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Proportion of High-Risk/Very High-Risk Patientsin Europe with Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterolat Target According to European Guidelines:A Systematic Review

Eric Bruckert . Klaus Georg Parhofer . Jose Ramon Gonzalez-Juanatey .

Børge Nordestgaard . Marcello Arca . Periklis Giovas . Kausik Ray

Received: December 5, 2019 / Published online: March 21, 2020� The Author(s) 2020


Objective: Assess achievement of low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) targets inEuropean Society of Cardiology (ESC)/EuropeanAtherosclerosis Society (EAS) guidelines.

Design: Systematic literature review.Data Sources: Medline, EMBASE, CumulatedIndex to Nursing and Allied Health Literature.Eligibility Criteria: Observational studiesreporting LDL-C levels/target attainment, mea-sured between 1 August 2006 to 31 August2017, in European adults with established car-diovascular disease (CVD), diabetes with targetorgan damage, familial hypercholesterolaemia(FH) or 10-year risk of fatal CVD C 5% (assessedby Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation[SCORE]).Data Extraction and Synthesis: Two reviewersindependently extracted relevant studies and

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E. Bruckert (&)Endocrinologie Metabolisme et PreventionCardiovasculaire, Institut E3M et IHUCardiometabolique (ICAN), Hopital Pitie Salpetriere,Paris, Francee-mail:

K. G. ParhoferMedizinische Klinik IV-Grosshadern, Klinikum derUniversitat Munchen, Marchioninistr. 15, 81377Munich, Germany

J. R. Gonzalez-JuanateyCardiology and Intensive Cardiac Care Department,CIBERCV, University Hospital, Santiago deCompostela, Spain

B. NordestgaardDepartment of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty ofHealth and Medical Sciences, Herlev and GentofteHospital, Copenhagen University Hospital,University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

M. ArcaDepartment of Internal Medicine and MedicalSpecialties, UOS Atherosclerosis Center, La SapienzaUniversity of Rome, Rome, Italy

P. GiovasAmgen Europe GmbH, Rotkreuz, Switzerland

K. RayDepartment of Public Health and Primary Care,Imperial Centre for Cardiovascular DiseasePrevention, Imperial College London, London, UK

Adv Ther (2020) 37:1724–1736

assessed study quality using the Risk of Bias forNon-Randomised Studies–Interventions(ROBINS-I) tool. Primary outcome was the pro-portion of patients achieving LDL-C targets inthe 2011/2016 ESC/EAS guidelines. Whereavailable, patient characteristics were presentedas means weighted by sample size. The propor-tions of patients achieving LDL-C targets in the5 years before and after publication of the 2011guidelines were compared using a chi-squaretest.Results: Across 81 eligible studies (303,534patients), achievement of LDL-C\1.8 mmol/Lwas poor among patients with established CVD(16%; range 9–56%) and at very high risk ofCVD (SCORE C 10% [18%; 14–25%]). In indi-viduals with FH, SCORE 5–10%, or diabetes andtarget organ damage, LDL-C\2.5 mmol/L wasachieved by 15% (9–22%), 46% (21–55%) and13% (6–34%), respectively. Comparing the5 years before/after publication of the 2011guidelines, target achievement increased sig-nificantly over time but remained suboptimal(LDL-C\1.8, 22% versus 15%; LDL-C\ 2.5,68% versus 61%; both p\0.001; establishedCVD group only).Conclusions: These data show suboptimal LDL-C control among European patients at high riskof CVD. Those at greatest overall risk (clinicallyestablished CVD or at least a 10% 10-year risk offatal CVD) had the lowest achievement of2011/2016 EAS/ESC LDL-C targets. With lowerLDL-C targets advocated in 2019 ESC/EASguidelines, this unmet need will increase.Protocol Registration: PROSPERO registrationnumber; CRD77844

Keywords: Cardiovascular disease; Guidelines;High-risk; LDL-C targets; Low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol; Systematic review

Key Summary Points

High levels of low-density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-C) are a known riskfactor for cardiovascular (CV) events andrisk-based LDL-C targets are central todyslipidaemia treatment guidelines.

