promoting enterprise growth & excellence · seated, from left: mr michel coquet, chairman,...

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promoting enterprise growth & excellence

2nd Fl; Devi House, Dr A Perdreau Street, Port Louis, MauritiusTel: (230) 210 8400 Fax: (230) 210 8401

Web: Email:

� Inspiring Entrepreneurship across the World

� UNCTAD's coordination ensures linkages and sharing of best

practices between Empretec Centres in 38 Counties

� Since its formation in 1988, Empretec has successfully trained over

400,000 people, helping to set up or expand businesses, creating

thousands of jobs in the process (




Fundación Empretec Argentina Empretec Angola Empretec India

Sebrae - Brazil Enterprise Benin Empretec Jordan

Corporación Innovar - Colombia Enterprise Botswana Empretec Palestine

Fundación Chile Enterprise Ethiopia Empretec Romania

Empretec - República Dominicana Empretec Ghana Foundation Empretec Russia

Empretec El Salvador Empretec Mauritius Empretec Vietnam

Empretec Guatemala Empretec Morocco

Empretec Guyana Enterprise Mozambique

Programa Emprendedor De Las Naciones Unidas - Mexico

Enterprise Nigeria Foundation

Empretec Panama Enterprise Namibia Foundation

Cedial - Paraguay Sodida (Senegal)

Instituto Peruano De Acción Empresarial (Ipae) - Peru Enterprise South Africa

Empretec Uruguay Empretec Tanzania

Empretec Venezuela Enterprise Uganda

Empretec Zimbabwe

Empretec Zambia

� Empretec Mauritius (EM) was initially set up

in 1999, as a virtual organisation, whereby

EMS Consulting was recruited to act as the


� EM was a Public Private Partnership, with

the following consortium members:

◦ Development Bank of Mauritius (DBM)

◦ Export Processing Zones Development Authority


◦ Industrial and Vocational Training Board (IVTB)

◦ Mauritius Bankers’ Association (MBA)

◦ Mauritius Export Development and Investment

Authority (MEDIA)

◦ Small and Medium Industries Development

Organization (SMIDO).

Official launching ceremony on the 6th April 2000 by Hon James Burty David, Minister of Local

Government, SMES and Handicrafts.

Seated, from Left: Mr Michel Coquet, Chairman, SMIDO; Mrs. Rose Gakuba, UNDP Resident

Representative; Mr. Alan Kyerematen, Director, Africa; Mr B. Chooramun, Managing Director,

Development Bank of and Mr Sanjay G. Mungur, Director, Empretec .



� Empretec Mauritius organised several training and

capacity building programs. Three batches of

Entrepreneurship Training Workshops (ETW) were

initially run, in collaboration with Enterprise Botswana

and Enterprise Ghana

� There are also several other programs which are run

for various target groups, such as:

◦ Business facilitation Services for company set up and start up;

◦ Project Management

◦ Business Plans, Feasibility & Markey Surveys;

◦ Export Market Development;

◦ Training & Mentoring Programs;

◦ International Networking & Cluster Developments.

◦ Investment Promotion Missions, Partnership Meetings, etc; C ertificate Award Ceremony (ETW) by by

Hon James Burty David, M inister of

Local Gov ernment, SMES and Handicrafts.

� The Empretec Mauritius (EM) is a Not for Profit / Non Government Organisation and is part of an international network of Empretec Centres operating in 38 countries & working in collaboration with UNCTAD

� The services of Empretec Mauritius have been structured to provide the initial training in entrepreneurship, through the world acclaimed Entrepreneurship Training Workshop. We also offer other support services for SME development and growth

� Empretec Mauritius core services:

