psy journal 2 1.2

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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This advertisement was found in The Muscular Development Magazine on September season 2013, before the 49th of Mr. Olympia. This advertisement was

created by a sport nutrition brand Jay Cutler Elite Series. The advertisement feature of a muscular man (Jay Cutler) shows his muscular arm. A perceptible message – “More

muscle building results in every scoop.” First of all, this advertisement is using of four persuasion techniques. The first one is

using credible communicators. For body builders, they might recognize who Jay Cutler is. He is Mr. Olympia of the 2006 to 2007 season and 2009 to 2010 season.

There are a lots of supplement brand out there. When people who consider supplement brand, as it is a Mr. Olympia as a testimonial. They will trust for it.

Beside that, attractive communicator is used in this advertisement. The man has muscular body, with a huge arm, so that attract his admirer and also body builders

who wanted to be like him for their goal. Other than that, this advertisement also applied message that do not appear to change

attitude. The message “More muscle building results in every scoops”, which means gain muscle after taking every single scoop of it, does not persuade the readers’ to

like the brand more. It does not indication any tendency to persuade the readers’ to take the brand product.

Lastly, it also applied of message with emotional content. From the endorser message “Not only does total protein taste incredible but it’s packed full of critical

muscle building nutrients.” It means not only taste good but also deliver good muscle nutrients. This message may be an attraction to body builders. This is an effective techniques of persuasion due to the emotional contents are being more effective than

logical analysis. This may attract body builders who want good taste and buffer muscular body.

(305 words)

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