This systematic review describes data from81 observational studies reporting LDL-Clevels measured between 2006 and 2017,and attainment of LDL-C targets set out in2016 EAS/ESC dyslipidaemia guidelines,among European patients at high or veryhigh risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Few patients at high or very high risk ofCV events achieved recommended LDL-Ctarget levels. Those at the greatest overallrisk, including those with a greater than10% 10-year risk of fatal CVD (as assessedby SCORE) or clinically established CVD,had the lowest achievement of LDL-Ctargets.

These findings indicate a significantunmet need in LDL-C control amongpatients at high/very high risk of CVevents and offer an opportunity toattenuate CV events on a populationlevel.

Recent 2019 ESC/EAS dyslipidaemiaguidelines recommend LDL-C levels belowered as much as possible to preventCVD, and the unmet need in high/veryhigh-risk patients will be even greaterwhen assessed against these new guidelinetargets.


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of theleading causes of morbidity and mortalityacross Europe, with high levels of low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) widely recog-nized as a risk factor for CV events [1]. Trials ofstatin therapy have shown that the benefits ofreducing the risk of CV events are proportionalto the magnitude of LDL-C lowering [2, 3].Moreover, LDL-C targets are central to theguidance from the European Society of Cardi-ology (ESC)/European Atherosclerosis Society(EAS) on the treatment of dyslipidaemias,which recommends overall risk assessment andsets out therapeutic targets for LDL-C [1, 4–6].

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While statin trials have shown that reducingLDL-C levels attenuates CVD events in at-riskindividuals, driven largely by a reduction inrates of myocardial infarction (MI), the appli-cation of current guidelines on a populationlevel in Europe is poorly understood. In theL-TAP 2 study, conducted across Asia, Europe,Latin America and North America, 9955patients with dyslipidaemia on stable lipid-lowering therapy were enrolled [7]. Achieve-ment of regional LDL-C targets was 86% in low-risk, 74% in moderate-risk and 67% in high-riskpatients, suggesting that the greatest unmetneed for LDL lowering was in patients at thehighest overall risk for CVD events.

The main objective of this study was todescribe the proportion of individuals in Eur-ope, in four selected patient cohorts at high/very high CVD risk, reaching the LDL-C targetsrecommended in the 2011 and 2016 ESC/EASguidelines (Table 1). These groups are (1)established CVD, (2) diabetes mellitus (DM)

with target organ damage, (3) familial hyperc-holesterolaemia (FH) and (4) individuals with atleast a 5% 10-year risk of fatal CVD as deter-mined by the Systematic Coronary Risk Evalu-ation (SCORE) tool [8]. A secondary objectivewas to evaluate whether the publication of theguidelines in 2011 resulted in an improvementof LDL-C control in these risk groups.


This systematic review was conducted accordingto the protocol registered with PROSPERO(Registration number CRD77844) and in accor-dance with PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines[9, 10].


The following studies were included: (1) obser-vational studies; (2) reporting LDL-C levels orLDL-C target attainment in European patientsmeasured between 1 August 2006 and 31 Au-gust 2016; (3) with at least 200 individuals inone of the high/very high-risk cohorts definedin Table 1 (and as per 2011 ESC/EAS guidelines[5]; the LDL-C targets recommended in the2016 update of these guidelines did not changesubstantially [1, 4]); (4) reporting exclusively onindividuals aged 18 years or more. All studiesnot meeting these pre-specified inclusion crite-ria were excluded. Where studies reported onmixed cohorts or patients outside Europe,studies were included if at least 80% of theoverall study population met the cohort defi-nition or were from within Europe, respectively.

