proverbs 29 fear of man

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Proverbs 29:25

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his

trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Fear of Man

Do you worry what others think of you?

It is a dangerous trap! You can bind yourself in sin by

respecting other s too much. opinions of others - tempted to

compromise the truth.

Fear of Man

But if you trust the LORD and His word, regardless of what others think, you will be safe (Prov 18:10; Ps 119:128).

Fear of Man

Pleasing Men

Agreement Favor

Friendshipdispleasure rejection

Fearing men Fearing God

In their good book . . .

To keep their approval and stay in their good graces.

Concerned about popular opinion. Our life should be measure by. . .

Measuring your life by Scripture

Where Is the Source of Fear?

Peer pressure

Similar stations in life

Same age group

Same Social


your beliefs and actions altered

TransformedRom 12:1-2

Bible Examples

Aaron feared the people (Ex 32:22-24).

Saul lost the kingdom for fearing (

I Sam 15:24).

Herod feared the people, (Matt 6:6-11).

Pilate feared the people (John 19:11-16).

Peter feared (Matt 26:69-75) and

compromised the gospel (Gal 2:11-13).

Fearless Bible Characters

David was not discouraged by his oldest brother's accusation (I Sam 17:28).

Daniel did not fear the lions' den (Dan 6:10).

His three friends in the fiery furnace (Dan 3:16-18).

Peter and the apostles boldly defied the Jews after Pentecost (Acts 5:29).

Joseph of Arimathaea asked for the body of Jesus (Mark 15:43).

Standing firm in your faith

• Recognize and embrace persecution! • Following Christ, and it is the means

of His great approval .(II Tim 3:12; I Pet 4:12-16).

• If they hated Jesus Christ, they will surely hate you (John 15:18-25).

• No weapon formed against you will succeed (Is 54:17). Believe it!

Search your heart . . .

oAre you ashamed to be known as a Christian?

oCan you boldly carry a Bible in school? To work?

oDo you eagerly give thanks for food before others?

oCan you easily turn down invitations to join them in worldly amusements?

oAre you confident to explain that Sunday is the Lord's Day?

oDo you confidently wear modest clothing?


• Trust the LORD by esteeming every word of God (Ps 119:128) and knowing no man can harm you (Prov 16:7; I Pet 3:13).

• You will give an account of your life to God one day, not man (Eccl 12:13-14; II Cor 5:10-11).

• Fear Him, Who can do real harm (Luke 12:4-5)!

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