proverbs 1:1-6 why proverbs?. wisdom for today hollywood portrays the “wise man” as some aged...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Proverbs 1:1-6

Why Proverbs?

Wisdom for Today

• Hollywood portrays the “wise man” as some aged person who lives apart from the rest of society, or some person who has exclusive knowledge and speaks in mysterious ways.

Wisdom for Today

• The Bible portrays a “wise man” differently. Wisdom is not just for the aged, not only for a few, not hard to understand, not expressed in mysterious, philosophical language. All those who “fear the Lord” can be wise.

• God’s wisdom for man is important (4:7).

What Are Proverbs?

• Proverb (Heb. mashal), means lit. “to be like”; hence, a comparison (25:28). A proverb can take many forms, from a short saying (11:22; 12:4) to a long sermon (Judg. 9:8ff; Ezek. 17:2ff)

• It is important to keep in mind that the proverbs are instructions that come from the Lord, not mere secular wisdom (2:6).

What Are Proverbs?

• This wisdom is for daily living. It is not simply for use while in the church building.

• Solomon (10:1; 1 K. 4:32) prepares the reader by stating the definition, purpose, origin, and value of proverbs (Chap. 1-9) before giving us his proverbs (Chap. 10-31)

Proverbs 1:1-6

1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:2 To know wisdom and instruction; To discern the words of understanding;3 To receive instruction in wise dealing, In righteousness and justice and equity;4 To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion:5 That the wise man may hear, and increase in learning; And that the man of understanding may attain unto sound counsels:6 To understand a proverb, and a figure, The words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

To Know

• Wisdom (Heb. chokmah) means “special skill” (1:2, 7; 2:6, 10; 3:13; 4:5, 7, 11; etc.)

• Instruction (Heb. musar) means “chastening, correction, reproof, warning, restraint” (1:2, 7; 16:22; 23:23)

To Know

• God wants to give us his wisdom so that we can be skilled in life and be disciplined or corrected (3:11-12)

To Discern

• Understanding (Heb. bina) means “to separate, distinguish” (1:2; 4:5, 7; 8:14)

To Discern

• God wants to give us his wisdom so that we can see the difference between right and wrong, truth and its counterfeit (6:32; 7:7; see Phil.1:9-10; Heb.5:14)

To Receive

• Wise dealing (Heb. sakal) means “to be circumspect; attentative” (1:3; 21:16)

• Righteousness, justice, and equity (2:9)

To Receive

• God wants to give us his wisdom so that we can walk carefully in life, circumspectly and cautiously (Eph.5:15)

To Give

• Prudence (Heb. ormah) means “crafty (in a good sense)” (1:4; 8:5,12)

• Discretion (Heb. mezimmah) means “devising a plan or plot” (1:4; 3:21)

To Give

• God wants to give us his wisdom so that we can plan out the strategy for our life; plan the way we will walk (2:10ff,16ff; 4:14-15,25-27; 5:7ff; 22:3)

To Give

• Knowledge (Heb. daath) means “to recognize” (1:4,7,22,29; etc.)

• Learning (Heb. leqach) means “something received” (1:5; 4:2; 9:9; 16:21,23)

• Sound counsels (Heb. tachbulah) means “steering or directing” (1:5; 11:14; 12:5)

To Give

• God wants to give us his wisdom so that we can receive or grasp the truth; we can be teachable; we can be steered in the right direction

To Understand

• A proverb; mashal; a brief saying (1:6)

• A figure; melitsah, a enigma (1:6)

• The words of the wise; chakam; a skilled man (1:6; 3:35; etc.)

• Their dark sayings; chidah; a dark saying, riddle, difficult question (1:6)

To Give

• God wants to give us his wisdom in a way that provokes our thought

• God’s wisdom is given in a way that is practical (daily living), moral (right relationship with God and man), but also intellectual (challenging the mind)

Who Needs Wisdom?

• The inexperienced – “the simple” (Heb. pethiy; lit. “to be open,” i.e. open-hearted; hence, susceptible, easily misled)

• The youth – “the young man”

• The experienced – “the wise man” (9:9)

Who Needs Wisdom?

• Regardless of our age or level of wisdom, Proverbs can help us

• Many people are destroying their lives because they will not apply God’s wisdom

Why Proverbs?

• God is giving us a blueprint for successful (spiritual) living

• God is giving us insight and sound advice into proper and right living that the world does not have

• Will you live by God’s wisdom? Are you willing to be taught?

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