Search Strategy

Two reviewers independently searched Medline,EMBASE and Cumulated Index to Nursing andAllied Health Literature (CINAHL) for MedicalSubject Heading (MeSH) and keywords relatedto diabetes mellitus (DM), established CVD,familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH), SCOREand LDL-C (Supplementary Appendix 1). Thesesearches were combined with a search strategyto identify studies reporting observational data

Table 1 European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/EuropeanAtherosclerosis Society (EAS) LDL-C targets for high/veryhigh-risk groups

Clinical risk categories Target LDL-C levels

Established CVD LDL-C\ 1.8 mmol/L or

50% reduction in LDL-C

DM with target organ


LDL-C\ 1.8 mmol/L or

50% reduction in LDL-C

FH LDL-C\ 2.5 mmol/L or

maximal reduction in

LDL-C with any possible

drug combination plus

LDL apheresis

SCORE C 10% considered

very high risk, SCORE

5–10% considered high


Very high risk, LDL-

C\ 1.8 mmol/L or 50%

reduction in LDL-C; high

risk, LDL-

C\ 2.5 mmol/L

CVD cardiovascular disease, LDL-C low-density lipopro-tein cholesterol, DM diabetes mellitus, FH familialhypercholesterolaemia, SCORE Systematic COronary RiskEvaluation calculates 10-year risk of fatal cardiovasculardisease as a percentage

1726 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1724–1736

in humans and supplemented by examiningreference lists of included studies, reviews andmeta-analyses [11, 12]. No language restrictionswere applied.

Selection of Studies and Data Extraction

Two reviewers independently screened titlesand abstracts to identify articles suitable for fulltext review, independently reviewed the fulltext articles, and extracted data on the follow-ing variables (where available, and using a pre-defined data extraction form [SupplementaryAppendix 2]): study details (design, location,number of patients in EAS/ESC high-risk groupreported); patient characteristics (prevalent DM,hypertension, active smoking, BMI, statintherapy, use of any lipid-lowering therapy); andoutcomes (mean and range of LDL-C level,achievement of LDL-C targets\2.5 or\1.8 mmol/L, myocardial infarction, stroke,major adverse cardiovascular events [MACE],all-cause mortality). Any conflicts during thePRISMA process were to be resolved by the leadauthor (EB). Where studies reported duplicatedata, the most recent report from the samecohort was included to reflect contemporarypractice and increase power.

Assessment of Risk of Bias

The two reviewers independently assessed thequality of the included studies using the Risk ofBias for Non-Randomised Studies–Interventions(ROBINS-I) tool [13]. This tool assesses biasacross seven domains: (1) bias due to con-founding, (2) bias in selection of participants,(3) bias in classification of interventions, (4)bias due to deviations from intended interven-tions, (5) bias due to missing data, (6) bias inmeasurement of outcomes and (7) bias inselection of the reported result. Overall risk ofbias was defined as low, moderate, serious orcritical. Sensitivity analyses excluding studieswith serious or critical risk of bias for the pri-mary and secondary endpoint were planned.

Statistical Analyses

The primary outcome measure was the propor-tion of patients achieving LDL-C targets, asdefined in the ESC/EAS 2011 (and 2016) guide-lines. The proportion of patients achieving LDL-C targets in the 5-year periods before and afterpublication of the 2011 ESC/EAS guideline, i.e.1 August 2006–31 July 2011 and 1 August2011–31 August 2016, respectively, were com-pared using a chi-square test. Where available,summary characteristics of participants,including LDL-C levels, are presented as meanvalues weighted by study size. Where LDL-Clevels were reported at multiple time pointsduring the 5-year periods before or after thepublication of the 2011 ESC/EAS guideline, themost recent values were extracted to reflectcontemporary practice. Secondary outcomemeasures were myocardial infarction, strokeand all-cause mortality. Where not directlyreported for these secondary outcomes, eventrates per 1000 person-years were calculated bydividing the absolute number of events by thetotal person-years of follow-up.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines

There was no patient or public involvement inthis research project. This article is based onpreviously conducted studies and does notcontain any studies with human participants oranimals performed by any of the authors.