Capacity Building & Technical Assistance

Business Development & Value Added Services

Trade, Investment Facilitation & Regional Integration

Social Empowerment & Poverty Alleviation

The Hon Rajeshwar JEETAH, Minister of

Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises, Commerce & Cooperatives at the

opening ceremony of “Business Match

Making – & ”at La Pirogue Hotel on the

24 May 2007





promoting enterprise growth & excellence

Activities / Projects

� Entrepreneurship Training Workshops

� Business Plan Development, Feasibility Studies, Marketing Plan, etc

� SME Management Competency Development

� Business Process Re-Engineering

� Productivity & Quality Improvement◦ ISO 9000 , ISO 14000


◦ Environmental Management Systems

� Employee Skills Development ◦ Selling / Marketing Skills

◦ Cash Flow Management

◦ Warehouse & Inventory Management, etc



� Three workshop (ETW 17 -19) in

collaboration with SMEDA

� Aims & Objectives

◦ Contribute to the economic

empowerment of SMEs through the

promotion of attitudinal change and

training for value added entrepreneurship

� Achievements

◦ Some 640 Entrepreneurs trained locally

◦ Training of Trainers for sustainability of the


◦ Several Regional ETW conducted

(Tanzania, Madagascar, Benin, etc.)

Figure 4 - Mrs Indranee Seebun G.O.S.K,

Managing Director of the SMEDA

Figure - BCE Presentation Brand Logo



ETWParticipants at the Clos St Louis, Domaine les Pailles

Learning by Doing Concept

ETWParticipants at the Petite Canelle, Domaine les Pailles



� The objective of this project is to improve the

standard of service that our members (Small

and Medium hotels) are providing to their

customers (tourists) and hence become more

competitive in the international market.

� Key Findings & Results

◦ Gap Analysis in 7 Small & Medium Hotels

◦ 7 Hotel evaluation and performance audits

◦ Customized implementation and training strategy

◦ Training and awareness of 220 hotel personnel

◦ Customized documentation and QMS Manuals of ISO

9001:2008 for 7 hotels

Empowering Tourist Guide for Sustainable Tourism Development & Environment Protection

Key deliverables / Performance Indicators:

� Training Needs adaptation with thematic ICZM areas�Strategic Brainstorming Workshop & AIOM Action Plan� Visibility & promotion materials

� Training Guide in Coastal Eco-Tourism� Coastal Eco-Tourism Workshop for Tourist Guides (5 batches of 25 participants per batch)� 3-4 modules to be tackled� 125 participants to be trained

� 1000 copies of Eco-Tourists brochure (Dos’ & don’t of eco-tourists)� Eco-Tourist short film (available on CDs)� Eco-Recreational Map for Tourist guides� Eco-Friendly transportation practices

�AIOM Website� Customized training materials for workshops

Empretec Projects

Brainstorming workshop & action plan to promote coastal / eco-friendly tourist

attractions and activities

Training of Tourist Guides



� Project Management & Implementation

� Franchise Development

� International Linkages

� Innovation, Technology Transfer & Competitiveness

� Environment & Green Energy / Productivity


Franchise DevelopmentWorkshop at

Le Labourdonnais Hotel

� The concept of Franchising is quite new to


� This action undertaken by EM has aimed to

contribute towards SME development by

building local capability and reinforcing

business support services in franchising to

benefit the SME and the private sector at



Mrs Marie Michelle Sauzier, Manager,

Chantefrais, FAIL Group

Mrs Pascale Dauguet- Neerohoo, Operations, Chantefrais, FAIL Group



Building Franchising Capability for Technology Transfer, Business Growth, SMEs Development in Mauritius

Key deliverables / Performance Indicators:

� App. 1,408 entrepreneurs, SMEs , professionals & key stakeholders sensitized; with 264 entrepreneurs, including 70 women having participated in the capacity building workshops and 58 entrepreneurs enlisted for additional supports;

� Strategic Steps to Franchise Promotion formulated

� 4 main Workshops conducted;� Transfer of International expertise achieved; � Mauritius Franchise Association officially launched;� A Franchising Toolkit developed of 10- Step Guide To Own A Franchise;� Strengthened linkages between EM and International Franchising

Associations;� Developed marketing tools, promotion & visibility materials

Empretec Projects


Franchising as a Business Development

Strategy for SMEs at the Grande Cannelle,

Domaine les Pailles



Clustered Support Services & Networking for Value Added Entrepreneurship

Key deliverables / Performance Indicators:

