata8+ali has been eplained by Sanskrit commentators in twoways. The first eplanation of the word is añjalaupatanitipatañjali  (ata8+ali is onefalling into folded hands*, which is a mayūravya ṣakādiṁ   compound with śakandhvādiSandhi. The name comes from a legend about his birth which says that Fes  :a,the divine serpent-king, incarnated as a snakelet and fell into the folded hands (An+aliMudra* of a #rahmin.GHI  The second eplanation parses the word as a #ahuvrihicompound  patantonamaṣkāryatvenajanānāmañjalayoyaṣminviṣ ayeṣa (Be for whom thefolded hands of people are falling is ata8+ali*. The compound name atan+ali1 DatanD isI

    The tradition that one ata8+ali wrote treatises on grammar, medicine and yoga ismemorialised in a verse by #ho+a at the start of his commentary on the @ogasutras. Thistradition is discussed by Meulenbeld.who traces this Drelatively lateD idea back to #ho+a(==th century*, who was perhaps influenced by a verse by #hartr   :har i (ca. th century*that speaks of an epert in yoga, medicine and grammar who, however, is not named.

    n the grammatical tradition, ata8+ali is believed K for the reason given above K to havelived in the second century #0E . Some say that he lectured on aninian grammar at a

     place called  Nāgakūpa, which is identified with modern day Nagakuan (Bindi1 नगक    आ*IBe lectured for C days, which resulted in the C  Āhnikas or Ddaily lessonsD of the ahā!hāṣ  ya. Many writers in the grammar tradition, including #hat  :t  :o+L'Lks  :ita,Bari'Lks  :ita, &9gea#hat  :t  :a, and ;aunda #hat  :t  :a, held ata8+ali to be an incarnation of the mythical serpent Fes  :a.

    %n the @oga tradition, ata8+ali is a revered name and has been deified by many groups,especially in the Shaivite bhakti  tradition. %t is claimed by some that ata8+ali is anincarnation of the mythical serpent Ananta. This ata8+ali

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    %n one popular legend, ata8+ali was born to Atri and his wife Anasuya (this would makehim go back to the time of the creation by #rahma*. According to this tradition, Anasuyahad to go through a stern test of her chastity  when the Trimurti  themselves came as#hikshuks and asked her for #hiksha. She passed their test by accepting them as her 

    children and fed them. She got the boon where all the three Murtis will be born to them.They were Soma Skandan or ata8+ali, 'attatreya, and 'urvasa.

    The @oga tradition is much older, there are references in the Mah9bh9rata, and the 3it9identifies three kinds of yoga. The @oga Stras codifies the royal or best (rāja* yoga

     practices, presenting these as an eight-limbed system (aṣhtānga*. The philosophictradition is related to the Sankhya school. The focus is on the mindN the second sutradefines @oga K it is the cessation of all mental fluctuations, all wandering thoughts ceaseand the mind is focused on a single thought.

    %n contrast to the focus on the mind in the @oga sutras, later traditions of @oga such as theBatha yoga focus on more comple asanas or body postures.

    Rele;an)e of i# )ontri/ution to 1o"i) tra%ition#

    ata8+ali defended in his yoga-treatise several ideas that are not mainstream of either Sankhya or @oga. Be, according to the %yengar  adept, biographer and scholar ;ofi #usia,acknowledges the ego not as a separate entity. The subtle body lingasarira he would notregard as permanent and he would deny it a direct control over eternal matters. This isnot in accord with classical Sankhya and @oga.

    Although much of the aphorisms in the "oga Sutra possibly pre-dates atan+ali, it is clear that much is original and it is more than a mere compilation. The clarity and unity he

     brought to divergent views prevalent till then has inspired a long line of teachers and practitioners up to the present day in which #.;.S. %yengar  is a known defender. 7ithsome translators he seems to be a dry and technical propounder of the philosophy, butwith others he is an empathic and humorous witty friend and spiritual guide.


    The Mah9bh9s  :ya  (Dgreat commentaryD* of ata8+ali on the As  :t  :9dhy9y L of 9n  :ini  is ama+or early eposition on 9n  :ini, along with the somewhat earlier $arttika by ;atyayana.Bere he raises the issue of whether meaning ascribes to a specific instance or to acategory1

  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


     &ow what is

  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    Metap1#i)# a# "rammati)al moti;ation

    $nlike 9n  :ini

  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


     people got together. So =,??? people gathered south of Qindhya Mountains to listen tohim.

    atan+ali had another condition R he would put a screen between him and his studentsand told them that nobody was to lift the screen or leave. Everybody had to stay in thehall till he finished. So atan+ali stayed behind the curtain and he transmitted hisknowledge to the =,??? gathered. Each of them absorbed this knowledge. %t was anama6ing phenomenon and even amongst the students, they could not believe how theywere getting this knowledge, how the master was making each of them understandwithout uttering words from behind the curtain.