Search Strategy

Of 17,683 potentially relevant publications, 915studies were identified for full text review. After47 duplicates were removed, a further 787studies did not meet the eligibility criteria andwere excluded; a total of 81 studies were inclu-ded in the final analyses (Fig. 1).

Adv Ther (2020) 37:1724–1736 1727

Fig. 1 PRISMA flow diagram. aFor the secondary out-come a meaningful comparison was only possible amongstudies reporting on individuals with established CVD.CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health

Literature, CVD cardiovascular disease, FH familialhypercholesterolaemia, LDL-C low-density lipoproteincholesterol, RCT randomised controlled trial, SCORESystematic Coronary Risk Evaluation

Table 2 Characteristics of included patients

Established CVD(n = 200,534)

DM 1 target organdamage (n = 13,339)

FH(n = 41,594)

SCORE ‡ 5%(n = 48,067)

Age, years, mean (SD) 64 (11) 72 (10) 40 (20) 64 (8)

Men, % 71 60 47 69

Statin, % 89 43 35 99

Any lipid-lowering, % 94 NA 81 88

Active smoking, % 19 13 21 33

Hypertension, % 76 93 16 72

DM % 34 100 2 47

BMI, kg/m2, mean (SD) 28 (5) 30 (5) 24 (5) 29 (5)

Mean values are weighted by study sizeCVD cardiovascular disease, DM diabetes mellitus, FH familial hypercholesterolaemia, SCORE Systematic COronary RiskEvaluation, NA data not available, BMI body mass index, SD standard deviation

1728 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1724–1736

Overview of Included Studies

Included studies reported on a total of 303,534patients across the four high/very high-riskgroups: n = 200,534 patients with establishedCVD, n = 13,339 DM with target organ damage,n = 41,594 FH and n = 48,067 SCORE C 5%. Allstudies reported LDL-C levels and/or achieve-ment of LDL-C targets while patients werereceiving lipid modification therapy. Themajority of included studies were based onregistry data or cohort studies (51 studies, 63%);30 studies (37%) were cross-sectional in design(Supplementary Appendices 2 and 3). Charac-teristics of included patients are presented inTable 2. The definition of FH used in includedstudies is presented in SupplementaryAppendix 4. Compared with other high/veryhigh-risk groups, those with FH were younger,less likely to be hypertensive or diabetic, andhad a lower body mass index. Statin use wasfrequent among patients with established CVD(89%) and SCORE C 5% (99%); whereas only aminority of patients with FH (35%) or DM withtarget organ damage (43%) were receiving astatin.

Risk of Bias

The overall risk of bias, measured using theRobins-I tool, was moderate for all includedstudies; hence, planned sensitivity analysesexcluding studies with serious or critical risk ofbias were not performed (Supplementary

Appendix 5). No study selected participants onthe basis of LDL-C measurements after the studystart. Our analyses did not assess the effect sizeof any intervention on the primary or sec-ondary outcome measures; therefore, no studywas considered to have deviated from anintended intervention. Baseline characteristicswere reported in the overall population of allstudies; however, in six studies our inclusioncriteria only applied to one or more subgroupswhere these characteristics were not reported.No bias in the measurement of outcome wasobserved in any of the included studies.

Statistical Analysis

Pooled estimates for mean LDL-C levels and theproportion of patients achieving EAS/ESC targetLDL-C levels are presented in Table 3. Across thefour high/very high-risk groups, mean LDL-Clevels were lowest among patients with estab-lished CVD (weighted mean 2.8 mmol/L, SD0.9) and highest among those with FH (weigh-ted mean 4.9 mmol/L, SD 1.9).

