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© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

Congratulations and it’s a pleasure to meet you!

You have in your hands a step-by-step guide to nine referral marketing systems tested and proven to generate new clients for your fitness business.

For nearly 10 years, we’ve helped thousands of fitness professionals and business owners worldwide grow their client base, increase their income, and create more freedom for themselves and their families. And we’d like to help you do the same. In fact, it’s our mission to do so!

Whether you’re brand new to the industry or a veteran studio owner, we’d love to learn more about you and how we may be able to help you reach your goals.

That’s why we’ve also included a gift certificate for a complimentary fitness business coaching session (a $/£150 value) with one of our 28+ fitness business coaches. Don’t delay! You can redeem the gift certificate by completing the form online at or by contacting our office at 1-888-866-4998 in the U.S., 01444 680 032 in the U.K., and 1 300 85 20 40 in Australia.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

To your success,

Sean Greeley President & CEO, NPE

P.S. There’s never been a better time to dive into this than now!

Head on over to or give us a call to setup your complimentary coaching call and we’ll walk you through it. We’d be glad to do so!


Sean Greeley

© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: The most important thing you can do to cultivate referrals is to consistently build a network that refers. The best way to make new introductions and build relationships with potential strategic alliance partners is through professional networking groups.

GOAL: Build a professional referral network of at least 3–5 businesses that consistently refer high quality potential clients each and every month.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. Identify professional networking groups in your local area. a. Recommended groups are and your local chamber of commerce. Search for

other business “lead” or networking groups in your area.

2. Visit and evaluate each group.

3. Join one or more groups and take an active role in the group.

4. Get to know and build relationships with potential partners that have great customers/clients/patients that fit your target market profile.

5. “Give to get” in the relationships first.

6. Install referral systems and tools to begin referring.

7. Continue and scale each month until you have built a strong referral team of 3–5 like-minded business owners referring each and every month!


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Identify businesses of various categories that serve your ideal customer. Approach the business owner with a proposition. Lock down a simple agreement and “gift” their customers/clients/patients a special offer to come see you.

GOAL: Build a partner referral network of at least 3–5 businesses that consistently refer high quality potential clients each and every month.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. List out all business categories you think serve your

ideal client.

2. Research and make a list of businesses that fit each category you’d like to set up a partner relationship with.

HINT: Survey your clients and ask who they prefer to do business with in each category. Even better, if they have a relationship with the business owner/principal, ask them to make an introduction.

3. Introduce yourself to the business owner. Use the letter template to guide your communication, positioning, and proposition.

4. Establish a simple agreement and commitment with those it makes sense to move forward with.

5. Put simple systems and tools in place to refer, e.g. “endorsed gift letter template.”

6. Launch and continue scaling other forms of introductions/referrals where you can (workshops, events, flyers, brochures in waiting room, etc.).

7. Meet as often as needed (minimum monthly) to review progress and results, and strategize on how you can continue to grow together.

8. Some partners will grow, some won’t. Keep going until you find 3–5 good ones that will make it all worth it and help you DOUBLE your business!


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Create some fun around referrals by launching a referral contest. Gift everyone who refers and have a grand prize for the top referrer.

GOAL: Have existing clients bring in and encourage their friends, family, and co-workers to join your program.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:NOTE: Before implementing this system, make sure you are referral-worthy! Have you given great value in your relationships to those you wish to refer? Remember the following equation: Value = Client Experience + Relationship + Results

1. Define length and terms of a simple referral contest for your clients (recommended 30–60 days).

2. Choose prizes or recognition that your clients would find meaningful and fun.

HINT: Often you can get these donated from partners or other business owners you’ve met through System #1 and 2!

3. Plan the announcement of your contest (flyer handed out in sessions, social media, email).

4. To support the contest and “funnel” referrals into your facility, you can also launch a “Buddy Week” as mentioned below in System #4.

5. Track referrals from clients – people they bring in and people that enroll.

6. Recognize and reward the referrals publicly given the terms of your contest.

7. Make this fun and more about the recognition for helping someone engage in a healthy fitness program and less about the prizes. But show people having fun with the prizes!

8. Use photos and social media to recognize your winners.




© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Announce a special week at your facility (1x/quarter) where every client is encouraged to invite their friends, family, and co-workers to join them for workouts and be a guest at your facility.

GOAL: Give current clients a good reason why they should refer, using a structured system that becomes part of your culture as a friendly place that feels like a second home.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. Announce Buddy Week where friends, family, and co-workers of current clients are invited to

attend sessions with them as a guest at no charge.

2. Ask each client who they know that might enjoy coming to work out with them, or who they know could benefit from learning more about your facility and programs.