    Everybody was ama6ed. Each one of them eperienced such a blast of energy, such a blast of enthusiasm, that they could not even contain it. #ut they still had to maintain thediscipline.

    %t is believed that Maharishi atan+ali was the avatar of AdiShesha - the %nfinite 0osmicSerpent upon whom /ord Qishnu rests. Be is considered to be the compiler of the @ogaSutras, along with being the author of a commentary on anini?? #0. The core of atan+ali

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    The @oga Sutras are ascribed to atan+ali but virtually nothing is known about him, atleast not with any historical certainty. Be is most likely not identical with atan+ali theSanskrit grammarian, who lived around the >nd century #0E, and is identified with theserpent king Ananta, himself an incarnation of Qishnu. "or us westerners it is hard to

    comprehend the absence of a detailed biography of the author of such a work. Though,such anonymity is rule rather than eception in %ndia. %n addition to this, it is withuncertainty that the sutras are the work of a single author.

    Te Ori"in# of te Yo"a Sutra# of Patan4ali

    The @oga Sutras of atan+ali (@S* were compiled somewhere between ? #0E and U??0E (though some portions are likely to be written down earlier* and, as a collection,reflects some of the dominant views of yoga preceding and during that period. These@oga Sutras also functioned as a foundation for some later developments in yoga. %t is,

    therefore, not a conclusive theoretical account of yoga in that period but rather reflectsyogic practice1 a manual of yoga as it was eperienced and practiced by yogis in that era.

    Pata:4ali ('evan9garL  पतञजल N second - third century #.0.E.* is the compiler of the "ogaSutra/ a ma+or work containing aphorisms on the philosophical aspects of mind andconsciousness, and also the author of a ma+or commentary on anini

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    An individual named ata8+ali, who was born in 3onarda and lived, for at least some period, in ;ashmir around =)? #.0.E., wrote Mah9bh9s  :ya, or 0reat Commentary/ on theAs  :t  :9dhy9y L of the early Sanskrit grammarian 9n:ini. Many scholars do not consider thesetwo tets to have been written by the same individual, although a comparative study of 

    the two works produces no conclusive evidence. Two eighteenth-century %ndiancommentators, h9mabadra'iksita (author of atan+alicarita* and Sivrama, and twoeleventh-century commentators, ;ing #ho+a of 'h9r and 0akrap9nidatta, identified theauthors of the two works as being the same person. G=IModern scholarship suggests that thetwo works may have been written several centuries apart. G>I

    The name of ata8+ali is also associated with many tets on ayurvedic medicineN topicssuch as the diagnosis of disease, the structure and function of the human body, the

     problem of keeping the body healthy and attractive, and the curative properties of drugs

    are all mentioned in the @oga Sutras. Tradition insists that the ata8+ali who wrote theayurvedic tet is the same ata8+ali who wrote the "oga Sutraṣ/ but scholars do notaccept this as an established fact. GUI

    ata8+ali is also believed to have been a great dancer, and is worshiped by the dancers of %ndia as their patron saint. %t is debatable whether all four of these ata8+alis could have

     been the same person, but the tradition conflating them has eisted for more than twothouata8+ali is considered to be an incarnation of the serpent Ananta, whose name means

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    Hi#tor1' Di;1a Yo"a Man%ir &Tru#t(6 Patan4aliYo"peet


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    The ;ripalu#agh Ashram on the blessed land net to the holy 3anges , was built in =HU> by the scholarly erudite and 3od reali6ed aramu+ya Swami ;ripalu 'ev 5iMahara+.

    0oncomitant with this noble struggle, Swami ;ripalu 'ev5i along with another greatspiritualist Swami Shraddhanand, who was the founder of the pure and chaste Bindustraditions of the 43$$;$/ ;A&3%2, organi6ed a movement of re+uvenation of 

     pristine %ndian ancient traditions and renaissance of its glorious and hoary past wherebythe country, its religion and all related aspects, covered by the gathering dust of centuriesneglect, were rediscovered and etolled. %t was the place where the great patriots like Sh.ash #ihari #ose had taken shelter during their operations for freedom movements.