The ESC/EAS recommended target LDL-Clevel of\1.8 mmol/L for patients with estab-lished CVD was achieved in only 16% (range9–56%) of patients included in this cohort. Nostudy including patients with DM and targetorgan damage reported on achievement of theEAS/ESC recommended LDL-C target levelof\ 1.8 mmol/L; however, achievement of theless stringent LDL-C target of\2.5 was simi-larly low at 13% (range 6–36%). Among the

Table 3 Mean LDL-C levels and target achievement for high/very high-risk groups

Established CVD(n = 200,534)

DM 1 target organdamage (n = 13,339)

FH(n = 41,594)

SCORE ‡ 5%(n = 48,067)

Mean LDL-C, mmol/L (SD) 2.8 (0.9) 3.0 (0.9) 4.9 (1.9) 2.9 (1.0)

LDL-C target achievement

\ 1.8 mmol/L, % (range) 16 (9–56) NA – 16 (14–25)

\ 2.5 mmol/L, % (range) 66 (24–81) 13 (6–36) 15 (9–22) 29 (5–63)

Mean values are weighted by study sizeLDL-C low density lipoprotein cholesterol, CVD cardiovascular disease, DM diabetes mellitus, FH familial hypercholes-terolaemia, SCORE Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation, NA not available (no study reported these data), – not applicableto this cohort

Adv Ther (2020) 37:1724–1736 1729

mixed primary and secondary preventioncohort of patients with FH, achievement of therecommended LDL-C target of\2.5 mmol/Lwas also low at 15% (range 9–22%). The EAS/ESC guidelines recommend an LDL-C targetof\ 2.5 mmol/L for patients at high risk,defined by a SCORE of 5–10%, and\1.8 mmol/L for those at very high risk (SCORE[10%).Across the four studies reporting LDL-C goalachievement stratified by high/very high risk,goal achievement was greater among patients athigh risk (pooled estimate, 46%) compared withvery high risk (18%) (Fig. 2).

When comparing the 5-year period beforeand after the publication of the 2011 ESC/EASguidelines, a meaningful comparison was onlypossible among studies reporting on individualswith established CVD. The achievement of LDL-C targets over time for these studies is sum-marised in Supplementary Appendix 6. Com-pared with studies reporting LDL-Cmeasurements taken entirely before the publi-cation of the 2011 guidelines, achievement ofboth LDL-C\1.8 mmol/L and LDL-C\2.5 mmol/L was significantly higher inthose with measurements made after 2011(LDL-C\1.8 mmol/L, 22% versus 15%; LDL-C\2.5 mmol/L, 68% versus 61%; bothp\0.001).

Only 12 studies reported the pre-specifiedsecondary outcomes of MI, stroke or all-causemortality; 10 of these included participantswith established CVD, one study included par-ticipants with FH and one included participantswith DM (Supplementary Appendix 7). No sin-gle study reported all of the pre-specified sec-ondary outcomes. Among individuals withestablished CVD, event rates for MI (9.3–32.4per 1000 person-years), stroke (1.2–9.5 per1000 person-years), MACE (10.7–167.5 per1000 person-years) and all-cause mortality(3.1–58.5 per 1000 person-years) varied widelybetween studies.


In this systematic review, results from 81 Euro-pean observational studies suggest poor LDL-Ccontrol among patient groups at high/very highrisk of cardiovascular events. Achievement ofthe more aggressive target of\ 1.8 mmol/L, asrecommended in ESC/EAS 2016 guidelines [1]for individuals at very high risk (establishedCVD or SCORE C 10%), was especially poor, atless than 19% in both risk groups. The propor-tions of patients reaching the targetof\ 2.5 mmol/L applicable to the FH andSCORE 5–10% risk groups were also suboptimal

Fig. 2 LDL-C goal achievement among patients withSCORE 5–10% (high risk) and SCORE C 10% (veryhigh risk). Studies included in this figure were those

reporting LDL-C goal achievement stratified by high riskand very high risk [48–51]. LDL-C low-density lipopro-tein cholesterol, HR high risk, VHR very high risk

1730 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1724–1736

(15% and 46%, respectively). When comparingthe 5-year period before and after the publica-tion of the ESC/EAS guideline in 2011 (in theestablished CVD risk group), rates of LDL-Ctarget achievement improved significantly overtime. However, rates of LDL-C target achieve-ment remained suboptimal in the 5-year periodafter the publication of the 2011 guidelines(LDL-C\1.8, 22%; LDL-C\ 2.5, 68%).

