propaganda and nuremberg laws

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Life in Nazi Germany

What was life like in Nazi Germany?

Hitler Consolidates Power• President Hindenberg dies in 1934 – Hitler names himself President• Hitler becomes Fuhrer (Supreme Leader) – Rudolf Hess: Dep. Fuhrer• Hitler bans all other political parties

• A branch of the SS was a secret police force known as the Gestapo

• Gestapo kept everyday citizens in order by terrorizing them into obedience

• Heinrich Himmler will run an elite black-uniformed unit called the SS, which would eliminate Hitler’s political enemies

• 1933: Hitler appoints Joseph Goebbels as Minister of Propaganda

Ministry of Propaganda

• Children joined the Hitler Youth or League of German Girls

• Propaganda used to promote Reich and blame Jews/others for pre-war problems

• Goebbels orders the burning of books written by Jews or anti-Nazi authors

Nazi Propaganda #1

1. Describe cover of the book and the adult in the book.

2. What is the author of this book trying to teach German children?

A German children’s book titled: The Poisonous Mushroom

Nazi Propaganda #2Translation: The Jewish worm

makes his move

1. Describe the worm, what is he doing?

2. What is the poster trying to say?

Dollar sign

Hammer & Sickle

Nuremberg Laws• 1935: two sets of laws passed in Germany defining race & citizenship

1) Protection of German Blood & Honor – 1935 • Racial categories: German, Jew, & Mischling (grade 1 & 2)

2) Reich Citizenship Law - 1935

• Must be German to be citizen

• Law forbids the marriage of Jews to non-Jews

• Only citizens have full rights

Film Clip Question:

How did Stephan Lux bring the issue of Jewish persecution to the attention of the world?

Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass”

• 1938: a 17-year old Jewish man shoots a German diplomat, (upset his father was deported to Poland)

• Nazi respond by launching an attack against all Jews

• Businesses & homes are smashed & burned by SS, thousands of Jews are arrested by Gestapo. Nazis want Jews out of Germany

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