    Saint Shri ;ripalu 'ev 5iMahara+ was succeeded by his illustrious disciple u+ya SwamiShri Shankar 'ev 5iMahara+, well conversant with Qedic knowledge and an ardentadvocate of noble human values. Swami +i founded the Trust in =HH along with hisgroup of disciplesN yet another hilanthropist u+ya Swami am 'ev 5iMahara+ who hasdedicated his presence to augment the haloed traditions of the trust based on selflessservice and dedicated Juest for ecellence in education, vedic learning and promotion of nationalismN he is +oined by an energetic soul with an intense spirit of service, Acharya#alkrishna5iMahara+, also a great spiritualist W great scholar of Ayurveda and an

    established name in Qedic philosophy Swami Muktanand+iMahara+ Science 3raduate,Qyakaranacharya along with other disciples continue to ealt the traditions and enrich thefuture with what the trust had enshrined and achieved in its glorious preceding years.

    The truth is that nobody really knows muchRnot even eactly when the sage lived. Some practitioners believe he lived around the second century #0E and also wrote significantworks on Ayurveda  (the ancient %ndian system of medicine* and Sanskrit  grammar,making him something of a enaissance man. #ut based on their analyses of thelanguage and the teaching of the sutras, modern scholars place atan+ali in the second or third century 0E and ascribe the medical essays and grammar to various other 


    Te M1t#

    /ike many tales about the worlds spiritual heroes, the story of atan+alis birth hasassumed mythic dimensions. !ne version relates that in order to teach yoga on earth, hefell from heaven in the form of a little snake, into the upturned plans (a gesture known asan+ali* of his virgin mother, 3onika, herself a powerful yogini. Bere hes regarded as an


    Ol% $uil%in" Situate% In 9ripalu$a" A#ram

  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    incarnation of the thousand-headed serpent-king named emainder (Shesha* or Endless(Ananta*, whose coils are said to support the god Qishnu.

    Te Time#

    %t seems odd to us, in this time of superstar teachers with their eponymous schools of So-and-So @oga,that so little is known about atan+ali. #ut anonymity is typical of the greatsages of ancient %ndia. They recogni6ed that their teaching was the outcome of acooperative group effort that spanned several generations, and they refused to take creditfor themselves often attributing theire work to some other older teacher.

    The ancient ;ali ;autuvam also describes how ata8+ali and Qyagrapada gathered alongwith the gods in Thillai near 0hidambaram to watch Shiva and ;ali dance and performthe =?C mystic ;aranas, which formed the foundation for the system of &atya @oga. Behas also written 0haranaShrungarahitaStotram on &atara+a.

    This Tamil tradition also gives his birthplace in South ;ailash K ;oneswaram temple,Trincomalee. Some other traditions feel that his being born in #haratavarsha K the part of the ancient world corresponding to South Asia K is beneath his godlike status, and that hemust have been born in the 5ambudvipa, the mythical center of the universe.

    ata8+ali as Siddha is also mentioned by the goldsmith-sage #ogar 1

    %t was why my 3randfather who said, D0limb and see.D

    #ut it was ;alangic&athar who gave me birth.ata8+ali,Qiyagiramar,andSivayogi Muni all so rightly said,D/ookX This is the pathXD K #hogar Y??? (translation by /ayne /ittle*

    This tradition also holds that ata8+ali was a master of dance.

    Re;ie5 of Literature


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  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    Analysis of five stages of consumer decision making process indicate that impact of 

    family members on the consumer decision making process of purchasing imported health

    food products was significant.

     $la)>5ell et al &*++.( "ive Stages Model of consumer decision making process has also

     been studied by a number of other researchers. Although different researchers offer 

    various tendencies towards the definitions of five stages, all of them have common views

    as they describe the stages in similar ways. !ne of the common models of consumer 

    decision making process has been offered.

    P2 3uru Ra"a;en%ran et al (>??H* emphasi6ed in their research that the survey helped

    them in understanding the consumer perception on brand awareness and position of  product in the market. %t was observed that consumers epectations were Juality,

     benefits offered and packaging of shampoos. #ased on the results obtained, integrated

    marketing communication was suggestedN as a result an improvement of CZ to =>.PZ

    was observed in target population.

    ?Samo4li>6 *+,@ Berbal Medicines are used in the modern day for health maintenance,

    the treatment or prevention of minor ailments and some chronic diseases, and they are

    often taken in addition to conventional medicine in the more serious andor chronic


     ?$ro5erB ,== The %ndian herbal drug market is about [ one billion and the eport of 

    herbal crude etracts is about [ C? million. The sales of these drugs account for almost

    ?Z of the herbal medicine market.