Several multinational surveys have exam-ined the use of lipid-lowering therapy and LDL-C goal attainment in the setting of secondaryprevention [14–17]. This systematic review isthe first to investigate the achievement oftherapeutic targets for LDL-C in observationalstudies across four clinical risk categories inEurope. In high-dose statin secondary preven-tion trials conducted in highly selective patientpopulations, and despite close monitoring ofadherence, which is not feasible in clinicalpractice, a high proportion of patients did notobtain optimal LDL-C levels. The proportion ofpatients achieving target levels in our studyappears to be higher and highlights the discor-dance between trials and real-world clinicalpractice. Meta-analyses undertaken by theCholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collabo-ration on statin trials suggest that a 1.0 mmol/Lreduction in LDL-C is associated with a relativerisk (RR) of 0.90 (95% CI 0.87–0.93) for all-causemortality, i.e. a risk reduction of 10%. Majorcoronary events are similarly reduced by 24%(RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.73–0.79) and stroke by 15%(RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.8–0.89) [2, 3]. Importantly,these benefits were observed irrespective ofbaseline LDL-C, and at levels below 2 mmol/L,with no evidence to suggest that low LDL-Clevels result in any adverse effects to counteractthe benefit. In the present study, the mean LDL-C value in the patient group with establishedCVD was 2.8 mmol/L. Lowering LDL-C amongthis group to the 1.8 mmol/L target in the 2016ESC/EAS guidelines would therefore result inmeaningful CVD risk reductions on a popula-tion level. Our findings suggest that a signifi-cant proportion of patients at high or very highrisk of CVD are being exposed to LDL-C con-centrations far in excess of recommended tar-gets. Future efforts need to address the disparitybetween evidence-based guidance and clinical

practice and to understand the reasons behindpoor LDL-C control among high-risk patients.

Suboptimal LDL-C target achievement wasobserved despite almost all patients with estab-lished CVD and SCORE C 5% receiving statins(89% and 99%, respectively). These findings onstatin use compare favourably with a US studyassessing the impact of the 2013 AmericanCollege of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-tion (ACC/AHA) cholesterol guidelines, wheredata from the PINNACLE registry showed that28% of eligible patients with atheroscleroticCVD did not receive any lipid-lowering medi-cation [18]. Underutilisation of lipid-loweringtherapy was also reported in an earlier cohort ofpatients with a history of MI in the US NationalHealth and Nutrition Examination Survey [19].The poor attainment of LDL-C targets observedin our study suggests that patients at very highrisk are not receiving statin therapy at an ade-quate intensity, as suggested by single countryobservational studies in the UK and Spain[20, 21]. In addition to specific targets for therisk groups we studied, the 2016 ESC/EASguidelines advocate an absolute reduction inLDL-C of 50% in very high-risk patients withestablished CVD, DM with target organ damage,or SCORE C 10%. It is therefore possible thatinsufficient numbers of patients are receivingmoderate-intensity or high-intensity statintreatments, defined as regimens which reduceLDL-C by 30–50% and by 50%, respectively.Few data were available on the intensity of sta-tin therapy among participants in the includedstudies to confirm such a clinical inertiahypothesis; however, inadequate intensity oflipid-lowering therapy in high-risk populationshas been widely reported [22, 23]. Registry datafrom the USA and Europe, for example, suggestthat only 23–38% of patients discharged fol-lowing an MI receive maximal-intensity statintherapy [24–26].