� Conduct of 15 Workshops, including:2 UNCTAD Entrepreneurship Training Workshop

� Tools for SMEs � Approximately 2559 enterprises sensitised and/or benefited from

our services� 455 entrepreneurs having participated in at least 5 wk. and have

been enlisted for supports in 2010� 4 clusters formed (Textile & Manufacturing, Hospitality & Services,

Agro Industry & Food Business and Handicrafts)� Customised Training Materials for Workshops Showcase of

successful entrepreneurs

Empretec Projects

Implementing Environmental Friendly Best Practices in Small & Medium Hotels

Key deliverables / Performance Indicators:

� Sensitization and mobilization of around 50 participants through sensitization activities.

� Training workshops for some 25 participants, for various sectors of the SMH industry and aiming at environmental management practices for sustainable tourism and protection of coastal zone.

� To develop an EMS best practices manual to ensure sensitization, awareness and commitments on environmental management of coastal zone

� Implementation guide based on a “Do It Yourself” principle / Manual� Implementation of EMS Best Practices on Going

Association des Hotels de Charme

Empretec Projects



Implementing Environmental Management Systems

Best Practices

The project Implementing Environmental

Friendly Best Practices in Small & Medium

Hotels, was initiated by Association des Hotels

de Charme, with Empretec Mauritius being the

technical resource provider and facilitator.

� Integrate the environment as one component of day-

to-day hotel management

� Identify significant and priority measures for hotels,

enabling their implementation and ensuring

sustainability over time

� Promote rational and eco-efficient use of resources

� Given hotels the opportunity to make the first steps

towards an integrated environmental management

system (ISO 14000:2004)

� Business Facilitation Services

� Investment Promotion

� Market Development & Regional Integration

� Overseas Missions / Partnership Meetings

� Trade Preference Erosion Studies & Action Plans

� Clusters & Networks



� Key Findings & Outcomes

◦ Six Country Missions: Ethiopia,

Madagascar, Mozambique, Seychelles,

Tanzania and Zimbabwe

◦ SIX Country Business Opportunity Reports

◦ SIX Capacity building workshops - transfer

of value added skills to the target group;

◦ ONE regional Partnership Meeting in


Figure - Assistance of the

B2B Meeting in Ethiopia

Mauritian Delegation in


This project was implemented as a comprehensive programme of action to build capacity at the national level in the target countries with regional exchanges in view to improve supply capacity and product quality of the African manufacturers for increasing export to the EU, US and regional market. The project had the following main objectives:

Empower Textile Support / Intermediary Organizations and Consultants Associations from Mauritius, Madagascar, Ethiopia & Ghana to provide high standard & sustainable technical assistance & Business Development services to their members;Assist textiles and garments factories in these selected African Countries to

improve their competitive edge by adding value in their supply chain, improving productivity, enhancing quality and marketability of their products; benchmark with available best practices;

The project implementation lasted sixteen months and activities were targeted at different levels:

• At partner IOs (Apex National Textile Associations) level

• At Enterprise & IOs member Level (Supported Enterprises)

• At Institutional Level (National & Regional)

Strengthening the Textile & Garment Supply Chain,

Through Value Addition, Capacity Building, Productivity

Improvement, Quality Enhancement & Regional Integration




In Plant Technical Assistance


In Plant Technical Assistance






Strengthening the Textile & Garment Supply Chain,

Through Value Addition, Capacity Building, Productivity

Improvement, Quality Enhancement & Regional Integration

Empretec Projects

The project has yielded important results and the

following sustainable outcomes:

11 Partner Intermediary Organizations


907 participants trained;

116 garment manufacturing enterprises

technically supported; with 60 enterprises

benefited from additional handholding assistance;

69 Factories Audited and 47 Factory

Evaluation and Performance Audit reports


27 specialised workshops for textiles and

garment manufacturing;

2 regional/international events for promoting

trade, innovation & marketing;

9 national brainstorming sessions;

Consolidated African Textile Network

TRINNEX Indian Ocean – Technical Assistance for EPA

Empretec Projects

Objectives of project: Assess the level of knowledge and the main concerns of private

sector operators, regarding the EPAand address these concernsAllow the private sector to benefit as much as possible from the EPA.