3. Track guests that clients bring in. Allow guests to enjoy sessions and working out with their friends. NOTE: This week will be a little different in terms of operations, but because it’s friends and

family most everyone should be understanding when you announce it and ask current clients to welcome guests!

4. Build rapport with guests, treat them well, and ask them if they’d like to learn more about your programs. Funnel guests into an offer.



© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Create postcards using photos of your clients in action. Gift each client five pre-stamped postcards to mail to their friends. Offer is for them to visit your facility for a special Buddy Weekv that includes a free week of training.

GOAL: Existing clients bring in and encourage their friends, family, and co-workers to join your program.



© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved


STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. Take a picture of each client in action and that picture becomes the front of your postcard. The

back of the postcard has a brief sales message, all pertinent contact information, and a stamp.

2. Personally give five postcards to the client pictured and ask him/her to mail to five friends, inviting them to attend “Buddy Week” (as mentioned in System #4). For every friend a client brings in that signs up, you will give them a special gift from the referral contest (as mentioned in System #3).

NOTE: The postcard is one example of a tool to drive the promotion, but you should also encourage your clients to call, message, and invite their friends to attend the week in whichever way works best for them. This tool just guides them in the process, makes the offer clear, and directs the call to action to share with their friends.

3. For simple postcards printed and shipped from the web, check out,, or search for online postcard printing.

Space for client to write a brief message inviting them to attend Buddy Week with them at your facility.

Your logo, business name, address, phone and website. Also, include hours of operation and a landmark (possibly also a small map showing your location).






Stamp already affixed by you

“I Love This PlaceAnd You Will, Too!”

Because you are a friend of one of ourclients, you’re invited to attend our

upcoming Buddy Week. Just mention this post-card to receive ONE FREE

WEEK of personal training ($199 Value) at our facility. Call (555) 555-5555 or

visit our website to register for online compliments of your friend!

© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Utilize social media to share your community, showcase your facility, and attract people into your marketing and offers.

GOAL: Get eyeballs on you and your business through current clients’ social media friends.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. Take fun photos of your clients working out together, doing cool things, and having fun with your

staff. Choose photos that show community and happy/smiling people.

2. Post to Facebook and tag your clients (note you’ll need to “friend” your clients to tag them). If you prefer to not use your personal account to do this, create a separate account for your business.

3. Your clients’ friends, family, and co-workers will see these pictures show up in their feed. They will often “like” the photo, comment, or visit your Page to learn more about your business.

4. Make sure you have custom tabs setup on your Page to direct people to special offers like Buddy Week (System #4), or a standard consultation offer.

NOTE: A great resource for setting up Facebook tabs is our partner GroSocial. Learn more about this platform for getting more leads from social media at


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Enlist new clients’ friends, family, and physician in supporting their new health and fitness program. Extend those friends and family a special invitation to come work out and offer a gift certificate.

GOAL: Surround each new client with support in their work and home life to encourage new habits required to achieve their health and fitness goals. Extend a special invitation and offer at the same time.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. Review the scripts and edit everything highlighted in yellow as appropriate for your program length,

terms, and tone representative of your brand. Ensure it sounds like you and is not cheesy!

2. Explain how the system works and why you encourage it because of its scientifically proven validity that results are better (and more fun) when you have the support of others around you.

3. Ask your clients to provide the names and addresses of seven friends and family members in their local network. Have the client sign and date the form.

4. Review and edit the letter template provided using their friends’ details.

5. Mail the letter along with a gift certificate inviting each friend to visit your facility.

6. Keep these contacts on your monthly print newsletter list for ongoing marketing drip if they don’t immediately respond. The fortune is in the follow-up.

NOTE: Please review the Accountability Support System documents included in this package.


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

SCRIPT ONE:The next 90 days can dramatically change your life. If you follow our program exactly, you will see and feel an amazing physical transformation. But more importantly, it will also change your mindset – the way you see and think about yourself. In 90 days, you can transform both inside and out. The only catch is that you’ve got to follow the program exactly for the next 90 days. Can I count on you to do that? Before you go I just want to share these quotes with you:_______

Documented results from peer reviewed studies by the top experts on fitness, weight loss and behavior modification in the world:

“Study participants experienced 100% better weight loss and fitness results, dropping pounds faster and keeping them off longer, when they teamed up with a buddy with whom they have an existing relationship.” – Rena Wing, PhD behavioral scientist, Brown University, Founder, National Weight Control Registry_______

“Study participants reported significantly greater weight loss, health and fitness results when they had the support of family and friends.” – Powers, T. A., Koestner, R., & Gorin, A. A. (2008). Families, Systems, & Health, 26(4), 404-416._______

“Study participants who actively enlisted the social support of 3 or more friends experienced 176% greater long term success with their exercise and nutrition program than those who tried to do it on their own.” - Wing, R. R., & Jeffery, R. W. (1999). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67(1), 132-138.