    &Sarma6 San>er6 T1a"i6 Sin"6 Rao6 *++( A 7B! (7orld Bealth !rgani6ation*

    study estimates that about C? percent of world population depends on natural products for 


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    their health care instead of modern medicines primarily because of side effects and high

    cost of modern medicine.

      &8HO 9umar Jana"am6 *+,,(  The worldwide herbal market products are

    around [P.> billion and estimated to reach [ trillion by the year >??

    &9otler6 9eller6 9o#16 Ja6*+,-( marketing, perceptions are more important thanreality because perceptions affect consumers actual behaviour.‟

    According to 9urt an% $oone6 &*++.( different people have different perceptions ofob+ects or events based on theinteractions of two types of factors that are stimulus factorsand individual factors.



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    Each company makes its own strategies for its products and brand. These strategies are

    made keeping in to consideration all the internal (employees, stake holders, financial

    conditions* and eternal (customers, competitors* factors. These strategies directly help

    the company to increase the demand for its customer product which then helps increasethe sales. These strategies could be promotional strategies, pricing strategies distribution

    strategies etc.

    Since nowadays, people are moving towards healthier lifestyle, thus trough this study %

    want to know consumers perception towards herbal products and strategies used by the

    company to distribute its products on the basis of customers buying behaviour in %ndore



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    The study in hand is conducted keeping in view the following ob+ectives1

    \ To study the brand perception of ]ATA&5A/% in minds of 0onsumers.

    \ To know the attributes that a customer keeps in mind while buying ]ATA&5A/%


    \ To study the satisfaction level of consumers after using ]ATA&5A/% roducts.



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    This research is based on primary data collected through Juestionnaires from =?? users of 

    atan+ali roducts within un+ab. The Juestionnaire design is built up to know the type of 

     products people use, the reason for their buying such product and their post buyingsatisfaction level from that product. Secondary sources have been used to collect

    information about ]atan+ali brands. 5ournals, articles, research reports and government

    documents were reviewed to get the insight of the previous interventions that the

    stakeholders and policy makers have already in place. Also websites of natural products

    manufacturing company and online document were investigated to conduct this research.



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    The above response shows that the U>Z strongly agree, ))Z agree, =CZ are disagree, PZ

    strongly disagree to the statement of consumer perception of atan+ali roducts.

    !ut of =?? users, dominant portion i.e. nearly >U rd of the users age between >?-)? years./ooking at the gender distribution, Y?Z of the users taken under study are females who

    can perceive to be more interested in buying herbal cosmetics.

    =. ))Z of people strongly agreed that atan+ali provide large variety of products with

    good Juality and fair prices. They also believe that atan+ali products have

    appealing packaging and have good brand image.

    >. U>Z of people agreed that atan+ali products are ecellent and satisfied with the

     product. And they also agree that atan+ali products are herbal and chemical-free.

    U. =CZ of people disagree because they are not aware of the products of atan+ali.

    ). PZ of people are strongly disagree.



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    The data collected through =?? Juestionnaires is analy6ed. !ut of =?? users, dominant

     portion i.e. nearly >Urd  of the users age between >?-)? years. /ooking at the gender 

    distribution, Y?Z of the users taken under study are females who can perceive to be moreinterested in buying herbal cosmetics. %n !ccupation freJuency, nearly half of the users

    are students who are pursuing studies followed byUZ of service class users.

    =. Some people think that patan+ali product is a god brand and they are satisfied with

    their variety of product.>. YZ of people agreed that atan+ali products are ecellent and satisfied with the

     product.U. #efore buying patan+ali product people keep in mind that the product is good in

    variety or chemical free.



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    16 To mae a successfu# product8 9ata:'a#i;s maretin* strate*y s(ou#d

    attract #on* term consumers<

    26 T(ey can increase t(eir distri&ution c(anne#s<

    36 T(ey (ae to focus &ac on product e=cacy< Risin* a&oe t(e noise

    of adertisin*<

    46 They can increase their outlet and stores.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    The "indings in the paper show that there are many significant factors that together make

    up the buying decision of the product. 0ustomers perception towards a brand is built

    largely on the satisfactory value the user receives after paying for the product and the

     benefits the user looks for. %n the above study, a large portion of the user is satisfied from

    atan+ali products. %t may be because of reasonable price of the product. %t may be due to

    ability of the product to cure the problem. The satisfaction brings in the retention of 

    customer. atan+ali is en+oying the advantageous position in market through spirituality

    element involved in its products. Bowever, it should not ignore the competitors like

     &aturals, pure roots, Qindhya herbals. atan+ali in order to retain more customers and

    satisfy them, must fulfil the claims made by the company before any other brand may

    mushroom up and take away the benefits of marketing through spirituality.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali



    #ooks- Marketing Management, hilip ;otler 

    efrences- Qishal ;umar /aheri, esearch Scholar "MS, $niversity of 'elhi, 'elhi,


    Anupam, esearch Scholar, "MS, $niversity of 'elhi, 'elhi, %ndia.