To facilitate the exchange of views between the public and the

private sector

Validate the EPA- information needs of IOs following national

validation seminarsTo organise a 2-Day Trinnex Workshop in Mauritius

Enable selected IOs to develop relevant services for their members

TRINNEX Indian Ocean 2011 Workshop attended by105 participants:

41 private sector IOs from the 5selected countries(Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion Island and


27 public sector representatives including negotiators from

the 5 selected countries

5 EU programme partners including EC Delegations, DG Trade, Indian Ocean Commission and IRCC/COMESA

Experts and Consultants

The Hon. Dr Arv ind Boollel, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Audience at the Opening Ceremony



� Gap Analysis, Policy Dialogue, Business Facilitation & Management

Development Workshops

� Reinforcement of capacity of CePEPE and its members in investment

related management skills and negotiation skills.

� Improving the business facilitation services at CePEPE to promote a

business friendly and trustworthy environment for investors and the

private sector in Benin.

� Foster and strengthen bilateral links between Benin and Mauritius

and develop strategies for further exchanges and partnerships

between the investors from both countries

� Collaborated with the Tanzania Chamber of

Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (TCCIA) to audit

the current ability of the organisation to facilitate

the business support services for its members;

� Helped to Improve the investment friendliness &

business facilitation capacity; Exchanges with

different Mauritian institutions to develop

strategies for partnership and collaborations

between the public and private sectors

� Reinforcing TCCIA institutional capabilities to

promote and develop an enabling environment for

business facilitation.



� Social Entrepreneurship

� Bridging Education & Skills Gap

� Community Empowerment

� Bridging the ICT Divide

� Inclusive Development & Self Reliance

� Benchmarking & Social Impact Assessments

Promoting Good Governance, Quality Service & Equal Opportunity in the Public Sector

Key deliverables / Performance Indicators:

� Reinforced linkages with international institutions; � Good Governance Charter (about 1000-1500 printed GG

Charter to be distributed to members) � Conduct of 4 High level Workshops (Equal Opportunity

for All, Information & Prevention of HIV/AIDS, detecting & preventing corrupt practices, promotion of gender equality, etc);

� Aimed to raise awareness of about 20,000 – 25,000 people

� Conduct of 1 condensed Workshop in Rodrigues� Conduct of 5 Capacity Building Workshop (Customer Care

& Public Relations, Communication & negotiation, Leadership, productivity, service efficiency, etc)


Empretec Projects

Government Services Employees Association

The Hon Hookoom Launching the project

ACIM President – Training GSEA




Eliminating Rural Poverty by SME Development & Supply Chain Integration with Large Companies

Key deliverables / Performance Indicators:

� Training and Mentoring facilities offered to AME members�AME CSR plan � 10 Talks by successful entrepreneurs�6 Regional entrepreneurship Sensitization Events� Sensitize AME members on social responsibility in their regions� Support to project financing�AME Business Support & Facilitation services�CSR & supply-chain integration workshops�AME Business directory

Association of Mauritian Entrepreneurs

Empretec Projects

Improving sustainability of Small & Medium Hotels through Forward Marketing & Improved Backward Integration with Local Communities

Key deliverables / Performance Indicators:

� AHC strategic plan including a CSR plan� Marketing tools (brochures, banners, press adverts, etc)

� Conducted about 6 - 8 Capacity Building workshops to reinforce AHC & other SMH capabilities in customer service, business leadership, etc targeting about 20-25 AHC members, key staffs, job seekers in the hospitality industry, etc

� Development of marketing supports (Website update, directory, creation of an electronic database, newsletters, etc)

� Training and supports to approx 50-100 SMH and staffs� Development of a business directory for SMH for visibility and continuous

awareness� Improved marketing and room occupancy by about 10-15%� Increased sourcing from local communities, vulnerable groups and other


Empretec Projects



Sanjay G. MungurChief Executive Officer

2nd Fl; Devi House, Dr A Perdreau Street, Port Louis

Tel: (230) 210 8400 Fax: (230) 210 8401


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