SCRIPT TWO:I’m sharing these studies with you for a very important reason. We can’t be with you 24/7. We have accountability mechanisms built into your program, like your nutrition journal, consistent communication with your coach, and regular assessments. But we’ve discovered that adding another layer of accountability and support makes an incredibly significant difference in the speed and certainty with which you get results.


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

Accountability Support SystemSurround yourself with the accountability and support you need to succeed.

Here’s how the system works:

1. You provide the names of your five closest friends here in <Town> and the name of your personal physician. They comprise your accountability and support local network.

2. We send them a letter announcing that you’ve become a client and asking them to support you in achieving your goals/monitor your progress. We also invite your friends to join you – to be your workout buddies here at <Your Company>. That is optional, of course. Our primary goal is to enlist their support for your goals and to get them to help you be accountable. Hearing it from us is immensely more powerful because it makes everything official.

3. We send them an update on your progress every 30 days.

This creates an accountability system around you. Your closest friends and personal physician now know that you are VERY serious about your fitness goals, and having their support is invaluable.

And it also has one more really profound effect. It makes your fitness mission public, strengthening your resolve in times of doubt or weakness, which everybody has.

Does that all make sense to you?


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

<Your Company>Accountability Support System

Surround yourself with the accountability and support you need to succeed.

Client Name:_____________________________________Phone:_____________________

Email Address:__________________________________ Join Date:____________________


Primary Goal(s):______________________________________________________________

Support Network Local Friends

#1 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#2 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#3 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#4 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#5 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#6 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#7 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

“I am 100% committed to achieving my fitness goals with the help of <Your Company>. Thanks for supporting me in the process, and I hope you’ll consider joining me. It would be great to have you as a workout partner.”


Your signature above authorizes <Your Company> to contact the people in your personal network with updates on your progress.


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

<Your Company>Accountability Support System

Surround yourself with the accountability and support you need to succeed.

Take-Home Form

Directions: It is critical that we get this from you TODAY. Please email this information to me immediately at <Your Email>, or call me at <Your Phone>. The early stages of your program are the most important, and the time when complete support and accountability are most vital.

We are absolutely committed to your success and we need you to be equally committed, as you told me you are. All the research proves the importance and value of social support.

Email me with the home mailing addresses for the following people. In your email, please be certain to associate the person’s name with his or her home address so we have correct contact information. Thank you.

#1 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#2 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#3 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#4 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#5 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#6 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

#7 Name & Address:__________________________________________________________

<Your Name> direct email address: <Your Email>Phone: <Your Phone>


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

From: <Your Name>Owner, <Your Company>

Dear <Support Network First Name Here>,

I’m writing to ask for your support in helping <Client’s First Name> achieve <his/her> fitness goals. I know this may sound a little odd, so please let me explain.

<Client’s First Name> recently started working with us here at <Your Company> and part of our protocol is to enlist the support of our client’s closest friends and family…like you…because numerous studies and our own experience proves two critical things:

1. Fitness results come much quicker and easier when friends and family are supporting you, cheering you on and helping to hold you accountable.2. Publicizing your goal by sharing it with those who care about you most increases your resolve, making it a LOT easier to overcome those moments of weakness (which we all have) when you’re tempted to skip a workout or reach for that comfort food.

So all that <Client’s First Name> and I are asking you to do is continue being a positive, supportive influence – to cheer <him/her> on towards <his/her> goal. Here are a couple of examples:1. Suggest healthy eating options when going out to eat (nothing high in sugars, especially).2. Everything in moderation. Suggest a take-away box to put half the food in when eating out.3. Encourage exercise on a regular basis. Even quick walks are a great way to stay consistent.4. If they feel discouraged (and they will), offer a word of encouragement.5. Be active with them. Nothing is better than working out with someone who supports you!

And finally, as a <friend/family member> of one of our clients, we want to extend a special invitation to you to work with us as well. As you can see, I’ve attached a $50 gift card that you can use towards any of our programs, or if you’d prefer to come workout with <Client’s First Name>, just give us a call and we’ll open a spot for you.

If you’d like to learn more about why we are the leading fitness experts in <Town>, please visit our website at <Your Website> or our Facebook Page at <Your FB Page URL>, or just give us a call at <Your Phone>. Whatever you decide, I want to wish you all the best and thank you for supporting <Client’s First Name>!

To your great health,

<Your Name><Your Company>


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Conduct monthly educational workshops at your facility and/or at other businesses, meeting groups, etc. Share great information and invite clients to attend with their friends, family, and co-workers. At the end of the workshop, make an offer for more information about your services.