Recent randomised trials have reportedadditional LDL-C lowering and further reduc-tion in CVD risk with ezetimibe, anacetrapiband two proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) monoclonal antibodies, evolo-cumab and alirocumab [27–32]. While evidenceregarding the clinical benefit of these treat-ments was only available towards the end of the

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present study period, any future improvementin LDL-C control is likely to depend, in part, ongreater use of non-statin therapy in patientsfailing to reach target LDL-C or those unable totolerate statins. Doubling statin doses results ina further 6% reduction in LDL-C with goodcompliance [33]; however, side effects attrib-uted by patients to therapy increase with dosingintensity [34]. LDL-C thresholds set out in theESC/EAS 2011 and 2016 guidelines can there-fore be used to prompt consideration of non-statin agents to further lower LDL-C and CVDrisk [35]. ESC/EAS have published guidance onthe use of PCSK9 inhibitors in patients withatherosclerotic CVD and FH, including clinicaldecision algorithms [36]. An observationalreport on primary care data in Spain suggeststhat around 0.3% of the adult population wouldbe candidates for treatment with a PCSK9inhibitor [37], according to this guidance.

Another possible explanation for lowachievement of the 1.8 mmol/L LDL-C target ispoor medication adherence. Even in the settingof well-designed controlled studies, discontin-uation rates for lipid-lowering therapy are high.The IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: VytorinEfficacy International Trial (IMPROVE-IT)reported that up to 40% of patients discontin-ued medication [29]. In large registries ofpatients with coronary heart disease, statin dis-continuation rates are even higher, reaching50% at 1 year [38–40]. Real-world data on theimpact of good adherence (defined as propor-tion of days covered at least 80%) to lipid-low-ering therapy in an Italian cohort at very highCV risk suggests that it is associated with a threetimes higher probability of reaching the thera-peutic LDL-C target [41]. Furthermore, clinicaltrial and registry data have demonstrated highermortality rates following statin discontinuationin secondary prevention [42, 43]. Statin dis-continuation, in part due to negative press[44, 45], has also been shown to increase therisk of myocardial infarction and cardiovascularmortality [44, 46, 47]. Irrespective of theunderlying reasons for the poor achievement ofESC/EAS LDL-C targets reported here, the ESC/EAS guidelines place considerable weight onLDL-C monitoring to measure therapeutic effi-cacy and patient compliance. Our findings

suggest that this process is not happeningeffectively in clinical practice across Europe anddurable strategies are needed to address gaps inlipid-lowering for primary and secondary pre-vention in high-risk groups. These findings areparticularly relevant following the release of2019 ESC/EAS dyslipidaemia guidelines, whichrecommend that LDL-C levels should be low-ered as much as possible to prevent CVD [6].Given our data suggesting that the 2016 LDL-Ctargets were not being achieved in patients withhigh/very high-risk CVD, the unmet need inthis population will be even greater whenassessed against the lower, more aggressive 2019targets.

As with any systematic review, our limita-tions reflect those of the included studies.Information on baseline characteristics wasincomplete for a large number of studies, espe-cially those where only a subgroup of partici-pants met our inclusion criteria. An additionallimitation was our inability to determine theintensity of statin therapy or adherence to pre-scribed lipid-lowering therapy, both of whichmay influence LDL-C levels. The low percentageof patients with established CVD and SCOREC 5% achieving target LDL-C levels, despitealmost all patients receiving statins (89% and99%, respectively), suggest that these patientswere receiving low- or medium-intensity statinsand/or were not adhering to their prescribedlipid-lowering therapy. Data on outcomes ofinterest were inconsistently reported across theincluded studies, and individual participantdata were lacking, preventing meaningfulanalyses to examine the influence of LDL-C goalattainment on cardiovascular endpoints. Only asmall number of studies involving patients withdiabetes and target organ damage were identi-fied, none of which reported achievement ofthe relevant LDL-C target (\1.8 mmol/L). Fur-thermore, only two out of seven studies inpatients with diabetes and target organ damagereported achievement of the more conservativetarget of\2.5 mmol/L. In future studies, con-sistent reporting of the relevant LDL-C targetachievement in different at-risk populationswill allow meaningful updates to the presentreview and help guide efforts to improve clini-cal practice.