  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali




    =. &ame1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    >. Age1

    a*. #elow > years G I b*. >-? years G Ic*. Above ? years G I

     U. 3ender1

    a*. Male ^^^^^ b*. "emale ^^^^^ 

     ). _ualifications

    a*. $pto BS0 b*. $pto 3raduate c*.$pto ost 3raduate W others d*. %lliterate

     . Marital Status1

    a*. Married G I b*. $nmarried G I

    P. Are you aware of the atan+ali productsO

    a* @es G I b* &o G I


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    Y. 'o you agree atan+ali offers a large variety of productsO

    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* Strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Strongly agree Agree neutral disagree Strongly

    disagree>Z >Z PZ CZ HZ





    $ton*#y disa*ree? >

    • YYZ people strongly agree that patan+ali offers large variety of product while =YZ

     people think that patan+ali has not offers large variety of product.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    C. 'o you agree that atan+ali products are of high JualityO

    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* Strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Strongly agree agree neutral 'isagree Strongly

    disagree>HZ YZ >Z CZ )Z







    A*ree +isa*ree @eutra#

    $tron*#y a*ree $tron*#y disa*ree

    • CPZ people believe that patan+ali offers good Juality of product but =)Z

    customers are not satisfy with the Juality of product.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    H. 'o you agree the prices of the atan+ali products are fairO

    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

    disagree))Z U=Z Z =?Z =?Z






    A*ree +isa*ree @eutra#

    $tron*#y a*ree $tron*#y disa*ree

    • YZ customer thinks that the price of patan+ali products are fair but >Z customer 

    thinks that the price of the product are not fair.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    =?. 'o you agree that the atan+ali products have appealing packagingO

    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

    disagree>HZ )>Z )Z =YZ CZ






    A*ree +isa*ree @eutra#

    $tron*#y a*ree $tron*#y disa*ree

    • Y=Z customer believes that patan+ali product is good packaging while >HZ

    customers is not satisfied with the packaging.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    ==. 'o you agree that atan+ali products have natural ingredientsO

    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Strongly agree agree &eutral disagree Strongly

    disagree>HZ Y=Z ? ? ?




    A*ree $tron*#y +isa*ree

    • Y=Z customer agree that patan+ali products have natural ingredients and >HZ

    customer fully agreed that patan+ali have natural ingredients.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    =>. 'o you agree that you are satisfied with the patan+ali productO

    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Srongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

    disagree>>Z )Z ? =HZ =)Z






    A*ree disa*ree stron*#y a*ree stron*#y disa*ree

    • PYZ customers are satisfy with patan+ali product while UUZ customer are not

    satisfy with patan+ali product.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    =U. Bave you faced any problem while using the productO

    a* @es G I b* &o G I

    yes &?YCZ >>Z

    yes? 7>

    no? 22>

    • YCZ customer are happy and they do not face any problem while >>Z customer 

    are facing problem with patan+ali product.

    =). 'o you agree that atan+ali products are chemical-freeO


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

    disagee=CZ )HZ =?Z Z =CZ






    a*ree disa*ree neutra#

    stron*#y a*ree stron*#y disa*ree

    PYZ customer believe that patan+ali is a chemical free product while UUZ peoplethinks tha patan+ali is not chemical free product.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    =. 'o you agree that atan+ali products have made a good brand imageO

    a* Agree G I b* 'isagree G I c* &eutral G I

    d* strongly agree G I e* strongly disagree G I

    Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly

    disagreeC)Z ==Z ? UZ UZ

    a*ree? 11>

    disa*ree? 3>

    stron*#y a*ree? 4>

    stron*#y disa*ree? 2>

    • HZ people thinks that patan+ali product have made a good brand image while few

     peoples are not agree with that.


  • 8/16/2019 project report for patanjali


    =P. please indicate the reason why you prefer patan+ali productO

    a* convenient G I b* affordable G I c* clean G I

    d* others G I

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