GOAL: Utilize clients, strategic alliance partners (System #2) and professional networks (System #1) to drive registration for educational workshops. Provide great knowledge, prove why you’re an expert resource, and extend an offer at the end of your talk.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. Identify educational topics that are of interest to your target market in solving their problems and

achieving their goals (e.g. strength, increasing flexibility and mobility, fat loss, nutrition, stress management, etc.).

2. Pick a date 30 days out on the calendar for your workshop and decide how you want to set up registration (online webform, phone, etc).

3. Utilizing your network, promote workshop registration through a series of emails, flyers, phone calls, etc.

4. Conduct your workshop and extend a special offer (free week trial, consultation, etc.) at the end of your talk to funnel prospective clients into your sales process.

5. Repeat this process frequently (monthly or quarterly) to hit different topics of interest to different segments of your target market.

6. You can run these workshops at both your facility and in front of groups’ or strategic alliance partners’ places of business (see System #1 and System #2).


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

DESCRIPTION: Identify influential leaders in your market you would like to have as clients. Find their contact details and, using direct mail, extend them a very special offer to train with you free of charge. At the end of the trial (e.g. two weeks), you’ll allow them to continue training with you at your regular rate or for a reduced rate if they will in turn send an endorsed letter (System #2) to their friends, family, co-workers, clients, etc.

GOAL: Through direct marketing, invite influential leaders to a trial of your services. Wow them, enroll them, and get their endorsement to market to their contacts.

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT:1. Research and identify influential leaders in your market who you would like to have as clients.

Find their contact details.

2. Using direct mail, send them a special hand signed letter (template provided). Review and edit the template as necessary to match your tone and brand, and make any modifications to the offer to best match your business.

3. For improved response, send this via express mail, with signature, or courier service.

4. Send 10–20 letters a week.

5. When they respond, deliver great service and results. Then at the end of the trial term, ask them if they’d like to continue at your normal rate or a reduced (even free?) rate in exchange for sending an endorsed letter campaign to their list of contacts and gifting them a trial of your services.


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved

“I will personally train and coach you in the culture of physical fitness, making your body as powerful and nimble as your mind. I will do this for two weeks, three times per week, at your convenience. And I will do it absolutely free of charge.”


Dear <Company Owner/CEO Name>,

You are probably wondering why I would make this free offer to you, providing my time and expertise valued at $450 for six 45-minute training sessions.

I’ll explain.

It’s quite simple. You are a “high impact professional” with significant reach and influence within the community. I know that when I deliver substantial results to you – results that make your body as powerful and nimble as your mind – you will likely share your story with others, generating more positive word of mouth for me.

You are in no way required to do so but past experience tells me that you probably will anyway. Good news is hard to keep to yourself.

There is no catch to this offer. It is free of strings, obligation and commitment (except to show up when promised for your training in the art of physical culture*).

After two weeks – two weeks that will measurably and dramatically impact your life and health by breaking you through the inertia barrier – I will ask if you would like to continue your coaching and training at my regular fee. If so, we will continue. If not, we part friends.

There will be no pressure to continue because that is counter-productive. The value of my services is immediately self-evident, so the choice will be obvious. Additionally, you are a person accustomed to handling all manner of situations, evaluating opportunity and responding accordingly without pressure.

That, in its entirety, is my offer to you.

If you recognize the need to reclaim your body and your health, and by doing so rejuvenate your mind, refresh your spirit, recalibrate your goals, and refocus your energies, I am here for you. But only until <deadline date>. After this date, my offer is withdrawn. I extend this offer to you in good faith, and would appreciate your good faith reply, either way, by phone or email.

In health,<Signature in blue ink>

<Your Name><Your Phone> <Your Email>

P.S. I have enclosed an article written about me from <paper/magazine/your word processor> that should be of interest to you. And some comments from the many other <Town> high impact professionals I have served over the years. Please give them a look and call or email me before <deadline date>. I look forward to serving you and empowering you to be and do even more.

*Physical Culture: The cultivation of total performance through strengthening the mind-body connection with exercise. A comprehensive approach to functional fitness and health to extend and enhance vigor, vitality and quality of life. A crucial component of the success and achievement paradigm.


© SERG Holdings, LLC • All Rights Reserved


This certificate entitles the bearer to a FREE Business Consultation with one of our NPE Success Coaches. Our coaching team has helped over 21,432 fitness professionals in 94 countries grow their business to the next level. We understand what it takes to succeed at the highest levels in the fitness industry and are here to help you get the clarity you need to move forward in the right direction with speed.

Get your FREE Fitness Business Consultation TODAY.

Visit claim your bonus gift

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NPE, LLC605 E. Robinson StreetSuite #635Orlando, FL 32801

Net Profit Explosion, Ltd.3 More London RiversideLondon, SE12RE

Net Profit Explosion, Pty, Ltd.Level 13, 2 Park StreetSydney 2000


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