1732 Adv Ther (2020) 37:1724–1736


Observational data from across Europe suggestsuboptimal LDL-C control across four clinicalrisk categories for CVD. Those at the greatestoverall risk, including those with a greater than10% 10-year risk of fatal CVD (as assessed bySCORE) or clinically established CVD, had thelowest achievement of LDL-C targets. Attain-ment of more conservative targets than advo-cated in current 2019 EAS/ESC guidance wasalso poor. Our findings suggest a significantunmet need in LDL-C control among individu-als at high or very high risk of CVD, and anopportunity to attenuate cardiovascular eventson a population level. Given that our data sug-gest the 2016 LDL-C targets were not beingachieved in patients with high/very high-riskCVD, the unmet need in this population will beeven greater when assessed against the lower,more aggressive 2019 targets.


Funding. This study and the journal’s RapidService and Open Access Fees were funded byAmgen (Europe) GmbH.

Medical Writing Assistance. The authorsthank Jack Brownrigg and Andrew McGovern ofLondon et al. Scientific Communications Ltd.,who conducted the searches and providedmedical writing assistance, and Claire Desbor-ough of Amgen (Europe) GmbH, who providededitorial assistance. Funding for this medicalwriting support was provided by Amgen (Eur-ope) GmbH.

Authorship. All named authors meet theInternational Committee of Medical JournalEditors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for thisarticle, take responsibility for the integrity ofthe work as a whole, and have given theirapproval for this version to be published. Allauthors contributed to the design of this sys-tematic literature review and the interpretationof the data. All authors provided input to draft

versions of the manuscript, had final controlover data interpretation and publication con-tent, and approved the final version.

Disclosures. Eric Bruckert has received con-sulting fees from AMGEN, Genfit, MSD, Sanofi,Regeneron, Unilever, Aegerion, Chiesi, Rot-tapharm-MEDA, Lilly, Ionis-pharmaceuticals,AKCEA. Klaus Georg Parhofer has receivedresearch grants from MSD and Sanofi; consult-ing fees from Aegerion, Alexion, Amgen, Berlin-Chemie, Boehringer-Ingelheim, MSD, Regen-eron, Sanofi; speakers’ fees from Amgen, Berlin-Chemie, MSD, Sanofi. Jose Ramon Gonzalez-Juanatey has nothing to disclose. BørgeNordestgaard has received consulting fees fromAstraZeneca, Omthera, Sanofi, Regeneron,Ionis, Aegerion, Dezima, Amgen and Kowa.Marcello Arca has received research grants andconsulting fees from Amgen, Regeneron, Sanofi,Akcea, Aegerion; research grants from Chiesiand Pfizer; consulting fees from Alfasigma.Periklis Giovas is an Amgen employee. KausikRay has received research grants from Pfizer,Sanofi, Regeneron, Amgen; consulting fees fromAmgen, Sanofi, Regeneron, MedCo, Cerenis,Lilly, Ionis Pharma, Abbvie; speakers’ fees fromKowa, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Takeda, BoehringerIngelheim, Algorithm, Cipla.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Thisarticle is based on previously conducted studiesand does not contain any studies with humanparticipants or animals performed by any of theauthors.

Data Availability. Qualified researchersmay request data from Amgen clinical studies.Complete data are available at the following:

Open Access. This article is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-cial 4.0 International License, which permitsany non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,distribution and reproduction in any mediumor format, as long as you give appropriate creditto the original author(s) and the source, providea link to the Creative Commons licence, and

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